Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), January 31, 1963, p. 6

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jaivsafeii kfr t v wtu mmiiuim mrnbftsl w t v1u i i iii guwun wanuta lapa auttect lb niovom doaot bkmlara d rt wool plmbt or aawto ktad of tmoow of doom i hukt ahaluffl if you hadaeked my opinion latt on- acton chance in the tlmmwty 1fm uklntf in to cowralton of court ihelr huoni rcord and in ntay wera achadoled lo meet i would have undoubtedly ujel- dow you rtwmi about hockey andttarl tmnalnf about areetv or itomt ov maybe batebell or something ar kl until new v wl fellow t take 4 all back very danged woiy two of ac- ton v doomed hockey ckib ap parently hadnt been told they vwre all wathed up or if they war told they didnt lutten one team want to mlltton tee weea and one mam went lo hetpeler mdaata o4h squad played like champion and both came home with tie it mtx minor huclicyjweek ao r keep your boy on ice and youll keep him out 4 hot water mghkmamamal the monthly tnamlaf of bden mllkt traabytarun jwlfa and ladle aid waa boated on wed- netday afternoon byjanu k i or ooom roy t in chenje of the vims pot- admit thai- flon wu mr h oubahmut with midgets lose tie continued from pafe pour the learnt played to i h tic fit hetpeler merv marshall put ac ton ahead at 1m of the firm period audited by ricky llendcr- on heapeler tied it then jan rlddall put the acton club ahead helped by hcndcnton and mar- thall nfmeetingpance hi idnrs in v mrtll oy tor the ladwt aid the- roll call we answered by tueuont for the year work mr ftoy gordon retiring preil- dent of the wts wot proaenl- d with a ajtfr prpartlun were made for the world day of prayer and a corneal wat won by mr jame glrbertmm mr oarhet mcooujall ave a reail- liuj a pleasant afternoon wu brought 4oacjoe with a nodal half hour the executive of the commu nity club apontorod a dance on saturday evening in the vlilaae jf trembleys hall to the ntukio tito the aveor wa a uoo mr and mra halph thomron vitlled mr and mr oeoiy pwwelhni in fuoira recently v itor jo am thompton hum on sunday wore mr and mr rittf mulr and family of ouelph mr and mr avid meoumild burunaion were iveekend vuli- or of mv and mr william mc lean sr mr and mr jhn cann and family were irv walkerton at thr weekermlmmhiu of mr aik mra gordon jcatibi sunday vlillom o mr- and mr william ollheruon were mr john davldaun and mr arid mr charier davidson of alton still confined to hospital am mr rdna clark in the general hoapllal and mlw habel lnwrle in stvjoteohii hetpeler acorvd thc tccond khodt onlyfloal to take the id for the rlrt period audited by rkky henderaon ttetpelcr jld ii then jan rlddall put the acton club ahead helped by hen- demon and manhall cored only goal the tccond to take the hetpeler period 01 lead for the flrl time but john goy ikjuared occountt at 1116 of the third attltted hy paul murr and henry heikamp the name wat clotcly conlcst- dalhlhe way mltfortune vtruck in the third period however when dave spraaton iprlghtlv acton forward wat hit in the mouth bv a pucv being cleared one tooth wa looaened and he wa ikken to hoapltalror ttitche he will be toil lo the team for the balance of the teaton regulation ipetifv overtime in- tie garnet but a retcrect ruling ended the eonlett at the third third game it here friday if the acton club wlnt a fourth conic goetio hetpeler a lo or tic eliminate them winner of thi round meet the millonorangeville winner in the league fihalv league champ goet into the omha plaottt opinion poll dr harry harley halton mp ha aiked thlt newtpapert tloni of general interett please fill in thl coupon clip it out cooperation in carrying a regular public opinion no on que- tlont of general interett please fill in thlt coupon clip it out and mail it poatat free lo dr harry harley mp houm uf commont oltawa ontario it i not necettarytotlgnyour name remits will be announced in february on the ouestion of a national flag for canada should it be 1 the redentlgn cl tlic union jack j a distinctive flag not vontulning the union jack 4 a distinctive flag apportion of which would be the union jack chahes kingsmill president packinghouse workers