Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), March 14, 1963, p. 11

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sypls j z itwv m-jl- v tha areatntp jffu lome ad hal t ojrmear ii will taenia- rtwa and 111 other rank a lawj tammtof l7jaa col k h ssfp ohkw coimnwtd- bra ot hbww caufrty council cod lo thla uicrcaaed need for i albacy hilt year he appealed for ssjott grant front liar council or caiobki the contribution lo the ijartmeorvworkr taat year tm csttohi mil hapiwrrted b a raoretmutlw of her mit a ohatwr 12 at ckv and 113 other rank at- wwtg anwa eamtvatwletara 4s anamnhi from area htah echooh attended be ytttdeni mlhrra p llm man guard plot military and pipe band wlrte tunejimfar the royal wint er flr opening cereittoitle the annual araitxtlee day parade wax held in- brampton and the two band have been kepi himv with rnairy e in 1963 the regiment win nttb- llth a brief historical hutorv as this in lout puitlmuxqn w2 jorn9 wtoti v n season on deer wdvaw mbkaaaaat vtaaa waaaafaaa i with the plowltif to on of ib moat hwrinrtant awnta in the htatory or the rathnent and efga t the lortietkcoti mfmmbtlf watt tottiwd tw ejmclan nfe km atfcn n th ftalton rifle and the peel kkafta durterbi regiment amal aamaled in im in farm the urne scott but before color cauld he preaemee the war woke out the halton hw did mm carry color bamf a rifle real- latent and the ad and oofferin group color were dapotited ror aafekeepinf in chrit church b in the aprinf of 1939 it take many year far battle honor to he aorted and affixed id the regiment flat and ie tar delhrerv hji fnirw colon he nond rrv parallon for this ceremony take woney lag on h cbnover work- year now col lad many new and equipment will lie laajalfml the aawia of the queen re- prewntatlva who will preatnt the color aa aot been publicly an nounced yet although the per tonaae ha been invited col plover dlil lale hnwever that it woum not be h r h prince mtllla halton and peel counllc have both been akrd for a 15000 grant toward mil year expense and dutfarta county wat iskrd for ftso while the town of brampton 1 i aked for 11000 the drpjrt- men of national defence contri bute hw0 filtt grant for kilt wale and instrument main tenance current ttrenath of the lome scot i officer and men the large lace world war two the uatr annual report indicate m0 recruit were trained in na tional wrvival and tint aid rang aaja were held and fail two mdbu column and a mobile uirvlval froup were pro- vided for national urvval ex- ette m0 were on parade for the annual inipection last may the rcftment ttmlicd a ruval gaunl for the prince roval at malton airport in june 2 of- awlat aw maifllmv mr laura gertrude giilhrollh nee mchtijrfir- of palermo died on friday februarv m at hal ton centennial manor milton following an illnni of four week mr camrailh wa the wv of the lale jome herbert calbraith whu predeccawd her everal vear oao bom in imoat lle eighth line ftvjuelnb hr wa the daugfilcr of mr and mrs thoraa mchugh she aiirndeil mccurdv chuol truralgar a member of omagh prvshvlerlan church he wa active in the wa and wms on december 31 1902 she mir- rled jamc herbert cialhraiih surtrlrinb arc her three suns herbert of toronto wither of lin angt cal anil cm llahon cnunrv bady need a deer hunting uaxon robert reld county aamc war- lien anil conervail liltlcer iu the pmunce hail wen avking for a deer ueavmi now for uven vean but the county ha heen ivfuslng ilj i a a rvstilljhc dier population wu up lo 4000 nature wa out ir balance and disease was ram pant among the underfed animals struggling u find enough brow sing ground fruit tree nibbled theileers weiv nibbling nil tin- fresh gmn shoots- of trull jreen ami ovillng mvr tw highway in an effort to find enough food the game wnnlcn wild since last full ik hod bevn killed m cminty road and high ways three had recent iv been killed on the oew a week ago a hvdro crew sight ed two herds in oakvllle one n how and the other below the of w bclueen the 8th and lh lines i iloiit know