Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), February 7, 1963, p. 1

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jvtijfct afrrpn ontario thursday fsbruarv 7th 1943 jjrcss riw c3m uw m cxfta piiii nic ou tan pagm savan ceifx autooraptmp sticks baarlng tha famous name of hockay dfaaf maurice rocket richard of montreal canadians will be cherished by mike vale ken owen and catey harkley the rockat now goodwill ambeitedor for tha quebec team obli gingly hlnad hundred of autographs and talked with at many autf vtiote thrilled boys and girli as he could a sports celebrities dinner for 200 and special hockey matches at the arena for an en thusiastic crowd of 1 000 sponsored by the lions club high- lighted minor hockey week for the biggest sports spectacle ever seen here more pictures and news stones inside tl r vt 145 glen lea ratepayers oppose project committee rejects apartment building comittoc uf adjustment on iofwluv evening jrantod the miiv or variance rcqucmod by kurt mbit emu hcffncr to allow- the ooutwctlun of aomtotty brick btuw with athfchcd aara0etnhepogetd rrmt stnee the apart corner of arthur and wellington street the lot with a 60 foot frontage on wehinutun sired hax all area ut 412 q ft 7onlnu mr gitto infurmed the com ml t too a retaining wall would be built at tht nar of the lot to provide a parkins area next to the railroad rtghlofwav he night we arc together lur a pub lic hearing on the matter of the i apartment house on lots 10 it application of mr onto to per smash door dishes at united church tnniiv united chuixh t is jthe tirgit lor tamhik tin si i night inn him to huil j a two mo rev men building would be set hack from the street 10 feet further than tht neighboring homes the building would not appear too by4aw requirements an lor an high from the street ffvg of 700 ii ft thesecril the proposed aparlniliil would i tt hen dishes and uues were tarj preseiwed tht committee hate 10 units utih a parking km nhed and glass inured uound wit ihe iur or proper uttnm sp4u i tlu unit tht build the bastnnnt and ejuiieh sine notified of the apptieuliun und would in ol sulul masonr ofl tunrw th one ohtetlon iveiimd u uas irt us niaunals oiginisi ljiig riliott dts pointed out that the proposed a lkl akin 14 r tu i covered the duu i i nun dwelling would etimplv with jii fmm hl mxtl alu the hear t ulinbeforctt p 111 ami eduel miitu fii tour kind tonsidua tequiremcnth tr ih onmg hv wnt priwnlcd tnmmilux constable biiri me rhur if th tini tew exeepv lor the idea requii a j s nn 14 ation opp diiichnunt poliei it mi nm is ilhmtd lo huild ratepars tihjeetlng- to thi tun repmud the dmn to tlu mini rxjteled tin ap- r milk lion of the apat inu nts 111 tht kr studt hirflttin snnxhul i uul 12 plan w 1 ojpufield rd and ihe variance he requests to be granted to him from bylaw 1 128 the zoning bv luvt as spokesman lor a lather large group ol r tu p iers in the im mull ill ieimi ol this proposed apartment house sitt i like to pn mm ibis eimimittee uilh a petition signed h ratepayers for tour kind tonsidi r ilion fuithermoie 1 like to add to ttu uxt ul this petition the tol ii miig pet si nil remarks whieh i iki like to le iti with this eom mentk the comnntt plication hv m gtllu leu unees to allow the construction r viks lot j i unpin id of an apartment building on ots road aeted as spokesmui lor to- ii and 12 on ldngtield rtkidife group and in presenting the petition said mi chairman member ot the comljliutee of 4dusttuellt te- tatafe gain cntianet uul dislus fioi an adiuimng room smashiel the tltmir in the downstairs 11 lvtmall tlu ttont eloo in the elmirch is kepi linked but tiles el l h ul be e n le 1 1 op n to tie i om ntodau ehuie h gt uups holding nut tings with tht lolliming eltvision al 1 hough tile appltea h it i to hi the eoninntue ol adiust ment eoulel mmtk be eoiimeui ctl a niuuh tutanets in uu tl the eiipositiou timin ttt totn ctmihji ot aeton ami the 1 lie