Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), May 23, 1963, p. 7

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mvivmnwrv v country vw a- u 0 va my the m old days sfd 0 wtmltmur if siphgrp 50 years ago oa of tka fraa may jt 191 the cigarette manufacture im portation and sale in canada la to be prohibited at least it ha been announced that hon r l borden wll introduce the mat ter it may not however come 20 years ago 9k setstfm twoyaart aox under th federal govern- menf prlca lupport program there wars 115 million pound of butler in storage in autf mms increased from 228 million pound in 1962 not unnaturally howavar the lubiidy alio encouraged increaaed production from 353 million pound in 1961 to 362 million canada tp aneouraga incnuaclomiimp n refu tho tlon in 1962 ottawa reduced tha retail price imoun of f0l incrmmd t0 of butter by paying a iubldy of 12 cant a pound and tha theory worked up to point on tha average wa ata a pound and half mora par perten total contumplion pbststtjpt a e- canadlan didnt quite manage to elect a majority government on april 8 but they can gain torn latlifactlon from the new re cord high reached in both tha total number and percentage of tha electorate which vot ed tha final count ihowt tha total poll to have been nly fractionally below 80 par- eant comparing very favourably with tha 65 percent vote recorded touth of tha border in tha i960 us prendentlal election of the 7800 vo ceit the liberal received 41 percent and won 129 teal in tha new houie of common tha progreitlve million pound the moral for balancing of production and contumplion a government lubiidy n no lubttltute at all for a free market coniervetivet 33 percent 95 tea li iho new democrat 14 percent 17 teati and social credit 12 percent 24 teatt the percentage ttrength of tho two tmaller partia are little changed from tha june 1962 election although tha new demo crat returned two member fewer than last time and social credit dropped ix tha significant thift wa in the percent age of vote won by the two main parties both having lecured 37 percent of the total in 1962 the four percent gam by the liber ell thit year and the corresponding lots by the p c wet sufficient to produce a change of government thirtce farmer are complaining ab out men engaged in fishing on neighboring streams on sunday thl i a violation of both the stme law and the lord day ct and is punishable with heavy fine the large double house on the rightofwav of the new electric railway on main st owned by mrs huffman was moved to an adjoining lot at the corner of church and main sts this is one of the oldest houses in town it was e 70years ago byjhe late rufus adams sr and was- the farmhouse for hi homestead lying southeast from the second line and mill st this waa the birthplace of a number of real- dents who are now considerably past the meridian of life among them mrs james moore bower ave mr ray watson has passed his final examination at the school of pharmacy toronto with splendid standing victoria day next saturday a holiday for oil the apple trees have been vls- ms of loveliness with their bri ll robe the past week mr n p mclean has installed jin electric motor to run the fans for his blacksmith fires peace sunday was observed in the churches with sermon on international arbitration and un iversal peace mr david wilson of nassaga- wcya sold his heaw team of horses to a frenchman from montreal for a good figure last week now that the dreadnought are to be bought how would it do to put some of them on fairy lake they will be needed there as much as anywhere else swat the f lies thry carty- death about on their huiry legs unci wings of the tim tnmtttnlty may jb 194 the allotment of sugar for canning purposes i set at 10 pound per person the total al lotment tor the district la 9070 pounds the coupons will be maile some time before june i there are requests for 239719 pound of sugar already before the local ration board no addi tional consideration can be giv- en the shipping situation i not improving and now that there is fine weatheralong the atlantic coast it i likely to become worse last saturday acton boy scout were able to earn s25 for their camping equipment through the cooperation of mr e e barr they held a sale or articles donated by him in part of jiljltatj misjeatimaekenxle whowos bern in acton and has had charge of the acton offlceolj b mackeiule and son has join etmhe jtcjtp two young ladies from acton were among the class of 18 graduate of ouelph general hospital training school miss amy anderson and miss jean well it beeit another fatty busy week hasnt it its bad enough moat of the time but spring 4 pitiless in her demands on u she fills a pot with botlina adrenalin throw in a handful of humans just out of the deep freere adds a cahot of newtsope an onion of energy and a garlic bud of renewed promise she sprinkles it with a dash of color and jtwhlff ot scent she tosses in a suopcon of sunshine and stirs vigorous ly with a ladle- of old memor ies until the whole thing 1 bubbling and gurgling st seattle were graduated even though it rained on tu esdovimrr r arnold of the acton public relation commit tee kept hi