Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), April 4, 1963, p. 3

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iiw79 county e- dlrure for 1m2 are detailed glon vyluitjmlmmu5j0 d benlure detrt in the auditor report i accepted jy halton county council laat week ts report cover the fhian v ctl trannactlon of the county a well a hallon council mail- or board the hamott county health unlliaid the hallon county mueum auoclauon in hl report w h matlhewa polnti out that a urplu for the year or 3299110 combined with the iw2 general revenue lurplus wa ptsum vrom which the 1962 county road deficit of s3- t report lists 2038119 county sp t mmv alml v in lasim ul taken no action on mv iwom- 9m77 reaistry office muicum ti97li70j5 an additional ji00- m budaat olwf u omracted to leave hi the reveaue fund lurphu ac cumulated mai 21x132 of which tba metal revenue tur- plu 1 flsziof12 and the county road urplu la ftm9w20 ckaek laaamty in hi report 10 county council the auditor also note i am ih doubt a to whether bylaw wm a amended by 19130 fix ing the feet and expenne of the member of the council a well ai rhe pmcer andervanl of the county for the year 1962 u irictly in accordance with aec- llona 40 and 410 or the muni- cipalaet and the council hat taken no action on my recom mendation to obtain the opinion of the county solldtdr ax to the legality of the various ec tlont of theae bylaw large expenditure for thj county during 1942 appear lo be 160761953 for capital expendl- turea out of revenue debt charge totalling s423d3b public worka s33i446j6 protection to persona and properly si42ji29js7 general government ii 1716418 and health unit 1127600 other expenditures included ju60i4a discount on county rates 14311239 rebates re lax cancellations jv ill 36 agncut til re 2500 patriotic granl 1- bams nxt r i ode for bas f iw bas e f lire just about over for the sea son monday evening members of the duke of devonshire chapter of the lode held a reception in the home economies room at the high school for the adult stu dent of both groups regent miss minnie mainprise welcomed them and mrs jelle nutma replied assisting during ihc pleasant social evening were mrs h mainprlc just hack the clav before from 10 weeks in flo rida- mrs j whlthnm mrs h r force mrs c heller miss r clark and miss malnpriie fonn for teacher the intermediate class is com- reception held ic english class prltlcd or butch womert and ine i yugoslav men who work al i lie teachers are mr and mrs waller quarryythey are dubois monday evening ihc la- j joe giguric drago vlnski mike dies presented them with a very mimkiem drago bukovchan tom atracllvc dutch lamp one of the maianic and peter uranlc students read a poem which she i hii p admitted her children helped her t w i the classes began cany in sep- thc ladles write exams this i ember and ran right through i uilh good attendance until east 1 er thev are sponsored bv the do- i pniimcnl of citizenship and im week in english and canadian geography and history in the group arc- mrs chris duiker mrs h migration a small fee coscrs ihc hockscma juvcc mollema mrs i lw a nutma mrs l rlcmcr mrs the lode hadnt hcjdi reccp- van dcr koov mrs d van slra- lion for lexcral cars lull re- len and jan s vliclslra i sumed ir this veir when the clis- six man svs had a good enrolment for mrs grace rogers teaches thcscscral vcars not enough regis- beginners class comprising six ercd lo warrant huldiny classes a aaamniiri niajaimii r mix- retarded grants 998 77 registry office museum 13000 judge plan 2500 and miscellaneous 157303 major receipt in the county budget were the county ttiles paid by the various municipali ties that totalled ijmi25j0 other receipt were provincial grants of 407939 m payable irom other municipalities 103- 61013 and registry office fees ol 6i095jm total receipts were 17117045 an additional 100 uu0 surplus from- the previous i year wa added to the budget tlie countys debenture debt stands at 16195635 so which in cludes 726000 payable in us funds the debt hi broken dowa al 3734 6456 tor hospitals 77- 000 for hallon manor s0num for the county