ptters in tlu vinthindiug aia vchiv neui 1 lu appluation the rwiseel ipplualion b m gitto pusthlee bs his seilleltor mr led ltqueslim juimn i lee i in 1 lu nai il el set bae pussibb 100 utl ui art require lsqiasm couiuil on mond i suiih s pussi ml piesent mvnts and huikmoii 10 luxe a igrrtd in loin the uuir other ne eounie i pmptisal road to ttu leai paiknig loj north llaltou inunieipahtiis lhltueb i be ing tun tkt m a uie til lheuothhs eeist it a ijuui to light thi lloe tlu ipirtnunt hitiisi 011 this lot uhieh is uiudu too small then ujimiuetiau it he is going to run psinto ptrking pnibtenis tor his tin i hits 111 1 he ii likmn itlel lsll siihsepumlt us wil hate k piikeel mi nv mid and k 11 1 jus bin ul 1 111 is proposed he hvtul 1 r 1 onktuld rou c imuett jr mii pagar su sports firmament stars at blastoff for rocket friday i never thimghl id tc the itiv maurice richard would cumc tu acton one widoeved youngster confessed an hixrkev s tup ambas hjtdur was piped intu the legion audlturium with five other ptr sonatitics at last triday s sptirts celebrities dinner close iuj200 other dinner guests shifted his enthusiasm md broke into spontaneous uppluuse 52000 voters an eetimated sttm helton eleclorejuv airtmelad lo be all- ihbleao vole lis the flaral alac- llon aebadulad for april 1 county lutumlitf officer richard waal received a tele gram from ottawa wedneaday uulrucllng him lo prepare for ihe election in the federal alwtlnn last june llallon waa divided into 2s2 polling subdivision this thae there will be 111 ike re turning officer reported in an hslervtew wedneaday evening enumeration of ihe county in preparing tha voter lists will begin on february i in she last election mjm voters were listed as eligible and this lime it la eipecfed thai figure will climb lo 32mm svkumf h ir lm vi 1 as the retinue bended hv kilted piper michael jfoc paraded tu lb finkl table signalling ihe atari of one of the higyist nights in ac ton snorls blsturv htkl in coniunuion with minor hoikiv ucik in can ula ihi din nir prolldid a hockcv program in the inmmiinllv icnltx imme dintclv aflcrwiudsj that attradid over 1000 sntitators boih etnts wire sponsnnil b ailon lions clnh uho look ihe kiaston lo pusinl a si i of mvi alt ross goil nils lo tin iom tnunitv unlri rocket lleadllner miaillini guist at imilh units nl imiisi u is m uiriii rix ki n rah ii il assisting anil making a lug im i n as m as h kmku m cirl matlgilt ontiriu lanossi assik iition ptisutenl teilllnus prisiiknt ol tin out irio mintn hoiki association timoiln nh t ii w rrrrm i run tuimis iniirpnscs d mm ni colvk llliism in uilh tmtinln oolliall argns anit spill i ins ptiblitiin hniliii im tlu tomntii maplu i car bascbill club i inns t hib president a 1iu ill i uilciiinid giusls at tlu ihn ni i xpl lining him tl nilgin itcil from a prnnosil to invite- tn- nillto si mull ills colligi to pl iv m ctxhjrtttiiui wiih ailon lions jiininis mil blussonuil into the biggest sport sptitaclitacton hnscver seen hif introiluceil mavor george bnrbeaii who ihunked live lions club for their inlrrrst in the com inunitv and traced ihe hlsiorv of the lommunitv centre formed bv a group ot comiminttv minded citizens in iw the lions had their sights set on nrtificiul ice right irom the start said the mavor envious the ilretm mushniomcd into ihi conimtimtv unlri drive and the usiili is a si60mn building is a line itltm centre i feci sun vn iri tin ilivv ot other communities the mavor con cluclid rt mi lll c ti jl tas buin tnlliullkcd bv all in lillder prcsinlid ihe tuad table inilud nl lb tht gal isv ol sports per siinililus vc re alci johnsun one u ii pi nnm lu ih ilinnil torfnir m ivnr and new inn iiiuii lottinitssion ch urnian john ciov b irrv insnie louhol alton lions jiuiiois laihir hulines managii ol st mtchacl luvinili- pis i uin- president rav aibic president a lauder and tin nu ition ilirrelor a qursunn period tutlowcd the tiiund of hrief icmarks from lu