Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), January 31, 1963, p. 3

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l r cv if- w at arena ver on i mm- tsjfcrfre foilotving j vy nw toprufibn cionv twnyrtory w to ttfeonwpsuttoaed ticket matte rftfc caafcurn j 7tsniilobl eetlon the meeting ittv to accept the tender of i vmitornwfor iiulallatlon of sjovbk outlet to irvice the ice thaver jatnt arena approval war alio given to in contract with the flank of moninfjl for for ctfapo- ing of caah receipt the two night lag of caah receipts the commit me will request council to inclode hunt ae d oththepwa raunitjlpragrniibrincl liuurarie od policy pepartmenf of educate a lengthy djscueslon took place on project for the building com mittee to handle including art d- diffah at the rer- of the arena to home the ice ahaver flooding machines and other equipment mr casburn distrusted a propo- ed recreation program with the committee arrangement were finalized to have lloyd mlnihall of the com- h of the ion meet with- the committee- a their- next meeting to discus possibilities of engaging a fulrlme ecremr io or hilton handle duties or the recreation committee and parka board s tiurns night dinner deprge kerr candi qxitlnued from rape me joe r sams the federal mem ber of parliament for wentworth noted the trcriendou enthusiasm ihown by delegates but warned the convention theres no enevhy a bad as complacency dont tet it happen again referring to the liberal- victory in helton in the federal election hehrlatt june crowing induetrles glen cooper noted that million waqldjnhltqryjbut young in opportunttyj he pointed out the expansionandthegrowthof in dustries in the towns and conv tfch annual burnt night sup- nd dance of the acton dartce club brought of scottish people a great variety of place to i yjkxa saturday for a buf- t toppar supplemented by good w aervmg of haggis mashed po- tt- and mashed noenv- tur- vihubmhs was piped nhy pipe major llobert whittle of fsuelph cs- blll club president jack mcgeachk chairman gave the opening ualcbm and announced ihe pro jf- gwlmje the selkirk grace was gdd by bill connal pjot torn aloft by dave iiatt swraltr lue1ph bobhi cur- tt of guewph gave the iradltlon- fvkddre to the maggwv curing the program thorc were many witty tlorlit and mtssh gaiety bill wilson propoa- d th toast to he lassjejji w r pl tibk fformerly of glasgow res- mnhlt soloist harvey lyon ol bharounui sang flow gently sweat af ton and the star or jmbtiio burnt accompanist was wh kgrhleen dingle down for the dinner from jbarrle wltn her huthand don oifgle formerly of ooelph l gpactel guaete ihead table guests were preii- ttent mr mcoeachle and mrs mc- gaachle dr robert and mrs loner mr and mrs bll wll- mr and mrs dave liatl of clarfcton mitt susan wilson fto- t pickens of fjamlllon and mr mcteai of milton give greetln0pfoni the milton scot tish cub on behalf or the 12 members present staunch sup porter ortheacton club guests from guelph were mr and mrs william- connal pipe major and mrs robert whittle corporal jack harris and mrs harris mr and mr dick sned don mr and mr tom baxter dr and mr jame raetlde mr and mrs hugh martin there were visitors from port credit mr and mrs andy acklman mr and mr wlmanv beange from other village youngsters rnbme was taught to speak well and was able fo take his place later in the intellectual society of edinburgh villager tale tales and legends tod by vil lagers ako stimulated the young ports creative development shavpening his imagination and setfittivity to beauty dr buck- ner noledthat while burns loved scotland he did hosthyss the romantic aspects of his naiixv land to the exclusion of rcatllv- bccause he lived close to the soil and the real things of life r and mrs jam benti f ronmimickhehcnew how to exprestthem in wkljmlrtju nawnkm past president of the asd club dr robert bucknct spoke on the immortal memory of rob bie burn and said it was impos sible to do justice to the unique personality and genius of itls sub ject in the short aljoiledtomtfir trled to dispel the myth that rdbble was on uneducated ploughman farmer actually he was brought up in a home where education was valued and it v a robbies