Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), May 16, 1963, p. 8

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yh 1 rt7lf fj jffiii iff gr wwjju75phstos- s -fj- spsipse5bis- yte2x l st i hw following article wn written by re gw m tr national educltlenel sttrtf- mry of fh i ode w reproduce it hare bmm of tha dertty il provide on the delebniiuri of two important canadian hk nw dee the nation oldett and perhaps most i patriotic holiday was firtt celebrated in ims tyventytws yaera before the i of canadian confederation because the it still aatociated with pleasant spring weather bursting firewalls and feelings of pmf pride it is not surprising that it nfy universal popularity throughout the mm mean in ims when the lagltlalure ef she province of canada now ontario end j omit gla the anniversary of queen vrs b may 3 to be t h servance from empire day to commonwealth day practice in this regard however has varied from province to province officially commonwealth day is the last school clay before victoria day a changed viewpoint in connection with the emptrsfhai been admirably expressed by queen elizabeth ii trig commonwealth bears no resemb lance to the empires of the past ii is an entirely new conception built in the highest qualities of the spirit of man friendship loyalty and the desire for freedom and peace it is well for canadians to remember that the commonwealth at present includes sixteen member nations and the many de- pendeclet of member nations the common wealth it a free partnership of nations whose thego0b 20vears ago taken from the issue of lb free free of thursday may ii 145 mrs alex k mann received word during the week irflu iter brother ft sgt kenneth h buck is milling ufter air opera tlmi over germany wliil jilt home was in owen sound he wiii employed wllh the heard more co here at the lime of mi cnlislnwiimn ouobci l40 three nt iiih brailicis are also over sean and number hnithrr siiilon ed nt ilrunlfiiril mr w coles hns lwen appoint ed clerk or lla- division court and halllff siuiceitinti mr i t tliilliitil hi is a veteran or the south afrkun and tirl world warn and alicndid sum mir camp last viar with the le serve armv ills appoiniiniu to this position will inirl willi pen eral approval the lofllh anniversary of the slinduv sihool ol knox piesbv rr thmtrnvtl sunday wllh tpvclnl services the guest minister will be ihe rev john r waldle ol i ondon mine air iicllvltv was wiln ss ed in tin fiilds itl ioitiin k n browns farm whin a pi pe hroiiuht a pilot lo lake hick llu inallilne uioiindul llu wick ik fore and iiiiu lo inicf itsill mow mine ripails have jo he midi lo pel ihe seioid mtttlur awic mi htown had i illicit the lanil lor ihe uniritcncv takeulls tl is sml itiit aiifinic mt n h ice lliouns in uls in inmil in hs iiiutlv because of the cooprra tton iucn tlum in jjctluv the machines haik in ihe ail this is ihne plains in ihe past six months the vichitv i inn ilnses 2i f mil iv i fin 11111 tin soliln rs win afuul ol silnduleit tunis anil hiirte rinks will iimain opin satiiul i alitinimin lot suh seiiptions tennis ifuh officers are presi idnt gordon hinlh uicpitsi dint rionnce sill siititm ri la mninabb tiiasurii inez mililhn smlal uinuiur iliuns uiu1iuls it am iaptuns lulus doti wood nuns mai swnon mmmm 50 years ago taken from the taaue of the free free of may 11 ims a good deal more interest wax taken in in by low to ratte fey 500 for ihe addition to the school hiilldlng at the election on mori dav than wan munlfesl when a similar hv law wan siihmill a veor ago and defeated hv two vote on thlit occalon the by law wo carried by two to one with 117 voting tor the bylaw and v againut the increased scikmii oicominodation u ntvet suit lor our growing ttopulu- lion and required by ihe depart ment ofpducutlon highly gratified with the sin cess of hie volu were the scliool imard merrthem c c speight ihairman jno r kennedy roht scott n forbes and lolin kirtney harold s nlcklln and wnrren ct brown passed their tecond year in civil cnginesrlnit wllh honors howard m blnrk li pisir i al enginierlng wflh honors grn dnales of alton high school under prmiipiil slew irt these miung men