Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), January 10, 1963, p. 2

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back in 1913 i iwh of the ivte viae of ihonilu jest la his ta rlbk if i ndw falling kta ice la titan i few loo wood and turnip ire mmt eonung n freely with good tlh moating of acton lo l no 47 in their- lodge room on saturday evening the following catwer were intialled w m r scott d u e cook chaplain f kennedy bee sec s t smith fin lectjot h smith d of c w mail wler w will t hurd lecture c moore w d smith leo g mall w k cortvw walker the annual tea meeting of the fttoutodltt sundifv school al hal- w lu h h 34 front back in 1943 taken from the issue of he free press of tlameky jas 14 141 down hi the acton red crass rooms there are a lot of sup plies intended lo help lpe rue- iuuu and provide comfort for ihelr wounded the material are cut and ready lo be made up but the ruuuuu will never gel inert unless they are finished by the women of the district thee sup plies for fcutslant are for those who have lost their home vie- tlmof bombing and dlher hor ror of war thi 1 art peal fdrtnore red croi the annual venison aciarv ranicor v legion held but night al ml loo hall had visitor not only acton b the il lrv a blluard l howling about the house thai man with the piece of ehaik in each hand ha fuel i m me that the lassubbfsv- srlbvledidntw to my amtb bid already given use tha message j rgonl ap- worlujr inner u thee ar the gray day of deep midwinter whenone i sorely tempted to get drunk or tax off for tomll aolo or jutl wander off and lie down qulelly in a snowbank only one thing that v my sanity each winter thai i the cerlatnty that their are veral month of eve l eyeo ing of controversial conversation ahead rut it i in the other u month the winter that we real ly v into our own convene- 1 liottally during the long black night ltle fit on almost any conversation in our land and you will marvel at the mtrketie of intellect the miblletle of espres- ioa the rapierlike parry and thrust of our communication a foreigner it baffled and charmed by the sparkling quall- ly of our colloquy a canadian midwinter cunvertallott would make socrates ulk plato pout al the bridge table card are forgotten when the convers lion begins to bubble like vlnt age champagne in t p beer i left untouched on the table a very enjoyable evening uu around member of all the arm gentry lite -audience- thai at- ed force home on leave muni- tettded the concert given by the clpal official and many friend steuffercoulmbaln icolluh con- a well a gueslt guest beaker cert co under the auaplces of the wa rev rhckertgjii of nasta- of scotland lai thursday gaweya theiatotlurtcnt commit evenlng hotel accommodation in acton hat been anything but good under local option in acton the tro- veiling public ha had to lake pot luck the mayor of berlin now kit chener in hi inaugural addrc urged the people to prepare for a city of 50000 people owing to the illness of miss robertson there have been no school sessions in her department gaweya lee got rvery winter i feal lorry for people ui huh ironical cotuv trie what in the world can they find to t4 about how bored they mtiat become with nothing to mull over but love tm vmkhkg smmm it may be became of tfseviceelub rule about calling mowmembers by their given namei or nickname under penalty of a llpht- twf by smsm ysyw tha equally modem habit of slovenly enun ciation surnamei are frequently unuiual enrj sometimes difficult to pronounce dearly orhmay be because 6 f while flrrneme are noh the iruroducer- may be uniure of hit pronunciation and n inclined to duguiie the fact by saying tome- thing like betty mumble this it harold mu mble and betty and harold are immediately known that way to each other for jhe rest of the evening if frlendthlp ripens from the introduction or a romance develops it it lo be presumed that the surnames are eventual ly yevealed issuers of marriage licences n inclined to be sticklers for formality matters were different in the nineteenth century jane austens mr bennet was to ad dressed even by his wife the father of a family was entitled to respect and received a token of it in the formal mode of address nowadays he it fortunate if heroceivei th respect without the token fitter