Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), April 11, 1963, p. 3

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tnvmmtiwni two received jhe georgetown counteu of slrerhmore iode trophy for topprio mw oorrlpelllors during trie musk teetlvel el aeton tuesday front row left to right rammron hurna doreeri fisher and chartana gotsoritbecli jow susjivpefry dora dredoe vel- arlaslmpion grata kammlngt udlenne baar and jirtet duncen lllmai 11 i w l i- town council to sell lots iignated as park land acton council tuesduy evening unproved an amendment lo the official plan of the town or act on to allow talc of designated park land for the purpose of erecting private dwelling house land located in the telshman urvey on mill st east near the high school wai approved fir prl- yaw sale when park bourd member agreed the land win rtol suitable fur park area p ihe mee u vrtnr learned two residents requested purchase uf one lot apiece at smo each bid were received for the three remaining ton at 1700 leach member were informed the loti in question were not large enough to comply with the honing hvlmw hul rmitprc- live buyers- hud signed agree ment with tonv scvinuk own er of adluccnl lund to purchuxu emiugh lund hum him to build holn two readings a bfltw in authorize the pur- chaw of the land by the five reldonls received two nudlnyx but llnid approvul w withheld pending approval ol the amend ment lo the official plan h clinsulo and 58 pupo lum- eralm h hm1il in- to nurchaw land at a cl ul mod and a uicarclll s rncchl wul k imaucini were the three applicunu who olfered to pav iron each loi the remaining three lots might result if this action was taken aluminum far town mr drulda asked council mem bers for suggestions to ytefc the vacant buildings occupied in order to bring assessment in the town and slated hewus ol the opinion council was anxious to obtain all the assessment pos sible mayor duby explained if council approved i li change it mcanl dellberaieiv uivuklng -tha- bylaw while enrorcing ratepay ers to uphold laws a lot uf bylaws have been broken by previous councils for n lot less stressed mr brulda us he explained he was a long time resident of the lown and didnt appreciate bylaws being hroken for newcomers lo town desiring lo estuhllsh industry he explained lie hired 40 cm plovccs in the corona shoe and ji the business had grown in the a t offenders tuesday evening newlyappotnv ed mayor le duby addressed council at his first meeting in hit new role following is his ad dress first of all i would be very remiss if i did not express my twrsonalttottngtirioarherettre menl of mr barbeau as the ma yor of acton more specifically i regret the possibility ot hu leaving acton ullogelher as a- resident taking with him his family who hove ulso made their presence felt in our community and i am sure that council would like to onto ugaln convey their best wishes ib our exmavor assumes the in creased responsibility jhut goes with promotion mot aspiration i would now like lo express my appreciation to those members ol council who indicated their cnnlldcnce in my accepting the responsibility of the muyurs cluili for the hulunce of i0aj this was nut a personal us plrallon ol mine lo become the mayor ol acton i was most hup pv luscivc my home tuwu in un capacity ol cihiiicilloi uul under i he circumstances brouulu ihout by mr burhcaus resignation und thing crowdeil into making u snap declaration i had to quick- jv assess the liuponulhe til the public support i have enovcd 1 over the past thiee years unil also i the fact i have had the privilege i of gaining the most experience i fills no shoe so until the public once again inn assess hie siluaiion pexl lull i shall strive to cany oul llle iii lies il ihe in mil lo the best ol inv ability i have ho liitcnlion ol trying to till the specific shoes ol any