Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), May 30, 1963, p. 9

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x f-kts- j ours to enjoy the old days 3 1 mmuc mftts tbacti ilk thli one near halttvwllle are ours to enjoy owned end man- ged by the department of lands and forests they r natural woodland and planted to be preserved in their natural state and protected against the ravages of mo- 71 r s eeenlly official celebrated the 50th anniversary of 444 club work to mo on the farms of the f the 444 program la a familiar took to thoe in the urban centres he program it not at well known thlt is he unfortunate part a survey conducted in saskatchewan two years ego supported that idea that 4h clientele was not necessarily a rurally orient- ed on indeed the figures revealed that moat 4h leaders feel that 4h programs should be for ell young people rather than for thoe who live on farms or in strictly rural communities we have felt for tome time thote rural children who participate in the 4h program for girls and boys have a distinct advantage in the practical knowledge they gain that will be useful whether they continue- in farming or teak new fields the girls par ticularly in their 4h homemaking courses gain practical knowledge that will be valua ble ideally the 4h homemaklng courses shouldbe available to the urban at well as rural girls it would surely serve as an ex tension of knowledge that might be gained in home economics classes and would cer tainly benefit the girl when she might begin homemeking on a full time basis whether urban centres could ever find the volunteer leaders who could carry out the program or not is difficult to determine there always seems to be sufficient leaders in rural districts which fact speaks highly for the adults of those sections whether the girls themselves would be interested is alto an unknown factor but the field of activity for girls always seem more limited than for boyind the girls might welcome a new opportunity for selfimprovement the need for thit telfhelp and expan sion of practical knowledge for both boyt and girls exists perhaps the towncentred scouts cubs guides end brownies provide something that is not commonly available to rural children we do feel however that the 4h program particularly for the girls could find common ground in the town ot in the rural home teiloring nutrition preparation of vegetables these are all subjects that eppear from time to time with many more on the list of activities for the club girls surely their appeal is equal in the town or country perhaps the 4h program is being car ried on in tome towns in ontario if to we havent heard of it if not why cant it be the proessiorel direction for- the program comet from the ontario department of ag riculture but this should not limit ir to rural communities if the program is as valid as we feel it hat come to be in its so- years perhaps helton could make a starr by offering to work with town centered 4h girls groups on n experimental basis it would be one way of determining interest 50 years ago taken from use bene of the free preae of thursday may 119 twentynine days have passed alitor the local option bylaw ceased us operations and the license to sell intoxicating liquors came into effect in acton we venture he opinion that even the must ardent worker lor the restoration of the barroom urv disappointed at the results drunken men have been seen on the slrets every day not ex- dcpllng sundays liquor l sbe- ng delivered by the dray load dally magistrates and inspectors are in receipt of letters froin wives and other relatives ask- inu thaj certain persons be plac ed on life indian list there have been as muny conviction on drunk and disorderly charges an there were during the whole three years of local op tion and this in the face of the fact unlv one barroom has yet been opened sheriff webster has purchased a fine new auto ouccns weather was enjoy ed on saturday victoria day was consequently enjoyed immensely there were picnic parties und fishing excursions walks to the woods und much outdoor re creation mr jno mclean ith line is very ml with typhoid fever i a session