Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), February 14, 1963, p. 5

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w legion notes for branch 1 7 y csakrsss wan members or the third place acton a team were alec waldle captain john mchugh gil mal colm fred allen alvcv gordon ray agnew jim gunn and jack bullough tjie fourth spot b team included bill nlcolnk cap tain ham peal clayton lindsay jack dryidale pete turkosj dui isgljonlan poat9 enlovlng siouk over the week end following prldav night euchre were hugh wilkinson flrit gatry dswlclns second andv nolan third and rav agncw with a ring of bologna legion a hotel band uflonb tanner iga legion c firemen no remits were press lime for the c bee injhe auditorium wa a complete sue- ecu a 24 volunteers scrubbed and polished until the walls and foor gleamed a special thanks b mlended to the men and also the women of the ladles auxili ary who cleaned the kitchen tuesday afternoon three volum- fer go down on their hands and knee or almost five solid hours and varplshcd the newly sanded auditorium floor the dining- and dancing area looks like a million lets keeplt that way i ccoetown w team battled lbevwsy 6 tint plncefn the zone b7 crlbbage tournament the snoo tournament saturday second place was tied down by milton b followed by acton a in third and acton b in fourth at the epd of play actons b and d teams were tied and the toss of a coin decided the fourth pot two teams will represent the branch in the district tuurnn- the wedding of jcnora anne lever and mr michael ward hamilton was solemnized in cloyne united church on satur day february 9 at 2j0 p m the rev w k pace or na- panee assisted by miss willow heard the exchange or vows be tween the daughter of mrs pcrtv ilevcrc and the inlcjmr lcvere or cloyne and the son of mr and mr ward hamilton or rr 2 acton given in marriage bv mr g bldurd the bride was attended by 08 grooms ilstcr miss karen darts following thurulay nights play sidlt clanctts the ladles auxiliary have been kepr busy the past few weeklpwilh banquets in theaudi- torium keep friday march jr open ror ouicaonual anniversary dance y anm gervoujnainaattjovtifhamruon as bridesmaid mr laurence levcre brother of the vtwron weekend visitors- of interest locally mr robert mccutcheon and dianne or kitchener visited on saturday with mr and mrs har vey justin and bobby and mr t d mccutcheon mr and mrs percy peaoy visited with mr and mrs sims mclean or fergus thursday eve ding or iiihi ueek mr and mrs ernie edwards ol guclph visited saturday with mhndmrailmrnaihrwr mr rov hlndlcv visited on sunday with his on dan and ramilv hiflslhirgh mr and mrs bert pallrman or guclph visited on sunday with mr arid mrs harry horlop eli aheth and nancv 0 mils domui bruce or guclph spent the weekend with her fa- thcr mr wm bruce rs george jest in who is seri ously ill in guclph general hos pital shows a slight improvement minkm e wedding jopreseniatioris- mardi gras in weelcs news wms meeting t 5erviceoflnlerest bride was the grooms best man dinner was held for the fami lies in northbrook lommunllv hall the couple planned a mo tor trip to the southern states and will reside in guclph the couple were guests of hon or at a presentation on saturdav evening ut northhrookcomrminl ty hall previous to their recent mar rlagc mr and mr mike hamil ton were entertained at a dinner party given bv the groom- ailnt miss murlelmcrjlcivbi nfitt5rr home in weston mr and mrs ward hamilton and family r r 2 actonmotored tu cloyne and attended the wed- vbthe forward and take chiiir ding baby prascniatlom on friday evening fcbruorv a group of if of mrs norman turners friends niainlv tcackeys gathered at the home of mr and mrs j mcculloch for a seiciiil evening and baby presentation games and lonlests were en- loved then a high ihnlr and plijy pen were presented for theln uee von david mrs turner thanked her rriends for the useful- and lovely girts at the end of a happv eve ning the hostess served a delili cms lunch clfts for newlywcds a presentation was held on frl dav evening fehruarv r at wood side school when rnends and neighbors gathered in honor or mr and mrs kennern rot mar riage frank treeman wn chairman and gave a short address and called on the rollnuing program mr std spears music robert denriy v rollnil67tz1leharvjiilg music garnet winters and al fred sounders rduslc he then asked heather and kenneth to when mrs ralph dennv read an address and