informality of modern manners but the use af surnamei in ordinary ufa ii noticeably on tha decline perfect ttrangeni after their in troduction to each otharwlll immediately gat on a firstname batit the interviewer on a television program will call the celebrity he has mat for tha first time by hit given name and expect a reciprocal mark of intimacy there are some exceptions to the rule one cannot imagine tha brashest interviewer calling sir winston churchill winnie to his face although good old winnie wai fre quently cheered in that ityle when he was the inspiration of the world during the last war and it is doubtful whether anyone has aver dared to eddrett or schweitier at al one explanation of he modern custom is this week the cost of living has been go ing up in recent vcars and now we have the coffin combine to raise the cost of dying yesterday afternoon mr e mc- kmnon wa delivering a load of cordwood on mill street and- when the load was about half o hi t became f and ran down the street at a ter rific pace at the vacant site for the new post office they strad dled the hydroelectric light pole which effecilvely stoppejl iheir career the tongue doubletree and front hob were badly smash ed and the harness somewhat turn but the horses escaped in jury fortunately for the lighting fixtures manager haviland had rvmosod the lamp and shade a few minutes before to make some adjustments and they suf fered no damage the many triends here of rev ami mrs orlando jolliffc will sym palhuc with them in their re cent sad bereavement in the loss of their little son whowos shot fee got k-deerilne- jmi on i back from president george mus- telle the inaugural meeting 6t ac- lorlpubllctjlllltlei- commission wa held- upon motion of j m mcdonald and j r macarthur c m hansen wa appointed chairman al a special meeting of acton schoul board the estimates for the year were considered in creased salaries ami o tosts mil nothing to null over but love zfcb ro nn what you may ask it the es sence that nuke canadian con verse mi rkh and heady in the winter let listen in and find out well drop in on e typical januarysparty in mn aven gel that real hot heat suftti- ulloutfy if yah buicha gotta have a good fun or she doesnt kick 111 heat around say tha de mure little woman acroaa from him we like the hoker our selves george usta puff tome- thing legi wh he ha4 ta shovel bat now tie dtuaett even lutfta go dawn only every epu- pla day so it give m more tlrona help irlo dishetnilfbt ing gaily at the haplsgeorg sayu lik contri made it necessary for a slight in crease in the levy ovcrjast year the requisition from the rrfunlcl ttnl treosurer was for 14 200 which is 209 more than required usl ear it takes the younger folks to make discdvertes just when it was thought the pond property no wonder theyre to emo tionally triggerhappy so prone to revolutions jutl lo break the monoldhy we canadian betides being the healthiest happiest richest and beat looking people in the world are surely alto tha most eloquent conversationalists in ex istence we are never so destj lut of conversa gambits that we have to fairback on such hackneyed thenies as art the soul love or mans inhumanity to man never erage eststc- notnr wberearr gathered bealily and tlilvulrv fair women and brave men typical canadian fn short hark to this young matron her simple dignity and warmth of countenance scarcely marred by the purple eyelids and slight double chin we like the oil cur y dont mafia fool with it just set er and she stays the wuv want er a course the other young gallant leaning across but ill lake wood sa little mote work but shes quick an the hot an- ya never hgfia worry ahoat strike ctut th far mers never go on strike trium- pl anit so it goes of course i that t onlv a rough sample of what mukrs our midwinter conversation so fascinating- mere words coulj never convoy the intensity of emotion the nuaneet of meaning that emerge in these clashes of wit but voti neednt talk to me about the brilliant dltcnursea in mlnil- i 1urnttnp the salons ui wihceniury france not of the sparkling ex- runs over ond turns it down says i ii ruin us giggling for six months of the year we discourse brilliantly on fishing the boat bablei the cottage gardening the car the i1m y t mr a ma itad ltinwtlwvd i me