Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), May 9, 1963, p. 8

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t sx w jifiie beautify immpp j 1 t3fs gjhfe goqd otd days rr 20 years ago k pfei i uk photo hw bi hmdh a myimriout upsurge in traffic accidents twepi rlghr acrota north america ip 1962 statlttlei showed record highs in thnjnthcei of tragedy and wane rannrtarl knm th us from canada from ontario the accident infection it ttill tcourging thlt province tayt the ontario safety league lett year wit the wont ever in the it- number of aecidantt in nearly every cate geryr yet th firtt quarter of 1963 it run ning well ahead of 1962 all traffic accidents up 14 5 total deaths up 10 8 murlei up 27 3v pedestrians killed up 45 5 bo lsnjdtant care about the never end ing tragedies that stain our roadt do they care enough to support the radical measure that could reduce the toll many people claim that the traffic acci dent problem is rooted in public apathy mr a 0 delorente vice president general not the only problem confronting people intodays world we all have to ration our worry time those seeking massive support fnr nnw me t att the t p mutt settle for their fair thare of public concern competing with other issues rang ing from juvenile delinquency to nuclear war let t not call people apathetic ust be cause they don t raise a clamor on some technical matter where the initiative clearly lies with the authorities rather we should rocognize that the public will support de sirable traffic safety measures if their work it demonstrated and if support it sought there are tome high hurdles to clear in the pursuit of public support according to the ontario safety league people must be asked to accept a substantial amount of ragu latlon they must be asked to approve and pay for still more regulation they must be asked to be patient while solutions to vex topaveconfid mm of may x imfc all public school teacher have been offered reengagement and alary ncreegjutiouni to 1400 in the aggregate j a training plane of the avro- anson type made a forced land ing on the farm of mr it m brown sunday momlngtuel supply was running low and it was unable to return to bane right on the dot just as in the third victory loan acton and district hit half its objective yesterday and marked the com pletion of the fir lap and over ji12jso0 raised the official time the blitz bomb went off wai 6 41 pm and officials went to work on hundreds of coupons to see which estimate came closest the winner was finally determined rr be mr george stewart willow st whose guess was just mln- utes out he wins a j23 war savings certificate we were told his estimate was actually made hy miss reta stuckev who has been an invalid at the home for several vean congratulation to both of them and now for the next half there ii be another blitz bomb contest afult page ad savs back the i ocal bovs 300 reasons lor acton district fourth victory loan and lists alphabetically all the district men and women in the armed services the ad was sponsored by acton creamery tree presnl w agar burrs g w benton hnudu s bmuns drug store browns grocety i lliott bros hutirils drug store hintons johnstono and rumlcv lovell bros i b mac kcnic and son macdonald bak crv masalcs dairy massevs meats t t ncllc groccrsi pal l b d ruchlln mtss k 50 years ago takea trasst the tsetse of site free prase of hay a ims the laurlef demonstration in the arena toronto attended by 1000 waa an inspiring rally of ontario liberalism at the animal meeting of the womens institute the following officer were appointed for the year president mrs jus l war- rem 1st vicepresident mrs or gray 2nd vice president mrs a bell secretarytnnsukvr miss j e harvey organist miss turton directors mrs w h stewart mr jos holmes mrs a t brown arid mrs w iji musical committee misses tur ton and wallace and mrs clar ridge social committee mes damesie gamble folsler a bell und ji stephenson thursday the steam boiler in the saw mill at stewarttown ex ploded and completely wrecked the rjotll that no one was killed is ajnlracle since four men were inside the mi at this time ami mr walter mtwson and his son walter hud lust