Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), January 24, 1963, p. 4

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i- r-r- i i turner team av i game am- the an jc they wet dretjd canaries in spankjnjr new tow fa trflrt period alter the tlrt 20 wa over began io pickup the wed u smortter ttapter hey j mi tt wa the ame mry trrffji 0ay more and the two gamm woretttey jtwt pultod wat of tm fire by the kln or their tail period teeth tmlaat time orangeville was here the acton teem nude them mole ornery what happened in tke meantime i- pleat period litter who mkee tan erjeky the fatter lore i know thyv rtas hie t b u toj th t mm onegarnaw the hev av h mektraeie play ed wffh a rink or ooelph men waphoirimond hronedrw7 k m gligatat heetit been up to par lew of the ban mm i m ff the flu bu but there stmfcstg le bothettat maybe all these thing go along aatotheolhertemhntd laying it on the nick of a team mate when youre newer position to accept a pat whin the boy dont teem to be afcatlng the detenu la por ous theyre all ivmplomi or a jdkunpl how do you shake a alump you work hard at it you keep justing attend practice iltten tst the coach until gradually it leave and youre on your way up again some of the bet team have jump occasionally when the tail end cluba act rid of their fyusl rat lost la baseball the new york yankee have them in the mjul the montreal caaadlen have then and who hatftt heard thai cry from toronto what aratag wuh the leafs tdhmitkii b lk aeaa yatsaar tttara the katxt ffloc i minor hockey we couldnt ike occasion pa without j out bouquet to the men who take to much of their let- aw tine to drill the rudiment at hockey into the couple of kssttdred toy who plav minor aavkey la acton what a lint acton midget atari friday night at the commtyilry centre when hetpeler meet the local kid at 64s pm second game of the in nn tj i a at kl i ii i it tcheduled for rtetpeler the fol wing night saturday at i pm coach ilio marad it hoping hi effort to round the team into hape will pay off in the playoff he and manager paul lawaon would ilk to see the boy come up with a win when winieouni they believe you can dlicount the result of latt friday game here when heipeler trimmed ac ion 70 playoff arc a new sllua- tion and hockeyj full of sur prises the club cancelled the final league game with preston thurs day tlnce it would have no bear ing in the landing and would mean playing three night in succession instead the club will have a practice session at si5 in order to raise ruads the club ii holding alucky draw drawing to lake place saturday feb 2 at the legion dance acton pee wees trim georgefn acton businessmens pee wee hosted a muchimproved george town houie league squad in an eahibttlon tilt ian night wednes day at the community centre tending the papertowner home on the hort end of a 41 count catey harkley opened the acor- ing early in the first period- at he netted mike vales pau to get the jocals oil to a fait dart bob andrew wiped the next counter v mlammed moe matona relay aome giving thcacton squad a 24 lead at the end of the firat frame 4 i aim rw jim camimn deked the mlllon tvatmlnder out of hit padi to raglimir aelont taeond goal in tideyewlntmharwiwhrt milton- thpuekarrowhpridln6noltha few brtjr spoil at lrtnnri went down lo an 82 ofai iliimtbimbthaaiaablbba ofmedldr prformanci ilhargrsjcli ralatatc3 with impressive win tanners lose two more tflaj jnh u i t4ie reward a lew problem many often flam dterwiragmrat and a aim o gat caat of it alt before at art you down permanently year after year auwewi the 4taat btbeav paaa to the arena 4gaa1 v a tcrvice that itnt fully apy by the mother and atoktr f acton sometimef ajea uttrrmt feel like baby wt- porcbt arent ma in- taiaugh in the work i il u work to apend a few acauraging their own woald your hoy be if tkaa mm didnt iho- grnuinc hxcmm la them wold hi br itjaeaag the urcrn making tike a lawrallr delinquent luefcay weak hi a gaaat mat ut aakea aameof o bra to ecplain maai to kluioa and cheltenham igat week taniy patlowa ware bjtl akattflg letting the other tgara beat them to the pock re- kt two louei kemind you of ton aetoa uaaa tuition