Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), January 24, 1963, p. 3

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l 6bolelon o bv church- flawing the on lour of the build- sand water ayatem by eon- mmd eboat the operation tint hand amommmflnf council were et wilssficv end town mmnuluuin am duty after an inefreetton of the re- mtvoln mtdconirolihihoti every me went to iiwynmr well lite ioiorehlll hoed to me 6pere- n of fle twnnp end control fretent for the brie ceremony were mayor oetwge barfceau reeve h hlitton end council- oh w h pealjretam wood alee tohtwon let duby and f albert trunabeert were deillv reeve william penny and council lor uric johnalon ptfnel of experts lyrt wiouh the meeting acheduga j fcrmllton wlllem ave high tthool thuraday january si li tnonaored by the north helton aemdetlon for retarded child ren perentk or all ackool child- ren could eaally benefit from the panel rilacuaalon ro take place a panel of expert will he on hand including dr hen goldberg of london alaff peychologtat or the children paychonathic re- aterch ihirthute- a moderator with harold vail brentford prin- efpal of a kpeclet achilol for high ly vied pupil principal harold henry of a toronto uhool for p a m n er teacher of an auxiliary cla la oakvnleand mn 0 jeffare principal of the sunehlne school tor retarded children at horn by all aecllon of education i will bedlecuned and i hone prtlwni mill he given on nnrmrliintiv lu all queatlona during the oulg ftmattkktmt 0amk peter jamea talt ii of flirt credit wa killed inatanilv wl an the low aporia model car he v n drivingfailed to negotiate a cu jt on highway 7 twomllt ttwth at rdfckwood saturday evening bout nine oviock a pkcng4r gerald greheldlnger oaltvll buffered head rnurlr und m llplo rul and wu taken guelph general honpital pollccjcpotled the driver w travelling writ irt ruhii ixihlltv i and he lut lontml a ho cnieiv curve leading tuwurd r wood the tar veered loft unl craihed thraugh uxcgiiiml rail wi names good grooi fjfeenock womena inatltute net on wednesday afternoon nt laat week ar the home ot mr unll johnalon aclon or the january meeting president mr t llemalev read tdgur guel pwm omc in a while and ului ihi- u rip- lure reading ten membcrx unit two ultor reaponded lo ihe euutall dldjifuu htutb telling or onu- luiirnt oven l und wl new ml h pearen handed in l ptotit from the uk ot chit man and greeting turd dunng the paal year i rail winner gn1iukk w i ponor- n jikki arlibiiiing iunlcm at the iiku iwhool mi pullemon annoum ed ihai wmnem tor the talt rem were u roluix uirlc luun tryuenoar donna mar miltoi and sandra morvn 4wvs ova peenatra stewait mcculluch ant garv yiltun a package of home and coun try magaw liuni a wl mem her in england uiii a- pleun aurpnac and mvotberv will en tov their eonlema tstk aaaatveraary plana were dicued- for ihe celebrathm of the lth unnncr aarv of greviukk humh m iho february meeting wtikh will be hrm at the home ot mn goum- tealie in her temperanw report ttn b johnaton aid thai dr rknehert pronuaea the duubuny of taxea on liquor to pay for the tmubte it cauwa the acton free pree thwoey jenuery 84tn iwj cooperative medical service promotes comprehensive plan director of the halton cc-op- eratfve medical servtcee atepped out thla weeb- tbegirt a rull- acale publicity drlvew promnle their pew cover- agemull medical pifcn under ihe plan member will tieable to le prepaid hoaplial medical care plua doc- tor home arid office calln in ad dition loathe coopa regular aur- gkal and major medical benefit a delegation from the company appeared before halton county council on tueeday afternoon to aeek approval fir permliilon to enrol realdenta throughout hal- ion county laat december fhy- alrlana services inc had alao aaked county council for permla- alon to enrol realdenta in psi on a countywlde baalt atreedy ofaryed councillor pointed out to the tueaday delegation that theyhad not granted approval ia decem ber to the ps i plan hul to any complete coverage medical plan wardertdr c a manln nnled ihe council waa deflnliely in fa vor of alt realdenta enrolling in auch a health plan and for thai reaaon approved ihe alllnclualve motion covering any health plan we are here with a aervlce that la available id the lounly and we want the council lo re- ollic thla aald apukegiman jo segaworth of burlington one of ihe director he noted ihe mm panya rale arc much lower than other plana and the coopcralive la a hon profit organlmllon hun lurna profile hack to membera or into improved aervlce liven the dlreclora are nol paid tor their work he noted and the plan in lll lo nr huttrr nivrrugri than any ulher preiident samuel r flnnle of hornby paal preatdenl george robert on of aclon and vlce- peealdenl r l davdlaon of ac ton