Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), January 24, 1963, p. 1

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splci0lllh tsst no 31 iijj acton ontario thursday january 24th m3 tomtit strop bk a m wuvun jnivflaiuia broiiilii noiw wt to th cm ttlle week i ssfien t wm mrxmcsd they had blad second with their fire pre- ssjotton acrap hook they conv petoj atormf jjthef plr depart- mantffa the claw with a popula tion fvbip moo to sw whailne first place wa marv itowwadfle with gananoque third otomrable mentloiublthli clm wenlto halleybury new llekeard end pesrolla lett yew- acton re- ctwad honorable mention th scrap project was a comwnea tbffoh of the cton riraflatitera under the supcsrsi- rion 5 deputyhlef 8111 wiohhbs and tlrenhter harry otterbeu for outstanding tountypoo eorcsj fire prevention program hilton county received pedal jacogniuoojbrllhejudge ton competlnftin a nopulabir claw from sfioo to 16 recelv- ed honorable mention with qak- vllle receiving the- tame in a population class from 10000 to m l6oy first gharrrnarr recreation committee eight pega5osafi oarer john h ooy wat named first efcatrftumi of the newlyformed racreatlon commlitee during the mcond aeulon of the year thurs day evening january 17 he will alio head the administration com- rajtiee one of five standing com mittee committees lelected during the evening include administration chairman mr gov or frank gfasoakei doug wldcus len lovell s land jack bullough finance com- j r rrrlttee chairman doug wlddls v claude cook and 1 bert wood recreation and programming h daslrmari lack bullt mr b alto felt the wading pool might come under the jurlidlcllon of the recreation committee but sug gested the park board n nil iifhfc reatlon committee hold a joint meeting for thl purpose lloyd minahall district repre sentative of the community pro gram branch of the department of education would meet- with the recreation committee and park board at the meeting also scheduled for discussion would be hiring a fulltime secretary to handle secretarial dutle of bo th kaates and albert irwin refresh- ment committee chairman len lovell and mr h otterbein btstldmg and equipment commit tee chairman dr oake and c cook wedmg pal the chairman suggested the urogram committee esrabllsh n program to begin a soon a the trjnler ice program i over he following a general discussion on recreation programming it wan decided to hold regular meet lugs on the ccond thursday of each moajgt mr gov a prime instigator of the community centre and arti ficial ice ha been keenly inter ested in the formation of a rec reation committee hcrchc has just retired a mayor acton firefighter made a fait run to the home vt a bethel wynfunl place glenlea suhdivi- kn thursday evening january 17 to extinguish a var water- ap parently a neat lump under the hood wits the cause- no estimate of dumuge has been reueived 790tmssmj with a total supply of all and and amounting l uppnnimatelv 780 tons at the town wurkanl winter road conditions will like ly he cumbattcd successfully until spring arrives clerk jack mcgeashlv stated wednesday morning um u small amount ut the supply hus been used to date and compared to 700 tons used other vears he anticipates the present stockpile will be ade quate proved tbwtt of oajudue and i the parttsite all member of council me road auperintendent delegated to attend the february good- roads convention in to ronto esquesing joins color battle to prnteslyeilow margarine bmaueausg cottttcillow thlt week joined theubcolored nsargarlna jcatnpatgastt they endoraad a ttro- last agalnit any legislation allow- ifef manufacturer to color mar garine to reumble butter the resolution waa sponsored e the hilton creamproducer nd wi strongly endorsed by me township council councillors were non-cammlt- 31 however when mr bowen jrttysjcuns service inc ap- peared to outline the countywide tale program of the medical ser vice the firm it one of two at tempting to enroll halton resi dent in a prepaid medical scheme and council refuted to give support to the one firm the council 11077 hare of hornby park expense were ap- lo the j t phota anni unnttt popular grade 10 itodent at acton high school placed flrttagajnit itudentt from guetph continuation vocational initiiute end fergus district high school during e public speaking contest sponsored by the industrial accident prevention associations in guelph won- wsywtiw p s are the six speakers from acton who tried out for the finals be fore anne was picked to compete by judges aj the acton school left to right are miss ben nett sandra hargrave bryan hammond gay white bernle frueler itnd alex niesczerl united annual meeting increases a group of so at the annual meeting of trinity united church heard report named officials