Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), January 24, 1963, p. 8

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sfcosto- i tkivpvsfv tjfpamjwtr hi rnoi5 l fluetyh general hoaplul tcnos headier club enjoyed if together wednesday at the r guelph friend are orry that a bu injury haa put mr ernie marks tin s joaapvs mopllalcuelpnt mr andjurs cordon belty-mr- rtvedukome sunday after attend ing tnevcofervauve cdncnllort in ottawa mr john e ftatliton of toronto and mr andmnt everett jowet from prince albert satk vltlted with mr and mm jai roulon mrs george green and tfoveranfc hnlmes her am from a 17dav visit wltk relative in london england vrleftdi of mr charles cutis will be pleased to know that he has recovered from his recent ill ness and if wilding with hit daughter at rh 4 acton all untied church womens groupsare studying the rim of asia and president mrs h r- force la giving the first chapter to each group this month mr and mrs wilfred kennedy pent week vltitlng with their daughter and soninlaw mr and mrs ray everdell and grand children ruth rick and tim at little current on manlioulln is land friendi will be sorrv to learn mr bern vnnpleel la a patient in quelphceneral wnrpllitl follow ing an accident while at work at beardmore and company he re ceived an injury to his eye while telling plaillc pipe for freezcup mr robert c kerr or arthic kerr son rr 2 received a dealer preview of ifi brand new cockahutt farm equipment pro- duciilfw iy3 qwpqiyjani est arrays unveiled at one tlmcb rnstllulc tup ur m him i a t gift from was mr d williamson i dublin w i friends are glad to know that mrs anna smith lake ave it home from guelph general hos pital following surgery- the new mlnltler of aclon pen- lecostal church the rev s m thofiuui and his wife are living in the formerbome of colcray the corner- of church and frederick sts on january m mrs j price president of the acton ladies auxiliary for retarded children mrs c anderson mrs j turkosx mrs p f njmtra and mrs p v dunham attended an executive iheeting of the north halton as sociation tor retarded children at thcjsunshjne school hornby two carloads of oil painting tnntentic t mi l f day to hear artist jackson pol lock and see a unique demonstra tipn his appearance in the old high school was sponsored bv the crafts club mr pollock painted a fores scene by tilting his large canvas and letting rivulet of paint run across it signalman john musselle son of mr and mrs george musselle acton is spending two weeks leave at hln home after serving three and qj years with the canadian army in socst tier many following his leave he re ports to no t npd toronto where he expccls to receive hi discharge from the army some lime lnmoreh recently a very pleasant eve nlng was spent at the new home in guelph of mrs clarence wil son and miss mildred wilson bv mr and mrs wffl prank mr and mrs duncan moffat and mr and mrs ales near all former close neighbours from nana gawcya wtio oir behalt of lhat community presented them with a handle back bronze dinette suite and tv lamp ross wll son was given a pen and pencil set mildred was also presented with a womens r get action on jury s report the recent grand jury report on knadaqnacjes and suggested acton flraflghters were never to grateful to receive a false alarm as they were this morning thurtd4va the temperature hovered wsttnelow zero a call before 9j0 am had firefighters aotjt fire in nasssgswtsa but before the truck left the hall a second call informed them the fire was out a iwocar collision on the erinesquesing town line north of aclon resulted in a total of ttso damte th 19 ca en by bruno sclisuzi o milton sustained 1500 damage while the 13 car driven b james beaudin 30 of georgetown vsa damatttnl to the estent of 120 const clif ford collins of ihe o p p guelph investigated laving roor deck at the new ch r cl i a slow job a ladder must be mos ed to place each long hoard the legkin is planning a one crlbbugv tout nanil nl hue m icb- ruarv okln i ever truik down ihe population jiaures ot halion centres compiled in the 141 census just tound them in the iu62 year book a little late of course aelon is listed is 4 144 georgetown ion miluin burlington 4700 and oakstllc i0j