Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), January 3, 1963, p. 1

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e vf not a acton ontario thwjsday january 3rd- 1 w3 elohl pgnsvm corrts an unsuccessful candidate far mayor during trie municipal elec tion mil yew edward mcdonald 39 mowbray place confirmed wednesday k report he had lodg ed a conflict of interest protest against a council idiolect yllh clerk lack mcoeachiev of interest protest against charge covncittor the letter of protein was wed by registered mall by mr mc donald who charge the council- tor conducting buslnesa with itanowifby elllnglrtutfierihe ratepayer claims this la strictly jl against- a certain section ofthel onla slat ed i would expect the council lor in question to either resign or a least wrlhholrjl being sworn in until thin matter is cleared up mr mcdonald falls to see how any councillor can represent both the town and his employer al the name time if on issue in volving a conflict of interest should arise during a telephone conversa tion with the clerk he acknow ledged receipt of the letter by registered mail and declined fur ther ccimrient until the letter be came council business have always rated no conflict of interest in similar cases iw ifcck htrjrtt i can notseera basis for such a charge against any councillor twputykaav wtluamf danny there is absolutely rio grounds for such a charge against any councillor councillor laa duby i am not at all personally interested in such a charger anytime there ha been a debatable issue involving potential conflict of interestahe telaphene foil during a telephone poll wed nesday evenlng hc free pre contacted member of the i9az c a an rt personal opinion on the conflict of inte rest protest the fallowing are the replies received 1m1 mayor john coy the sub ject in quest kin arose laid year ill i personally had the pro blem cleared with ouoens park i understand the courts to date halissssssasssmbssbiaaahasabsswsi problem has been cleared with tueens park- mayoreuct caor barba if anyone i perturbed regarding the legality of any member sitting on council hey should take the case before the courts for pro per clarification councillor prank tolh i have never seen any basis for such a charge councillor alec johnson i fail to gee where there is any justi fied basis for liuch charge it is my understanding that any commissions enjoyed by selling insurance to the town is shared by recognized agents- councillor w h pl i have attended all hut one committee meeting during the past year and can honestly sny there is no basis of a conflict of interest councillor j bert wood if any councillor sells his product direct- 4yto council thereisa basis of conflict of interest at no time during 1962 has any councilor received any payment from coun cil for any product sold to the town or for any work done 0513588187 actons ii manufacturing establishments in 1959 produc ed goods valued at pi3588187 ac cording to statistics lust released in the 1962 editlonut the canada year book these 18 industries employ 977 earning salaries and wages tuknl- ling- w196ji5 the cost of fuel and electricity consumed totals 1263198 and the cost at the plant of materials used was j775042 mttnrtrtisrsi ihd iwrwhosir 928 employees earn 14081683 and mltksrcut anyone the thermometer rotttred around eburge against any council mem- 7 ne avw terji n hrlnvnrrtrrtnnday th cow is palo basron plnns or- mac sprowl is candidate jjant j48000 treesin watershed iter pc jannommatior hew records set in authority payh hulton pragcssive conscrvn- live may have a ring full of can- dldrs7hatrwjjbb irrytuslcta firovinclal nominating convention n mil ion on friday evening jan uary 25 to dale severtd possible candi date have either announced their intention to contest the seat or their nameshave been rumored as seeking the post among them is mac sprowl of acton who is well knownw the north end of the county mr spruwl has work ed and held office in the hulton pc association for several years und is widely known in agricul tural circles