Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), March 28, 1963, p. 9

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lt f sfewgjil vfet tz21 t lmjr4fem il j- i is the good 6ld days 1d sjuu ml j 1 i 50 years ago taken frmn lb iswe of the r-ree- prase tburaday april j ill the plans drawing and ipecifl- cations for atlonsnew j25000 post office and outturns house were rtecived by postmaster mat thews thev are now open lu infelion of prospective ton tratlom mr george wild reports that his 17 plymouth jrock hens laid you pay for what you got an eight mill increite in the tax rate for acton ratepayer n not likely to rmo pubhc works budget reduced 600 is lowered by a reduction of 900 dllottedto cries of jubilation thu year wjih the retidential rate lumping from 58 5 mjji to aa5 wje increated taneon a home aitetied for 3000 go from 175 50 to 19950 on commercial asieument the rate hat gone from 63 75 to 72 9 mills the taxes on a 5000 assessed commercial property go from 38 75 to 364 50 a bus i nasi tax of from 25 to 75 added to the commercial taxes makes a considerable amount for the small business owner to pay studying the budget we find that the anticipated revenue from sources other than property tax is expected to be up 14000 the expenditures anticipated for gen- equipment purchase sanitation and watf goes up 1600 mainly reflected by i wage increase r social welfare is increased by 1500 2000 additional to the recreation tommis sion for operations and 2400 to the plan ning board add to the expenditures for recreation and community planning board s budget is increased to provide for revision of the zoning oy law and the offit tal plan public school costs including operation and debentures charges are reduced by 2100 to a cost of 119 909 25 major increase of theycar goes n tle high school board up 48 767 to 110- 976 25 high school debenture payments y tun tjl week tniv appear to be a uood record f workmen are buly rcplnciiitf the roo on the brick church chilli was blown off in the wind siorm last fndiy while rvputrv an tuiny made church seivites m hunu held u llu- home ul vrs ttobett johnston si starts of spun if vnuuilmps iiltl emeus are in hloom little ihhu hf hhttng ind the cat kiniv aic almost in 4iuum mutch hot tame ih and went out like a lion maple sap is slow run tuny tsjmv thai eountrv toads are opined up ayain mi ctlikvell is husv au the xhoppin null put liny through a lol of ratn the piopcrt of dm law son whtiin in now tanning at vi i in us i was ofliiitl heie tor sile on pi i da 2 w was hid mm it bin dan has siu h laith in at ton s u lure thai lu ktls i he pinpellv is until litun hull to tie hunt lid mute and refuse il in sell coitsiriiltion camps on the new i let ii u i u i way mad aie beuu ihi l ii up ayain and work tin i he llili is expeeled to yet inuliiwiv ayain oltovsnig the lull tluiiiiy wintei alt c c speiyht eh hi nun ol the hood nt ediuaiion has liisi iititvid i npletuhd yriiul t ii i i l wh has he in tin lnnilv c i hi vtirs t 20 years agq tafcau fhm use lame of lha free lrtee thurwiay march is imj applicants for sugar forcan- tilng purposes should fee ten i to the local ration board george town completion of the first phase ofllie red cross campaign re- veatsthat well ovei 2000 or the objective or 3200 hat been rais