Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), May 30, 1963, p. 1

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i ty- veerno actont ontario thursday may 3mh 1943 4y ismaartslaata- twelve peoee h cant 1 vmakmhh driver of thli inmr city irtntport truck escaped iniury wedneiday afler- rtoon when hli vehicle wai involved in an accident with a gravel truck from georrjetown the tramport ifruck a ditch at the end of the driveway to the cedar spring motel and the front dual wheeli were tmathedoff and extentlve damage done to the reit of the truck a large jew truck from kitchener hauled the tractor away another tractor from kitchener branch wooked on to the trailer decorate graves sunday parade service thu sunday june 2nd la dec- oratlon day in- acton hundred of cltlaent are expected to join in the outdoor service at pair- view cemetery end decorate the grave f their loved onea acton cftlaeni band will head the parade again thli year fol lowed by ouelph sea cadets band and ouelph pipe band thou in the parade including acton council roval canadian legion memberi firefighters l ox member repreaentatlvc from the duke of devoethlrc and lakealde iodb ehaptcni leg- ion ladle auxiliary w ben boy scouts anigirj urownles and cub u many blher will form up ut the cnr atution und pnriule to alrvlew cemetery at 2w pm at the cemetery mayor lei duby will welcome the crowd and a brief service will he held under the sponsorship of ihv acton ministerial association at the conclusion ot the rt-rr- munv graven will be decorated by the sponsoring orugnltations lit fulrvlcw dublin and pioneer cemeteries the committee in charge- hop- en many will take part in plac ing flower on graven either prior to or following the on i door service at the cemetery truiliman of the decoration day committee i albert irwin and he la audited by lecrctary mrs alex orr and treaiurcr mrs george hargravc a well a a number of other memberi decoration day lervicci ore poniored by the mayor and memberi of council acton branch 197 royal canadian leg ion the ladles auxiliary to the legion lakeside and duke ol devonithlre chapters of ihc io de the womeni institutes of bannockhurn dublin and acton acton firefighters acton citi- cns band and the loyal orange lodge no- 47 order of the parade will be group no i acton citizens band town council royal can adian legion orango lodgr cubs croup no 3 ciulph pino band ladies auxlliuv in ihc legion women institute iq de girl guides brownies group no 3 guclph sen cad et bund aelon firelighters roy scouti wj study provisional bylaw at planning board meet council withdraws bid for old post office building actun cumuli tuesday even ing withdrew lt offer to crown assets disposal corpora tion for purchaie of the old poit office at a hid of tloooo during a atormy three and a half hour reunion a letter from crown assets sparked the heated debate when it wai learned actons offer of f 10000 was appreciated but fell shirt of the appralied value of the building by 1111000 the cor poration slated in the letter it wai willing to whittle its luggeit ed price of 121000 down to 125475 if the town wai interest ed the letter requeued councils intentions since information on file indicated others were inte rested in obtaining the property tempera flare during the lengthy discussion on the subject tempers flared and a procedural hassle involving mayor les duby reeve h h hinioh und councillor hugh lowe look place muyor duby spoke first on the subject and said council hail urged other boards to be con servative in their expenditure lie suggested lhal council had against their better judgment submitted an almost prohibitive offer now i guess we will haw to forget it he stated he told council members it would be heller tu clear the air in view l ihc- bank of nova scotias policy not to bid against the town he recalled councils main aim in bidding 110000 wai for a certain amount of control we have no guarantee there will be a fine bank building erected there now i guess we will have to join the rest of ihc cilliens and sweat it out until we find out who gels it he concluded offer to match councillor alec johnson ask ed administrator jack mcgeaclue lo clarify the towns position if they bowed out of the picture is our position clear will we have an opportunity tu match the highest bidder lie enquired the clerk explained if die- town refused the written offer the building would he put up for public bid und if the best was higher thun councils f 10000 offer the town would have a eecond chance to mutch hie highest bidder he stated he did not have this in writing but wus of the opinion it was the procedure as far a can