for his work with junior farmers and farm orgtinl- gallon another man to signify his doj sire tor the ob is burlington lawvcr george kerr a member of burllnglun council glen cooper of oiikvlllcn past president of the hqltnn organization is also seeking the seal and rumiirs in- nass permits in 1962 highest nussayaweya township issued 116000 worth of building permits during december bringing thr 1162 total til7imos the dec ember iermit included an ot flee and garage hu- camphclville gravel supply a ivsldentu und an addition to an apartment the dlcalc another burlington lawyer jorjrjcrjixvtjslllhouriaanmay also throw his hat in the ring the lalo stanley l hall held the scat for hollnnjjitars be fore his death last october second car fire on wednesday acton fircfinhtcis ended 1962 and began 1963 with calls to car fires wednesday they battled their second one this week when fire ul unknown origin caused extensive damage to a car own ed bv wavnc wilson main street north whcp firefighters arrived smoke was pouring from under the hood and inside the vehicle flames vlamaged all the wiring hose connections windshield upholstery and car radio sunday firemen battled- their fast call ot7ketfarwhon a car owned bv clark paul glenleu sni division caught fire pojkefofce hewmantue under provisions of a new con tract signed by acton conned wilh the ontario provincial police commissioner acton now has live piovincial police otticeis in- stojid ot tour 11 hga one of a large herd of jerseys owned by a j murray and son rr jacton with her is russell murray well known 4h club member actually the cows fared belter than molar cars during the cold spell at least they didnt require a push to get them started k fma jmiiis produce goods valued at 14586- 706 figures on other halton munici nalities show georgetown with 22 ber 25 1912 at st pauls angli- industries 1290 employees and an can church blackhcathstflfford annual payroll of 15156129 gouils produced are valued at 118352625 oakvlllehas 49 industries with 5694 employees and an annual payroll of 2773558 the selling value of factory shipments i 274502645 mi figures arc lljlcitfiir burf tnicfvnacts ingtun flfy iakj re accident fatality rate is up for north halton the accident injdry fatality and nropcrtildaniage rates in the north halton ojp district sur rounding milton georgetown and acton increased greatly this past year there were 419 accidents 10 persons were killed 163 were injured odd 1210177 wofth of property damage resulted in 1961 there were 375 acci dents two killed 129 injured and 1161594 in properly damage december was again the bad month for accidents with 54 se parate crashes juhc wos tho worst month for deaths and in juries wltlifour killeitiind 23 hurl and august saw the most aitrasmaabbbbbahimnmrasjsaiti property damage of anv month 36260 thi the follow 1 record ng table shows the totalhv months jan 36 5 i 9670 feb 26 6 18510 march 2v 10 3 8630 april 21 ii 6845 1av 33 16 1 14515 june 35 23 4 1 6921 julv 37 19 1579q sept 35 17 18460 oct 43 14 16275 nov i 47 18 2 31855 dec 54 j7 16442 more- train 148000 trees were over planted during1962ircjhctredit river watershed by the credit valley conservation authority the chairman of the authority roy k mcmillan of strcetsvilfc slated in his annual report re leased on friday december 21 of this number nearly loojwo wercjilaccd on private lands un der the authoritys tree planting service new records were set in public attendance al the parks adminis tered bv the authority with more than 90000 visitors to terra col- ta and beltoumain parks major considerable number of ye th ch reported mr mcmillan noted thai in the past two years there had been a substantial increav- in public in terest and appreciation of con servation and of the facilities of fered by the authority and attri buted much of this to the whole hearted cooperation we are re ceiving from press radio and tele vision in publicizing the objec- lives of conservation 2i4wb acres the credit valley authority cm- biues in area of 214000 acres extending from