Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), January 24, 1963, p. 9

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km- r pww nui4 v m ffffli jattuary hl ha mr r w lowrta one of the moat loyal and untiring director and who has eerved en ilia board for year was the unanimous choice a president of the fair board for 1943 ketlring press- dehl george sbioervllle congra tulated secretary c b swackha- user dn this years work whe ther to hold the fair on a sat urday or wednesday wat dis cussed v to accommodate a large num- bet- 6 employees who live out of- town bearilmorc and co have arranged for a sriclsl bus service between acton and cuclph the problem arose with no living quarters hure and gas rationing pte frank jones writes back he was atkedfor a match during an english blackout and recog nised the voice that of fat kenney from the tome town a delightful evening was spent at the home of mr and mrs tho mas cordon when a goodly nunv ber lot churchill fricndi and neighbors braved cold weather and snow filled roads to attend a presentation tarty given in honor of ward graff and rich ard johnson two of our soldier bovs an active service list those back in 1t3 jrasatk bene of tan saaansany january ml wu acton fire brigade is perfect ing a plan for a members bene fit fund m morgan crewson he bought a machine for drilling for oil wttimut do you loathe winter with all the intensity of your tout do you consider thai irfcr fit only for eskimos and abominable snowmen does your spiritshrink into cold llttlegray bam sbmo- in the vicinity of you hava not only my eynv pthy but my undarstandlruj i used to bo one of you ive been through the le 40odd year i was a plodder through slush a huacasr of almtuoera ngaihsrbthv sards a saarimg payer of fuel liver when it snows again does bhk a blsephernous scraper of l out fajhng that was on tha mtk hhii hf your heart grow hard with hatred ice on wldslejdwhh my finger- the wood working department in the machine shops at acton tan- tting company has moved his family from grand valley to ac ton- they are held in high es teem tat grand vetley twaof the young people skat ing on the- fiorid were so unfortu nate as to skate into an unpro tected area where ice has been removed by ice harvesters they were promptly rescued by com panions these placeihouldbc protected by fences compulsory vaccinations- will bo rigidly enforced in waterloo to stamp out the smallpox out- break misses haul memo and bcr- ti smith visited friends in mea- ddwvale this week mr oicar brown is home from vancouver bc arcrjrmcil the duties of muni cipal olfirer harvey were dis cussed he collects tuxes digs graves oils and shovels streets and keeps the lown books llis not just a matter o ten hours a day said reeve hynds vthc of- the utile kids mil twig wttm out tailing thi and 21st runs who fight to keep the elaj of fleer is an duty day and night m 71m hr amdmr leek whan acton wanning board held it 9o3 inaugural maatlng last thursday it marked ma start also of thai sixth yaar of operation unt by4ew petted in january 1m in ipsa the past of the bylaw was generally considarad to bt 1 progressiva map forward true thara ware individuals who had soma misgivings about rha raslrle- tion placed on individuals freedom soma fail a mans home is hit eaitle and- ha should be abla to do what ha want to do with his own land howavar thara was no organuted opposition to tha bylaw and fol lowing various municipal board manoauvrat actovi acquired bylaw 1136 a bylaw to regulate tha use of land and tha character ajactlon usa bulk height spacing and oth er- matters relating to building and ttructuea and uses of j end within tha town of acton one of the sactlonsof tha bylaw pro- ytetet that tha bylaw shall be r at mauler 5 yaar periods and may bo amandad following tuch review in this years agenda we faal the planning board mutt take steps t revise trill bylaw since itt patting in dsb there hava baan numerous amend- mantt to tha bylaw thara hava baan veri- ancat granted by the committee of adjust- inont and thara hava baan many problem aritarfrom its application and interpretation perhaps trie molt glaring esmpl of itt it ware thadifflcuitiat and problamt wmt wk buys an interatting ttudy hat baan publlthad in sweden of what tha average factory work ers