fother william burnes who was the real inspiration and influence in his life it was burn himself who dropped thee from the surname william felt educa tion was one of the most impor tant things in life and he manag ed to provide hi children with copies of the classics bv thc standards of his times robbie- was well educated and deepy read in the poetry of scotland and england he and hit brother had a pri vate tutor john murdoch living with the family who alto taught fpomiomb y tw acton uont cu town dance friday february 1st lkmon auditorium music by tommy ray and the shades doiklng from 9 pm to 1 100 am hiah nott yimi chantm km thh damci only language which struck a respon sive chord in- the mind und hearts or his countrymen dr bucknctv conclutled ranger help mrs e g franklin and sen ranger put blundell joan ram- len and j rognval ol the hmcs uutremorl crew served the buffet supper quietly and efficiently and generally did un outstanding job an excellent program of mix ed and scottish uuncinn whuh was arranged bv club instructor dave izatt and mrs ivatt con cluded the burns night celebra tion and the evening was thor oughly enjoyed dr harry harley is slattinii tfisscrics or public opinion polls all over again simultaneously in alt weekly papers in llallon this week post coupon and let him know your choice lor a national flag mr cooper stated that halloh needs new schools more hospi tals and greater recreation facili ties he cautioned however that we must be careful and plan for all halton he continued will sumo tlay be a urge metro cltv ancrwe must see to it that others do not annex any part of it following his defeat mr coun- cr said he was happy to have run so well i am disappointed that i didnt win he saidbut there 1 julmbbss or resentment bevelop potential william haurlgan favored by many tu win the nomination told the deleaotes under the ro- harts plan for an expanding eco nomy wc have a place were port of the development and here in halton we have the potential working together we con- develop it he stresseikmiiat his only aim in seeking the nomination was to jllvc the county positive progres sive leadership roy coulter in his speech to the delegates noted rbharts wants people in the parly from ail walks ol life following his deleal mr coulter told the dele- bates lo give your support to the winning candidate and maintain a conservative seat in halton mac sprowl of esqueslng said the winning candidate must bv pawwinio be a jult timemp he stressed that the successful candidate must start preparing lor the next election tonight not tomorrow morning busy man bitd nichols of milton acted as returning officer for the four bal lots with t banes william sharp m halherley a frame anil roy kirkness serving as dep utyreturning officers w j bealy of acton was ihe chair man throughout the convention relrcshtncnts were served in an adtoining room candidate george kerr said his wife will supervise his law firm seafyy59 health flex tmi tami tttgl innir confttructiom a mand miw covift stepped- up product ton for thin wile phi studys hiirf huyinu power avis you 20 juantitie tira ited twy now huntfrtdt of ltmpv itml ajifi sitieoth buttmfre turlw duriblt fmw toi wftvsmufim covr tmvf 39 88 mtttnu r bei svuc annivemsarv sal sealy sahara supreme ami mattmss cmatid poh otbl samaavlaawatv youd sipact to pay far nor for tha quality fvaturasu tmni ratui covt rkklr auutg kmatl a tu10 autirat imigaidiajsag- ihst kantrtaual la utsosuhnium aieii com couat hmt ltnitttnia rojul cutthomm furnishings while he cajiipaignathratiahout halton she i thf former mtry- dilh splcef and they graduated together from dalhusie univer sity law school in 1963 two year after their marriage they live with thdrthrte children at 3041 balmoral ave burlington burttagtotl constrwlnr the candidate was elected to burlington council in 195 and it till a councillor he it alto a member of the burlington cham- her of cbmmercetxrrismcn clubr and retarded childrens associa tion and hat held responsible posts in each organization since 190 he has been treasurer of the halton county conservative as sociation and a former secretary of the burlington association he will he seeking to retain