date with percy evan and presented him with the 25 war saving certificate he won the night before in the blitz bomb contest the 24th will not be observed as a holiday in compliance with the request for fewer holidays this year principal m leitch ond his as sistant and the continuation school girls held a very success ful tag day for the chinese re lief fund a variety program was enjov ed monday night arranged by the united church young peoples society featured on the program were the boys band and solo by dorothy sim mons and douglas priestly oth ofthosc lightning decision tor what she comes up with for people of all ages is a heady brew experience the essence of life it came to our family in threedose this weekmyon look a lesson in economics mv daughter took the cat to the hospital and i took a dozen nice speckled trout we suffer ed anderioyed in about equal proportions hugh discovered the elemen tary thesis that dames are mur der on the money he took a girl to the high school prom tickets corsage and the inevitable post dance snack cost him what he would spend on himself in ab out two months i hoped the les son would register and that hed give up women for life but he is human ond as all such per verse all it did was make him want tu get a high paying job for the summer so that he could do it again und more of ten i think the dance took more nut of his mother than it did nut of him at any rate she was more tired when he left for the dance than he was when he got home this i un derstand is par for the course on monduv my wife made one she snatched use phone called the vet plunked the cat m kim arms and pushed both of them out the dopr when i got home she wa wearing that smug air of decision which caesar dts- b laved th day he crossed the umoastor was la the dela ware dont blame her we had spent a hideous weekend piper the eat wax that way again a huge white torn prowled and howled in the backyard a gigantic black torn yowled and scowled about the front does our dog raced front onav to the other yapping ferociastafy they just sneered at him and retreated not an inch this went on for hour finally i picked up the cat and hurled her out the back door i felt just like the russian parents in those old stories who chased by wolves threw their children out of the s one by one in the hope of slowing down the pursuers to that tho others could gat to safety any way therell be no more of that cacophony of cat-calls- around our place in art effort to save my san ity i went trout fishing t nearly destroyed ihe scattered remnants of my wits in the re discovery that speckled trout fishing is the most awkward inconvenient difficult and in furiating sport in the world my wife and most women consider trout fishing aa the most ridiculous form of recrea tion that exists they are right you stagger through swamp you slip off wet logs into ice water you trip over roots you lose a hundred books you bat tle insect your line b ually tangled around twigs lea es or your left ear you puff spire profane you eat mach- wlth hands generously msxl with an equal mixture of worm- guts and riahgut if you an tremendously successful you bring home enough fish to pro vide a dinner for a midge with an ulcer why do men do it there are several reason first there are no women children of eats on fishing streams there alt no telephones or doorbell jangling their nerve rattling summons it i life stripped down to elemental then are juki you and those atupidr trout its you or them and nine tlmirsourtkfttqrritvyoor dont feel sorrv for the trout thev re pretty with their color ed spots but nobody ever them except other trout who promptly try to eat them and dont feel that they havent a chance against the cruel angler sending a sedentary civilian ag ainst the brook trout is like sending a hippopotamus out to catch monkey with a butterfly net the real reason i go trout fishing at least once a year la that its a ritual of spring that purge the soul of those aim- merings which have built up during the winter after a long dav on a rugged trout stream even civilisation looks pretty good ers taking part were mr bean loldawklnsmrs boan ermu wllderspln gordon bcatty and george elliott which she is famous after two cars oh coping with kittens professional directory and travellers guide rckets bhom m the spring rsckats that bloom in the sprlng ii tha appropriate title of a booklet mued by tha baiter buslnas bureau outlining tome of the many unscrupulous selling activities undertaken by itinerant salesmen thit time of year north helton has had itt thara of travel ling repairman building material talesmen and other opporlunitt venturat or vulturst who charge exorbitant rslei do inferior work and commit a fsw crimei on the tide not all transient repairmen and door to- door talesmen are untruttworthy of courte but there ha been enough evidence of the unicrupulou one to make mott district reti denlt view with tuspicion every smooth- talking pitch man homoownert should lie especially wary of the people- with ihe wonderful offer that t available only if they sign the contract im let it to aden council at their moating ft week agreed to offar the crown assets corpora