the couple were pre sented with u stepup tahle and coffee- table set ken vers tilling iv replied thanking all for ihe- lovelv gilts allenjoved dilnving and a hap pv trme togethei i inuh was tencd bv the ladies wfctluttd visitors mr and mrs ron saunders and bow visited with mr ami mrs boh mcglll and lannlv or orion mr ajid mrs leslie swickhim er and girls visited on sattiidav willi relatives in st catharines mr and mrs jim hciuilisihi ol port credit visited with mi and mrs slonles hill martll gras mr rohett kctr jr spoil the wetkeiul as a pucsl at ihe lirst winter weckcndtnnd maidl fias at kemptville aytistilliiril sclnml on trulav evvning ilincini uis en loved anil saturdav outdiuii u iviiils wtll lllovlll with pt hlirch eivues on siuuliv ciil ldioctenrrfightersforaid as historic milton flour mill burns firemen and campanv affinals hremen stoml bv at their home t shed to the scene to issisi thul are lodav sifting through the sianuns readv in case another i clstiient and duest tin mutual ruins or the toovearotd flour serious fire broke out while so i aid etlorts mill at robin hood flour mills much equipment four pumpers on martin st milton irving to was tied up in milton nemheeftuseof fi th gt alton lirtmtn remained at the si mr fur tnnr hours wh 1 the monthlv meeting of the wms of probvlcrlan church was hejd fast thuntdav evening iiilhcsundav school room with a good attendanceincluding some members of the twilight aim harv the meeting opened with mrs john freeman in charge and mrs llvod johnston as secretarv and a hvmn with mrs gordon swan slou al piano miss flva petnn gave llic glad tidings praver fol lowing the business part ol mtei i ing miss minnie nickcll gavi a disnptive address on hong i kong china in which she u i coirtpaiucd her sister miss cunii vickell who took quilp a mini her ol pictures in color shown latter the address whish uv all vveiimuieresiiiig and infonnativi i following the illusiilikd mklicss ilu w a wiih mrs r young tn iliugv and mis m miiih as st retarv held their business session land at ihe loniutsion all sal i down to jtjlreshmcnts and a stkial time 4- slindiv evening there was a tan attendance al live emmanuel bible chinch maul si when mi rav wiseman pastor made siirm annouiui incuts tiitlowing opvn ulg of seiaitt mr closi a thud vtai vludciu at th tniv s viliv hthk colli ge ikidsikk gussi spiaku kil in souk livinn sing uig and lalil uldlissed i hi g ilh i i nng mi wisiiiiin gavi an nmlikcniinls in nmnii ikmi with i sunns in x i wifk jo he aililus mil 1iv tli atlvii r vctivk pieil lilinl ut tin ihanils valliv tlilili culligi wikidstikk lilt it n tlnnii of nisi wnk- aililiism will in so dual a salvatiiin dunrftt tin seiviie a niemher ut i woiiikiink h our loninhul eil two siliitiuns tin us b si til instninient whish win ip until nl in iiium piisilll th acton fn pfs thurstfayf fobruaty 14th lo3 1 allen greer acton is master of county toyal orange lodge theloval orange counlv lodge of walton held its annual meeting recenllv in milton the mectlnji svas er well attended and was presided over bv the counts imasler wor bro llarrv prue distinguished visitors present were wor bro w ii dawson ol hamilton grand treasurer ol ontario west wor bro w shall nun past counts mnsicr of went worth woi bro james stnrson past coilmv master ol went worth wor bni rea past countv master ot wjiterloo past district master j rodd oftvm west and wor bro sam thorn heirs past maslei of i ol juit inniskilling hamilton pick officers tor the cleitiun ol oiiilits ihe counts maslei handed the guves tort wor llro w ii dwon the vff leers elected -ar-a4- folliuvs countv master wnr bro 4 green alton depulv county muster wor bro eat i brown burlington chaplain ww bm morm i rser aiton reti secret- nn wor bn w j orchard uiirlingion rin secretary wor bro fmfe graf burlington i treasurer win br percv hall millln- marsntil wor bro wll- t ham mllllgan bronte first i leisonr wor bro j mcgowtn miltov second lecturer bro w thompsiin kteuarllown first committeeman bm hojptes ai ton tv ler bro r thompson slesvarltowii h wilson honorary trustee announced annual meeting ed the four storey stone struiure chlt t cetof mhon fit ufi vizt l eiretharzd he n p 4001 zi erioci ihe mil intluchsg the m smvad rhldn h l i ttau grinding mil and raln storage umellcass h ite so- area caused damoge estimated ra lh ni fire when georgi town fin men le in excess of 1100000 aciording depaitmcnis turned home clnel wilson