Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), March 7, 1963, p. 9

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c rff good old days 20 years ago 50 years ago n takma from tba laaue of up fia tjbn from iha urn ofuw brae jtraaa jburaday maria 4 145 haaathufmlay march ij il j w suee by bui smut the mlntrel iw ployed three nights to packed houses in the town hall the account is continued from hut week for the clou dance number its hate off to the ladle drev laclon in now one ol the host lighted town- in cunada with ihu uctlon ulf the main streets completed the hshtu wore turn td on last wednesday the re ed at if cute little pickaninny erv street is brilliant iv illumina- mrs johtyiy cray dill one of the ted and nearly every home in numbers hat captivated ihe town has its exterior vell litiht audience george fountain of ed the council lias certainly ac- toronto kindly dime along and compliished u wurulertul trans gave a monologue a little bit formation over cunditions pre viously prvvaillng of army life as sambo joe whitburn did that oldtime fuvorite all ders ragtime band and did mighty well even to actions has to be seen sliding across ihe sialic ho be appreciated the chorus cornheld melt dies introduced a lot of num bers rastus played hy charles ktrkness puts a riut of son tt vl t palhos dance and breathtaking spent hv vhe iiklicike uliiih action into the number when he ujiheutl to luu an miian mi sings o you beaulilul dnl tn hv cillv si mats in knox his doll george musselle tue uiureh the rendeuni ot the young folks ol jdi will nsall unnatiun iiiusk with ilu hk it when thev tell -d- minstul i ttiuw evau- s mrs a j lehman- and lain lid 1 wno in the hott busi joe l l in lite dominion hotel lelt uondiv miss gladvs lehman was the wrv aiseplible tiruanist ul si josjephs cllliall thev will live in private lite in beilin a veiv eiioahle evening was s fir w y jf ttrr rmxtr- hhuurs 40 their itiarhlihiltlrin pinal sulu is iiil rikistny lush nuntf llarttyun suny h smii burl on nit i iomiih simi wi- uin lotted in im1i tlimnsux i 1 til coks is uis 1 he fipennil uitr- aislinct -xil- ui luumui nut without regret and with a lew vtxrei nikfftvlng i madoa big chainge a couple of year ago frazzled scrambled and shuhtly addled i tmk myseif aside and uc had a serious talk just the tuo ut us sm 1 ley old boy x aid to me hou iiurji uinuer do ytut intend to keep up this hull sense klht uhut vou fought in the war fur k this what vou real i v want out of life to be a seller ot tourdollar ad a ihionicler ot endlefc meet- niir about ntuiinn a pacifier ol old ladle of both wes who have a feed a lunger of papers o the post ottite a neinlkr ol 40 oiiiamzattons a p iver ol nun 1 if ayes a tighter of lost causes uml a lousy husband and father i d m- said ue in my siiiilhlloiuiitl canadian wav wukhu yoilen muni j as 1 lesult hotm altei i tlo- paddled in ui out ot the turbulent stream il life at a mxklv eilitor into the quiet arnm of that othar woman dear old dim dull peeos she wont do it shell hurl atiuta at vou in public shell throw gravel at your window r moonlit night shell trip you as you march heavily toward rc- kpcctablllty shell put black squirrels in your attic and blq tlhiiiuhu in your head sb just plwn raise hell until take her buck 1 ac k bluk shi ii you dar mother of two uir wk we carried an editorial hat canada failed nor ad we are naturally gratified that ihii editorial comment hai created tome interett with ourreaderswe have received teveral letters to the editor en the s some of which ere printed in this issue while we do not always agree mimoe members at least