are on honor in then home lisun and home skhool hramplun lapitalisls will build i jin km skating and nirlinu link this summer mr alex mann has bought and miiwd into tin house on young si nwiuil hv mr vnnniter flu hmkwork and exterior uoik of the ribiull station hull i is about complited the new building presents quili an im posing appearance miss annie oram nnidunti d last week with honors from io nium generul hospital missrs r s simian i rank and william savers and jercmnh bill took an auto trip to detroit list wnk mr sinilair brought baik a fine mw sludibaker five p issinger car messrs r d warren george town rn dr t a alhirl mooie messrs jno m warren and e j moore ernest warren george beirdmore nnd alfrcil o beard more iame up from toronto lo vote for tile school b law the succis of wluih thev felt was nuissarv to actons progress aabasssssaaasssmaaaabheaiaiasaaaassb t vistmtf htental hoeestel tefdly m tattjhe of nkjma afaw that i wwclet dun- lassay s batti eae- evkmcek psvoduem rlaf m hue- tlovia raaeiisatiotl w sm ndnem they aw ritaskf itw ponder tm asieea of hi ow- ing nebrotlelsnt of today surely we eartt blame u all on the bomb that too ruy i think them are a couple of ingredients a little cloaef to home on which we can fotu ir vte eliminated them we might even eliminate the ssumb i the two elements in modern living which are increasing our population of nut at a frighten ing pace are speed and greed speed is the deity of ihe xhtt icntiiry as surely as money wen that of the lth reason that of the 18th we worshipit cynical- iv but unashamedly otsj rmmai hv mssw ssvsmhd si powrr wwrr sw vasssvssf par ia wasrkim amemasaatkw wpfsnlffm si dtben news around trm district burungtov the town hand is kicking off n campaign to raise iaoooo f a new hand shell propositi lo be erected in central puk ih i hind will laist 1000 itstlf in llu sale of booster decals pitt stam that year a special day in com- m of e good queen has been ob- aerved annually in canada over the yean victoria day has remind- at c not only of a rshpected mon- mssv lurt of the whole astonishing period m a the victorian age here wh e tlrhe of achievement in trade commerce aweitca art invention and espteratfen among fnst vital developments were the laying of the atlantic cable construction of thir laaat canal discovery of the northwest vfeege kptoratlon of africa together with development of the modem railroad steam- hlpsv photography telegraphy electric lights rotary printing press telephone phonoqraprt the sewing machine and the utamabil leteuse the british empire reached its might during the long reign of queen vic toria there was a tendency m canada to associate empire affairs with the queens birthday this trend found its wey into theft i if through the efforts of clementina rwsvmian of hamilton ontario being an nargatic and patriotic woman she begin in i i9b fo interest canadians m the idea of a school day sat apart to honour the british empire as a result in that same year the oomlnloci education association now the canadian education association proposed tfta all attrition of empire day in canadian etheers the proposal met with such strong that in 1859 the first empire day see absifrsd in the classrooms may is tfw last school day before victoria day thug there arose two special dayt one a khgol day irsd the other e lletutory holiday peoples differ in race religion and tradition these ere ell nations earnestly attempting to solve their proolerrjs through toleranci and mutual understanding another interesting development begin ning ten years ago was the use of the word clftistmhlp in connection with the observ ante of commonwealth day this was a na tural and logical step taken to promote con sideration of the privileges and responsibili ties of canadian citizenship since 1953 the federal government lias established victoria day as being on th monday immediately preceding may 75 this change had the advantage of orovidmg a long holiday weekend for canadians at the tame time citizenship day was desiq nated as the friday immediately prerdmo victoria day it should be noted however that in our provincial systems of schools thr fnchy preceding