orangeyille in the work has been done in develop- inortli to port crrdii at the ing i plan for flood control audi mouth of the river sixteen muni- water conservation cipaliljes and parts of four coun- the 57 million water control j tics are involved in the authority plan involving extensile dams al the aullioulv itself now owns orangevillc cataract silver 12 kns ol land crock beltoumain glen williams lhc ajiihciruv is located in the and georgetown will be present- j most rapuivv develivpmgarieirlrr ed in 1963 although the work it- i all ot canada the chairman sell will likely be stretched out said and it is our duty to aid final blaze of glory sat for mound of yule trees who hath miieltwihml smoke bv twilight who hath seen the pine lug burn- ing s satuiikiv ewniin it the cikhi- bcr 1 commerce twellih night christinas tree burning eyeinne in acton van b ntanding tluwn hiun vears coni mftad ol tour tteglnmng tuesday- j slmct i ti township was bruce mcartfuir began di iw2 chrislmas trees end up hie 14wlsj0 grandstaua lor iii- hen- r i in tlwii linil wic mw mohawk racewav othei duritie a council nueling oct large ileum were a 700ix home olxr 16 meinbers agreed the cost utlulcir mills iruarrv ollices alul i u bov jicout pav minn 1 onrtecn lumes weiv eivcteei during me year in i svl the township issued j only 125000 worth ot iienmts including l homes in this development so thit ulli- malelywe canensure that mrr renewablc natural resources our land water and forests arc di rected to their highest and best use for thcpcoplc robert parkac la actons repre sentative on the authority total 419 163- 10 210177 jaefciat5a5rr sifii a 39 years dean of ihe free press cor respondents la richard harris rockwood octogenarlait whos a frequent visitor to the office h fa re ing the news from his area for 38 years and starts on his 39th year wtlhlws coogralulatlohs mr harris i some christmas parlies have been held over until january to avoid the rush married on christmas day in england 50 years ago mrr and mr- k davles 3ypiing st acton observed the occasion of their 50th wedding tinniver- sury quietly with a fujnlty unth- erlng ut their home on christmas day they were married on decein- shirc eniilimcl coming o can ada in june 1920 tley made their home in limchouse where they lived tintll moving lo- their present home in acton in 1944 a carnenlcr by trndei he retlrcel eight years ago now he makes bird feeders bird houses and mr and mrs davies have two children living elsie mrs chris swnckhamer of acton and ron ald of guelph a son jam pas sed awny in 1941 they hove- five grandchildren jimkosiuand dtane swackruun- er and eddie and paul davies the ihxaslon was made hap pier by the arrival of telegrams of good wishes from relative and friends in ejigiand and florida flowers gifts and cards from friends both near and far mr duvlesls a member ol walker lodge af and am mrs davies likes to sew crochet and knil theyre both fond of g dening mranivmrlidaviis celebrated their 50th wadding an- niverjary quietly with their family christmas day at triatjr home 3 young street the couple aro pictured a thy eut a threetiered wedding cake they were married in st pauls anglican church at blackhoath near birmingham eng land they have two children elsie mrs chris sweekhamar acton and ronald of guelph and five grandchildren i c r uv glancing back at 1962 r a brief review of a year of progress march as 1962 drew to a close and the centre saturday evening a new year was ushered in tues crowd ol teenagers turned day many residents will recall for the eveni large out i n close shave for arena ice exccymc ice at the community centre is heinti shawd oil todav thursday ihe buildup ot ut since the miw ol- irw ksami is causing ue making machin cry- lo work osetlnuc and incivas ing the cost ot piklusuou ul ai ti tlciul icc in oillej to upsiate on a more eiuunilc bast- the ice should brivdikvsl l an asojuulc lit inch thickness presently some plll measure overfixe inches in thickik-sv- the paiks boaid apujxiwdpui- chase tvl aiv ushaser pmsidmg some agivemcni