Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), January 3, 1963, p. 6

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vr av olitp 1h aton pf ftyt thufkuy jfroufy 3rd 1963 1ft 1962 brief review of year otprogress -tv- jfa rtvi bftrttowrl has ben chtmeu tito holloing l a formr hlh school cmr mra fat acton miss clara crind- hvnoh iba sutnf foqowinc tw crash ofan airmaa hi india this wek an atrial search i underway 10 loc- 1 1 ate the downed plane in the hope vjf ftndbia soma survivor therv war do aunrlvors pour week after ground was fcrakn for 4he new home or superior qjow works on j main si banter south equipment was inoved in and production began the business in owned jointly by wtlaji zajac and frank geng tw canvass for skmmo in the bahlriafad are has begun and mhdlng committee members arc hopeful or railing the money to ward building the ww com ankntty hall government grants tflhtti dorottort amount to bhjooo jim caaburn has been hired ax aetoaa first recrextfott director frttrri a list of 12 applkantt the ww man hklta from the toronto area and has had yean of exper lance in scatborough dr victor w fenn acton real- tfor the paat two yean haa appointed to the naff of toronto department of th aa medical planning oi stanley hall walton mpp far 19 yean died in milton dl trlctjrlotpltal on tuesday morn ng funeral service will be held lit st pauls church milton with several memben or the provin iuh tpftertiment participating 01 feditarary ftahbearen sevenyearold margaret slav lthwmgm honors to acton when ike woa the canadian champ- iotuitaap torsoonlih iianccrs un aer eight yean at the canadian national inhibition september trad speara and family of ighfglrli were delighted when word was received from guclnh general hospital uu new babv h was i mnrspcanrtir mcmoriathalt the former margaret anderson three mi n bruce andrews formcy high sohool undent left tuesday for seton hl unlvcnitv or south hlge new jersey bruce who fled fame in the area fur klng- track records and ran under the colon of the guclph legion track club will don the colors of seton hall baqttealltg sckool board was pwttloned by ttur jroic fathers luklng for bus service fur a total m jo children board members xpreawd tkelr sympathy to thi oelegatei but failed tu find u l ution to the problem just one year before its gulden nnlverary acton fall fair racked up its greatest attend jnce in many vears when aver ifuo entered the gales fur thi two day fair with fatilities ul thi mh of hce overcrowded town council hav their eyes on the old post iotrlec6uhdtrjg ttwairy evening tfembcn discussed the crowded afflce space and agreed tu hid on the purchiueof the- federal building when it is suiatnl lur the new post orfiic un bowir a daring dallght rtitcf nwttr hls getaway with an csttmntiri 11400 in uh and btuirrr bumls when he raniatkcd thctvuim ul miss millie ruvvles main st rev jrllc nulma und hit wife were among me st iku cana dlans receiving ttulr ittmnship papers from judge w m cor t the miltun iuunhousi this water gushed lufo the new resx ervoln on churchill road north as valves were turned in the control flotlon the tanks will be tested for leaks and sterilized be fore wter is turned through the town system council is con slderlng installation of two pres sure relief valves to prevent pos sible breakage or older water lines in town production began monday at me new two and a half million dollar acton limestone ouarry frederick tc gardiner rormer metro- chairman is president or she new company molors began 10 hum and brine started 10 flow through eight miles- or plastic nine at the arena this week when recreation director jim cashurn turned thfc motors on in the control room providing i he weather slavs cold ice sholild be available before the end or themonth thleruthc first year acton has had ice so early a 121000 ballinafad commu nlty hall has been assured and contractor william hall has been asked to proceed with work an the building a public auction of used articles donations grants and money from a canvass have clinched the project a new 2 400 square toot moni luring statlonr underway on a portion or the fred mdltor jarm north of acton the- building is being creeled bv the deportment or tramiporl and replaces one already in use at bruntford november a t000 offer of purchase by ihc town of aclun for jpproxi malely 50 aires of land adjoin 1 rivlfciiii i t 11 t 7 ing bv hie wool combing corpora- lion of cwiln t acq land will