local r i person3l inife i t sf aetonlana artablnfl ouwftown polrrti ne of mr and mrk harry malnpriw are in clearwater beach florida for the winter mrs joseph kentner tpetit the weekend vltitlng friend in to ronto saluidam uflerihmtn ihu luiilov choir of the tiiilieri- ciitiuli eik loved a iwrlv in lius church manv frlutul am wirrv ji leain mn dniu lfiili it a pa tient in gtielph ovtwral lliupllal mr and mr hulwil iuvui ami family uf hiumpini vitileil in luwn uiuha weekend iaiiatiimaitiaiiiii i scrape windows for char view corporal ray munon till week iiggetted that all mutiumv tuku every precaution ihcemaiv lo prevent cur wlndowt from fiou tug over he noleifkeverul earn had ihcii seen with wlmulllelcli troited iver while driver wcie n motion thl can he ilunger- uus ami cmilil catlly lewull in tetlouh accldeiil- the corporal migucttet to wall until the car in iitttclemlvvnir la clear lite windshield and urged drivciatudvhluitkiiiiajmrwju of lrot and snow while waillnu tie akc urues moloritln to abide by the no puiklng bylaw governing vehicles parked uvcr- niijlit on the sheets cars will lu- lowed iwiy a i the owner cxpcitmrtund firtes imposed a general membership meeting of united pockinghoute workers of local 79 of ibeardmorea co was held in ihc legion hall on january is after a dixcuxsion of general husinexs the following officer were elected prctidertl charles kingxmlhrvlceprcxidcnr gordon cunningham recording xecrctary frances johnston chief steward hugh 0aourkc tnixleei ken milne millie fabian william mcmullen guard edward- mcglllowav negotiating committee c kingsmill h orourke d crooks gord cunningham mil lie fahlan ont council c kingsmill h orourke g cunningham mil lie fabian belle anderson vi mcmullen central ont sub district- council -r- c kingsmill ii orourke lyle cripps and ed janks need a carpenter new floors nfw ceilings niwtotchen cupboaids or any other alterations km phi istimah puau cau tenfro distributors ltd 5s4m0 taovatt q ah wertt ooaranaaaal social committee chairman l maxalcx canadas hini satellite hi ir- bill the aluucltewus described to-tacidlv- and students nf the 07ac ciigliieerlng stience ile- parimcm last week by dr a k muloi of the deleuse research tclecomiinicatttmx establishment of the department of national delense at ottawa he lived in the district as a bov and is well- known hcrtt mr and mr ed mchugh and baby ronnie of luiowel vulled in town over the weekend with relative and friend although brian barmau i oul of huxpiiali it will be xeveral week befiiie iwx able fo return icilhe llnlmrklly ul torontii iiilurnuldmal v men ptkl- dent elect fl w mcketwie vlxll- ed clulu m penntvlvanlu and liaired llie- trie of the imt iriier- lialliinal iiinvenlloii in llulfalu on- the weekend your ttieiidx ami nelghhorii will iw liimivilvil if vihi luv vlsl- tin a take a hip or have a party nr lu liuii who it in hospital so duty may mud a card these iiojew tuakii interesting news call ihjmio thls week recreation director jim cashiiin ills wife who niir- se- iii mlllon hospital and their childieii are moving into the home formerly owned by mr and mrs ken how right at the park gutet after working in hawaii for five months miss llnda lovell arrived hack sunday night hv pi inc hrr clirislnias gills were walling for her anclslie opened litem as soon as she gol homer sin- is the daughter ol mr and iv-lovell- mr and mrs n iliaiili and miss llnda bralda miss sally wilson ill acton accompanied by r- 8th for plana are belnj mad to open balllhafadv new commilnliy lll on march i ifall aoa a planned winch for partjcular laterl the cxjtt mer in the church rang httta wt high school grades ii i and 11 will he ullemlliig a perfoftn- uiur of george bernard shaw arms uiul the mun in toroiho at the tics trundle february 7 n pa ni piial uulh fllglbbjn carol piiamo ol guelph and linda wickhain of ruckwiuul ul tended ihc central oiilaruielgure skuling champion- ships al newmarket over ihc past wekend l a surprise- party war held at the home or mr iind mrs john ilufnagel for mr and mrs hen ware on the occasion of their 30h wetuluig annlversarv mr luul mrs george ware bill and michael mr and mrs john hut