Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), October 18, 1962, p. 2

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jte tit tu tt eljhtyighlh yearno 17 acton ontario thursday october 18lh 1962 twelve pagessevan centl ke sheet soon h weather helps mat on began to htm and mm started to flow wednes day bftorapon at acton com- tnuntty centre as ice nsaung 4upment was turned on to start production of artificial ice at the arena weather per- ndtthiavthe plant will continue 10 run ttntu the temperature in s3he pipes reaches 15 defrees then flooding for a smooth tee surface will take place toltowtag a few minor set backs when machinery was checked and corrected recrea tion director jim casburn press ed the switch to put gears tn motion for the ice making pro cess details checked prior to this the sand floor was levelled pipes checked or replaced and last minute de tails looked after as soon as the fcerls made the winter program at the arena is under way mr casburn has his ringers crossed that the weather will remain cool in order to con tlnue with an early start for a full winters program the arena director is not alone in his hopeful wishing ifockey and skating enthusiasts are looking forward to setting the jump on old man winter in order to don skates and take to the ice esquesing twp population up the township of esquvsing has 0514 people esquesing assessoi art benton reported at council monday evening this is an in crease of 310 over lam year and is slightly higher than usual the total assessment for esquesing this year is 8 981 492 an increase of 692 626 over 1961 of the total assessment 4621 per cent was farm 3675 was resi dcntlal and 1704 was industrial and commercial as or monday night there were 30 assessment appeals more than uusal but less than expected mr benton said the numerous appeals arc due to 4 change jn- assessment proce dure ttusyaar the assessor was required to use a department of municipal affairs as a guide while in past vcars the county system was used stan photo high school cheerleaders were out n full force tuesday afternoon to encourage the sen ior gndders during their game with waterloooxford in sp te of the 60 0 loss suffered by the home team the girls kept up a constant support p ctured above are gail gilmore nancy reid janet ftognvaldson vicky newton carolynne williamson and mary gnschow towns nominations set for nov 22 council approves 63 opp contract municipal nominations were set for thursday november 22 at the robert little school auditor ium when acton council approv cd the necessary by law tuesday evening an election is scheduled for tuesday december 4 during nomination night eandi dates will be named tor the posi tluns of mayor reeve deputy reeve six uunclllors public school board and hydro commls slon in the event an election is necessary the bylaw established polling places and named the de puiy returning officers the following arc the polling booths and flames of dro s ward one subdivision one united ehureh mrs vera inglis ward one subdivision two y m c a mrs nan hurst ward two town hall mrs harriet helwig ward three luxton memorial hall mrs m ic dumarsh ward four y m c a mrs annie anderson clerk j mcgcachic will be returning ol ficer council also approved a by law to sign a contrail with ihc ont ario police commissioner for a one yeir contract to h ive the ont a no provincial police continue policing acton this action was taken when members decided the cost of adopting a town toree would be prohibitive the cost to the town under new provisions laid down by the police commission will be 2 300 higher than last year under terms of the new contract the eusl of a corporal will be 6 000 and con stables will be j5 40o per year no increase in cruiser costs ol nine cents per mile will take pi let the expected cost to the town for 1963 is 22200 i ast year opp pr flection was esli mated at 19 900 karafeum xjzx cakifcwa jtstii 3jsp 4 c jktaeubmwjxfejirwvi winter on way 55 register tuesday for figure skating tucsdav evening 5s skaters registered for ihc muh turm ed figure skuing club under the administration of the recreation director jim casburn mam others have indicated their interest skating professional andrew drenters will leach the voung skaters and guelph professional rovs smith will he available to giv pri ti kssons onh the re creation director jim casburn re ported several phone calls from a n tumpanv this veir people wishing to loin and bv how art hi fixed tor council discusses snow plowing equipment a casual question posed by lion for he sewer and xater phnting program told his cot- mayor john h go i hate to committee to decide the answeri leagues the tree would be rcplac mention this but is our snow brought a quick what from led he also said 30 trees had been plowing equipment in shape the chairman of the road cummii planted last week with about fic feet of snow tec i hh i around us is a bad time for it the clerk iskcd if the sewer haliowe en coming not to be sent shivers