Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), January 17, 1963, p. 2

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jra7 at tojday3 4 0 0 bdtin1943 taaon t the aw tha pro stvw wsaasrsxaaawagtll lgsfc w qm of the worst htrbetstt that has been vaparinikvu in years mmiad on fueadav nvunvinj and w atr a t tlw wet tjtie had backed the litw bcv in 1913 yaks fres isajeauf a ihe pre vuulmlaw sirtmtton f th ftulitti lit town lit rtwimflwt imtmmam rnmatrttdb w ft iih off h c j stmt b wat paeeestre alt u o eee the wnlatiw law fcuabcasad fatwam perks end and thanestrty ineuvureled ostnmiltne theao two boards ere we upholding the committaai and work- mans efforts to supply ice we do enjoy our curing and wa ara very happy to have my curling at all until last wtrrtar oxltng tsrotsgn shear dosa kad araas o inierett watt wi staeaaaary to e and main tain xry date t basieatry the arks utixil a jtrph w tatpontlbstlty of aahwnhaaj easd swtsactinq the park fecjctie 4te ww s owmmw kaa the re- watxatlilit of ar program not only mi 9h petto inst wwauenowt the town tsa start wwaa kvo araup hava mada a iitltttetn that batn reticle she importanca of state- isapait a ththi a wail at the de- pamtsnts avm ajack athar over a period of atwtwjaj w ba tj- of opinion be- twean the two bodav wa feel with clow ill mr i nfjanftlslf h tha two s and tsswf sragyiaaiaol w4 b faaad trsgssjy wmhtt o edve wa hevfpr the 9mr wtanid ba that they nvusr iltm ba loo quick ta ntsrh a bo- k only natural that cater aha csyuree el lime constrvictiva r wfll ba imaaenanoad batwwan tna two bodwt it is our hop mat tntw env wi always ba cont awd m acton was a norkistnt winter aetwity wa now hava curling availabla to a large aagmanl of tna population at a prica thay can afford o pay j until drihr dlsruftusl iraval by attv rtaans all trains hail to ba prrcwlad hy a miw nlow nd suae ware ciuflll all roatfc in the dulrltt wertr bktckad with snow and dilfts iotr in habjbt balnu commiui wlaruaa j u alcllonaltl aiul k wwtwm aiskvs auswn who wvrw t lending county council in uuton war raaroonvd until wadaaiwlav j it mcdonald iww ot ac- loo was alecled warden of u km county w the inaugural ttetlftj riltvls ktten and postcard- and atriraph letters luve been re ceived by ac ion and vicinity war service league since the last lot enumerated several waeks in the five rrcs a new baitlerrunt u shaping up in north africa a the allies poaavd axis positions ami the strongholds of bltertr and tunis byjwlsuewlhiut for the end of the rainy season- the- nl are sending a few raider at a time an hitandrun raids nl the souttrcoast of britain theyjirr directed mainly aaaiiul the civil ian fwpulatlon a pretty wedding uas solemn- lied under an arch of ever- greens white bells and streamers urklch made a lovely setting for the roarriage ceremony of mury isabel only daughter of mr and mr arthur swackhamer chur chill and dirk cults son of m- and mr c j von gooien ac ton a toast was prortosicd to the brideparenlon -iho- occasion- rof their 3fl wedding anni mrs dr auli as liihtittelliiu ny ers htw iwan lift iml a iwyn ttlscoitlliuktc i wetfks ami ulhers lis resaayaj tliev ihhi in l iwtjnms af rhaime ut aoftw 1h ttuigalialis reliimast itusav lu lake twil ul the war wtlh turks ilw iwtf mumi w inplhm foi mm gtiuil miff waihr thaiv u tuny acr of auud vuar iw u of u incites thick thev will uitihably kmummtnca harvvsilng lit a few day j ooelph is talkutg of running their slraelcar clem on u- rtttve caul 4ale the hydro uirortrio llnnvn are getting lasaps plurad on t lie cross mreata now thai we hava powar wlv boost aden for ad- tntlonal nuwufactorlat a ttostal card from mr jos h boyi front flunolulu hawaii says he is en route from new zealand on a business trip ilr wrote on new years bay nnd suld the vovage was drtljhil and he was enjoying- u few days in the llowullan capital uisf friday evening was a lime of much rojulclng in the ranks of englands mini in acton new of ficers were installed by the sons of england and the company sat down to u magnificently decorat ed labia and on appetizing menu the speeches were of u highly cl- evuteu character bro h har- wood the president toasted the kiag and sent a thrill of loyal ly through ihc veins of all mr j n taylor proposed the liuiiorto canada he ishowed that w ii iiiast in coast this wwk and as usual im belalotl hill ufa i anyway to sawaa jrfcuteq aastl r atsd mtttis at oirwaua amlkt 11uyv iiul lkl an lv ur his m aiintrlllgsm lata ai not going wail aa kcanv tsfrinii wing howtuif h ban shaf bhsaa armutd h widow i felis rhauirrrtm writing in an inttaaoaf void t thltik rtl haw to go down eajt ws mmtnw im going great rhcraxovaly cardi with oodaold nout mall- rax astesoalstg att advartiaa- taertt which raada why ypu htrvenh baari in germany yelh nan your rip nowl sha