in creased the site of two board de bated arid accepted the budget and then adjourned to chat over coffee last night wednesday the rev dwight tnyel chaired the ttvoe tilts vjlthgrurge bowman secreujry it begn wlthdevu- tlunt rtldenr steward the number of elders on the session wax increased from 25 to 28 reappointed to the board were c- w mckenilc ken allen and john blundell new members named irre norm fryer lloyd gohn john bousrield mnualf long and mrs anthony ironside they will he installed net sun day morning added to the committee of stewards which was given the power to increase- its number up to 12 were roy knuplun and wil liam morrison orwell juhhslon clrk ot ses sion ftir many years was renam ed lay delegate kr presbytery and to conference with an alternate strriritiaru jjtrnml meeting saturday calvm aitken heads fair board for societys 50th anniversary a liood crowd attended the an nual meeting of the acton agri cultural society on saturday af ternoon at 2 pm iri the commu nity centre the financial stutement read by mrs c swackhamcr showing an expenditure of j7jj80o was evi dence of the active year that the society has had 1 retiringr president nino baidu expressed his appreciation of the cooperation he had received from the officers and directors and made special mention the con tribution the ladies board had made since they had organized and their active part in the work of the society ho also voiced ap- prcclationto all those whogave donations and contributed adver tisements to the acton fair prize list and to those onzaniiaiiwns who work with ihe society on president jackmarsliall second fair days he noted there were a record number of exhibitors this pisl year und reminded ihe gath ering that these were the real supporters id any fair 411 work j a francis agricultural rep resentative lor llnlton cuunty congratulated the directors oh the work that they were doing he made special menllun of the work that the society was doing for til clubs in this district and stressed the need tor currying on this work t this ycok will jnark the 50th anniversary of the clubs nticlnlau- thc50th npnlversarv of the auhkr agricultural sciety i- lleading ihe executives for this anniversary year wimbc past president nino bralila prvsideni calvin aitken 1st vl i asism tmnrttlttn r many sports head liners slated to attend dinner here feb 1 sports personal tic t from can ada and i he us arc tu tendina incunffrmeitions that they will at- teno the sporti cclcbritiekdnncr planned for the lefllon audllorium ivt4shiry iv- acton lion club committee chairman alec johniuin has re ceived definite notification from ciyhl ol the celebrities contacted that thev will attend hfuwlinib44he dinner will he special uucst maurice rocket richard probably hotkey bct kiuivvn perwonality auo ttating iheif intention to attend arv dunny nikpivk ut thg toron to aruonuuth toolball club clift lumxdcn one ol the world bct kwininein titnottu geohan lar if thv wrtjttliny world he tw f frank tunneyn stable of grunters and urouners bill adair toronto maple leaf nevk nawhall munager foitnerlv wkhmirwaukee brar of the n i urfa i kugue tvd elme president of the ontario minor hotkey asocia lion ken mcmillan rust presi dent of the ontario hockey as- hociation and a resident of geuruelown cri madettr president of haqmaho lmni anmieiaihui mr johnson iko reported thit they expect epivsenta urn i rom t 1i leafs of me nhl punch linluh has rule thil no tonnttu plaxers p out t town pritir to v name he- bivak ing it this ttine hiieei but will nut send in the plavers name un til fiulav since new york rangers ait playing toronto the following night madison square gardens has iifsu lold mi johnson bv telephone thev might allow andv bathgate and doug harvev to ttliend the tinner vvnitonc fumation has not yet been re eeted vice prcitlent wilmer fryer jec- reiarytreasdrer mr c w swackhumer ladles division past presi dent mrs wilfred waldic presi dent mrs don matthews first vice president mh m mccul- lough second vice president mrs frkcmher sr secretary- treasur er mcs ralph denny k iisjyisl ujmtmlwufttt mayor praises legion during annual dinner its possible that some ot the ttiher names ontattei nwv vet make ihe dinner sthieh will be tul lowed immediately utterwards h hihkev in the community een- leurly 150 loglon members from ttrmach lf7 acton heard tnuvor george barbeau pralw their branch for the important role legionnaires have played in actoh during the past yet dur ihg the annual dinner at irrttxc- gion hall saturday evening the mavor expressed thanks on behalf of the town and conn- til lor the community v job the branch has done on behalf of minor sports and wished them continued success during the coming year halton federal representative dr harry