been drained and was finished as pears at often in our dialogue a water storage place ice was at dlely does in that of lest cleared of sufficient size to en- favored races able skating and some shinnv and fifty vouagtiers-were-enioy- aattmabbbwiaabsaabntsobassr speak with courtly grace the gentleman on her left ah vou can have thai oil stoo expensive gimme the good ole hard coal with a man that know howta telr me changes among the don of 0 ford just give me any group cat redhlooded furnace minded- ca nadians in midwinter and iii settle back happily waiting for the opportunity to thrill them with the story of how i almost put in a sawdust burner onewin- agajgal ing it on sattnday afternoon major allan j and mrs bu chanan spent a weeks leave at their home in acton at present major buchanan is the officer in charoe of the dental clinic at no i manning depot rcaf to ronto while several acton factories are working on materials needed for the war not oneotthe or- ticlcs producectls used for dev tructivenurposes of war directly materials for apparel hospital supplies and machines and equip- by chinese robbers mr jolliffev ntenr used in making guns and tflltfvt airf net mtpssh without announcing it as formal policy the federal government included in its june eusterlly program a cutback m the civil serv- ice payroll no dismissal of staff was in volved simply a reduction of new hinngs evidence of tha effectiveness of the proce dure it found in these figures ust released by the dominion bureau of statistics from july to auguttfke total of departmental em ployees declined by 4 630 to 206439 and payrolls dropped by s8s6 000 to 73 340 000 when employees of crown corpora tions and agenoe were counted in total this mi tint the announcement by john root m p p wallmgton sooth that highway 25 will be extended from it present terminl at no 7 highway in acton to highway 24 at os tinge will tie welcomed in mny quarters e advantage to acton wiu be self evident t the least of which it me increased ac number of government employees went from 356480 in- july to 351013 in august nd total payroll from 134643000 to 133- 594 000 a cut of 1409 000 in the government august payroll may teem trifling but the cumulative monthtomonth saving will not be insignificant and if the check rem is main tained on normal staff turnover the saving wdl grow month by month to the taxpayers the figures will be proof that whilo economy in government may be rare it is not impos sible c j h highway could run parallel to the c n b rightofway and make a unction with high way 25 at main slree north an underpass under the c n r on mam street at the unc lion would improve the safety aspects of this dangerous cross ng who is a missionary in china wasa fornvcr resident of rock- uood several have la grippe considerable exiltcrmnt pre vailed in ospnnge on electiun dav the rcescship uas contestid bv wm sutton and a mckinnon mr mckinnon winning bv a small majority mr barbour was reelected deputy recsc while messrs jcssop and bouick were reelected to council with mr bin nie the new councilman eguyiunillon are among the pro- bcssupplod ruratjfnail deliveries were held up with snow blocked roads sv end days the past week vital statistics for 1942 show registrations of 33 births 26 mar riages and 22 deaths for the past 12 years the free press has always had columns of hockey this sear is the first in terruption no local hockey a popular query how is sour fuel supplv lasting iiauhouu visits make holidays gay mark ukrainian christmas essibittfy to a completely new-are- of on urlo with the introduction of menew hgh- way we feel she province would be well advised to widen the present highway 2s from church street south to the town limits at the tametufta the highway department is widening m road it would be an op portune time to install sidewalks in this area we would thmk with the proposed changes cm highway 7 at the eastern ci- peoachavto town t would be good time to plan far the relocation of the luncfayi of the two highway away from the busy mem- mill shoot corner a possible solution mjht be the fojoutmgof highway 7 through ac- on tf an overpast wet bsolt over the c n r tracks at astern avenue a by widening featatn avenua and a porton qt eo a in this issue considerable space has been