of the mock purlin- meht or the epworth league was held monday the hill to tax huchelors was carried anil the woman suffrage bill was ad- lotirncd acton congralulutcs her sister town georgetown which will soon have u new post of i ice mr arthur kciinev has been successful in pusslng his sophomore year ul toronto dent al colkgc he is another of the grodttutcs of acton high schuul making his murk the first services in the brick church since havoc wreucked by u cyclone of good friday were held sunday the pastor rev mr clark officiated the barber mills ut george town have entered a new merg er and will do business under the name of provinciul paper mills the steum shovel ut wiirk on the new electric railroad attracts munv ul our citizens on the hill side below beurdmorc crescent the picnic at brookvillc on the 24th whs lurgelv attended and as usual there wus lots of booc rl nbw evmr an eminent jurist mr justice bernard bisaonnette dean of the court of queens bench in montreal hat written a book on the canadian constitution a headline reviewing the book says that the author concludes that separatism is not tiie answer to the problem of how french eivd english in canada can get along better together defore anyone thinks of what chanejet might be made iv the british north america act it may tie well to iote exactly what rho sthert of cem federation caused to be put in the ad with reference to the two lang uages it is section 133 which reads as fol lows timer ilsc english or the french lan guage may be used by any person in the oebetet of the mouses of the parliament of canada and ot me houses ot the legislature of quebec and both those languages shall be used m the respective records and jour nets of thote houses and either of thote languages may be used by any person or in erty pleading or process in cy issuig from eny court in canada established under this act and in or from all or any of the courts ol quebec the acts ol the parliament of canada and of live legislature of quebec shall he printed and published in both those ian guages one thmg is sure any young politician of ttve future will be seriously handicapped it he hat not a working knowledge of both french and english 0rwhm day the rov ol th dkorton dy prvewe is tlw4y tinad wtlh acton mn tm thctr wotvend vtiirori drwn out by tre moc of th brth while thr lwyi 4 big group waiting in fjirvtw cemetery w itrvkt of remembrance rhere we wonder why more ot the tpecterorj elong the route do no come fo the cemefery mi on tfr netghtvi iv thij nnil pcosyeinv rrqnl hy rrprcictilajtivci of vrtoui organ ition n town- the acton free press i hy use ma rvtsstfasg tssst rstaasalasg cot lsst founded in 175 ami punlhvhed evrrv thursday at 5 willow st acton oman mrmher of the aixtm bureau of clrculaltonm the i wjijl and use ontartrourhrc ltivitir nf the r w v a suhtcrfpneait pas able m advance tlfjn in canada ww in england and other commonwealth countries tvob in the united state and other foreign countrterr sinale conirs 7c authorised aa second cans mail fuel oftve p otuwm the esstv pane etaar aafcaaaee a a g a mb editntninouef david r dub mawtfistt editor business and tditoklal offlci phoht hi 2010 20 years ago taken front the isasm ol the free frees of tburadaf may xt iht last thursday in the houutof commons the member for hak ton mr htighes cleaver on- swered critics on war expendi ture following the argtimenlh ad vanced by the member for uikc centre mr dlefenbaker a committee has been named to arrange for the visit of a mobile blood collecting unit the red cross will send the unit if 65 volunteers are available the method of collection wap explain ed at a meeting in the ymca dr w g cullen was named president of the committee mrs h 0 boyet secretary- mr g benton convener of nurses mrs w j beatty in charge of re freshments and mr charlei kirk- ncss contact man splendid reports were present ed ut the annual meeting of the ymca chairman tj s force presided mr w j beatty tc- ported on membership mr win benson gave a review of thepro- gram and mrs gray the super- visor gave details and figures three fine new trophies wen- presented to doug davidson and dun evans