Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), March 14, 1963, p. 9

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1 jfwswqjis dift w l tf r jrf sp fever i v the goolvold days r t 1 w 20 years ago takvn from the uim of lh frm fra4 thursday march ii ima luht evenlntf mr jiwne doiiy- hit hiislulrutj rtomt injuric wlan he wan anilkod bv the durham hull on his farm in i tqutslnn township had it not btni for tlil pnimpt utfion of the lurid in in jin ravuti mil farm mvmr in mill have bttn yorcd to tllith tht nuikm otciirrtd wltn mr dotiuus was iikmn llu tni nut horn the siabli ik fell on lit sivppcrv yrtiihitl lrul was tin imdiatulv ui1k luil bv ihe hull hl was tfuin medic i u leu hon at thv itine and latu riimivid in huspilal in guilph i oftipanv stn intm not j iik aljfn ot acluii uhu is with i lu c ituidian loftts oxctsl is h bun iwiiiltil i he lilsi il isp it tin c in ulhiii clhiiltnv ukikil t fiimi tlulitiuits an iii tjitk i to the lormer audit man uu s iloiny an cxctlknt job in the aiim ovvt i wm1 ju i sons ill rtdtd lh thru niifhi pulmmaikt or llu nunsiiit show in ilil tnwji hall lllit l ik 11 lpp tl uplift niss miipls tiiiuiinkd to j1vj 10 tin nim will in usul t t lu lp llu hus in tin iiiiud sii vkis dill i lip i ilki llllj it llu sk hnol ikmki this wick titislets appim t- tl i itsolufmn nukm it uni mtft by bihtr tayior time mow to forget the line now that the dust has apparently settled south control 17 votes while the siinc mini on the county voting power and its distnbu- bor of votes in the north arc divided among lion between north and south helton we 10 men it is this that caused some mombfrs sincerely hope the issue and the imaginary to observe if was a lot of power in the hands dividing line can be quickly forgotten n recent years there have been very few issues of such a regional nature that support wet split on a norlh south basis the question of voting power alone has been the most contentious problem of this type according to action approved by county council on tuesday the towns of oakville nd burlington will have the same number of votes as milton acton georgetown et quetlng and nassagaweya if an increase in population in the norlh permits another nor thern vole one also is added to the south the reverse is also true in the event of a sharp norlh south sp u e pr a meely-of- v will be required for approval thai is if the south makes a proposal that is unacceptable 10 the norlh they must swing the votes of i least one northern representative that holds two votes the result would then be 1913 if there is an noa of inequality remain ing it is that four representatives in the a serious situation in this confmunity wo face serious do- cision we say in fliis community but the i situation is really prevalent throughout imj length mul breadth of canada as a country we need a government the type of govern ment wc choose is to be a strong determm ing factor m the kind of country wc plan to bo the ttlmlion catnpaign has barely warm eci lip yet bu7alreedy we detect many party men torn m their lo cither aiul thoo loyalties arc not limited to one or two pu tics we have heard some suggest they just wo t vole como april b because they vc never voted against the party yet surt ly we are a ralioiuil cvunigli h uu to realise we can t bury our head in the saiul m ostikh lcthion to escape a resfkmt sibil i ry lo wott tor the t in i i u w lul m best implement thoo politic to whuti we adhere cnumeralors we art lot i v n n sonic tas s appalh vl wlu n they i iu i i homes to list voters tor the apt i h eletl on some utifens were in t quanta y aiut ki d whjt lection the enumerators weie tdlktn about it is shoe king in these days ot maii mpdm elfviic m evefy iiy u iooju radtu in every home aiul newspafxis ei every et tec talwe ivi tmd tht re n it cms u w not aware ot tht clev hon t i i ymt viui surely ai dtiiij vsr imm an obligation to stuefy tlc dittcieci m party fvvlkits the of a few men for clarity in discussions it has bee n necessary jo make frequent references to the norfh