Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), April 18, 1963, p. 9

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r beaoty spot the good old days suj md sjuu fsf thta ll in of itraimhnino and tha fraufiljoolciltrnunici larvk indicate thlt many 61 tham cm ba handled more effectively oo lirgar population bats it ll for thlt reaton the county levol of arrangement if they have not already dono to and perhapt hold periodic discussion georqetowp aclon and mtii a n m the county cellt for a lock up thus climiiiiiimi a difficulttomaihtain facility at the locil 50 years ago tmkmm from the bftm of tb twmm ihundmft alprtl it ifclj another colony of foreigner has come lu town to work in ihe unnerie the ynrip from malm it domiciled on beard- more crcent the contractor for the electric railwav arc fllllntf in the an- nnwehes o the bridge over fairy lake a car of home and 7 men jre reported to have arrivrf 4h l a prettv romance i of focil inteicst mr h 6 scott uho toiidikud huslruuln wane n block iiul ml mime live cus uiio u 1 1 mi a i rip at on ni i t he vviirl oiiriiiu l he vovape he nym miss- lir lit iilmun ami cisu il utciualiilanct r i pu ieil inlo ututllll alltctllui ll vvis evident iv n easevt low il first sight thev win- nun led upon their arrival at manilla and continued on iheli interrupted tour of the wot id a hill was pclsid rccjiiirhiii tin tnnipulsoiv licensing of all ill tins nl nioloi vehicles that ihtv must catrv htfhts alter dark anil he fine dawn i vwi irs ot elicliu pnlts horn ilinish lilumhit ft tut luiip whit it havt bci it on ion it siine 1 1 bin n v ii i imii this wet k ind an htiiitf delivcted on mam st hum an lot the hans ni i ssii hi hru i loin out it tins ft ii mi i station loi tilt sic hon on utn i anil 1un streets lu it mm 1 1 on hull h st the line lu wtiv otla arul tioigctovvn i tu illu i 1 1 atismisslnn polts usid hete lame fmm idaho laitfs sulci lor iff tents mi the itpir iiiii ki t s ilurilay iml vf qovtrnrrttfnt take on an increasingly import- ant role ha i ton hat pioneered county ter- vkth n taveral inttancai and it appear i pot- albl fhlt may advantageously conhnuv dog control it one of the ubch individ- ual municipalise have been contending with for year no tingle municipality it teems can afford the proper pound that legislation requires at well as the services of truck and mployaes for a number of years the oak- vllle district humane society has provided the service in milton burhhgion and oak- villa end fot pan of the hme in acton and georgetown most recently m acton and georgetown a private operator has met the level for very limned use with road building equipment among the most expensive items there cduld be ridvani ages to county ownership and rental to mum opalines this has been in effect for years in a limited way perhapt county councillors might find a road paving machine and rrew could line up sufficient municipal woi k to keep it busy perhapt the result would be- more hard topped roads and less miiintenante tost in the welfare field the ha if on couniy health unit and the chitdrehs aid society offer services throughout tho county a conn ty welfare officer in charge of the mvjvttgt- lion and distribution of relief would round out the county program lu ll a i luirlnvvii vcsitnl iv nn piilllliv kit pi is its iii1k im stun up un hens tl ou waul 20 years ago taken iron the law of tbe free pmas trttemday aprtl is l4s alter uveral month of aert ice