Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), February 14, 1963, p. 4

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vr af tim m frf w thurtdavf manwy mihk6jh jjft v thhlk with acto briers monday the ladle played hoal to the erin gait and tuenday men curler hotted the 4xjrtplclwllh erinjhcaelojijjuliei icime oul with one win in he 74 draw when ojga zbceltioff took jop honor and two wln in the 91 1- draw with mu dumunih und will i hewitt taking the game j cindy 6 dorolhv vanwvck wlld dotis creamer prkc yucaday team i imav dumonli juno and- wuinhcwillsklpolmuhi chjinvj rcw ittibcl mckenjlv beiiv iionihlp team or belle footltl oatc ackie blow and vadeleine bon- 2 corfnne li jong jickle nctle copped the championship nobm mirv hlnton atfnes hul- for the otternoon indict econdj met amulronjr 4 charlotte holme patrtmrj symon ann moore sparc 5 mufa toth phyltairlck kac kamicritclrwiiflstnir r r legha ladies the regular meeting of the ac ion legion ladle auxiliary brnneh 197 wan held thtirday night pehmarv 7 ut the legion hall i comrade mrt chat leu sliullu won in the chair tuittoppllcn- lions for membership wcv ao ccplod thank you nolcv were read from irjemhem receiving flower ului a letter of tlmnka from sun- nylirook hospital for the purcel jjliiuareiicjruluindthotoiaio draw when they defeated cor inne de jong loam monday af ternoon tueday night in fhc79 bon- ipicl with erin acton men tame out with two wlni and three loiv e results were bob buntey erin w andy mckemie ax ion l bd multom erin w ii hoi me alton l a buihnntin acton w norri sinclair ln l bill mokav acton w llnvd neil erin t bill buh erin w alec zbectnoff acton l in the 911 draw acton had one win and one licwilh the lol lowi ie rahtikitedat tlw end of the games brydon muru er acton w leo lvont erin l clrff ridler erin w al klrknes atlon l fred sleen erin w dennis ruwlev acton l cvtil mckeanerv erin lie andy nolan acton lie denis sinclair erin wrkordmccutcheon acton 1 teams anil schedules or the mixed league have been printed on cards lor the placers publish ed bcluyy are teams and schedules for the afternoon ladies ladtea afternoon draw nefct monda and tuesday ihe ladiet afternoon jeagu uill be gin their nei fixceek iluu folkming are ihe teams am schedule monday team i fse cuopei jackie bloc georgina vantlcei jessie co vlllla newiil ilea dubn i ethel holme pejj coon dolores jordan charlotte led ger 4 lil cook pat mccutcheon fran beuttv imeryl kirknes s donna krapck lois mac kcnulc nellie beattv lovell a gcven tvicr alary mcphail greta heller june mchugh schaduu foe both daya teb 1819 i 2 i4 v6 teb 252 m i 2 j mann 4v jl 2 5 64 march 1112 26 41 vs muxh 1819 i 1 63 42 burs this vearlv report from provin clul command was read bv the siiretafy fomradel toth the banquet report wast glvcnon the micro pluvlic anthony gas and the cclebry dinner comrade ma sluruv attended for hutf an hour to review the years soilul activities to he held in the future months there la tn bo a social evening helc in port credit on morch 25 anvone wishing to attend plenne contact the president a lucky draw for a saturday laura j night dance ticket was won bv comrade kav james with mrs t lascnhv ilnd mrs j lotitut yyin ning the toyvels the bnaar dale yeas set for ocloher 19 on ihe sick list this monlh vceie comrades mrs i hnntei min j roucts and mis d thompson a parcel was also sent to com rade f marks in appreciation ol has done tor the of acton auxiliary 1 on february 