would have veiled norad paragraph 5 jlo political parly picked a bunch of greenhorns the group was composed of editors members of the board of directors of cwna representing news papers from coast to coast in canada i dont mewbets of the chorus were guidon smith ah jluhiiisuii sid lome grenvllle masales feorpe musselle bud nks morgan morns ii hovis j e mann ii iklvvib cam leislj man i yoiincjihit i d lltilnau- el hill benson m 1 1 mison sturrv huitoii k spuvonel mil ol course the four end men chailes kirkiuss chatles wil son jak cieli and joe whit ham with the thoughts expressed in letters to ihe editor we do uphold the right of 9v9ry per son writing a letter to the editor and sign ing his name to have hjs views published however we did not write our editorial last week to create interest what we tried to do was to present 4n honest clear xin emotional assessment of the facts and fajla cies based on our observations during a visit to norad headquarters apparently we did not make on major point quite clear the point is that nocaos mission is to de fend the north american continent against aerospace attack the role of sac strategic air command of ihe u s s the counter of fense portion of deterrence the two should not be confused norad is the only field in which canada has agreed to cooperate sac is strictly a u s project canada has not been asked and it is highly unlikely to be asked to participate in iheir activities the editorial was printed in the acton free press and the canadian champion therefore we r pubhshing letters from readers of both papers since one letter has asked some questions wo will reply to it in this column dear mother of twoi in your second paragraph you suggest lite udtkuiitl wrti for the support of nuclear arms i would like to point out t favor the arrow h o and voodoos w4th nuclear warheadi which could only bo ue tor dofeiue i did not lucjgeit wf should have nucleai arms lor all our armed forces in your third paragraph it is peculiar to you that 27 wkly editors who arc always busy ek should le chosen tor a free trip to norap weekly edor are busy in a weekly ntwpter lc al news is the pi mary lomem when national and interna tional m v s has a liv tl miimost if too lc conns it iixa1 ti i lor et the weekly editors werr not vliosrn for a fr trip the eifi- hsis ihroihh thtr naiional asscviation rr quvsteil in tor motion ind the trip was er- rangrl by lb bc ar lh trip vvas not free the three days of th inp weie part of my 162 ivohdays i m ure it you would like to use your holida o qo to norad ibey wouui wruomc ou know the personal political views of each of the editors but i do know each of the major canadian political parties was repre sented what the influence of our editorial opinion is we cannot hazard a guess paragraph 6 who is qualified to ques tion facts no person or group of persons can in one day check the work of specialists hwe hvnunrking pn fhp nh fnr on ilu nmtii ill tec vvitl h rimttfi c a dills m m uith and k i ikaii in iliue of piopeilv ind siac u iariti incuts weie j r mai aitluii ami rifmimsnn 1 at hie mi ket su was in i ha i ol tustuiiks aul makeup iinauivs unc undii w ii clavton and w j ciahaui advtitisin w coks uu h d rachhn uov st out- ulaitd dray ias the uatuie ol the v imnu and ihe ihunes weie opi aled uith miss lillian w ill tains assistaiue miss diav ciilamu upheld lui reputation mi rolku watsuii has pui haised t hum immii mr au i lauson and mi ulake leslie has bouutu j arm lioni mi ushe thompson miss tlotenie muna h is ic innvid hei niillinei v looms to the iutimiiait ulihk ashyiini post oltki has bun i losed the