hjrlev assured the veterans he was willing both as a veteran and member of parliament to hear anyppoblems thev might have and aisist in any ttiv possible father v j morgan rector of st josephs roman catholic iitiurch who i at the hi- bit an annual visitor legion banquet opened f message t othu awojfc h lie hoidlithit bv v ul i e e smart iaiiist a lot lion with eeral wilt v anecdote and then expressed his pleasure at i being invited he wished the i members every succenv in the t it u i- ioming vear si michael si juvenile clubi tu hllng heid table guests juniors numbers- of branch 197 mr joan mcknighi mn joan juarttngcll and mrs margaret lambert also present for the banquet was signalman john musseltc home from three and a half years- ser vice at soest germany retiring president james milne thanked- hi 1962 executive for their cooperation during the- pat year and wished the 1963 execu tive every success as he handed the gavel over to incoming presi dent majislorcy retiring vice president jack bullough extended a vole of thanks tp the legion ladies auxiliary for their fail hi ul sup port during the year as well as the excellent turkev dinner provided during the evening in reponse auxiliary president mrs charles shultis assured the branlh of continued support and v m tjft ion following a special word of io be named by the united inure women jack cretgfcton is again church treasurer rvd auditory again george bowman arid g w mckeniu v tfcaaika to engj a hearty votaof thanks to the minister and hv wife made by i bert woodnd teeodhl promptly by r h elliott was applaude few know the demands made on the mlniateri mr wood mild reports showed total resident membership 412 ii infant and five adukhaplismsm marriages more than usual and 10 funcr fourhitndred li ahnutthe sie ofjthc first christian congregation ut recorded in the bible mr en- gel pointed out and its well above average uc for a united church ss taat laaona the sunday school has 197 pu pils enrolled with an average at tendance of 145 jts ib teachers ore using a new test series of study being tried in about 30 churches the first report of the united church women showed u very successful year and mr engel ex pressed his keen pleasure at the way the new group hud been ac cepted lie said the congregation is deeply grateful for the work of the choir and choirmaster who are tackling sonic ejtlrcmely dlf- ficult music adoption or the cgtt report was followed by a motion to send a letter of thanks to miss fern smul the leader who is seldom seen hy the congregation as she teaches chool and is not in town weekends thctvm report prepared hy lender allan laudcr said the group had increased in numbers as well us in volume the total on the nil is now 19 wm budflsj the 22j20 hudgel was uciept- ed as presented by chairman fred gordon after brief discussion it is substantially the same ax last year rr it was deeldidto change the policy on missionary and main tcnuncc giving just the exact flgm skifrs hpctatmt amount specified on sttvelbttss will be forwarded and no spedfw amouni to bdbudaled coffee and sandwiches served by ladles of the ucw western ttatarlo flaure slutiog championship at call on jaunty hhnglhnvorr loadtoblittbsr estern oirti 17 il and 19 were aeioti dlsi he i high school students tlnda braida and sally wilton am members of the guelph couee figure itotlrtj club sally wilson who wat ol- her fourth figure test and stives dances placed ninth in the clam ol 20 in the novice ladles alngssst for her free skating perforavano sally skated to music frqol uf fair lady in a blue velvet drm trimmed with white and silver sequins sally is being trained bv senior professional mrs fat ricia hoy of the guelpb calltaji figure skating club cleataeessd in ihe junior ladles single linda braida placed a clow lev cond in a class of 10 with a 1m behind first place sharon davm of aylmer with ius fof her sold performance linda wore a black wool dress with white saqtun and skated- a threeminute pre raml6-selrtlonsfrornficlo- of spain linda is being trained by rich ard rlmmer of the toronto crlch cl skating and curling club lift du is on her gold figure teat and gold dances the old saying early to bad and curly to rise paid off at both skaters were on the ice at guelph every morning at seven oclock and back in time for- classes al nine fee was provided by guelph figure skating club gaorgaiesva chev a member or georgetown pe urr skating club sharon brad icy placed sixth in a dan of eight in the bronae dance with her partn w f af georgetown they are trained by jtqas smith and oth here in acton too ken hard raa nhle 1963 planning board wcjcotn to 191418 veterans ii- e barracknowledged the work performed by the vminger vet erans if the sleginn and wished llum continued success on