ok the maaatare at nwrtaera l team from bramproa 1 week coach barry inicar have to import a line from lawn to trengthen the he wa unaware three of of the uvrr t layer would look good in katafaaataat ttalform he a ahov ordinary ckarlottfj holm jtrttop curlers for the csaav prachriitnuu limtat of tail 8jk2 hour at ladsaa came w4th georgetown got their only tally and the only goal icored in the lecond tanni flvnn beat gil bert dowlingon a neat unaisiited effort in the third frame the butine- men pee wee once more took control notching the final lwo marker of the tilt catey hark- by getting hi ecund goal of the game on a relay from maton and andrew and moe maion cloting the icorfng tipping in a pau from peter uartlngell and ken owen eight offender were tentenced to the tinbln during the match f tbam ware actonita ptyy an allround lethargy which km reduced the tanner to a mere hadow 6f the iparkllng team that et the league on flro in the first half of the woaa in mediate ncheduje contributed lo two more defeat thti week friday in front of a large home crowd the acton club lot u 63 deculon to the frontrunning or- angevill dufferin tucsduv night fifth place milton churles chnlkco up an t2 win in the county town tnsajrrhe ttnnen fourtrrdefenr in their inkl f narnen down to fourth the losses slid acton down the league ladder from second place where they lapped ol the heels of the league leader in fourth ix point ahead of mlllon unless theres a big thakeup the tan ners could conceivably end up out of the playoffs reserved for the first four teams in ihc league thclrleague record is nine wins against seven defeats opinions vary as lo why the tanner have emerged at the pat sies of the league theyve run into a string of injuries and sick nets has left some of the players away off their form bui their efforts in the last few gomei have bordered on the woefully weak mark the other team have been beating them to thapuck two njij three slept ahead of them net- minding has been erratic panes j have goneaitray the defense hat been porousrat limes nonexisi then oneot those sort goals thai have been pluguiiiu them in their last few games eluded an demon he fielded mcdunnlilt drive juul it looked like lit w fcirtrmn holding on the puck his mill and slowly trickled ovur ihc goal line it look some mortrf of the starch from ihc acion club dufferlns fired lwo more pucks in to take a commanding nl lend before jim cashum rapped in a goal wkllttllielitabtplayedwlitr lyfour niunuphuw ent theyve been caught duiof position symptoms have oil the earmarks of a alump a serious slump wc know theyve goi the horses said one fan hut thev need someone id crack ihc whip over them dedal win orangeville dufferin arrived in town friday and dldnt spare the horse a they galloped to a de cisive 61 victory the tanners wore their brand new uniforms gold with blue cresl and trim no one would- deny they were the best looking team on the ice on the scoreboard it was another lory dufferlns put three pucks be hind don red bear anderson tn the first nine minutes ofpiv montgomery caught the defense out of pojillon in ihe first min ute of play and rapped one in solomon and church hanged in goals within 10 seconds of one another at the eight minute mark vamm battle 1- that left the tanners to fight an uphllljjgrhlf the rest of the wov they werent helped bv the stellar netmlndlng of jack war- son in the orangeville case he blocked all their effort until the lst mark of the second period wheo pte lawtoivwi flv wnwn hot-front- jut inside the blue line u caught the far comer hockey hints we misted too many chances 1 l should have scomd four goals tonight wc had twice a many shots but we lost i tant figure it these araprobamy the com ments most ofteoi heard in thr losing teams dressing room after u game as the crowd leaves vou also hear the supporter of utr uiamg team ayuig the would have won ii ay if thrv l mw only knew haw to shmitr this brings up the often stal ed fact that one of the surpris ing thing about hockey i the lack of coring punch the tn ability of moat players lo pot the puck tn the net when the chance come i the reason because the average team