rural tluhvuv is dinny the svork now pauline johnson no i ut ihe canadian ouldoois dud his at tiiuoon she vtsiied aitmi sa ttt linns atvit uttlphtm t audkiiiis on these v isiis was i he yiicst ol mi- t smith at ltnvieu pkkl and mf and mis ah suuul at laiiou she pifivcd heisell iliarmuii yuesl al both ilu hoiius and also a dihtdiltul n iispomleul mis smith had kttei inmi la i list a kn un aij hu kavtli i ii life as a silutol tiai hei i itemed i would lie h itk and una i theie loi a while itslinj up ivlore i sank ipuelu out ol siht among ihe huntings and the pollvvvos and ihe tepuli ind the mud ot ilk uadcmii pond flu i i must have i allien asleep in thai pond and been washed out to sli with a otieeiht ill hloutng bieakeis tvtrv- hiku n t cidlapsiblc hlebelt doin iis that anil mv emei- jiiuv loikit tlaies in my other pants ip s nist not thai sintplo you iin 1 pisi tuin oiii hack v 1 b thai iihk bul still itt rrn si res vniivc7 kept m hi stvli loi mus h ttl i much s in with done su main uav ol things with and cxpul iki lo hi vou walk qiiullv into ilu ivv tried ive looked the other way when uhe flaunted herm ive hewrlher at amis length untlff ralrout of arms ive put my head in the sand when use approached and re ceived a kick in the rump for mv painw uut thes jiven me the works i determined i would never act on another committee join an other urjpuiiintion donate uny ot mv 1reo thne to anything or do anthlny for anybody unlesv u were life or death wlmuiapthmicd lrft tackled i declued to be a better fa ther ite chortled when i took up siding the kids were evbamtised when i come home ready for u fatherly chat everybody disappear when 1 oak them if theyd like to o fur a nice family drive they look at each other algnl flcanllv and roll their eyes only this morning k m snld dad vou dont seem happy anymore youre acttnj klnda stranue lately i swore id never have any- jlbtvflmo do with politics aflum on anv livel i if e snickered ill vueur il wuh she who put the akkls under diet just to make a fool of me at anv rule not one hut two ot the local candidates have ask ml me to give thent a jtaiid and 1 ve promised both with tflee and i find rnvsell on numeruuft lommlkecfc a mem bir of several oruanitathm iurhinit out ml bed to teach sundav school collecting foi hie red cross putting out the soliool ycaihook and ipving helptobackward btudeius al ter hour i detennned i would he a bet- let luishand ijile siieeredlveiy tune i tried to oust a bad luibit she wav nyht there tntahziuu so i still lug home the box ol suds light one fug from the end ol another rtuy up till 4 am reading- occasionally try to tell mv witc hej wrong and avoid anv dhcutsion of repairs reno vations orjvnowjds these atv tintv be major bsijleft she has threwn be tween me and my courtship ol thai iool hut lthitplaccnt lady known as peace she has a 1st hashed in ihe rear end f tuv tar loaded my eaves- itxiughs with fee to thejwn dutout point ai ranged for my cat to yet in the family way t again trakeil me into getting tivr yeeks behind m mv work bniken the tppir on mv snowboot ami put mv hot wa- lei system on the blink i give sip come back ymj old trollop and ill embrace vou as ot vote umi iorget about peace who never did appeal lo me luiuctii a our feeders write nihai oui stions millim professional direaory and travellers guide medical wmkttal dikrctomi paratjragh 4 the vtt is imkrtanlti has inrun nnkriatt fur mjny yeas nd the mam hni we made last week was the dis tressingly small number of our now vocal parliamentary cjht who hve v sited mobad if there hd iwho j iiutittfc on defense to tfia last parliament