Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), April 18, 1963, p. 3

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otaii aw aatatafaka utsa i donna ledger ml home r teeter from ontario ladles i whhby 41aa bide k stewart of to nto is vieltlrift in town this on eaater vacation la elizabeth jany of smooth falle rtie georgetown district scoot- council met in acton aeout t wednesday of lealweek mr and mr ken reipcrt and hlldrcn of oakvflle spent earner ith mr and mr errile marks g mra h c roonvald vimn opbiiioltlake vleltcd rela- fljvea in acton on the weekend itf mr and mm wm e ramnden mlaa cheryl of buffalo were alt oft good friday of mr and lira c w mason mr and mra george swttzer nlnd family toronto spent easter sunday with mr and mr c w g mr and mm gordon rolslon 5 have returned home artcr an en- toyablo two week tit daytona beach florida mra pong miss betty fong tttlss judy fong and mi anr i wajson are in guelph during the ater holldaya mlaa mary chalmers of toron to mr and mr doug boll of guelph visited on easter with mr and mra stan norton and barbara mrljind mra r slmlonl of montavlllcixlluctlien last-week- wlth their n mr frank slml onl mm slmlonl and children and other friends on easier weekend mr nntl mra harry mainprise ontl mr iii molnprlc visited in montreal with mr and mjv jack maln- pre and chlldrcrf mr and mra ray evcrdch and children ruth rick nnd tim or utile current on mvinltoulln la- land spent the easier weekend visiting with mm evcrdch par- ma mr and mra wilfrid ken- ihkly mrs hlnu rr toronto spent tail week with mr and mrs roy brown und un easier sunday mr and mrs norman brown oak- vlllc mr unci mrs hern cahn- gun miss carol buir and tricnd all from toronto vivian shillft unfl mlllicy rug muldson attended a glrtculdc enmp inalructlon day at george town on tuesday the group will flnlah the instruction at balllna- fad friday a weekend campout is ptaimed for may 17 when all theyve learned will be put into practice atjcr the final holy week serv ice iuni thimdav ministerial us- socliitkm member und gueata ga thered ol the home ul rev und mm dwight ijnucl the re v telle tiur adequate lor friends ww be happy to learn that mr percy woods 92 main st acton a patient in guelph general hospital hopes to be home soon rt wor c k browne far grand master ontario weal at tended the annual red cross meeting of the royal black pie- ceptory n stratford on friday the wyearold actontte was ac companied by wor bro mavea and wor bro bruce flan- nlgan of guelph and norman fryer wor maater of acton lol other acton lodge mem- bera at the meeting were ken mc donald ron douglas ralph bar- lowe and gary mcfadden mr douglas and douglas mcdmald of- guelph received their black aprons with rt wor c k browne making the presentation assisted by the deputy master the- meeting was held at st johns anglican parish hall imhi two from the robert little school proudly display the milton klnirnen club trophy ihev won during the final evening of the north hallon urban music festival wednesday of last week left to right aro tony hunt mike vale bill landsborough carol beany sandra franklin jane lawrence brent marshall marilyn cripps and david watson the acton free ftpta thursday april ibth u straighten stewarttdwh road 4m fff alton council briefs hallon counly council heldji- noted twohour april meeting on tues day arternoon the following brief llem of business which transpired approval was given lor changes in the staff salary by i think the roads com mittee will study thisvioii engineer roy f smith vas appointed chief inspector under the construction safety v i and assistant engineer robert ed munds was named an inspector law which was passed recently hallon centennial manor super intendent s a allan appeared to explain some discrepancies in the wording of the bylaw which hadtorce him to delay salary eali increaseato many ol his ciiv ployccs the delay in the in creases was partially blamed for some staff resignations he ex- plained nutnin who is leaving next month was presented with u book from his ellow clergymen mrs c w mason and mr und mrs howard swltci or hills burgh intended the funeral last week til perclvul wonhlngton ot pulslev burial took place in sum tuurv park port elgin after the funeral mrs musun spent a cuitple ot davs with her daughter mnr t megill id owen suund not neghgenl acton reeve h h hinlon pointed out the county of hal- tan its childrens aid society and the health unit were not negligent in any way rollowing an expose of a northern esqucsing orphanage in a- toron to paper this wek it was the first mcetlngof the c-ountv- council since oik- vllle und burlington gainedap proval in parliament for extra voting power to match the heavy vote strength of the fivu north