tor puvment could he made later it vsas learn i glorv rollouing- the tradiluvrvv csiilv lished nianv sears ago the trees collected bv the town workmen have been pilevl in the tictd list west ol churchill road shnh bev tween longtield road and the s8icaivs j verba bouquets at final meeting mail leading to the lout dump and sewugc plant on salunliy eemng at 8 pm the nuryor and chanlxt president will put the toikh h the pilconuiniiui 1200 1 1 eev at ihe kiiivlumon ul the cxtnr vagal a the chamber ot cofll mene will sene donuis and cof- tiv ti the vfkvuiliirs fneiueii ami a tire truck will he irruuiultike aiul to keep the t k axaihirtu- ir anv tthcr eiiuiknrni are request eil to p nv i hen iii in the wcm siik ot ihuivhill kitad and lxnjjr- tuut rtod onlv in this swav an live burning urvnniin exit tiuite would n available to was on h the liu- department in cae of illlilililkv tbaintxi he pjut nielsen a mires us ihe trees will fu up in smowe mi s hetlule eome rain i onie shine aiul- families tan s invm num i the plai pie led the veai- husineftuui s- da exeiunt ixvemhei 2 dudn atlunv ut veihat nuumeis iri at maxur john cn sunn toi his tnial meciint lluuiuiiimutxiienitvi s epr eti then leiets at ihii iivinjh rein iiiij max in attend meeiins next eai aiul wished hurt a well earned rest tb- niaxoi ilmpped uui ot iminuipal rwtluivs ihis a town iruek and a trttrtcnt s war ar were nnotxeil n aetuns fhrst during the hrut nuvinn v han a t ihe vear wcilnrxday nt k nrrsiwrrman frtt tvirrtrrntww wtih n esiwuaiod s400 special events which took place during the past vear for benefit ol tnietvsled readers the jkcuiucrec press has turned thcl ynipct-nf- t l2 isstwtffnh list- ed month bv month a iew of these important events fc january j tenders have been called for a new letteral nomxlliee in acton estimated iround siwooo the site or ihe new building is pro- pcrtiev where the tltd storev glove work stands and the i home kcupied hvmr and mrs ken knox rjh buildings will he demolished curlin bean mondav on the new artilicial ue installed at the community centre over 100 people imje alread filletl mil ajv pluaiion tornis and paid their memjership fee tor the season otsvauled christmas tfees were lit up lor the last time fndav when incmheis ol the chamber ot coin inert e held i heir annual a la r tie avil t see the flanhs lick inu the sky and en jiiv eoflee and cvonuts wtirk has slatted tin the new 70000 eikiniv administration buildtni in mtlton steel pirderx haxe been eieciet hut further av 1 1 k 1 1 i txxn jliu lilb 1 he re t n r- 1 j t 1 i the m mrs dennis crooks nmlel i pcrlect game at acton bowling ianes when she racket i tip a 450 c n w i nuat even belli score she received 1 50 cheque from the proprietor ol the lines ken llullord as stmin as 1ot breaks cn- lraclus u ill bein construe lion on a vf00 square itmit building to house superior glove works the business is now under rhe man agement of julian zajac and i lank eny the jarihst yjs well to ilate came in with a roar for anlhmiv das nut oil explorationi lttl the well line ol fsquestniy aktim council accepted the ten tier prue of- 7400 i nun ti null compinv lo install sjirinkler sstem il i hc community centre worlt will bein as soon as pos sihle shoitill sheet mela will v partd 1 m medial el v walls are lx- inn demolished is 1 ooo mn- heunelt public was well al- staged tlieir-itl- even sellout iidvtd walt li ed he vouriii actorv present as o keirv damuitt wed nesdav mht an in kefs have all bee sold tor tonights pvrfor- maiue over 3iw saw the ttvle show and displays during tht mhl stlnkipoki hotjsv fn pjit of the rainjjsnow storm anti hiiye dulls alter spending- 1 s in the barbentii located on the lilih harr- mamprie hv 1 th tcivn jk hois 1 ocer the business 1i has spent the past 42 acton ant his homines ikiiet4 on mill st mii armed si veal 4ltl jimniv llariis wis found iraptxtl in m ah onioned ice hta it ins tun ne at k k- zaltter bejn rptkit r two ami pasf s4 hustiies iitel mis las mken vampii- vciin in has ben e hf tiil fkt alva is beui cleared at the at