he used for icmctery inpansion the si john ambulance brl gade here in alton is the flnt in canada to rcnlvc a ihartir for combined boys and girls u dit division charter night wis hikl trldav ivcning in linlun acton flrefighleis entiv in- tin aoflball league iapiunl ihi championship in mjl 1 suiting gam of soflbojl suculu at ihi park a largi crowd was uiiliuiur as fircrightrrs drtiaud the youthful iga tiam in a last king rnllv october thr tjiflrfttcr lul uhkh oitim lormeu ftli manth aj sa tin- llv rrd up bv a huyx viuv ftjul d nip pil rvuk into poitioi m ikr ataihtu pluuu ou hatiul k wilnft itw prukl wii mwri ad uicr chairman j hvi t jirlvi ha hiin kalilm u i comrilhn ttf uu ltd auiuiu- pair work even up to tin um nunutc ihc than man miutiiuit ml haw luur lvn vtxtu on itu uxwn4fnh xku pamttl th lul umu kntcrru into pun fell vn dvai cjix hin narniulv tnltd itrlain tkilh uhtn iht htlii-op- icr ihtv wtrt lidintf in trahid in a fltld wlsi ot atton during a blinding snowstovm tlu hel copier was a cutnplul wrxxk but iht men lsaptd with minor brulscx fir or unknown origin endan gcrcd the downtown bunlneo section monday and gutud the interior or frunkwjuh s shot nlorc a semi invalid mm peter matfhrand a tenant in thl un- ktairh apaitminl ontapotl tc imds be fort the front plate glat window btw tu thcfiintjigiitx skating classes in the community centre to undcrwav tast thursday when 5 skaters imk to the in andrew drrnlep is teaehing the voting ligure katers on saturday pu lie skating brought 0 paid ml mihsions rabid loxes and skunks arc making thtir appearance again in the aton ata dr frank oaket report td thts week tlou at the fam honu f ciuikki johnston was attacked h rabid fo at a home in csquestng a rabid kkunkattaiktd a hore two hundred and four pigs perished in a tn ot unknown or igih e ul ednesdvianorntng at the farm ot hi til lethovkhi rr y i iremen were hamnenxl in their work b t turlagt of wa tet when lhi armed on the muh tlu entire barn w rs a mrtss of llanus heni- i nust bitkin r r cioorge hiwn um killed institttlv then hin vat w is imolvcil tu tn ivcldeltt with oik dnmv b io- mph wagtui ol gestrgitown mr batkiu has vued asrfvutirs o evqui sing v hool bii j ot the p tt si v nv donng tlu vmtkend thui hiviki mtn shsiels cent 0 vlukt ttul tans tvked diskv and otnaheil witulovw in tarvh ol iiutm december dull mi fivn hit inim aitun i i n thi nai ih ih al itj ituii i miki w kindi m ihi inl l ih vouis iiiud ihi pi ik during tfir ntttnhljsrtl ekimw humikm wis slow ihi enf part il ihi dai loi ihi pullinti tlitki nil lowaiit i lining it piikeil urt limchinixc cinlril sihl l liiatvvrrhttrn i i t irvn islim liuniii piihhi sihoot specter r f bornholdcui the traditional ribbon during a farter ceremony also on hand to ad dress the large crowd jammed into classrooms and lining the jhall was guest speaker r f field trom the department of education during a congegallodalr meet ing at knox presbyterian church last thursday approval was giv en by a majority vote for the construction or a new 140000 christian education bullimng ad joining the present churchy word has been received trom the department or highways that the second line trom acton to osprinnc will be paved and dev ignated as u public highway esquming school board mem bcrs accepted ihc tender amount ing to iiha97 from aedllc con slruclion co fdr the construe i ion of the new pincview school above hombv when the new school is completed the foltasv ing schools will close their dcjlrs hornby llgny pinegrove and qualre bras monday was the husiist day etennial headache date at tlfc rx office n rnnt a additional helpers were brought is plant dlsedsg in lo help sort chnstmas mail over 22 000 inrds were sorted bv the staff in the one dav rtv jclle nu i ma laid tin lor norsionc for tlie christian re formed church addition shur duv afternoon in dedicating the cornerstone he named the chunh bethel christian re form id church several important items were deposited by church mem bers in a steel box- to be inserted in- ihe lornerstone alton chamber of commircc rewrhwl a w 1 heqnc to mr jnd mrs gordon thompson uingfuld road u kav besl diebratecniioinc lor chnst mas c 3p- sum rtnlii wtsa fay omu seems to belhs eniwer to the jook on fjve yeroldnsncy gardiner ace at sho posed with rorjer hqq duri the m 2 bennett ichool crnstma concert rsiincy took part with the kindergarten group while rorjer was in a sktl prcsentecj hy grade six lwamfi ir i fciivmsarw- muh j mi4tuk c- j