for sports events and to miss florence salt and gordon beallv for badminton doubles don force and lena lawson won the baxter laboratories trophy for rflngpong ac 2 ken fryer hat joined the p cap und it now stationed at no 5 manning depot at lachlne ouebec mr ted hurrop ol guclph hut joined the rcn und is stationed in british columbia memorial gifts will be dedicat ed sunday at st albuns u font ewer in memory of the late mrs a h bishop un oak font cuvcr in memory- of the in fant son of mr and mm win flollowuy the work of mr snm snow an entrance light in mem ory of the lute miss ruchel gregory and a chullcc and paten in memory of the late mr wm ii snillhe about 73 ilelghbors and friends uttended the surprise shower ul lorne school in honor of the re cent marriage of sgl normin wright und his bride meat rationing is effective to day the- community was shocked to leurn of the death of ray lambert tuesduy irionds gathered at the horne of mrs stanley norton in honor mrs ben corless prior tu ber departure rum town news i t1ftv x ijr heather club plans rummage bake sale 1 he wav tuvciinii ot the krwix llitlht tub hrkl at ilw- imnu- tl i vi siasspri lite prvm trni hrttv rullri rjlkd the niattin tti hi id- r with the iatii lirr siul ut univmi tl stiptuir fvnl i im il iii h- jtjn i iihnui ptanv icrr ntatilr hn mm niuir ami tviki- vk- to br rukl in srplfmtvi hctlv ruitkr jhi vhrlxii kih jit mnwiirr lor ihr nirrlmafir rwl hrlcn mu von einif jfetit lrhtiiin rr nuv riri lr the hatliinb the nwrnhrr urwrurrvtmrxs ile t uwsil ti 4 hr t hr krl1 in lunr the meeting cked ith lor miiwh hrneiktiun i tinch x rfrtf mi rrr tmc rojoved j mkui hu hour 0 0 vviuitmiunr youd never know it to look at me buf i will o my 43rd blhhdity hii week whet t mean u if you ee nn youll think im at leait 60 and if youre aa youll think im only about 29 district the tea time some husband invented following definition of a ta tea gads gather gabble gtejk gobbk goasip git each year at birthday time i like to make a brief analysis of my character my succest in life my likes and dislikes and anything else that happens to crop up i as tar as character goes i am confident that there in a steady improvement some people de teriorate morally as they grow older i gel belter and better really tuke smoking for esample i used to smoke like a chlm ney i even smoked while 1 was shaving i learned my le son one day i put my rurof in mv mouth and took a drag on ll und tried to take mv whis kers off with u hot butt it was because i wus reading ut the time of course now i never read smoke und shave ut the sume time its pret ty boring fust reading and shav ing or smoking und shaving hut ive stuck to it rramiton voters tin saturday approved three of five liquor questions thev granted approval lor cocktail lounges hv a 628 per cent tavorihli- viu beer anil wine wilh meals hv 62 4 anil liquor with meals hv ft7 7 pel cent voters turned down mens ami ladies beverage nkinis hv x and jtw majorities 1 gforgktown the womens ausiliuiv ul fkiirgelovvii disirivl meinniiil lfnspilil lias lurnied a visilni eontiiil iiininutlee to make sure pilients yel tin itiuiv than two visilnrs at a time all visitors will ihcik in ami mil at ttie wa desk in luture hurllsciton you cant be hored in hurlinuluu lliis summer file reeiealiuii and piiks ctunimilce hasa sumnter pmitrini ptaiinetl ttiit includes suiniinini e imping tennis inil playirnuinds oav lamps hit the children kizin july r in luuvttlc park anil camp manitmi while learn- tosvvim classes an capamkd plavgniund piiigralll tennis classes and a teenagers program- round out ihe hosv summer oakviil v hlamiiig inereasiiilv higher production costs oak- villes lone ilairv has inc rvasetl the price nl milk tine cent a quart li f i cuts akille piitv manager jack newman said ll was the tirst puce iinieasi- snue kltihcr wv llauiiitoii and ruiiiulu piikcssui have txvn ciiiiimiii the higher price tin some time mil ton planners ue consiiteimi lelasmi the lining niles alhil iir lmuics iiillnwiiig scveill vweks tit caimplaints limn ivsi tlints anij iiuiihillfm chu les menelv the piescnt mle stales ihe iiiilc- must 1h- ihe hciyhl ol llieyives