Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), April 4, 1963, p. 5

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dr harry harlfeyliberal jandy bpst tj and palltlchro iu3tmmhd ttoti conscrva- ttvi dr c a sandy l bii hfnrm flv yean representing hl- tan county i ottawa dw though defeated in lt junes fed- erl election h seekmi the atone honor again on april i dr beil who received hi phd mil november srtuwd hal ton political field several yean ago a an active party worker and walton executive secretary in silt 1997 fojlowfcif the tloath 5lh bym benrtett of oeorge- jmfc ho h4 held the halton rfpr four year he cintot- th ibm and4vfeated hu wo by rolling up 17100 1 akam in lst he was the tc ommmma and increased hln pull ing power tb 21 wo vote it wn not until the next flection in 1wi that liberal candidate dr htory harley won enough up- port 46 unseat him with i vole plurality burina his term in ottawa he served as vicechairman or ihe government committee on- re- each which he helped to or ganize he lo worked on the external ufnlrs agriculture nnd estimate committee working on the research commlitee he conducted a study inio oinudns atomic program support nuctaej tntu dr est while a suppcrier ur prime minister dlefenhnkcr claim there i room in politics lor individual thinking in the lecture in biology best inlereols of the conitlluemi nf turonm w ph tuw i me ha publicly favored nuclear arm for canada he operate a large farm near georgetown where he live with hu wile ellen charles 4 alex under 2 and bohy margnreifiv month iiib wife i a former edi tor of ihe preihytcrian record magazine the on of dr chhei nest codlscovercr of inxulln sandy bet has lived in hallon counly over 25 years beside operating a collie and pig form in nils- sagnweya he grow hybrid lilllos at his georgetown torm nd il university six schoolscompete wednesday in norths halton rural festival- dr ttarry c harley old medical practitioner from for ight month following the june 9m election ha entered the oakvllle and haltori mp r political arena again the liberal mp will be defending hl newiy- won tttle in a light race aiiainm four other challenger during hi chart tay in oltaiva dr harley nerved a chairman of the liberal party health commit tee and wan appointed by lite government lo a snecjal commit- ellis fdlertonndp elll pullerton 41ycorold head of the history deparlmeni in lame park secondary achnol port credit ha entered hultons federal elecllonraee anihe new dcmut a ninth line oakvlle resident bom in toronto he i nn honor graduate of university or toron to in modern history forwmr year he wa apart editor and announcer for an ottawa rudlo station and the phvaicu educa tion dlwctor f preston hluh school he hn been teaching- history aeveral year and ha been en gaged at lome pnrk for the past three year wife i crad mr fullertons wire evelyn is alao an honor graduate of uni versity or toronto in english language and literature they have two ion scott 2 and ros twom this is his ijchut in politic his nomination was unopposed at the rocenunjpnomlnimlng conven tion in oakvllle he succeeds carl p rouleau of oakvllle a streeisvlllc high xchoot hulorv teacher who car ried the ndp hunner in inst june election mr pullerton wn active wiih the ccf party and loincd the ndp two years ago he was ellis fullefcton- naw democratic party last fed- y support- reuoiu ti lone leader in the ral election he like fellow party crs has oiitspokenly renounced nuclear urms for canada both at home and abroad 11m not standing out of poll ileal nmbi- lions but because the hign prin ciples and platform ot the njdp he snid i think we can win this riding as minv art- disillusioned with the old part ics if elected he will quil his teach ing position and take up his dut ies as a full time mp irv wilsonsocial credit irving r wilson 4jveorold company manager from burling ton is bock in hallons fivering election again this vear after an unsuccessful bid last june he is the socio credit candidate born in windsor he wukedit coled in north bov and seven itl orl near callendor he joined the