said it mod bar think of wa led asking that i forward it old friends mrs viola nl- ckaraon of massachusetts and mi nasi ftstta of lad i salal 1 i lit h vi thmm jwwmmnf s hafgty fwapb mat add rather o tl bw thay etaaldat do aaty fcattar i agra but i doot am any thing wrong with binafahap- py thayre its tnlerrstlng on front doa mocuklg in hen frew cbntm tha annual photo of tha famaty bach yaar tha great thcrstovaly cardi with utvaraa ratio abptiat hi wife saaguha rrasa cyody godautd and children gat brttar looking of hrlilaaayatar vi 8 nioa not wall n gats anikhat wsi mm jallaa s forhan of mall- coma photo b that of use hud- rcr a solution to thesa vocal curling on- thutiattt probt we can only ee two sol utions if any curlar wishes to take a very active part in the game and proceed into pro vincial and national bonspiels we suggest ihey would be wise to join a curling club whin ice and curling conditions n con ducive to this level of curlrtg excellence the second alternative of course is to build a separate building to house the curt- ing activities of course welike the second alternative and would be willuj to support lucfi a protect to the best of our abilities but we should ttot lose sight of the fact that the majority of the curlers are quite satisfied with the present arrangement also a pro- tact to build a curling rink could only be nrfwwtriy ntrws it wum he f to versarv at the aas4 veatry meeting of st albons congregatian mr george chapman retiring church wardercbecame hon rectors warden lad saturday morning there passed awav one of rockwoods oldest citbens mr john m dy er in his 91st vear bom to mr and mrs r r parker a son robert ross jr garbage collection tuesday was impossible due to the heavy storm the junior girl sewing class at the y will begin again satur day morrring and the bovs aero- minded club will also meet again twtokfcpoy td glris of in v w their second bombs on berlin for the e- cond night in succcession m the- mis ta tna greatest age worlds history and that canndi bv mean of her natural resourc- e climate and sturdy manhood is doing more than any other country rn the world to take ad vantage of the condition existing vocal and instrumental selec tions were rendered by brothers lililey barnes coles smith and mesars taylor raddle and forb es and gnimaphone soleclions- wrre given by a w bentun mr t statham has been tornewhat tcriouvly indisposed this week with an attack of rheumatism robert joyce and james reid have been named esquesing as- aessnr tte ficw rockwood station is mua wppreclaled by traveller thcthlhtiivg i the only weak feature this will be reme whoa power i installed i in good spnt aa mey are given a st aho tey theee tame com- rnact il alto receive criticism that is raacerwsructtve nor warranted we trust t r under shaae ofcumatances they will coat ie tyitti good grace and act as mey tf on ktotm that is even now being naaaad en the m corner but hat not been preeenaad so ester group appears tossem fotn a very tew curlers we make no apolo- eea tor she quality of the curing e nmer fkm k the vr nt tuggesn it wt set up a spe fund for aomettiei she snenry of matt oanwnunine start njmnq out all kinds of worthy to tititrtln oansres share the approachig n 1071 centenmar of canada hat started off on rhe same foot conv mtavtiea and orgrrnon across the country have been indulging n am kinds of dreams and fancies among them am finrararks dis plays on me ftockiea an aluminum cay in dian villages home for the aged pageant see canada travel bond and so on whenever an autpicjou occasion ratal everyone i thoughts turn so the financtag the idee eaem qutte general that the goiaiieae of canada plana to set up a 100000000 fund there are countless canadians end ca nadian common it hnng up with eagerly outstretched hand ohenng to rive the government of share of the fund the trouble is the government ha not ttetedtlh pohcy ivan the tlo0004j000 haa not yet had parliamentary approval eipect the whole community to financially support a building program it would be foolish to embark on a program whichwould eliminate from active participation in curling e large segment of the community who know they cannot afford to participate in such e budding program we think it would be wise to accept the fact we do not have championship facilities and continue to provide this excellent winter tctivtv for the largest number of partici pant communities with the patting of time and the absence of any clear policy on the centennial r building their hopes a little unrealitticalry four years to plan for en event that should be purposefully marked s not too long however necessary appro- v4 coordination of activities and the grata root planning are bound to occupy consid erable time we can only hope that- with the appoi mem of john fisher aa