transform your home into castle j ftr christmas card will do double ournc panel wtth the cards duty in mam harries thrs year whivh arrvt fin then fill n imagination can transform a ihc paern mw reene more cards you receid tnlo pan tl greeting the christmas dpor of icaj minin dfojir an v made borne b utttng out es f jd it h vuajexied vpu pin or tape board in the shape i t hns the card to your ehnitmas tree mj stockings wreaths or hells branches at ornament the tin- jnd sirnpis otenng them wrh eflea and befewned card re- christmas ard attach a nn to fleet the in lights and fling he baa and hang them bs big gaiety into the fty air red nbbons right on the yiih another attractive idea is pin- besides being dcorative ihce aoig card to your irving room hofrxmade ornaments tsk1 he draperies or outlining the win- darlv pitfall i dusting arnund down frame with trdx on color iards standing ret on mantel r fol ribbon pick cjjecialhr prettv tables to the wmoom ai a warm wef- ii vour home ha a stairwav decora le it with greeners inter spersed with cards or put a ard folding icreen qr room divid- board centre in a ruillx wreath en make handsome bullet m and paste cards on in a montage boards on which td display card effect the wxeath an be hung a mrv riabt ag h ch use he jrv he dr j1 of dc vj rwme n around a lour ters ghi h lnjil w rm an added festive air cip he chrstma ard he riikn h paper jip j hex an rweued or ciaer the i r u h v bite r niured pap a t hnstma tee an be tree tighi wjn in ut out a tree safe during holiday season lie chrni4 hoiidav in aong vain street vjs depar men manager it rijl stores rni ioa ng a fu rrpn rules t ifp keep trutr eslabtlshrne the folios ng fre sac p jui art- offered 1 krep di aisles and ex ifuuj designated bet re the hondas ierk ard other env ch then glue i pap- aihed at th- gret or pa come id visitor makhif candles srii iardboard tuhe come in hand cover them with paper to make tandles equipped with paper drippings and crumpled red tissue or ciiophanc flame det orated with foliage and mounted on a board thcv easiu become a card holder for mantel or centre of the table attach the cards with straighi pins thec christmas decor ideas can transform the entire at mosphere of uur home to a christmas castle a warm shin ing tribute to the spirit of christ- and a pileup o ig w g- ihnhigh id be t qikk in h eent k and other lid be l hilc fire ex iglrs- dan 2 be sure that a exits are pearls marked 1 dtipose of emptv packing cases sarton and other u asie materials promptk as mxjo a gtxxjs are unpa ked storcnwims hack rooms and cellars should be cleared of su h w jsie materiai dailv smoking be permuted on nijv r i f a at slowburnii kapid lnanqes h j a h in yule cards russmac beauty salon early lights barrel shaped glass tights were among christmas tree ornaments used before the turn of the cen- turv tlluminatiun shone bright- is through the tanous colored glass amethvsi muss and cmerad green blue and gold bak and rnjs of tinsel irecitng card for chnsim i- wcah season an increase n number ol religious suhcl rfot alwavs been the first sign it ames r mke jhe fre deprmnt shoud rse njsihed immt iutel 7 the store should rv hit 1 t re reporting plan clerks shuj he dmded int team uf o in training for a fire emer gens one thould be avsljnied in manning the fire extintiuher e seiorij hxjld sail the lre 1itiatmenl bv tctephone i in decorating the siire lor christmas unjv nonflammable or g materials idas jfinij hould be kept wj hum e tr- light buibs 1 pe al wipng is njisirf n nnetiun wth fhnlm e- ifjliins lmpli to the 1 hc rhcsrchr toys qj lands seemed i had designs similar to canadas what kind of tins do hild- h the hoiida instead of namiiv scenes or ssmbols of hoik and mistletoe rvn in ureiipi countries tiit earlx amentan chnstmas ards pretts much the same as the of the 19th scnturv were decor hiidren in canada ated with roses and portraits ot fur instance sitme popular viiun ladies asording to the fn- tiss n tranie last chiistmj- cioptdia americana often were i dax cruckett wjth d plump robins were pictured sit mbuv oufttt i the tpe win tmg on tree branches dripping bs leading tv star for the girs vsith icicles dolls i mirse and minaire in this early stage pinup household appliances girls were not jj kale the best foreign market for grccnawav dravsfci were fre- ften loss last xear was he quentlx used so rnt cards piciur- imted states best cxpt mg single figures from her drav- rnxwxd ihessmcn mifs others portraxing dancing den darts wth turkex fiiier girls wuh ganands uf flivstr- id et mns ah 10 lirds were fmsej s e n matin e doll p- d and fnnged with heat silk ds may your aeon be filed uuk peat and heppinett i hit chri staff manageert thompson motors acton limited sincere good tzcislies wm with rri7on a holiday filled trill fof and pfearur rom thi managcmcnt and staff thompson fuels holiday time is here once again and we take hij happy occasion to wish every joy of the uason to our good friends its always a pleasure to serve you and we thank you management am staff goy cartage ltd aslekmof goocfwlshes coopers drug store