Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), April 11, 1963, p. 8

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bass cwr v jvj g thi oood old dats 5f w 4 rjii let i ftf down f 6mmss mondkyi election in halton county did not reflect the ihdecliioh of the corneal of command performance of electioneering our congratulations go to harry harley leaf june harry hartey emattsd a miofity 6fl hit victory in halton as well as to airthr of the volet catt to top the polk and oln the larger group in the common it wa hallont firsf experience with five candidates on the ballot in comparing the returnt with thote of june 1962 indica tion are that the n d p lott support prob ably to the liberals as did the conservatives the sodal credit candidate made an even poorer showing in this latest contest ancj the effect of the independent conservative can didate wai negligible indications are that the trend toward a liberal government was strong in halton at candidates who battled long and hard for the local vote it hat been one of the mott exciting elections in our recollection and the campaign was carried out without mud tllnglng or defamation of the charac ter of thote who sought to serve the allcandidate meetings became popu lar in halton with one held in most urban centres this we suggest may be the spark needed to get politics back in the interest of the people they did not always play to capacity houses but the meetings did give the voters an honett opportunity to see the ii wee nation t s wa owavar ra in a a t co th 50 years ago taken from ihe tamoa of the free freea thuraday april it lm the contractor fur the con alruction of the new tied tic nulla i line through acton are railly netting down to bunlnen this week a tar of horses und 75 men arrlvctl in start prvpiihi- lloni for rilling in the spun iimiss talrv luke tcnders will close ehc end of the month for cniistiucllng a new post office arul ciktnm house on mill street several contractor- have visited post niaycr mathews to see the plans before ihev submit their bid the compulsory licensing of all drivers of motor vehicles that they must carry lights after dusk and before dawn so as to he seen before and behind was approved by the government lant week the generous financial support afforded the om mil tec- appoint cd to solicit subscriptions for the tall fair is verv encouraging and as a ixsull a general meet ing open to the public is call ed tor fhts salurdav when it k hoped a commit toe of officers can he appointed to prepare for actons own fall fair a milton baker appeared he fore ihe magistrate this week charged with making bread under ihe required 24ounces and 4houncc he pleaded gulllv and paid j3 and a bag of bread was confiscated he claimed he could not make any money selling bread of firll weight hendersons saw mill is a busy place fhi week as 39 teams arc- hauling logs from the bush lo the mill processed lumber is also being hauled to the gtr station for shipment several complaints have been received recently regarding the tllegahiseofftrearmi gomplulnf is made that two men on beard more crescent were seen firing shotguns and residents in the area are fearful for ihe child ren two voung bovs were firing a 22 rifle in ihe park and of fleer lawsoh confiscated ihe gun and apprehended the bovs mrj c nelson reported thai finttels whirred past his daugh ers ear as she walked up ihe street the oiher dav mr john a henderson sent in complaints bullets have been flving about in his mill vard anyone caught discharging firearms within the limits will be fined heavilv and perhaps imprisoned depending on the seriousness of the offense 20 yta ago takcorrom use jamie of ihe free pre- tfauaday april i 143 last thursday evening abe local committee was urgunlred for the fourth vletory lraln in view of the fact several of the commiiteechairmen arc now as sitting till loiinlj unit some changes had to be made mr a masonis county chairman the tolliwing were chosen honorary chairmen reeu- j m mc donald and deputv reeve i w murray chairman mi a mason vice chairman mr fi a dhls chairman general sales- mr ii r force chair men payroll savings section mr i s torce and mrs 0 w mason public relations com mittee mr w j oakcs chair man mr r r arnold and mr g w mckenrie general committee mrs r r arnold miss m 7 bennett mes srs chris moffat george mus- selle alex orr j ii crelghton w i talbot r h