Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), February 14, 1963, p. 10

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i a vdnr t s thi good old days ho -tsh- iwvv m l fwm fcsbaiifrs iiiart- v kthor tavtup decltlvenaw mutt turaly be the keynote every canadian will be giving more thought of hs alactlon campaign in which thit court- than usual to hit vote too at least we tin- try flndt ittalf ceraly hop thit will be the case there it clear evidence thit campaign will tm onca again the active trileratt of a ma jority of tha population well ahead of voting day thit wa tuggatt it tomelhlrig long lacking in recant campaignt local orgnl report tupportart volunteering thair tervicat tomathlng then ara quit unaetuitomad to in tha opening dayl of tha battle canadians ara now taking a teriout took at thit ma in ottawa and their interatt we tuggatt ii long overdue tha election it poorly timed not only it our canadian winter teaton a deterrent in tome tactiont of the country to voting but tha country ittalf facet maor policy prob lem that cannot be tattled by pollticiant buty on th hutkingt it it clear that decliivenett hat been lack ing in our operations at ottawa for tome time an untteted defanta policy and a wide tpllt in opinion among thota raipantible for it our icttt of stature at a nation abroad our continuing difficulties with unemployment and a hott of other problem have bean evi dent during the life of tha pretent govern the problem of deelttvanett hat in our opinion bean abtent for too long tha ca nadian people have bean tailing their votet for toojongpromliet of candycoated pallia- tivet for our national ills have grown a little tickening frankly we would like to te tome national decitlvenett in which the plain hard cold tacit are presented in unadulterated fa shion accompanied by an equal meatura of hard coldcuret in similarly unadulterated fathion we cannot go on forever spending more than we are taking in and thit it one of the hard cold facts few governments seem willing to cope with defense is bound to be a key issue in this election campaign if it take on an anti- american note as we expect it will tha lack of decisiveness that hat preceded the dis- solution of parliament will have contributed greatly to that unfortunate development it appears that all but one of the political par ties have come out with strong and clear statements on their detente stand the lib eral nave supported the honoring of the r50 egiee t w put nudejwfc ttie eotrirnbri complaint of recent elec tion that there it no reetdlfferenco between the maor partlet is no longer valid on the defenta itsue alone there is a clear cut dif ference in policy that sharp division in it self will attabllth tome party lines the evi dence that thit will bejiolly contested elec tion it already gathering clearly the peopln of canada want some decisiveness but we hop the election will not be looked on is an interlude of entertainment at the expense of ottawa the battle of the huskings is a vital one and itt outcome must be decisive no longer can canada afford the luxury of a weak government quavering in its decisions before tha threat of nonconfidence votes the utopian bubble every political party hat been inflating around us has long since burst no longer it our stature abroad joma thing to be gloated over and no longer is our economic petition at home something- to crow about as a nation we are in for a dose of per- hapt unpleatant medicine but the leader who it ttrohgf enough and decisive enough to administer it is the one who deserves the support of the country above all alte this election must be de cisive in recant canadian politics that seems to be a unique word it john vohmteers acton can count i tie if among ontarios more fortunate communities for here in our iuvt we have hidden assets our citizen volunteers of st john ambulance the lat- et statistics show that 1778 hours of vol- unjary service were given to us by these selfless men and women in addition to this they trained thirtynine interested people m firtt atd and home nursing who can now help others who might be sick or injured this is really quite a gift to our com munity because no return i uked for or sought from us all st john ambulance want from acton during their annual appeal is 1000 to cover the incidental