and the south no one has ever bothered to define what is north of where and what is south of where it is quite an trnagmary line and it does ring of civil war days we do hope this imaginary dividing line can now be forgotten m the much broad er task of doing what is good for the whole county the increasing inixirtane f llu loimly in local government is repeal dly emphom ed as it extends its influence through county wide services there is every reason to be- puimji ioi eluhlreniindt r tlu in ol 16 to utliid sthnul pel mils mii ik miauled in spunl is s iii lilt lullsslk i ills hi i iii sk i1iiiu d i loiii i him llu hull tilt nd inn v is lump u lu i d un i i mini ot u triune inndiiions in i pi i mils u u he my ti iiikli uiiiuil ss ii i is in lui pni w nh tlu ih in dim a i h2 ions n m turi il hiu h tn tolktuil lesiihint in sihhi volktt t muu in liiiiiil is ilouip i utin kitul i h uhi llu iihiiis nspniisc has httii iikisi i in mil ijintr i lu snow stin mi s 1 1 u id i kit piks til mum on llu mids sum i n t lluisv tlu t u iv p ut ot tlu wiutel 50 years ago tmkma tram the tllesof the frm tnm thundey march 21 his on sunday morning uvwuit i0ju1 the fire ulurm ncaletl out und turlkd citizeru uenerullv as llicv were tf e 1 1 i n g rea iv for church it uus ascertained that the alarm wa runu hv wvttet fortmanmn emplovte of messrs beartjmorv ajid co who his lesidcd here for spveral intinlhs fie had not heen working bit st tral dnvs and was r an myrv mood chiel lirwhon arrcslvd hun and placed him in the cells the doois of which he shuttered hadlv in tmdtawjnny to escupe when tu e title beloie reee flvnds intl ii p moore jp monda nunn nil ins wife uac evidiiut th tl lu h id ass lulled her on s iloi d n ititthi ind thrtaiciud to t ik lu i hie ik was commit ud hit 11 1 1 uul chief 1 aw son remuvid hun to he county ail five inches of snow fell htt pi idiv mil e lion trv 10 ids ut il ilmom compete iv filled as lit hiili winds swirled tht snow iitiutu into tuiuv tlrilts llu i nil nit c to tht ceinett rv vas lompklcb hlotktd and a pith hul ti ht uiidt atioss llu ii iss one ot tlu lartitst tkkyilkms lui to alltnd wirt pitstni lm tonptll this wttk to piotisl m mist a propos it in uk in coon id i couple t wttks iio to hut ti tlu einarttte license lee sev avbusmwr a month rrom now ii wilt be who ham in the choir and fauahl all ovef have you decided yet f s which way youre pping to vote ii tough unt it the experts teu us there s untv one real issue in this election that of nuclear amu well lm tcllinu them niht now if they can i think of something u little brighter than that to ote for or against thtv nccdn t expect me to vote at 11 i els sav lust lor the sake of argument that i m an ordinate canadian xoter which i am who is flatly opposed to nuclear arms lot canada which i am who the i luck un i going to ote for dltltiuluniuui sas wo wont lint m ol tlu si atrocities in c tn id i soi t nl buk it a w ii st nis lu ii blow his whistle and stop the plav while wc st ml a eotipk ol trucks down lo detroit ot soiut where and pit k up niiek n noses lot those lloiuluads oi whatever thev c ill llu in tl tt the yanas iinloitkd on us makes me go ill hoi ind toltl whin i think ih ii i tottil loi that fellow one tune hum ilun s i esstl lellllllds 1 t sst i lile of pt ron the girl lfllllkll iiul stltlcl till ii llss ll i i iiliun iu unsl imiyn minikin iu i lm llu tillins ml ilu uin i i i ii i uih llu iilims ml llu win ismiiltl llltllkll ullllm iii iu ihini mlhin dun piiwti h pit lc llu kkn limn li w d amli i mjii ttpitss in in kit tin s 1 1 tit il iv tin i pni- pictliiu itip in mtiliuv mimtii- hi lie iniv siltk in llu iusl tn llu un limine mi vi i w l dimiui is itiiunnu tlu ixnu s one nicht on a tletfbride anil now dance third from the left in theckonu line at the purple curler lenneir who once remark ed seiulbly that hed rather be red than dead who once won the nobel peac pri now wants to pres ihotie hldeoua head into the hot little hand of our gnl- lund lads in uniform how could 1 vole for him artd of course we have that