ern municipalities there were no controversial questions on tuesduys agenda und fortunate iv merry of- oakvllle- missed the meeting his votes would have been needed to vetu nny north- 1 crn moves in a jtorthsoulh split gal it on subways i burlington deputy reeve gordon gallagher suggested council ifhuuld be applyinu to i the department of highways lor better grants un county roads especially for bridges and hilis approval was given ior lite purchase of a tv set lor hallon manor at n7 and a rebuit type writer at up to 150 hold water bill 1 the personnel committee was asked to hire a full time maintenance man to replace a partlime watchman the com j mince noted it would l to use the services of a uanlciici on i joint basis with halton manttr a call for tenders was ap proved lor renovation ot the king st reuisiry olficc lor use hv the hallon county health unit with tenders closinu apiii 2 the tvork is lo tie compiel- ad within 30 divs tller ae cetilance if the lendei- information on jul j a graham depots- mini ster of ihe detiartment ol re form institutions solimilteii slalistics on prisoner davs in peel dullerin and hallon conn i lies lo assist the special com mence studying the possibility iricouniv ing ihe funds with a trust com pany council uulhorind a grant of j1s07 for a 25j8 square font addition to bruce lyn school for retarded children oakville assessor j ford rogers was requested to attend ihe ontario assessment association conven iron in torontti in may three votera the warden clerk gut held itrown and one other councillo were ttamed voting deleyates to ihe assteiatioit of ontario coun ties spving meeting in toronto in mas at occupancy report rrom the manor showed 18ft residents at the end of march ix3 in cluding 94 in normal care a in hed care 17 in special care id six in the ma counies quarters obituahv prcsejitdav the govi on subways he iraffic needs gives grants airii siiiisasianhwmjnif raj vm2acwlk tattt warden c a martin reei ul millon was appointed to thet milton district hospital board lor13 trust funds handling ol the trust winds lor hallon centennial mamut residents was becoming too bit a jojitor the county lieastnei i and manor sopet inleiulcnl th i linance coilnnittee leporled ami i il wis aejeed permission would be sought horn tlie 1iovincir ikpu uneiil nl wellaie ttr plac 1 sarah a sinclair buried at cohingsby saiali a sinclair whose home vvas at s willow st acton pass- j eil awav april 7 in hallon cen- i lennial manor i service i was at ihe runilesliueuiakei i luneral home on april 9 conduct- i ed he the ky a h mckenie j and inlermenl was ill coninitsbc cemeteiv pallbearers cere bob 1 willton rae wesl merv steele h k porter canada name vicepresident the election of l c colllng- wood as vicepresident and gener al manager of h k porter com puny canada ltd has been an nounced hv c l llolberl presi- ilent h k porter company inc pittsburgh mr colliniiwood has been gen eral manaiier ol all porter can ada operations which includes federal wire and cable disslon nepco ami retractories since septeinhcr 1962 having served in varytng eirpachless-lth-lt-ls- porter co inc he brinys lo port er canada a broad background in sales engineering and manu lacluriny which will be valuable assets lo the cxpandinu porter canada u 11 is porler currently manu- laclures in canatla ihe prmlucls ol federal wire and cable nepco disslon thermoid anc uelraclolies al plants located ill vancouver woodstock guelph and aclon porter i canada pro duces over loonoo types ol wire and cable a lull ranye ol uiulei- moor raccwav s stems including service tiltiiilts saws antl ma- vhitie knives lor sawmilliivje wthidvvorkini ami metilworking uldilsti ies tiaiul and power tools lor consumer and indusliial users tvei 7s reliaclorv special- lies and clinch facincis a coroners jury at stewart lowjijjaat week recornmended that halton counly council lake prompt action to have the road straightened through ihe village where two streets- vllle lcynagcr lost theaq lives maretf 22 a wayne cotton 19 and sharon hamilton 16 diejlwhen their cur struck h hvdfo pole halfway down the soiah hill on the seventh jine itiad thmugh the vllluge f the iury rectuhiiiilltfed im- metllale actiinjajski have the hy dro pole rclimfctcd from opposite the curve iv also suggested a large checkerboard sign he instal led which would he immediately visible front the top or ihe hill and the pavement at ihe curve should be improved- the iury reported the accident was caused by the drivers fai ure lo control his vehicle dr a e macintosh presided at the inquest meanwhile the- road committee ot hallon cpitniy council has discussed ihe dangers of the slewarltown hill which is n countycontrolled road members noted the narrow bridge- in the centre