commissioner of the national centennial administration soma clear cut policies and plant may result in the meantime it would seem wiattnv commumtie so do their dreaming a very special practical se unless they are pre pared to foot the bill in any case it would team wise far the local council to find e spot m it el ready tight budget to establish a reserve looking ahead to the actual cete- oration such a ntaerve would be regarded a w planning come 10o at least by tha council tt that future year mom our trh ceorgetownpolice ore baffled by a chess game that car thieves have been playingwith several motorists cars crc reported stolen araf police recovered all but ona of them in the process the police turned up two other stolen vehicles in none of the cases did drivers leave the keys in the ignition streetsville residents of toronto township may be go ing to the polls next december to vote on whether or not to- include all canadian mrr 21 years of age in municipal voting deputy reeve c murray also want the township to ballot on sunday sport sunday movie for the township were approved in december waterdownfussibilitiet of an arena for watcrdown are be ing studied by members of the rotary club costs are to be invcsll gated and a committee has been named qakviixe the town will benefit trom recent contracts award ed lo the ontario department of highways for clearing and highway cimtrwtion contract totalling nearly jvyjouo for clearing rights- ofway will provide badly needed winter employment for manual la- borer milton book circulation weal up lip up at juiltuo public library duringm2 reader look out bookr for a 12 per cent 77m books increase tn 1 1 eat i slap over the previous year and the librarian signed up 51 new nmiihi rt institute reports sent out at ch acta wj swgfti boss ef tin cnerge hargrev wallace ase with mr c maples lira pteslittng the roll cab was asv swerad bv aahsjag your beat friend- mr w maddna the eo rrtary lep thatll gift par cel had been teat at carkvisnaa and atatty thank you bows were 31 parcels ristmas time a- euchres start again igtsr tables in play bhtnonthly esiihrrv spntv ihe womens institute the ir ka imavg rnyvsnuth- cngland whrrt tar had visited was t aa explawd the stay the do snapping me different from our way she described acton free press nun r t acsasy oaratia af c ska cwju drrmoe of tha cwju tan rissraaas as b pasjlaal astd ks at usetsd i tagt o taa aa fjtisie tjephieejst ottawa g a dilla editoiuvcbief bsam r dslls managing editor umtftivrtto t d i t ip f i cf noni ass 9 0 10 mas marrorit hall who trith mr w leah had attastdarl the area cu at the oajc gtsrvph gave a moat deuchtful re port on the t the them afgaa untw teas ayeild caatlaa as tb air them banded a piece of rd ophat- asaigavbat mrs j er talkwaa i j arudaraata mr w h to a guelph mat mm mtrnint h i the tab of b at old as anyone could u k1-f- plate in heed sirvlvmn htwis and mr james rerenring the the tsuettng cloaadrtrhh atiar hattm emsetjbbti tsas stsiereav the sored bv resumed on friday night after the bonders with etgat tablet in puv frtar wirmrrt were mr and mr lionel walsua si its doris fines and mr k matthesvs mr cart tturk spent a few dav sssth frtrmls in ohii mr wuiiata itkrt brcaaae fll last monday mum while driving ms trust inrosigh gall after e aminaliuo by a docuv br was taken lo the call hospital for tih- srrsation and trratment lie was released on wednesday and came home avuce hadxeat ar hospiul m moaday rning vhhh rrveaiecr torn ma sclrt in the shoulder mr tract suffered that painful injury wail nutting beach of wood ur the fare est est sasttuv evening de vrtet brotbars on thr sec ond line base soalvihrjr tana m ur and mr maaa of toroatp who takr pmsessiiei february 4 mr and mr s faaidwie and ohildrrh of amasatr v i led sat sunday with mr and mr d stewart atarry clarke jr and leg bialoea au a tyjapht of boy friends from tmlrriue left tact- day rrttnttatj on a six weeks aao- tor trip to ttasslro mr h strata flnhantoa af ac tea vttlted an ilea age with his brother aad slaattlttata d g afetran- sorry iv been in orrmany in thoa ttalcyon days they dulnt have to advertlte ah sort of tourists were drooping into the- country moil of thrrri by parachute they didnt spend a lot of money vet despite this flow they were warmly welcom ed by the natives i still have a lump over my right ear to prove it chap in aylmer ont drop per a note to say a column of mine got him in trouble a year ago apparently i had come home late cold wet tir ed and had crawled into bed with the old trouble n strife i had co tiertot little hut s a i stand by- it chap in aylmer did the same thing but got a httle mixed in his metaphor and said to hi wife you remind tne of an old potbellied heat er mrs frank ratlin of mount brydges ont sent a note reveal ing that there are