Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), January 3, 1963, p. 5

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v ei ftyfr t l0fs7 nim fls attaeactoh lanes by bin to pjtbnmnfbvvnffilvvcis dec jo the quality at nwrey did not- pvall m for ledger lgjs wu concerned when ihey omi ti0 5flth al snack bar they took the snackbat crew jor ihe rupty work km bullough 77 and wayne maaon 741 along with had dforet 431 double for iga mated the doom at the ala scorewhe al didnt have it kid- ley cartage hauled away five point wheir they won the tint two and lotas from glllo elec tric- klateywnt for the work but stropped the final tpaam by 12 pin ken huirord5 wayne ridley 424 and bob martin ill were the cartage tripling trio gltto were ahort circuited ex- double the llnavay orfuna are llaaifnhi uhhwat till upsurging shutting out sin- 7 r- brought ihem up to a fourth place tie one point behind the third lot jeff fryer 72 ml tin ale masai 611 had the orfun big on harold deforest et a all example for the tavern outfit bur no one followed jt hbtnt han imifgi ledgers g4 99 ridley cartage 55 al snack bar 46 station motel 45 llnd- any orfiins 45 gltlo blectrlc 44 acton majer dec 27 dominion hotel they came they now but thev didnt- conquer in reel they did not dp anything they lot the bundto to who else adam gold stripe the gold stripers top trio for thlt affair were jeff fryer 709 bob agnew u and wllo near 477hovetomenilon spike sntm he alo trundled a 677 twm lu a bad night for the wltowicz wallopers and tomato juice wan the order of the night tlgercat were on their way to j three game win from fire fighter but in the third game ihe roof fell in and firefighter with an unexpected roll of power made with the win the tired tab hies took the singleton far total don grein fcsi big red wh- llamj 606 and frank irvine 605 lopped can trundling terry the terrible turk mnsate fir ed with the enthusiasm of youth hurlft a 615 for the firefighters maybe just maybe if the soccer cluh changed their name thev might not got honied around so much they met upwith tho ft and absorbed a three game de feat milting the triple lonetor the proa cord coulighan 741 ml jim tindsav 669 and bob tcnpia taylor 655 pete soknf per shipped home a 634 ttm tfco fliba beys league atatidtag adaau- cold stripe m dominion hotel eft tig rcl 60 the proa 53 firefight ers 30 soccer club 24 aefaa ftasmk dec 27 lleadhunters with don deforest 64 ann thomson 206 and alec johnson 274 hung onto first place with a iwo and totals win fruni untouchables un touchables touched ofr a second fnf win bv j pins braver laxter 243 solo kxikcd guud for untouchables it was all bv itself swingers swunu a big three game at ihe expense of lary bones and moved to mhrtl iitie point of the leaders two solos after the hulttuhwi with a double wut j losing a 5 pin stones hi use firat rattled to the second game pkm add for totajs aids of league jacher pafamr i 357 allan llckcme 351 harry oehlrkh jhn cooney mum brian dunn 152156 jn turkou 149156 jas craig pay leu i0mt 2 bob browm 101174 letf yw im 239 heather buchanan 1241 is 299 league eteahttng tobical 4 bjue bombers mflreflfe m hui- billle 34 fllntstones 33 jetson 19 ttisft itwiu hotihucwlbiui uvm ter of awards verna arblc plclwd hi fine style after erv- uj dasry for hie past 16 stsui be replaced by pukue school board has sorent the atone school jkctpa matrktr highschool m order to stave off jk p bsdtdw program ov ercrowding at the ugh school promapta a building program and in of councilsliusirity prograot board members are- dnxlviua to postpone a building danolition work began this week on the former storey glove bulmhag and home formerly occupied by mr and mrs ken knos on bower ave when hie area