of ihe village was tv de finite hazard especially for pede- trains und asked engineer roy f smith to investigate the pos sibility of either having it widen- ed or erecting a separate pede- slrjin crossing oviir the creek caution oily hazard oily cloths used for applying wax oils orcrejim polishes to furniture floors nnd woodwork are a serious fire tuutard one homemaker reported that he placed a cloth after using it to apply linseed oil in a heavy pap er bag under the sink lea than one hour later it burst inlo humes cloths soaked with turpentine are equally dangerous take a i such clottv outdoors immediate ly after use or store in heavy- covered metal can may we romind you that if if time to jjtx us clean store your valuatll winter garment for the shimmer months sam insurid iow cosy jtoraoi sirvici custom cleaners same day sarvue f vcep saturday in by is am out by it pm cash and carry main sy n phoni tssluo 1 ckup and a cheque sponsored by the local unit canadian cancer society canvassmondayrapril29 archie sincliir at tuu1 buitlair uul run sinclair slil is mirivvtl hv 1 sislci mi- annie siticuiir iiiclis mm- yaril ami itclcri ncpticxcv stewart alck at chic kcrnvimki and arnum wool rcali ilu- hitihtvl mhii mmi- in piin tiwii or mmitiin ivtui us niilty i county council idemands study of industries outside towns the department or industrial development uf ontario has been laskcd to begin- u special study mrs a j otr and rs george wullucc attended thel convention of hume economics teachers ol the ontui in uducatlonul assosia counly in particular tloli which was held nt the lord i slmcoe hold toronto april li c industrial committee of and lo a reception anil tushion hallon county at a recent meet- show m011d1v evening srurtcd- discussed the problems of ihe convetiliimi meetings on tin uidustrw s locuting just outsde day cuirled out the theme con the txnlcrs of a niunicipalnv sinner education mis v w wilson dealt with the subject ol ufficieht shopping mt vvil i son has been a ptesident ol ihe owbec uiiglisli blanch ot con aumers asmkiation ol canada dr miuvus long fisilessoi ol ptlilosoplu al rile lntiersll ol 1 tomillo sktiv at the lunchctmi mc in llle dnlaiiw kinnt ithsulwdl ivvn vet requiring scnices iroiu llial niunicipililn one rcint exainpu- is ihe hand chemical otnipun jlcishlne to purchase a 4nt into the development and el- 1 lects ot development in niial areas ot the provinces halton ooi he weston obtain cliaige shif couect to islcivil waiclimim- promofional special save 50 on new kodak film liir each roll f lilm let t al millions sltiu hsr ilcvclup- iny mill iniv puiiliisc 1 new mil ut lilm toi nily j re- liitlar pi it c hintons 5c to 1 stor film mlvks uk i nun l me w illiuul archie kerr rr no 2 aclon litidusliiil site inulll clawill aliniisiilc miltons wmlim s tu t i rui has iiswlii tui shut aiul waivr scnias tnmi millon thcconuniilcc arvvil slu h i stikk muki bo valuable id tin km nuiiik ipalittes rs iho pnv blent i iiilivisihh in inan imwii saii rmiiulcil bv nuil aieis cam fraser herr rr ne 3 acton or h iciiiin lo canadian coopfrative wool oaowers hmittd 4a kl clair avenue east toronto 7 ontario qualify economy j iha feature wf r lliaaa lbjav haaajsj f cash sever you save 4c quacker muffets caah saver you save 14c dr ballards champion dog food cash saver you save 13c libbys catchup save 2tc marmalade ml fua packaeea 2 for 39c ishx una 8 for 100 lloa bottlea 4 for 69c with kiuuil rvcllo 4rth00 lib heg 47e full weight 1441a 21c loaf 7oa tta pc open thursday and friday till 9 pm cash saver you save 12c i 7c off pack super white lib tin success paste wax 55c cash saver you save 18c laox size glide spray starch 59c cash saver you save tic packages or 2m kleenex tissues 7 pkgs 1 cash saver you save 27c toilet tissue white or coloured bolls white swan 8 for 89c frsii raked fk lit i5 regular jjc weston or sunheam old fashioned 29c oatmeal cookies boneless save 2c package of m mfoantic spring clothes pins 25c broom saii savf ice kairil clean sweep 89c velvet tip aach 129 red white ch179 crune tilrl pot cleaners 23c scouring pad 4 pads sot 2 for 27c round steak or roast 69 rindless side bacon 59h schneiders country sausage 49 save tic is off pack uanl pkg spic a span 69c save lie sparkle scent 2im ptasllc lestoil cleaner 69c save itc isuw aeniaoj runib jet spray bon ami 59c sunshine fresh fruits and vegetables crispy freeh icetierg le ilf no 1 lettuce 19c favorite rhubarb lb 23c california red emperor no 1 grapes lb 33c sperktlng eut cello heg ruby red radish 2 for 15c good keeaaaag sag ont no 1 potatoes 119 ubena froaesi fuuda ua pkg french fries 4 for 59c cornonthecob 3c sin c is- pkg strawberries 39c predelivery mrrwtjawy-

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