administration building and 1025000 for high schools ismniniiiiiiniaaaiai ivk4 aaaaaaaaaaaibbsaaaastaaainbihaaaasasiaaaa acton milton im brigades honored at county banquet awards lor yearround efforts in fire prevention during 1962 1 were presented to four halton fire associations saturday at the annual banquet ur hallon j mutual aid fire services asi socmliun in milton fire hall the halton countv fire pre sent ion bureau ixceitcd a vpcl lal tveognition fur an oulstand- j ing colinlvsponsored campaign ami a ii f the niv i jsull fine cojdparatlon chief dougias wilson cooui nator also mentioned the fine cooperation of the fire ilepait i ments and ihc work fit th- fire pivienliun burcnu chief a f i clement ofmlltmt ueffijv co ordinator piaiscd the ladies for iheir assistance and understand ing other speakers uere wnlktmj tional fire prevention assolia lion uhuh conducts an annual lonlest for fire deportments and fire prevention huteaus john turnbull deputy fire marshal of the ontario fire marshals office in toionto presenteil the ccltiflcale acton mlllon win he also awarded a second prize certification to acton fire fighters who won the awaid in the under s 000 population class of the national contest an hon oiihle mention lo milton tnc dcpntmcnl in the 000 to ii 000 population class and an honorable mention to 0kcille fire- department in the 25000 to 100 000 class during the banquet a deli clous tuikev supper screed in the mlllon fire department lad- res aimharv several speakci ullunii lire marshals oltic instnicuir and georcjc akxaiul erchiof ol the fire sersices at otm office ccersone al the dinnci mii cd a getwell caid lor chic i m holmes ol acton who was un able to it i l nil due lo linutits he reccnicl nf a cat acculcnl two weeks ago milton fire dcparlment w in awaidcd a pnc ti llu hcsl allcndaikl at mutual aul iiuel inps oiei the past cu tlx james black itophs was mn1 ed clnel a i clement who turned it oci lo capt binu cuulson un hehall ol the hi i gade appixclaliiin was cspussul in lean clallldite ami the mlllon fire department committee in charge o the banquet expenditures for the year on hallon manor totalled 2mju2 69 leaving a surplus in that account or the vear of 541s2 87 major expenditure was general opera- lion and administration that in eluded- itousehold supplies re pairs fuel water electricits telephone sewers insurance anil salaries of 220 171 31 other major expenditures eeeie 34646 08 for food and proe i sions 12 mow for medical and dental sere ices 4s95 28 fur capital expenditures from cur rent funds and committee lees ami expenses 423 75 reecnuc in the hallon manor lund was made up of provincial grants of 75760 s7 and hal i counts grants of 155856 86 the halton health unit c nenditiues for l62 totalled 311 168 s2 eith ine largest espendi hue 111 salaries ol 2l072eoi stalf liallsptnlatlon claimed w vie 71 and athninislratlun ex pcuscs including ren mam l t l cligjift lllijhkiji tha aclon fnaa psast thursday april 4th lvos candidafjchats liberal caridldale1r harri harlev and his wife wens in the acton committee room satur day evening 4nd about 50 sup porter dropped in lo ohat cof feeand doughnuts were served pottprsh open mundav from 8 u m lo 7 p m h t conservatives from avion bur lington georgetown milton and oakville were among the 3500 who heard prime minister john dlelenbaker address a large rally at lome park thursdav the de legallon headed by dr best fruminenllv displayed best for lalion signs throughout ihc meetings postaye hoartl expenses etc eas 38 712 2s ploussiuiial sen ices ilcounled lor ttv67 and a sitt plus ul 808147 was iilkcleel unit revenue revenue lor the health unit fioytam cauu nun th cnuiilv ciinlilliiilliin nl 127600 piuviil cial giants ol 11761171 llu pin- vince re proiecls jsosi84ft and p uiivhing inspection fees of ltv 746 70 copies ol ihc ciiinplete aileli tors icpoil iniv be seen al the connie ailmimstialion huiklmg scl ol 1 cici e i poptlla momrai 1 mi ul api tin- s u l s miiui us cl si him hi nun e l c mange d ilk c tn itlclui 1 wow our tuneup soon pays for itself our enre precision ttnd tnorouqhnej mnke