expenses for the necessary medical supplies theyyriust have if me are to remain prepared- to helo 20 years ago takmi rram its issue of the free- ipmt nfthnnday feb ii i4v mr arrow momw hat been cho- ceil chairman of the malum war 1limin oiiymlllie pietuintllons art- underway lor the hittrih victory loan 4 on saturday february i a quiet wedding wl solcnwlred nf the home of the tritiums naivnts maple i till farm when kathleen votuiyer ilainrhler ol mr and mrs w i ferris firerton alberta anil ross melvln vihiriget son f mr and mrs arthur swuck limner were tinilcil in minrlngi hv rev a 0 w foreman the bride was smartlv iiftlml tn the uniform of the hcaf wd trie lirhle and groom after a short leave will return to their stations mr archie lowes harn three miles north of ckpringe wns struck hv lightning and totally deslrovcd sertit pilot noel call who liv ed here on a fnml as a hov has wrtyen from i ticrmun prisoner ol war camp asking lornier fri ends in write to him sut i a seward raf ferrv command visited for a lew days with mi ami mrs c ii lanii ferrvinu a bomber to africa he was fori eil to make a crash land- inn anil was taken- prisoner they envtinu a prison in the inlui ioi lo house allied prisoner when the arena chained hands lluy uri released and their capiors ptaceil in ihe prison manylriends liere welcome hint silclv hack attain there will lie a program in the town hall to niark scouting week native of the acton district and a member of a pioneer funilv miss barbara cameron wan en passed away in toronto she was horn on thewarren homestead on ihe fourth line lifelong resident of- acton and iimehoiise mrs thomas mar shall passed away at her home mi flnin st rommels tank fortes have re newed their offensive at oilun tncji hail to lielp shovel so the stum- plough could gel through 50 years ago taken ram the lamr the free tr ot thnrakty feb m till the fliiuretl is cihiilitisin for tut titer consideration ami con demnation it is ileelared mew- that ihvliianhle hum mini bane ful ehect on all those who use it and us use lessens ihe ijower or cnihirance and decreiisus a mans efficiency ivtr c decker ihe new pro prietor of the dominion hotel has taken posesoul5 the purchase price preparations are belnu made for driving the piles for the elec tric railway across fairy luke while ihe ice is on loan and woml are coming in on the sleighs again the sleigh hells music is quite welcrme rev charles jolllffe mission ary to china was to have lefl roclcwood torchlnn last week lo resume bis labors but one of his cnluirer was taken ill with measles nnd the departure was necessarily postponed the nnnmilmuctinn of llultiin liheral assuciallon was held in the town hall milton one of ihe largest and most harmonious lor a mtmber of years acton viccpresidcnl is a j mckinnon a lusolution unanimously endors ed itte naval policy of sir wilfred lanrier and declared unbounded confidence in the leader of the fcth ipiielv of o vi rowell kc special efforts are heinu made inmir churches to improve anil strennlhcn ihe cbolrs knox church has civpaycd a new leader mr wilson of toronto and ihe meiitodlsl church has cnuaitcd prof chas kelly of cuelph to lake cutrye until after easter mrs peter mcnab passed awav somewhat suddenly frlilav in her home upposilelhe methodki church she vas a womun or queerilv character and luvash- disposillon her first husband p ii corrhjill was one of our early merchivhts and transacted business in a block of stores where knox church now stands she came to acton 50 years ago site was born in scotland and came with her parents lo upper canada tbu for rome renon valentin duv bilng out the woml irv m ihe iilea of riavlng a special day for cxpremon of lovt apfieato to me but not in trwmuldutof u cjiuidluii february at ihit time of year t can hartllv ittnd myseir lei alone invw1fe my nblghboys wire imd various plher people im mippihl to love hearing ihu in mint perhun yuu will ex itie jhe family onllromunllc loiii of iht fuliowlriut- nuthinu- ilkconcerm n woman tuittii much i tlw kuy0eton thii site k not the flnflcrtt-to-thc- bone type of worker she claim lo br ami thain a hiji stnlemeni hcliiiisl tin tiwful lot t thinys ilisloiucrt a wrnnn tiihible li most men swnl- low ihk le ue nil they come hniiie from work with their uiiu ilriutflny md hutely huve tcir