rcjak as a technician dur ing ihe war wars then operated wilson sftkwellers in st thomas lor is year work at bronte in may lx- he moved to hal ton coiintv and uxik up resi lience at 5172 meadowhill di he manages the transcanada life- ware ltd at bronte he is married with live child ren and nlo has three step- child wi sis ol tic child ren hviiitfal hiiine and two mar ried a member of the church or jew christ ol latier dav saints he has held the oil ice of branch president lor bine years and was chairman during the building ol a chapel and ediuation build- he has been affiliated with social credit for nine sears disgruntled mr wilson describe hiinsell as a disgruntled old line paru man who loincd soeial credit be cause it k lime the citienr rue up and provided a grass dr harry c harlry literal tee to probe drag testing in can ada the thalidomide njigcilles cropped up tluring their investi gations time in forces born in weston in iw he at tended school there and upon graduation from a vocaiunal lb-vetr- the rcjap in 1944 he wa din- charged ol ihe end of thu- war attended rehabilitation school to obtain hi senior mntrlculition and crilered unlvemlry of toron to pacully or medicine in iw5 in ruirill a wish y become a doctor he graduated in 1011 ihen served his lnlerhlp in st joseph hospital toronto the next year he joined the royal canadian army mjdlcil corp whiw he served rive yeiir spending a year as medical of- flccv wllh ihe 70th canndlun field ambulance inranlrv bri gade in llannover germany md severar years at sunnvlirook hospital doctor in oakvllle dr harley resigned from the army with ihe rank o mlor in 0fa and moved to oiikvlllr lo set up a medical practice he i an active stair members or oakvllle trafalgar m mortal honpllol and served os presi dent or the mcdkjil staff he is a director of ihe oakvllle tham- her of commerce and eel on ihe expansion committee and bilnril of governors of the hospi tal x in 1949 he wa married and now has three children iliucc 10 douglas 7 and janet 14 months lie is a memb of oak vllle goir club and llopedale presbyterian church in ihe inst election he uoi a wule victory lu oust pc candi date and mp sandv besl as he rolled up ihss votes since ik1i only one other liberal ha helil llaitons seat ut ottawa and that was hughes cleaver of bui ling- ion vclvcied to ofrice frout 191 to i95j every oilier vea in the past 70 years halton has favored the north halton rural muv ic festival wa held in brook- vllle school on wednesday wllh six school llgnv ottatre rrus hornby milton heights ss 6 moagaweyn ahd plnegrov competing adjudicator fur the rctli wa j asher the music supervisor tor oakvllle karen reld or ss a with a mark or hi wimi ihe gold medtil in ihe girls solo class in the eight ondt under ape group suson curynr5t llgnv was second with a mark ol 80 uyid susan sonne ut uu lire bras wus ihitd will o mark of 79 sola clan allan norton of lignv won the gold medul lor the hois solo lelghl and under- joe mccarlliv of ouotre brars was lecmd and nell clarknin of milton lleiglus was third sandra mclaughlin of ouatre bras was firt in ihe schtmil as a draftsman eilsi the conservatives henry timmins independent honrv tlmmins a vvycarmidl rr 2 gemnetown farmer rul slock analysing mtikintf hw pali- lual dibul in thr clctiion run ning n uic indcpcndani ton- slrvallvc small liikcl rrccivcii rnrn in munlrcal h his cdulmlion there and in unit ed states he was fascinated with the free enterprise svsiem und tound employment in a variety f fields that included tiil drilling in texas slevcddriny on the west coast and drilling tor iron in ungava when it was in ihe pione ering- stage slock amalyit he joined his talhers firm j r timmin ind co in mom- real an international mock in vestment house in a clerical capacity in i02 iatrr hemoved lo toronto where hi spent two years trading on ihe tonmio slock fxchange as a vukk lntlvsl he has writi ten economic and political action i studies in leading financial pub lications me noles he was one of ihe first who pwhliclv fore told three vears ago thai the canadian dollar was