uvertea three men serving with tfu armed force arrived back in canada lait week pte cordon babcuck and spr sam gltbyul llmehousc were invalided buclr lo canada and are in charley park wojpltal serui mux slorcv in of mr tind mrs t a storey of ni- vujhswsyhrarrivwl hack inactun lust thursday he is one nf 1 group of six who huve- relimud to qinadnhnnd will hike tin- ol- iiccit irlrfnliiu tonise he his been otcrseas foi ift months with ihy perth regiment sut stum sjvs gisods arc not uvillihle in i nuliml men with coupons his hist 1 ill in alkiii was to tin convener of the war seiviwi 1 1 ullio mrs ii muinprii in suv how he cnloyed the suiokts ind puels ti keep the unusjop to stivnuth the loine stits vmii lotuluct 11 cumpnun lot inoie lestrve recruits i ii lliitimi i 1 col officer coniinimlin hi- miule the jppeil savmu it m 1 ml uo alive no icsiivt ui liiutinii oflkcs ire in vti i i wiiuhls olllce or uith ml lul colts it atfir s coil ollke miss walkei public h 1i1i lilirsl lot acton milton mil cieoryetoun is iict 1 inr ipmttiis ivadv in eu h municipality mil kiltinu the new proiiram umlti way her equipment is iwinu pin chased hv lite iihii lominillii gnr i rank kellv pie i innu 1 son patrick i cpl imwaiit i llioll mil tpi walul p kins have urlviil satilv ovctsas lyultmuv i dont know what ll like for around to call him and he lant all you folk lajnland towns but there hea a couple orlo ralhn tbi u a ruiged time of year for away watching the rainbow trout the housewife in these parts near trying to jump ihe falls or muck- ing about the banks of ar stream i list woman lloill ac tin ht tin aimed lories to alllli mil is pli milllaiit tljusv the water of the great lakes right ubout now our women folk should be coming inlo their own in most localities the lad les bletx and praise them are working like beavers groaning like gujiey slaves hounding their hushunda chastising inair children und generally makiiiko life unbearable for sail ubout them its luuisucleutuiig llmc hut in this neck of the woods thinpv nrr thtlcrrnt the rmls work ust as tuiifl heef just as hi 1 tcl iv and itini things just as lopsv tin v as then inland sisters hill iioikhiv pays anv attention to llii in at least 1h1111- ot tile malis in ihetamllv ilo only the dw vvtinin vs mil the loiisiuhl tu net at their spriuu ilianmii tarlv in march yet imiili iikicllnir aiound hue itliim whit kali ii lllllll the ice uoi h out ot tin links miifhl as mil ttituil ahoill uelliiiit anv lulp illinium 111 sympathy wiiniiit itc i nil v lav lluir plans in hai llii old man lulp litem p ipi 1 1 nuiin on his day oil tunics lilt turn she ucts all ihe nnik out to tin the juh turns r lets my tod by bui coeta p it vim have hi en lollowuig this iilmun tor anv length ol linn von will ieihe thai most ul tin hanik t sho ihuwltali hreultft and find ink a 10- rirt pail at smell titling in middle of the kitchen to be cleaned rulliun111 ot the i wtt trafhc officci mason doi sn t tide a mulonvcli anv mou hut makes his totimfs in iu t white pioviiitial police cat 11 vmt have silvagc put vmu i lid pnrimmcnllv i a window lacing the stieel hiddin ptohli ins not plaviug pinhltins ilu if sou is sinipli musi i ml it is utikik arm looking for speckled or tplaahlng about at ihe mouth of creek keek ing some sign of the nmeli run ning he arrive home ummil four pm old lady hex jotrweah ed ihe paste off her hands jltev urv nut really dumayed brushed ihe cobwebwout of her uhotii standing over