7 mr cheater aiidcisoii was hostess a i a meet log toi member of the alton ailklltnrv for rulurtled children mrs nornun price pivuldeni cctslled iii lmk people wlui sint used lhiicttias i arils to i lie kun shine viiuhii honiliv and to sav that ihe school nou lijs miiiiii em supplies liaut campaign the alton hliniliaiv is plantiing 1 illliiniagcsjli hjllu futiiu mil would be most gralilul loi usui clean miscellaneous articles i in the figure krn ehav f pfan1nhitiltthri c thitsotheni march of dime for his year i being organlacd its the annual drive for fund to help i rippled ihlldren the aubllc achool children aiv ewhuuging gav vakntlnea today und the high school atu- dents svill in i housing a king and ooeen ol ileal is uf a dunce on saturday night at ihe school ol nv ourncv unwind aclcm u fniiuu and incinlwi of the uuxl- iurs nam kepmumtiiillvm repiccoiilivih tnim ihk aiixtl imloinilmtniall tiw mihiu fl taiv mvc ihjvi apwihuid in ttl- hswahl april u in u iiil u tind tlu- north malum atukcu jinlid cttlldtin tainplirn itinfiih lion lot hrtaulid children ttwol ifihlinl itf nlurnlwr in tmlir h l mis i j niitim lo auiul luhitm mure tffnir rvtnhv mis i sunin in luimt tare mttihrrs div utcktml uill ptolt mr clusiir andctson for thi ct ihl in llu iy div ihis vtii iuimiii uiinmtltil mil mrs julia -uuy- mutnujal hipptajnjimh mii4ktnin mi llu- imam l coni ltiil llu 1 nxion a m ill do iniiici nilr some if ihtir pikfids lj 1 1 iuxl iticitin of ihe af i ilu aiinii autiillirv lor mlitdcd iiri aux ilitj loi rtlmud chll- i t inhmnlforn thru daiurs ilu are holdinit ni fihtuar membirs of ih- ai tfn aimli arv wlir b udhnt tltvftv for tin- on lark j mimtv assotiation iulfyr who oiau iheii pro nils in ilu trlilfjil liiililrcn i iuhjj 7 he hi linmi peel si ol mrs john turku fluff fit crimagi tournamknt al actpn laoion saturday attracted teams from zone d 7 arna gorgtown copped first place milton tecond and acton third and fourth during a warmup prior to tho game two acton and two milton player compare hand shown ie cited loft to right and dennis rowley and len pope milton standing dudtr lindsay and gil malcolm acton jlll llu ash ii ii ti 7 ll till vtii llui ihisilallon pt ii t r i v l ihrili apron tn wit h f linn com 1aw thmtnoalu isso futnacf od fall- john wuton 85325m swaapbllatlio ico fui tticsdayliighi was considered the best yet and il alec 7beciiiiifr the yyork h requires a ob at inv lime the ladles curlers will lure him as an ad the meeting closed willi lunih yiser apparently he and jim cas b cnmiades mhs hum tried a different method of j- jhnn mrs r coles anil pebbling and only the odil beefvtrs g agneyy yeas heard regarding ihe cindij hun ol the ice i ym well tolksi tighten your hulls aalccirn l vrf ami licc your sinks nest week-je- jsvu v is the mail of llu- last fiyeyceek t a fl i i diayy and learns haye been md v6efs inursclay up and players notified foloy mg the completion ol this drayy i rebruary meeting ol the oiikmis hope lo ran oil the sun mai ion rudd mission cucle was i v 11 at t i l i hi 1200 to georgetown hs i q mr mrs qiieen of hearts chosen by rock n rollers ontario ectucition minister i william davis olficiallv onciud ihe new si 200000 addition tu he i georgetown disiritt lliyh school r lim roll dim11111 tuesdav night tieniblrv tim in lden mills hall the new ocaiiontl winy yies saiindas ivrninij wu rniowd ihe schtml a trrikitv of i w0 sin- mi and mis oiiirn ol iftuis dents but i unit rsi c leased hvavft