ol my piedecessois llul in my own vviv i hull deliberate in their own expense and pav en i lhl u ac ilnu gipecr ices as well before unv ratepayers development can be started ue- 1 after uccepling ihis respnnslh would iiiclmlr wnlcr ilin i tit i nou thtkkg stmdkfnewmwycr intcndenl in iiperinteiuleii coiimnued from page one sum tcnimnt was appointed sistunl town stihrintendeiv ihe absence of air dubv lakevlew developer council approved a resolutimi ta enter into an ugivement with a conlructur or contractors de siring ln develop the balance ol lund in the uikevlew subdivi sion anv ilevelopeis will lie iv- quired to complete necessarv ex tensions in the subdivision at sewer ditches cnlverts and ad dllional si i eel lighting approvawasglvei to orilit ihe dog copliol serviie ollereil bv the own of georgetown on a temporary basis until a pcrnia- iienl system can he round foiin- eily uie toun dog control was under the iuiisdicilon of cecil robertson who vvis hned by llie lown mr flolvertsoii ivicnllv went oul ol business anil iviilyv- ix- inciinslderule ol me ii i did not express inv appreciatio lo iiiv employers who along willi loliialrtip iny pirminil aillull have unhealed their wlllinuncss as is iheir custom to ciwiperate lo some degree in makiiig mv wink mhiiliile llextble elloilgh lo allow me lo carrv out nfv new obliyltions in ihe piohr liuuiiiei lets ol tough ihe going vmij he lnucji si puint where larger quurtcis weix- necessarv he alsu told mem bers he hud been isponslble foi the development ol ihe cilculia subdivision and had paid con sldcriihlc taxes to the town and if anyone was open lor consid- wn lined a man and lenled lets be tmiyji and yet vinii chicle lo continue dog conliol ve have now iculinl i sails our roads committee at tfds lime i would ilka lo put forward ihe recommendation that councillor hamilton peal be named chair man of roods streets and walks for ihe balance of 1 9 j this will mean oar incoming councillor nilhe c of public build ings and properly nothing atarilut i would also like lo suv thai with the exception of ihe twi new bridges on brock und church sis on which vyc hate spent over a year in projecting our plans ihciv will he nothing startling lake plate in ac ion in i4av in spile oflhe mill rule we have u leduced load biidgel enough for uilcuuilr niiiiiluu nice and that only il spciiillng is well coiiliolled we ulso have iveen inslsient in coiiiliiuing our sllvel liglitiiig liii pruvemeiits anil i know our new road chnii in in will see to it that our plan ol a mile and a halt ol ldewalk per year will in- le paired all comniltlms these ihlugs i uienliiu imlv tha acton free press- thursday april 11m 1963 crowd jam auditorium for 1963 music festival continued from page one d ii irophv presented by mrs o w mckenue and milton j m denyes school received the miss rulh livjns shield for placing second from inspector o ty mc dowell trophy hhuld in ihe class for junior choirs grades one lu fihir sis rooms und tinder the ilen wllliuius apple products liipliv pjeseuled hv ralph mekeown was- receh ihi hv umehoue schiuil will li the noival iusiiicssiiiims shielil ysas pieseuletl by mis kirkwooil lo the spcvside schoul who placjsilu eit second hie triple tilo class loi les seven ind eight six looms and iindei shvside school u- iclved lie countess of strath mote i o i f teorgetovvn lm ihv- liom music supervlsfir mrs maiy kidney and limcjiouxc won with ihe llallon mil top senior choir in the class lor grades five lo eight for kcboiils wllh sis rooms and under stewart town received the white oak ioivf oakvllle trophy irimi mrs frame and cumpbelt- villi- look home the cunipht-ll- villi- w i shielil which wus pre sented by mrs o vauslcklc choirs wbs lljookville senior choir in the class lii giadcv seven and elghli mveii looms ind over tvceividi the milton ilium- hid 5sehnol sliuld liom