Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), November 15, 1962, p. 5

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iaumamd acton clflzins sand ourneyed by but to erin sunday aft nd plyed during the erin legions remembrance day service pictured boarding jhe imwly purchased dfetel bus are frank spielvogel jim higgms and ray agnew the bus operated by tyler transport ltd made its first charter run sunday tbbmbmmm hwwwmmctanhh ww- mwpgj m b i hhjjf 8bwwep be prepared do your best acton group wolf gaboy scout hews by 8coutr rny scoyne cubmaster james the rotary club l acton who hatklund mrs dorothy jordan took over nonsurhtp of the mrs doris stoync and wayne ailon bov st mil movcnunt in gordon assistant cubmaster 1961 have ntfain pledged iher up pack 27 under leaders mlu port lo the lornl jmnermnt m j jovii colei cubmobter mi 1962 under the hnirmanhip of rotnrlun ron i iwis the mup committee this fall was faced wilh a mtuihun ol no icadeishlp of both cub and scout sections since early september the- situa tion has reversed itself with har- rtincrs mrs pail casburn mrs pat hrmell assistant cub- mnsttrs most of the boys who reglstci ed in thisc sections arc new to the game of scouting nearly half or the troop and over w tttjtftber ohpttrtits coming riiffhktwnttstttie paclrt despite the ward and offering their help in large number of boys joining the way of bjkimant for cubbing i there is still room for any who in the scout section two of the uish to join either scouts of former leaders hau ionic hoik to cubs tarry on with the troop i from time to time this column it wasnt until mul october lr lo keep up to date with that cub and si nut meeting w ere st arted sim i thii t t ime two cub pniks md one sum l troop hae been holding rcgulai meetiniis in the sunit hall the happenings of the local boys groups as of ot the sections are just getting under way in their progiam to loath the spirit of scouting effort will be made to wolf cubs ruve been dtuded t brin hc nader ceor pl into two packs which meet on of una happening n scou1 montlnv and thurnitu rxenings w and cubbing here in acton 7 8 vi p m a p which form j uclk u shrt nrtke m cub crh mot on saturday morning hm now meets on munoa night what is cubbing while b patk continues to meet the wolf cubs arc the junior on thursday night the scout branch of the bov scouts a troop has i hanged its meeting sociation they are small boys night to tuesday who are not yet old enough bit at the end of xtoher enrol in framing to become bov mint in the tanum sections scouts these boys ages range showed scouts ii uith leaders iroin tight to ii vears of age neil miller sctuitmastei tempi run nrv some reasons wh hnrgrave assistant scoutmaster i parents sbnuld want their bo a pack 31 under lenders mur i lo txiume cubs telephone explained to institute ladies mr don brown was hostess for the november meeting ol the women institute the 1st vice- president mxs c e snow was in the chair meeting opened wilhi the opening ode and marv ste wart collect roll call v us an red by an industry in hal ion i am interested in several items of business fol lowed the minutes it being ca nodlan industry meeting mrs c e snow was in iharge she introduced mr jack ferns of kitchener who spoke about the telephoni it was rr interestinp hear how it works jll across ihe countries mrs norman sin lair thanked him for his inter tsting talk thi ngulor meeting continued the secretary read a verv nin kttcr from the girl in tunisia whom thi ballinafnd w i is sponsoring mrs robt mc- enerv gave cuirtni events mrs archie mi entry he motto work is not meant to be a penalty for living after whah lunch was served by mrs jisse miener mrs switzer and mrs l mar shall assisted bs the hosliss meeting dosed wilh the ounn improved mr leo jamuson is tn ororge town mimonal hospital under going inaimcnt at last report he is qui it improiiil cubbing is a wonderful game programme which appeals to the heart of the majority of jjovs in the mentioned ages cubbing helps to use up surplus energy in games and in getting to know about the things that interest him there is heaps of fun jov and laughter cubbing helps to build the fecundation of inarm ter thi cub on being ndmitlct as a mem ber of a cub pack takes a pro mise the cub promise is 1 promise to do my best to do my duty to cod and the queen to keep the law of the wolf cub pack and to do a good lum to somejkxty every day so evp at the ages of eight to it a cub 4s iven an ideal to work for one might notice that the cub promises nothing impus sjbleority that he will do his bbst everyone can do tha here too are the beginnings of the sense of religion honor lo oily ana service to others the gib la is the cub jives in to the old wolf the cub does not give tn to himself here are the beginnings of obctli enfc and unselfishness next week a continuance of the game of gushing l follow next week as well as more del ailed outlines of eqh arctfons activity during the past week museum curator hopes for santa with 900 nchs in halton ijiu seum alreatb catalogued eura tor major hal newman made out a christmas list this week and asked fu canisters dr sinks comb balk chairs warming pans weatheanes lamp stand tables pine candlestands ladder baik chairs topper bowls kettles drop leaf tables and flour scoops now hes wailing for santa nest week the fireplace in the museum will bt umiplete except for the crane he is making for it wiring has been done and space luatcr pun based so hi un continue work for an opening in the spring tin ixlinpuishirs ind a fog nohe fi host have been purehasid he sas with amusement lint the toronto publuahon urrent events lists in its museum see lion onh the rosa ontario mu icum and the halton munt mu seum rmddjpkthork cose mmikoa heltons first case of diptheria in the past 15 years was found in milton last week dr a f bull the county medical officer of health reported todm the teen- aged milton vouth has complete ly recovered the family wa placed under strict quarantine ithub is expected lo be lifted todas all contacts tested nega- ii thanks lo the count wide im mumzation program through the school and the inclusion of anti dipthena aci