b efcmmd eenajitietlon whl bagj for the new federal post phke up the streelsvllle aeanert r award with her 712 triple and jwnr ovr j joo speclalors auended ord 360 wins the igtnvllhlmclukkaintarnlval record 360 wins ute ledgers iga foodiluffs tk aew youth nmfew be served hofda true this week aad jim bttuatigh wins both the pauls clothing award and the mcgregor sock from eneuire mens shop with a 767 which included a 330 single with the teennunder gang if was barbara browne heather buchanan barry buchnnajj and larrv deforest bowling best ovev their average to win the bottled beverage of reuthartt seven-up- and cocacola plenty dt en tries coming in for the player bowling festival and who knows some actonite might win a pleasant holiday basking in th sunny ctimesof the caribbean that s it amigos adlos last meeting tast thursday- lihe public ubrarv board members convened for their mnal session of 62 wind ing up business wdre cjtairman charles klrkncss mm e g frnnklia george lee peler dun ham buisproslon and counchr lor lea dubv california collefge for paul mcgeachie this morning at j am paul mc geachie was regutering in the tnveeyear business administra tion course ar cahfornla poly tech at san luis obrspo cali fornia he received word juat on monday that h ap had been accepted he packed and flew down new year dfy ar rived wednesday evening and stayed overnight at batorsfield with dr and mrs brum ska ia the former rita jucnabb of acton paul wju a grade 13 stu dent ar acton high school last summer he was in field work with consulting engineers tttt pa rents are town clerk jack mc geachie vftd mrs mcgeachie a quicklypurchased flight bag was the gift to him from severat- or his friends rickv currle brian ollrrbein peter newton of toronto orman ehlbti psier- lavssun and brian sproston some of them weltt down to mal um m we hi plane off- paul had visited in california with dr snd mrs bruvns be fore lor ulrer weeks and deter swingers bill mcmulirn 212 lined to rclurn hed like to and emta uuuid 206 luumn flat soloed for lazy bones with 201 twuurs caught nappers nap ping in ihe first two then the mappers came to lift- and avert ril ihe shutout with a third game win jo anne duval 633 jim gib- um 226 anne wilkinson 214 and john chapman 205 vtrrr twist ers highlightrrv hadt deforem 62 munmv harrison 20uand orr chapman 21 cre nappers tops laagua il hradhuruers- 1- 63 su ingrrs 2 mappers 5 un- tthk hablr 35 turners 5 laly bones 43 work there after graduationthe bruyns ifye about 100 miles from poly tach the cenlrt- block of the parlla- mrai buildings in ottawa which contains the house of commons and the senate chamber has a total of 490 rooms dec 2g with tmb minors cunluuied from page bout he refused tbr numinahon at the of the jumpers and nguods t farted l break their frst pue hc he f tie jumpers took nab and totars sun- from clippers and nvwl dd v i tt v thjjacton fjrepreis thuridayjanuarycl j9j3 a ftrief treview of a year progress conthmed from page ope tmaif trtesl her wf hauling a milk wagon for massi- dairy on- saturday the horse at the community cenlre this wa the first carnival an jhc new building f mhw madeleine gibbir was named cltlien of ihe year dur lag the annual presentation by the chamber of commerce wed nesday mis flibbonsjs a clerk in coopers drug store and was stlbervisor of the nursery at si michael hospital tvr m years acton residents will enjoy the ita ottered by ihe psjl jmursalterthatlrlf the early pbui tuesday evening council approved the plari and represen tative of the company villi set up an office in town lo enroll citizens inleresied w j beatryavas named presi dent of the acton curlirtjclub during the final banquet and pre sentation of trophies in the lejr ion- hall