tbec coin- over six years editors and reporters make their living by being able to uncover and evaluate facts paragraph ps tfce bomarcs and voo doos when armed rt not obsolete manned bombers carrying nuclear bombs are and will continue to be for some years to come the maor threat letter 2 question 1 what theussians ar0 likely to use as a means of attack is a question to ask the rus sians there is certainly a possibility they would use manned bombers while the number of russian bombers in service has decreased the reduction m numbers has been more than offset by the increased capability and capacity of their modern aircraft question 2 the building of the neces sary launching pads for bomarcs has erased because theyre fmishod all that remains to be done ts the arming of the missiles paragraph 4 russians and americans both have icbaas at the present time there is no defense agnt them whi couiv try develops a defence aqafhtt icbms f r t will certainly be m an adv mtagcous military position bolh countries are working onrdr fence systems americans have assigned th pioieci a no 1 priority v at the present time there arc four coun tnes m the nuclear dub russia br ita amenta and france these countries can produce atomic weapon by assigning prion ty to the protect canada ould produce an atomic ilevnn in four to five years but ac crptniq nuclear warhoadfor our bomarcs and voodoos tor defence toum not b con- striml as omjg tie iuler ilub the ramje of ibese two weapons wdum not permit them to lie used offensively we are not qomg to my anything additional km the nuclear arms tor our bomarcs and voodoos there is nothing ii has beeli nothing for many yrs io sop us from pouring cvoyettcvt into working torworrrp i too would like to pour every effort mo working for world peace i believe thouoh that a strong deterrent insurave tuif would isermit a continued cttoft toward wuild peace fatmlh c onl our readers write has canada failfd norad hcvii icmnl mkhssiiiik iii 51 miuiuulc ruul hivi luuuul wnhm so nnlf til aliuh iiili uh 00 mtlin ji muxh hi lil ihtir pnlius mii- m- iiimii 11 ihe bdiliir omul 1 he wurlil uith tnuiiuh mis aitun jrie puss sil 10 wipe iiusm i nil ihe mip aiilt leiilllik nhir 11i1i1111 il 1111 11 1 iiiihik 111 s juilm will kns ilei ihe iboe lu uhni i hii 11 miiii mu inn iukuii inin lome in ihe ltilkliisiun thai 11 is mil 1 minis siilii shi kntiws lusi is uell 1h11 mi iiiuii chiij ih 11 slu iiiiilil hi uipul nil ihe 118 lmiili ins hivt sni in i lf ilu iiilh h hm hei msil orl in uliii 11 u is i mil hiinbiis iu lull is i hi t lis it iihnil liiiuun ihu 111 in ikni 1 11 i is ii kiissm iiiks vl mp mllll llllllll lot mill jl 11 htlls inr ian ul 1 sun ilul 11 li isi miki 111 iii llll sl tlumipi ississ ihi i li is in tliil ii h isi milll opilll hi nil ilu lllklu 1 1 llki ll 11 p poll hi im n v i in hi 1 111 llns lilsillssllhl 1111 tlllltllll llll llsk 1 km uiiimil 1 inn kmmnit inj vinmliiii ul 11 i 111 1 lkn iu i vmiiii i hk 1 p 11 1 mi lli i h 1 hn 1 is 1 il in ii l ih pisi s s mih hih 1 1 11 1111 1 11 in ind 11 i ul 1 1 lljl i suil ll vix l ml imill ll i i ll 1 i 1l u iiiuii si i 1 n i iip ol llll iii s ml 1 i i i i i in s 1 7 tl in tt mkklir s li 111 1i1 sii1 iii h 1 il imi ills 1 i s i 11 i iii i kllll ill i iii 111 s si ii l i ii ll i 11 11 i iiimlu s s ii ii 11 u in 1 is nh silk m ml 1 pn n iii i i si 1 1 1 1 i mill iii i p i is s h 1111 l i k m is 1 n ih 11111 i i i i i i mm tllsl linn pi ill v 1 1 pi 1111 i npl i ill mi i ilu an 1 i li i 1 1 ih isa 1 11 1 il si mil i hi s ml i i lb 111 111i1 lb i i in m i i i is isinplmi vs si ill ih s us ilu ns situs th siu li iii