t on bv riialu iii knlu vkclrimipai a m baxlri show and ross amphvll ami spot i wis iniola utll be ilniosi iraih ciiikis bv manun miimnrson ed next september when the ex anil rohtil ro also loirn and madeline bonhetle isa ross 1 dorolh mi kav lean i go ruth lealbciland shnu imals and then ihe finals if rheie is vtjll lime the ovtasional club bonspiel will be held ad uiie warning keep uur sundn sun piejeaed and in nolincs siaislkt the slosmy ilaiive is be mtf planned already vi ihfs iiuil winneis will he pie held al the home ol mrs i ii le on thuisdun fehnian 7 call lo worship was taken iroin si john chapter i and lead alfei natek t hmn was sunn and sliuiii with trophies mil a sovii eemnt is on the ayenita tin l viinuni piaer yiien b president ivlis j chapman mis ci wa i m film on formosa church work shown daughters of knox group mm spiel ojcl presided it the fehruars meetintf ol the dauyh icrs of knox wiiilii was held tn ihe sunda shmtl room a short bible slud was pi en hy mrs a 7 buthannn after whkh the prvstden uelioinetl wo quests thc are lo have the pteasuie of seriny the indies aid their supper the latter part of fehniar the final plan were made lor the world day of piayei senue on march 1 antl ihe finest sptak er is to he mrs suvvnl toks ut tnronto work in fonmoca the miuln and worship scmii was cumtulicd b mis f a man sen assisted bv mis ii coles and mr cletand thev shttwedahlm dimbu by 100 whuh lold of the work ol thi preshvtenan churvh l lonnosa iljis lilm was yqr interesting and also the question uul answer eriol was i very eiltuational to ill the jjuups ii coles mis j pink mis b mooie and mis c ash- it lav on d with a lovelv quartel ki oin pan ml bv mrs ml koik thi nut iiiil was i losed piavit vlis i a hansen mis h colts and mis 0 c telaiul setvtil a ileluions v ilentim s hiikb ol k ml tvtlo wilh whipihd i it am and lii vmr4rrr poets corner my utfl glrit dream whil would 1 bt tould i tu sumeihinj 1 1st v tlik k win h tu ks iht inne ol lifi awav litis of the la si meet in tt and dis kiission lentieil aiourul iih thankotfennn meemip miit held apt il 18 with mis denpok as tues t speakei mrs c i aiukboroiitih and mis ii cnpps wete in ihaie ol the devotions mrs cnpps lead ro- mahs i anil mrs landshorouuh told how wc must put fust things lust and staled thai prayer 1st out most ltnpottant woik a letter wjs read mm miss joui rutherlord ol indta mil i with praer lor overseas missions was yiven by mrs j chapman a description ol the baptist woik in islewloundlinil was given and a piaver for this woik was ltd by mis ii fteulet mis s gammon told ot mis injury s pictures ol russn and piov mi d ilu sirutztfle ol the c hi islian 2 pei i huii h in this counlp wlutti mis h hetwit y peeled eniolment will be i 0i statistics based on piesent enruvnient shuw i 110 students will attend bv septemhei i9m the iidihtion was made neces- sirv bv the new piotiram ol yih1 tioiial tfatnint mib ixtei said i the department ot fdiicihon has chancjtd us ideas 1 dan stevenson mail- pin wasjiostcss lor llu cauuitc club putv on moiuliv cveuml vsinni is lot t arils wi i e ajl ti camplhll ivclv n honk u in i u wickbam molhem guitts icn mills and kkui lulaintii innate atutciil lallint and htiakmu bis hip he i coiuinctl to hospital llu svmpiihv o the tommnni iv i- i eiitl d lo mi mamt i in llu loss i ins mot hi r mi 1 1 uin i si ot pa 1 1 n snwful w ill make his4iomc hi it wiih his mhi loi ilu lest of tlu winii i iiniise ot live eps to