trouble is tluve all hangod now floudllghts loi llw puis aic the aim ol aclon solihull ass4- clullou tlwv t- selling dias ik kclb and planning a dance umt sunday i he timed church intenncduite s u n j a s school paper carried an article and picture about man panegth shoo she fsatmo gill who lisesl here tor a sshtlr anchui lskimo mogjumc whv isss snoss talu now ihan war ago is a question hokhk seculs to be ahli to aiuwcr north haluhi opp tvpoiuel tnc wwkeihl wsatlui dtdn t vause many acvlskiits iihv miextiyat ed onlv tour ivpoitahu tviset sloo damage v and three non-rc- burtablc atvukiiis in the past with mgh winds twirling the snow into a blizzard hvdro power went off sunday afternoon vi slons of cold meals and frosts homes were dispelled in three minutes trouble hard de eloped which supplies power was quicklv re rerouting it through this area siorvd bv kitchener rockvsood artist yosel dren tent uas asked tu exhibit three nrligioii painting at a show- ut religious art in the jesuit semin rcjdi col lege olnorth has view just 40 ontario artists and sculptors were usked to take- part aeton and iltsinci motorists were pleased to see the prtte of gssolinodrup ihi week in toun most garages dnpped priees to j4 0 and w but a few went one il hrloy lhil ekctkm jlwwfw hr ukrmy b member ol the librur ruad mcettnu last thuruluv decided tu deter elections until khni at v last wfli s ttcvhairiiiun george lee pieijed in th ar wtue uf charlts kirkntii also prefnt fur in lirvt k sewinn wn mr t g rranklln pitu dtinham wtlltain spntston strut couikiiiui lev lnb htiiul vil u v and hbtai v iiiu latum wvn d trussed bac make nans for friendly visits tn wednesday january 14 members of the bjac held their first monthly meeting of 1463 minutes of the december meet ing were read by the- new preti- dentjohn last and duly adopted the flnanlcal report was read by ytrnl lynch and accepted mr lynch then handed the documents over to harold denny treasurer for this year some general discussion follow ed and included closer liaison with the lypjs father west or rived at this point having at tended a guild meeting dlscos- slon continued and it was agre ed to set up an advisory com anltkee which would wprk in close harmony with the lypa tom lynch was nominated cnatr- man of the committee more active a program wat outlined for the next few months and gen erally agreed upon frank van wyck suggested that the bac should become more active in church affalrsnjid in particular a form ctvlsliatlon to the lonely elderly or shut ins he aocopted the chairmanship of a committee tor this purpose it was agreed to continue t holdb ajct meetings on the third wednesday of each month future contact the important question was raised regarding future contact with th rom cothollc church and was met with enthusiasm especially after the successful und enlightening november meeting with father farrell and father moruon discussion followed and wits brought to a close bv the prcsl dent for the sake of the carl risers the meeting olused with the blessing bv father west obituary william e anthony interred on monday a former and then beardmore employee for 10 vears william edwin anthonv of ft r i lime- house died in guelph general hospital on fridav januarv 18 on monday funeral service at ihe rumlcyshoemoker funeral home was conducted by the rc d i enge and interment was in woodlawn comctcrv georgetown pallbearers were archie kerr angus mceschcrn oliver moffat albert brouks all neighbors and two cousins robert and fred shortill changes in the county buildings got some direct action tuesday at the january meeting of halton county council main item to be corrected is ihe name pillar at the front of ihe new administration building and court housesm the base line north- of milton the chief jus- lice and the grand jury at the january supreme court sittings had strongly urged that ihe word ing- halton countv administra tion be changed to indicate the building was also a court house chang or add cuimclllors concurred and de elded to instruct the matthews bronze company in milton to pre pare a design and estimates for changing ihe lettering or adding tetters tit the existing pylon which would also designate the buildings as a court house