a hut atove hair and put adhesive tape on fur a couple of hourn frying triejcnipe he got unher el- smelt fumetwnjathlnil their roy bow when the felt uff the vlep- fuevs white the nimh v worics itm ladder sntin sluing down with wav through alvtut 20 pounds of tronttvcupxi t ey trying lo tlu vm rip jvathivs hke fl till herself to he reavmable sihoul ul rwirpoix cleaving i la trvlng to mutter enough strength in begin peeling the potato for dinner i el get at lliut oh kidda lie 1 1 ies jutmtily his luce glowing irom fresh air well never get lhal paper ing done sitting around dnnk ing tea will we k thw is a laniilv tvne column i shall draw a dicnfet veil nvei the test ol the scene hut this is onlv live first phase in ihe spring hiirckhtps ol the lakeside luihes theyve almost got used lo il over the veors thev rvuhe that do it your self ts more than a slogun ll s l wav of life the real ordeal hes ahead this lommences when the smell actually lnrt to run and live penh are running right on i heir heels the girls don t mind their men going smelling at 1 am t crawling into bed voul rtml damp bimit tour in the morning thev ve git used to going down to gt i wav through a gaggle nt herring this is routine hut there mines a hrejiklng noun a i let this smelt non sense huh hceu going on for about 10 davs even the old mart and the kids turn a hit green when somewsmtv suggest ti nue feed of smelt and that iihout ik time it usually hap pens one ilav the lady of the house answers the doorbell and theie stands one ot the heigh tens fhoiighi von might like a little treat he gnus md steps 9ij to displiv proudly a hushewews kei overflowing with uncleatted sun 1 1 fhil is ihe dav ihr man of the hoi iv comrs home from vvoik to hnd his snult net rip ped lo nhhons his i ives t high vvnleis i hopped into twchlnch squares sislv pounds of cinelc rolling m it heap m ihe tyntt txni h 40t liis wife tut ing g sn miim hv mighbur loi isioili with i dtadlv wee- lion i unit i v a snult mliil iriendslups wittt tun in ihhoi s to i onli nue oikvilk s population now i- ti lu s 2 424 mi increase of 100 list veai n i lamosi man was lined 12 tm tin ii his di iv ing and abusing his hoist news mound tm sasssasaasssssi district both arrangements now appear up in the air to a certai ffntent since the rahics mil ion ik spitt an impressive hiuupot polilual and pii s fii sitppni t miljon ouikii isn i getting anv while m ilsallcmpl to imcci a pioistit ink tkvaled railway hv pass amutul the wist out notih siiks ot ihe own thev have tin liberal und conservative ptuvincial elt t lion candidates the planning board and ihe dtpail uu nl til llighwavs lighting on their side hut the iulwav has still not pioinisctl to own the 2loot hank problem has exerted increased demands on limited facilities a centrally located dog pound with a competent staff serving the entire county and financed by the county would appoar to bo another logical county service already effectively to ordmalejd at the county level aro the uiumnpil fire deparj merits that work together in the interest of prevention as well at for mutual aid wheth r any such similar linking of police depait mentt is pottiblo under the guidance of the emergency meamrei organizaltotf re mains to be seen it would teem to ut tat ell the police chiefs thould develop working sjuwg cleanup acton community centti basumleied another winters iuctciilul operat on 1 he number of participants and speetitort who have