there arc 134 members onlurto school meet in guelph 124 attended ho bun- the jhls- year quel brick work has begun on new liquor tin oticvn st nndworkmcn expect lo hove tho exterior work completed fy ihe end of next month may a tradition through jhe past 22 ytfars was broken in i chaitn- ing manner thursday eyenin when for the first time dauith- ters joined wfthtaltiers amtsoiis during the annual banquet spon sored by the ys mens cluli home war gutted by fire early sunday morning- reg french his wife and five children were relocated in a home wllhln 17 mbrning blaie was first noticed when mr french heard the breaking of glass at the front of the house the family escaped in only night attire popular high school student johrr goy jr set a possible cwossa pole vaulting reciird falrv lake was cheated of a dravvnlng victim sunday after noon whentillxabcth zeigler of everfon was taken from rhewa- ler jutd tevlvctlbytwp swim mers a 61 vole plurality was award ed sandy best in mondays fed eral election over his opponent harry hurley but ihe clcotlun isnt over yet both candidates ar awaiting the result of thi 450 service votes due to be coun during the central wetern ed next monday after the votes ilecle5rej tile bar ar 10 feet slx inches in ihe junior class lurge equplment and eirth moving machines are busy at 111 former- liinjjjuuse oiiarrles nl dully varden preparing ground fur a new quarry although no official release hus bevn ma21etu date it is htjlevcd frederick gardiner former chairman nf f school metropolitan toronto is presi dent the old quarry was aban- iloiietl 30 yeiirs jyo ahrations arvhcing modcjt the change station building in i the piru as huird irirmhers ac- ominodate a imkiiii tjie present were counted dr hnrry hnrles- won the electionbi6 vutes a very uccessful reunion wa held at blue mountain school whena number of former pupils ammeaeher as well as district cillicns attended the school closed its doors last week and pupils who alteoded will pt lo the new liinehuuse icentrtl friday in which he was killed peter was killed instantly and jlis mother ami father as well as xisjer nellie were taken lb hos pital the tlmmerman vehicle was maklngn leflhamt turn in to the lane of their home when ihelr vehicle wos struck bv a northbound car drlyei lfvtormjrtneen formed the wiliiihsoi7vfacbn nr william ersktne of etohlcoke rning and an experienced 1 lion director armwnanagarirm be engaged a seven man aeraa hon committee will be formed pjan have been approved tat erect a new community hall at bjjllnarudand a committee to cartviiss ihe area for tw construciesnby whuaaa of guelph s has been oppointetl trm-fr- asses sor tho assissor vflll sliut his dutiesimrnediatelv and his urflce will be located in the muni- ivipal office in the ymca a full recreation program d august fsquesing council eallal for lenders this week for the cow st motion of a new township o the toun received unanimous an- flee a site north of the vtoegf proval froni council tuesday t- tc- on pagestx july twuyearold pter- -timmer- timnicrtnan r r 4 acton was buried monday following a crash council ajipmvecl itrchjiw o wmmcm hljthni uw a b lh has been purxhawil i mm ihe ac- inn wiiiwni intiiiuit nntl will ho muftl acriiss ihe race track iml used as a itirnic s r the ntu a new st 500 radar unit by the police force the new unit will he pul into operation jj ftoon as it arrives and motorists are being warned o watch ihe spct limits a- family of suven vi left homeless when heir farm equipment as shn lnvofh is completed while major iruckinp firms are out cm strikiv railways and prt- i ir deliverv ol inerchamjise from kbhno over tkehnlme wrm i- whllcurirhad a holiday member of the draw committee were busy lining up