btq differ ence m the ob we do on your enr a difference you ii appreciate in smoothei quieter riding cost ts modest your car is in good hands here acton motors 6 main v you impihial isso dtaur 8331310 but associations still run schools prommo or more prtivlnclnl fl num in i nlil loi rcltrtkcl child rcns hchimils announced in ihc lufjimlalurc itiht week bv hduit fuin minister william c din ciiifh not mein a ttmpltie uike over ol these school by the pmvincc firtsukni o g- auj ton uihi cvhiitive mcmbcoxil ihc norlh haltorrasstxlalion loi retarded children pointed out this week despite headlines in some fiewspapeis iheie was no indi cation at all of the prtninie tak llhf out qui vchimli iidd mr 50 per cunt hut the better orant structure will huvc noeffect on the sunshine school which was erected last vear and opened last september the holier grants will nut be retroactive province tt a liw add i lion the local exetoiive will still operate he siluml itul we still have thai s 000 moi t flnye on suntiine schmil pfoamd but mr addison noted he and his neculle were qtiite pleased tvllh the i nt teased finantial aul otit lined in mr dans speech j the ptoviiui plans to increase the tfiani on ppixved future capital expendilutes from 30 it it would pnv a higher percent a lie or ihc cost of current opera lion or these schools including costlv transportation which has made school operational costs skyrocket the north halton school brings in pupik front as fat as 1 2 miles awa how mnrh highrr will thr grant he hptaitsed the work ol the habon mutual aid members in their ftrefighting prowess the organ i i ion was founded several ears i schools operation mr addison j t stindardie signals equip pointed out t ment and the workings ol the i mi davis spec i noted ihe various hallon fne departments proxtnces contributions and so lo woik togelhet plans weie working towauls the fightmy tuvs in each others t k when hkd assuciit ions municipalit will ih- relieved of anv lespon thcc wcc wo vui1uj alj ihihtv loi raising lund bnrlw uu s woux -kulu- is the quotation on the mind oi thtvllacnl executive 3ut m step allhuugh the local group u pleased a htm i highei grants thev pointed out ihc provinces olfci is on a step in a jong iingi plan to give greater financial hacking to these hools the puivince realized the value of a complelelv local executive in charge ol the malukuuitw v it pavn mremmukalaeksm m sunshine school needs 20000 seek 8000 puhlk donations the executive meeting of ihcdtaw wilt be held may si noith halton associattttn toi he three delegates will be hosenv larded children held tin apiil i imm local retnrded children s hi sunshine mihhi lloruh was auxiliaiics lo attend the ontario lit tended b mrs nounun price association loi retarded child sihid alts j uuskinm s lenih annua meeting apnl t r r n f tj g aiuhjum pivsiilent of the n jijlw nutted that approxi- inatek s20000 will ih- lequnvd this veai to maintain the sun fthlnc school a000 ot this am ouni will havv lo ih raised bv puhluv dona t tuns in the pi est dent s khii t lu mentioned thai the aituks whtwh appvaieil in the nutumul uewspaivis on matxh 2 staling that tlu goviinment wiuiltl tinaiki all i t ink i v u then si litmiu win inuv uitu and ihil hi uoukl nuikv a pumu stalv nu nl on h si mat tun ill i i his 11 hii i hul ihi n tin i tin an alvid ivtniiiailv h ts lwthd thai te aided v hilihvn iui entei cho4ils it ilnvi iais ul aje in stead ot tii vi os as the aiv iutn uvcplivi to kaiiiing al his tfgv sll ttckeu ah lukis loi llu llllhu mtkist i k1ge asstiaiiihi diaw who donau tluu pukcids to ic taivkd ktukhvit miisl ih ulunud h apt il l to iiknoiiii halton asmkialuin when a liual door-tw- dihti bhtr will tx iondikted the 2 lo 27 al queens universitv kingston lwo dims childtvn limited and a door the latter about iv tauted adults will be shown b the iettttclown ladies auxllurs on apnl 19 al s gcoig s chuuh hall gcolgclovvn llu geihua i poblu is welcome di b j bebcihk imm eorge town gave a tvpoit on ihc meet ii ie lu ailendcd ot tlu oarc inimal siimnai tot uscaixh in lotudation whuh was held al ihc suk childtvn s hospital