mis a mercer i irtul the avion k ilvil lilllel ihiuiise it was the alea in uluih ieslivil shield pieseuletl by mis d i was iitosl i oiiiei ii ihlor in the very near inline i hope lo he insl us well inlin nu il and coiicinietl with tin- ptojii lions ol ill iiiimuillifs file one tllinu i am well iiwile ol is lhil we all iliusl witei vim budgets as ol this moimiil mid liv to keep a monthly lab on oiu operations noi uel i oiiieiuiil mound uboul sepieuilhr and liuil we an- iliiiikulk stalled lm tin last tin re in hiiiis we iiuisi pinnies i iulhiiilv bin iliveilbeless piogiess we owe ii in our town audits people lo have it minted lo with piiili 1 apiilevajil more awards a inn l beuiielt sihool vviin ih ailun branch lluik l monlieil iuih pieseuleil hv uiiiiieii wllliitu mu kiv and hiikikvilli- iipliiiiil ilu- s ii ill mi iodi mil pieseuleil bv mislliu hiihikville pii giule linn i linn hi hi- li seven niiiins nut uver t leiflve the mill n iuhli sll lniiliv iniiii ln slliilsun and ihe avion m ii on n lion leeiveil hie avion w i shield i lolll ml s ieiilui- 1 i yii 1 icielvcd ihe titil gelovv n i malik ol ommelie shield piej lenled bv mllloti pnncipil f i w loslil i iii the lluil ilisjvlol the lues day evvnls alton kolnrt lillle siiiihii suigirig in ilu- iihil luivs changed mines i lass reieiveil llle i alton home and sellout trophy intui mrs j jeioine ind llr miii j villi- ivielved llle milton m 111v i tluli shield liom insveitoi w i mcneil i plenlv ol inlliuslasin vvas yen fiileil liv tfe i oiiiiuulilly cenlie lommliiees liindriiiiug fiogrum it lilt- alili i ft lilay fveiynne frobisher bay layetter sent after mcndlng liv lettlm urlc0 wddiwuuy of ul wek 511 a i bunt guild membdrti nwl in the patrlkh lull during ar ranycnieirlh lnrhui mi mm i buii- r uiul iwaltf uk wnivfiirri tir i ik tumiiiih wcii- ilistvci laviiiim furj nblvhf r lliv iniyc iwfii p4klkl and klp vil mr i currli ihiinktxl mr v i osikivltir puri l sit urn- vfiirr till ummip u lllll1 l two tlliinrf in miv ilu mtii touili ivditsiltimi ind ailihv4ufc htllul inllvlmll h ull mis cecil kirlhx jiul mii unit- pollock dhd campball manufacturers uf high grade mfmooiais memorial engraving 43 wrter i naht oaiy teupfuse uitsm shield happv esi i inn slall uiemlhr i liisvuiiii iheir ll l i i ili ipl ihe fiee puss who won 4 ait of sitbsi ilpllon in the llee press sloies me displaying signs idling ihcvie open tonight lot i uslmiuers conveuleliie critc wis uttcnxl tti ail- ian it k lllsll lists dl gciiiuc j tikll nit i iii no encouragement mr bruidu sluteil he had an interest in another shoe lutirv in hamilton and be bail intend ed lo move the business to town but has received no encouravie nrwlv appointed l-nimclllor- menl riim couikll tvputy rivve hugllle lime voled in ihe ncga xunv espolnevl niuncils wish live lor the two leadings or the w nitl c myone uwav or bylaw after he queslloned the hurt mr kraidahut lu pro- twt thinuselves legally yuu aiv not going the service was ottered to ait laclniy wage sibedul ill ihe wink lone with epllons so we sh mid ii no lurther problems in this see lm iiuniils iielion lasl year to pass a hv law lor conuul in this made il evident we had lo a is lapccr m i a md- cancer month on is il is ill kims ihv luunlra bill bciv ihi citnpaiyn hi bten dilived t ihi lish iwo iu o the inttnih tliu- to ciinflk ihy ovenls tom sliulds is cunpaiirn i ml maimit ind ciinatsfrh iiiil ariaiitfcu be ilu- tuwnii authoiilv to amend the tuning bvlaw lo allow the su- of land and rcfusfil n- tunny ui idihl uwiuhi by kmicnc biaida m ullow oonummvial lite in iht- huildlfltf furmerly occupietl bv curotta shoe company in glen- tea 1 1 wan explained lo mr lowe that mr brulda did mil uwh to have the land rconcd hut merely wanted ncrnikun j tor uw ol the buildiny by an other indumrw agalaat by4aw funuwine n previous rvquesl from mr bralda lo allow avt iu