attended activitiet there thit season has utidoubtedlv et a fievv record under director jim catburn the schedule ot oventt has mesh ed smooth and more ymjps have utihied the facilities we tei i that j m lofg with tfvc nvvly apto ud co naion umimim etui tlu fuks oaid ii i t t h it je il i t crcchl tor the smooth oihijiu h driving twis1 the nrw i civoir tu t tui chill rcf n we noined fh dtsapjearance of the snow liv revealivi ih- revdu ot btuld log debnt ltr from last yfvrs tonslrucioti a lihw ctei pwd tanchcar would mipovo h atipva a r tod hi a 1 likelihood ih a a i re ot nr ghhltoc an arej4uts mh o i i m nt h is tin then too the ultimate m county services might be a business machine exchange or tcrvice through whicfc thb municipalities might eliminate peak periods i ire tix hilhnc time special computers tmqht spec j the preparation of those important slip ot p jip r to ihe taxpayer the county level of government i i i creasunt m importance within ii h t y hullonywe have the troad popul ttion his on winch many services can tx opei ittd n a econonncal a manner as any v i t 1 s 000 what it requires is a bre villi t v iiivn and a willingness to cooper re i mcmvuipalitici the i h lit i lrc ikiiv up i h t i r ravages have iwi repsined i tlly m i pt vent a later extensive rcbu ll nq in ji t the takeover ot main btreet n mi v the department ot highways as pn ot h oi wy t5 has taused coivtem t on i tty mnuis oi property cwnerv o tlu ut i tel r ihprmtnl ttioi 1 i i ttic pn peily ivik ts 1 i y t i i nt ititl tot ftie 1 jftsa tv i t t c il seilimeof we hope a s u v i k i i 1 nsamel at ay early elate v in n mi t i 1 rtreave in trattn th s toal w ll iin v ti mjii street boc th as a dangtrocs aft i ilirik i lj mh ivsm irt s t an lui n l ii tfltil sisht svi- iv v 1 v ii the work done rss m tn ery ipi ing n eppreviated by ihe i fm tmtvre ey tneir tpring house tleannig boas where e ttttiui n ha ilon to t ii tt v t i iij i tft rr kai mh tv v v p p si 4a i irtm t i t k 0 si ft i r n w w ltnt t cv il t t i i is pari otor ary j l i t t i imi wvr ion 1 fel rh- feiet it i i j v oj o1k grat ch in if n ii irt ot tke ccnsersjative oovfi m tonjit1 1 okcilimn a commillee is loirnlng to vvort fouaid thr ihkiinnini ot a ntw paik in cuotgelowu to muk the towns untiii mil mu in lo4 llu pai k would be located ill an casttin portmr nl llu town hrwtriov c hinniacotlss coutuillot ron vvi n s tniitu st v i nisi uiu nl s ii- iih t sfi lu tlaims ik told inuinillnis i tit it j tiim ol tilths hid appioulud tuni mil demandtd livdianls in ihi m s il hit tnwn ih p nnltil toiiruil aiztttd to pnnlme hi in with t in ii mi ill paint at mt a ill n ipiotrahlv to help the dos tuul llu in al mhl t siui i lsill lu muii ins instiimiunls in i i hml m ivu i hut im hiu1 i h kin ill in omnulltt w is iskxl t loim i ik lv i hum hiiul psitlnil i i k huu llu town h is h ul a ism i 1 i i lixi us until it wis tishindttl ixttntlv hi ki lhs ii hasthall pinups want titiuv in w plav v i ii in n s in luiuu iluvll hai loinst u hv piihlu sulst t lflini i nikil lit- luiiutl tltwn i uipiist to add 2 hhi to llu inualioti il pntss hiili it i hill luihtits ol this 1 mtll wis tm a nos it min ii i i h ni ik i vt i i i mis t pt ttttl this at in niinoi h ill v tk 11 i i it oikvilk lloitii ol 1 itu at mo s pinpostii ssoonnnn t ti i is n ciw in ihiiui il will nu in i llim null iiutiisi in i t i iv 1 1 k lu i s s il ii u nt i kt up st hiunl ol ilu t dut alum is s it ik iv mtii i