ccj there in no neeu to elaburjjc nn the need the bailie lc rntj- ing now in tunisia every tut 11 means extra heavy calls on lhi red cross between fifty ami sixtv friends and neighbor of mr and mr- wm young gutheied in llicit home fin he fourth line to spend 1 feu hour uith ttjem on their golden wedding duv aclon ys men hate liken met sponsundtip of lite bsivs bind -ell- wml theres nothing quite tu de stroying as- bing lorn between two women some fellow are ripped asunder toy a wife pulling in one direction a mother haul ing in the other other chaps are split clown live middle by the big decision should i marry mabel who is good kind sweet homely dull and liav nbout me or should i run after torso who is had tue mh e t ex imut than politicians each bends my ear with intensity when i the other isnt around trying to per suade bribe or inveigle me into joining her aide its all over those cnuy kit- lens four more arrived two days ago its the fourth batch in two years the firt batch was an event the kids witnessed the wonders ttr was ae t fevv ccptcd b fov uhim was felt council shoufd he con t acted when changes wcix made in the y buildiny it was also fell an outside enttaiue hhould be made frum the down stair rvcrcauon rkin a ytmxl week foi wittiny ii i lers next thursdav it will cost ou mtire for postage unemplovment on a whole sale seale need never occur auiin ll can h cured bv implnwmnt hon john htaeken piuus sie conseiatie leadu hen is voiir secret weapon save lats and bones whei voti have a pound or more ol i it drippings take it to vitu muh tlealei who will piv he istablish ed price tals make yllctine uul ylvcenne makes explosives you ejn be a munitions maker nybt tn voiir own kilelun i nun 1 department of n uiunil wai se i vw4 ndvertfetnhttf well known husimsin m ot a ion lot the past 4 ulintf and luuldnt cure ics if i d nipped dead i remember oive time when i wit about iff it mnv he hard to be it eve fot those who know me now hut thai was the vcar i had two yuls keen on mc at the same lime i was pretty fond of both one was sweet and innocent the other was a ivdhcud with a wlck- itfrprpr 1 ifonl know how il hap pencil hut bv some miracle of mismanagement i made a daie with both yirls lor ihc samt myhl smu time when i real li nt the piekle i was m i knew lhal caih would lw furious if i stepped out with the other uiu so i took the sensible t iiuu ill v wav our siimh i hem hnih up mtl went to a coun n ojiill wild ihc bovs both pirls ti i o 1 1 1 il 1 1 utn llu- hlow wilh uniiiie spenl and event hi ii v had llu yood mim lo in ii iv soiucimkiv with sjinie yuis it is onlv we low uds who yet into these am and im in an oihei one nyht now this time niv wile uul daughter are leai my me in two theyre worse ol hirin wfli r excitement the kitten ware nourished und- cherished the muw wuh fed dainties i bought lijar o wlien the ktllens weir wti- id i had a talk with mv daughter she wept hut aared that wr might have a problem if we kept them all i put un ad- in the p it wr o i flvioii lot nie pasi j4 i tis trl mvnrts etjiikliujlmuoncvriaw w v simhis iiinllulu r thimias tj siiliiii aiiun i ill i in hiukk dec i sum in hnik iss is liom 1 squls in irul liom ihirr imn fill tur inskjil ol liiiiihimntf quinine in nwijttiiwn uiv herildid hv ihc mill n relunmi