through u1 waicr committee mended to m1 who is noted for il members tucsdav mjhl operate the siuth spring this ve ir n humorous desenpt until thc learned evervthme was jr st vm will need an additional who is responsible for shipshape j 000 let ot knee i r the lane i lh bl wa halloween the question was posed dur he said it the sprin is not be ni bs h vv he referred ing a committee of the whole ing operate i it v uld not be lu lnl sandbagged ma designat meeting while several items of neeessurv to purchase anv addi n l ne va street on eastern was the department of highway s responsibility but they had asked cooperation of town council in having police protection there on halloween mr gov informed council he had noticed some of the sandbars missing a i read v and tt isn t hal lovieen yet it is not the work of voungsters the bags are too hcavv to lift it is g hid sized ehunks of b vs he slid counc i lereed the problem at make a elmg with the end of the week he expects fences was the next an mere tsed number ready to popped bv the mavor venr being ctlscnssed nonai snow trn clerk jiek mcgc ichle ilso in water committee i formed members snow removed decision follow mg a n from the streets would be dump- the ontario water kt source id on town propertv near ihc pre- commission and beardmore and sent dump site sand will be cornpanv next week loekpiled immcdiatclv and salt onh one tree punted bv town woikmen this vear undei a co op measure bv homeowners and ounul lea h pad s20 had to the sewr and timing v 7hthwitalamm corner- would be clt hi que slum was quick v an red when the clerk replied it minatcd when the permanent ment island is nstalled as jsrjksksuhiwa miau t to be mixed with s ind ordei schedule rates finalized for arena winter program tun tell t l e v tr 1 rn n w m k ma jl h on wi f ver c tt bradkv at i bi ida ais present va j real o i d leetor jim casburn visitors welcome t rma j th tu mel clerk j mcgeachle informed council that the assessor is busy taking the census and to date wards one two and three have been completed indicating popu latum increase of 84 ward four is half completed he also pointed appeals have be against issessmenls ul this num date has been set for the ing warehouse appeal mr mcoeaihic enquired if council desired lo lake iclion against in issessmenf ippe il lodged by the btewers wircnoust corponlfon which is seeking i is i registered i pet cent assessment for business of this num lax inslead of ihc picseni 75 per ber 13 me icstdential five com i cent mcrcial and one industri il the the clerk si ited ihe corpora clerk informed ihc members no lion is appealing ihe business as stssmcnl throughout the county hi told members he lower por tion of the county had not indl caled iheir intentions of fighting the appeal and stressed the 1m porl nice of acton milton and georgetown upholding the pre sent assessment ci uncil ikncd to seek support i run ihe assessment committee of county council in opposing the ippeiil on behalf of the three towns mmmw isavtmi i w mtev vandalism poses big problem as council hears complaints broken or bent street signs of appro lining motorists lie hing the new reservoirs not yet scratched vehicles children play st if id pareiils were sitting on put in use he understood the ing on the slrcet and ecnerd van the porch al mil mine uul didn t onl trio water resources cotn- dalism puzzled acton counc i stop them miss on h id instiueled the engin mm ii us li id v inlilimti ttrs 0 pts per million of wis quite i pijhkm ind until il bylaw lined pirenls lo he re sponsible fit limine the trouble would no i he slemmed clerk me due hie s i d he hid lecenllv he ird un ii dally lint town engineers uul the owrc i were having a h issle over sleri c vera i ured duby tiiisdu disturbing incidents were roid chaiiman i e polled he had complains from several residents of vandalism i or near their propeity included in ihc list ol complaints were si reel s gns pulled op ind 1 ud on the ground new c is being ser itched while parked n ihe slicets aeri lis broken til ens t chlldien pltlt j mthcr ids n d apples and enrols bcinc si ilcn utlzen kaves way from gardens mr duby slated one on ihc crescent had icque strccl sign be cemented in as the sikn was alvvavs turned ir mud b ickwards by children new park ing signs posicd on mill street barely hid time to sclllc when they had been torn out ihe coun cillor claimed when he eilcd sev eral cases noled by himself he also said drivers had complained ol their cars heme scratched some sh irp ubji on the street recommends girls inslead for initial uterl- icrvoirs and co resident for youths arrest icsieel a i l ilert eitten wh suspiei jus when he n iticcd ihn v lulhs parked near sleds at ll cnr si at ion smirday altcrnot paved ihe wav ti the rcc very i new lire and ither accessories which hid he from th impson motors earlier the ung ick delivered to transport had hlonr i ilion of the i gineers objected the clerk st ited ihc two newly onsiructcd reservoirs had been scrubbed