nagel and donna and jessie ware atlcndcd georgetowns drinking water was apparently polluted lor sev eral months although the condi tion was not discussed at council the suurce of trouble i ik- sil ver creek reservoir js now eliminated chlorine was increas ed in the meantime council was also told the credit river is be ing polluted by detergents and council endorsed a resolution to ask the provincial government to prohibit the use of mineralbased j delergcrtls candy put your shoes in expert hands wf spciau in repairing rebuilding and re- all shoes dim to a rkfmt kunhs my ihot rcpaw mjshetss wtu not rtsuma mm tuooay muuary stm for cuttomors cohvnilnc our mpdorn ronovotod stpro offors a coniploto stock of mons and loys nv for the best looking feet in town v hop at lissi- shoe repair phaw luttm vdutwadti choosi from our sklktion op famous nami trand boxed chocolates quality ba products save you money gmolinat iki 2 ammk wnane han motor oils jbbl s ynn pay dlvl ful ffbrsm msmm cartyhta fimi oils veiff sfov oiu llj smvic charfl dapantfabla thompson fuels ltd acton phoni ss5370 aptirhouk 515174 on suturddv in pretloir the town und village tecllmi orsibe oiiiutln miinlitpul association held a one day collfneiue when topics were municipal licensing powers and iarly closing hy- laws j w ilell illreilim ol law for tile depailineiilof municipal aflalis was one of the speakers there were aclon cleik jack mc- geoc hie mayor george llarheau reeve uerl lllnloii anil councillors irlc johnston ijrs ijulwy ham peal and ah irwin j robertll hamilton optomitthtf two locations oia 40 main n fnrpprmtt s9ti ooalph 70 tf 0 la near ouebec street or appolnlmanl ta mim on monday evening for a utpper meellntt when chlnaae food wa rytd mr jlarry iuiortlll underwent an dnerallon in ouelph hoplil and is progrettlng nicely aaawal mutlag the annual meeting of hullinx- fad united church wa held and all report were in good standing thowlng balano bt um treawry mr ami mr c mcbnery and mr and mrs e mcenery tpaat friday evening in woodbntfgoy- wjien an annual party wat haajl a number from here attended me paniiockburn womert nl- tuie etuhre held on saturday night in baimockburn school irr us help you i jv with your travel needs 7 ohmmowtj ytamsntpc mowt mmanom pa1ipoay appucation ptmms milton travel service avnwmizko agent 1iy main muloh offlee- itmlll luat nutn what is a good life assurancejcjontiact 17 is the must iffnnvenihirv savlllit lcin krwiwn it is your savings invested to earn a high profit for you ii is inoiiiv avalubl n y t m hci icliirfncnl ii is inoiiiv in pmleciviiii tiliili op tialr it js monry lor yooi nbligaiioiis it should iju- lontuud clfl aiiusa slf its r ari invesrlnenl plaa bujlf fur vou will ponlde inlercsting and pioliuhle sludr doaft- poici 114414 actom crush international recent ttudim tuggau a njnlng mcrtaw betsyaen i mo- i9w of young people in the noil contumnt age bracket specifically the soft drink comumtr in the v s hmtaea thetfe of 10 and 19 ar cipeetad to went in numbtn by34incanadaby4t a in 195 pop consumer downed m bsuion botlk of loft drink us ptxcaisrtacvbmompteaxkrwbouat raaa iso x t crush international i4 n imenttimg mockva a nun invenmeni with ouuunding towlpottntkl miphonrta 4-f4h4j- uam v4mm tv m mills speq73 tx lim1t0 tommto uonmiw wim autrjjwttpm w vaau by mows towntmis nhuons i they 11 win your vleotne s heart everytr- 1 specially gift wrapped 10 t pf box ttsavf vows now i whmoiis rtstalmant supermarket red brand beef only top choice selected kiajtt 1j02 peanut butter 29c youit 15-oi- pork 4 beans 2 for 25c oak hap c1am woi corn- 2 for 29c ijoi 2 for 25c tot cheese slices 27c kounty kt peas leader in dynamic puis pat otrts ivy day famous shopsys beef steakettes 55 fresh pork liver 29 bologna 35 maple leaf fresh picnic ham roast 3 canada grade 1 butter 50 no dealers phase rose brand rawfmmrry or cherry 24ot smarts choice jam39 pears 25 ouamio 45 tooth paste 49c maxwau houm aoa instant coffee 89c ketchup iiox 19c wfm oiou o noo o ova au brands cigarehes oatamd valutf tomatoes aaaaasassasyap 2f2fc vanfty 44aafl m tout tissue low iiiimii at jqklpjy

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