overcrowding conditions in life childrens aid society building tire to be rectified when the juvenile court offices make shifts in the near future the health unit now in the former jail governors house on hugh st is lo move to the main moor of the vacant registry of ficc building on king su the childrens aid is then to mine to he house vacated by the health unit and the juvenile court pres cntly housed with the cas is hullding room for coals thevmmc4lnntred ntlditiminf coat hanging fucilities are need il especially on the third flixir or the new building they ap proved purchase of two units for hanging coats htrchaea bfeighi no parking signs for the driveways leading lo the county building parking jots was also approved another recommendation lo estend the offices of ihe county jail into the vacated brown st court house is presently under consideration council itook rto action on a recommendation to differentiate between the brown si and base line court buildings by naming i belli court i and court 2 and also took no action on providing writing tables for members of the press lit the two large court rooms good report members expressed npprecla tlon for ihe grand jurvs praise of the centennial manor building and supervision at the request of chief justice mcruer councils property com hellh4nllihlwiwnvldandmltlutirovlewdiheheiglttof dlas in the court rooms and agreed to raise ihcm seven inches it was noted during the recent supreme court sittings that the jury room next lo court room one wiis not soundproof rind eon vernations bv jurors could lie- heard in an adjoining witness room the chief justice however recommended the male witnesses be removed to a room further away from the jury room fcndv wfllvotrcall me- a taut walter certainly ladv youre taxi grant extension ef services for better cthop medical plan the inllon cooperative medical services that there is a need for m6re comprchcnsisc medical covcuge lhan ihe were offer inu a studv was made and a sursev taken lo ascertain if the required number of members would take idsantagc of u complete health insurance plan which wouttfrr udrtn hovmtal medical care and home and oft tee calls reports showed that selfemploed people and small husineses were not able to obtain this protection requests from muhv ofjjie pre sent members also showed a need lor an extended coverage give approval on januarv 7 the directors ap plied to the ontario department of insurance under whose sup ervision the halton medical oi- operittve has been since receiv ing us charter in 1947 for ap- i prusal of ihe medical plans this mr anthonv was koin in i approval has now been given wai jnclthe- halton cooperative medt itl sersiees will ouer ihis new ami conipiehensivc coserage as j ol march i i1 it ts expected that the new during recent yean ii has be- medical plan will increase the hetteetttroffnembehihtfi contldofabf medical cooperative is now scr vicing about 700 members with surgical and a maior medical flun and also acts as a collect rig agency for the ontario tlopi tol services commission as an extra service to its members fmjucing tv49094u 192641 niartied and his wire mai lone survives him at their home in limehousc where ihev irase lis ed for the pasl t tars also remaining are a son laurence anthonv of copper cih bro thers prank shakenuarc- opi ino fred getirgetown and joe- lunehouse sisters matgatc mrs mcdonald georgetown bertha mrs fos win mrs r emcl mrs brooks all of limehousc his parents were the late wil liain hcrtxrt anihonv and ellen jane shortill n more r advantages gl phonics system grade seven topics of talks fund raising and twd informs- robt r hamilton fred a hoffman 3meifiists formerly e p head phone ouelph ta 4m71 st si oeertrss square mrs k alg at valuable during i period live talks by teachers highlighted support during the following the m z bennett home and school association january meet ing on thursday january 17 minutes were read by mrs wil liam jeffery and duly adopted mrs george hargrave read cyril shones letter of resignation and introduced mrs miller bnd mrs sojkn whir had approached her at the close of the november meeting and volunteered to serve on the executive thevwere ac cepted by vote from the floor vice president