down and sterilized by wirkmcn and he was of ihc opin ion the st r igi i inks were the cleanest in onl irio un ll discussed the results il tie heavily ehl innatud water i w is pumped through the town vsie irt or droned down ditches int 1 1 elds ll was noled the heavy chli unation would take some tunc m reduce if turned into the prcseni witir syslem chlonna h n l ihe churchill spring had been it ihe rtlc of four parts ptr million ol waler and several residcnls had complained might kill cattle i c c juncill ir ihought the wat er pumped down the ditch into fields misfit kill cattle or if the a ilw midil in while parked th impson s i been unloided and ramp ouls de ihc garage around i 2 30 am saurdav a new spare p dustry as council another complaint regarding jnd nfn wlfl rcmncd and vandalism entailed a few bigger jceessorus from a eusl mtrscr bovs who raided a residents gnr w for sen ee when den and stole eairots and apples t opened were taken this brought rueful chuckle from simc members who ree ill i recovers articles cd dome the same thing in their when police were notified eon younger vcars one member phi slable mervin harness ue al losoph cd thev will stop when ed ind movcred the si ikn g d ihev gel old en u i rcc t the vi uths were taken tj the urls there s ni kick u ste i n p icc office when i i7veir ild apples when ou feci to know acton voulh admiltcd the theft he was chimed be p lice ind v ti run order of nurses branch mr dubv cited an iher c ise appeared in c urt mi ndav mirn in s rth halion including tenla- f small children plavm n main ing where he was remanded in live c isls were discussed follow street who ran out in ihc rud eusl dv pending ihc magistrate s inj information received from the carrying a bed spring in front decision next week cmllnud on poq eight water seeped into springs it eould i k or hamper council was not too certain of the exact n win t of chlorine stipulated by the owrc and poktiblc me- thids of disposing of the water iter ihe tanks had been slcnlzcd the clerk was instructed to make her enquiries council stated r ib iec tion against running heavily chlorinated water iunh ihe town system victorian order p s ibilme of tsjabli ind v ti i members for established at s70 per d iv ereatiin commit lime on wedncsdav will be taken thursd iv even up as follows 330pm to 8pm tk when pirks tneountv hockev leagues 8 pm ir wecklv stssi in to 10 pm public skating and 10 i imc t ir the p m unlit 1 1 p m ruial h jckcv l wi 1 will name thur lie ar na ehedul will nmiliec al j lj r tx preseh x i liture k iters i mm wh k pi ipo ed 30 pm uni u0 p in h k v i iipj k b ird practi e c 30 p m unt i f vi p ni in i arize them at i iuie katint from 7 pm un 10 i m still open arc 1 mis il m nn were ni 10 p m unnl midn ghl h ul i veil flldav sehedule ttfms f r i i p widd hk v pri n c tnd e fr im i i i ikmbe il 5 pm unnl 8 15pm foil iwed b inkrniediate hieke from 9 f n unt i it pm saturdiv will h an itldas program at ihe arena with hoekcv praeliee bc- i n jiam unnl 10 a m fill ecul b ehildrcns skating un iii 12 noon in ihe aflem kin ac i n im i mtn r sports hoekes sill tik place frm i pm until it lea i p m after vehiih public k ve 11 i eke place fn m 8 i m cini 10 pm still pen are tr i p m t 8pm rjo t for hnktv nm it j i a i a t w minor rt h i pii wei and ban im h nkcv t per btien juv nik m i m i i h kev su vr h eir i i ul town rentals 117 per i i mrr ti ihat new is in ker anhur bard hv hn m o- unj r ihe i petm i n t irj nation dins r ae nnn t i jt- lo f r the c mmun i r and si v f r the pari- trd wire ipproved i it pas 7t ai appn v w re c m i t r sp nj nrig m r hant r n ij x n bnards he ar rux ha1tom ucw held their fell pesby1wil ral y tn acton united chorch tuesday when un ed church women from north helton county ne xled pcwred above are some of the vjomen tn charge of the day long program seated lefr 3 mrs h r forte presrdent of ne acton ucw and nght mrs percy chalmers president o the hamilton conference u cw stand ng back row left to right are mrs f w harbome pre dent of st paul sucw m ton an f w haywrd rjorth hahon area mcefkesfdent of the presbyter al ikcvv rom lossv m and aar k mcmillan leadership and development chairman of the hahon presoyter al from 8ur r r media u and sr r- mt at tp jig and 12 er j mmojj ur cjr m ndav and tue- st aidc fur this pur fund for indians f r canada s centennial eaeh member of the i ode is asked ti i 1 loevard educatwwi t r a canadian indian un il the fund tnwhcs siooooo the fund will known a the lode chair post hi is lo- uv curlers were fund for special education all rksht foucsi how much am i btdf was the conf nooos plea of auctioneer frank fetch saturday afternoon dewing rhe ballmafad communty aexton proceeds from the auction boosted the commun ry hal bo w ng hind by an add tional j00 as d srrct residents gathered a make the r oorchasev angles were donatea for the aeicion and mr petch gave his hrm free to aid the build ng comrn ttee

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