go councillor brie johnston term ed the 24473 figure u most undesirable offer and said wc have gone us fur as we can go to put it mildlv public reliction is most unfavorable councillor alec johnson stated the public- might lake u different view ii aware uf remarks made ut the committee meeting when ihc re commendation to put in a bid was mode we still have nn lawarn mimam a retarded returns slow in acton area appeal a provisional draft for u rcvlv cd reining bylaw wus studied on thursday evening muy 2j bv members ol the planning board al the meeting were iwo repre sentatives of ihc newlyengaged f irm ol consultants prolect plan ning associates toronto mr per- civul and mr flood who discuv sed the lenlulive bylaw cairtully with members mr pcivival said in pivputinii the bvlaw he had nol even stud ied the previous tine in order to uvoid uny contusion the town hud been carefully studied in or der lo determine ihc piupcr rones for each urea each member was handed a copy and studied the proposed byluw page by puge outlined during the evening were the delinilions ol the vari ous classifications of housing and terms referred to a schedule nl ivsidcntial one tvuuiiviucnlv the various tines depicted on the map general provisions lo all ones and land uses each member was instruilcd to ivview the drall copv tor nues liouing at ihc next inceltiin ull new zones proposed t lasilkuhins include in ihc ivsidcntial areas rl r2 continued nn page three financial return in the 1463 campaign ol the north hulton associution for retarded chil dren are coming in very slowly in acton president g c addison noted this week to dale acton and district residents nave con tributed only 49 of the ftmt donated by the entire north hul- lon area including georgetown millon esquesing and nussu- iiawcyu townships the associations school ul hornby has iwo students irom aelon among the 15 enrolled und an active ladies uuxillary in ac ton hus actively promoted the associulions work here tor sev eral years no door can- vuss is being conducted this year but all residents received bro chures blank cheques ami re turn cnvelupes in live mail iwo weeks ago donations can still be accepted anil will be needed lo- realize the 9000 goal or ihc association for this years school operating ex- peuses unii lo wipe out u v000 mortgage on the school dona- lions nr service club cheques should be sent to box m6 acton interest until the last ditch re marked councillor lowe refere lo lellere councillor j bert wood re ferred lo critical letters in the previous weeks paper und wondered what the publics reac tion would be if council decid ed to spend 100000 on a new building thais what it woulj umount lo the choice between spending 121475 plus 15000 tor repair or twice- us much for a new building he staled there urc u lot things the public arc nol aware of which happened ul committee level stressed councillor alec john son we are being called a bunch nt sol heads by the public i dont figure we should be in fluenced too much by anony mous writers especially those wlui havent the gumption losign their names silted mr wood in continuing he said i feol there has been a definite lack of information given the public regarding why we intend to spend 10000 if we listened to everyone who said we are out of our everloving heads there wouldnt be anything done mayor duhy hoped ihul council would be given some credtl nd intelligence for lung hours spent in policy inuking- we try to do what we think belt for the com munity- he remarked the debate reached a climax when a doublebarrelled resolu tion wus sponsored by councillor hugh lwe and albert irwin lo withdraw the 10000 hid on the post office and notify crown as sets corporation the lowti would ull consider matching the high- i est offer during public hji the two sponsors and a j lor alee jolinson voted in the ufflrmulivr when the mayor call ed for u negative vote and count- ed hands he declared the motion lost councillor lowe argued lining- continued on page three at at bethel church tenth anniversary of congregation coincides with pastors leaving then were two cause fur the friendly- ctmtireyilumul oathcr- inu ui rcltvlil chrhluin rclnrni- cd clmrih saturday evening under the mmirlnu root ul iliflr ncurlycumplclcd new church the crowd uuthcrud in the buvement to iiilirk the tenth unnlverinry of ihc imirulinu ol the conureuii- tlon und uuo lo hid lure well to the rev jelle nutmu the popu lar pitlor or the pul our veurt mrs nulrna iind heir three child i en reprehentiitives ol the organ ltiun in the church poke in turn a uw words concern iiy ihe rniniler clarence kiinvminsa lor ihe mens mhricly mrv a l-ele- rink