s nu til it i lis h k i nl m lks ii t i lllllll tt vt us t in w liuili t sits is i xpt i ii it t l tlili in it s nut win i in 1 nonlo lownship smith l 1 1 to iv ih oikxilk miitliilion tit i v nuns hiii wist 1 tm au is si r s l miimunil tint idlktllon mnusit i vailhim davis it 1 1 c1 wt k i w tut i ik i unii is in ni i tu town slip a mmiiiii hik c 1 mu i in si nl i us canada relations tops at taylor farm nt i m v i i h ir ii s i i wis his t nihii t s tippi d t i fm ut i i n i m ihmiui lit tin lioohlt tins ii until t lni i i i i unii ih motulav tin ti ul sptt ail to i lit o t in i mi iv u i u pi iv i it t lit itlur itltl vi t lalh mil ol u t i i i i i ifust i spit ul tiitl to i maths tulil i in i i i s t it il ti him tittitu loi s havi no phont i j mis iiuo t iv i wtnu i ihilihtn tils inf ills 1 n liclighuix mi u us rr yt fllt ml- ytrttvihhj p 1 vj s t si f n s i its piil mis laylnl unft til a i v i m ih w ilu h lilh m if vv ti tx t i iiil mi i twis lit i l v i hf i i nl ilum ui ini mli i ii i t ml v tint lipuui mil his linjuri it i l u i i lomnt tin ii thiv vis i i t ui a tnnn i stnit intiitn u in p i si i s i i i sit 1 u n i k in i si l 1 pp o i 1 tt iv thin i u in hisi ui mil tiis hint iiu i i i vi i i xj i i htlhu imii wis thuiktul n si i v i ii in mm i cud numit tlnnii is nnil til at 1o not pit sent ninth pro- hit in in llu plav llu aveiagi hndgt plavti lias much mole ot a piohltin itathing the right tonliat t i know stvtial plaviis who opt n i no trumps pist to show lf jo 18 points njow a i no n umps hid should show cirtaui distribution as will m 1 or 14 1 2 tuni ihe best distiihu lou bill thtasloilallv a vvc i in opt n mi no itiimp if llu liviiaitl suit is a iiasonahly solul miiioi suit ills itmik a lui n it nuuihei six innu lasi wnks muling ot lite alton i4i ulaic lluh ix a it r south north south vuhieiable north a k i z professional directory and travellers guide urdical wnerai directom drw o c kenney ffiysuian anil surgnm tllfue in svmnn bfkk 4ta mill st e acton otflce phone iswi 11 rmdence iis church st e phone isji6m erne phona ism1m nlgm or 4ay bruce ii shoemaker mjtrt ii 4 l i 7 a o j iii 7 i wcl ll si s k 7 4 i ii i d s if o t 7 t iii h n 411 k s 1 ch 2 f v o i i sjhiiii s ti i in ii k hi l v t k s i i in mini s mill vvi sl s nth i im i s 1 iiss 1 i i i ll fiss i m i milium sin iii nil i is iv ii il i c ilrl cm nl mill ml iin ll nikslliui inv hi i i 1 uiiipv ii vjuiv n i ill ii ill i ll mis i t nl v s mil ll i i t him i in in ik i ii m u ih ih ii in u sum i inn n jl iinls kliiuii lluiii slim i iii m i ulul 11 pi in tll i i v ii iikl i mil i 1 1 isln ii i ii k in icill il i ii mi sc ills i i ill lllllllll siui i llvi i mull llllll 111 l s hull il x il i ii ii mm in ihislu ill 1 ih in miss iii il dr d a gar6ett physician and surgcot turner if willow and river si lninacc river st acton lnl phone iskjut dr robert d buckner physician and surgeon i wellington st acton unt phone is- 1 240 u dr t b moore physician and surgeon 2 mjin street north turner main nd mill street acton oouno phone otlicc svino re isuiijs dstntal ll iii lllll iii 1 dr h leib siill ll ilm l s u mu in i ivntil soigrtirt lllllllll other or net mill liil ii luilliii ti 1 k il s i it iv i n i h lii trcderick street it p i 1 ollie llisuis tiy alpllllllirilt i s pic 4 s li 4 s i p 11 pi telephone itlolslo o 1 pi p i fm s i 1 it 1 i ul 1 dr a j buchanan i i l 1 1 v lis 11 drnll surgsrihi 1 i 1 ii h il s i 1 11 1- 1 ica lls