whv ixacllvanv one is against a deer seasonr relil declared i believe it is the hunters the county objects to noi the hunt farmer complain he explained many farmers were against it because in the past hunters had cut their fen ccs trampled their fields and blocked roads with their cars in a hh aaal f ttaua affort and bmcgiii myrtle of palenn ii t n i j charlit brother wil- of miltun two daughters mcjiir and mr j b udt te of acton one ham of oshawa and three ten mr donald douglas of milton mr fred tuck of horn by and mrx george bailey of hornby funeral service wa held at the macnab and son chapel mil i ton with rc h a nevin o ficiat inicrmenl w at omagn prvsrtvterivin chore it ceineteiv pallbearers were colin mir- shal stuart mcfatulen fail snow and nephews bill bailcvi harold dougras and stan mc- i hugh vvt also i he mill hunter nail ntiieil mrs i aw1 a n cow or a orse instead leer thev had a divrrhunl inwent- worth ccmniy this year right next lo us and no such complaints were heard reiil said he said among seven deer shot in bcvcrlcs swamp adjoining hal ton count v lour uf them had rr 3fr a sr beerrxitffcrihg a disease similar to itaifgs tllsease in cuttle may infect cattle he warned there was danger ol ihe deer inlccling ilomcslic siiklj with their droppines anil olhcii contuls j keid ndvikatcd a twoilav an i nual dser hunt at ihehcginning ol ihe northern season j this will hiing some hunters into ihe county while the ma- jotitv will he sijll going north he declared it am li f wl shotihl ihetuhe at a liiminuini he said rcid a cinserx officer in the tish and wiltllite division ot ihe lept ot iuhhis and forests lives in the wild west of milton below the l lit i at kattlesnake poinl he came to halton from fort fnuiel in 1117 in ill n vacancy in tlve county itwa not the ptm- iev of llic depai niiiiti apinjliil a ittcal ikrsott htvnise of the illt- llcultv lie might have intoning the fish uml gamr regulatlimis with old neighbours although reiils coitvct title is conservation- oftlier ilesciiptitui nl his function ol preserving lot- ests anil witilllte lecturing und showing- films lie is still more ooptilutlv known as iamt war den then it is his oli lo hunt the nlllcers in entoriiiik the tiaines and i ishetles act ilunlera welcomed we iwelcoihe hunteis con trary to what sivnti- people ive lleve reld aid ait we ask is that thev have a gnu heence and a couniv hnnit and hunt in sea son reid explalncil thai controlled hunting w planned to help nature preserve its balance i nconmit- leil hunlinij on poaching docs the opposite 4hc department has ivnaching down to a iiiinomiin with jtamc vvaidens liom ailioiiiinu louniics isiisiing cu h oilni in tidioios anil traiking ilitwii and it hing ivoacheis convictions- hail declined from vii a veil lor all tonus ol illegal hmiiine and tishini t iivoui 2 since reid h is lucn eune wu ilen ciwi fifth the halton farm saratv cdbn- cil wa awarded filth place in the provincial slide competition sdonaorrd bv the ontario farm safety council the competition was open to each safety council 1 1 out counties and district in ontario rach entry consisted of live vlliles showing accident prr- ventliui or accident liarards on fintis the presentation iif priyes likik place at the recent convention or ihe ontario farmsafety council held in cntelph- mac sprowl chairman of the halton farm safety council accepted nnbe- itall ot the malum famf safely toiuu il ilaltons enlia was selected fnimi a county iiirnnetillihi spun- sored iluring k2 tlte cnunrv iviunir was xtis a r coulter rr t cimphellvllle and her slides were suhmitfled a the hal ton entry the purpoxe of ihe competition was to collect infor mation in picture form ihat could he used bv farm safety councils in ontario to help lower the high accident rati on farms harry- f irccnveimid known lo cally lor his work iisciiiinlv plxi- hation omicei was installed us woishiplul master or brant i otlge fcm hurlington recently tna- actdrttrav wnay hturmlay xavth latfn 1i3 an rummage sale to help retarded at