still a few real canadians abroad she re ferred to a column of which i had mentioned mr mallett art elderly lady sick and alone who had found time lo thank me i say it humbly for bringing a little warmth into her life mrs ratlin enclosed a letter full of interest aad cheer for mrs msl- airs ouu shuus mrs cha shultls was instal- led at president of the acton la- dlertcgion auxiliary at their first meeting for 193 on thurv jail v she succeeds jdrjner rrwmrbuchnan come photo t that of lite tutd- delle of london fined the what backyard with boy be long titty glrf who all a train it her ptnkh m t apmi a food part of chritl- tnaa day o wyjuvtet and i wasnt praying quit the reverse i had been au lata new skis for the kids had i was try- ing to vat the blighted boots into the bleated harness tms kind of thing it second only to erecting the christinas tree in our knhy convulsions thar boxing day it the best day of the year st far as im concerned fire la the fire place friends with noggint kids off somewhere in the wild white yonder a great sense of relief exchange of anecdotes with message tmtjie lirwaiatrwarw to atnh ewtfar tfaaaa m fire rlouas bwraed dttwa aaaralv novae who hue at grata feastses hdulaval stow taeonev a story was sneuteata- ileal indian becagrouad stale of tribe ssjuor ataal asejai i 35 lf for nuiiuil hride young chief went wtff she want no i bstffawislcw tuay five sear laker chief de le tab seeaad wife she wee tent bmswi months later return with aide msatlala bretad test year later spou beautiful miljiil wattlt taatplpotaatstllsssw attt brave pour years later thry return with hiitt htsmstlt ceubrated trmtf eaats trl two wives complain too spend a much time tyfsa acw wife as you do with both of ut together chief replies natch eitdid sduaw on hlppuno lade eaual to ttm of souaw oa mh er two hides and that remind me of the sad little grunting hound whose only desirt wa to lain her predeceased mate ana go to the happy grunting hound but perhaps well lease that for another day professional directory and travellers guide medical dr w o ckenney physlciaa aad surgeon office in symon block 4ja mill si e acton office phone iu2111 lleaidence 111 church st b phone hjltm i db d a garrett physician aad surgeon corner of willow aad river st entrance river st ation onu flttscal amlaultimo rtaae9a9bsabasg e l ouchntl oil optometrist meariag other officer initailed were first- vice president mr d rog ers second viae president mrs gord james treasurer mrs a irwin secretary mrs f toih p con mr wm cjils- holm sick con mr j bttuough membership mrs j mcknight bingo mrs f toth tandard bearer mrs wm buchanan sgi at arm mr a ford pianist mr j bradshaw banquet con mr l masates recording sec mrs a gordon comrade j milne installed the officer for he a plant wa arnt to mrs irene hunter on the ick list cards of thanks wet read from thr sviil ow and veterant receiving chritt- nui presents a statement of a vcrv success- fill year wat read after the books had hern auditrd after the meet ing was closed a ilrlightf ul lunch uas rnjoved hv all osftlnoi phon i5mj4i ejohnst ractoa dr irjqbwt p bucknw- physician and surgeon 39 wellington st acton ont phone isjuto dr t b moose hrytlciao aad surgana 2 main street north comer maaw and mali street acton ontario in acton wednesday oaty 2jxi pm sgo pm for appointment phone isjiml if no answer phone waterloo 742iu7 wavfaujaw fmm office wj2im ret isv0ds gray coach uno coactu leatb act4mi standard time tutdsesssvd j in paily cacept asm snd hoi gjg am lljjsm log pm jm pj g jj pm taog past sua aad hoi i dental oc h leib daatal surgeon office corner mill snd frederick streets office hours by appolnusumt telephone i3mm0 dc a j tvuotanan deatal jmiatiai office a mill street office hours 9 a rri u p m cloead wedaeadav afu tclephoae i1vi7vj legal c f lsuktrtttrusmd qc barntter and solicitor notary public office meursi id am ii pat i pja 5 p saturaavstby appoiatmeal eatty phoae offkc ltftirw res ua7 1927 ajn u17 pm 2j7 pntu 527 pja 717 paa tu pm ii u a 1x12 am sat only canadian rsatronal tallwava standard teats fusmauad i m am to tiniest antte s ceat sat aad sua jg ajav ta turenio aatly exteat stav 741 pm to t ur daily eaenpl sun ul pm ro teronte enhr jsam lo tereavlo daily hoard al ge only wrtttinuag 1 01 t m to stnrford daily as irpttsun lt pm to tltrsttorg dairt raresrl sal end stm 1239 tm to stratferd dairy sat pur farther tsmsr locej ser infill meiiss tgaat ujsv t l wajgmt wuassr st a aaasda ba avuttitter saucltar metary public office hours la acton v monday friday rvenlage pm t pm sarurday i pja s am 3 lsss su ovda r offlct lloars hvtjstelph sarordar tjp q aja da9r aab slga raoeatmrr appraiter aad latsan oeer tegs ta mm dav w ijorarf 0j ii leal btefm mv t wp8jr7s

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