n ohnc 90chunh si e 1 1 lll v 1 si ii lliii c iiiiurs vri iimpm s is 11 1 s ills lhnetl wrslnrvdv itlrtninn in 1 s ii h i i up i lliii in s i 1 iclrphone ilmi7s0 lksgal the acton free press puamlwd v the dlha pttaibat and pumuslihis t v i td ishinded in u7t anl pohlisned eserv thurst4s 41 sn llto si acton itntarso memisrr o4 the mill puis ti it circviuixsns ih- 1 wn t ind he onunoqikhrs isvlshssn s the 1 s i ltxetlisin ulrs tl rusuvl ssitcnrsthvns rusaisle in hame jtrtl hi tnastt ww in ingjjukl and other lommitnsaejtlth loumnrs j 11 ihe ttnitsr1 ssiatirs an imher srentn i minuic- single copars 7c authnfed a sexarid class mjii pust ofthe drnartnnrnt ottassa t yia aw ha tiln c a dills bclttnr inoikl i r tt aumauntidtu r business and ed i tor i al offlce phone 8 54- 2 x 10 rockw murray taylor zone winner inkmwtt tnr ut wkt 1 ni ulmmh to murrjv 1 11 in tv orit s r t it rttr s s k ipmtl mi s ooino usi sai ih s ill n in tn srnn ar rsih t tjss hrhl n ritanuiil i hjmpiotuhips t nnit1 i weej ur vassrt iu iu tiic pi ounce lol war an i timjtrh thr pnruxi xr murfji j u 12a juin f ro- colic gute vrujrat con- rjiutijuis murris awarrf cafmrct ttif holmjit im rrimit t k v kwfot i -iv- km au 1 1 1 ttx ithiii 11 b lianiosi iiminil i mippls wiiur 0rtw atis luslird rmd niaitcnil iuuiv th svasaxi two irtulrrs n eiv d fo the tot were hnrrnn t onstrut tion xo rosxwikvt r 7s per ifb rd tnd t our ruuu huuw oiid pavipg co lur turn 72 per cubic ard bomctimc ut wtjcit ckrwoj si t se ih t ui k s v n s i o n is 11m it 01 tu 1 it i miinls t n 1 n lump tr u 1 j mti nj ht 01 1 t ll iitii 1 ur jitl ts t it it ttp- o i s th ther in p o trwr ilrrvmt n fwi in a uraiti trs rtrv vrmr hand this wffk s winners tir t l al hrf krrnr vinit tr mtrs vlnnin on k vjdr- s hunt mis jkk lai btll clvjtv i 1 t nltd in 01m wjs vith the rul in j on thr tailre bndjr in lrnt ol the old wrunten wtit vvtnrti njtrtm ratcxt and ptivtk at unc wde of the bridge mrar c f leathertano oc bintrr nd sotuilof notary puhlu utluc hours 10 am 12 p m i pen 5pm saurilais bv aptvubtjikdf uiy rboo uttk uwjvt rca iivui vino a matda b a barnvter vtbcjlor notary public iwlk hmisft mr e4fw moeidav rrtdar erenings o m p jbj saturday i pm 3 am 2m paujer st guelph ontario phonr tiu owfcsi houn ib cttrlnt saturday f 12 u daujr t mm t e l buchner o d ontiaitctrlsj coniict lenses i idling aid 6 john st s acton in ac inn wednesdays only 2 00 p in suopm i ur ppointtieiit phvone rstl04l it no answer plmne walarloo 74u7 tmavimw outoi cray coach lines coacmt lcavk acton standard time lastbound 6 11 a tn fllailv rssirpt ua and hoi it sit am ii 11 am n p tn 5 n p m 2j p jb ih jim 10 08 pm sun and llol wrsthotind i0j7 am 127 pm 257 p m t ti p m 7 j7 p in v 12 p in ii 12 p m i 02 a in sal only t canadian national raiiways standard tunc i asitvhjnd vi sis a in to toronto dally sv rpi sat anil sun 7 ta a m to luiihitis daily eicept sun 7 42- pm li tunmlo da iv esiepl sun 101 p in ii i ol jot 1 1 soll- iinls t t p m t tififsti daily lsiarcriticnrsetnwn iinlv vwsihiii i ll ill i i srallni1 daily e ifpi sun is j p m lii stratford daily rscpt sat anil ss 1239 a m to stallird day carpi sat i ir further tnfurmawui cafl iui i sal afent 11240 aptfuisim and imm vancs f i wicamt ft tivlasur si arton ontarvs phone mmt20 apprajsar and laauranctt ova so yastr la acta david w gohn 0 c corner of arthur 4v young slav offka hour ay apoolaiamal fta5-irt-

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