uliloi uho cin ti ilultliil uiemhcts in in iihcle in ins ptnct i lu riiiiihuiiiuii is in tin ih- iu limit il ihi slaluin hulel uul i he iipeutlis are now rais- m ih iiiiih sr k til lrun lull ik senixiid with bnk nillve ul a inn hul imilnl of toronto loi llu- past 2i mus robert d warixn passid aw is monday he was a f ixtu m isil ol to the scenes of honhoody flu wanvn block at mill anil williiu si was civctcd ami owncil t the wiircn bmihtis- just i lev ilavs alur yotn ahoui ihc ctiimnumtv she iimii in all hit iilc miss maulit lmisiils slipped aisav lo ust tntl jksltli llu seenilil lo yo a pu i of ihc community ml administration ara up in tvmry easa excapt for maintenance of public build- ingi an expenditure of over 7000 for anw bcxikkeapin-jmachineu-tha-maiof- advanca protection lo persons nnri piofhtiy in croatos by 1700 for police and 1700 for fire were up 1477 operational costs sky rocketed from 42772 to 86066 57 an increase of 103 of 44 294 representing 63 mills alone while we don like tax increases wc rctognijo the fact that writmwr demvirl increased j rviccs wl niu- be irupii ecl it pay the piper news eg distric blirungtom poluehaveeharierfa4vniroldltiiith fnl lowing two sniper mei lints recently police said he shot al passitv lets hy bridge by bill coals llns siiks land lllllslrales siiiial oinls all in the bid iliui it is lioaul niiiiblr i tnnn lisl wicks duplicated hriifee gallic at llu ac ion bntlue club dealer north ncilhci side vtilnciabll north s a 111 4 1 1 j r 4 l l i iii i 7 h west i a i s o j o s i s k a ii a ii- l k iv- a 1 2 pretty lofty tone demanding a iiood home tuggedinn that no- lliinii hul the best would do we got rid of them all easilv next time around a little of the uiush hud worn off it look two ails in tile paper to get rid ol only two kittens finally a liltle hov turned up fie want cd onlv one hul i told him thev were inseparable twins bullied linn threatened linn eainlcd linn and finnllv he took iheip when i uuve hitu hall a dollar apiece rile thud baled hniuulil old inaiuins imm the old battle axe and i dont hlume her much have vuu ever tried to act dinner with four mcwlimt little beasts lotlerini about underfoot widdling on the floor af every step even mieir own mother became fe up with hie erikerv uulicn hi mi punks who uave her nevei a iiloiuents lest three ads in ihe duccd one reluctant customer mv sister came to visit and her normal good sense destroyed by a prodinner murlini in whldh i iraftilv tripled everylhillg except ik ol x wan w f e vicifni thai left two kitlens wevouldnrniovc them t1i niarkeijoi kittens was an- parenllvsitiriled fllere were twit altenidtlves kittens or wile kittens cant cook all right i admit h i did it i still shuddrr when i think of it lei niiir twvn lb- sanif sliva bui i dont want to go irito de- tnlls just call me kichmann for short never auuin i swott silent ly rspiiallv alter mv cluuuht- tr came ilown in i he morning immedialelv spolliml the empty box pointed her linger at her paixnts ami screamed murd i re is llu battle is nn now the old tumble ii snle savs thrvve got to go viiunir kirn is watching me like a hawk und reminding me ol mv past pei lid v i haven i the nerve to murd- ii them i iiimii t the nrrve not to uei rid of i hem somehow the only wav out as far as i can see is