a maatlm of the acton lad le auxiliary fcr retarded child ren which ynn held at the home of mr j turfcou on march 7 plahs were dlacuaaetl for the rum mage sale to he held in the foyer of theymca on ihe 2tih uf april uf 2 pm need rummage mlseellaniiuis- lomitiuge is still needed ami anyone who has should contact the following mix j306 i5 0m5 mr c aadarua fuce wmvrtli mr n nlble that a bake held in june member wrrv nlettaed to celve a donation ttf w tram luxlon vpjs praeratli fixmt tbrev dunce held during iiionlli of tebruarv then- will he a hiring of llulton imlles ausillurv or laided children tm the 4th april ul the home uf mr anderson knox ave rhit re- h th fmuy wardreb raty for eafr timi ro twtihio clianimo tooi faryau h aun la kait yaur laaa in aur nmmtaen flnwifc w utaaa custom cleamers l day laevtoa la by it am out ay i cash and carry main tv n mom iiim n area eruitj vegetable growers study soil use of fertilizer uccntl 4 giimcrs canu lenin the ctmplcxitk o mnnnonicnt nu fcrtilier new appointment to soil use palermo hall was chosen central meeting place for this conlercncc of fruit and vegetable growers in the toronto llamil- bank of montreal manager wil ton area ham mckay announced this week i subjects covered ranged from the appointment or darrcll fmu- ini hackground of soil develop formerly or norwich as assistant mcnt f i ice ages to the accountant to dick willie present soil classification was mrorer vjjki is single enter- outlined and tied in with land ed the banking business a little planning special over a year and a half ago as wq given to the soli type dr j archibald and dr r a cline reseatvh scientists at the horticultural experiment sta tion vincland gave the lectures assisted by k a clarke exten- son specialist in agricultural en gineering om recurs write for common sense dear sir cutting w h i uinjitttn ncir been mcivctl si met w mr cuttiny who workcil in the bank here uer r ear uiv in active member ol the ys mens chib ami wi irvisiirvr ot aeiim curling club bv mother jin ahenie f tm bren this sundays i church calendar mmmmmmmmmmmmmammmn mhsytttlam chukm m f aht knox cmvftcr acton rev andrvw h mcketuie bj- bd mlnitter mr er a hutrn ba organltt and choir master sunday march 17th 1m r4s 4ihurch stihool 1j0 mm mllimtt taar rabat clmil ll ir4iwm srvtc s srrmun themr xunnari emphatis i ics foiuul i ii uis verv pralilvin tn renj fvhittrar prifwipuw o aut ow u i ilu i management and irrigation pnv viilcil those in attendance with a more complete untlersiantlini of praeticc that had proven praeti- t but may not hae been clear- iiiuumsiiwhi a- ihe tmuention projjresseit inor ut iitit practical applica nt ns nitrogen and mineral re- qiiirwunt f plants and the mc- ihtkl- of determining nutrient v reid dee i jackllghtlna ihexnl muklitihliiil the hunting o tliii h ntlihl b npolhehi is not j iin ilfit hut tinspiii imiiuilike i the hyht niesmeries the iteei while nl en all the hunter rrs k two ce in the night two vear a no a line llmnmiihhied wts shot in the countv at niht in a jack- i lighter i mm deer norih aiil ihe hiyest herds ol were in issijiawet town- hip- liut dr maiii nil oer he couniv nul civ pu ftculu l plentiful up antl down the hank ol 12 mile and if mile ocvks anullur 40x ileei toamed wei linpton count and the miuiau passed back iiui lorth liecl for inaviimini sitet lor hu- mans heal sucsi i shrn t deei season allowing the use uf shot- gun onlv would be lusi it was illegal to hunt with auv i thing hivrher than a 27 calibre gun in he uintiiiv he sml i anvoin touiitl with i km1 oi ivim which can kill from a mil and a hall up to two miles re spretivelv was assumed in hi hunting defer and charged 22 lille with the long carl igcs tic daugeioiis un in your chicks will get extra lift from pmt chick starter after reading the editorial februarv 2 and the letters holding the liberal pilicv njuclcir anns for canada it is icassnring to know that some of the manv people who ire against this policv are willing lo speak up in defense of coin mon sense aiidm