fllioti r h parker i ii hpilon h 0 hoves f s blow f daivkins w k grahaip w ii clavlon win coon harding price chas cuilsl win benson 1 nine mill lin m m leilch the regents of ihe luii clnrpters ol ihe loiir and ihe plxsldenls of avion- binnikkhiirn and dublin institutes and the scout mo- tlics theres quite a movement ot wool these davs in m out ol sioiage at the arena its proces sod at the plant here ol ihe wool cumhing corporation a special appeal fin cloth in- fin russia has lucn reteiv ed used articles should he lell with mis j r wilds another aclun young woman- has lointd the aimed forces mis joan wildie has enlisted in i he- rcat womens dtvi sion two feet of snow fell in a soim a vear ago this week members ol aelon ymca and theii friends enioved one i ihe hnesl social evenings of the season on fndav mr wj beat- tv was chairman cards were plated and miss jean hams and don evans won euchre pites pnes foi hi igactc were won hv mrs f t bair mr ivan harris mrs c v rirce and mr bow man mr r r parker and same ot ihe men ol ihe minstrel show pin on a program ol fun hi well now rhthv nonsense is aver and boy arent there a lot of elopev voter in this mtiniry we can get back l the important things nf lire id like at this lime to pass along n vote nf appreciation to the women of canada ttiev have put up with a great dcul in the past couple of weeks unci its not over vet it has been n harassing experience hut theyve taken it as hrnve- iv us usual no i dont mean the elct tlon nluht after night our women have wheedled coaxed and threa tened irving lo get small hoyu and grandfathers lo bed at a de cent hour night after night thev havcsvcclvcd only blank incom- prehending stares from their hus bands but hold ladles reck naufht aif the scowls of young wllber the snarls of grampa dont he distressed bv ihe utter nith ingncss of vour hitter half bear unit them nhi playoff time is ii ihcin what palis is lo a middle aged french teacher what stnilford is to the faded chap who helped paint the sccneiv for tlu llavfoik centre diunti resiivil stanley cup tunc is a wonder ful spring ionic it is alice in w inderland und petei pan lo the males in your family trom eight lo 80 where vou see only a lot of large voung men rushing at each nihil thev see a hallcl where vou see onlv brutality and bloodshed thev see ihe drama or a bullring as vou shudder at ihe bestial loaiof the arena m ib ihev are llu tiling lo ihe skill unci iillanlrv ol ihe gladialms vrarscnmim horkevat its hesljj poetry in motion music in night an nhi aoahe has all the grace and delicacy of a toreador maybe we dont think or these comparisons ul vre alt on the edges of our chairs walchlrtg the warrior weave their intricate design of com bat tyll were aware of them its a national disease preliy well restricted to the male spe cies and it makes thejtocallcd fever of the world series or the grev cup game look like a 3nlld case of the sniffles in comparison mow did we get inu way well its a little embarrkmlng lo ex plain but nine mil of 10 bovs in this country are exposed lo hoc key at an early age and eight out of 10 of them have hud at one time or another a desperate desire to become a truly jrrni hockey plaver the urge may have lasted five minutes or five vears hut il was so powerful ii hurt when il vvasjn nrre and about 90 per cent of us know perfectly well that if it hadnt been for sheer bad luck or bad management wed haw made ihe nhl some or us weie iiwi heavy some lo i light some were a little slow others eouur not hoist the puck some started to smoke others lo go nut with girls it was just same lousv break like lhat that kepi us out of the big time hvcn knowing this however were not envious wc walch the best players in the world with ihe complacent comaradcrle of a movie extra watching the siars ui vu-ij- with lhefricndlv cott i em of a bnrlesque stripper watching a prima ballerina we sit tin re as thev flash about ihe iie and muse thetehtit lor the fact lhat i always went over on fflv ankles go i during mv own hockey car eer in the days when we ued department store catalogue for shlnpads i played in the same peewee league an a wl 1 low who later went up to de- m rail red wings i still think it was only the fact lhat he could skule six nr eight llnws fusier than i could lhat made him outdistance me in nor hoc key careers many a time f trtp- ped him as he went hv go thrminh anv family and