lor ihe liidie iciety albert vlielmra lor thr boy club mis rena schiiifor the ulrls club john oslerhol lor the vimin people ii ve itc in u lor calvin christian school society und john kummintfu lor the con- rtistory autu id dutulau the nulrna were presented with a cabinet ol silver a lloor lamp and a leather wallet they moved monday irom i lie pirmn- aye lo dundu where he ulll be niininler of ihe chruilan kc formed church althouyh church ervlce are in both dutch und linn i mi thu special program was ull in dutch miulc games a lcferlnk played the organ for hymn nomc of them choten hy requct nine of ihe you tin people sklelv member uib and teacher mu joyce vun slrulen led the bible cla in u soiuj s patnu and y verbeek ixiih hail comical reading mr ivken led ome of the adull in a name while mr ii ilaren hail hlble quention lor omc ol the children reminiscence ol the lid of the conureuntion had been tape recorded hy john kummlnyu tthynwd history john kummlnyu read a hutory ol tlio church which hud brn put inlo rhyme bv mrs if ikken it was in 1959 that m jamilie joined for church er vice us i hey hud known them in ihelr homeland at first they met in linn hut acton sccmr the centre ol the thriving com munity of new canadian of dutch origin services were held ik- parish hull here and then in ihe v ml june ilm was u high point j he congregation culled u pastor ftom holland ihe rev ralph irornehoer who wai hrre until wm1 ikirtng hi stay ihe high way lot was pttrchurd and bat nn- nt built where the fine new thu nli 1 now underway sr vice have ttecn iwld the pust few year in thr bright base ment number have more than doubled in the 10 years there are 75 families on the roll now cake coffee und pup for the children were served throughout ihe program a special guest ul the farewell wa mr nulmus sister miss hrouwer who had been visiting here irom holland active in town mr nulrna ha been an tcllve member of the ministerial as sovlntion taking part in and spoil wiring u number of com rminiiy even ami was chair man of the group at one time his church visil tank him miles in all direction through ihe count inside and he wa kern ly interested in his parishion er wmf t wffsuraai- 1 jum m mmmiimavju demonstration blast at limestone quarry claimed well within all safety factors ul rock bcimii to sie mr ul the ihaiue moore is the dilfeicrue inlsiration ihttuii to j at the lumsjusion in an attempt loalinel fears air and ions that quurry blasts might damage i rumble homes and buildings acton lime- mi mimiiv uid vvednsdiv k nitluif at ihe poin sione ouarry officials friday al- that the blast heard by rnanv detonation urnoon raised u000 ions ol i rvsidents tuesdav evening con i individuals had m oppntuni limestone rock with a 7w0 pou kistcd ol 16 holes drilled lo a lv il questioning the consulting ihi charge ol dynamite tor the ueplh ol s leel ami idled with euginrii lepteseniatises horn thmieftt of about 20 council mem- i pounds til dmiamiie the ll one nt ihe two supplier vibrations well within the safety vers huh and li ml hist a slight i the deniou lor the turvfay blast ihc m isiikogliph vsti attatlwil to the a i ihe request ot hcaiihnore i log gi anarv il lindsavs fhiur picsideut w j uiiiv mi mi mill at flu f t jimm o oh lmd- anull had allaihexl a uhiikk i ijn mootc of the quarry graph lo the highest hiuk slackistill sini wi their watching at l lie tannerv belore tin blast said iih- okik alor ordv nwtved churchill rd heavy traffic bylaw temporarily shelved j hers industrialists citizens and pnvalc j h variance in the diimilc and quui t since blasts lirst began at the nrw quiriv ctmncil members j i hive ieeieil complaints inuti j j lesidenls iheir home were liter- i allv shaking irom the vi bra turns j i a- letier wis wilt ly quarrs otli j cials uo uaks igo tegixienng j the complaints consequently on i i irulsiv ojxii house was held alter iweiving two ivadiugs councillor ijugh lowe i cileiv 1m additional miles was based on loi xisiiiin lo see a lilm jew jj lust wwku proposed bvlaw to ka testdeul luniscm couiended touruilloi i rei i vsoh1 won dclonatiihi and ask questions curtail the mow ol heuvv liiukau emptv i nick cmild havel at dejed what the weight ol rucks iiumk on churchill koul s was a givtui scvd than a loaded using ltgin st lo the beard i shekvd leniptttaiilv vuesdav lot one and he wa eoni itms id the- more puml is md when loltt bv lurthcr ituclv bv no louimit danger u txoples live council- mr peat appioximutelv 70tt m j l tee of couikil km i ik johnston also a resident pounds gross weight he wondei thu action was taken follow in cilcnlea staled the pmblem ed whs cocliui was tuit alatmed ing