support of rin j deer ll reid season t poachci s oi- illilvil is tin- i illi- m d e tittc- nnsi ul there livs ng ill- llle vcll on wiimms needs ol plarrts were cxpunneil j ihe new democratic party poli anl concluded with the plu nnnt ot ertiliers and the mater- iils that can he used to maintain iiul hinld up our soils tor ttitlue generations no nude arms acton aarist chubch coaiaallaa af ontario ai ouabac pastor rev stanley gammon 144 tide ave phone m6i5 sunday march lth tsvt 4 am sunday school and aihilt bihlr class ii 00 am conssieiue at i h cross intcn nicilisiitun 7110 pm the m v s i e i v ot ousl vvtsikrsdiv 7v prayer mt ing the bible cm and silling down thev waldled hun ilui- malt j v irns that flatter tkinior coogrrgatiivn m during icrmon i 7j0 pm youth fellowship mtrfcb tting took the dark chbktian ukmbvsid cmukm continent r c r i v c s lajht fvsrron moat walcoma vmnffv cmuaycfl 1w uaaaai artoa oatarta th rrv dwiahi i enavl ia id o hr crtr ftlhiit ii a pkd rev j utma bju bd minister ml ouexti st bo 4 phone hslfltt sinday march itin i 1000 a m fnglivh servle jib pm dutch service 115 pm sunday school actowaiw healwitf mecca cm vakik rut imm rmintu pitct bf intftf mkm fit llu uct lpkitl tntiwftic hkt 9m4t to tl hi diuf cumr micca pill kimidy no 1 tsw ffrflltaag akm a ii 114 a m 1ia ttiw wautltal watiajaj aawalm micca aiu imioy mo harvey laverty heating ptumbino and uvktmxk1hiho mom the vi by ilijt day yoowiu notict thi dl iincii with hmjnhov chick startir availar1e in mash ol crummes thi best combina tion of essential nutrients is released to thi chicks orovmino body right mom the starti and the returns mom khlovvino sjktut gramme are high strong healthy chicks mature into hioh- mooucino hens hens that put added proit in your ockit contact ut today and ona of our ropfomntativm will bo phmtod to call upon you tp6mt formula feeds di vision ol robin hood flour mills limited tiinit repairs to all makes of furnaces custom sheet metal work oil and gas furnace installations conversion burners sales and service main street n rockwood phone bsaf34 rockwooo 14 haw sarwka tabrinacu ii churvhill kvjj pxoc rer s m thuman pastor mis sunday march ittr ll jo and iiobdlttaa swrvicth wntmyschool w amvbuvrvraj sud siiay march lh ii ym 1000 am sundav sshoul j0 aai tmihuj biblical- nv j am morning vrvice struction gnvie and up pm fscnmg service iijb am junior prvcjla to fucsuv i p m bible suulv and fradr 4 i rar all wlc x arm cmubcm all service in y mc v aiion j rt wllssin rvvj1j7 tthot la acton y m ca sunday march 17th il a45 ajn th family bialr scnosl cra f ctaiam for au aaaa 11d0 ajn i thirt t08 pan maat st pat- hckwaa a bapiuh muaic hn- r- mfcvtl tmalhttown fueat lololst rhurdav pm chrtsl amtvs udorv s you are cordullv invited thi cmubch o st the mjurm anoucan ciauai willow and bower raclor tha rrv d h waal ba lst us jartrt ay nvon tmswm swwoaymarot lllh 111 tar third sunday in lent uf am bohr buraarlt jo am holy tiirharist jo am church schxl tiw aiw vtatlna and sermon 7j0 pjn holy eucharit wcdnndav march jo 7 jo p m jrhapsodyjoidj9 guelffl memorial gardens friday and saturday march 15 16 00 pm wink in bunkin aoa a noo castiso cmmtm holiday in aancx u out of this world- jp sauaan aa swrtztrlanoswita ptok daam snarksll ciftosvft mmmttlm rfym ouist staielaiaa riakarata ultfa ttmr n mmv tot 3 admission aduits 1 50 students ft children 50c tttrra available atu cardfn box offke acton home p11iviihincks clvb mcmbzjh cveijh coxkce ficuhe sautmccltja your red cross serves you all aajaaam a aaapy aaaa 1 m aajf ajwaawjli ufa fy oaaa aai l pa th infant tha a tha adult and baa aaad all aaafilfra mva aarvleaa and aaing eatrtad out la your n hatp you rad croaa t oaatmaa m mnaaartarlaa taarkmilar af mm akaay saapa aarvaa you and your aaipnbourman plan yaw daaabaa er aaadaala m aaal at paw i a panoroaa dawa w da aa a tw aa aiawp la t red cross needs your help now te wi mm wumat canadian red cross society 115 woolwtch str ty qutipr

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