victoria day is known variously as empire day commonwealth day onensii p day or commonwealth and citizenship day a proclamation on january 31 19s7 hy the canadian parliament has added grnlir significance to victoria day this first mon day immediately preceding may 5 was also fixed for the celebration m can via of the birthday of queen elizabeth il so it is that over the past 1 ir yejrs s relatively simple birthday celebration has grown into the observance of two specnl and related days devoted to the honourmq ofqueenv1ctrojb the brrmh the common wealth canadian citizensn p and the reigning sovereign queen elizabeth ii it is to be hoped that on friday mv feqrxpwhviv litt dtirnme eh ir on cath bv kur iherfafezsk little beastilnld us that makes us repulsive if we feed it frustrated if we dont and hpppv only if we strangle it al birth fvcrvthlng is speeding up when i was a kid peopbused to sit around on their rwwche on a mav evening shooting llu breeze then go off to bed soon after dark thev slept all night no pills it you sit around o your front ponh nowadavs all it means is that vou re a hum hiiause if you were anv good voud have enough money so that ou could either he chas- i by am ceete one thing that sets bridge apart from other card games is tlv ex change of information that takes place between two partners faih hid that is made should desuibc a little more accurately to vour partner what kind of hand vou hold now cscrvone is used to listen ing to his or her partner but how much attention is paid tu the infcrrcnccs of the oppopents bidding i would like to show a hand in whuh i did not to mv regret listen to what the opponents old and draw ihe proper cortilu sions board number 2 dealer north- ajfbauat las a j ajl is aw mmm it j ftm nv catmbv wf bat w plbteaft io t sfwoj amaf m4 imdsthllat lut- end in ftseff iftassjjk we refuse to admit ii we speed ta koowilor so that we caw lorn earl the article more cheaply as toon as ihe new method la in opena- llan the price goes tip higher rtwrftead we speed on the mgfv way lo saw lime md scwnd sis mflsttth in ihe hosptul when we fall to make that curve we speed housework whh new gad girls so ihe good wife will hew more leisure lime to sit around with a holtlr or to out and play bingo shopping used lo be a lei surely pleasant part of dally life for women ii was a hang over from the open marktef of less franlcd times at the lee with the grocer putched the meal lasted ihe cheese soueewd the bread thumped the melons prodded the chickens and sniffed ihe pish and above au they chewed ihe fat today shopping is a fright ening souwesiruying ordeal the onlv things the udic can get their hands orrare the vegetable and there isnt much ov in pinch ing thumping or taking a btie out of a turnip where their grandmothers dipped abarui into a bos or barrel to tiste or feel they worriedly read labels or an xlousw peer into those vast gleaming mortuaries which hae replaced the old meat counter from cver shelf in eserv color they are shouted at to hurry be quick hasten grab me buy more and harassed by family sixe special ileal limited lime only 10c off no wonder ihey scuirle about fur tively snatching up packages like hot potatoes and ihrusvitig them wildly inlo thrlr carts everything spells out speed and freed minute rice intiaht cof fee precooked ham ovritteady chtckrn readymis cakes quick froeen fish as a result ihey buy twice as much as thev need in half the time thev should then instead of a mulual- lytuspichius hut friendly tal lying of the mil with ihe gro- rer l du f j sp i he iiarup the grub u wttuk- nf mto hogs the cash regls- fer chatters ifs stacialo song and ihey find themselves spew- rd into ihe street a vast hag in each arm and onlv the vaguest idea of hnw much thev spent i d mke to spend more lime on fhit them but sou ii fuse to rttusf me ivms i r girf to hum int finish itn tiilumn sii i can rush down t the kitchen mv wife wants t know whether i want mstam coffee or iy coma with the pieve a pi instant fill rcadyms crusrl for my msit- night snjik gof to sase tune if i want to md mv honk digest heforr i ft to hrd th nk i tf have a hig tine gnrgunenfa cherse unh the pie