to hike them in a hiskct suitably decorated with an appropriate note inside and leave them on the door srofimirrishtoor nelghbor- wbose bili black tiutical it at llu loot ol the whole dllomma professional direaory and travellers guide medical funehal mrectotu the wakemeup election there i a lol ot rjemral itiotimng tu orieil iuuis wliih wen idtkwiij groaning right now tout the horrible mes tul proportions profeiio polii we arc in wheri it eoines to nntionil qovorn morit ii aboit ttii only tlnmj niridiam lon iirjrt r upuo iihv tuinplittly tonk up our imair have botunie anl how u oipleti ly wu t te k u adership by on lirge we u inilmd lo aiju e them doci appeiat lo be a hemendoo liesi- telion on the part ot the eld imr politicians to tnd nghl up and say what ttoy mein o the surffur ttntg lok blrtek but cuittr obtcrvation aoutd ifid e it mm a evi- lutiom is mkioej p i e r tlw j mj he t t ed lo deal with lo tfn rleetion sitn h ivt n t bi ci dtordt i lh v m i h u r and l v ul i s if l lh r sono i nii lh 11 w h lor lll t in y li i it v i il on 1 i is a itet wl wl klld hji trill 1 ly i w ml lo jcin ftie rept v i if i pi c iritdin public shouut conn i r r toirt whtcvir is tnsf t cm lb in vshi va ill rt 1 m f u 111 i s ins wis i n s il if 1 111 1 i 11 rai uj passing ns ami luuks in in a bedroom window usini a 22 idle one car cccnul hulk i lc in in ih iikii aiuli tnuk was lut in ihi iliuih lk ii 1 i i liioiilihon ol tin lowus wait i siiilv inciiis i i iv vullioiiail tn oiiiu il unite lh1 villi a llu i iptllc lll h i- imn iiimallcil ti siim vvciks ami lks iiiio illut iodiv 1 k7l iovvscoiiiicii will lamp down on ill- hasninl ipiiliiuiils and in ouiicill lo vsanls a iiuklown on businsss iihiij illgilly liom ivsidiuial bonus ounill j imimison 1 in woidt heck lo se n bllsiinssc6 shoiill ih paving bus iikvmciosposlnisti c molllus his askd hlaniplin i i limn i oiiii k i slop iliipliialuiv slu i i i s in hi imp i i i llu iii un il slvins ih six1 lv mi iil ii s poslni is ci s w hid iihiiii aiiiiidal ii ixvonlili iii i in hi nnil i inh lji t is itixsl caim lis i lies m i i l r k inllilin u hs 1 1 in us vi i iv ins hi il 1 lb 1 m im l liisiui nt i i i liisnni l n s i usn ii sl mi popl nl si hnil1 avr11 iniil onloiiii to hie n ii hi i ivv uul in si co 1o llu lihilmilli in a iiiinoi i u vvliii it is ismiii luml illhliors don i snislv obuii sj- i t um 4 t itlil i i s ill i jl ii ii ih v y ll i i ol strnnvlly 1icili 1 itll i uvraii ana i i 1 i i rliu of sunl itovit c i i i i t ll ul 1 i aluuil ll- nuts nt i i h ii ainl jlh wh lu i i l i ibis i not mu ttly a i n t i tendance at mijhihuiv ssluie hie is tu 1 leaders hav h- skiiuj eiovslv vl h were ihiiiiih i 1 a a i is hu in i lit j have iillioly oil i iii u i noll ii vu i is h ill i i t milium il vv lav i mi i i saci i iieowou to in i it i ih s a xv silaoh tie vicuoei it mi iich ul t iwcxijh into hjlius thai am a oer can im has arivtr wi i i ii i si 1 i 30 v ul v ih i i s 1 i is lvckuksl i lectv t in ciiil tie i nit i 1 in w a t 1 ul i v i i i iv i i i ul llun hi 11 l i i en v a ivv ihj t is i i it van loi a i id r wl l ou ill iuj vol i i i ml ll t til ni in l is w 1 a is ii vi ivv o 1 i our readers write iu 8 j mm smith s v o i i ii k o 10 7 5 i 2 ht7 4 c- i in 4 ninth laist south west piss ii ll 4 s iss ss piss k vii