uumrkr and supplies u locale in the buildiu tormerlv uceupled b cimitna slue mem ixtik ol niv i tommituv ixvom tneikleil the shmyv not he urant etl on ihe basis it wtmtil be bivakiiil an eilmy bvtaw dep4itvrixve wilttain dcnnv tvporliny lor ihe mimmituv told mr btanla who pivsvni tiksda cieuui the sinml ice is in smupiiln with linn but haitngiwtt couivit should not tv ivpmsible loi bivaiviiiy baws aiul ihen exvi ollir eilivns i jbitu bv them he alsit explain isd il was ptissibte a liwxui hint onl the people who piv lax is i dvl in view ol tltc hih lax rate ihis eai the people in lowii are yointf lo criticize voui viewpoint on this mr uuuli j said i unwillinf lo raaon councillor humllion peal sow yestetl the only solution to the j problem wouldbe lo have the h raid a properly rexoned in allow the lumber business to i locale there mr biaida explain iul hi n invol in t land in queslion and he dtd tuh vaiy to have his resilience las vtl in coinuietvial m iikuis i il 1 mks i von uii tfct jvkl ivventn in taxes nun this proper t n is shll tvx mote than il the pn- pertn sits vatsunl ll the build nip miiit be iistsl i il not in leittl lo uh il dtiwn uul evenluallv it will nvonu- uu sihiu mt biaida sliisl 1hiiki1 aiewl to haw no i vviinnutuv tvxiew iw piopsi lion atain uul briny hat k a tv s unuliendu ion to iihiik il the likl siudei sihool lm the deal come alter ilislei an dp tatalcade ucnl uniting llnoiilh town silui dav nioininu headed bv an indian in native dress and the georgetown girls pine band ivi wlkonu neiioliit ion bv men on this mailer action juaiirud the passing uf ilu bv taw was nioir lo control the small portion o tin lax dollar we do have jut idicmnrrrirrrtnthrrthantvisrop ihe workmens application or ici tilicalion vc have now jiisti- millon lieil our aition bv open baiuauv iny with our woiknun the host wilhdravcal ibis spiinj has heen exieptionatlv dimaitini t some ol our road niulaces and this will call for piompl and extensive action hv pi norm turner contracting spljc tank pumping crana svrvic complale indallalion of tank and tila bad wafer lines and sawert ganaral excavating back hoe free estimates phone 8531529 lotta lovf i inl oh that ispcktmtt day will tvlt youmhaihthi mm z town country beauty salon 8531590 1 mill st e shampoo and sal l0 cold wave com plate 850 up oirls 14 t uiwlev 4s0 pets for easter budgies fsinw sliitirtmm frtnuuui fluilgias pegulsf svs ialti fncial 398 and 198 java temple bird special each 198 hem maunisln imparlast raller canaries guaranteed tu linn 695 irtl cos end accessaries cotdfism icoiirai trti ruerie aquapl iuiplllf and accissobiii jm hint0ns 5c to 100 store buy a 1963 rambler prom uayj up git tot poii your traof now at f g bourne motors ltd bronffc streef south trisnou r33m aaiiton hoiv croii scmotx association it n gx at thi rivmjra m norval tuesday at 000 pm axat tme ana receive 1- free cera reminders ot a to take to keep inaurad may wt remind you 1nat it m thm to ut us clean store yow vaiuabu winter garnwnt mohm san insumo iow cost stocam ittvki custom cleaners roay tr maytaaja om by s pja ca8u and cava v- mmn sth mom teamo ontario hospital insurance u yea ekaac jsaa follow artfully the iastructieaa ea uw back of lea ctruaum of payastaf form im aicfc your freue a raquuei id eve you a su reach year imk aarlkaay you ue ao leafer costml by your snaev esitimcltxecism eiaarelely ulite thety asys ts fcere iasurtd forms sr sn yea i tutby isiewnei eeu be eeu hcosarhuihsail elfcadallatbledeaaaaiitauyei areoa ok if yea pay dbact mthac notice ledgers ig a store will be closed for alterations and rtdecoration m0n tues wed april 15 16 17 reopening thurs apr 18 10 am we regret any inconvenience to ourvcustomers remembtr to get our hancbilt for your sfioppmg cortvenii take advantago of our wmicwki specials ayr

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