pay repretants in terms of consumar goods in five countries tha list of 1 5 cbmmo- 1 wsmkwtuw aneountarad by numerous home owners who wishad to build private garages the othar area in which tha bylaw may be too rattrictlva la in tha commarcial and induttrfal rattrictiont whil this may not have affected a great number ofratepayert tha result may hve baan to retard tha com marcial and industrial growth of tha town the planningboardls eppayenlly think ing of engaging a planning contultant this may or may not ba a wita move we are inclined to faal the planning board should adopt a little mora positive attitude toward actont future development wa think they thould emphattie tha planning atpects of their duties and leave tha legal application and interpretation of tha bylaw to tha law yers and courts we do not suggest the bylaw thould ba changed- to satisfy property owners every whim but we do faal the planning board could sit down with any land owner and work out a program or application of the bylew which would ba of benefit both to the land owner and the town to at well atlnto the future we cannot accept the attitude expretsed at jan thursday meeting after e requett for rezoning had baan refused thatt all theyve atked for why thould we make any recom- mendationt dmlfjyirig ih published amrralphabetically contains ab out 300 name beginning with those killed wing commander morris sgt pilot turner and a anderson prispners of war arc pte turner and csm ir vine a fiw hays nf sunshine woulj help wonderfully in- comefylng electric power the reduced tax rale will be appreciated by every taxpayer awtha catlofoku 40 ihc minstrcl show being planned for march willbe one of the biggest local events of the season the war service league needs knitters- apply to mrs bracken miss m z bennetipr mrs j e gamble so many english girls arc mar rying canadian soldier aisocia- tions of them arc being formed councillor smith said the pour people of acton think j jo it a big salary mr w a coxen has opened a meat business mr w leithmsrt has bough the fruit and confectionery busi ness of mr e k conk the scholars teachers and offi cers of st albans church as sembled in the town hall fdf the annual tea and entertainment lime light views were thrown on ihirn by the rev wilkin- the water table or education lane nutlet an excellent coast ing ground the sleds are run clear across the road almost us far as the blacksmiths ham the lads have signal men who warn as to approaching horses how dear to- our heart is the subscriber who pays in advance when the mercury drops do you shriek lady at your little ones when they come in plastered with snow just seven minutes after you have spent half an hour bundlbm lhent up logo out g do you take the name of the lord in vain sir every time you ho out in the morning and dis cover that the jumpln snownlow has dumped the dally 10ton dona tion into your driveway do you wonder when you re ceive your oil bill if they have got your bill mixed up with that of the chateau laurier do you develop a deep- seeth ing hostility toward pld friend who announce they are off for a holiday in the south do your bones ache your joints- trcok your eyes water these days do you resent getting up in what seems to be the middle of the night to go work if the answer to alltheie questions is a screaming homi cidal yes you may relax friend and neighbor you arc neither neurotic nor odd perverse nor peculiar theres not a thing wrong with you you are a typical normal aver age and honest canadian chief justice nails became my blasted scraper was missing 1 oh yea i was one of you mis- erabw wretebea bentbacked slave chopping ice off tha steps a terrified knockerdown of bffi icicle a pufttn purveyor of garbage cans through snow drifts a furious shoveller of driveways a barking seal whett that frosty morning air first hit the tattered lungs an en- vloua desplser of the birds with enough money to migrate into the sun but im sorry old buddies ive left you thats all behind im- on the other side now i got sick of being a rabbit and decid ed to run with the hounds as a result a whole new life has opened for me now i dance blithely fo the window al first light to see whether anything fell during the nlghr i clap my hands and cry goody i wbeir 1 see that big fresh pile