poid littla time on sasrcitlc thooiiai practise i it because ih hockey god are on the tide of goalkeepers m it it because scaring a goal it tougher lab tksaa it looks perhaps it i a uul of a lot of truftga but i auggnt rh ft lowing i on raaaan rarsiy do team or individuals practise all lypas af h jsostrr anv pracuae conductad is the t l s a h tltvoaagtimatton that la hockey dan h happen too often way not aja practtw haaging in pasiout from different angles forehand and backhand tftoarhtt wmt skating across the net defueltng passes rweeping m feoaa tka sloe sltas sat the tad and trying to the mavetaml ate etc practise tungi tbliavpati m gam and watok tta rod right shin a lot bmret penally shot paul barber ihc siendiest per former on lite blue line pulled down an orangeville prayer iutlie hrukc in the clear and in lien of a penalty officials awarded duf ferin a penalty shot marl in took the shot bearing riuhl down tin red bear but anderson coolly stopped hisweak shot the tanners mollified the crowd 1n the last period by scor ing the only goal but it wastoo late for them lo catch up or angeville clamped a tight defen sive umbrella around watson and he stopped stu mcdonald when he broke right in aubin collected iii i mini i the tanners goal assisted by catburn whll kenlner ami catburn while or iingcvllle was thorlhanded official assessed 17 penalties lu ill whldtuerc uiaiii hy i its visitors the aclon chili hud lwo now laces in the line up lor ihc b ume glen spike scull anil ost mclean scott on detente close first period unlike their last lew games when opposition hnt ningup sev- er sofl goa in the first period milton could notch only one on ta tu ftf acton mine been brought together in friendly competition on the bowling lanes vying for canadian supremacy the fiflh bpao allstar east cm canada championships will give ii men and 12 ladies the op portunity to represent eastern canada in the canadian five pin championships in april 1963 top eastern and western bcv icrs will be competing for na tional glory in london ontario tuesday and wednesday april 16 and 17 1963 following easter sunday in the qualifying round for ac ton bowlers sis men and three ladies survived lo advance to the zone rolloffs tops for the- five game roll were jeff frver 1332 bob martin 1241 boh toms 118ft terry mosaics 1136 frank irvine 1130 and wayne ridtrv 1128 in the ladies division were ver- na arbk- 1172 joan knighl 1084 and anno thomson 1048 chapter ahead 10 acton had more and belter scorinjt chances but couldnt seem lo click thetbnners ctjme out hustling in the second period and it wasnt long until don aubin hailed in a fiuck lo tic the score assists go ng toharold townslev and jim casburn bui while paul barbej sat- out a tripping penaltv boh sales shot milton into the lead again that wa the start of the de luge the acton cltih did an omar khyynm folded up and within five minutes th rapped in three more goatsforvsl lead try combination while the tanners tried vainly tb find some sort of n scoring combination in the first few min- ol the third milton connected twice more to grab a 71 margin il was all over but the cheer ing when normie love shook his ijtvt fhtwttersjooiejjplfailed to click se cteati contests ltqr csoisc clean hockey onssf mot donhhaied the scene saturday at the- c centre a xo- odd noting pucktters dashed in the eleventh week of luwngu action only rwal uptsri f the day was the first game of the junior a division when law uagtw- eadinghamllloh ludwing fumi a 51 drubbing at ttwhabd of lie ooelph eoval jttsaw a in battle of the tlsnti ab irwins second place yals downed thel hamilton radwlng st elntit yals downed theleagtmbadlnf lamllton radwlng 31 lit kahif days opener guetph goals ware sniped by dentils death dale tlshefc and peter mortltuin rub er and unfffitm eatli ttciting pair theussjtis witr handled bv pder moeriaaoa ami 0a smlen tilamllloit marker i by oeora mcphall i cole selling up the bum and buster ohourhav kitchener tbirtmed the door ori nohh bay in the teeond matert by a narrow margin kitchener goal wa cored by pat wale a tlled by craig perkins- penalties were utile more mi- merout ut this till wllh si