new party tweedledum vows that the party wouldnt touch nuclear arms with a 10font tory tweedledee ay the pjrlv will accept limited use nf nucjeat arms tweedledum sjw lo tweedledee com mifnl i j va bob enijikh irunnlalion howt that again bub tvweldeilec informs uulbec uudlcm-l- that ihe party wouldnt touch nuclear arm with an ii foot tory id like them to be a little more ex pllclt is ii lo be no nuclear armh for anybody or jut a sprinkling here and there or no nuclear arms for ouchec there i only one parlv left it ivcrn left for yearn and will proh- ihlv be icll again on cleillon dav the grinning leader of the indee nec somewhere lnlhere among all ihe juki has slated unequi vocally that his party u against lets piny bridg by bill coata lltlsllk fht allun piirtvlti win uutsls duniii the niiini i s ii v ihurih sliyiis ii tivvsniis coniirs stind iv singing uui missis iihsiin vi inn ii nils i sun mil willi nils with miss launlti gray as jiitmiipanlsl i in tin pisllhrii iirs niv will mil i rrrvi lncn using thi vviak no riunip tn llilp solve niir niiiing but pridilems an ontnmg bid id i no trump show 12 14 points anil halinml distribution tin hand may con inn an unuuarded doiiblelon where were at youkaow h sort of thing i mean higher salaries for everybody and lower taxes for all free den tures tor everybody who be lieves fluoridation government subsidies for credit card car riers free twist lessons forall over 0 a month supply of oil free on april fuel day we want something the voter can gel his leelh into not this taste less rubbery nuclear nonsense what about a shoi in the arm for bilinguahsm and thereby ca nadian unitv more trench in the schools would d it and i dont mean lexl books the party that promised it would import a few thousund parisian model and plunk then on our teaching staffs would bo doing more to irrate national unity than all the shredded wheat boxes printed in french and english between here and trois riviercs what i m looking for is a straightforward party of the old school i hat will offer a solid program ol ihe type vter familiar with outlawing li quor and- lowering ihe legal artnlclng age free medical care in triplicate that hes dying of an incurable disease polygamy with all household expenses to he shared equally bv the work ing wives a ihlcken in every jaguar nuclear aims mv tool if they i hi politicians get hack to uutir kiep up that imihshncss i ii vole good old fashioned election is and i think i un swing my sues ihe sooner well all know wile lor mahatma ghandi hoot at work or at plav docs this mean that because its ihe onlv parlv that agrves with me i have lo soli socialist whelhcr 1 want to or not i told vuu tins one issue bust niss was rtuiiuhkis the sooner news around nn district lievc this will continue if the necessary private lull ponton j hy burlington and oakville is now approved in corporating the solution arrived at tuesday perhaps the north south interests can hr minimized and the county interests ekvited it largely depends on the stature of tlu men sitting as county councillors stature of canchdaics and jhe ibihly of men to carry out policies in the national interest rather limn i regional or individual intern t surely as canadians wt do not t v i t t i bribed by our parliament in ins to ol t i i votes surely we have come to iiikt th it th 1 uul ot milk mel horn y v ii i i i t its bounty mi ely ly vs si t i it k i i i the largest of elected governments smely as adults we realise acr f ce i mi h t m s necessary uul indeed essi nt tl it wt i t pi iy oi r pjrt n the si ht mi i th i f ai ndivulual citizens n this c minun ly a i i ross the n ifion we have an impot i int role o play m the election april tt bit our i it it i it extend even ih yond thai to ht ipnii omi nt pirtiipil in in i o it u i 7 tins n tht tuweomu i n v t is thai folt ult l is s i t i vi nts i i re u h u m i t i th it will atttftt the k inn ol tl i editorial briefs every tvio ot couf nje i i i t word pierre comielle the ih t proot that ip i no i tn ii vmy iv llic tact that tin