led the boiler room mr wm bescobv was blown clear of the mill a considerable number of cm zens are already sorrv they mi ed for the veturn of licensed barrooms a caravan of gipsies pusmcl through town monday tlicv had ccven wagons with the usual complement of wives and child rcn and extra horses in the out fit the principal streets will be oiled in a few davs tlie dust has been troublesome for a fort night thei mercury was up to 80 the first of may get ready for the visit nf the sanitary inspector by tidying up yards and premises iyiu mothers day is just around the corner and so i think 111 lake this chance to warn er npi tetbe foolod by dh the ilower and finis when monday comes we ii be right back to ui and you knuw what us tire like during ihc other 34 davs us cat like hogs and vanish leaving mother with the dishes lis walk across mas clcun floor with our swampsoiled hip waders us slav out too late and make mummvs neres shriek us arisen on moms llilrrr clarion tail in the om hlllv ht olil fell- nnl null i at mfea green ahoota appear tremble feat they be flattened by the element view with pride the ripening stalks and recoil with horror when the crop turns out to be wild oats some mother are like hens and somewhere betwe tfteee they sit on their offspring untir extremes are all the other no- the kid or either rotted or hall- thers jlke yours and mine oh bakedl other are like cats thev they are not all perfect our mo- hlrtfttheir young reed them well triers they are not gentle little unth they can eat by themselves- xifverhalred ladles vbo lie then give them lick and them fend for themselves let ng- some- mother swear beer and run around drink town rosell symon hardware tnl not hardware toth s shoes re pairs watson dairy wilds home bakery royal cafe and william cooper meat and intoxicating liquors come in for rationing this may new cement steps ale being placed at the town lull en traucc the old stage which can lid his majestys mall from guclph to erin has dlsppeared it has been replaced by an untodalc motor car with the old stage it required one day to make the trip and a- change of horses wear a while flower for moth cr next sunday the best mrinu ment a young man can erect is a clean upright life motors tayt i want to take issue with thlt frtfnrtmvy p tnutihi believe thit it true i believe the great ma- ence even when h p p orlly of people are seriously concerned about traffic accidenlt they earnestly want remedial action but important at it it traffic safety it news district mil ton runner pummufctcr funitcr fire chief sportmrun voldger umj an active tiurtufpant in manv community sffair william t reinclcll has been cliown mil tun tieen or the ycix he will ik honored at 1 banquet may i u up on time ik comes home and take an extra bis wedge out or the cuke mit has baked tor the church tea us spill umv un our dean hloirses uul chuck i hem mm moms laun drv us decorate dmirkmihs lhairbucks nd fjorswith our clothes becuuse mtim etn a bltf kick oiit of put linn ihinus awav us drive mothu null i up the aall dailv mother come in lliree uc reyular large nnd familv thev come in several shades red with rajje white with frar and jjrav with exhaustion some are thin and hols look ins some are rolv pulv look ins but evcrv single one of them is a martyr and i say it without irony martyrs are people uho wtrc burned at the stake tiist oner mothers- burn all day and every day mo fliers ait hkc fanners thev plant thi seed carefully in the only ground thev have to work their children nurture it with iarc watch with deep delisht as the tirt i lets pky brid i i by bill coat there is a reluetunee among non duplicate plascrs in play no trumps contraels i suppose thev have been caught hv the op ponents long suit at one tune or another duplicate plavers however love ra trumps contracts since the extra ten points for the first tuck le 41 instead ot w em mean the dlftercnee between a top and an averuge when it comes to minor suit contracts the rubber bridge player should agree with the duplicate plover whv trv for an ii trick contract when a 9 trick mod mothers bear drink eu and run around the block look ing for their kid at upper- time