appeared at ihe county coun cil meeting along with aecre- lary mr a r coulter of camp- bellvllle mr coulter read e hlilory of ihe organisation und thejull lett of her weaaag follow we draw to your attention the fact that hcms haa iwert op erating a non profit plan for pre paid health inauronce alnce im7 when it received it charter at a corporation- under ihe province of ontario al that lime it waa formed for ihe apecjfu purpoae of providing hiwpllnl inaiiiame which wa not aviilluhle fnviu any oiher aoorce for aelfimiitloy ed and rural famllle of halton county munv volimtttiv houn of la bour went into atudvlng plana drafting contract and drawing up rulea and regiilallonv thai would meet the requirement of the department of inaurame un der whoiie aupervulon the orguni ration huu worked ever tinlc had 11m mwiwri farm foninin lhunhcn ailimil acrliuna and wiiiiuiih inilltule group were ihe mennv of n- milling member nnd in a imrl tline ihanemheiahip rculieil ihe t100 maik lovering more llinn t000 peraoii proving that ilu- crvlti- offeied were filling a real need for the mrnl people the orgunluilion extended it aervicea in 1952 lo provide sur gical hcnefllnnd numherhhtp hv inking in uilian group uih aa vnliinuvr firemen rhnnh innplri i inhn mid mniill even with hoapttaluauoa and vurejeal protection there were llll many eapenae incurred dur ing a lengthy lltneu that were nol covered ao halton coopera tive medical service extended lla aervlce itlllfurther and de veloped ayilem whereby a por tion of theae ekpenae were paid known a the cataatroph plan thla plan ha alnce been improv ed and with a alight increaae lit premium rale i now known a the major mmical plan the me dical cooperative in ontario of fer thla plan a uhlque feature or nonprofit organljtallona and i loopcratldn working in it high er form -u- when ibe offlurto hoapltal keivllea commlalon look over all hoanltnl insurance in iw ihe h c m s were forced out of that pan of llajbualneaa however the coiuihtvtlon ufltiki ihe meulcat coop to act a g collecting ngencv for ihom and ihi aervlce the h c m sr provtrtca without re tuuihinllou ealepi ihe aatlafac- lion of pruvldlng mill further a much needed ervlcc for lla mem- liera particularly the aenlur member forced out itnia hecume apparent from lite demand of our memhera and liiiliilile ot prospective metwiera thnfn complete nnrrhjr l wltat the nituteni familv avium to pro tect rhrm from crippling medl cat eapenie the director of halton coopcnitlvt medical serv ice alter much ludy requcled und lecclved appnival from the ontario depunmenl of tnaurance 7ittjitcrihtacomnrehenlvev erage which will he available lo clihei indivlduallv or a mem employee group h k porter official lectures at waterloo business series george horrap canadian ex port manager for h k porter company canada ltd la one of 12 prominent hulnemen and government official who w lecturing at waterloo cullcgc in cooperation with lhedeparimcnt of trade and commerce in ot tawa mr harrap will lex lure march 2 the leclureaemlnar ric in bulnc management i alined at atlmulattng and informing buaineaa executive who are cun- llifcrlng foretgn trade opportunit ies currently being explored hv the department of trade and commerce 12 weekly couraaa the hon george lice mlriwlci of trade una commerce lipned the xerica of 12 jxrekhr lourae january 14 with chair man of the lectureaemlnur aerie dr herman overganrd head of winners ting contest he program and opened with a lem thought for the new ear bv edna jacquc the lutto the tmallear deed done heller than the hel in i na wa ably laluri by ml- 1 ha pearen mr edgar grav of mimoa i ho i area convener of public i taiiun gave a moat instructive ape r on ihi uhjeci when ihe iini and accompllahmcni of inv argantzatiun can x- told lu he public that group will be re- tardccl with unjcrxtanding and ipprevialitm mr grav remind cd all thai jhev could make ue ol he colored altdc which i w i o have collected mri c allan thanked mr the departmeni ol economic and huatnea adminilriillon of water loo unlverallv college avsknng mr llarrap topic will be fix port opportunltie for american hubldiarie located in canadti other apcakcra during ihe lecture will include c f tci tell vice president and director of export canadian cotcrhan co tld c ptachcv vice presi dint of northern flcdrlc com pony lid thuma j bain chair mun of bala shoe company john e brent prcildcnt interna llonul buaincx machine l g mckce prcidcnt univeral cool ci d h vv llcniv direljur id invextigntton and research ills exlcllcncv guv duurfrcvnc de la chevalerle amhawador ot bel glum to canada denl harvcv auiatunt dcpulv minister depart ment of tiadc and commerce william dodge vice picidcni cunudlan labour cuugresv uul arnold m tedford comriiodihcv branch