heading ok a downfall horn its- live per cent premium at that lime 1 his wife formerly ann bend- 1 ailis ol v1niitrel1 is a graduate of marianapolis college in mont- ival and has ravelled extensive- in iiimpe thev chose a ieorgelown area farm tor heir home and hae lived here two vvars wuh then two sons henrv henry timmin8 independent conservative daughter there he operates a small scale beef farm as a pilot j project lor full scale farming j no con terva lives i i am conservative small ct glrl solo ii and under rhonda mitchell of ss f wiw second and jimn winon ofj pinejrrov was ihird in the hovi ii and uhder douglas mahon of ss ft was first robert mcfiee of pine- yrove was secontl and slanlv thomas of milton heights was ihird in the unison choir- l lignv was fits and on ihe malum music festival a mil lion cup pinegrove wys m nnd and won ihe lvlassnjwcva schoiil area sjiield mvrna caiyill f m heights was first in the solo girls 12 and over jacqueline kinudon of honihv was siond and robin simpson ot ouatre bwnrnr k- 4 ivciton bran wan third in ihe y 12 and over john- auten of ss ft nuusugoweya wuh flrnl doug- la gdrtflmiice of oimlre hiw wut second and sieve blumher of llornbv and philip powelh hvhi milton llelglils tied tor ihjrtl murniv mccnlg of pinegrove was first in ihe imvs changed voices yroup in the double trio grtitkp morpby wtis firt and won the mult mi mmlc festival asmuiation cup and hlinv xvim- secoful and won the mount rut union womens institute shield hornby win llornbv won the halton mustc festival cup in the two p iri choir competition ami ss nxvn- second and won he hsquesiug school board shield nacvnnd douglas mahon of ss ft were first in the duel ami were pie sen id with a gojd medal jacqueline kingdon and sandra whalev of- hornhv were second and received a silver medal and iinda mowden ami judv llardv were thin and received a brone medal in the triple diiet class ss b was lirst llgnv waiserniul and qiialre pras was thirl the w inneis were preseiked with gold silver and htonrr iucilals respei tivtlv tfw acton pre pratt thurtcjay aprlt 4ttv council accepts agino6uii bid on 10000 yartls of road cravat the tender of regan mauling and excavating aglncourl for supplying id 000 yard of gravel for township roacu wav accepted monday by nuayavveya town ship c mi hell it was he 1 owe si of ihree received the price was 7 tent a vartl on the road 47 cent- stockpiled and 42 cents off the bell council heard a deputation con sisting of a milk producer ami a representative of the two dar ies in milton asking council to prohibit darles iroyn outside hal- isr f y vi mk3lfwmajmrihsfl statistics are enlightentuj everyone keeps talking about the big increase in t tit- cost of education hut little is said about the increasing enrolmenu that are a major part of tlv cause for example there ore 14000 al lending public separate aiul secondary schools in malioli lu 1952 the population of the county was about 15000 and new is 115000 conceivably the school population hn now moie than doubled loo and osls wiuld nut be- exjhcled lo go down visitors in area create weeks news mr and mrs joe plusha mil- ion visited on suiidav with mr ami mrs harvey jestiu anil bob by andmrt dmi cult heon mr and mrs william macncill icuirned on ftidav from florida tiaving spent ihe wiiitei nionihs there fiieiuls vvere sirrv to bear mr wesley iillie is inflnelph kticral hospital mr and mils tm vi- in io riiii- v jestin vis- ii vilh mr iiul i ciuetph were sumlay visituis with mr and mis marrv hoi top ltia j heth ami nam mr and mrs harvev iled sunday evening w mrs stanley mckay and mrs mcdieiiiulpl recent visitors with mr and mrs albert ware were mr and mrs errneedvvatorctielph-m7- gcorge ware ted hamilton and georye bruce of guelph mr and mrx robert patten diane and kenny til guelph visit ed on sunday with mrs john al ion and miss jennie tovcll 1 congratulations to mr and mrs harvev slewarl nee graij foun tain on lb arrival of a dauh ler al the guelph general hos pital i miss edna maude of guelph visited on sunday with mr audi i in mv thinking he says donffv m