some mothers and i hate to say it at this semisacred time are slobs they sit around drink ing coffee in their bathrobes the only time they get out of their slippers is when they go out to play bingo they whine inosani iv at the kids and husbands their household gods are the can opener the freezing com partment and the television set thev have runs in their stock ings curlers in their hair and aching backs some mothers are just the opposite thev are out of bed like a roman candle in the morning and continue to ex pludc at regular intervals all dav thev drive their kids and bully their husbands ifhev re itecorate at the drop of a color chart they move the furni lure around then join clubs und terrorize the other moth ers in them thejrilee down the short corridor of life u though pursued h molten lava and mind their own buslnea and hnmd out cookie there are saint and sinners golfer and gadabouts nagger and upper and nippers- among them but theyve le m and ian be forgiven any of their lit tle foiblet thev iuv4hc women bore children proudly played with them joyfully taught them carefully and walloped them with aching heart when thev hud to thev are the mother who nuts ted their children with tender ness when thev were iii hlnad their bumps when they fell lis tened to their trouble with vm- pathv and showed them the beauty and the joys of life thev are the mother of whom voung men whisper for whom thev call with anguish when thev know they are dv- ing in war thev are the mo thers to whom voting girls bring their irsl fragranrkjvb alfair on whom young wive call lor help thev are the real mother god bless them tor what they have done in this world and tx wanithemwitha peipeluul mb- thers day in ihc next professional directory and travellers guide medical funeral directojta dr w o c kenney physician and surgeon i office in vmon block 41a mill st e aelnn office phone 1932111 residence iis church st e phone mji6a4 phone msojvtntght or day bruce e shoemaker ugr gloomy people mutt be asked also to admit thit they are neither perfect drivers nor traffic eiorithitisprobablj the hurdle smthy is mothers day mother day thit sunday i n oppor- unity for all of us to make up for th lttl lhank yous we forgtit throughout the year motherhood is often called a blessed slate but itt problems must at least equal ill rewards not enough site must bear us she must lo rear us wipe runny noses change un pleasant diapers hold frightened htnd she punishes when we are wrong and praises when we are right on her falls the re spomibimy of instilling m ui the moral and legaj pmtclpels that make of us strong and worthwhile eduhs cven then her job is not done our prob lems the troublvs of our friends arid even luelly those of her grandchildren ll fjli on bet willing shoulden her n valuable eupcri eke is sought on a coinhen volume of subjects aitd omen oh so often it i tm possible to enpress t full nasuro of thentu end gratitude to her a special day for mother eena nly war ned a a m of tact me preciiee af honoring mothen n custom that goes back to early history centuries he twxiii- wti nyc- hets were held in a wo ant rrvereine by cknese familres aiknt rwm rhiwee prs wcr tctr i 1 1 nj n nrtuel festival m rxki of miun th miv tfsercoddess mexno s nehuan lrdians ttd flower festivals for chitumehurttl the larlh mother goddess more than 1 000 years ago during the early 17th century m england boys and girls working away from home were allowed to spend mothering sunday wttrrlheir families in north america mothers dny i trcd tied to miss anna m jarvis a pluldclclphij sunday school teacher she held a memorial service for her own mother at the methodist church in philadelphia in 1908 and the idea of honoring mothers spread rapidly s years later president wilson signed a con gressional resoluti6n setting aside the sec cpd sunday of every may as the ofheial mo ther s day and its celebrat on soon bet tme popular in canjdsi too do forgot to rem nlnr moth r n mother s day say thank you tor h tier vori tn a year nj sirtce the moment you wore born r fo tne pie depertmnt sfkig clean we 4v not teed them using the tadar nt scqumrd taai y a gcwnl v tensive spring roundup