Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), May 30, 1963, p. 4

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iltaflh twjftiwt1hy may 30th 1m a 1 r nl op- acfcav s tiasauby snrenins aavi fmr nod of appvoeal to tnccrvdti valley cbnftrvaikmi au tor a p tw dltur or 95ijb0 tofilx dam fov watfr oo and flood corawaj actons coal lot the pro jcu xejll not be increased above the p 0 ceiwa per capita lev paid aftndalty the put three year omttcwor it lowe rme4 the motion at the rfcsetrng to explain the proaram were authority chair man it ft mcmillan leetnetary georgb bentley field officer ted spear and acton representa tive parker t mr mcmfllan told council itmrnbtri the authority had been criticised tor concentrating loo much on obtaining land for rr- rraatloit parlfi and wot enough on flood control he explained the costs for tuch a plan had been exietsrtto and until a pro ject coat ever 13000000 grant from the government were rfoi available tltls project l over ihe estimated figure and we now hope lo receive government sup port he stated water storage problem the project can be handled without any increase in levy tw supporting municipalities with of new dams resent levy 106000 people and the antlci pated incraaae la ilx per cent an mtally the per capita levy for aaafai legion notes for branch 197 by george wan er etsyear period he laid dams have been planned for orangeville cataract near al- tort ajllvmereehi belfountaln glen williams and georgetown mr parker told council mem bers the authority u not aa al armed about the danger of flood ing aa much aa about a poaalble shortage of water in a few year by building the first four dam- within the 15year period over half the water storage problem will be aolved this 15year protect would in- create the flow of the- credit river by at least 73 per cent which in turd would mean pres ervation of beauty and water increasing the supply of water for municipal purposes control flooding ami do a great deal to angevllle umax cataract jl this voir we hope fn control and mln p iigior-bllver-reekr-komjo- rrmvd irtfmrvfcwcemc ihe aid haaaa the grants spread ov smsm of streams according to mr porker there are 16 municipalities within the watershed and to date all but one contacted have signified their approval of the profect mr parker explained the reason for acquainting conn cil with the plan wui mainlv t have its approval in order to ap proach both federal and provin clal governments for grant the present population within the watershed is estimated at g opening of 26th parliament by mt harry c harlev iialton mp intended for last week inte in julv before recessing ottawa the 26th porlio the summer ment has now opened the first session opened vpii may 16 on a beautiful warm tunny dav a nicer dav could not hove been picked the sub slltute fat the onvrmoroenrrnl since the election there hive been mnnv mutters concerning ihe riding that are being ions id ered seimc of these in the dls posul of the old post offices in georgetown nnd acton cstcnsion by d 1 habipv mr taschereau the chief jus jof postal services in scveril ir lice of canada orrlved in an np en carriage surrounded bv red coated mounties on horseback the honor guard in bearskin hats and more scarlet iutkcis were drawn up in front of the house of commons as one can imagine this verv colorful xre nvonv was crowded with spectit ors t thro speec itself wis delivered by mr taschereau ol ternaling french and english and not repeating either portion in ihe other language which meant the delivery time was cut in half a good precedent to es tabllah on a sultrv dav in the chamber of the senate the contents of the throne speech were as expected thrv placed first priority on measures to stimulate the economs a rev department of industry is to he established in the first ml das s it it expected that the hon w gordon will introduce ihe inul get earlv in june the house ol commons will prohahfv sii until omtuaiy ras cnr problems such ns vurious rail rates anil mlllon b pass cilircnshlp and immlcri lion applications nha apnro- vul of some building proucls unemployment insurance com mission problems these arc- some of the things rhat haw ex cupicd mv time i wish to thank the nevvsprp- ers in the county who so kindlv carry mv columns evcrv week during the campaign i had many people mention to me that thev appreciated these columns ns a means of keeping ihim in touch with what was going on in arc directed to ottawa it was onlv with iiil co ho s the operation of the crmntv nu papers that i was able to do this and i thank them for their kind nevss in the past and for their in tentlon ol carrying the columns again i would like to remind the constituents of llalton county that you mn write me at anv time care of the house of com leader of mons ottawa postage free each munklpallty would-nol-ln- crease to offset costs for ihe pro ject he said deputyreeve william denny i enquired if there would be add tlortal cost for maintenance ol the dams and was told by mr parker costs would not be o cesslve as the authority has al ready budgeted i for this and has its twit work crew for this pur pose he