ion tree pi ess plant to aumii mtnlate the sheet metal aillip anv half houis w iminl was stilt ami 1 old f imn the ireme temperature bui in fr condition a 10000 mortiiatfo went up in i lames when elder of churchill church and the congregation held a mortgage hurnlnijl cerem ony the inortaauc repretented the tost of renovation at the hiti t h ami was paid in full in nine yearn council member are faced with devidinn whether to con strue a steel or wooden roof on ihe digester plant last week the luf collapsed ut the dltpoai plant and the sewer and water ionitr been in true ted to have j4mv hd installed im mediately aiiusin s tun fire trucks will hili e equippiif with a twowav uilio svstrm the sytcm u be ma uisiallftt in every fire depart- in nt ifiniuuturtit halton county mivor john chiv announced a iiiwn 1 ix iite diirintf a ftpcclol nut tin nt ouikii thin week kaiepiveis will enjoy a 515 mill 1 ti- lor nisidenlial anftettnent aoti itu imlumriai- commercial rale wtl he is 7 mills durijng ihe mcetiiitf council agreed ite vm ml si mm tut a utrd street r ltim the city of toroo nmlto continued on page five 1 1 11 1 mi iiiiseemateawbmmbijmm laiiv viins 111 the area 1 ue sjorm i shtiiihl wet p ilu- children ui strm kmketl nil ntjol aittl well back frmu pwei 111 scvinms ol lown and ncvl ttiullattaiitiii r unon itw niraiaiea hvdnt empoevs worked overtime iej tot mi power tenders have been called for vjy iefcs acc of 63 hefrtol jli timateil jlmihs proicl lo onstriicl tvso yaler reseiaons on churchill roail monh above the rwvscnl water well the spt- tukt will he let- february 6 the absence- ot mhi bcaltv who olj- eslablishing their own pl arrived mwaul the end ot the loive was loo pruhibitiw and it nivetine aconts lotallinf was aixvl to accept ihe rvcom jicmt were appmsed tor pas mcndalion ot the police com- ment conuiuivuil rules wcie misskuier and eneatv- an addi- tablishect at l senls per kwh ssiis v tional potrcrrncn while rviuvilnj jjiovs lor the commc vear r vj useu shaver was available the t capital esivmliiiire hiulel rum guelph curling club and it constable mcarrhur is single rmposetf by superintendent ivkic vsas hrough to the arena wed- hails irvm bancroft and came to- mason was discussed but no ac- nesdav and an operator airivcd acton frum burlington jjcad- tion ill be tavcn until the new todav lu give a demonstration it quarters after a war un the lorvx sear the iicmonslralion is satistaclorv the acton detachment under the and i suitable purchase price supervision t coiporjl can he reached it is believed the mason includes constables february wilhar cimstrik lion comp any dundas onl was awarded ihe contract for the erection o rhe ne federal pm otlice in lil laniac caused li both cllucs the tosn pi kup tnics driven h suprintendent alt duby stop- psd ai the cnr crussjps on ristcrri aveniw to allow an ap- acauh dcrritjition ot the iwo pixskhing ngjer to pass when the buimins will begin immediately t rue t mi struck m thr raatby after which wirk on ihe new mother easiboupd vr dnvrn b buildings will begm jie hoistede scene street two world war i veterans constable mcrvin harness in- sam snow and gilbert kinv vestigatrd and slated the road i burs wtrre honored by acton was sjippcrv ai the time of the legmn saturday cvvning- when rv pupils returned io scrnxil this jkcident damage to th lon ihcv received their 2j year mem- mcr- morning after their christmas aruck was vsu mated around 100 bcrship pins- machine will be bought trum the vin hjtrncss bruce krevsler ron jjilidav their next hohdav falls with the hofsieda car receiving acton lions club staged the cuetpb clubv irudcrt and bruce mcarthur i on taster weekend on estimated 4300 damage first dance in lh community jsprsbfi- wss ixtswsrvl pamaol to car ownad by wayna wihon mam street was cavrt shortly i p m wedrvaiday whan fira of unvnosvn ixigip damaged tha wiring hosa windthiald upholsrary and radio firamarl used chemicals and watar lo doowtha blsss m tmokf poured from inside tha ptffcadvahlcl au

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