be- ha it it the uldervcterins retir ing president james milne rsxeiv kch hardman was appointed chairman of attpn planning board at its inaugural meeting last thursday evening present alui were two new members to ihe hoard this year wes ma talcs and dave manes and three mem bers from previous vcars aldo braida r ii elliott and h ii hlnton anipplaiatlin from bcirdmrrr afsanrr ixtrijjwr3 itrtamcri and company fur remning f the tennis courts and fowling green was turned down the application called for a lone change fnnvo parks and recreation to crcom inercial in the property involved in the application arc three tots fronting nn mdl street and two ed his pasl prvsidents ptn f nun i lot facing church si while ihe tied wright himself a 25vcar arums ptnsibilities fur rcioning the hoard and discuss tlwlr pwk member jibe property were discussed the p- nrgkt school group stresses ammoi meetmgs imoortamce i t -astsl-sftt- perennial pnblem of drauingi t a good cixiwd to the annual open meeting of all those inteivxted in the nihl school was discnxvcil vshen a dozen ciwiunittrt men bo met wednesday eemng it sism k at the bgh sehtmi while parents wen in the jm diwussing high school students s it ti the leisherv ihe committee membsis were talking over their adult cminierparts jnd iidet- nii h nianv wtmld be at the must tinpni l an i tnvting ot the sear whei ness tltucr are cho- thiirlisu mis jack cnrightor rtpirted hu tr the ttfat lime in era i sears lh populat niht stuml tiast a nktrtahu- ih balance ut atxjut icw thi vyould not bv enough to permit utseriog ul tees new scar huw evei the aiuiidaike of iv wa- aiiathtu dtin tnmn last year ind vaned comments had anxn hi- jd on hitlding alt the classes hcuuxchiistihas manv wuaj hav liksd to amunut qn ise 1 ahir turn j attendance theld en d much belter this tj qvera weie ituiklikcd jiv banquet chair man secretary john llufnagel or harr harlcv mayor george j llarbeau cetrge mussclle 4a2 first and sexund vice presidents lack bullough and jim gunn j retiring president james milne newlv elected sergeantslarms j nuiman dtuglas anil i6 sevftiul vkc piesident frank spiehogei citeslis included legion padre re a h mckemie father v j miirgan rev choight hngsll bstcrmr brickwork and precast workmen hope to finish ih pn onitexl church minister re roofing and iloonng have heenject tu meet the arvhilecfs data sanlcv gammon posiorit acton completed on the new f7l4v us of occupant in april bliptisi thurch rev d h wesli quesmg admmistration building in spite ol hrttiwwro sveathar rector at- st albans church lady lone mile north of stewartiown icondiitons inlenr wrk on the application down in total way uirngtl secretory jack mcgaafhu ro ported the bylaw which hall boon submitted to the depcrtount for its study had not bean rrturmsv the department offcrad to rt view the bylaw some month omp and the secretary reported kt htad lust about given up waiting for cd and written requesting 1u to turn he was inst rue tad to phone- again lu attempt to tts return the possibility of hiring m consultant for ihe board waa d cussed and interviews are to arranged tu have planner visit esquesing offices april deadline for new building jtlcrmluikt ua tv i wsvt erhhouf a lottrlms t la tht itsorctfor parsonnai at msi a p grsstn firabnek corapanln acton mant managa otmrgt v tarbaau points so tke board as employee john susckman jaofc on thti bodrel wm installacl tuesday in the plant at the bortom of the sgn 0ry hwrqlnss masf 00 ttoyt sivt bee rtwehae this is to encourage the employe to prtltt fcty habrrs a total ol 1 twpjoyeet svhi be ktstpin heir eyes on the board in n9fssl ft4 sight tomn- 1luh thbijsviicasat an acctnt and vmpaairw board doan nl mbcr wars shcn ihrewcc marts draswhii wni julnl nhow up tor cllws arfaln atlcr chntmjs dipuv mht 4ltcntluksi ui up kilh heller ssralhcr ihis yea- hjtr of the annual meeting t wcurwskuv fcbruarv i j scscrai cummittee members in- icnj iu resign inchsttinf ihe cap able chairlaity ror the past three vears and replacement are be- tot sought s74s0 uquisjno adminstration building is schadulad for contpurion by april extarior brickwork and roofing kavt bsstrt cornpsatad and workman art ftrtstmng inltwier trim tkt new building locarad about one mil north of srawarttown will ropuea th crowded querttwm at stewentown hall contractor it x evmatkotuia and sonj5 u- s w buudlssf a puriable oil furnace it workmen warm tnd feuinf it ft and subcontractors as inf to coraplete- work as soon as contractor for the macketule sad the bulla- is un a live acre site charles cretj utsdsr tkin of archltasn d ft oaksillc wht il kt ihe will rsaskto ms ptsstam purtaa at w eo- an ua the srtn tmka ckaniltar mh a 12 fee rata tk tttfarat far ttti

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