nl i ible guisis p ii iiiiouni sub- kit ol remarks wis appn iratiori for thetiumptikxm baitejuet tha lrgiun ladles auxiliary prepared maurlce richard on the receiv ing end of some frank and lively queries from the audience bora the brunt of the question period attesting to the influence of tv on vouiigstem one minor player asked the rocket do you real ly use vllnlis head nsttstktv sharing the spotlight ware tim geohagcn a wrestler who con fessed he had never seen a hoe- krv game until he was it a psvchnlogv professor in ireland geohagen turned to the grappling game he enlightened his llgten- crs with anccdntes and reminded dinner nucsts that we must edu- tu 41 t committee recreation director told duties program by government rep the iuuk formed 10inan nx natuvn eommitux reetitetl a eleireut pieluix of its ixsponsi hilities and duties expected from ihe recreation dueetoi during a meeting thlirsdiv january h uilh lioil miiisbdll district rvp- rchentalite irom the ivtrettiun brant h ul the department ol ld ucniiop the das ol the bihm ticld ing sweat shirted thistlc tooting dux e tor are oir sircssetl mr minshall as he informed tht com muiee the dirt e tors m un job is administer counsel aiul guide in eomp lllll ihe elllee oi uith pi the th me irral or i seeondir sshml he site yon e hinol il pcet to haiul bun i hnjoiu to tlo let ikel s eloies uul atllllllllste i piope i iv l till it le i ol i million dolt ii husuuss it hi ts eloing this then he is not eoiu e utr itlllg on tile pi opel lse t ot ills ob lilt us re llion elllee lot is 1111 poll ml tie s ml inking immhets lo tppreeiite his eoik ills b eail be some er ete iii iiulinfr hot u must be lenu nin reel in is onl one m m he e tun t n xeteei lo ttork 24 hours i s ssell el its l tee k lu belleteel louncif vi is also it ulv to tiiuururite mv ullfote seen elultelt north submits counterproposal in county voting power hassle iuc1 the suu stl pl arnxlmv he hurling ul ii 1 bu hw n tlu v sn llu solullim pivioucl oakllllc pnvl bill le cllangv v r h n nil 1 hi thai hi ihi sq tt as u c u voting powvi c tl l mirth le b javtaja parties gird for action election here april 8 totes llu tor tkrth tlu tuiths inivipivip sit s- ejlel so si hi i unit t nut it b tseel m illeilu pit s les is i the taihmts ilienige ti ui es aiut euilvl in e the tii n ili i n el ti inj sn twjl ie tsen si si t i sm10 i i oretottn te sljehl s iltud vthell h s e s tin h he s t t ie te lulels lee led i mhi i upiomii a k til kr ui lo lh- hallin itul h il h tut an i tu le i vt lei hie ottt il ttpe n iv m tl k belli xi m tub k ride of committee s m le teiuuluttee hie mlv is k il lis il ttltll role m ikllll ntoih is not i tit 111 till luiletjihl ol hi teele 1 1 kill iom tnillee i vlike is nun h monet is ii i ilbiil don t lent i ul lie i nu timing the pi line h mis tt nit own l tnis it this im ins s k i it le lllfc pilblle skatllle pel i his mr tnshlll snjje sit tl sin hi ml ipflmiteel blllmllv ihe stuimiuinit v eititix it his i leeepted the i is i il ilut i umii ii i t lee fe i i ii illti ill i it lllliovs me to sec lute i lion due clots in tin distlle f eouu ting and tolling momy ll lhe lie doing this it could iui in thc au rifglteting their main duties he sari one liaison man onlv ihe chnrmnn ol i hi rt t reition ciiiuimtuc should he the lisiison man inltteeii the eouuuit lu sine the recie ilion director inel single me mbe ts shouliln l ip leh the diue lot teith piob leuis ii sllgieesliorjs mr mttishtll poinuel or ue u ilion is not out iih d lo spori alone bill e lleouip isse s le 1 1 1 1 s iniiirtfc hopltol ill ijt lnmpi he aeb iseel til ii ill ate fllie s ol teete ill ml be e xploiled tin ioulii in ii is mixissible lo i illow llu r jr t same pattern laid out hv other eommumtic as acton ttould hive to establish 1 piogram for oldei people on a b tsis ol tthat diet should have as much as veh it tlu wani grani for mcrvtary chiumau john toy informed mr mnhall the committee along