of white stuff in ihadrlvewiy i grurohlewhen- the temperature rites i com plain bitterly when nothing white falls from heaven in two days i grouch about the wlnr- r being to short i sincerely pity those who have fled to the tropics whats happened ive been- skjlng yes sir they got the old man out on the skinny sticks last saturday and he nude it down oh they laughed whan i sat down the minute i stood up on the things- sue they werent laughlhg an hour buervwheav i whutxed down the slope yetl- ing scheutt or whatever it is skiers yell bowling over five- yearolds like fivepins anil tak ing those eight and lfwnca jumps at though id been bora within yodelling range of the matterhom it started our as a mere effort to find out why i bought about a half interest in a sports shop at christmas for the kids i start ed out wearing my golf penta over my deer hunting underwear and my old fishing jacket over my curling sweater by theend of the day fwar ready to sell my golf clubs try to get a refund from the curling club and attempt to trade fat my waders and my shotgun if i could only have one of those brilliant sweaters and a pair of those bullfighters pants like the other skiers and alt around in the chalet drinking coffee with the best of them no mare grumbling about wint er no more hatred of snow so more longing for spring you should try it we skiers are hook ed but happy in fact liked my first time out to well that 1 can scarcely wall for next winter of- maybe the one after to try it again atari national ymca week shows church gmnection dl inilutlai lumis uu t h hold appliance t and e psttenger automobile tha five countriet covered in the turvey are tha soviet union tha united stttet swadan watt germany and finland by equaling the output and living ttanderda of canadian workers at being equal to 70 per cant of the us average the comparison can be e stand ee to take m this country at might ba espected tha soviet worker pays most in termt of work for everything otitriatrtrvith the escaption of sugar where the swedish worker has the advant age the its worker pay 1 the least the fin nish arid watt german workers ere batter bff than than buttiancounterpartt but not aa wall off at tha swedes and the canadian duet vary well indeed tha ttudy wet bated on recgnt depart ment ttora ps or tommoditiet of equal value for a psir ol shoes the us worker work 1 three hours ad 20 minute tn ca nadian fen hours and hf rhe swede eight hours end the- russian 75 hours f01 a 100- pound bag of potatoes the u s worker works two hour and a quertar the canadian mree hours arid 30 mnuras the swede about a quarter of hour longer man tha canadian and the ruttian 11 khjurt and30 minutes for a onepound loaf of bread the us worker works five minutet tha swede and the canadian about tix minutet and the rus tia o se m for a p of hrrf national ymca week is be ing observed throughout canada and the united states during the week uf january 2027 191 this week is set aside to bring public rccutinitiun to the unique character and many works of the ymca our acton ymcjc is once again juining with other associations across canada in this event to support the timely projects of canadian youth work all acton churches observed january jo as ymcji sunday and thus marked the beginning of ymca week as in previui sears all the local- churches were supplied with special y mca sunday bulletins which drew at tention id the rule of the yjal ca in our community partnership with church th- y m r hi hn in rh-tl- pie of all races all creeds and all nationalities can find their oneness in the teachings of jesus through the young mens chris tian association within the ym ca movement protestant catho lic orthodox and jewish join to gether in the service of youth and all across the world mem bers of many uther religions find a unity with their fellow men in the young mens christian asso ciation today that all may be one takes on a hroiiilrr meaning fur many ymca once an organ isation for young men only the ymca now embraces the whole opems assizes the first supreme court of can ada assises in haltons new county building were officially opened tuesday january 9 by the hon mr justice james c mcruer chief justice of the high court the distinguished judge presided over the first week of sittings as the