Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), April 25, 1963, p. 2

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v ahioma jh mum old days 50 years ago lv v vktorks tha maple la i ft won thestanley cup and wound up tha victor ovar detroit a porta editor reported dramatically not on u list vi on t tea butalto the victory in tha availing room ona paragraph described jha second vic tory stafford smytha dub pratidant nd harold sallerd vieepresidenf wara id m d mo tha ahowara by tha playart dur ing tha victory celebration thay wara mam- ban of tha new regime who had mada tha dumpagna available for tha party a tntf in oardant hhitory conn smytha celebrated with nonalcoholic baveregei whan ha ran tha club ttsere ware other rafarencat in the well written sports column to indicate that cham- pagna had really taken e victory oeorge armttrong poaad for a photo- oraphar bat ida tha stanley cup and luddan- hull phulo playart of ability iatitandrd for the young hopefuls in every town and city in tha coun try their regular performances are followed on television and through t sport com- mentirie whan youngsters find it takes cham pegrte to really celebrate like tha profes sionals after a victory will the minors long be satisfied with ginger ale we felt a little nostalgic when we read that conn smythes celebrations were with ginger ale it seems ha had a deeper aware- nets of the responsibilities e winning club carries with vtthe example thay set reaps dividends for good or bad across the nation tha victory tha maple leafs earned on tha ice was well deserved tha victory that champagne won in tha higher echelons of the maple leafs was disgusting that vic tory leaves those responsible for hockey teams with a more difficult rote in directing taken tram ike tana of the free rwsvtitursviay april j4 i1j during the meeting of coun cil monday evenlngr member wwpleaed to learn front aa- sessor harvey only 57 cents in taxes had not yet been collected tor the year the road commit- ice brought in a strong- recom mendation to have a new bridge installed on brock sl and stress- d the urgency of oiling the streets council agreed to ob tain price on both project and instructed the committee jo pro ceed during a public meeting sat urday afternoon of a group of clllxens interested in starting a rail fair in acton reports of the canvassing committee sel up a few week ago indicated plenty of interest and in view of the money subscribed so tar it was agreed to proceed with a fafr here and a board of directors was appointed to complete fur ther detail although a definite dutc has not been sat for the rulr it will be soma time in september the proposed expansion at the school ha been approved by the department of education and the new threeroom addition will re licvc the crowded condition for years the location of the school is admirably adapted to the town there u no doubt that ultim ately alice st will be opened up and a bridge erected across curpumtlun pond to allow access to tlie school grounds from this area an unknown person ran an engine from the c p r brock junction to cuclph linrllnn ly oleic duff was dumping a glass of cham pagne ovar armys head sport celebrities get a lot of build up m tha bright spotlight of publicity that de velops club support tha professional hockey hw fk im it may team contradictory but the medi cal scientist who is internationally famed for his work in defining damagei done by the stress of modem living it now warning that people do really need something to worry about tut the valid point being made by or hans salve director of tha institute of experimental medicine and surgery at the university of montreal it that a life without any worry tan become a life without eny put the most commonly accepted idealt in our western civilisation or selye recently tod the canadian club of toronto are se curity end e high living standard lets work end morepey we want security not only against aggressor nations we want to know met even if we live auite irresponsibly and lay nothing aside for emergencies we won t have to worry because it is up to the gov emmstnt to insure us against everything if wa can find no purpose in life and become neurotic we want vitamin pills aspirin trenquillnert and cod forgive ma for having unwittingly and detpite my protest contrib to t l tha great variety of anti stress pills to popular nowa days the great philosophical ideal of our time has become the development of a set clal structure m which you don t have to worry about anything well at i have said before a certain amount ol stress s good as i n westcott said a reasonable number young lives elong e trail free from depend- ence on an artificial bubbly feeling to mark special victories there were two victories in tha gardens both with lasting significance of fleas is good for a dog as it keeps him brooding over being e dog if our leaders would help us to develop soma specialities in science and culture it would not only give purpose to our lives but would unite us in one great team in which every citizen could feel that in ac cordanca with his particular talents he con