tnsunc llrrjms ytiu kruisv professional directory and travellers guide uehkul fvkhul dtwgc kenncy physician and surgeon office in symon block 43a mill st b actoa office phone 15miii residence 115 church st phone tlm giorpiiimn and hi unpiuii will hi nmmiil in mav i9m it was an nuiiikid i isi unk this will add 1 ocx ickphones thil tan be reach id in otki iitiiiiiiwn snbssiibiis uiiiuhii long dlstame charges i illint nr inttliiu iik with anon llutonville snelgnnc and victoria will nut in iluiiid in llu iilililkin brwiptonciiiulis cimlinlli of track and held idyear old n im micinhi ul hi imptiin riliunid honie to a roval welcome aliir imiiirine shut put mil ihsius iiioids at the pan amerlian mi n mi id a inn iliiinn will hi hi id in her honor to raise iiiuiiin i lp ikiiii lui t in in i itbliiii ivpinscs siki i tsmm i a ii6 budtil lot illmg vk6sv up ftlooo lioni i isi i ir nit ills in imii im in tatis lor ratepavers this vear llu i hi will in hj 7 nulls i ii iisiiluiii il homes and vlv mills com mi ii i il indiisui il h im ms in jl inks lor the average taxpayer klll i low 1 1 in il hniisiiii nuns for oiknllc s first world w ii iiii ms u ii uulims mil sinim iiiitns is the newest pront ul llu rn il in i ii in i ii ii munilik nnials are planned at around w mil a pimiiu il til mi is i nl 1i1k bin no ill ruiile dollar lhiii ii is ih i ii si i in ilu 1 1 lctnn mil his mw i urns lull m i uiiuiillv iharlered last week wlun tu ml hi i hpp nun ilisin i iiminui pixsnitid ihe ihartir in piixukiii hitls in us 1 inns in m tiiiehhorin ihibs altindcd mil puvinuil- viu- in miik ilu on isinii seek lome scots ask exmembers to ceremony hlttorkal evolution from empire to com- m has gradually altered m some parta af canada tha twnt of the school ob- 17 and monday may 30 163 canadsns across the nation will hold ceremon es m keeping with the best traditions of empire commonwealth and country the acton free press coua fouatted la uts and pu every thursday at 39 wtttosv t amoa ontarto meraber or the audit bureau of ctttaihuloa- the cwjia and the oatarioouebec rmsjatoav af tfca cwxa aafral ram on rmueat suha payahh m ttraneatxvoo la canada mod it atatsaad and other cearoae countries j500 la th united stalaa ltd other fo c toplea 7c aullwrlaed aa sarobaastmaupost stdllomcier basltoc iimms amp editeat opeictp hon 8 3 32010 i s mi tub is j llu i unit siuls iii i nib ills imiiiii ii it b nd llu piisinl ilu n nl ilu ml ills ll ii iiioiii s lllil tlsllmuis ivhiili i ii b lu m ti tlilim in kltllhi i iu iii ii nt l willi tin win id pi in ii match npu milt hill i 111 i m l si i ih imllaii mill ultli it ii llu pi m ill ilinn m im m iiitvis nl tu pi 1 1 ihilliitn mil ii ill hi lituiiiiis imihtiil ki tiim nl sumii with ilhn cuitili ni in i iiimmon in illh units iml ii knmm i i bii ilisjxtsiil uniss t an it i mil til nlbii iiiniuiiis toll ivi ii i mi bill n ii in i i um in in i x i iii n s t mlllsll viuiw till lltlill ihouts nt itlli pli 1st ilmp us i lllil is s s 11 u ksslbli 111 it ml illts istitld i lllllllll imil l i ii st ik 1 i i i i t iii t oiiini null otluit itmi tlhiikal mis shiillld rs umlssiit iii thi kiiiiii tiiituiin pusin laluiil i nfilfitlii i i ns stnii ri ituiitill the alinimiihs it i tia pet st bi imptiui thi rinmiiiits mw mlors in iluilo battk hniuirs won in thi seoinit wnrlil v 11 mil m- in ul ilithin in hoiiiirs aihuxiil in itv first world war h prrdnessor units whuhtrere imilgimiet o torm the present reaimin the colors will he sunsisiauit blcjj b millar dtrrrtnr of chaplain senurs tpi who will be asvompanied h the right r p h wttkinsnn ftlshnp of toronto the october program now in preparation will feature a guard of honor for ibc queens repres entative october a mess dln- t tr im olltcers and senior ncos on ktuboi d regimental balls for llu is s nior wos and ncos nul all i inks oitoher 10 and the pusiiii hum on october 12 riu unit will he in full dress imiloiin toi the puscniation and ilu pip s mil drums anil milllarv i hi isx nul reed i bind are bring iiiriilit ni itn detail of cere- ni n il uitfftirins and ocxihltrr- uimis a detainment of seleraiis hi i b ilu liuled in the ptinuli fast west vulnerable north s a 6 5 h9 4 1 2 