of tl cowhoys and car ockeys will go a loog way towards mak ng ihe f reefs safe for the children trtrfealnans titrt sttiiknts will he- seeking hiyh vehonl 1 1 ae c tun model u nexi all the ineivaisc would up the rrpktrahon to i 05 j ir slightly more limn the elesijied lupuotv of the vchoun stri i tsvili e ftirntr o p p ofheer rav himtpin ul bi id idil his hien unpointed chief cuntahk futliiwint he resiunjlion uf thief e n ted rutlcdirc effective july i mi ruiimiikt uill eon tliuie on the lone i deputy chief oak vii i vaiuljlh contine wanton dcmxialmn of puhlie kihimls in oakillt the most rceent mtlhreik happened at wisiainh puhlie vhml win n nnatlen mule- n shamhlcs o the sehoot usint mihiiils pixpairtd in a lining and seltoi avvotialion hake ile in m h ilk stie ihiv lliaw iced cakes ayamst hlaekhwrtk mrampron hiamplon mich sehool siudentv staged i somik hike 1 1 tun home to oianpevillt und hiek with 27 nl the 102 stuteis imishinc llu mnithon put mure lhm su nf thnu etimpleted the tnsi hill nl llu ourne hie of the leathers went iloiiy btit ik did some rntoiihaiul piipaiation by sua king his feet in solutionslor ihiiv eta ptloi tu iim walk offer pamphlet need home fire tscape plan lo von and voir family heve a pi eui range d ptvin tor escaping fiinn our honw in the event ol i lir l ou luoke tonight to hint v mi ihhim on tux how would son gv i mil safi is in help sou in ike su h i plan i ik ii tilt mi l tkintv i in preset tl u mull ill iii mhl itliill with the out m i s iittv i igus h1 iieinilv tsviktl i nainphkt mil limn th hasu slips to n taken in mu my up a liu isape plan tin ui httriu ll is vailed plan mn i njr this pjmphlct will be wulvtv thsiiihuiod thnkigh 4 it u n i mutts copies t the pamphlet ht o li h wn ets safe fo te children arid porce hve been lokfuctintj excasknai car safety checks as swell the acton free press fumssbmi ky lite dmapvemkks eeai pwaletfceae ces lm loundrd in 17s aixl puhltslieel sry ttajrwlas at 54 willow st acton ontann meeseerof tfte audit rurreu of rtrrulatlans thr v w nx and the qntanooue disishja of the own a adsettlsku rale on request subscriptions payable in ashtance tvoo in canada ko in enttand and other comrnanrealth countries 15 00 in ih itnitcsl siatrs and oihrr fvungn countnr mb ssopanttst tturhm as sec cuss maiirrref chitti drpertinrnt ottawa tea eirty payer er faabllalknl ka actao aaam g a dill emtosfcoim ja oe r dills marufinc editor susins5s and editorial office phone 8332010 illlnfc uiui uh if tur depart tiunt om uhtl jiiiiis ltrs mix twprnd un xlwttur r mil im h u ii msf pu alltmh pi inning tirr rs4ps tmitc id us in ih inl of tlrr is t pnnir imrsirtjiki it ls rtul ininoitini to tukr steps to prmrnt irrrs trom starting flus or rubbish near lh turnui fjulls vsmntf travrd mrsiniji iiuslv liiiltv hraiinjz ciiuipahiii mipnnrrls sioml ir- ttjnunahu viiiokinij in hed un- tnl thhisrkixping nituhcs with- in ihr rrjvh ot hildrrn t tut llic a plate tu un foresf fishing on new stamps ru post ofiut npitiiiiin hv il in iiuis4il tntoiiniihin on llu iu v ivsiviiil anil lhrtiml i 11 lu ismh jursml i liiuhslh stamp tmhwu on salt ijii miv 2 ttust ncss sumps stiovsintf m piivlruil ot oucrn lhabclh esc iiilcd hv enicsl rmhikl montreal ait tht last slampv in the srru s ol low i nniiiiiiiinn iljinp h inic v sain stu htncc minor suits are looked upon us 1 way tu product trltks at no tnimps this is hoard numntr 4 trom last weeks action at tht alioii brldao club dealer west both sldts sulntrahk north sa i llk 4 da k in k 6 c 9 3 west i ait sin ft so 7 s i mo ml 1 ii i ft 2 l- o 7 4 2 ii vn i n t j 4 a ii 7 5 2 south s k 4 ii ul l j s 1 k o ft west north i sit sooth piss ii pis s r pss int all piss sngiestid hltldtny sjorth vviiti a tfmitl orhnmti hut and a good suit opens oih dli inond east cannot mention tuh- as the suit dws not tontain i nomgh plavlng ttitks vmlh s tap to 2 no turnips stwiws i hilantttl haiul intl 2 in ii points sjorth should now lisik n in ittallmiiuls in littks allwlioinp and raise to 1 no trumps west should open a htart s tut tht dianuinds have hern hid thi onlv lime to lead a suit but hv ihc o at no inimps is when your suit is solid tcs o j 10 9 xl in spite of the