coats off when thi slarts they rend invurloim wavs li the nviilanthl that mow from xrjuin on evcrythinu she did from the fine she itti uiti of hed this morning due l ihe most vvidelv used methods ol retaininu simltv is ur piisle an inieresiid inok on your 1 at c po riht on eaiinn mmii din and emit a reperlojre or small sounds iudiialinii nilieiliili- tv approyul and sympathy ac- tuinpauied hv popping the eves il vifttrnhuith is fiill waiiing your head irom limb lo 1 1 me and shruuniny voor shiiulders nt the opportune moment this gets you through iht meal then she savs why io vim never trtlk t me another way of countering the vivid aeliiunl of the way she mil iit ihe iriiiiinif tight ap leishe made the beds is tosav oh poi a sink in it who ihe hell taies how long il took yuu lo wax ihe flikir hut this method is not recommended unless your wife is paralyzed i nun the waist down and up i you exploiting your husburkl just iresse the matineat the nnlvhi put some llnarprlnn on ii nnd imdfrllne u ow- prtffnant phrase then leave the open rrusajiutlne in some jilace where sttes likely 16 see it sticti as the bothroiifn wln- side ihe rcmgerulor next ind n few murder mys terles in which husbandt have doneiiwny with ihelr wives or news starlet in which a man has tone berserk and axed his entire family gel into ihe hoblj of read ing thorn aloud to you wife o- vlully and with relish start lirlndlng up aspirin tablets and dropping them into glasses of milk usl as she enters ihe room- when she stnrls talking about working so hard fix iter with -u- piercing stare and ask softly are you really unhappy with vour life darling this me thod is practically guaranteed to give her something else to think about besides what she lold ihe milkman when he shoilchanited her its all very well for women to talk about how hard ihev work and what a stale their nerves ate in from ihe continual pressure ol kids kids kids hut 1 fin one am not interested and dont believe a word of il third ol all id rtillief inttrmbcmrmer if life is such a round of diudycrv why ate ihev so rrnnllc to gel ntarrrid oh i know ihe answer lo this one loo it uocs lccxinlnlv didnt expect il to he like this you used to talk lo me about every- lliintt mow vou just sit there with vour nose in the paper other peirples husbands talk tiv ihcur- p ijuujnn i of course they do y to would we wouldnt we tfiap 1f uir wlvds would only shut up donl expect herjo admit ii hut todays wonnrnt if she is fair nwhanlc has a life that would make her grandmother turn green with envy some body else does her baking a machine does her washing the nillk and groceries are dellver- ered unless she lives in ihe- illy where the latter amenity has been dispensed with she doesnt have to pump water or chop kindling or shovel snow or shewn indians or drive a team or hirth babies or pre serve fruit she has so mifttv limesaving devices she hasnt time to hwik after them all atfd with radio television and telephone she doesnt have to suffer ihe worst plnyue ol hii yiahdninlhet- loneliness or does she on tup ol ihr mechanical aids ilmihavuiemjycdllh ilnid from her lifer she has a husband who miuht think that a womans place is in the tiiiute but wrmld not date sav it cottle on kills confess that vuu never hud it so uolht or do von happy valentines isv and even il its onlv old rill smilev t tnve vou waaaamatsumaaajanaaaaxsttsaar professional directory and travellers guide news mqm aiouno tm distro had on our alrady acquired weapons th contervtiv it appears ttill rfd more time to think although some of the cabinet rninimr felt thit wat not nbcetevy evi denced by thetf feeionetion tht ndjv opposed tuch acqumtton and it woold appear the dual leadership or the social creditors is alto united in opposing such ecqutsition the decision each canadian takes on this ind other ittuee that will develop wll gov ern how they vote it would appear that cainpoimsmokcv the cat owned hy mr nnd mrs samuel pntternon is nut onlv a immui mouser hot a good rahhithumrr too the psitlersons car disiuilied a cotloniiil hiding in their rtiw hxwhe one leueiit cveninp and it ntiltoil into ihe pulh ol sinokev vllh otic swipe ul its paw sniokey snayjetl the hounding hunnv and heyan a niiet niilht snack brampton on a m vote neiphlmiiinn chinbuacnnsv tnnm-il- agreed lisi week ut hold a