it was decided that mrs liar- grave remain in office as vice presidenl bul carrv out jlit-du- ttes of president treasurers re port mis presented hythll elliot im future there will be three signing authorities for the ksu ance of cliequexjumclx presl dent or vice president secretary and treasurer the ciiitent shortaiie of cups brought forward the queslion of fund raising only oni und rais ing scheme is permitted pet vear and so n suggested garden parlv was voted upon mrs george wal lis and mrs davidson volunteered as coconveners with mrs gloria browne sere ing in an advisors capaeltv the meeting adjentrned to one of the classrooms to hear talks from two teachers phonics syiltm mfss small grades 2 and 3 teieher gave aninlerestiuy lee line on the advantages of reading mughl by the phonies svstem queslion walter dubois presented the whys of grade 7 and explain ed that this was a preparatory stage for the approach to klgh school jn which girls advanced more rapidly and were not over token by the boys until the tenth grade he clarified the teaching of decimals and percentages as presented lo 7th graders pointing out that through the monetary svstem decimal had unknowing jy been used since grade 2 both these teachers had agreed lo pass up on interesting meeting of the halton council of the in lernaltrnjaj reading association in order in participate in the home mid school group coffee wus served maxsfa legion a popular member of asa branch 197 of the royal onw dlan legion ror the paai 30 yean george musselle installed the of ficers for 1963 during use i dinner saturday evening president for his eighth is max storey who will be assist ed in his duties bji the following officers- first vicepresident jim gunn second vice president frank splelvogel secretary john hufnagel treasurccrcordoh jic culcheon and cergesntitarms norman douglas the ittu executive committee appointed includes poppy chair man w h peal entertainment cnalrmat jimmy hlgglh cante en chairman tom watson buttd ing chairman henry wedge publicity chajruian george ware minor upon representative gor don james and christmas parly chairman s j brunelle need a carpenter for new floors new ceilings new kitchen cupboards or any other alterations oh mil estimate puasi cau tenpr0 distributors ltd s3060 tape craftsmanship all work guarantee january specials phimtto flannelette 36 wide reg 59c yd special 39c yd deptndaili wabasso sheets subsfandards v site 81 100 special 597 pr inwmnostio electric light bulbs 60 watt only special 20e eg 6 for 100 depcnoabu wabasso pillow slips special 137 pr eancv cups saucers beg 69c special 37c modern design coffee mugs asscjrtio ccxobs beg 29 ea special 4 for 88c hintons 5e to 100 stor althuutfh there hie not been an ixport of mbtln in the tli xtrut tor two ufrks di f g oaktn loal etonnai lan reguestv f nmilcnt in acton anj urya lo b on tht lomtant alt ft fir antmat acting mrinuel ut john wildon inttoeucf 1tou to that wonoitlhh wotlo t isio watmth coil ssjsm there uava paiwl vliuvkm wtt vofcotium guktajkx tu wo- j pollock ond compboll i inqtavino mjqhjhttm mimmials an impottant public meeting all ptrwth at invited to attend and participate in a panel discussion by uading canadian expwte in tka field of child education to bo hold at william avo high school milton thursday jan 31 at 800 pjvl com and ming yout ftknds and j yout questions sponsoaeo by north halton association for totardad chuavoa acton and districtvleodefio food dtscoorrt rricw plus free gifts pe c ro 49 supermarket top choice selected red brand beef only oiant re afjc off deal tide 69 loin pork roasts rib end roast loin end roast sugarcured bacon 55 99 midwinter economy sale 99 caauus c vegetable soup 7 99 ctafoowrs auto eo jams or marmalade 599 ooib tjmom 40i dtwfood tit99 4z- ctatrs t0aaat0 juice oatotn fatch kernel corn o te cruthio m tkjwtl rrnfaitf 499 799 ixttl ao i moob ltt i ivnmvauiy iktt1 ao i mooo lox peas 6 for 99c peaches 6 for 99c cake mixes 4 for 99c starvou hi1emv pk feung aaeaaaabbehjaaaaaaaaaaaieaa oor 3 for 99c i highest quality fruit t prodoce at lowest possiuo prkts baaaaaababeaabaibababbaaabbbbaabaaaaaaabababbbaabababbababaabbabbaaaaba l av idqa

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