i ihlrt jj v annual carol service concert church beautifully decorated ebenexer choir held their an- 1 was put on bv the children of otial tandlellght tarol service on j ebcnerer sunday school on frl sunday evening the i6lh the lsuv december 21 and the church ehurehwwwettfll f lhl filled furthlsoccmiop rev service and was beautifully decor j lladeoek wan ihe amiable chalrc uled for the vuklltle by the mem man bers of the choir i the tersln wus iiiierspevsed ihruughoul with bihlu readings i by members ot the ypu the choir rendind iiurul an hems and led ihe enrol singiiig under ihe leadership of j f kit chlng mr ktlihing also sang ihi beuuliful solo jimi barphinii ttev hadcik k pronouiueil ihe benediction and ltd in pi iner a generous nlirlng colhition nlll ud tin ilioir in thin mtisii fund this u is ilso ulnti iiift sunil i at iluiuii ind a inv gnu mils iiinli ihutiuii nf uilts na- nilk 1 1 ed for ii gills ulifxit to whiih thev art sini ajinualli 8 concert the annual christinas lotmil thi iisiuip sills reeilatluns solus and nirol singing bv the diffiient ilassis proveirenlerlaln ing lor old mil voung and or iiiursi santa paid nis mil at the lonilnsion llfppy nw year tfus lorrisponilent wiihestha stall ol the lice press and all widi rs i ni prosperous and llippv nui yi u ut john wttdon intkotjuci you to that wondffttth worid of kso warmth call isv15m moffat many gifts candy distributed during annual supper meet one or the perennial headaches in raiding wedling tn rihan d aeitj of greenhouses is the disease damping off each year oer 100 attended the annu tl christinas with lur hnrthir more growers turn to uil- pra t eunmigatiohal and sund iv sehiml sisiir i i iw mr oul m tiee ol treating the soil and i mippei in nassap iwi i ehureh lurt kingsbury tden mills flats with steam or ehemieuls stnth oil when soil is treated neparale w the flats are moistened and then dipped in a solution of com tncrcial formalin one gallon in 2s gallons of w iter when visitors enter tlu aic where the mats h iwt been set oiidi fn air ltil tu imtation of their eyes and noses vil be the ftrst indie ution t hutpro paralions are undcrwav for ihtr coining of spring hints for sewing doubleknits given brtocalhbmetconomist doublekntt wool or cotton dresses arid suits have been so popular in ready towcar gar mcnis that home sewers ih comet the appearance of these fabrics in the yard goods stores however many sewers arc ask ing what are doubleknits like to new on fortunately these materials do not present many problem reports uie home economist at the ontario depart menr of ag i t hmv impciiljnl om xl ir ti uess tht depends un sour ptmit i in illy double knit milcriik can be pressed but the home ei onomim warns th it you pros thun only in the lengthwise dn eetion the ukttal bountiful supper was hcnul tollowexl bv a progum i the sunday sclnmil pupils a gilt ij candy and uiangls wls pie sented to nil the children ccit service owing lo the sturmv night ihetc were not t tnan out to thtcgit candlelight service in mr and mrs st inlev ftobtnsun wcic christmas tsi rofs with mr and mrs wiluui w ttkins slul bumc on sick list janus simpson was sunken with a heart altuk on his v iv home from work rtccnilv and i confined to thi hosptial mi spitd reeoxerv the friends ol dune in cliik rt sorrv to he ir he is m tin hosptiil and hope ik id iv sikiii ih well again offer congratulations conti flu ilion to john ttvlu rt sun on bciiil e kited ret v h ucl mi i ion tn n i nit iwe v lowiivlup tot t h yt briefs nassataweva hesbyierlan ehuiih muuls and llelghbuis wish him uv xxpected t4u girls uid then leaders mrs don mcmillan and miss jnn ijnt ion put a lot of work into it and ill did heir puis ulit tlu church w is be uitilullv decol iled with l uulks itul christm is trcis with blue lights miss shirk dredgi was gutst spi ikei kc ii c m ii r i fot mm istci of nassiliwii pushviii i in thniih lu id a c hi is tm is i st i vice in st itivids chuuh 1m both eiaigieitioiis holiday visitors w s cam ill iii hi iiuluti man lloh t ind mr ctioi il kiiil ot istillirncv minituhi sptnt i cou pit of dtvs wtlli tlu tornui s jsisicr wild r husband mi and mis d i ul llcndtisun icttntlv duiu incirnphl jtomjihi rl january c lea ra rice sale ladies and childrens wear edna may ia0iis and chllokns vvcar 41 mill st oppmlt vmca acton on 3 i o now were ill into tht new ytar and nrobiblv not with s1lis ii iiiii u i 1 1 1 1 s l out some cckhnting or 5 fjiilph spent hk ho lhustmas holulns