stated it is hoped ihc first dam to be erected at or angevllle could be started next year costs of the various prostts including land purchase develop ment and dam building are or beuountain wi 600 glen wl hams iijwjoo and georgetown ii 144300 the estimated cost to the nu thorilv for construction of the first phase of the program con slsting of the first four dams is 2 833 000 this amount spread over a 15 year period plus feder al nnd provincial government grants amounting to 37i pet tent each would mean the pre cnt per capita lew of 90 c could be maintained during a brief discussion on ihc project members agreed ihe program was worthwhile and in view of the present per capita lexv being maintained thev gave i hen approval harley finds tactics differ on right hand george avery dies in guelph was campbellville principal former campbellville- public land light infantry and in world school principal george m avery war ii he was a setgeant in 3rd suddenly wednesday mav ihe rt af on ihe maintenance 21 kl st joseph s hospital staff x guelph at the agr of 67 hollowing world war ii he burn in arrow ontario mar lolmd the- wings i lub in cue iph kincardine be had taught school fin 10 wars in alcaicncstan and manitoba in 1919 he matiud the former agnes marsh in cadillac satk thry mosresl lo guelph whrr ur avery worked a a carpenter in ihc building iracu in later years he returned to leaching mis ust sxhuol was at campbellvilkt public school whet ha was principal he re tired in lm during world war i he sery ed overseas with ihc v4rh high new corporal corporal jack parktnson a na live u toronto and a 14 scat wleran with the outaiio provin clal cilice ainved in mlhon last week 4u hecomc the 2iul nuoi br ol the north hallon p p detachment he om a ncrgeani two other corporals and 1 out sables on the force that serves provincial highways and lowtv ship and counts roads in the north hallon area pl to corporal may i he earlier wised with ihc off al mtsvsnl forest godertch and wlltatuun sep ing as officer in charar at his last nust marrtrd with one daughter he expects to mov to mihon t ih en4 june and sriyed foi manv sears he was an active iminhcr ol- the ttic ii c luh holding manv post items ill the club hid did a lot oj work for ihe nun it the l-ventntr- home- he had attended st j inu s church and in later vcars st tfcorge s church lie had t lllhl sundav school at si james lor several wars surviving hcsuk s his wife are three daughteis mrs james al klnson calherine mrs trank vhniull irdim ol duelph and mrs william dis t hilda ot lelgus tvcei sevns robe m i ol glklnh and cot ye s elf r r i hcrgus and ii giandc hileiti n the funeral servue was sat uietav fiom the tovcll luncral too bca9 a putsihaslnai agenl brcamc ill and aaliad la a amcunat laat wlu it casvir asked the la aaami fmhl wfjaatq hsffrw your md mv scat in ihc house of com mons this session is of course now on the right hand ni i he speaker as u rcprcseiitativl of the government acrm tht house sit the conservatives soc iil credit and n d p the lune fitfurv of dr guv marcoux sits in the furthest row of scats from the speaker alone and forlorn as an independent soc i a i credit slfflnti on the govern ment side of the house of com moas 1 find it quite different from last session now during the question session the questions oor members cabinet where last session we were the qucs i loners one has to adjust his thinking and tactics of course because the new role is opposite as a member of government ra thcr than opposition i on monday the debate on the sperch from the throne he fun the opening speech was from the opposition mr i dkfenbakcr who criticized the i pnmt minister i round that his 1 speech was a disappolnimen to j nic i had heard him in opposi tion before and i uas looking j forward to a ftrvand brimstone speech i was to be disappointed how ever is the speech was not of this character he as kid manv things of the government tfu t the first liv weeks which had not heen done h the consirt i tie goxcrnment during its mx stars in power he moseil an ami ndmi nt lo the thront spetth which stated irumh that hi tit the liberal nohnes would not do as much for canada as the conservatives had done m i hi past mar mr thompson ihe httl t i-e- dit kader in tlu iuhim of com mons spoil as usual of the res ponsibilitks otmembtis of he house if commons hi had no thing to add in the wa of leg is latum tor the governmeni mr tvhigljs the liidr of the nop moved a subam mlnunt io i in limservaine amtmlmini this disagncd iomplejib with thi conservative amendment and intisvuisd the government tor iu poltiv on defence and the actut siiinn ot nik lear weapons lis unmg to mr ivvugla iu vas lamed baik to ihe u tion inrnpaign the old iririment thi old iluhes wire drigtfit1 hii igam atli 1 th hail hern v hkteil during the e lev tion bv in 1 people ot canada on the subamendnrhnt pro- i posam bv the d p against nu ear arms mr hcrnbakev spoke against thetr acqutsittar and this time rose to the ivnv t speech 1 eipevted of him but merer r si ting oil th tbmgs we heard in the iampalgn the vote on the subarwnd ment wti verv close and defeat ed 2 voles to ih t