ot- rsileft serving time irliiilisa lsg1 in a bmeactionpcked iqy i down the rue for the acinn indus trial immkey league laurel which chargers is apt to change hands- week ly cyc uwies did thai when charger and ty raiders clones scored a victory in sun town crter days doublelieader charger tm i prvsiive 70 win over raiders t moted ihem into first place whik cyclones and town criers drew i pattll h i urftonam chargert were not he he drnied bui lough at they poured on ihc power and in broke out wllh a rath of goals f anirrws mcdonald and dtifficld with two martin goals each led their charge tin gles going to williamviri peychi and andrews i unier mccrislall in rhe nets for andres t chargers was unbeatable in rcg- duffield isiering i shtitouit the tlngijamilion wa nomhed with timmy plv in the second game fit kit it loo a 1 0 ufutaiut from a press ing niagara pall tspisd single totwler wa notch kjnfe lasf im a pat from bobby fcrul y m match buffalo downed ffti the teclhrn offered a coupl of r 4i charltr mune wa the fj malche iri aiurdvt iicfion mg turn fur the sluors a he wllh if dw otflte jiidbory pkkitl up a lui trick neil fcfc wji having a real fwdlv in rwd rtd trili for the the first game of the twiirwllat mt mlv imiv whiu asaisu he nokhed a hatlrtck plo raw miiu mn vfcfirhsr ueveai lo lead hit maa 4 vktmvl jbntm a vtke fru attest fwdv dawe mtjrd- f pmkirhrt was dll aiisirmisaiiniii ii ivhlrk h and av vn tin hirtiitj l lwtn jsd fvhiruh gmitg ilu osthy tsisr wjti- z ih nigr4p vmsvts attsf ttt raiaud rhir wss haltu ih k bunion rnmmg ml rm utf jt nunt vniltn fr fnjfi i mnio tkth a orfintl rn pagstpiis rr w l t t io- i ii io to to r tp 12 1 17 llo 4u 7 in festally i easier or tru few league i lunninghjrtt vccniuil a goal by barber laic in the vickery third period enabled cyclones j lo tie a closely fought game with town criers f andrews fired criers marker a flareup was squelched by the referee in ihc iitai period- when j scuffle between two players erupted the boss then settled down to plav fast clean hockey hmt cham reowotthfccu tfto srovt est john wtkuom ts33s4w oeuonuamo a fine effort by clarkson wherdtd yoeman service in the charles cage spoiled the best acton bids jim casbum and llarotd town- sley put their heads together al ihc 1030 mark and casbum drew the goalie to his left crossed over lo his right and- let flv for the prettiest goal of the night lllon slill wasnt finished however ron phillips pivot with ihe tanners last season scored his second coal of the niyht from his knees lo finish ihe game up 3 it was one of the poorest ef forts from the tanners this sea- ton they let mlllon heal them lo the puck and outbump them all night- the tanners were mtnus em- merson baster ill and are still without max slalford spike scott and ross mclean filled in capably in their second appear- once iii acton liverv see the new 1500 volksw station wagon plaza motors mittan plata tt tmat aw us about mm 50000 mm wamamtv on all mtw cars service your en at an authottzfo maim and motect yoot vhmanty a motors sk 1tttm9 m4vion ptaza wkkehd spkia1s bacon 65a mapu uaf la piaea bologna 31 crknd rump roast beef 79 uaktv daaivwr lovell bros modern meat mawtft 77 mill t acton ccrmmuntty centre pfmmr jafa m pmkyi mvy vtusaf r o r tnf nr i 30 6 m v r a rhjflnhm i tsroit uirotwar urn t3t2lpjjiic ui 1- at no- cecm svc ifclii jmtrq ofatsat jam 27 2 juncr r 1 stt jiatfsq j iciyviur kid 43 z i- imjutrval 151 h 3 achifr iitjtmj csji atoasoat jam m llthlut jam jaal- 4 3 tv oi xtwtl i 3c 3t1 crf ol1urt ptaov it vceiled rtauftsfiat jam ii 2 3c f3ur strtr 7- 10 fjrti skarirto acton uons mtltl it a sports celebrities dinner in acton leokn auoitoum friday february 1t 6004w jm maurice ja richard hus many othh immrts eamonauttw pmmt canada and tm ul adults 500 stuoents 00 tcfcett may he ototahsad by contacting asy lion or at canadian ttm stow acton hoakl jwatflmslol the same nroht u rtt 1 i fml exhibition hockey actom smmassttmrtv toronto st michaels college juvomjav va a u j sptcial appiaftamct by maurice richard adults soe m wm al stan va t90mn to hockavy scimmi nocam rot conmumrr unmr-

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