ine in other im munization needles dr bull said there wen nut manv people prom lo ihi dreaded disease cow killed on highway a euw that wandered onto high way 25 mondav came to on un timely end when an acton mans tar collided with thi animal and killed it north halton opp said ihe eow was owned bv kevin breen rr 4 alton the car was driven bv william avers 46 longfidd rd alton damage lo the ur was 1200 will discuss ways to revitalize guild the november meeting of si alban s guild was held in the par ish hall with the president mrs w denny in the chair the meet ing opened with a scripture read ing by mrs g curric followed by the guild prayer the minutes of the last meeting were read bv mrs l clarke the secretary treokurcr s report was given by mrs w denny in the absence ol mrs h denny due to illness mrs w denny thanked the con veners and all the members who helped make the annual fall ba zaar a success it was moved bv mrs j crcn sev jr that the nominating com mi t tec consisting of mrs c net les mrs g curric and miss m rowles meet with the rector and discuss possible wavs to improve and revitalize the guild this was seconded bv mrs g fountain the meeting closed in prnvcr a delicious lunch was served bs the ladies in charge the acton free pret thursday november 15 1962 yes need customs declarations on british christmas parcels canadians who want their guis delayed christmas gifts to arrive safelv mrs falrclough pointed out in britain will have to ensure thut improper completion at the that customs declarations are customs declarations can easily completely filled out and proper result in gifts being delayed and ly attached lo each panel it was mav even lead to sellure of the pointed out todav by the post pun els or imposition of penalties master general the honourable if the deilaratlon does not pro ellen falrclough the postmaster genenl said in formation has been received fnim the british posi oftue that manv parcels from canada an being delayed at ports of entry because of faulty customs ckctu it ions she eald many canadians use general terms suih ns toys clothing or christmas gifts on he declaration this is not i proper declaration the bruish regulations require that the enit nature of the tontents miisfht indicated as welt as their value seven hew gtizem reteive ertitiates seven acton and district resi dtnls received their canadian clt ienship etrtiheates todav thurs- elav in a uremonv at the mw kiuntv ulmmisiration building at milton conducted b judge w cor the stven wire among 49 hal ton icsidints appeinng before the lodge to nicue certificates from alton and ana were ar ihur gunihcr and mn margut gate frida gun t her r r 1 ji nib mcikanipjnd mrs magihdtic anni heikimp cliunh st this oosi md mrs sijki oost 41 church st and hirmke van dir veen r r 4 aiion driver hurt a 1962 car received 2000 dam age ind the driver required hospital treatment satur day afternoon when a car driven bv drage vinski 99 poplar st acton went out of control and hit a tree the accident happened on highway 25 at speyside mr vinski was treated for scalp m lunes at milton district hospital then released good results a small ad offering an apart ment for rent swamped thi ad vcrtiser with replies he had 14 calls very soon after the free i press was out other advertisers have found excellent results too mr and mrs charles higglns of alton announce the marriage on november 2 1962 of their daughter carol lo john hepburn son of mr and mrs bev hep burn of milton km okm c0kta1u mualt pfthiat call john wwon 8532580 yoomtsoaoint your bloodj so vital oni yowstonioht november 15th 2 to 4 pjn md 6 10 w t pw acton legion auditorium area wide service cutnat wwttwt youra put a ptant call sif from in bttt ttmca in town and tbt swthtbm of our stmes knows no boondi itthirl manning electric sufficient information the package must be opened by brit ish customs officers or the ad dresses have to be asked to pro- idc farther details mrs fain lough expressed the hope that canadians will avoid unnecessary delay and inconveni ence by describing the contents of each packet iieuraterv separ ately and in detail bv following these regulations she said they inn rest injured that their per- ids will arrive at their deatuw lion without difficulty or delay harvey laverty heating piumiino and uvtsttouohino repairs to all makes of furnaces custom sheet metal work oil and gas furnace installations conversion burners sales and service main street n rockwood phoni s54tfl4 dockwood 24 hour swvlo weekend specials touno simoin ttoni tender steaks 89b rump roast beef 9 t1ndbi beef steakettes 69s daily diuvhy lovell bros modern meat market 77 mm t acton itan imimo for ontario nkkflkrkorniki mt torn la t loo im per otcnomimma o amoiiooi 01 oat 7 t aona 11 wflta o da m at w oio toe orldi raatot tapottcn of nunufouuml good ccmttost oar ariy total with that of other countries aracncut tpcad sj5 pa apru the bnmh tpeoj s7s wen germans spend s0 tpend s2ii per ponca pot year on manafactured foods iftacsc expenditures tn ontario on imported joods could be reduced by si00 oa oow still be amongst the rorlds groalcst in nortcn if that 100 wre divtnod to cana- dunpiodsetuldidds4x0000txltooir ecodoai and hap create 0000 dc jobs to a tkh the cormrmer moat become pibol uaawlnai ta the taoj of auourdat ap to dot tacceaiot uare of oox ocooomj blipilil llltojaiii i r ustporlod rndact la or she aeonu ask ft tbtto a fiaataa aaahralentr for m sacat auai then it a okoaosa product at it m taod or baser tbo more mooey oat apaal oa unaoa e maka the aan aroaperoaa tha pnahj of ontario waaw gvt3nment of ontario thajh exusajas iity th rfmbd el p and opportunity forth poopl and tndustrin of ontario a wonderful gift for a friend or relative christmas and all through th yar i a years subscription to the acton free press ttcru tmnk of you s3 times a tear a em outo nu m bt m tow mum sutscripnon prices paid in advance for 1 year s3 00 on canada moo in england and oimr cowaaonwfalth counhies 5 00 in the united states and othfo loseion countbies rnnbr a gift subscription to the acton free press is easy to give and inexpensive too i

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