produce tt t conserf the wtjirvousi tugethcr exceptiora hetost and the lib eral voted against the tub-am- ewjwnl supported tn their vote lou 3acy ctutor ami csasaafsssgfbaa oaaf of xslaan was air ruhoktaav thua that laaue of ntschxtr araga which i aaaaasl uat cobapa of ihe presnrasai cegksstffsyattve sasagns messt produced the first major in the new house o cum- the regular reminder to ull cumrudes lhat ihe next gcncrtil meeting is monetae mav 6th ut ihc usual tlmcmr 9 00 pm there is no reason whv our blunch cannot have larger turn outs for these meetings and bv turtilngiutyouaro hetlpinu the brunch so let s start now hv attending litis meeting nntl keep ing up the attendance through out ihe vcir initiations ire liclit al nil the mcctlnps so if sou knovc of anv one vcnshlng to oin hrmg him along mil chow him amiuul the hninch this cftimti june 2 is decora tion dav in acton iticl all le gion memoes vll mcel at the branch at i w pm to murch to ihe station keep surulav open for the pnritle anel vce ii see vou there i lirctcr icrv ahel hope more of ihc- cilicns who untch the parade- will follow to the cemetcrv tills stilurdny june- i is ihc uhrsol for the unnuul go at duits belween ac ion and george town the tournament sponsored bv lubulls should prove to be- as good us in precious vears is these two brunches buttle it oul for durl supremacy it will be held here in allan m t tfl p m the branch s enlrv in the suit ball league proved thev wete n easv pushuvers this week ns the lremen hml to buttle all ihe wav for their 40 win credit must be- handed iu the couches for gel ling these voting fellows into a good working team and onlv lime cc iii tell it von ih will p iv off lood vcoik fulous the 7onc sports calendar shows the next two sporting events arc horseshoes on june 8 anil golf on june 22 both in c there sh h l tomatoes all goho late may frost ruins crop an unusual may frost that struck hallon county and other parts ir southern ontario last rhursdav evenlngvtilned several earlv crops and caused untold fi nunciul loss it xeveml areu furmx tarlv iomnlo plantings were the worst hit us the night tern hruluies drupped to u recorded low of 20 degrees in burlington potatoes while they were set hack bv live frosl were not wipeel oul strawberries were just com ing into bloom and iost about fto per cent of their bloom hut this does not mean a w per cent crop ivduilion us the lower blooms mav vcl save ihe elav for their owncis also damaged were gripes carrots beans and mar rows rule t mmr fruit and vcrc luhle extension spevialist nl the potiel showlni lor these events und let s sec if we can i dcihrone fjcorgeloun them in al leust one ol the acton nncn gnlf iquma nasw uharal aswanucanm mcnl should iu a goihl practice lor anvone wishing lo enter the one touniamcnt on june 22 anv lueslions department o agrkmllure office in mllion reports it waslheittk are expected to stand behind ihe est muv frosl since the veari9e when ihe temperature tllpped below 30 degrees on april 2i we usually say its safe lo plant uf tcr mav 20 w- explained reports from larmers through out hallon and peel luunlies in llicaled the burlington mlllgrove area was ihe hurdest hll wllh ground tentreratures at 20 de grees pnet ubout 26 oi 27 degrees nl the feiur foot level in the- new- liern area however the tempera lures did not dip so low and less crops were affected the farmers who sprayed wi ter over their crops during the trust managed lo suve most of them mr muir pointed out rut few farms were equipped with irrigation smudcjc pots appeared 111 have offered no resistance he said ll will be two or three weeks hefnre the damage lo tree fruits ii h a fortomatoe for oup or packing flrma who farmers losses k john hutchinson walkers tine burlington lost ijjm0 tomato plants but fortunately allll had 400o unplanied when ihe frost hit he also lost seven acres of berries about to per cent of hit crop hit l saved cucumbers and summer squash bv covering them with wnnclen baskets i hose that were plumed rcpre senleel about onequarter of the eountvs total ciop and most uni planted on consignments park booth opened first time sunday the weather has heen loo chlllv for picnics but the park booth has been opened up lev eral times for hall fans the first open day was on sundav tuesday customers were boosted bv children attracted by thn merrv gtvround sel up a a bakery promotion mr and mrs jack hatch and mr andmrs art ptehj- oneraling ihe booth this year thev are nlso proprietors of acton smoke shop ut us iiohtin up your pmntino printing you name it js when its a question of printing weve got the right answer1 anything from a shipping tag to a catalog we print right at thi right price no job too urge or too smatl every job gets prompt careful attention ptkiuon mhvtino is whhi wi shinft f let uf show you samples of our work in any category of printing that interests you and quote you on your next job you can get the benefit of our ideas without cost or obligation lefs get together and talk about your eeeo call us today now wllswwxutuvt 59 willow st n phone 85s2010 fcniww- gejasa

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