youll find thev have some great hockey traditions like ihlx that fat- fellow watching- tv- once scoretl ihe winning goal with only eight seconds to go if the lousv ref haddena culled il hack for urk otkldc that old gentleman in the rocker rememhers the time howie moron eume to i own when howie was still an amacher and heel have scen him plav if he haddena hen winking ihe night shirt hint night that urchin gnawing his nails in ihe corner whv lie was the third highest sc irer in the third best learn in ihe squirts league this verv win ter oh il may all seem verv chil dish lo vou women but its in our blood ii s pari ol ihe sim ple strong noetic heritage of ihe canadian male have no- ilenie the nl ipue wanes shnit- iv and then hut nut until llnmi will vou retrieve us to ihe dull ordinary rminif or ramilv t tethrrnes i i cilhi 4h electrical club sponsored by hydro membership in 4h agricultural clubs in halton counlv has been on a general increase over ihe past five vears in 1962 over 181 4h projects vvcie completed bv hi membcis in ihe counlv these 4h mem beis were enrolled in 10 se parate clubs ol which five were 4h call clubs in january ol i9m a 4h forestry club was was organized under ihe direc- professional directory and travellers guide medical tonbmax dnsbctokb nun o ihe- o de i mil mil funmis in hesprlei dr w g c kenney physician and surgeon office in symon block 43a mill st e aeion office phnne d1v7i1i of minority government we illll feel ai we did after the last elec tion lhat a minority government properly directed in ihe inlerett of the country u not m dlsatlfout at tome would have us be- have al canadians we are in need ot de- chlv leaderthlp undoubtedly if a minority government brings in legislation in the best inlerett of canadians opposition parties would be foolhardy to obstruct the liberal government it now on stage a ataga vacated by a poorly performing con servative government if the new cast works at a team with adequate supporting bit play er canada will be the beneficiary if the cum are mitted the lines fumbled and the production lacks the cooperative team ef fort we will be in the midst of another arm o th pla o as a nation we have much work to do as voters we sincerely hope we have com missioned big boh lo go lo ottawa to do the ob were not interested in hearing of childlike antics from any of our representa tlvethbrjrroatlon wcvebeen led-to-be- heve is loo serious and we look for action there are plenty of matters requiring de cisive action things to be set in motion fol lowing the paralysis an election inflicts on the business of a country cabinet ministers lo be named courses charted and legislation prepared if reports indicate this is not the cooperative intention of the representatives elected those of us back at the grass roots are going to be more than a little displeased lets get this country back down to busi ness now aau wwmgr mmmfflmlt loilws soonlh warm weather- will be here frathly cleaned summer furniture will be aet up in gardens and on patios and win dowt will be thrown open all across the land the prospect makes in receptive to a re- laate from the ontario stty league in britain it tays it is an offence to use a motor horn on a inoving vehicle between 130 a m and 7am in built up areas or at any time on a stationary vehicle civilited folk the british they have bet ter mattery of gracious living whether in the pub or on the streets and roads than have city dwellers in canada the only ques t may be it si u ru w freezing for in winter but thit time of year we think so too often the loud blast on the street means only that a driver it ust too ley or d i scour teoot to get up off hit wellupholstered seat cuthiont walk up to a door and knock on it or nncj the bell- and escort his companion 10 hit heap in person in the old days ah yev always the good old days what well bred young swain would train his horse lo neigh or whinny ferociously as a notice of his arrival dad would fall out ol his hammock and mother run for the flat iron il s uvt tdo vy for people to make noises these days we nefd lo impress upon some lhat bells and knockers aren l usl fit led on doors as conveniences for bruil sales men and solicitors of subscriptions and horns oncais aren t trained lo say hello on busy streets news district i i n milton offician of he hnnd chcmitol industrie cooks- illc hie an then inte to punhasc a 44nie