ileiljf ishisj tie i oi lis t j il ten yc j il l v i ill ill i vt i t i l i il ill i oo j viiydijc aoil i i i o at ii urvmimon inn lie ition ol tin polui fte p il true nl his hull ntllisliil in i loi il umiliiil who il lulls he wis tie ileil like i pig h piilin vvlin hi visllnl hi st illon to i iv a lull llltlgi illiir intuitu t wis imhii lining i polin lurii in sud mhi i isvii i i in iilalmn- i i p lebc mill ilun itkxi voliiuiis in llu pist mii in m lii ol 4ft 74 iliiinie ilto llu i ihi n v liiiuiuil 1 mx nivv liks dm int llu vi it loromo lwsiiipkievc rolslt spick lllkid lllinsill out il i ltkw ins olliiiil him is vvudiii ol pnl cniinlv hi piotisl uinlv s n w i iiimilllii svslitn would icssin ln dolus mil llu i us vv is oiiiosliliiil ml kl indlon willi two uiiiiiliiis ol town loinuil olliuillv uollllll ilnl is i iiiilul ilis in i in n si im mi 111 li hoi llu town isiinuil in i i si iii nl ill in limn iiiiiiiuipil diifus mivr iunimiiiiii i ih i 1 indidili in hilton counts wlul c uiuilloi k is hv tllllilvlllvl lllk i llnlioils lo i ni ii is l u i ml i mkhll l ho eilll1 ih hisfti ids- m mi iui ii ii i h ih i istl s h iss piohihl hi nun iiun il a bcollish castle llu udlhi the vweak no trump has several advantages one of which is a iither negative one if vmr part ner docs not open i no trump thin ihe ii mil is either strung ii jhm 14 points or has illslrl butional siilvantagcs naturally wc have ti id some poor results because we have opened i no tiump but until last monday at the acton bridge club i cannot recall gel ling a good i c suit because wc dill not open i rcgulai i no iiump with in 18 points this is hoard no ii ixalu south neithet side vulnerable north professional directory and travellers guide medical funeral dlllectowl dhwgc kenney physician and surgeon office in symoa block 4 a mill st e acton office phone 15321 1 1 residence 113 church si phone m3i664 phone s5ujm night or dy bruce l shoemaker mgr s- 1142 ii k it 7 1 7 s 1 t i 3 west last s a soj 10 9 ii o 4 2 ii j 8 3 11 is iu i 4 n o 8 c j 7 6 c 10 9 5 2 south s k 7 1 u auo 5 our readers write wswih vaini i ti ii i i s t i wihins n l k in l il k 1 1 uli hull i nil it is i s n mllsll s 1 ii 1 ii 111 s nditi tins liilssllis i i i i i us hill 1 slmiviiit ill s i i i i ii h i is hi ii u si i mi i i ill ir i i i in i i i i ii i s i vh 1- i o mil ii il si i i vi us outs s i hum i it i vr il i i lu i i hk ih i mi ii o ii lu i is ii ll mi rt i i i ii i 1 think il hllli i th in to isl n t n k1 i i i k m il i i i i i ii n i h i i i 1 i is i i v a h j 8 west north i d pass d piss fassl p is pas s llns hi ms us i ih llnit- 1 i i i iji iii ills iiu lllosl iim i i i 1 ill llu iiiniiiois i i l i i un i ill 1 imh 1 hs l s i k this lllllsl i nilitil v i scejlu ilihitiii atuiul in wl ll ii 1 k v iii till i iii i 1 i llllll si 11 iii i ill s i ill lk i hi i k i unn il il n i iii i i r 111 l i ii 111 ii i th in th a fre p published hv the iniu printing and publishing 1 v i ul i muulrvi ill ll7 atld putilisbiii evcrv lbinsiliv it s willow si tln i vol ti to member ol the audit hiiian nl irxulaihmis ibr w s a and ihe oniariooiu be oivisioii ot iih i vv s a idvcrtlsins riiis on uipiist psuksitiplhis pas ihlo in advance v0o in 1 an la m in i iigtanel aihl oibrr lomnninvvralih timintnes istki in the ullird stairs and other foreign lounlius singie enract 2c auibrunl as ssmui iiss mail rv otlliv iv ullawa i i i i u i i i i is 1 l i il ills i is ii i 1 1 silk 1 ii l i ih nk ni in i k ivr oh -tlvs- tl ls vi 1 lh i ittlitt itums si m- i i s v si 1 1 i till ill i i 111 i i i i iii i i hi ii i i i i v 1 1 s i s in t t hi i i i 1 1 1 i k 1 ii a in k i il i ini l mis in k i i dtu beslnaraecl south i c ix i 1iss win ii ih bond v is p ived il tlu ollui lihlis south opetuil i s i 1 1 limp this is nut good ss 1 1 ti i t ik iloiihl ton dt unotitl hul soiiiitiuus vou i innol mv t ill possihililus 1 ii d moiuls in souths ii ind woulil not ihinii ihe tinal mi iitri wist lid i lov ill itnond ind cv ii v s tilth win down oiu with in i ik ti i tiump mv il iiiiilil