tlon 10000 for iho old pott offico building councjl ha estimated 15 000 in renovation cost will be required to prepare th building for occupancy by the town since the town has seen tit to offer 10000 for the property it it our only hope crown asset will not accept the tender we havst heard tlie point advanced by council for ilia purchase of the building for municipal mediately or iho lino that wc ro tolling you thi at lei than cot in order to oncour- age talat among your neighbors then there are the chapt with a host of verbal promitet which are never found in tho written contract and the ones with the line that you ve been telecled for a valuable free gift but these are old approaches and per hapt thit year theyve concocted something new and even mora enticing the tafett action for any householder before he or tho tignt any document it 10 check with local merchants and tradesmen for comparable pricat in almost every cate the bargain comes from theto establuhed and reliable businessmen not often from the stranger at tho door whose fast talk is designed to secure a fatt buck for himtolf purposes we have hoard that every other possible avenue for additional space for municipal office has bean explored we have heard another purchatar of the building would demolish tha present building and tirnrt a new building in it plarn news district burlington a new j2j60 kcfpert will soon be available fur town police its described as a motorcycle with a big box on the hack nnd will he used to help control traffic and issue parking tickets pulicc find it handier than fool pulrolmen glorgetown the children of today ore no liflcrcnl ihm tlitv wen in yesteryear they still have a natural uffinitv tor wet cement councillors admitted its a tough task to keep the kids jwiv the town foreman has thrown up his hands in disgust ror he s fiat liitf trouble finlshinp the new sidewalks be fun the youngsters start dceuiiung the freshly laid cement brampton the town s present population growth has been estimated at 260 people a month the planning board has just ap- pnned draft plans of two new sfibdltisions and a third is unelcr con strucjion that will bring ijxomcw homes to the city oakvilll a sludv is being launched into oaktilles iralfie uiil uuids ststem that will determine the towns needs fur the next 2j to n tears coil to ihe tuwn is about 13 750 while the ivmaininc 75 pel cent of the 55 000 survey will be pruvineially subsidized milton tint n council took i hefty swing it increamiij eilu e nioii nims last week the councillors knocked 47 500 olf the csti mated 207000 price or purchasing and renotatiny and uddinu an audiluitum to the martin st high school which the public school hoard hopes to huv for a souor public school then ihcv cut approtal un a 700000 high school board request to 450000 hints on culture many roses face failure wrong location planting rutsthrisevlj p by bub coat medical distributional hands can be a blessing or a curse it all de pends on how they work out here is a board that caused all the east west players some grief this is board number ii with neither side vulnerable tho dealer was souht north s k 10 6 5 3 ii k 6 5 2 d 4 2 c west east s a j 2 s o 7 h o j 9 4 3 h 10 7 d void d a k o 9 6 3 c a j 10 5 2 c k q 4 south s 9 4- ha d j 10 s 7 3 g 9 7 6 3 prnhablc bidding south west north east pass ic pass 2d 211 pass in pass int pass 41 pass 4h pass 5c pass pass pass we believe the interests of the town will be better served if the old pott office build ing is not acquired for municipal purposes we think thara era other rti in which fur liter municipal office space can be ac quired if mors space it necessary the acton free press r-uallehas- by tits 11 rvaatkag east r rl oat lai founded la 1175 and published aver thursday at 5 willow st acton ontario member of the audit bureau of omiutietu the cwna sad the oatartouebc division of tha cwna ahttsjag rate on request sulsstiiamkm payable in advajtcsvum in caa losbtf w inla t- otic list vnhco zscmcs i copies 7c authorlawd a second class uiu ftast tiititiinnnt ottstvu 11 g a dttb bdhorjcurf tfcvtt h dw hiaigitsj editor bus1nis8 and idltotmu omici hon 1537010 pin of ihe most popular hrubi xuilj purshimil tir spnn- puinl inn hv hal ion hoi tieowner i llu ntsc unltrtunalclv a luryc p iirittttti tl hi rust privntly htm plained will not hluuni putperl bciauac or inimiuimtfc mint the ideailncarmn for rmes k utinx i he ix is a tit n lie tuipc to i ik mhith ti mi hortkuliurt with the ontiilo drpahiitrut ol ayiuiiltuic uhisc ihjt the mlc shiutii hv minnv jtlldiaiiictt and pmicitid ironi inl rtpiir irvlet a ikh deep oil that i vudttiuud roth hravy and huht soils ma he nude mine suitable lor itmwing rotx by diliymt in qiiantilus ot iirgaintx nut ui suth s irll rrtitrd mn ure it manure is tmohlatinaihle use it at i in mid or prit ami sup- pununt with ttrtwmg if a ktl amed icrtihrr in artrape vul the i air of applkaiithi khotild he about j ih per ion square leet i low la fujii as sin as ou incur mir hush s unpai tv them id mmiv them in watir and plant inmr diatelv it the hrds are h nradv the mat he heeled in hv dib- cinc a ttetuh et them close to- tether and imrr taith so i