tributes hit share to a meaningful effort no one it likely to quarrel with dr selyet thesis that we need to be led away from the vision of purposeless ease and back to the reality of purposeful work but if m hit use of the term our leaden dr selye meant political leaders he is probably asking the impossible political leaders may not have believed in the possibility of desira bility of e worryfree society end their mo tives may simply have been political expe diency but they have been its chief prophets tha leadership we need will have to coma from people who will speak plain truths as or selye himself has done yards sunday afternoon- and the stolen engine collided with one in the yards resulting in anlac cident police ore- conducting a careful investigation the cyclone on good friday caused a lot of serious damage to many roofs in town and there is a big ruth on as home ownirs huv new shingles a number of cmplovces in one of the departments at the tan nery walked out on friday cv cnlng because of nn alleged dis crimination in wages in favor of foreigners lately cmplovcd they claim the foreigners are bong paid 10 per cent more above the wages paid local men with i im illcs settled here quite a number of the voting men in town are having the time ul their lite fishing for suckers on account of the high water ane neent cold spell the fish are being caught in great quanti lies 20 years ago taken front use less of the pre taoraday april 2x 1mi to go overseas for sendee let the combat area she la the daughter of mr and mrs andrew buchan an and word has been recanted by them till week alar arrived safely somewhere in- england during a meeting thursday evening of last week director of the acton rait fair board decided to ask council permit alon lo use the curling rink sec tion at tha arena for halt ex hibits palling thl it will be necessary to spend some money and fix up the hall owned by the board for thl portion of the fair it wa also decided to carry on the first night performance outofdoor since the arena was not available acton quota in the victory loan drive beginning saturday night is flmmo thl i higher than any other drive held before the dedication ceremony for the drive i saturday night at the post office square and mondiv morning at 9js o m the tannery whistle will blow and alvlfw bells in town will ring out to announce the start of the big drive which can only end when the job is done the response to the joint ap peal to encourage tree planting sent out to the public schools of the county by l l skuce public school inspector and j e white lock agricultural representa tive has brought a magnificent response as a result of the splendid cooperation received from the pubjic school teachers r th plainly 19 da allehllt dont of anv good column unity and coherence this week since last november ive been needling e who bored me by talking about what a dreadful doae of flu he had stop babying your self i derided its all in your mind youre getting too much rest you just want a day off and o on so it couldnt happen to a nicer chap but what throw me i that i had to wait until the easier holiday to caleh it something that gives me a big pain in the arm is the ad vice you get from doctors when the flu sneaks up and pounces a couple of davs in bed it the best cure who in the storkl can take p couple of days in bed in thl enuty age a farmer with the seeding lo be done a fisher x3wgnts3pxi sjbjpswejtp iviiiimiiy 9 since they should charge admission and a good tiff one- tor those bum who tuns up at chur h once a year on easier sunday stuffed full us hotcros bun andhollneu s moat of the election recrim inations are over by now but a few edttors are at ill catch ing ii from reader who feel that the local paper wa one sided bi it coverage or did not prim the whole truth pew 1 these complaints are from winning candidates or their supporters this has always tickled me the fellow who demands that the paper print the truth the whole truth dnd nothing but the inllh whaf he means of course it the truth a he sees it or the truth about somebody else most newspapers print the truth but show me one thai prints the man with the lee jusf nicely whcile ft slightly en ord over 100000 trees have been i ervd the tree planting will pos sibly take place at the respec ttvc schools throughout the county shortly after easter holi days the many friend of lancecor poral joan robertson will be sorry to learn she tv confined to kitchener waterloo hospital htrv ing undergone an operation for appendicitis last friday evening dublin literary society held a successful box social and donated the proceeds to the aelon and w cimtv war sen lees league the first part of the evening wns spent in plhving euchre with prizes going to mr and mrs bracken with consolation prizes going to mrs w linham tand archie mcdonald at the conclu siurt ol the euchre charles cutis auctioned off the boxes the remainder of the evening wii spent dancing out of the lake a contractor with his first lob in four monlhs and a rush one ask anv mother of young child run how many days she spent in hrd last lime she hod the flu the