court heard two criminal cases and 21 civil and divorce suits the criminal cases included one against an oakvllle man charged with criminal negli gence- arising from motor ve hicle accident in which two per sons were khied and a rape case against three milton men who were involved in an incident with a 16yearold georgetown girl in esquesing township there are also seven divorce suits and 14 other civil matters court room full as the sessions opened last week the court room was nearly fult of spectators witness es in the criminal cases and petit jurors galled up for duty clerk g madill conducted the court and sh andrew w prank professional directory and travellers guide medical mjnbul oiacctimu ushered fnihis lordship garbed in the tracjtlional full dress in cluding ftcy collar and cuffs dp w g c kenney physician and surgeon office in symon block 4ja mill st- e acton office phone 132111 katldaane 113 church sl b phone w318m db d a garurrr physician and surgeon corner of willow and river sls entrance river st acton ont phone isiomi dr robert d buckner physician and surgeon m wellington sttaciontonir phoaetujuutughtwday brace r niirnniiher llgf orrtcal and llauaumo atjmi i i a e i buchmw a0 optometrlsl orjciacrtjbaat hearing aba 6 john st s acton in acton wednesdays only 2d0 p m jj0 pan for appointment phone iuiml if no antwerl phone waterloo 7414jm7 phone m j- 1240 presumably hamburg tteak the us worker worki 15 minutet the canadian 20 minutes the swede about 27 minutes and the rus sian about two hours and a quarter to pay for a mint watch tha us worker workt jutt over seven hours and the canadian just over 10 hours tha swede workt 22 hours to buy one but the ruttian works over 60 hours for hit for a msnt suit the- u s worker workt nearly 16 hourt the canedun- just over t2 hours the swede nearly 30 hours and the russn 100 hours for a sewmg meemre the companion it 26 noun of woik for the us man naarly 40 hourt for the canadian near ly 160 hours for the swede and 225 hours lor the russian for a television set the u s worker workt 66 hours and the censciian too houi while tha swede works i so hours sod the russian 700 ixkms fnlyto buy j new car the us worker puts in 775 hours on his ob ihe canadian iovo hours the swede 1jj0 hours but kv the rittin woktr ha once of s car is rne equivalent of 6300 hourt of employment at itse swaduhpublisher says those era tha facts draw your own conclusions nership with the church for over 100 years the church reaches young people the glorv ut god and the lite anil teachings of jcsus christ and the ymca helps them to translate these les sons into sigoruuv healths lives oh the seal ol the v m ca there is a bible it is open to the gnpcl of john the passage in dicated is john 1721 thai all may he one it is the highext ideal of the yxtta for it mtssthatsv fsauinapao family boys and girls young and carrying the sword of of- men and young women and their lice t fathers and mothers thus the his lordship wasted no time ymca continues its historic in chastising the counlv council rule as an arm of the church in naming the new building the strengthening family slcs as well hajton county administration a- religious conviction building this building docs credit to the citirens of this community but it means more than a place for offices he explained it is the symbol of lawin- this com munity aaw that protects the poor and humbles the inighl he suggested the name pillar al the front ol the building told only half the story and recom mended that it sciond pillar he aildecttiitead coumyof halton courtllouse dr t b moore physician and surgeon 2maln street north he makes 11 al jordan formerly a clerk fur two years with the identifica tion bureau of the op p general headquarters in toronto became north haltonopp detachments 21st officer recently the force now numbers a sergeant two corporals and ii constables it scrsea the whole north end of llallon except in the towns of jwnaclon and miltun ucw to redecorate church two units raise 1646 the acton free press a a twffs bdjloreaouef xkwiar dibs maaagiag editor tualnhs and idvrriat oppi c t phong m a oi o a aeneral nieetins l the bal- litvatad ltw was held tuesday cenui vsith mrv r j shtirtitl prssuteiit in iharue tv- ivi tional rwikkl isas taken hs mrs tom ftieiumr don smith