ili- general man as mmln js wp jinil n patched a tnuk tioni fiakujli- m thi mivins ate opin fi ihe putihi lit iv i veiling im lulling in xl sunilav in kmiiuaiv 24 lo w j kennedv the minister rev boh han- 1 worlds dav or pravei on march ager or the companvs 1m1i1011 operations was thltrd mill the historic old building li7cd we had lo set up the large 1 two and a hill mill hose lines said chief clement his aiond s loniern vvas the people in neigh the th mil t st u i liiiiinej bui arol rtrcrnttf 1 propertv jasper martin found wcri dispatched to make sure all 1 er ol the town built the firstly makl anii n l j mdl in a frame building heside iiu ihc um and apjrtmen we sixteen mile creek in j822i f niiessarv police constable i rti i and the lown grew around 1 p ken had alreads awakened the jthc irame building was later re- vel r lny apai i moeiland replaced bv a large 1 monk mvr an null i stone mill this was destroved building i by fire in 1m5 and- the present i whl flrvmt spread the main mill was built around 1ss7 at chief clement reahd a cost of jjoooo mori hl nlllini c needed to iiintain the firt if it threatened to pieail a nimrlis sen 11 r sla h vrt rtnn hmrttmvtrhalrand rmm slaml bv at tin- mill in i 11 ii 11 in iim nf a seionil iiu in mlllun there wen 2h mlllun liiniun ii from alton nine fiitin iotgi for chan comfortable reliable oil heat all john wi i dom s 210 t ami t i ikvi durv al vu urns limes llmiughuut tin tlav c hur clelllinf tspiessid the thanks or the hi igaili- in the niighhius ami null 1 uiploiii who siipplieil cullci anil cunt wiilies ihinlighntit the 1l1v february specials wabasso prints i assorted colours and pflttrni requlir 49c to 69c vud mature sihctal 39c and 47c yard quality prints i ftuit pfukmnsrniqtrhahj piicif ic ttc drip dry snnfor ied colour fnt i 7e yard priscilla prints for draperies new styles and palleras reqular 9bc sal price 87c yard border prints for spring skirts and aprons regular 98c sau pric 77c yard ginghams printed cotton border prints cotton arnel for skirts and dresses rfqular si 19 and tn sale price 99c yard broadcloths ioc our wnlr- rrtnqe of colour- 5anlori7ed driprlry colour invl 59c 69e 79c yard new cotton cord aviorjcyl colours for skirts and sportsweni value i j9 yard spacial 100 yard cock presided al the recent an nual meeting or ebencrer united church opening with bihle read ing and praver the secretarv m- mcrvin thomson read the minutes of last vears meeting mr ii wilson was made an honorary trustee and chas thomson was added to the trustee board reports ol the various organi- lers were presented as rullows the treasurers rcpoit bv murray havwunl the imprsivement fund be geo thomas ihe mlsslonarv and maintenance lund bv stewarl miller mrs harl ward secretarv irea surer of ihe sunilav school gave ihelr report mrs wilson bewlev sent the mission bajjdreport and mrs horace blslh reported fur the cradle roll douglas anderson ixporteil fur the parsonage hoard mr mutras ilavward for the united church women eunice nomsh for the choli and bill diamond tor the young peoples union arthur diamond moved a sole of thanks lo the minister and andy frank one to the chmy the choir icailel john fcltihing m ihe organist mrs don blai kiosk lunih was seiseil ucw mmtlng the tsbiliais meeting ol th rneer ucw was held al the home of mrs earl waul on wid nesdas iifirimwui mis diamoinl mis tuuisdale and mis milian ithik pall llllhe ilevotional i ei vises ilealtng with llvi mihjeit ol buitherhishl mis lladnxk rvail inieiistiiig kitus tnvm biuie i alon n thin voong son civgorv thes weiv loiuiirlv nm nexleil with nassagawesa plvsbs teiiau cbuixh anil are now mis sionartcs uv liidoiv india plans weiv ihsiussesl for al lending cuclph piishv tci lal an nual meeting at thalmeia ihiiiih ciklph im fehrviaiv jo ptans wt a n leting tin the juntoi vannei kuieiut un i ildas febrviars 2i we are to torn nassagauesa prrsbsieitan lhuixh tm the i al 1 mi susan ward favored wiih two will rendered piano solos warm walcome if sou do not have a church home tome to encneicr lhat old landmark on the csuelph i ine sundav school is held at 10 is and chunh at ii jo we hate a splendid adult clnsj under the leadership ol mrs sheldon trous dale you vs ill be sure of a warm wiliomc and inspirational food foi though the cause still remains amv- slerv and neither lireinen compaav-ufficeab- vsouiclvenluxc twmt9e 4 high school news by dsvtd urikaa and staff will sou he mv valentine and come to