hllllls sltlv n us dial itis itlnnri 1 l iti k bs miiuuil hsinibs 1 s is nil ui sl iii ill hkllsl ili i is- ilutunms vssihih s i i suu vsat uusi u iul i lrt- 4- 11 1 k bv 11 ii tl si ls1 is is ss i tsllm illl 111 m i ll is i ll llll ii pi i si illlls ssl 111 i 1 1 is in i niisti i ill 1 his mhi b 11 is 111 n i sitl mill 111s k us mllll l s imiiisii slu his uit hip hi 1 knkkiul against ilus llitit mim ililiilu at ih mi mi ill imi ill ui 111 hup- inl is ill 1 sh iimiiiiis ill 1 lb i s h is ih ll ills ml ilislllmii ll i sh n iii alias k ill i mill llsk li iii ills llhlui1 ll ill ii i lllslsl 1 i ilin i 1 ss 1 h l sll mll i i ills 1 i 1 1 ill ill h mills i iii 1 s iliu i ml mill ill 1 1 ihe luk nr mi i luvtual it is tl m 11 b s ill 11 1 tin ill null n i sll 11 lltlllls im psss ssll ii il 1 uiribli ml ip ms uul mil ss m ul l ll ills s s ut jmii i 11 i 1 ship in tin s 111 li i h 11 11 u i mill ih 1 l mill ill lit sill ii il ill ii 1111 ll iii 11 i s 111 i s kussi 1 l i t iiml i ul vsissi ssl 1 t ill 1 1 1 sk p si t m s i i i il llll i s v l i t 1 111 1 iii ism l i i p i 1 i ii lip t it t 1 rr j 1 imi 1 i 1 iiiuii 1 il s li 1 11 ill 1 in t m iv mi si hit s m l ills ssljlhl 1111 ll svitislhlls i ml lllmi ill iii i s s hi s ii 1 111 mils i ii ll i hi ml m ll ii st 1 mi 1 tl s ill is k b rtis la ill limtttttl it fttp 111 1 i this mill iii i its i is tminitis sbsi iii 11 is tniusi 1 p 1 1 1 l s 1 rii i 1 ul hinl lb b 1 1 i 1 i mi i 1 in 11 is 1 m h i i lb i ihlii i inn llll ill ss anil i 111 i all llll ill c banipitin has i11111i1 lnled norad mi d1111i dills mseiteil 111 insl il inns miliiiu edilnnil it ir the suppnii ul mis i u aims ihe hl tiimiiih senliiise we will 111 ilnubl ik ass used 11i haunts en hiunuishiil bv ihi dniied slab s sorat ami ihe rcat pihli 1 laliuiis in uial tinier 11k pisiihii thuiy in me was lhil 37 vvuklv ediltiis vvhn bv tin 11 nun kiimkiimh k alvvavs i mi busv utlh insal news tu piv 1111 illinium in nihet inns siimmiii iv hnsiii lui 1 lue inp 11 norad ii u u cnluliili spi ins ii till isslli is sll ihip4irtini mmiiii it mil ii lxsli mtim iia mm tills h iiimi stllll til ihllst ishi hili snips- uul limit did i 11 11 iitisrtiui li 11 aims 111 ut il t ptmis 111 lii 111 huvv wiune ill inls 11 mini is ihi ptililt il i l ti t tistbl i pi kuie a i mis h t a tibiii us imi ih i 1 111 us ishuis sviiillv jritin ii ims mil mw itlluttur sl jm ll 1 iii i s mi dills i ul 1 ti in ninm ul i h mis il thus p v ill ml i il 1 i la ilnh iuistmn 111 v i llll i is pi i ihluil tlllll mils i llll is ml st 1111 11 slllii in kn m milll t lf tlls i s i is l i s t p i m 111 li iust k nl is l i ubi h sns its iii llalhs 1 m sil i lv w g si iii sm i vim 11 ml null i iii tim k lllll 11 111 illlssll t 1 ii null tltc stv it i i ill ill uhs 111 ti ilis ml l 1 iii 1 i n n ibulsts ikimalss and v il mi i inn mail it i 1 111 i jll s mil i i t pitsi lit iin siimtis ami ninni i m mi dtvi ihiiv rdttiinal lam s l pi s 1 lis hi m ssm b ii t 1 1 111 iibutj 11 iti i i i nib su slik k 1111 n nlv is m 111 mi i is nits t 111 it isn 1 si s imi n i 11 iii tit ul 1 1 dp w g c kenimey phvmuan and surfjiwin ollue in svmon blntk 4ia mill st p as inn tlltuc phone isv2iii ucshicihc 115 chunh st tl pbonf 85jltsm db d a garrett phkian and surftrul curncr til willow and river si lniiaovc river si acmii ont phufic 85wmi dp robert d buckner phviclan and sutneun v wcllinflon si aitun out phone ikj1240 dr t b moore pliysuian and surgrnn 2 main slrrr north tuincr main and mill sttrel aitnfl ontario pimhic mini- hmjiill rrs hm0i15 dfntai or h tun dental suigrnii 111111- nrtkr mill nl i ledf hi k slirrls tllhsf