liquv vole in may the six councillors were slil on ihe decision and reeve cyril clark used his lie hteukiutt vole lo nive ihe plehiseitea kcei liyht five separate hallois are planned clarkson lonnio township will soon have a preside lake- shore development tin the innner major lames raltrav estate includ- iny a aihiiiij icniiv sorrutinded hv 10 estate type homes in the 40001 to ttsoool laleiiorv siiue ihe owner died three vears api several allempis were nuule i aiimiie the cntate as a wildlile saiu- luaiv v trin local liissls school studenls have heen laljinu part in a study conducted hv ihe ontaiio department ol health to lest nod habits results showed the bus had helter totul liahits than yirls hut both groups leaned toward too many helwecnnteal snacks srrtttsvul ii couikillors haw decided ty lower ihe boom on dpn owners pemiillinn then doys to run aklvijit ijirouvh tuwn regulations now in effect are to be sli icllvrnfotved irorcirtown onh sympathy was olfered hv council vvhctw eorvie turnhull ot islington asked lui some help with a properly he purchased some vrais aio alter ils punhiise the lowu neit n as a ctinseixaiion uei and hean neither build on the laud ur sell it vet rnust keep paiinii taxes tile plannui hoard hasbeen asked lo review the sittiiiion bolton heres one town where a volunteer ambulance serv ice is paving oil the local ihivers showetl a j700 surplus at ihe end til last veai ttbv ttnveis have turned down a prupnsil lo pa them selves 1 small renilinei ation on a point svsieni rt rl incitosi is it i orne ave r lorne st sins on the road sav axe at one end and st at the other the town map savs street hoi ihe post otlice sisit s avenue oakvttt h- tvn onkhcplketmsidusbavebcen upcnd ed from ihe loive oi lailure to umipk with a duvilue tiom the chiel date has heen sei im ii heaimifider ihe phikc aff muto vaiulals have deiuitm six ot 2 llowerm crab ttces plain cd on the mai tin st buikaid last tall as part ol the towns beautilkaiion pmiei t the trees valneil al 12 eat h were snappeil ott about shoulder hiph despite metal stakes to whuh the nee- were tied thev weie ynaranteeil but not against tins vul town imeinan biuce ukeii the mote subtle and intelligent approach is one i have developed and wluyh i am iiki publicspirit ed lo keep to rnvsell il is to lead womens muyaines pnictically every one of ihern thete dnyvcon- laius an article about how to hold your hunband for example this week i round a couple of dandies one rcuds stop boring your hum- hand the second asks are r lets paybrijgtl by bui coatc board no 17 produced some interttinn result at last mon days meeting ol ihe acton bridge chrh the hand was al ways pued in heart by cant and ihe results were hid 4 down 1 mfdical jrr xtimwmamm punpral dikrctoiis hid rule 4 hid 2 nuule 2 and bid l rntde 4 lets look n the tumils dealer tnorth neither side vulnerable north ic- s h4 3 d k 0 10 7 4 j c 6 12 watt east s 0 9 7 4 s ki0 5 ii k i ji ao107 vj d j 52 i 6 c a 10 c k o 5 dr w g c ktnney rttyslclnn and surgeon okice in symon block 43a mill si e acton office phone hj2iii residence iis church sl e phone hj16m dr d a oarpftt physleian and surgeon corner of willow anil rlvar sts entrance river st acton onl phone 85joj41 dr robert d buckner physician and surgeon 39 wellington st acton onl phone mt40 dr t b moore physjcian and surjeori 2 main street north rnr sjin ml mill slrt surely acton will come through with that necessity 1000 invattmanl in our ahddeo atsen south s j 8 6 12 ii j 8 f a f j 9 7 4 soinjemed hiddlnji north east south west pv iii pass 21 doublei 211 piss 3u 1- piss 4h all jwss you mj- wontier whv i sujt- ersl fuir hearts is a final tuii- tlail when onlv one pair muli- il there is really unlv one lead thai vsrll beat toor hearts pro- vuleil east does not yel carr- less it souih leads a spade anil there is no lesson whv he hoidd and jiorth rcroxns a ok school sale rive dta- tha only way to keep a good friend 4 to b one th main trouble with the younger gen eration it that it is to nearly like the older genarafaan- we when it was the younger generation wei land tribune name vtl tre-baafcl- the acton free press namilat aaaaafca of tha audit bureau tt rhwiwhji iktphai anl tha ootarloquebec dmaloa ol tw cmmjlthmttit rate on request subi rrtf lit wfau aaw a feg in canada hh is iju