a lout t social cup ol ua monday veai couise and a two veai ionise tveiiiidj in rk kwiwul imul lor those who know ihev aie not chinch sunday school unnn 1 in truing on to umveisnv or even aie to bt sponsoied bv ti tmish jiradc 12 he said they ldivn mills communiiy club receive ill vers died occupational training to tme them intonuation and insight into the different ik eiipi turns thev may enter students have more guidance 1 1 v hihisi ng a c areer t han i v ei pee wees win i 1st night widuisdiv t the wee h nywtnvo h- ttat in as pin n wh il appt lo be a season unit home htmw p ipe i towiu i s hi need a carpenter lot new floors new ceilings new kitchen cupboards or any other alterations for free estimate hease call tenpr0 distributors ltd 53osao evpart criffimaniliip all wtb ourikj pee t nil nmv at lit f6 pir before v- mi baxter said of the h50 students tending the school abou cent aie eniolkd in the genu a live yiu ionise and 20 percent tac h in the commetvial and technical cotiists mi baxiei said some fioni acton iitnd aln itlv i tost ol the- addition was home 7 pel cint hv the fedoi d uul toveinnicnls leaving w cent lo be 1 1 nam 1 bv ftei the municipalil he aid e a the addition idth a alcniiiu in was held wed uesday in i den mills hall bv ilu imothns aiimiiu ol scouts and cubs this sunday the brownies miles cubs and scouts will pa iule lo hden mills chureh to heai an address bv the re g ilken visiting with mi and mrs j 1 mesbill loi the past lew days wt ic miss fsicshilt and molhei m nesbili ut biooklvn fxc meet the exiciitivi ot tlc coninnini iv t inh met mondty cvnung in in whuh tin it iv dwtv s i niiu out on tht s in it t i nd i as nitdil was no i i i pi urn as the iiki1 t hlb won ilu in iti b 2 going away uini coiintiis win nolthitl b mike ik i ikuii with dun bat masun au c asi hu kk v 1 e ie h loiinnug lorsinglis mimh i andrews casburn and paul cump er received thi lauiels tn ihe help mate department tin peliy home meeting plans tot tin ii monthly tu the 1 ariiitiiu omnuttee vthool was built in j ilucles an induunal lhoraloiv lour i khiius music and be 87 in e hemisii y onnnerxial i i ill rooms i i oilld i tvihi 1 1 n i vane cjffeteria uln 11 double gymnasium and i gnls oti up ilmnal tin stt i pk vi huh i c ieat eviiy tlav rnagevb aawlwst i v r jv i oi mi iyln y hi i i y ik i hit tl ill vsh i li llu im ship win it vuk h in in iv utowf dkkt ft htst by dam rytter a pint sled himit owl tie fit i teres tid sh latihs tut stl v et mnu in liont of the ion hilt lhi hoi as ne cakulv sunhi uuud vii his prev a la litems i ed pi mi feeling sate owing toihepmxt nitty of the petjict ttlitt nnv a hevcit awav the nvl with i turn tlu mighty lorw mil piavci lot the russian woik mis i micutchcon led in piavn lot ihe world das ot piavet which tails on mauh i mis i andshorottgh s e i o s i n t wouls vvue more things are wioinrht by pravn than tliuiiniiiis wot id dtxains ol i vocation d liainng looms m mis harrap gjyc a reutm v uite cvodwoi king elertiicil on ilu sianduil ol i xtelkme luiomohili ilialting mil mac hi in it it mission c ire it s miei singmgsaups an t ley tionu s i iboi iiot v more love lo thie i am i has not been ctmiplcud vet llu with pi iv hoiki- totrtn vv is inlogcd with tout t u i itonu allv unlrolkd btuk i s pi i iv nhng hoi w iti i and sti am tu ii senior tink nis cotnhit n d isil ors on guulett tiuns ihiotgh ilu lal i adetilion nloiv ihe option nio nniny heltl in liu m w gvninisinm di in i weivmiiaile