onlv time most women ever spend j few days in bed is when thev ore compounding their con fusion hv bringing another little stranger into the world enough of thai i slill sav it served me right however i made it to church on easier weekend before succumbing and was delighted to renew aequalnlaneet with so many to donate toward a statue for lit editor or a tombstone perhaps il would he a good thing if newspapers did print the whole truth about every thing it would certainly put mime life into the obituary eulumns bui in the first place a lot of people would suffer where ll hurls most in their vanity in the second place the edilur would be so busy fae mg acliuns for slander and libel that even if he won them all he wouldn i have lime for am hung else the truth is a fine- thing it s tired of sbddathree tmtea a stay every day we could get ntmriy weary of nothing but the paafai unadulterated truth dn vou think women would lead j fuller life if when ihev ask how ihev look in a new miifli their husbands inform ed them thai ihev resembled tnmelhlng left out lex the dog break fas 1 would ihe prcicher feel richer spiritually if vou told him right in jhe middle uf ihe sunday morhmtg handshake that wat the dullest sermon i hate ever heard s would your friends feel more warmly toward von if von an swered the easujl querv how are vou wiih the plain un varnished trulh right from 11ur throbbing corn lu vour aehing back ami on up to vour hrain lunvur perhaps ihe bride would get a heller sendoff in life it the edi tor instead ol cooing that ske was radiant in white simply an nounced the beaulv of the hrtde a plain dumpv lilile girl was scarcely marred by lite lun of a black mustache beneath her prominent nose on which sal a wart the sie of a small gherkin truth like cheap whisky is invigorating in small doses i uts phy brugr i by bui coata i i jiavc often been asked if il is easv to leam to play bridge an answer to this question is not easv a person who is famillnr with other cord gomes canctch on to bridge foster than one who has never plaved any cord games before experience plavs a great part in bridge not vour csperience but other people s experience by this i mean that certain card combinations are played a certain way because et perience hot shown that that is the best wav to handle ihe com bination anyone who can count add and remember a few simple rules can learn to play urtdgu th gre drawb li rt like potatoes one of the staple h i e in l h 11 of life bui usi as we can get misrd uith something professional directory and traveller fftijde medical ronekal dratxtoetsv dr w g c ktnney physician and su office in symon block 4ja mill st e acton office phone 332111 residence iis church st phone i3jim4 0ftlc phone 15uum night or day bruce ft tliriemtkar mar- ottoaatstiayrs news mom akouno district ci opcetown pro hockey scouts found ihe arena here a vcnlahc goldmine of talent last week when 750 bantam age hockey plovers irum across canada gathered for the annual easter week luumamcnt thousands of visitors viewed the several davs of the tuumev with 13 hours ol thrilling action each day of the week huttonville jack hassall of cooksville owner of ihe 60- acre hullunville park has offered it to chlnguacousv township on njease basis for a township public park private developers are in terested in purchasing the well known park but he prefer to have il left as a park burlington the board of education citing tha gnawing trend toward more tec hnolotiical and commercial education has asked council lor vi 010 lo huild a 61000 square fool addition lo nelson high school it would accommodate iio extra pupils on top of the present i 160 capautv the town pavs 23 per cent of ihe coat and the tuial expenditure planned is an estimated il lucrance to follow established rules as an example i would like lo present board numlicr nine from last weeks meet inn of ihe acion bridge club two rules are involved the first is that a balanced hand with all suits stopped is opened two no trump if il contains 22 to 24 points the second is that t3 points normally produces a small slam dealer north east wesl vulnerable monk s a 9 7 h 9 2 d a o 10 9 6 c 12 weat s n 4 t hj 10 7 s d 4 co 10 brampton ltislm steel products has purchased o 20 000 square toot industrial building here to manufacture metal stamping car parts fsir neighborhood automobile- manufacturers the town is the ideal location for the industrv according to lis president j r flagg for il is close to american motors ford and general molurs asscmbls plants oakvlilf the towns iwaj uncrating budget will go over w 000 000 wiih h 000 000 ul ihis tor education purposes councillors announced as ihev slapped a 4 s mill increase in taxes on the alreadv- o erhurdened taxpayers raus are w mills resulemial and sj com- mcrvid or an lm reave of 1 a vear for the average homeowner over half ihe incrcave was blamed on education east 5 j ft 2 ii a 4 d i 7 c 9 g 7 south irtno s meeifrmaastw smissawainwsfc the poet office has been located in the new federal building on bower avenue for lust ovstr e month now its been surprising how m such a snort time the traffic