department ot trade and i commerce of e g the dlieclora ofhallon co operative mcsllcal service who liive manv voluntarv bourajul4a imiui piovidc und udmtnller lite uhovemiicc- ut col and lu the ivcl interval of ull mejnbera ijn- nil attliilniiriilioii ulvc ihe mem nei the nlvanluge of convenience in dlctiing hcullh and medical piohlem elect the director who run their huines and have a voice in deciding flow ihe xuvlnga if anv will be ued over ihe year ihe aviucjs have been turned back lo the member a patron- uge loun or utilized for mem- bei edutullon or incrvaaed bene- ills for and by people we thank vou for vuur kind attention and ak for vour con- tldcrallon and approval of the service that are being provided for the people of halton county by the people of halton county other directors of ihe organla lion ure miss floiyncemoarca of llurllifgruu mrstlov wllvin and rt hume of mlilon n bird of geuiuclowil w d brltton of acton- a hunter of nona har old rluuar of oakvillc and brock hairis ol camphellvillc cold rrportettrcmrieralures t h i rtinrtuiigitliursdav in the acton atci went js low a 30 below thai s cold i c allien aa public rein thaw convener waa in charge of giav toi her inlrrvtinu remaiks and prvsenled her with a gift ol notcpapcr a a mememo ten palate ouolinu from mr elton aim atrong mr- aitken gave ten point lor ihe operation of a successful organization power of kmdncu dtgnitv f aimplit- it influence or example wis ctuin of eionuim worth of chai as lei pliuwrv of wuiking value f tune obligation ot duty voaue puticnvc and impruvement ol almt mr a thornpcoh was ibe limn ot the iravslliug fciiccl nw at the conslusion ot the meet weri aervedhv busies aaalatcd bv mis paon there arc plenty of pro- na with car theae ecru mora one garage owner went to in a taxi one day alway b at your best at homi at a party or just vnrrino alwayt heap your cletha their aprklua beat with sue mtvdem flnlthlng mrvlcaa custom cleaners tame day service laeept saturday in by mjm out by s pjav cash and carry main st n phom rsj1 1m o jack hduy emmtf a coucmiv r r uwtockaaaaj cohliiii mkx ciav awmot stoht and iuwuh dum nuctq witwtll tky otaygw acton notice st albans anglican church the 3rd sunday afttl epiphany so amhoiy luchaiist 90 amsuno aaatins ano chljtcm scmool the annual vestry mkting ar take place imaaaa mlorriaj matin par al okajmi stkawl tkiuren at tkmd m lake their iblmnii m aba pari hall m 0 wbete a apetlal i t l aatmtllaw jtom tamt vmu tim i wl w hgmai uua a a i m a vwy amaawm cavhchimo 1100 amsmvkt hcanctuht 7m pmivtmtoho amd vouno pcoptts tagggi v gag v edicat services pakjvirete op 6ntawo chartered corporation since u7 now offers a nonproffit comprehensive medical care plan to residents of halton county for doctor s services surgical benefits include surgical opcrations fractures and dislocations burns and lacerations services of anaesthetists cystoscopic and bronchoscope examinations diagnostic xrays confinements medical include- hospital visits home and office visits injections health examinations examination of eyes for correction of vision the above paid from the first dollar extra major medical benefits 10 of the annual prtmtum is used to create a major medical fund and subject to a 100 deductible the following benefits are paid according to how much is in the fund semiprivate room care in excess of ward rates as paid by the ontario hospital services commission ambulance charges when needed in emergencies nursinctcare ordered by doctor prescribed drugs and medicine laboratory services appliances and therapy limited amount of chiropractic osteopathic and psychiatric treatments payments are made in accordance to the schedule of fees of the ontario medical association 1962 reprint general sec tion and subject to the absolute minimum of conditions and restrictions rates only 1050 pr month for families 500 pr month for singu persons terms quarterly or annual payments as desired monthly rates for employee groups on request reasons why halton cooperative medical services can offer such generous benefits at such low cost 1 ownership and control by thrpeple who use its services 2 operation solely for benefit of members and locally administered for their convenience 3 service at cost services of directors are on a volun tary basis and in the best interests of all members not for profit not for charity but for service act now for a limited time you may join regardless of age and without a medical examination for rhpompt sirvtcllmotwtt coupon t halton cooperative medical services name plans desired family roy cowni rr s cammmvuf ontario address single too wu u immr mo oruoation- x check which member of the cooperative medical jovicesdcatpn op ontario atata

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