awav limn ihe lol line- pjm ticis ale talking ahmit a imn iihii holder iimihouu wi annual visitors highlight district news i iiiiemsoum wl nil thr wv mmcd in ijtcnn1 fnr the hjltnn w 1 district anniieal ituvtmu hlii in i imehiiue rrrhtiriaii churih un m niart km iiciiervtt hnnw txinoitiit mi ikmhii ininientrsf ijtrhl mv ilv i nthhrtasc vigeteeu leii itiixtfrfiidm hv mtrtenc heiter ith mitm riitltum smunhntiit when tlw irinitalel the pn- fiijtism ol trprliws- iiihex tt t wkl cittitretl ittiinj l wjfx thre hr at pirt nen i inwistmw pirn tmplet- it i the nrcnt iiwirar urvl jttrtul tsl siininij djv ji mtlm n suktrtieiv the linn hiinilriarv n pent thr nvnij eekrrhl ail peirrv sthjmi iwffinntnc lunr 2 the er- i k ey jt 1 j pf ir ihurvh uili br hrkj it srtttstt ri sunu aholtal utll tcn t 10 45 mr fairtu ad mum feb tr reh of toronto with the patter mni onsundav mfa d s mcdrinald nf milton attaj un r ucdougal and child ren of si tboma with the cn- byv i ulsu received all object leston about smoking in bed one night my wife came home front a meeting walked into the bedroom and was con- fronted by a pillar of smoke i have twvr smoked in bed since except when i was read ing i by wu coau one of the most useful bids in bridge is ihe takeout double unfortunately it dues present partner with some pro blems some times in responding to u takeout double two things must he borne in mind first ihe weaker your hand the more imperative it is that vnu do bid and second never puss unless you cun guarantee to set ihei contruct with a trump leud occasionally you cult break these rules with un understand ing partner und leave the double in it you feel that uny hid hy your side will leud to u tcnubte tale i tried this on bourd num- 1 her 10 lust week ul ihe aclon bridge club dealer bust both sides vulnerable north s o ft 4 ii j 9 3 2 tj c j 7 4 t wast katl s 10 r72 s s i llo 10 17 ii a 5 r a k ns m c a 0 2 c k fo 6 south sa k j llk ft f o 10 9 7 2 c 5 ihe bidding rail south weal pass i n duii pass pass f rtallv should have hid one spade on pusts hand i know tbls looks tenuhlehiit ihedmihle commands me to hid iltmevct i ell that anv move i made was going to tx bad so f elect ed in pass ill spite of the lai l that leav- ini in ihr double calls fur a ininip lead west decided in re tain control and lead a small spade declarer won this and led a tminp back came an other spade declarer won and led another trump ami wcsl led hack spades lor the thin lime nine when south led a club west won and led the thirteenth spade so thai i could sit- 1 i ill of mv live ot hearts south made inst sis iruks ihree in spades und three in li uinps fine other pust left the double in hut allowtd declarer to make tile heart king for 1 svintli tl ii k anottvrt fasl hid one ihi trumps ilfiwu oiw and one west ileculrd not to itoohlr mil hid one- hcul uhlcti ilst made miv i sugyrsl imiwrsrr ttiit vimi isrvri leave a takeout isoulilr in unlrss von have a limist ufhtet staihliiii pirlner this wsek s wtnihts tirst bill ami tiloria coals ssnanl timii warius and charles conoran thud mr and mrs jack llooprr ive given up playing around loo this occurred last new yeurt eve when my wife caught u lady kissing me with gay ab andon she didnt mind an auld lung svne buss to much ft was the gay abandon that got her she- claimed it was mutual 1 havent kicked a dog in years except playboy our spaniel when be helped me out with the gurbuge the olh er day 1 havent shouted ul u child since i dont know when except when kim arrived home thur- duv afternoon with a baby squir rel thul had fallen out of a tree und wanted to adopt it well then the morals are on the upswing as for success in life i think things are going well there too when i was married i didnt have a thing now i have three mortgages mv name is a household vyord whut marc could one ask of success with regard to mv likes and dislikes thats easy i i i k e swamps today i was out in u swump und suw u rabbit three partridge n deer und a wild duck all within eusv runge i hud u fishing rod thuls why i like swumps i like teenagers from julv i lo september 4 i find them the most fuscinatlng lively el fervescent intriguing