new teams for the flrt- flvweek draw in l3 published beldw are the names of ham skips and players as well as schedule monday nkjlht mixid 7- smub team no 1 mae dtimnrsh bert hlnton corirme dejong mami manes team no 2 case dc jong kay d1iu nellie bcatty charmc leatkerland team no j meb blow ken moore gretta heller marjrrr win team no 4 jim graham ab frtoln vera inglis june dober- llvlen tmm no 5 frank van wyck barbara smith joe hurst phvl- ii moor team no 6 alex zbcetnoff jackie blow nan hursl eva klrkness team no 7 e holmes lois mackenzie dave dills dave mane team no domihv van wyck a oischow wes beatty pill dumarsh team no 9 o zbeetnorf el- mar griachow mary hinton lorn dokcrthien team- no 10- al kirkneu do ris graham dorothy rognvald- son fred alton schedule team no tt crornvnldson g ware l youngbhlt j zaac team no 6 win mackav f somrryillc j buchman n icm- mis team no 7 w dubois j mc- huull len lovell s bruiiclle team no 8 d wlddis f wild- fong john lovell t allen schedule tuesday night mens league 79 rink a b- 12 54 7i maniifacturirs at the acton freiuhl oflice htismess hs in creased 50 per cent and an aver age th merchandise cars fare ixiins loaded daily response to hiilton county health inils free sahin clinic at the rohirtliltle school audit orium was considered very iiikhi bv unit officials all schixil children revcivrd nf vac and i 1272 adults hiuh schtkil sludenl fred daw- kins was chosen hv ihe rotary i club to visit ottawa with stu i dents iruin other paus of out- iljje svi 1 1 receive citizenship papers litim ihe prime minister and enjoy a toll of the ell v dale jan jan jan jan 54 feb 5 18 72 4ls c s 24 7v 15 52 tutsday mixtd 1eaoiie team no i mel jordan ma- symon kay alger helen layer teamxln 2 ken elslev harrv in pauline ty- monday night aluad rink date jan 7 jan 14 jan 21 jan 21 peb 4 47 ls5 mohbay miomt m1x ofun team no i bert wood jean sttron dora rvdrr kav ross team ho 1 gord cooper jackie nolan murrav scuvnc rjeiores tyler team no j brvikm tlimtrr lil cook georgina kaiso stella brunelw taaan nas 4 gord mrcntchmn chariot tr holmes isabel ms sen ate bue fooutt team mo 5r mht holmes don ryder paul niatarn par casbum otterbe vs price team no j bi peg coon herb reed team no 4 lores jordan gamble- team nu 5 vic na krapew ruth kav hansen team no 6 dubois ron moore team no 7 mae wilds gwen kirkness team no 8 fred wilds rene creamer b c d e tc ni v4 5ft 7s btp gcrni 69 lfj x 58 7 10 29 4-1- t i itth psi trick knv kirkness swift team v ii r oiirle helonotiorncm mir jessie itilcs itjiri s 2- turn jtauscn tler ui iui 1t knaplon svinon had une word wis received this week ihe acton limestone ouarrv iix f iiting at ihe lormer limehouse 78 juarrv site near aclolsvrll cost ocvutioniou the company 2 owns 2stl acres and has an op- tian on nn ailditiuiul 265 ucrut in the area i at a special council rneetiriy lasl week a tnlaw was passed to exclude ihe town from the provisions ol i he liihor relations act aciording lo terms of the hvliw the town fs exempted iiom hariiainui with the union pmposeil in the wutknien charles kellv hiiiwlie well- known nonijtenm ian elehratetl his 2nl biithdav tpiiellv on mon day lie iiul his wile doris own 1 ton ico and confectioners stoie on mill si patrick don- her v j morgan celebrated jtilhcrlan1 i j ol his oidi niliun into the priesthimiil on sun day iiul yis hoiioicil h his par ish diirinu nuirmn mas in the illeinihin niinv triends and rcl- itiis jltnded a reiepnon in ihe chin h hiseinem- i i ins loi a new nniidein church- anderson ll 11 ilie i hnslian retorm- son doris l liaw ihvii approved i onsiiik in on the huildinjt cvpe led lo ji1 undcrwiv rn van fleet price grace john krinck d-i- fiil swill rjcin jack ridley bea knapion anne ted tler