the valentines dame at the high sihool this saiunlav night we ian dame from lo i 12 with the delphis ll will cost i7s single and jl 2 per couple i and it sou don t have sour stu idem card ir will cost c and ll v a iiiuple j busy wk i last tliiusdav ami fiulas saw pu nis nt aitivuv around the mhisil ll slatted thiuilav altei noun whin the sihool hoikei i learn wallnped enn 7 2 thai nighl tvvo busloads ot students n an hi il in the crvst theatre in loutiito to mi the plav anns and the man bv b shaw on fiulas the senioi and uinlnr boss rsiskelball uams tnmmeil miflon in ihr semi luian with the siorcs 4s2 im the miiiuis and tin thi illinois i fin monday alton dropped a mush needed win in a ivvsigame j total point series vsilh gcsirge- town although the seniors lost bv l2 the iiiniurs iluln i do m will fn truir 4417 loss come on mis lets win that game in rrer- a guess on how it starled a night mcixm ne fin shift of employee left the buuu- um lhr as a 1 inj sifuuiul i 10 a m tuesla mtirnink tucvda s fire at rubin hood hour mtlk in milton uin an ex cellcnt example tit ihe timipcu tiou thai ii poihlc thiouyh the tiht wind u hipped ihe buminn cm rxr in i voutheast dirrituin some ol ihe em hers ueie found hall a mile fiom the null calu al 7 m then s a roll telephom him m ys men meeting tonight pollock and campbll manufai hirers of high orade memorials memorial engraving 62 walr st narfh oait ttlapluhu ui75m jikiyiaini flannelette dress material i aiwrlml paljnms and regular price i 29 ynrl special sale 99c yard colours 59c yard halton countv mutual aid tire i thechul radioed inun his ear services association said chief al 7 am lot additional hi lp fiom dunglas wilson ot oakville oon as ion and eoigelown flu mil is coonllnatui u radio onsraloi mis tan miltou acton and oeoigctown tdied the halton mutual i fire departments cunerated tn control centre at oakville put the large tire under control v piimrhrs were w dispatched irum the two norlli iru lowns actons truck and h men ai lived in l minutes other lopu gnatlv disiussel was ocorgcloven s iruck and mm- men ihe spring al home n is to 2 mmuies be hi iii on apul 26 the muih lisiked tin uunmn tee uports viinnl inn mention ecl wondei whv ihe big st ii put while arge oakville and burlington 1 german canadian club of halton county am holding a carnival dance in the canadian legion hall milton on saturday february 16 8 pm factory cotton uninot ilion iyiiit pique otoandy coaouiov viivitiin dinim chino wi stock mccall simplicity and bunerick patterns and a compute uni of notions hintons 5c to 100 store wjlls estates topic at rotary meeting this vk js anoiru i instance uhi n our mutual aul network tealls piul oil saul t hie t le nuitt ll kjiev nu gjtmkl fe 1 inn l a hie ti sup into m sai sxak i liw mii1n into llu i ail it aiul he avsuinl that help wilt arrive mi quukl miltn v two pumper tnivn hmkeit unto hittant ami at tons pump r was pussul into scnki as soon as t arnvril the eoigelown tnuk sjihki b boh vhiistophu uilph ut tin run anil iiu inisi shki n the compan s work sptviti ill wills iinl stales n roiat tiu slo- cktiye mass iu iph ami mike hilrants ami reail r iu in klcinhuit uii hihsis the slub is 100 pumitiistt ivd toi i vonlerviue in ihe ron al oi k tomnio maivh i anil prole t area hinlilinj in oisc the tin spread ovonlliuiior hrln hul wilson vtvoiilmitor ni i suuteni cihiiu il mi t ami thi orhvininf a ion ti no d a n e ua one ot the min upiv th chokt showooi kef roasts jtcuao ik 59c po r sucjd 1fcr59c- bac0n jb59c vary muvmt lovell bros modern meat market sssssi halton county liberal association nomination meeting thursday feb 21 1963 8 pm town hall milton r tacajcta walter goroon litssral candidate dsvsnpor r ding tirnro duuno tmi miitiea canbdatt to thi movincfal and a canotoati nw tmi pfmkal ktctkmis ml u cofkf st rv60 afterwards pittsburg paints gigantic spring sale starts friday feb 15th choose your new background for- living now pittsburg paint is worth every penny you pay for it in longer- lasting protection and ieauty- for your home i- buy now do it now and save pittsburg satin hide o tasi assortio col id whfti now 795 gal simfmsttl tintino tasi assortio coiom nd whfti rfcula t in rfgular s3 5s now 24 qt rubberized wall hide htinoaam cotosts sod wmti now 635 gal tintino 1am assofltio cotosts d wmtti rfrjdap bfosxar now 195 qt j b mackenzie son ltd 12 church st acton phona 1531640 y

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