iiulustnil site on the third i ine east of milton tor a tutu plasties and metal irulusin and lnerueil varehotiscs the purchase is dependent on miaius horn the loun the fnm would also locate its head offiie luie rupton a resident has puuioned he brampton water commission for a iiiant ualer sol lent i loi iht i iwn s uakr supply oik has heen used in western as a rruim solunei for the whole town luini 194fl to ls a jnhminar stud is heinn mwe h the water commission strectsvii i t a smoke and atmospheric pollution h law has been approved h council and will hecomt law when the ontario municipal board lends its support the hv law limits anv solid liquid oi fi s pollution to spcific densities and amounts georgftown it was an embairassmu mess for a local iad who was nearlv arresicd lor stiiling a car she thou it hi was her own she had honowed a cit liom 1 local kaiic white hcriwn was being mini rcturninn to the c ai trom shopping she spotted what she ihoiitihl was the bornmid cai hi 1 kev tit the ignition so she drove om in it p iliee liter apprehended he 1 and returned the ear to its riyhilul owner her borrowed car was si ill silting near the spot she had left it cooksvi1i i within five vtars a mu uimcrsiiv is expected h bv established soincwheic in toronto township south peel to sirvf theoakville burlington pevl counlv and wist metnt aieas n 1 siir has been announceil but pdue jtiou mtntstei william g davis said last viesik il wtuilil ikmmtck be in the lownshp a sinnlai collepe is planned in scarboro oravglvillx the order of ihe brush is hemg bestowed upon 6 ol the towns ciiiens who have enleixd 1 ivard unwlng mntvst lor the appnmchlnn centenui il next aiitfiist bl rl lto tlu towns progress pavk industrial subdi visieonvalued ut sjiaooon mi pass into private hands council u consulerintf a propsal bv i page realtors acinigt f tr unnamed pnn cipals thev propos to builii live new tactorks on the i02airt site lis okay to play dumb f voi it reilly playmq back in grandpa s day there wai some thnq to make you lp t tby called tt wqrk comoenc 11 a eireadful txi tit moce you inten to it th nwe it tilks the acton free press c- ssi by ttat doe pritttaag tad thsauaktag co ltd fub616i in ii7s and pubsahcd everv thursday at 5 willow st acton ontario member ol the audit bureau gt clrcuhninm ihe own a aifct-the-onu-jlo-quebec- chvitioa 0 the cwjiljl myertiting rates on request suhauipucaw pavwe in kdraik u00 in canacuujk ft in england and tilher commonwealth counirtep00 r 111 ihe united state and other foreign cojrvtrtet j single cornea 7c authorued at second cla mailwaak office department ottawa fi a nillt brlllorlivrhiaf altt iqltorial office phone 85920 10 55a j oanrld r d01 managing editor zfwm pnirui- indoor citrus plants interesting project the fcjlossv kavrtl utius plants with their colorful fnnts arc nut loo dlfticiitt to grom indoors serd ot ihe tcmmon citrus fruits siuh a jrapelruit oranges and lemons are excellent to start with s iv hortkiilttirisk with the ont u to department of agriculture smk ihe siiils owrnrght in cc inn uaier and sou them tost ktiw the iuitace in a sanijv soil iimimitiop ma be slow so put in inon stvds than vou need plants lour the vontainer with a shtvt ot a or plant k and bvc in a warm nmni vhen the stechins ljiveiyt rvmve the vov er ani move the container it a windtiw stll where it wa rtc food light vahen ihe voung plant have into 2 inch pot tiling a tandv potimg tvuil onitiining- u l peal mo or leaf mould and and keep moit a growth develops but do not ovcrwater citrus plants need to be repot- bolton choir gives anniversary concert ftu inilecl ihurcli wonien ve ill hi hrinimg in alon a niuk il ctiiine id sun a r u ul i isles ehen ihev spun sen the- bollon ccimniunil- rwiir ui lit lentb annivctai miktrl al ribei l lillle null timcim on tiuselav april 2 bolton communrlv choir lor the- pasl ten masons has hnnilt lo ihe tiitmmimtv imisic of all cuscriplums ii slaiticl out as a ladies chorus in 1 then venlr ihe singiil nt the crtici tjion and the mcuh in i1m jnd i ihe- pnsint mi cd lomimtnit- chou uasjorm cl 1 1 perleirms ach car in t- ronui britmpton allision and oranjreille and guelph ai well boitnrr theie ucrc ii member- in thi- clnh in 1963 twu such clubs were orjani7cd with a total en rolmcnl ol 6 members a sooiii inere-ase- out 1962 all oiher 411 clubs for 1961 villi be tirgunired on april 17 al 130 pm in the- agnculliiril