uase ihe iipn initii ilx- siuts tsools iih- ttiill of u leltlilit ahusit itu- roplc tiwm the island l taiwan a lengths rnimitcs sesim ful lsevt mis tn swnsdlehuil read the irvasurvrs report tir the past- year sshuh was most gratirstng tl64eee was raised by the two units tt vsas desided to start a fund to redecorate the church plans to have the annual st patricks smorgashortt suptserwere isha iiil 11 be decided uler the afternoon unit served a de- ttkiuus lunch at the close of the mesting mr akj mitchell was able in return borne from george town hospital on munday- mr and mrs all himes are en joying a lew weeks in florida mrv donald mclean had the misfortune to slip and fall out side her home breaking her nip she is in guetpn general hospital ttsvlr lor a lew wesks before som- inu home where shccan be tn a sshevl khatr line ol ttw vsmsi hluvatds we hac had fir some tirns- strusk this vommunily on surulav after noon inini 4 oil kun rt vsas hard to sec the lirsisl sseic meeting- but esery dark iukk has a sjlser lining and xsonday ssas a mschrtgh das ttw wi held a eushre at the hvirnc of mr enow with 10 tahlvs plating on saturday night ladies high was mrs william virwmandtiens high was mr harry marcrungton ladies travel ling prise mrs c e snow mr ray swtodlrhurat mens travel ling prtse mrs ruth hembruff l aavkj cup al in the sympathy of use comreunt- tv goes out to mrs william an thony and family on use passing ol husband aad father la guaesh hospital also to the mattsand and family of mrs thompson nee txireen mcdcnkstllj who passed away suddenly on thursday r mr and mrs joe grvcas and daughter of toronto speat the vreciend with mr and mrv c e having plate put in she ssdu be aonw and mrs j snow ml total smk fkt fgaaffll flafliwf twrniyfarvm wrrr p tkic ui y men mvcilnft itutltng unc gurl ilrrb brute r of aiin nrw kitiunlanl the rank u suva sutii frtnjt ru- kx- finrttijlrr tvu hrd leiblc tftjcuu were corij miscfuwi aln poumdiv lor ths mr simkit public rru luffi uorvcr for the mmilton ilixlnct piml laftk lorn butierlhrin tnimdihrrtj ur sitngii- who brief n tjuuiiml tnc scfianmg ui puauj tenrka mprlttiwtlor the time ot chmi when rulrr icnl mcmikun wtth in format tol l trtkt ctwrrvt dviijitir nf null for oukkj drl- nra film for mark cmd reviewed the datfarent pracesaes which atall passes utraugh from the time it enters rhe post bast un it dell m lu th r pteni ha was ihaakad by sob carrie guy ftnss gave a protect re port ham of ihe ii job goal of the fiscal yaar has been reach ed aad he stressed cocawraliua to reach this goal by spring it laftnrtrs paajroi and th r tale sales the bi turkey draw and chriatmas tree tale a report was given by earl mnalm eat world outlook a c waa eaot sp uiucsf for imf comer mala and mill street acton ontario phone office tsj2110 res umim dfuftal 0t h if ib dental surgeon office corner mill and frederick streets office hours by appointment tatapbone asmalo ofl a j gajchanan dental surgeon office sa mill street office hours a in to p m closed wednesday afternoon tsleaoune uj17s0 tavailahy fawfat gay coach unb ottactlh laxavb aoton standard time bttrhminrl ej ajs dally except taa and hoi i ajn ii jj ajai 2 01 pm is m 42j gufc ij1 pm 100 pm sun aad hoi weilbound 10 j7 am 12j pm 2j7 pm 27 pm 727 pro ji pm ii j2 pm 102 am sat only canadian national railways standard tints c t uattatstano oc barrister and solicitor notary public office hours 10 ajn 12 p m i pm 5 p m saturdays by appotnuaeat oojy lutji to toronto aahy e rpt sat and sun tjs aaavfa tonaito daily eacept suav 1ax p m to toronto dally eacapt sun 101 pat as toronto fattis imh tjjjial to totobio dairy board a i georgelown only weelbound i tn m to stratford dally at rrr sun t pas to glrilf lasi daily kepi sal aad suae itm a m to stratford daily eaorpi sal for further tnftiimifaiai eagt sour local sgeai 1312490 offlce emluo k ac tea dj17u m wttorft jo wilbur st- ac km oaupla pvmm mu a maioa ba gsarrister soatcllar notary public office hoars ta acton moagay frtewr eaejuags a paa pja saturday i gens s pm v paltlm ax mf ontario rfcea ta 4424 ofbca hours la gueiph satnrday f aja ii ajs dairy f ta s pm appraisar over m y aai ji yoiagg atraat corner of artkejr to office hoar by eaajiskiajrfr tmjfiaii kt t

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