maljaiajr tlwmmin fl counuiet 100 til tha united ltaamu atair foreuro countries 01 av 0uc tmr4ac1avf usincsls and tdiroiiai crmrctphttm ass 2010 ii i mfap assaipnvea omncil feb 4th pae its approval in principle to the proposed sale ul miltons martin st hih school 10 ihe psih ik school hoard at jnvotlo the township is one ol the five own ers since it was part of the form er- unh llalton hinh schiiol nard council named i en andrews ken mire lwvue aiinew bill coulier john robertson iv c oun and cahjn mcliitsre to thosiattrntinirv crntre-boirl- at- camxihettvtrtis- for 1v- fihir applicants tor ihe inh of assessor were to lx- interviewed b council in the near touire memhers endorsed a resolution from the cotmlv if wcniworih a f hell- ph p op hej ill s the rranjeminls are being made cotinollot s outside the camp ille eihanie lo lisi- a icli- ne iiilit card ksplaln plans si and hall n molual cv sirits esplnniil iheir llh plan enrulnicnls to urnii- hurt ciamp was plaomnt board naniid to sugsyealtnirrnanlu pnv habited from majusrtj tmrnral- ease dvtergenls blamed for pol lution of waterwavs and damage lo sewage disposil plants h renew- al was granted tom rcruclli lot i con s to mv valentine tytota ios i he 1 pon ihe riiivilrenched earlflr and souls ivlorniil lo dutv iul ihmv was pven birth ihe hlidsaatn were winjimt their carols lliuleit free iul on m heart went sintfintf isabel anderson diamond then sonrh van north a spade roll now mond return should set op a heart trick lor soolh tliiv most sooths woolij lead hi du asc and n the spute shift is timilale north will rvturn a diamond and as i said if east does nul el in- jess he will miff huth he can lose two aces arul one irsimp and si ill mjke his four ii he is ure- ls and nittsloss south wv iimt ruff and il- niith 1 spaile nrtf when soulm uaik ihe diamond ace and does not continue with a sevund diamond he is marked uith a singleton in thai sou fast is warned and must ni hi acton ontario phone office 8sv21ro res 8moh3 dental drh leib dental surgeon office corner mill and frederick streets office hours by appointment telephone st06io or a j buchanan dental surgron office a mill street office hours 9 a m to 6 p m closed wednesday afternoon t wh7 phone umrj50nfhf or da bruce p shoemaker mgr optical and hearing aim 7 t l buchner od oplomelrlsl conlacl larnset hearing aldt a john sl s aflon in acton wednesdays only 200 p m 600 pm for appointment phone 85vi04i ii no answer phone waterloo 742m67 tkaviuiri- quidi gray coach unes roacmg utaw aitom siandard time fasthoiintl llatlv except son rfrv legal hr takrs n c f leathlar4d qc barrister and solicitor notary public office hours 10 a m 12 p rrir 1 pm 5 pm saturdavs hv appointment only phone ottice ksvljjo bes 5vi745 acton ftm and hoi s8 am 1113 am 2ng pm 50i pm 623 pm 833 pm 1008 p m isun and lloll westbound jlqxl am 12 s7 pm 2 57 pm s 27 pm 727- pm 9 12 pm 1132 pm 102 am sat onlv canadian national railways standard time fjslbound av a m to toronto daily ex cept sal and sun 7 18 am lo toronlo ifailv esiept sun 7 42 pm to toronto daily ejiept sun 8 01 pm to tornnto sun only 9 25 pm totorunm daily tnard at ffeurgetnwn only westbimind tni m ti iirifurd itsily fs- iepl sun 62i pm to sirallord daily except sat and sun 12 59 1 m to slraltord daily exirp si i r further information lkal aenl 85v24s call in the first nine months of 162 labor income in canada was 910 tuition ors pyr h than in the similar period of 1i ac and leadv a duh or heart east simplv lakes ou trump arid- loses one diamond and one or two spades depetmling on his gtses he can still make four this weeks manners first tnmtfami rtt tnrtrrxrsn s- cund mr and mrs jack cooper third brute ilfcquarrt carl em- ond bring your favorite partner o to the aston bridg club and show him or net that i is a pawtnankap a braida ba barrixter solicitor notary public oftlce jsottre tat aetata v monday friday erenlngt a p m 9 pan x saturday i pm 5 p m 21 pakslef sl onelph ontario phone ta 42242 office hours in guelph r -sattrda- oalty f aam s fust- a15pkaming and inbtjatancb f l wright 2ft wilbur sl acton oatartn h m appraiser and laauraoea oyer 30 yean la acta chiawfiuctaal david w cortn dc 31 young street corner of arthur aj young sia office hours by appointment tram a- uhs-

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