hall wilton fan grounds all rural voung people- bclwccn ages of 12 and 21 arc eligible u nin in 4h work at this dale- 4 ii club are oryanucd under ihe direction of the fxtension btaneh ol the- onuirtu depari meni of agriculture with offices in each counlv or district in the province most actual i simction is earned out h a sialf of vulunlcct 4h leader 411 members receive training in uploelale agricultural me thods as well as a basic train ing in good citizenship during the five summer months while in club work milton aelon and georgetown fall fairs mark the completion of 4h work for ihe vear at these fairt 4h members exhibit their protect calf swine giam torn etc which is scureti and the results of club standings are issued thai dav many awarde many awards are donated bv fnrm operaiori agricultural in cluslrv and service clubs lo 4h members in specific clubs all 4 h awards will he presented on fndav december 6 this year following ihe annual meeting of ihe 4h club leaders council on thurcdav januarv ii cvf this vear it was announced bv chair man john willmoit thai ihe fol lowing 4h clubs would he off creel in 193 peslrlenee 111 church st e phone m30mq night or day phone h31m4 or d a garbett physician and surge ot corner of willow and river sts pntraoce river st acton ont phone 1434341 dr robert d buckner physlcian and surgeon 39 wellington st acton ont phone h3i240 dr t b moore physician and surgeon 2 main street north corner main and mill street acton ontario phone office 8i32im re 1130133 dental ok h ieib dental surgeon ornce cornet mill and frederick streels orficr hours by appointment telephone hv0610 dr a j buchanan denial surgeon am wveral leaves translani them as ttv tinmc ba- is unable to accept manv inviia 4h calf clubs hith dairy and been 4h field crtip- clubs grain and corn h forettrv clurw 4h swine club market hog club 4h farm and home flee trie al club the fanrh and home electrical club is a new club which is spon sored bv the ontario hsdro it is designed for memnera ia yeara of age or over who are interest ed in the cost of maintenance of electrical- appliancct all- mem bers interested in this club are isked to contact the ontario de partment of agncullure milton phone tr f9701 prior to april 17 p ma te tau office 90 church st e office houn sam lo p m closed wednetday afternoon telephone 1u7 bruce b shoemaker mgr optometriath e i trochnel oo oplometriat contact lensri hearin alda 6 john si s aelon in aelon wednesdays orrfy 2 00 pm 6 00 p m- for apnolntment phone 1331041 if no answer phone waterloo 742js67 ttavtamt ouath gray coach iines coactcn inn aotoh standard time fastbound 6 33 am daily earepl sun and hoi iii am iij3 am 201 pm 301 pm 613 pan ij3 pm 10 01 pm sun and hoi wearbound 10j7 am i2j7 pm 2 37 pm sj7 pm 727 pm 9 12 pm 1132 pm 102am sal onlv canadian national railwavs standard time faslbound 3 a iji jp toronto daily et repl sat and sun 7u am to toronto dally except sun 742 pm to toronto daily eacept sun ini pm in sun c uathtrlano qc barrister and solicitor notary public office hours 10 ajn 12 pm i pm i pm saturdays by appointment only pttofie omce 133iu0 re b3i745 acton only 9 23 pm to toronto daily board al georgetown only wettbound 101 am lo stratford dally ceplsun t2i pm to stratford dally except sal and sun 123 am to stratford daiy etcept sal for further informaion call your local agent 1332430 alvfutsino am ttutunct f i rvrkimt wibtar st aeithx and interesting 4h program for 163 nwmemhefsi will ha an opportunity tbvtave part when they attend the organtxatlon meeting on april 17 linns to other centres due tu lack of time in the schedule there are no tars or outside soloists in this choir the onlv rrquitement for a prospective ledannitan using the nettl stie memher ulhe love ormihlntw aa sou purina ihe summer the ihe m of singing all lime and utgjiotktiteiljire the hlalhhta planrrhood be tapr mwdqors lannt it freelv given of performaocca or pattyeam ctvooae a thady locatierr and thlt year concert under the it u aaaurm ihere virlll be tome- plunge the pole to the riitis make direction of dorothy addison thing lor everyone in the prr lure they do not dry out u ulled scrap book and be- art olteresj la actoa tote year a mai6a ia arruter soheiter notary fmle hmher moadtnr prlday i pjn 9 pjtv satuwaay i am- mt n pawtw sk ippwamp oiam m offlm z miiaitt

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