pattern in acton he changed businessmen report a changing cycle of shopping hours parking behaviour at wt new sis hasn t yet aettled down very few cart are being perked m the paved lot at the west and north of the building church publications described bapt g tl llk o 3 0h j 7 j ca k j the bidding north baal south weal pass past 2 nt past 6 nt pass pass pats front this bidding vou can see thai bridge it a simple game if vou follow other peoples experience south hat 22 points and a balanced hand hence open 2 nt north ha is point in htgh card and one for ihe fifth diamond or ii points la all 22 plus ii equals 13 north bids a nt on the heart lead east nlaved ihe ace and south made 12 dr o a gamm physician and surgeot corner or willow and river sts entrance river st acton on phone isw341 or robert d buckner physician and surgeon 39 wellington st acton oflt phone uj1240 dr t b moore phytvictaa and surgeon 2 main street north comer main and mill street j acton ontario phone office k32im res hmiu dcntal e i buchner o d optometrist contact lenses hearing aid john si s acton in acton wednesdays only 200 pis 600 pm for appointment phone ivvi04l if no answer phone waterloo 742m67 or h ieib dental surgeon office corner mill and frederick streets office hour by apaoiaiaaei u4mi0 the acton free press wss rxmaaaa- k 175 and asihhsaad eeery tt wtltotvbu atototv 0atarto laasbtjar of the of ortwalhviga cwju aasl ik oamhoqeitnc thias sat tha cwjul lafrwihhta tatee oa r ka the uafced htttts amd loirottal office fhon 1920 10 ai 1t t 1 the spring ttankuffering ul th marion rujd miin litilr hi 1 j in atviuiv buptiti i hurvh nn aprtl ik alur th op ning h inn the pirviik m mix i luipmjn uil ihe mthting in piar vriptun vj naj h mrx l imoo rum the inih theiptrr of mairk mrx ii htlvhtg led in pravrr mm t lixlbunugh v a drvoi toruil meef on the i ater the me mkiwwt1 bv a 4q uirtk h mr j en i vatilkeu tmuv vthm jew w k et mr s gmmon intixhlurhl i tv peiilier mt mjrv bjurd vvhu u truiri he publkattanx de ptutmciu of the luittrm onirxa hhic in toronto mr drntyate wa unahew lo he prrvnt h ttsvneeiker and mr evan ang m i jrn mil vorth i the talfertn1 mmrd i rhmfi ming and mr g i larrup svuitaed ih meeitng tith prav r i urwh j wrved by the thitth ladu ti the man vuit or attending rtmyo chosen for an ahexprnse paid trip to ottawa for ihe rotary clubs adventure in clttarnthlp this year it 1 7 war old gary ma salts a grade 12 student selec tkm it nude on allround abtllt tricks why do i show such a simple hand this board waa played lour unset vet onhr one pair go 10 a small slam two pl spade and one stonsaad at 1 mt rules in bridge are baaed eat experience esxerytsoovt exper ience all ton hats to do- tat bt fii from it if any of my reader etsvr have anv problems or vsmng ttrtage jseve a i the i iiaslry to try and heap wiih thatsv just droai a letter with she pt or aneslsnn la let aving co bui coal botv3abvaacttis thas week a vvinaen first duke wilton aqce mcouarrw vecond mike i nttasea bui coats hint mr c pruat mrs wilson dr a j aucmanan dental sargeoa tatvtw o- office hours t aa to pin ckiaad wednesday afieraooa telenhcete bji7w aaasataatjassjasbtsjbttabtabbatatab travmiw omtx gray coach lines ooatraajta lravc actoh davlight saving tlnu ftleellve april iih easthuund 6 33 am dally escepl sun and llol isg am i us m 20 pre 3 01 pm 21 pjb ij3 pm 1004 pjn sun and llol waxhound 10 xi m 12 37 p m 2j7 pm 327 pm 727 pm 9 12 pm ilt2pm 102am sat only canadian national r rattways davllghl saving tim i lire 11 spill 7lh east hound j aaa to toronto dally atv repl sal and sun 7 jl a ta toronto dailv ruept lun j am daltv eterpt sumj afh mundav direct cunnectlnn tor owen sound etc 742 pnv to toronto daitt except sumtav 101 niti hi timsiln sjiiisrtay m c ifatmawano oc rxsrhstar attsf avslietm motary rhuc omce haan i am 12 pm i am- s am hrsttstay ba only oftic tullj rats tuim attest lv 1021 pis to tctfunto ctaitv buard ai tjeorgelottns unly wesibound v 101 am to straiford dally e cept sun zt p m lo alralfnrd dally except sat and sun 7u4 pm daik rtcepi sundav lie am lu siralfurd elsllt esevpl sal par further lamvsrtnatlesv cat at gsvjemi alfulawaa am r i wttom rl wlrnat it cause uf sickness in fit family gary sun of mr and mrs miss balrd told of the various xwn uasalet queen st e publications handled by her d- malton airport sunday partmeni and invite anyone uiie- m wju be in otuwa av ilhe c h uml thu wii delega or jo art to i puj an th mail- ttam m acropa canada in list many lea were fr n ee vvrlllaa an eeenuni of charge and mlaa balrd left of exttrrtencevtor the pree tomc pre as all jsretiottt wtnrun mr harrop thanked the have stoant a raaoa a arrlsser staihcllae tstotary ptdtuc ac tea oaterte phone jsmtm fects for the jloeae student cmtnctr at office itaare ta actea prtstay i mligi a ta f pm saturday i pm s pm tfwtotj 2 pislee it atelnli fmiarta the high t tea- fsaatw ta 4mim a is th day at house of the hinasst mi theme staff ii are help ing the student council headed by daw w oomn 0jc srtwm onlee eaoavti a mtflt satttrstae l ajb uttjb osva3lssvjb

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