d a k 6 4 ck west east s k j 10 1 s 7 4 ii o 8 6 ii a 1 d10 7 do t2 c a oji c0 6 3 south so 2 hk j10 7 dj 5 c 10 7 4 2 the ridding north east south west 1 d pass i h i 2 h pass pass pass the bidding is fairlv clear cut except perhaps for wests mw call on a four card suit west has almost an opening hid and might well consider doubling however west did not double and i forgot this foct as von will see west opened with the diamond ten won in dummy a hear was led and i plaved ihe rn west won with the queen and led another diamond this was won in dummy and a third diamond was led and ruffed h dectar r with ihe heart lack a chib was led and west took ihe acv ar1 exited with a club the cluh king won in dummv and i led the last diamond mffing with the king a chih was ruffed the spade ace cashed and i isitesl wilh as spade west took two spades leaving this pmltiin as i could see it north hr-i4- dr d a gamctt physician and surgeaa corner of willow and ief sis entrance river si aetoa ont phone hj0m1 l- dr bobetto bucrncr physician and surgeoe wellington st actoa ont phone txtima d t b mootk pliy uluafa ssssm ssafatpmaal 2 mate street north corner mala and mm street ac ton ontario phrase e l svjosmet tto oploaaetriat caatact lenses heerusg aula joha st s actoa la actoat wednesdays oaty im gem sua pasu for aagoaatabeasl ahnast cs3iiml if no asusrer anoae wstrrkjo 7424m7 giay coach sines ausjv actoh dias light saving time office ismito res tsmiu batntal asasngaaass j dt h dental surgeon office corner mill and prederick streets of fur hours by appointment telephone au4wi0 dr a j buchanan dental surgeon ortv w crcft s service clubs to visit track vviral likal serskc clubs luci been united lo spend an cvrninu al the new molussk kanwuc at amphellvllle the lisku tluh has uffered tu name i raie u these cluh honor and puiiuli a trophy the iluh presi dent can present lo the winning ilrncr the traik is starting off to be a nkirssfut financial venture for ihe managers with an average total belting at the windows of 1140000 a night dur ing its first full week of opera tion april 2 to mav 4 crowds ranged from a low 2j00 one cold week to a record 0u a sat unlay night with ntg betting anywhere from tl 0006b to over s200000 weeknigfli crowds hrve been small but the friday and saturday messes have pulsed up the attendance and mutuel fi gures 117 c10 al ihls point west ledthe hcart- elght if ihls is ihe onhr heart thai wrst has i am doomed as fast would have the a a mrr dummy i should due k in dumnis in case fast has hist track a trump if west has a f left i should play ihe nine from chim mv acraatty i plaved the nine and went down one trick i ctiuld say i guessed mi but this is not true for west cannot havr ihe ace of hearts why not given the ace of hearts with everything else that west had aheam with and west has an ap bid west would have doubled f miss ed the mnrenca of the fact thai west did not double dent listen only lo partners as well draw inference not onhr fro wha thev bthuiwhat the m not wa7 fhse sseeks winners first al capper olenn banks serond mrs mary houenback mrs fdo- ria coats third mrs ttewsun offke hours am iotpm closed wssataesttay afiemoon telephoae mji75b c f ieathemand q c arriiter and solicitor notary public office hours- 10 asa ii a i ajsv- s ajgl taiurdays by apaaambmm estly ornce vonao baa tmms actoa aij am daily eacepi sua and mot tit em iij1 am 2m pm samt tvu am- i tl p m i0oj p m uin anj llul l westbound 1027 am msi p m 2 57 pm sj7 pjn 7j7 pm i2 pm iij2 pm 102 am sat only canadian natiorml rabways daylight saving tim- eat thoand tit am to toronto dally ea cepi sat and sua 7jf a m to toronto daily esrept sun j am dally esrept sunda and monday direct connectkan for owen sound etc 74 pm to toronto daily escept sunday f 01 pm to toronto sunday n- fcr 10 jsj p sw in to board at ge only westbound 101 am lo stratforst daily aa- cepi sun a it pm to stratford daily earept sat and sun 704 pm daily esrepl sunday 12 am lo stratford daily escept sat pur further laformaion call your local agant asj24 offlc itosm fa oskssfk siagaeajbawayi liam r t n ssisihasjgssssfe

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