dnlm ini1 leel there is a true conservative mr william bruce who pu candidate running in this coiin- 1 l a un n rikkwiod re v icentlv moved onsaioida if elected he intends to as mime a full time parliamentary i geotqetown aaen job and work along with the f i majoritv paitv to help restore hufl in mlshap the conlidence ol canadians in tw nu their governmen although interested in canadian remember hotchens has thimst hot cross buns oven fresh delicious 6k d0z oroir vour hotcrotipbuns nowi baked fresh daily pies cakes jarts buns rous mead etc hotchens bakery 1 1 willow st htm 1334710 7 and rov ft politic kminskv amlvittorio set ul lt7 main si n geo inr several ears he has were injured smrdav m iii iiuti irving wilson soctel cradlt roots gavernment he culls for a government in which the people nutv have a viufidence and a voice he tee is his long retord as an honrthiwnte- rfiircmr makesr him a sarhle dependable voice tin ottawa inipi mahon nint with contusion in ihv two d line parties and avowed com munist support ot the nop halton m have- able ivptesenta kin bv volin sovial ti edit said the candidate vivian smith heads united church yp i there were 24 at thm-ncct- ing ol the newly organized inil etl chuivh young peoples group suiidav the toiniei yyung peo ple aie now the young adults and this yntup is lor bovs and r girl 14 to if sponsors ifiii 4 ol the luited church women pn- viiletl hot vluholaie and o ikies- i for the lirst nuvliny a otficeis u x president vivian i siiiitlv u iti esulent john dowtling siemit and pr hnbaia svinon adult leaders ung people iv knaptun irtt tmtrtttttttdetnet htt t fuels on hiyhwav 7 below silver- creek north mahon opp said kmin kv the diiver sufleied a prainetl neck and bruised scalp gram cnentv while bis passenger secco bad a scalp tut when iheir iir went oil the mad secret arvlreasutxt d -specials- our feature of the week us nol cabbage 7 lb radish carrots green peppers ot ceuo rao 2 for 15c ioji ceuo rao 2 for 25c 2 for 23c acton creamery limited watch tjr the easter spec ials in wie- ads the merchants m- dressing up their toivs and itcring attractive gojlv a i at 1 1 as live prices captur ik spirit of easter with suauhfwl ftewr and ptanhl order florals for your w3r3t church as easter wsjf gifts for your bjhep r askaaa hsa aw flsfeiistaflm ami biabaes qebwskvssei f t ittwt w c i rljlvutlwr ip i mm b mmhm aixhia for the sweetest of easter greetings give fresh chocolate good easter n 0 ye t ies and you favoartf choici of boxed chocolates oont leavf it til the last minuti order yours today ion county- with mill ia iiw lownshlp cotmcll m6k tb acllmi in ill roaiwm hut kikm ft fiiiiw inroimallon frtum he illetullon tht campbtfllvllle bord at village trainees spmurm lo ikciit trel lighting giant pod inuihc no ilfclulon wera i oil mrmlwr learned i wo lo ike counly judfd re stims- iiiviih on nonfurnwul land hid hern uphvld bv tlw judtfr tht wiiv in i ho ciainrv couh of rovklcii mhllng for the first thm under ihe new procedural by- low- councillors had no ftnlthm i ho hiklneii at hand bv th 11 pm deudllne and the maetlajl cunllnud lu 1145 pm ahbumr meeiintf will he held in ivvo weeks lime lo cloan up itu agenda left over after attjotitfl men i th ke time to ivmember qibm easter gards til ilo girls and bays lav t nnd snd rsestv ksitsr crntlnii wshivs ill kinds forsllsgsi wmii yom vh imfim ttmm the bitm 9t iii tllmf i uvn mrmm mmmwmmr tint tin m say patssal pum oaf ukm ilw gu mtt f asgsaw typing i tjrptag attar mmmm hsfsra m wt oaf a4 m aaks wandarlut satuns aa tb aaaltli cwaa aa tyg mityihir wrist fmmmni dills stationery 94 mill si aataa om did you say m women yes more women shop the want ad columns of this paper for practically anything they want or need than any other one place you would mention sarne thing goes for men which l what makes these columns an especially good place to advertise when yquve got anything to sell cost is low results are fasti phone the acton free press ts320t0 ttmtve famotfw werfhng tt toll yr call fc tfihi t vr ft fcawamh

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