complaints to councillois is not onl with the mad bivak no bv law being eunsiuvrvd to luun liucket jack ruiua wboing up with no sidewalks in the pruteu thciuod there claimel cutting oil uecess to ac- arva childivn have to walk on j not hpaads tun limestone ouarrtos hy means the road unfortunately the one ciunchor stated in i similar ls town r in ttu blast msiioi b cm olhlcial ot a amah toven in tie united slatcv where a similar quarrs opera i ion had j lhen established av in acton lesidents in this area complain t cd about their humca of chuivhill rcuid s wthild loddlvr pla in thedcvp ditch mean an udditionul u miles pel at tin- suk- ol ihe uul and haw ilay drixe lor his 10 tuicks en a habit o ptppmg oot ti all gagshl ut the quaus ttnus he siivvsad the pioposvcl 1 law is de reeve h ii liintm staietl cat dealei us i choi chill kimci seismtigraphs similar lo ihe as a lesiuig umuui lor truteius inu tiseil in acton were st up iiul suggested x i haps the xiikc lo iletcimine ihe estenl tt vibri slkiuld use plain sar wtih iutai hon ui piuju- homes in all stup to uiih sxvtleis salur- cases ums showed lb- ibtaihtn t7zt ti timiajkssii itlulals i illor vsiil irjslitftl sihrlion i 7v s isi i- in w tv jtruj it va v r ftxvewmix v 3 siynsl ut puihibit slupis uikky iliiiv isii l 1 iihiiv danysisms aiva lus a w11 wni si tasl ihtwn iht- liwm passing tnkvs suniuiiiv a t m im lh li ih hl st s hkk s iit s 11 sinum ll i ihsn in i s h alhl kiaslcil lisv liw ions tti ihi vilvwarilsomnl aiur sliuknts- kins ilw cmliiittis uicl ihnhiyh ihi ofs vsiiususs iatsxl put tnwn usiny thurhill risul tvpt the lacl as hs-s- an- sar- rivm hiiiiimi mivnuj ihr bv the scisnwipt iph itutujiur higher s cmmkilksis isat tvir ths sulitn til ihs tiallic lau li appiovevl wtsikt iljs ittali quails hlal sl shiullvil aiul ihslsslriaiis in ii pctsjsw- uiv ussnl lo cxjsiws kiosko 4nisk lo iiul- anmiul lav aiva a svll as ilw pisvl hams tkss thil iiuan sss- want thrnh olcnlta atul iviuni i wsssajrr rsiisil hisnlknik- p niuuf iik an vspivss imin iiinnrns lmn hi- hjyhsav aiun 11 lnlkui la m amilf iimsultinjt en nsvmhl inn main siiwl vjuvriisl sajuh- rmj il lnfi sixihsi m lo i fmvi ilmi ihc luw idsiv setuns issr gu silkir lansv thais a niosl rislisukhis sjau- m mill ansjsllaluiv i id loll auyr us duh uili sshiikii ciejlmir majortly nuui nct ihmi ski sill isllais ssiihs then- isni an dan- j ihe local iruskcr wiu nol sooi when the suggestion ssas mul- sscrv ming 10 hac a iniik ro- t from uh- blasting ai as ion i svrned with his tiutks ml tvtnjpsihaps touncir coulj make an tlco in clsnkj sumssicl mi1j s sharac ts ssilhm i bar 10 operate on ihe ruad sshen alkiwaiks- lor mr rkll- vino is i lowe the lass the salii lacior lor a loadsit hoi the 10 diieis ivium a lasnavsr mr losse slated iif ssj cahsaat hljsi i omsidei ed so 1 un the hhtirffist ttsra rctitl of nrsrosssf r shwikhs- ton i f ismnt i i j h otsi r bsmtaomurr butthwv a dav vssaulnkrvv hul a rskkimr wl ikrvm ifltw hs iivsisiiuki il tr tu rxtnt rl o clmrehth sssl-t- lr- w-lttsxt- nso k liswtakma nahav- iv iljliilijtcfmtdlji t 1 iq4 v cisunscst jw ceameluwhejnilion rval arg uet tantlem trucks opcraliiu on the road empty were not as hard on the road aa single axle trucks wasghlna leu aa they had more tires for weight dhurlbutktn he onfiirtuiute hill vse hast lo etwv sidcr the bnajurily councillor alec johnbm ooes- liujscd ihe adstiliunal m miles per day the trucks ssouk drive and svondeml it the t rusks used llv dump h imi in ihle l lo irascj dussii chun hill riaj asj john moiire quarry well as iruskers seisklng indus- explained ihc friday blast con- irs for garbage colkvtion siud of sesvn v4oo liolca dhl- m agreed to withhold led in the rack sshich were filled he third reading of the bylaw with 730irpuunds of dynamite fur further study in order not to to he detonated a rttulors favored making surne concession the fourth line access 10 gas un for om local tainayer lo tbla the dsileaae wouldnt be lea he lexeme a hardship iuf taxpayers i waiched the earth trembled issw lsm ttu wssatte rtwm ttelor iadust t cxmammjksnmo ixm damage- home of buisdsng in acton official at acton llmetione buarrsea itaoed e demonstration biett for the beoefil of council members m- dusirialialt and ciimna rridey eftswnoon when 7i500 poundt of dynamite were detonate 23000 ton of rock toared anlha r air a vititor watched tniently company officsel end cenium inej ssnqsneen clajmod the company 1 opesannq wnm sshanaa sng law a far a blew 1 concerned a i wei snownjealdt aids the vibration from the blast la not ea orasst m t truck drhring oeat or even door lammlno m tna hoaaaa

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