devoted tb the iubkt or conflict of interest involving jhe 1963 council while we do not wish to mn mi7e w0 seriousness of the charge we do feel that enough hat been ud this sveek we are carrying the text of the charges made a councillor s statement nd twel letters to the editor on the subect it it our opinion that all the pros and cont of the subject have been covered quite adequately however it charges are laid in court any subsequent proceedings will be covered as new stones it would appear to ut that the tubrct it closed unlett some taxpayer prepared to lay charge in a court ot law to have the matter decided it it alto evident council members are not going to do this we ere riot going to do it it it up to otijent them selves o either do it themselves or forget it visitors mrs s smith mr and mrs lrs hutchinsun and jimmic of weston with the pattersons on new years mr and mrs wilfred greenlee mr and mrs bill elliott cathv and mark mr and mrs jack wood one jon all of campbell villi with the bmions on new years mt andmrsalas anderson of rr i campbclhllle with mr und mrs glen scott on christ mas mrs baliivl and the agnew s ot wikxlbridge with the john ivnn s on new year s the james bloor of malmn with the ted browns for new years mr and mrs ftc brown en u ruined lhoir family for mew years on sunday masters raymond and tom toggerty of markham holidayed with mr and mr hill tkratsuaa oirtataaa vsnh mr and mrs s woloahm to iclebrale the ukrainian christ nur tut weekend wrsawmcansi mr and mrs- eldin askin and kenneth were with his parents at hornby for christmas and with her sister and husband mr and mrs h eagles georgetown for new years mr and mrs a w benton at tended the luneral of her aunt the late mrs thomas taylor in guelph on wednesday mr james turner 4th line was itremo suruivbrtiuk hospital ambulance on wednesday eve ning we hope fur his return lo health mrs r short ill who has been ill or some lime was well cmiugh to resume teaching again after new years ntesv aeesssbee res n young conducted com rmmion servtceon sunday when mr and mrs george herrington mr fred gisbv and misses patterson and linda llnham be came nrw members rudds now in india circle sends parcel the january meeting of the marion rudd mission circle was held in acton baptist church last thursday evening the meet ing wa opened with the singing of the hymn break thou the bread of ulfc and prayer uy mrs j chapman the minutes of the last meet ing were read by mrs g wagner and discussion followed about the white cross work mrs g ralston e leader said that the children would be starting to make gauxe squares which will be used for wbitc cross work this will be help ful and gvc the children an in terest in mission work letters from india letters from mr and mrs j rudd were read about their am sal in india and were sery much enjocd plans were made to send enuiher parcel to ibej rudds this lime including tins of strained meat and baby foods for barbara jo mr l lllsley read the scrip ture the 12th chapter of ro mans prayers were then given by mrs h frailer and mrs u mccutcheon mr gammon then gave an in teresting talk on our reason able service most appropriate fur the beginning of a new war he closed the meeting with prayer mrs g harrap was hostess for the evening helped by mrs j chapman and mrs h frruler pfllonatrdlrctof and travellers guide medical hfltfnul hatsctoau indians education mrc andywaiagrwskl and famdv conccm of i o dt and mm idrtll of teuton man- jt totva mr and mrs paul wala- growski mr and mrs john woio- shvn and mrand mrs pus ley and and sharon all of toronto mr and mrs waller zdrill of cooks- vtlfa mr h wier of mesm ml tire acton free press r cuaiaxsss use ceju aan ine uaiamchtueeee mi of hat cwjul advertising rasas oa request ripti g as achraacav te9 la canada tilt gland and attar crsnnicastceilx ccaiatries sjji ma rvjuaded la igts aad of cajxutetioaa the cwjjl4 aad te dmaion of law cwjul ssllmvrinll in englan in the united sutaa and utaer foreign csmtris ttngkt c tc aattahaad as second cttti office departntemt ottawa hat eaje aeaser new asihgilmt in aeton o a dill euitcesicrchkf david b dilla jmacuujlrtg editor tusiniss and tpttotlal ofuci phone ssqq mr and mrs- ron mcouaid and hlltc son ot kitchener and other friend with mr and mrs al ingii