sr jcin oonhlul bill ln mar m fleet daxid 9- v5 4 97 18 24 plivllls fjsie kirkness i icr wilon he jlex fo saff olpffwauj isjo fuinaci oil call john wcldon 8532580 schedule tuesday mght mtted rink lkewisc to hilplnv in the jump m n 1 erf jippw affair jack bullough t ll tni no john gas will date a un 12 15 mvii ail t 79 only jan jjr ut so 4 id in 98 i 12 4 k 2 1 212224 chm fm- m j body els sloped forward to take hsjnt btoanur goy trd tsler rrjk h ik n- v andy noksn mad brovne 202 wsrr u for cunnert conilniied wlmtasjrtfcctea wo bonnette shirley hume when ncvcoodi and hltpinjwl tm th m vt ihe tout line vernabk wiln jt t r h t louu obctte fefof rlefsen doris scovne ed high gear fai 7 whic krr in fxr riinn tiinnniira m- aihoirv iv inn lvs l it 1 1 hrsasise with the law midget en4 tvjljz nt enosigh puy aim h a th m feb 5 v5 12 2 8ld si iii m 4 7 s r es 2 tt2t 8 mm 2 111 24 robt r hamilton frad a hoffman optometrists iformerlv f p head phoni oujjjlpm ta 42071 srr oaaiga 5yr rhadatta tadma newt suigle fur the season lag verna ran up seven straight strikes be fore breaking oft john foley 6et and ivy mamhi mt hacked up the arhic rou hltpins it with the l solos rea whitham 221 maria funk 24 and gord wagner 202 raiders wee the big tumi oa the night nacasl bv martini oewrkh i7 to roach 24 and gerry fuavh hi ttay nkada it a triple win traea snow btrds ui wagners 215 solo wa snow birds beat hr askkjl ttw m i p team was entered without kninvlcdgv or my approval nogoods l raiders 4 clippers 47 snow my down tu this under the cansauuttan oibe t fcaan an kiwn mav enter a midget team wmhuut a loacniat entry and under the ruling hinihig dowa at tka vesidaafs dinner acton wjj ant h ajkaand a hvre any eva couper joyce kdao jim cas team no rowley bam team ho k d rnwhr bill sprskton pat mccutchcon shir ley anaatrung- aatcf past possibility of a 10 a iussmile entry net semester ac ltcorsllbg to he powers that be i partsfi dec t slua boanben went the target for a doable win with top cat being the victim the tint gaaae mm doa s pax sdeiclad tha luue fuadia bad ms to he noi but to miiwa- the ead the rope i near at hand far ountry hockey in acton ha ty- sorry to ac a town thai has been synonymous with hockty mr dear half a caaftjry kw the fdr rar half a ama kaagaaka aaa gaaaa data jan 7 ii rink a b c d e u m w 14 aia r 474 h10j s2 m m r 2 4t 15 m 4 l ml 4 101 jj5 r 2- 3t jan n frtk 4 tumday mm uaolal f taaia no i b hofmerj wuhaau h buerby j drysdale taaa mav i a itirawh d- i tfjjggilfjh j bunw e mark taavno sr a js bacaaaaa c choi a la i cutting taaaa ha 4 c ahadkry j in k 4 hllfaaalsamjlototv weekend spfcials side bacon push pork shoulders 51 1 wing steaks 89 tiafcy-tjbivhrv- lovell bros modern meat market 77 mm i amm mtaaa u3sm0 jack ridley cartage umnasl comcihtfl blocks comxttt emom riocks euv sand stonf uvustock anj wttlluli parm urvki aaal ssjfvtlaa dump trucks for him r ptlhv i kvdtuhif rggjo ready to wear suits on sale i ready to wear suits on sale 1 tip top hoberlins and otfier famous makers riousar 1 pr pants suit auwowotidi59 2 pr pantssuit 694 2 pr pants suityitcou and aerrati3998 topcoats fam makers all w 6950 topcoats reversible 2998 49t 5s9 2998 ji39jmu 1998 oncea year sale 75 tailored to measure suits at 60txtratroii8er8jreeliti clearance time at tip top tailors right how and for nn lftn an the btockfl lftut tho prlco of tailored-to- mftasuro clothes ia reduoedl by 20 wo btill have a fabulous collection of this soasohs fabrics t f and patterns all imported from europes finest mill 8 so come in soon and take your ohoioaj if your bank balance ifr still suffering frorna christmas hangover you can always charge it tip top taeobs m trtr

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