had diamond splij south can lake ii irn l ami did so hmh lirnes tht siso dr 0 a garrett physician and burgeoi corner nf willow and river sl lntraacc river st acton onl phone 8530341 dr robert d buckner physician and surgeon it wellington si atlon ont rijonc 153140 jjrraaooee orroubtmun e i buchner o d optianetrlst loiiiati lenses heating aide 6 john st s acton in atlon wednesdays only 2 0upm u0 pm lor appointment phone i431ml ii no answti plums waterloo 74417 travtmar ounw gray coach unes physician and surgeon 2 main street north corner msin and mill street acton ontario phone ollite smlto res uiuii dental dr h ieib flental surgeon dili r c oiixr mill and i irdriu k sueels lllir it hii t by a p nnl mm i letrphchic moih os a j buchanan dental surgeon letite 0 church st e uttue hours a in to ft p fit arire miavb aotom davlltfllt saving i tint i astbound ft ii am dallv rurpl sun j ml ii 1 i ivnn 111 am 2 hi p m six pjn ft23 fub hit pm j0u pm sun and llul wrtlhfiiind in7 m 12 pm 3v p m s 27 p m 727 pm i p in 1 1 12 p in i 02 a m sat onlv iun in v toner ot last star lath ol tin tt mips bears in the up- prr ittt hand tomtr a symbol hay on roof constable mcrsin harness r the atton op p vnthnxnl plas- ed nursemaid to three vninigshrrs monday evening he caught the thildrrn playing on the roof e4 atton home fumuhliuj store and drove thorn home after gtv- ing them a warning he rec a complaint i rum a taunt in the buiiduu tgniru ut the canadian eson otm la tree ilak portiaved w tlic new twtvcenl tiamp i a tree svmbolk ol ca nada t lotssirs n lousi pio ilittlt iihiusiiics hi the mm ihirt trni tlamp iherr it a tish lpnrventaliye nl the tishmtf in dustry the new twtvteot stamp wth he green in colour n the present one but the threetent ttamp will he purple the post ooke department rtpramed that the thange in cilnur was made nevrsarv because of confusion that reaullash rout- the i in colour of the present lour tent and five cent stamps at the ume time a the change m colour the post office department also en deavoured tu have the colours made much deeper and lo secure mki m which the tonal values wo caoily be kkautad was piaved at no trumps one pair tried five diamonds whub t an make hut was down ni a tis p pl the h a umci wednesday sllernooa telephone 531 7vj canadian natiomal railways ililil sms ni tim i thciiind ft sft 4 111 i i toronto daily a ept saj sun 7 u a m to lotonh ilallv rscrpt sclli 9 2 i in tlally c si rpl sunda and monday duest tihioettumi lor owen simnij cli 7 42 pin iii toronto dailv t scrpt siindes- fl ui pm to toronto huntav on lv 10 2s pm lo torfioto dairy hoa i kirgelow milv wftrhmirid ill m lo hlutford dailv r rpi sun ft 21 p rn i slrslfifd two spedes ust makine it firantetl tlie diamonds tiit break vers- poorrv bill whv liv lor ii irkkt when t will ito ii one suit hrrafis hadn ysm have other cards to fall hack upnei we were pleased in welcome tiir new comers froen fieirvrr town last week mrs hojienham k ami miss lngan swvrr tht wu ners on april 2eih miss ltti and mrs fibbnns were ihc other iwo n of the four cht mrs uollenrskk hod plev ed dunltratc bafnsc ictial th ac pl huh wi roaimue duphcate games on monday night till ihr end o june so tfanvone else would like to try dupllrale bndc- pleasc drop in no advance not ice is necessary tw weeks winners first mike lorussn and earl etnond tied srjth mr kae ctmnbell and bui coat third mr and mrs duke wuseav c uathftlanc ac barrister taod vilitilor notary public ollitc lluuis 1 am 12 p m i pm 3 ptn saiurdais hy kppointment only phone otlitc iytiiio rea i 4s at tne j amaioa ba kuniitr solicitor nourr public office hnprs te acme v monday friday evenings e pm pm saturday i pm s pm 21 poukrv si gtarlafi oeiaiu paeaa ta so office hoar la guelpo aaiurdey f aja 2 un rl rtcepi sa and slui tnt pin itails rstept suralav 12 a m to slraljted dally escept kat tur further irtformsttoel cael your intel agent lv2el apwtaremnt anp iimemamol i i wiiomf 20wiihsir si asrwv oatsno pbotie mmtfjo appraiser and over so year ka riiiahitsurrni david w gohn 0 c 11 yeseaf street comer of arthur a youauj se ottice hour by apestssemi t j

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