iss iii hi i line il in 1 1 i 1 tin mil ii ill al anv lihli lu i u i mi tsl wsl hul in lh in loin spitl s i llu si in is ttsilv mid llu nlv losii is llu an o dumps i i till silsllli lh it wst should hul loin spuls ovii llllll s fill h ii is to show hi sp mi mil i nn i iiiiii wl 1 p tun u i isl h in i hi p ii in i s tlul l i i i i p i i lh i in i in i ii is mil in i slu i iii w si s h iv ii si i nii 1 i i i h i s sh 111 s ih l his hoi i mc is viv lutwitul against anv r s n 11 hoi imn hv wsi llu ill pi ihl m is lh il wi si m iv ii v 1 nihil ton hi ul i nt s i st i iii sp j s p mills dr w g c kenney phvlcian and siirneni ofliie inmmon block 41a mill st e a ton orfiie phnne uv2iii rialdellce 1 c si i phone isj16m f hu wmw ni iw ili bruce c shuemeker mgr ob 0 aga1mfr phsiiln nd surneot oilier of willow and river sis 1nlriticc river st acton out plume iwimi dr robert d buckner physician nd surueon 39 welllngion st acton ont phone imj- 1 240 dr t b moorf plisiian and siiisron 2 main sliret not 111 cniirr main nd mill street aclon ontanu phone olliic isv2ih0 res iv0i15 optombtvith e i buchner o d optinielitst o nla t lenses ileal ui aid d john si s alton 4- 1111 r-f- ln alton wednesilays only 2 00 p m 6 do p in lor appointment phone r1vi04l ii no answer phone waterloo 742ma7 ttavtllw ou101 gray coach ones oa urn latavf attom i suiiitard tune i avlbuunil till am mailv rsi pl litl and llol i h ml a in iim am 2 oh pm sdi pin 6 23 pjb m p m iu ini pin sun and hul wnlh mm ioik vi tl hnvtivls j i si i i 1 i iluui i i iii i p hem sue si i m i i it i i i l t minus s i i no pi n kill i i u i dm in iii i i p 111 iii s iii i i h sou si ii h ut i i i is i ins si ml lu i i kli hs siuiil ui l i unit ihi hilish in i i u is i i h nlls is 11 r i il t i t s i s wh i ii- 1 i l i hi i i i i il ui m kt tin i it h i i i i v siiiunt pi i lllls lch ii t i loo lltll a piu i p iv ul st i i 1 i nisi ilu or i i ffril hv tin llu ilu i i r lllll 1 1 i s l i hi iii ll 1 11 1 l vlll iu s tv- s 1 ih tv i ilu mi si i i slil llu ninm l vi i itai pi ii ha 1st i iiiiuu tl ihl polilual snsii is m ili in pi i ills pun must kn w ih ui pi s ul 1 tv to 11 1 si ul nn is i h h mil sist iii vi ll i i i i v i- i i i i i iii 1111 i 1c llovsl i t is as v i i u ill r s 1 i ul i i 1 l u m iiiomr i s k iv 1 hi iiiiiii i mil i li m sjluu oh 11 olh llls ill ha the acton free press ismuitrd tn ilw tttw rvt-sltej- assd puhluhme i rx i ij i ihiiuteii in 1 anl himihl vm ibiusl n st willow st v tm i vi mix ol ilu n in ll tt nixutsthiiis iiw nw aiut the out jiunorr- isvision of the i w n ystvfrnini tates on irisi rsuhsi nptkni pavablf in atftviikt iil in anarti t4 in 1 114i nl ami other cwumewwralth lhintris isi ui the itmteit slates amt other forrin limlliiv siifflc nipies 7c authonrtsl as vrenid clas mail pnol otllvcdepajimlrnl ottawa tin ealy wfer ever pummwsl in vtusi 4 1 a prill tdii4m4mt ixas hi r dill m i dur business and e d i t o b i a i office phone 8 llliiicu is s 1 up 1 t i 1 i ll t 11 pi s i j 111 is 1 i i slsli 11 ill 1 v 1 v- n 1 h tv 1 sisi j s vs mj mi b iv i or 111 t iu tlivi i i p 1 lh w 11 i 1111 pi 11 111 1 1 n ham is k in t i i 1 i h i 11 i 11 tl ll11 lh rli li 1 puis oiprtic this p in v h 1 im p 1 pit- lwit ihniil ll iiiinoi 11 v i- 1 11 n 11 tin this i ailu online 1 in i 1 i liutlvr