toixmto plan cawpalgti i his un iik national urn paign km retarded children will k i oiuliw ted t rvnii april 2 to miv i and will h ptibluirid on tv k vision an oss canada aelon iivs wilt he vrgetl to suphrt this vampaign and help to keep the livkh s ol llu sunshine m hw operation ot a school tor re- m unc builmglon in larded i to all five lire departments there arc present k 2 497 j oakville was called in to helri pupils in ontaiiu s 79 schools builmgton al one fire while tor retaided tt has been esti aclon and geoigetimn rallied mated tt costs 4q a veai to to help milton al a serious mill educate a child hall a tla iivcfuc davs a week in ip association i school reccntk the not th halton urban bai d eoune tllors t iiim milton geot getovv n and ac ton pet it toned t he pro incc and municipal councils across ont i ario for highei capilit and ojv enitional grants lor n larded childrens schools their eftoits must have been brought to the attention ot the government to help in ihis said i mr addison 1 humhk thank the councillors lor their sup port w pi aim when vuu east vhii imiio mundav rente mtxi thu ihuis remember whom vou pi in to vote for remember to use the i pencil in the polling ixhiii audi remenbei u mark our thuue with an so other mat k i ac ccptabtc and to count voin h il lot must be properlv nin ki il don i be caieless in the lai di c a mai tin warden or halton countv praised the lire fighters for ihetr work and a wo chic i douglas wikon ot oak ville foi his work on t hi countv s lmcrgencv measures fire scrices oxgamahon su gnmp m the coutiv is doing as much for the welfare and saeiv of the eitiens as ou ate he said hallon k oik ol i ik hi siuuhng counties in ontario in file services mi tuinbul old thi alter ilinner inmj v ui have inane fusts lo coin iiuli he noud listing the mulu il id oi gin ia lion ihe tire prevenimi huivm and the im postcis contest conducted in the public sclllhlls di hau llailev tp mk ihe iiehghici s iecoid was see ond lu iiotk and saul it tea vvoiukilul lu think ol llu s elcciuni tlierv were spotkm lil i iuohiaiiun fttal existed lon among the file dcpu intents honthv ipen vn these untoitu nate childtvn iheiv will ih unoitur vxwuttvc meeting on ihe miakl un mav is at ihc sunshine school huilib a hairdo to flatter you and your raster bonnet long or ihort set back or fluffed forward j rtew hairdo can woik wonders phone now for yoor appointment russmac beauty salon 4 main jt t phoni is12710 quality ba products save you money omotin motor oil dimd fvmi fimloit stov0i ill ib3bb51 ha naa s ya4w pay saaaa cryisj ftapaajiali thompson fuels ltd acton f v c flowers for every occasion oatimhouu msh ominhouu nuns fob the easter season cut flowers and potted plants rowm dfsnaymtxt to lovtu ims stotl caraajr how u muu sts lakeview greenhouses mr st w i owm ym come on in and join us extras 28 rccaiv 6 00 in bonut tap with slh ks powdered milk carnation initant liptons tea bgt plcg of 60 racaiv 4 00 in ronut tap with iga gingerale 2 30oz bottles thrift detergent liquid pink- racaiva 2 00 in bonu tap with bu in -mimcle-whip-saud-drouing- orange juice old south frozen sliced bologna tablerite 12oz pkg pei potatoes no 1 grade canada pineapple juice i o a chunks or sliceo pineapple i o a crushed pineapple crushed oreen giant 4soz tins 2 for 55c jooi tins 2 for 69c 30oz tins 2 for 59c isoz tins tancyteas 2 for 33c regular or chuuie kleenex 2 for 29c tablerite canadas finest quality red or blue brandbeef blade mm a4 one m removed jff to blade roast short rib r0asj lb 47c cross cut rib roast lb 53c boneless shoulder roast lb 53c i ii ik i tiu iinuiul wieners 49c minced beef 43c direct from sunny israel easy to peal jaffa size w jt a j oranges ontario mown mushrooms r lb 49c proouce 0 u s a no i grade tasty corn 5 for 39c wml rfulan 1 flrirta im- v crisp celery 23c 40 fattiam fiunotvimmn1 intpactad haddock fillets lb 49c mb pa 2 for 51c tuua squaai taf margarine rk eftacliva april 3 4 s wa raaarva rita rl ta limit ouanhha simcoe brand rindless bacon save 30c mb pkg ft closed good friday o tl

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