the tory seal held for 19 vears by the late stanley l hall who died last october the coontv has been without ta provincial mp since his death ksttfbjer elders installed at ihe ii oclock service at the united church were g w mckenzlc john blundermrs alflong mrs ant ironside john bous- fleld ruben stcrrttt norman frycrlloyd gohn and ken allen they are all installed for a five- year term with the exception of mr sterritt who will be complet ing the two years or uncomplet ed jcrrn prnnnff mr e d mcpsedran bciried at roclcwood funeral aervioe were held at the rumleyboemaker funeral home an january u for anna bertha mcthedran of hockwood who died in guekah general hospital on january 12 in her 19th year the had been iii for a week mj mcphedrah was born in iff in erin township and wrnt togresaiock pobk school and then owen sound col legiate she taught school tl no j7wterlpo beforejwr rnarrlage lp 1901 at guelph to e duncan mcpheilran who predeceased her they lived in ermatou township moving to jrocbwood 14 years she is survived hy sons alec and duncan of rockwoml harry of glen ridge new erxey and elizabeth of qrangevllle and a slifter mrs a f johns of new market a ajsienmrtrchacle har ris and brothers george and ed ward predeceased her she had eight grandchildren her parents were the late henry pearen and lyjllo loree pearcn rev roy connor of rockwood conducted the fu service pallbearers were sims mclean fergus clarence petty- guelph atteir tjbuglat r s chandler and douglas cross ol rockwood and kenneth johns of weston flower bearers svere e maude roy petty rockwood e jcstln percy pcavoy evcrton and albert hunter burlington tfafaeton firsrrta frwrarjay january alit 19o bmtht mni fluui pai contlntkse fjran ptaft onej schrittlan bducaliod committee mrs edna gordon miss norma balllle mit jessie cole ml helen lantisborough mis ruth landsborough mr bethel g a harrap chat landsborough ex- offteio l flower committee mitt eda fryer mrs walter fryer mrs c landsborough sociafcommlttee mrhel wig mrs wagner mrr cohen mrfreulervmrihdevrlermr jwuygordop mnuhazel crlpps mrs illsley prayer meeting pianist mrs helen bulmer canadian baptist representative mrs fred west church moderator g a harrap if you teot ukdosnj a good n why not matiaati fno iib eye bank hemmaa w it tcjii j lawaon ofbraotpton t the man to contact if you are inter ested in leaving your eyes faff someone else at county council last week oakvtlle deputyroave herb merryput in a plug for the service and he said he hi willed his eyet to ihe eye bank tah7xjqtmdamjl tsso rtmnacson call uehn wmen 8532s80 special introductory offwi to come out tncthear our naw hout band that start on sat fob 2nd music at ii should be for dancing in tha glann millar ityja by ron bagnato his orchestra short cut standing rib roast lb 71c rolled prime rib roast lb 88c lb 55c lb 63c lb 60c crosscut rib roast lb 71c boneless shoulder roast lb 66c inner rib roll boneless lb 88c rot rout outer rib roll lb 63c blade roast bonei blade roast short rib roast bo prices effective jan 3 31 fab 1 l we reaatv the right to limit ouanlltlaa a hearty energy food prince edward island 1 vlb bag potatoes 39 in plate beef lb 31c rolled plate boneless lb 42c boneless brisket point lb 71c boneless stewing beef lb 58c rib steaks lb 79c r00ndchucicjb3c beef steakettes lb 55c beef liver sliced lb 47c bmt kidney lb 31c bf tcmgitth lb 47c bratting rib lb 39c us no 1 oram- new cabbage ui no 1 oram cucumbers us no 1 oradi florida c ea 19c iacm 2 for 29c ioi talks extra a total of j26j0o in bonu tp receive un in bonus tape with ifa oz jar strawberry jam lo pki duncan hines cake mixes 3 tuih special pack pepsodent toothpaste receive um in bonus tape with i ih pku maple leaf lard lill-nl- purr pk 1 hi pku s sa sag it han no 1 grade spinach l pku fraservale strawberries black diamond old go pkg cheese st1x 45c ucatarch 14b pkg margarine 2 for 45 mccains fraam jlb boaua pk french fries 49c hnapllalmy ayimw haivis 1soz tjhs choice peaches 2 39 1joi cbeify pie 45c extra irish stew 25 niscarl hcoif 10oz jab instant coffee 11 9 ctpy currm alpnabits suoab autr post cereals 3 1 89 4 afmrixtiiibzaz tiluz

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