at 1m hate vtav up tleir vtcm when -ihe- rfi a dijp bole urjje enotifh to allow rose hiivhen phintrd in the vpnng should he tut back to 4 or invhis from the ynnnul uli ilkr plant nitf is finished this hilps prodtilc lumpult will hai ancld plants fifth bible school for reformed church calvin christian school soc ictv is holding its fifth annual vacs inn nihb lhil thi picmw notice that i have said pnibablc- bidding not suggested bidding the acton bridge club hul its biggest night of the year with six and a half tables in ptiv this hand was played six tunes und no one stopped at less than live clubs every eat west suffered defeat the best lead by north is the diamond tour dummy wins and ilctlarcr gets rid of u spade if everything breaks declarer can plan on ruffing a diamond u sot up the suit a hw club to 10 and club back to dummy when declarer und the 4 1 split in trump he must change his plans he has five club trick three in diamonds and nut- sure trick in spades he needs twu more tricks und can onlv get them in hearts another high diamond is ud and the tpaclc lack is slutted dp w g c kennev physician and surgeon officer in symon block 43a mill st 6 acloa office phone 1532111 reaidasce 115 church st phono as3im4 oft d a garfiett physician and surgeoi corner of willow and river tits entrance river st acton ont phone u34mi or robert d 8uckner physlclws and surgeon 39 wellington st acton ont phone 1531240 or t b moore physician and surgeon 2 main street north comer main and mill street aetna ontario phooe ohioa m2ii0 res 1534135 mntal or h lei dental surgeon office corner mill and frederick streets office uour try appointment tstaphon 1534mi0 ha j buchanan dental surgeon off st b church st e rtrnttvju onbcrou rf phona mbssfj night or aa bruce e sitoamakar mgf orroustkum from tuesday july 2 till friclav july 12 for the second consreu tlvc time acloo public schoftl board has made available five rooms in the robert utile school classes will he held from a in to j p m daihr members of the young people s icietv of ihr rehoboth chris han reformed church will work this week and next on a hraite tivtsuusc campaign to enrol ihe thtldren from sis to 12 vears old cost of attendance is free as the operating coat will be borne bv members of calvin christian schaol society and members of ihe rrhnboth christian reformed church last sears steady dalrv at declarer leaves the other dia tnond in dummy to stop the suit he does not need another dis card dummys last club is led and overtaken with the ace the i ick of club removes ihe last of the outstanding l rumps and hearts is led declarer still has a trump and ihe space ace tor control the high diamond in dummv serves as control there i think most player went down because they did not deve lop the heart suit soon enough if incls are req in a side suit then that suit should be started as soon as trumps are nut dnnt l all vour side controls before develop a suit this weeks wi first i o lea hour aja to p m closed wednesday afternoon tclaphona 1531730 lkcat c f irathrhand o c barristar and solicitor notary public oh ice hour 10 ajn 12 pro i pa 3 pas saturday by appointment only 15ji743 e i buchner od optomatrit contact lenses hearing aids 6 john st s acton in acton wednesdays only 2 00 p m e00 p m for appointment phone m3104l if nu answer phona waterloo 7424u7 twavaulbs ouidf gray coach lines coacstdu utavb aotroh dayllght saving tlnvts eastbound 33 am dally except sua and hoi im am iij3 ajni 201 pm sm pja1 j3 pan 133 pm 1001 pan sua and hoi westbound 1027 jt1 1237 pm 2j7 pin 527 pm 727 pm 9 12 pm i1j2 pm 102 am sat only canadian national railways daylight saving time eastbound aan to toronto daily ex cept sal and sua 7j1 am to toronto dally except sun 952 am daily except sunday and mondav direct connection for owen sound etc 742 pm tu toronto daily except sunday 1 01 p m to toronto sunday un- i 1023 p t tmun board at georgetown only westbound n 1 01 am to stratford dally cepi sun j1 pmvto stratford daily except sst and sun 704 pm dairy except sunday 1249 am to stratford dally sat for further information our local agent 1532450 office 1531330 acton t iasnt ill rrti5fc3 therools to spread out n4tvutr d mto five rlsisei vnhmtoi w the swolle area of the s teacher will be mrs jnlni strut mrsttonn van barneveldt alter checking the patient a aaalca kufc rh pu just abote ihe mots should be set about an inch below the soil surface firm the soil around tha root to ensure good ancttoraae a thorough soaking should be given to heap theare latlllka1 mr thss kremer mrs john looven- sa and mrs hank llarmsma some- of their able assistant will be miss tinl vos miss hen- tsr siulp astd miss aafta oostro too many checking the the physidan atkad have you bssmrtag ornsaj iilr well voull bar to cut ft out for a vvwle omes rleatra a aetna monday friday evstaiagt satssislay 1 pcatl 5 pnf 21 rsssvl2 sf fa lals oatano f u wright 20 wilbur st acton oatano phoaa h3a720 over m year in ac tav4stmj art otmlsh i llajav tataljctavaawaubv svfks david w c50hn dc 31 voting slrast cstessar ot artaur ya ofavsi taotm bt wltabg mt11ti pfwcs jasyiiijasiii- sji

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