iiihiiv by appninlmrnt tirplnmr hlttml j 1 or a j buchanan denial surgeon iftkf chunh st i tins i wninrsitat jflrrtimtl irleplinnc 1svi7v phone mvflv nlthr or day o1111c i shoemakei mflt optical and llttaring aids e l buchner od opluinclilst conlacl lmei hearing aid ft john si s at inn imaaiiuii wednetdjyi only 2 00 p in 6 00 p in ini appuintmrnl phiun- 11041 jl uu atuvvri phntic watetloo 74i4hft7 thavilulf ouuh okay coach i inis cualjiril ikavk actum standard x4mg i avtlmhinil ft 11 am luily etiepl sun ami llnl tyi am 11 ii am 2 oi pn j 51 p m tli pjn l pni ill w pin sun and llnl wrslwitind 11 7 am wv ptn m7 p in 77 pin 7 77 pin 1 1 p m ii ij pin i 02 j in sal niilv i sl m i the acton free press fmmtalml hy ikm dmim phllm amd puhhuun lv i td inumtisl in 17 ami published trv thurvlav at willow st vtnn onurhv member nt the ik1ii pairrtu ol orrulatkwv the t v nj and the ontanoouelsn pi o hr w iv a adrertruns ratr nn tesnw subssrptkio pavatllr in athaikse xtw in caiuda v tn england andtithrr commonwealth counusr vw ui thi i st a foretn ieamtne libe vorues 7v authorised aasckund uu vrantsr otrkv department ottawa t- tta oaljr fmpr war aa h acton g a dill editorinchief davkl r duli manadns editor business and editorial offictprloktc 8 33 0vo ib 1 nf b 11 ui s 1 1 s v 11 l i 1 i- thai ivsli s th 11 sl t ssll 1 h s 1 s l slut 1 wis h hitriinv bv 1 ll it 1 t vp i s 1 iilt hi ss i i l i is 1 ik4i i i 111 t i ill ih s 11 sin 1 s mi j a 11 b is ss nut heal t ih 1 1 i i ins 1 n i it m 111 ll m 11 11 il n il bsn allill bv bmililrts nub uu ntimfi il kmibs u ul i haul siitmh 1 st i j h i ih- biibi nf past ivrni fii 1 ul hv h jis- i 1 1 1 ip i train t its 1 i i m i p in lhll 1 kpt- uti ifrintnl nil i ml mill i ml ih i s in 1 m 1 1 1 is 11 i i i i 11 1 1 1 m 11 11111 tuts i k 1 ins i i t i ms mill i tilt tl mllv 1 1 msl is h li ihrit- s ih ii in imt iha a i 1 1 1 tt intr ttrrrr rrm 111 us ii ub 1 s- lv i 1 j s crt ilarteai uai miiii hit umiut he tlrs shvull nut 11 j hh hmstsri is iiiusi irtaiil iik mans svuh nmlear 11 irhsids m siitnur vvhtie iilicrcm iiilll 1 maniifsl 1111 tear nmi and ut must is her athsk it oiler nnnsene and hjl in telainin hits in insiili 1 inicllipen e iiisnslslup wr- tk nn hne 10 h iv is is in rkissessitin f vu vi set issul siiliiuless icbms hitned ticcv m itlis siilsrrelv underground uw they have brendan abcnic 1 11 nt in inv inn 11 is urteut mil unpiisi ihu anadtans twisitlvtit snpptrt ihe tmiil itt s mluih mill lirnllv and strnns li nliis 1 nun t tui tear 1 luh and ms pour rxerv ellnrtnlnlo uorknt lor wurlil ncasi sinterek a a c i uathrblanp qc baiiislej and sslini ssntarv pnbbs ollir llius id am 17 pm i p m 3pm satuiilaiv hv apptiintntenl only phtme oiiie ntvntn rca imi4s aston a braioa b a bat niter viholnr not pu oft it e itonn t int canadian national railwayi standard tune lasthmmd ft v a m in tttttmtn dally et- rpl sal ami surl 7 1 am lo ltmnln daily ettept un 74i p m in tnruntu dallv eepl sun i0 pm to tnrutiiu sun mill ijlpm to tnmnlii ilally i wt t 1 m vwtstftind ll 4 111 in snail nil daily pr sun il p n 1 siianrd daily ri rpl sal and sun 17 am in strallotd tlaili elt ept sal i r furthft inlmitna tall ittu itts al aenl m my apnumimli amo imitintamci 1 wright tt vkiuisgr sf ar ton ontario phone kuj720 apprai4r and laaajraakm cuer 30 vaara la acta muaalav friday eyeningi put tan saturday i pm 5 pjn 2t pauley st celph ontario phoaa ta 42m2 olfice hour la guelph saturday 9 ajb 12 aja da f u va- ciiibuf david w gomn dc jl youns streau corner of arthur young st office hour by aprioiotiacnl ujrm tt

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