it their honu mrs lthcl c imphell sptnt kind makes one wondt pphce crackdown seek faulfy cars nuith llallou opp this week lauiulud 1 trtekdown un okkr tits thil in not roulworlhv am v chit k s found not road worthv will ih akenoff ftv mid si c wilkinson warned c irs ind trucks will be tht iked fut inv stihtos intuiinil il dcfttls th it might t uist attukiits choose a fairly simple pattern the type recommended for wool jersey or lightweight wool col lars ai l should benstcr facet with prcshr muslin or a light woven inltryacitig ah turvesd or bias edgts should be stavfctiuhed before the seam is sewn in order lo prevent stretch ing when it comes to the attuil ijuwing use mercermd thsa0 and 12 to 15 stittherto the inch with the machine tension set at medium as the m itertal iv being sutchrd ir should b stretched lightly on authontv even suggests using a zig ng mi chine stitch a tailors htm th 11 is a flat catch stitched hem is less bulky than the ust of seam binding ot uw toi sonu it wotilil bt 1 kk tiuu he or sh 1 t vt n vtvr oltlt 1 lor in ii dl mini ils toi 1 child i import ml mini nit it i might lu 1 tit us it s 1 m v htstoi 1 in it s 1 thropolilist 11 lit utt so it s ll still taknd 11 iippk i u ills l iuw m ol ill ol tot ilu 1 th 11 lot sic1i its allitt i lllimhtl ot mulmcslti eultned inholl miiik t kunv 01 tlu hills 111 tlu ut t si w v it dav n inventory time alil d i is utilic i ul tn u takt tt tku thi 11 stin is tuts tnd itstorchtnit tiorm il ont i un tlu tow n 111 1 in in bv thr hitust holds ir lsi mondis 11 nul count tl wih ih it tlu in iiigiii b it ik iu lakes il 111 dti t cinilt ironi j ihnns always bo at your bst at homi at a paity ok just visnino always map yur tlathas at thatr sparlillitg bast with our mattafn finismnf mfvkaa custom cleaners law day sarvia tacapt satuniay la by it ajn out by 5 pjn cash and cahy main st m fhoniullim take inventory now for all your office needs in the new year i outfit y9ur oi ce w th new supplies from dills stat onpry you u f nci cvervth ng you it need to make your off ce more effrt ejit ciur ng the com ng year here- are uit a fev of tl c ftviy qfi ce suppl es you w h f nd at d mi stat onefy who says this isnt a leap year harvey laverty heating numumo and lavutiouahamo hpalts to mx makes of futnack custom shect metal woftk oh and gas tutnacs installations convsion mmneftt saltsan0 snivkc mainstmstn ftocxwooo t mmm ksmm4 mcmhood january lrtaitttlsrct sale u r christmas decorations christmas cards christmas lights odd dolls toys hhntons 5cto 100 store comuoatfo storage iies nuno khdiiis littk jl indimo casesseveral sizes ledoer sheets sectional ost bindcrs oxford pendafux hanoino folders oxford hndaflex drawer frames fakfold continuous formsa style to min your reouirements oft a quote on your neeosi counter chick rooks stadi styla a primasl adding machines a si far avsry purpaaa at prices to sult any budget ia m vhc ymk in i il still ijls up l mil ih l hs lour but in my biok ujpyir i in u iilin ihi si a yur wilh j n ii ip orvfcjrd lomorm 1 f tkx itlirrv n i hrunjnc i ir jnil ihrri iiusumi ki it r klollu in ihi w i in replace that in nlr sits null llihin minil iiii i il il i whk lim it lisilmn htliwi c dniliil ii kip ihili sj r ilu imj itu llolm i jmiik i iiiikc iijii m huv mi mir scsfc yir priscnli lo ur s is i s i tn nn nlhlv pj lunli jri will within hjr hudtrt mil i un i in i ak ur ruticr terms all mir irnlit ivcsils tillnl snlyli i nikr th it nnc luiutljlol nf finif 4naw and racanaliflaiiaal typewriters standard offica madals and smithcorona portables fiiino cartnns office furniture lastk amd metal waste rkettaclh typewriter rwbons tyhwriter erasers steno note rooks- lhi sew inanki g1d yur li tin ii il i ii i t ith thi i m i ml u1 inj on uh inc i innsc rian i7 i tyf1no rahr poster board rapncm pencr sharpeners r i irrl mirr mind tnttt imu l i i ii oiu new i fr i i ii ir it ij iirflnf iff fltr unit iurt k h i n t uff jtfur nr 11 rnuh i iht hi i t ii lllllr 1 w flik tll hr iuj o 4 il- ii hi miurrd h i t ld r finn i m ltill ulj aiiiiri m i r jill i ik ismj ballpoint and inkstkk pens pencils rulers erasers maotc markers various colors rubber stamps mam to order stamp pads and stamp pad inav dills stationery bank of montreal j r j a s hi ml i i r ii rmilurnaivceplan lowl m miu st phoni sfmoso 10wx0st llt insumio loanft acta branch william matkav miaaar woatiuo vwth cammumt at tvftr wu or un mact lufn

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