unsidiring hiring a secretary to handle dutits uf both ihkiics tin the basis of tvwi hours 1 iia or oi 1 uul u omit ud if grants ttcli it 111 ible to ollse i 1 see ret u s s ilait mr minshall said tin see it t lit would hul to work it le tsi 10 hours pet tvtudb before uiv grant would be gittn in eollc lusion lu sironglv aid t ts d the commute e im mh rs nil to get lost orv pells quibbling dui nie iheti me clings as thiv inikjit gel so e lost to the teiitds tint d ov rlrtftl the ginnl ifvs board parleys four hours decisions take 10 minutes dm iii mmdit hijh m him a tout hour st ssi m niht a ton t1isi t ilkiird iprptott ll s i u 111 it is s til it h tlvis mil i i hiiiii willi tnt mulilltton in 1 10 mini tli u u it si ssi m die i siting e hlliniltee ot llle veil le t ii llilei in i thus eplai til hotu in u i i s i ii 11 inu i in si it itiitnhe is ti hi i h m willi tin c ils in i timu c irti i a silwi jtliustiiiiiit 1 1 mi tittup it tl shki te is pp stuitut n v 1 i r dual stag s of tht mn mhl ii i ii ik is is in iom s il n s imi ii dill tl k fie 1 this j uh us t diinni th im i tin 1 lu nucling u fsiii il h put uul members wnii innluli hi iv inln i inseil iiiinimttec ol thi wliiile lur din iissmns inilil ims pin after rtucihiii i uiftilii m ml nusllllv c is ii ills k itll miihin 10 niinulis nut ttu niit hv jilimirnul jt 1 1 ss j n piesclh fur tlu miiliifrt mn ll iirntjn t lar lmi fnisues i i k r nl ikiih inge i vvjilue smakhjniii ihin in mult it pntiirpil ti i ii insti nut insist jut pniu ipjl mr hut itivjii etc the bodv as well as ihe mind to- have the makings of m good citien dnnnv nicolvk former em- lovcx with recreation director jim cishurn in scarbomugh was tossed a hot potato when some- cini nked what did happen lo argon cniesis were esiorted to the coinmumtv centre following tha dinner where a minor hockey nrn- grjm wus alreadv underway jlrn cavburn put hisjialfahundrad hockey school tvltes through their pues for the benefit of the 100 spectators who delighted in the demonstration and gave loud ap- pliuse to the paiiicipatnts who ttnged all the wav irom the nov- ii is on skates to sliek little hac- kev pluvers founding palme thunderous upplause greeted he uiust celebrities as thev were inirikluced and never subsided im til i ion president allan lauder assisted hv mavor barbeau pre- stntnl reercalion chairman john niv uilh the new art roes type mis lor the community centre irom the lions club the applause wus deafening vclvn maurice richard waa spot ted in a referee s unitpnlpslgnlng auingriphs and preparing to of- flelair at an eshlwuon game be- wiih parks hoard was seriouslj oveehinatrtmrbottrieiariscns pee wees and the legion town leaglsf all slirs the businessmen a kids vv un v 2 coy goal as i finale toronto st mich ael s juveniles met actun lions juniors in an exhibition and iani out on top 101 at ihe head it the league in toronto st mike s had loo much hockey knewkdgr fur ihe acton club who skated with them fa ihe hrst 20 minutes john goy jr in id ihi onlv acton goal assist- id hy mrrv marshall auingrupfi hounds hod a field itiv al the rsprme of aockat richard and the othrr celebrities vshu vvtre hesieged most of the nltt hv vihingsters and their par- int r uri r to lake home some simvt mi ul ooc of the biggest spoils rvmis in actons history th n 1 t ri h i ti c 11 rotarians learn ofso afr al this uutiiluu ttih migh a piiiein e in liiii h it rxe u runtorcd pmik isieill s isssihililies oselev uoil 1 i iii the s t a the iu m p si inlet i hall el ed usl lifc ahhthigh canada s mh pailn nietn w i etissltcl tu silas est ning anil a teeutal euetmn is urwsluust im pitl i llallon usiin an ml punnititi lo hold f leetetal tuhniit iifu suuiauljon siiu until mid m u h f ris v se i ust brml asseieiaon said weelks m vx h tw tul s s tviits inemk s uo a ihmiuiijiihi l temitve mu lin held vtniun t ikx ir as i in xlirtemi vast vk the putt ultnulu tftrtidrd u hwk1 a om icebra ftjtrnvul