suhiuii out tn jr 111 1 ilons rvoikimir tint i r rn ts i m mil uul 1 wh h i uiti tiiuls its ii will hit 1s1l1li111 1 imn 11 w slu i i triiain lint kii pistil tmni it nn 1 tilh irpu si 111 1 1 1 n 11 vsnrwi srmits carsiv vl ivar sl i was listcnm to hr ttk u u tx l m ilinu 1i t- iicwsii tb rah1 ai i- k wni i lhi ins 1 k hutlrn i lav anl hcaidtinl nallvi4 1 11 iv uiv mini iinaiis the conenatie canii u ht isnf h m i h sprik hallentfrrt ih hilv to 1 vialk rrsiiis s ms to tlnf in- maralbsn 1111 htttsuliv in icllinci u- bov ft that is the br vlr lwst in iiiri hi joinj u cemplih ih tor rl ht b4 hsr i lhn ulopi iip n let miwr rise in i 1 pn 1111 1 ipital invest thouht 11 was an election for th- men bs imi trnt t- -tnolhi-t- itiintrv thai was m noi a snort i unlive nrttret to us the carnival vuu or piirm mirotitewejnrtipnir 1 it iipp ii ll i ill i i i hk ii ul s n ti h 1 1 1 1 il 1 1 ii ml i hi i i i i ii ii v 1 i 111 li ipi 1 i 1 1 1 1 t kl tl ii ll i i i 11 i s 1 i i 1 tine in ill i i hi hiv1 i iii t p 11 si ps i 1 i mil sp s 111 m p in i 1 1 1 tin ihm in is ills ti 1 tin two uul nan ih s u 11 lop iv 1 1 tl it in ti ill 1 111i-i- i hint it i 1 i isl i h iw i p u i 11 ll i 1 llll 1 ii i ui 1 i p 1vi j lop rr s rrr t i 1 1 i hilln ai sp i s iii i 1 k k v i isi wl s 1 i i ii t is r1 us lupccii 1 1 ml a ih 1 1 up 1 3 pons t lsil lltl ll i 11 ul i 11 i ihi i 0 r iv ul v 1- ii 1 t p 1 1 1 ith sou lli if 1 ni 11 it tl ike t t 1 i 1 i 1 livtjr htf tr won i v ul p mil t mist sti tn 1 11 t tt liou lahli t 11 p i ti i 11 hi 1 11 inh v vi iilai main val all si tiht 11 rsfninj iul tiv in n il hit anion 1 tir m i t 1 ihi vt- k s winners lust mis rusi mikr ionic s ui i ink liustn ml fli-uc- vli ihiatii- ihcrd mi and mi- a j ss1 11 dfwtai ip h 1kb llyntal siiratu kill t inwr mill and i dluk slirel tillue hhus by apprritiiirni leaephonc liu dc a j buchanan ivnlal surgeihi etu chunh si i tirttettrin s t a 111 to ft p in 1 vul weilreslav allrim011 lrlephone ih7vi lul- tsii wrte a nkr tidv hov msi rbnv voiir oraiae pnrl nfl the floor of the hus said the the nght ol a few large corporate cutlies to dutct their own to youi tntfs ovfr eighty co llajtoo manor milton limnier where did oii put it in the coat pueket of the man saturday t 1 next to mc deite f a c f ifathittand qc hamlv anil mii llol sjotary pukli mtie ii un 11 a m i pm i p m v p m iirlaii hv appointment imly phnne otlice iui1v1 re i 1 1 4 aetna a maipa m harrnrrr vutcjtoe votarv isjblu nfftce hours bi anna mondar friday eveaiafs frm jiii saturday i nn 3pm 2t paitlev ni guclph on tar w psort ta 4jswi tt hours iii guelph in am 12 s7 p in jtt- p7n s 27 pu pm v 11 p m ii i- pm i ii in i sal mill i canaihan naiional rah ways sint4ef4 timr i asttwitintl sri a m tirtnm daily es- rpt sal and sun iu m to loioriio vlailv rsiept sun t42 pin lo iiironti 4la v rsrpl sun nl p ni t tr nlo son nil 1 2v pm lo lor hi jail flown uiu weilbaili1 sill nli srrallm1 lailv tfpt son ftl pm 1 1 siralfoll niier rpt kit nri sun 12 am to stiatloid daiy rseept al i v 111 r i ii itwr inf una i is al afrnt imj4s9 all apnumfnc anv tnsuamca f i wtlgmt 20 wllruf a inn oiterws phcue xutyw appraiser and tiauraaee chrr x yeeae ts atteaj davrd w gohn dc li- s ui office hours by appotatacml svmiti

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