on new yean were hi rpother of acton and memb of mrs al ingua- family eringing the houee- jm to for tlafday mr and mrs j jackie and mr crichtoa aad mrs glen scott joe and stephen with mr glen wll- oa hosa ssrilh mr and mr jas rots of andmn thoa haaart glen wll- for new yean mr 7t- goelph on christmas mr and hrsron thompann and ceilflrr j line svlm rela- rtvaata tnroato eastrict for the duke of desiinshirr chapter iool held lhcirrrsjular meet ing al the home of mrs h r force ntursdas me regent mrv ylowai pnatding in reference lo the centennial fund being set up tis the iqdf to provide 4 uni versity chair hot a canadian in dian the members ah donat ing flllv cents per veer until 147 it hat been suggested thai the order approach rnr government to have something done before that lime lo help relieve the utu- aisoa mm mainprur mrs heller add mrs mcgcacjuc were- appointed a the nommaiiag committee a mm wa shown at the claae of the meeting enrltied deem north showing the dev ts taking place to th uacjututejuv- er district the ojculuea over come new rcavdetom wild beauty of the area toe new tcrwns being buili around the industry and the changing tue of the c it secint that onlv a few weeks ago i was sayiruj it is good to be back again and so i say again there is a lotji catch up on so without further delay i will get to details x on thursday decinibcr 20 we held a christmas bance from 9- 12 with utile caesar and the consuls playing with 4 good crowd out the students council made a good profit then on fri day afternoon deceeihcr 21 there was an assembly with the siu- di nt council president bonnie macdougall as mc a gkid ilrni was enjoyed bv all and gifts prt cntrd to mr hansen vu svsan mr mckinnon mr spiclvueel m anderson messrs tlersr and jr over the christmas holiday the school hockey tram started practice and from what mr coats the coach and manager said we have a rerv good team this war their first game will db w g c kennley physician and surgeon office in symon block 4a mill st e acton office phone i3j2iu realdence 113 churca si- e phesn i5ji6m dr 0 a garrett physician and surgeon corner of willow and river st entrance river st acton oct phone lywmi d8 robert d ftuckner physician and surgeon 39 wellington si acton oat phone i5ji240 dr t moose phyilclan and surgeon 2 main street nona corner main and mill street acton ontario phone office am2110 res isj011j ouftal ba h iew daatal surgeon office corner mill and pissderick stroeu offlo hour sty apoomtmant esmalo phone hj4im night or sfajr bruce it shoemaker mgr otttcat amp isatavmmo ajjgj i biwhnh oo optometrist loatact l hearing aide john st s acton in acton wednesday only 100 pan fj0 pan for appointment phono tuiml if no answer phone waterloo 74iggt ntkvwlmfqilgnj oaav coach iines stancuisl tims eatrbound g j am dally except and hoi i ultm iijli 2c4 pun 5jm pas ui idpm lojjg pa sue holt wetlbound iqjt ajn lis7 prrc pm lit pm 727 pjn tu p m only 112 pm 102 m sal 0 a j tuchamam daatal ssu office u mill street office hours t ajtv to aja closed wane partly artarnooa tlaphrsae iuith age c uathsmamo oc arrialer aad ouettor fteure rialkv office hours m sua u gm i bjbv isa saturdays by a omly canaolajg natiomai rauwavs staadard time batinound aj in ta toroaln day cent sat aad sua 7jj aja to toronto dauy eaojtm sua 742 pas- to taranlo daily escest lun i 01 p at to toroato stm only fjjs bjb lo tereano dairy board al oaor eejy- wmtbcaasd goi eas lo simlforsl esvily a cent sua gjlyma to aurstssrd daily eaceat sal aad sun un am to stratford dally eaoapt par further laiaematlna youriocal agaat nm4st be wednesday in gaorncla there win he a neskhbaji game for h boys this is also in georgetown also a game hers for the girls on tsssrsday in senunuyoffa for volleyball for bays grade u bent grade i 24j office uvijj ftan sssi74s a uaioa sta barritter sohcilar taagaey ptaauc omce itoate ta oswavaswaab aloemlgy pyufil the saarkung lights that de- carated tireeu aad hmne bate paisley t teahk almost all cusagoeeued aad the fiaas tamsfi streej have retorted to svinter nasi rlu greroe- too bad ihg ugfehl fp igg teeloyvt njy an a llttlr inajglw f w5out being gartthl paflr amjjlfjv oatario twies0 davio w myaaskj ccevae4taasry mutti vit wsssssiny j

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