group i north pass ever had nothing to do with i like eggs scramhled and legs chicken i like may and- september i like individuals aa long els they are being individual with somebody else i enjoy crowds when they are some where else i dont like humorless people llmse who try to im pose their morals on others dirtv iokes lhat urenl funny waking up in ihr morning go ing in bed ut night phonies work cats i also dont ilka pcopje wild mote money than i people who are smarter ilum i people who ure better huikinu than i in fact i dont like munv ptople cir now lor flu- odds and ehds ol mv hirtlulav analysis if every one followed my rules few would live past v and it would serve litem right you are old i at her william oh lsiil so- mow come then mv daughter would yutltcr pluv catch with me utan unvone how eomr mv son says dad when are ihi gonna grow up how iiitne mv wife says stop acting like a child well all i can sav in the lace ot all that evidence is happy hn lliiliv lo yout and i do uicun me professional directory and travellers guide mkdical runerai ompctom or w g c kenney physician and surgeon office in symnn block 4u mill st e acinn office phnne mv2iii residence us church si e phone svmmt dp d a garbett physician and surgeni corner of willow and river sis liniraace river st acton onl phone i5wjj4i dr robfrt d buckntr physician and surgeon 39 wellington st actun oaf phone i5j- 1240 golden wedding for acton native an a toll nator unit hi wllr had a sohkrn wrldlnl i rlrtstatun last wrrk in kiiklaml lake mi and mis janirs fhtnh wtie pit si in li the dtnnrr in ihr park lunr hotel attended hs htu later there was a irtcption at ihril honvr mr ru mrs dunn urrr mat- riril in lsll at new i iskeant v cretl hrart l hsirc h since their mainagr thev have lisrd in a lsn new i iskrard anil isirklant lake mr dunn has worked ai- thr trek hushes mine lor rers mr vouand they have wsr srai lames ounn nf toronto thrrjr arandihirdrrn and three great trandc hlldrrn a great granddaughtrr danseit ihe highland flmg at their anniver sary ceiehrsttrai dr t b moore physician and surgeon 2 main street north corner main and mill street acton ontario phone ofliie hvc2ih0 krs tuillv dcmtal dr h iflb denial siitgr4in oltur corner mill and i rrrlerlik sttrets olticc himirs by appotrilmenl tetrphone ivutftlo ma j bikmanan lrntal sutgron x office 90 church st e office hours 9 am u p in closed wednesday aflrrooon telephone ivu7 ltxiu c f ifatmirland qc barrister and solicitor notary public otlie hours 10 am 12 p m i p m 5 pm saturday by apfsnuitaarnl only ptstiitr ullice svchw re lsvwtj as tret m b phone mv01m night or day bruca li shoemakar mgr orrouetmian e i buchner oo opltanetrlst contact i ences hearing aids a john si s acton in acton wednesdays only 2 00 pm ftuo pm- fur appoininenl phone thjlfml if no aiiwei phuna waterloo mvtmn ounn gray coach lines roarma uavi actom dav light saving time fastbocutd tvtt am daily except sua and lll m am ii j am 2na pm vna pjn ajj pjn ill pm loot pm sua and hull varslhound 1127 am 1257 pm 2 j7 p m 27 pm 7 27 pm 12 pm ii 12 pm i 02 a in sat tmlv hatred is the cowards re abargb for bettig ttithbdaaas gearya barnard sham barrister vsltcltnr norarv public 1 office hoars la acton moadar prtaar t sewings e pm- pm saturday i pm ts pm 21 pattkrv st cerph oatarw phom ta 4ss7 office hours la ctsrlbli sattuaay t aja u avav italu aav s tua canadian nationai rahways lisliiht saving tim iastkiunl a sa a m to tiimsiii daily ea rpl sal and sun 711 am to torotiio tlaiiv rtrp1 sun fj 1 ru ilaltv esepl snistta and monctav due l lonnrsttras firr hit s r 7 42 p m to inimto ilails esiepl sunday soi p m to tormlo sunday tev iv 10 25 ptu to- torcitiiu ilajly hoald at corartosvn anjy vtrsttwitint ill a mi stratfimd daity csv rpi son t pm i hlralfisnl ilailv esirpl sl mi son 7u4 pin daily etrrpr siuhlay a in lo stiallirit itaily escept sal lir turthrr msormasnec ceb lour local aarnt llt24tt arkamjnc and t1ktgtumc f i wtlcmt s wihsur sr a tittrysiyari phrasa ai4f720 over w fear tat cavto w cohn dc 11 young stteat coraer of ardaar ifc veaajj li otbca hatrs ey mum

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