not open i no trump ml hosi t hrb instead wests oiiall is viiv reasonable and vs ii il ih hul came b u k o s uth slu ilouhli d lor t ilu out mlhoiilli i w ul i h ii hk i to slum mv sp iu s i pissisl vv st s t hid ol 1 mi mis i his cnilid till llll ii 11 wist ill ill in ik s in iii is 1 in it hi triis i rutting ihu sse m spuds whuh svoiks th ii is no i c e in is to tlu a spadis i hi iti unoiiil lllll is lliisl i 1 k i i l illlltlllv loi tin spadt inn ss oti i thit irths uth must nol hid h ills is tti it io declarer a lu nt in k it w st s hit i his own divues he can noser v in i tu ii t oui smicss does nof mfiit th 1 i hid k l it v ml ti i i kt linn thl i ik tu turnip il s on it i tn it urst an 1 is pn 1 iii t i s in t iiliiir is n i is s ill siss 111 t use ii it ou tin ii t like plasin no l i jiup nil is k 1 1st i k s iu nets tost link w is n li ik liivus m 1 i hi w tins i k an i 1 l kir lail or d a garsett phvsician and surgeol turner of willow and river st lntrance river st aetnn mt phone 8sw341 dp robert d buckner phvstclan and surgeon 39 wellington st acton out phone 8531240 or t b moore physician and surgeon 2 main street north loi iter main and mill siren acton ontario optometrists e l buchner o 0 iplimiiclrist coniait lenses hearing aids e john si s acton in alton wednesdays only 2 00 p m 6 uo p in lm appointment phone hvi04l 11 tin answer phone waterloo 74a7 phone utlue st2lu res sw1m dental or h ieib denial surgeon oltur corwr mill and rieiteii k sums oltiee hours by appoililinenl telephone gmukio tlaviims quid gray coach lines coal mil ueavs acton standard time i aslbound h a in lailv rsirpt sun and hoi 8sgam 1 1 13 a m 108 pm 3 01 pm 63 pjn 8h pm hid pm sun fui mol i westbound 10 27 am i2v7 pm 2 pm s27pm7 27pm9u p m 1 1 12 p m 1 02 a m sat oulv or a j buchanan dental surgeon ciukc 90 church st f olticc hours 9am u6pm clused wectnesdav allrrnuon telephone 53l7sd lrfll the osuj paper ever puhumhed tn xclon g a dills lidilorinlhlef tvittd r dills managing editor kt 1 i i ii i i ii i t ii n s i 1 s 11 sill i t 11 1 i ii 1 i i ills ill l k ti llll l ii i s landrace pres liiiii mi ei it vi ii i it i hi i h hi t itvlt i s v s i pi s in i il ii 1 ii i li i nr i l ilioos ihtr i i s ts llist ot in ittlwil is 1 i pivsulriit 41 ll h n tlw lm i ihiicnl v i isoi v kill rvsu i 5 tn iss a n d e d i tjto a lo tfi c e t wo n e 8 5 3 ii s 1 lit i k i i lyv i u kuss his ii ii i nswine ittanaitan faiifili c to i i i iii it wi im t si hueit repucnlalivi and il llu h lis if v u u 1 m mii d iikiim hi pinpussd think thit this w mid stop it the csuhlishmcnt nr a swtne in- that vviicii they have culuouu- diulry touuiol fur canada n n i ktn nisi mike i miss vi hhiv haltltl ssolllt i ill i in nil hni r m on irnr il ii i lom w line lb k indcr ihe lo skin liirrs who vserr prarltstrnr m i- nrs i akr last ear ssfiltr 1 1 i ti press c f leaihetland qc daimtrr and soluitor noiary public ottue hours 10 am 12 pm i pm 5 pm saturdays bv appointment mly hvnne t i wrigwt ultue i5jiivi asloo lji i in imlsinrss a brai0a ba barrister solicitor notarv public office hoars tn acton monday friday evenings v p sa sifrf p pm 20 wilbur si ac inn onlann phone mmtio appraiser and inauranm over yean tn aclm hy established a lull time j pauley st fiuelph ontaxiu wen llu ihe east coast ami iliscoveml a sunken wreck llu ate filing back there to search tor mcirp vrtrck and also work up wien tbny yv hone taic office hours in guelph saturday ajn 12 nan mr spm corner of arthur st ynoag su office hours by appoint wt moan tuim canadian natiodai railways si4tidard time i astbound h v a m lo toronio daily ca rpl sal ami sun 111 in lo liniiitu daily escept sun 7 42 p m lo toinnlo dailv except sim 8 01 p m to toronto sun onlv 1 23 p m to toronto daily bojrd at georntlown only westbound 8111 am lo stratford daily 8v cent- sun 1 t p m to st ra i ford daitv esiepl sl and sua l25f a m lo strailord daily esorpt sal lor further inlormsion call sour ni al agrnt im24v appvauuno amd wmammoi

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