mil loimed broken hip mi henry boi den met with robt r hamilton fred a hoffman optometrists 1 1 in iiutiv i p i lout phone oueiphta 41071 1 si qtarqmt iquar u ca sale 60 chevrolet 40or sedan v8 aulenyalk irnrmltr6h 58 volkswagen cutlem al condition a flood acsnemy car 57 monarch 30oor hardtop 1 owner powtr ttrino radio 57 chevrolet 4doar sadan hick shift saa thi one for complete towing service and motor repairs call frank toth motors 13 oulph si acton phona umim nmn t losetl i 111 st i inn h wis siivvtl hy mis mc tin in on mis ii map nul mrs i lllslev in spite of suite oltt weather then was a uikki lliitntatne and a siutesstul cm tahk lixim llldt sillh ii ithips ml ihal iav hapk mi the ships lliat on the tlead pigeon imn iv rolled ha k his c lul and ti ed a tvatth statu imi iht uim 1 4vuwictt hv jkoivrt piw jh1 iiiysrll when we neat iv stumbkd over the buds in the midde i ihe sidewalk the iwl haiihy bji i eel xi eve as yye moved iu v umi loi a be tit i knk ami usi in ipiu i huhshiis y oss hi itim oi wiatlci 1bc i nmtaii jmhii in gjkl stimminlini iv tuiv m soim uvt iv ins k oi hiv gd tkt p r wi h ion k onlokl taftrt eo ti in t ctwl was pitvhhi huniv uul h scare h lor field mice hail be t hmdervtl by the ewrp siuiw we kt letlfcv uti 1 if tinned to the tyvn hall to attend i nuv inu by this tktie a crowd i4 coun ctllor menhants unl tmlighu is had yalbrrt m the mimu to watvh s ihe owl merely tighten eel hi grvp on the pigcei a ihe ilntk iwatwj v pin riirththtrnt left lor a mutual aid mvuu in milion mcthan etunitlvr and rrpetrters ad 4ourneu to ihe mtjarm tv tbv cuuikil ehanybci leaving th owl vwilh the problem ol coping with atwr y mcin adivnirnctl and a iwaa p behnvii vt ytat ftuikr ol dna too off and todayd hlfiif in the frtv ol tf trt-t- th dtaj fofton wtl hjft ufnwr ua front end ol mgeroammi tufcaama car tv falof ih 4on tu- owl la bjoi fcnown htm monttitg i4 atr th had dit- ylmu m n k vlok iiui i hilt now i ill hid wui il itnvy lovelv dieams ol 4fl aitcu in iisotulins ind ismp s n sie oul i vt sotiiier lost be i vnj t m toss uhi cttlls i ml p sna inpi k oav nl f t then mumkf nw 9ftfx tnd wts tr tu peihn yyvlhurt anj s j00 in wroprti iunur iulint i hvm liy jkxtylciyi in ihe nurtli ililum atvi oyer ilhc pam yck frivcm li cuyry ami hi yyilc tiyyrt yyyfr hypiijllyl vrvlyn carl saturday nionimu attct their pickup truck hit a trer on j7 slderoaj cat or lh- fifth lira eaquciirtt mr curry ha1 a rac- lurvd leu hi wile had a hryikcn elboy ami kyth rcveiyvyl sexcre facial uocniltjmi in jhe vraxh daaaaaa lo tht truck wma tl j60 cafbae nmrks garde centre and fiowir shop wayt ol acton on highway 7 sduth sha member of ufc wire service special attention to funeral designs flowers have ho substitute cut 4 u1mch- flowms 9r and or telephone b5329m anytime ham ima ikrauaja ian anal m 7 ataya waali m muvnv harvey laverty heating humswm amo lavisttouohumo r a t au makes of rjtnacts custom shut metal work oil and gas ftmnaci instauations convitsion aurntts sales ancsf rvicc z main street n akxkwooo w tjaowa awoowooe a ava f special at glenlea smoke shop bordens ice cream bricks peg tv 2r35 popular brands one carton ortilsselnories open- sundays cigarettes 309 per carton 3pkgs2010o wi carry a coatplfttllni of toys 61fts greetiw milk bread school supplies watch for the official opening of our modern snack bar io iiii coca cola only 15 with one carton at cegu1ab price phopial r

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