neumnating yoiutniion k itwhik halloo t iu til teil 1 s i piaii e i il a maiimum i oil pstisal i ni two lor u lo u u tor up u ol si 1 i 1 hlut in k i r i i u i 1 rj mi iths s it hi i lh e in n to io th tt tol up t up mv t te ehhl aiul j iu tt nun til lhw vwtxl h s n ms s um r alvkltlkl i wi bate i stmh iw m mkfcllr of uaih follow mg uh ok sekoetl sw tjle oie isirp jfsprote n pi n iple the stle itih mtmin st th si l1it m m n ik u parhanunt s tikela etisseshitum kkl ubcraj eectitne nittitbct wtr acouteled hv thu not imper nd thct said thai a umuugh aitwmimk nerv be mg rnuk to hold the meeting carhfi te mtd date nll iands hitllon coumv t icfiii fealerlh bv mf or harry har y of oaktille wbe took the mat tallowing the juno it lc cwtkia whcn hav dcftaled in cumni pc member sndv but proruciahy the party hi tern himk vhihl hvaii at l av i sgu s n te is o ie i li ohihts iiiuur lb m north ha ts ibetr trtknl eltitn n miimx and tail p roeileau o uktille is ipextel to be ivuppcunted etv dcmoeraue fw iv eanduule oel board sum lol pbe pssl feekial crvstiein v vieial jcreilu supporters said lies amf svhiinv t candidate burlington uavor owen mullin rttrttwrrk announwd v mirj t n pevwlk iwm1v sexk th liberals nttd for the reaeh and the ttig mote ts w i onurio races and george kerr irm ler rwo ihiogs tmal inspe ol burlington hasalivads been ikmi and oheui vtetrd to pask sboicti tu represent ihe coner-a- up jut exlds nrfttek rcmain to tiv nop w rcpurtedhy at he done un the beiwev ate build templing tthauikh 4 cuulieutc inn k t o i t s is v i t 1st h im it in il 1 ktt h i sni ti i 1 je 1 igfl ve se i l rh st k t kj tiitih ot s nth fn i te is i s spe iks i t s i il th o it hsi ni ii t s due lh lie p i it ut s in 1 s i iij xv m t ll hr the r i n 1 m 1 u o i til ttshtc m ss k n i in ab uu i nx nt ii nit dlllltaa vl 11 st t ia vcim s a d st td tbe ripeihhs baj mou ui oxi e t l th a s a nit j in ie in ri psi se nt etl the i hski th intuunt rl m k 1 thi spe ikcr veas it the opinion j v i eelia e in siuth atntva 1 unji i the pixset ssktn has an j ippthiintt i peil thaiwlves up ii ti ot xflin the ehlll petiple loee i mint niiite al cleans mi j nn into n kith alrua in ui ilei to raise their standarvlut its dr loetbroufch desrrbcd the aaiiinal parks in alnea where i annnak rain unmolested the kpealver uj tntruducrd b pjul met ken direetor of intcnu twnal services tor the acton ciub waters pure says report the ontario water rrource irtmnrsmon notified tusjrn of ik t in this wcek the town water uppu i not chitrninaled ee spn nun nir eireulatlnn latt ms k on thtitsjit of last svrett th out o to nrvater rrourtej cotn- misshin was jekrsj lo lake tel m e it rufif i 4 etanrmtilnatkm rt i hid tlu maror rarv friday nnirnuttf i itrk i k mtoeac hla vijs umtnml by the- eommiakmi jtut tolel the water rtpori waa ef ojiit ehsvwrd no ein uf baet lx i ks tkajlvinil low stltlrt m etl tt ukrn ttrtd had been ukn ami thee ihe jjktvrc ftrr ju im u k mi mjshie ak rvtvrtrd fs vat r lot s tvsit base a rvaltital invlt 4 noritte rjrw durtrtf rxrutrs for the w hi h it hit r ei n hiejjiumal isti ii in atcd an aimtiunt erf deissinte rcjoa iinaj that art if ke tat ty ji 1st i in mhnr eentre to r- uke ismmh eke ouist smaktk at th rotary qlub mafing tgatdjy or bboederk goubroogb of th ft public of south afrrtj is picturad- abov caatra with rotarian paul nailmn lall and prsdnf tom 5b raid right dr coobroogh i taking a pottgrduta coor at tb ontario vatafmary cow qni at gualph undar lb rotary scholarship plan killed fox feared rabid t rt j af n kitvrit a fs at his garagr and vilrrinurian dr frank g oas n ihr head lo the diiralnksn j lnirasurv al hull lur rsamina iiiii i 1 1 i hrlkvrd rhr animal sraa tariul a nthrr rahid fuses and clunks have been killed ul the arra pnortra thrs this is the first rase br three sissha reparv cd tu dr oakrs the crowsts have not basal li big f sunday evantag atlull

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