Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), June 6, 1963, p. 1

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-t- v bqiyrypghth yaarno iso acton ontario thursday june 6lh 1943 aa t eilns cbh mall w w m wih lmmbmet ooa tn pap save cant decorate graves honor dead stage parade brief service a refreshing breed stirred the humid air of the hottest day to 1ut thfat year when over 100 gaih- red in the shade of tall pines for the aiutual decoration day etvica at falrvlew cemetery three uniformed band and many paraden formed the tra dltianal hallow square uround um railed platform vhore sis members of the ministerial as sociation and mayor le duby tat they went flanked by- hags fend container of the vivid red geraniums which would bier be planted on grave throughout the cemetery by reprvsentniivci of sponsoring organizations throughout the well tended cemetery tweet smelling hou quel of cut flowers had been placed fend aprlntfhloomlng flow cr had beerr planted oti family plot after the service the arum band played while group sirol led through the shady grounds reminiscing for some ancestors they had never known arc bur led here for others memories were painfully fresh white creases servicemens grave wen marked with small whit inimi and geraniums win plained there the three part nurudc which moved off from the station in eluded the acton citizens band in scarlet coats i he brisk giulpli sea cadets bugle and dium corps with color party and ilk killed guelph pipe bjnd rcpn aentatlves of sponsoring orgunl xatkmm the legionnaires la dies auxiliary to the legion both i o d e chapters acton and district womens institutes the lol and the fire depart ment marching with them win scout cubs guides and brown ies in uniform with their lent ers st john ambulance cadets in their new grey uniforms took part in their first local parade mrs george hargrove is their superintendent paired with the welldrilled sea cadets on the stiff npund downhill route were acton fire fighters stepping out tmitlly in their summer uniforms flags were fluttering the length of the parade several units had color parties including the legion ladies the route wan lined with large flags on the light standards these had been aug menled this year bv four new red ensigns previously the flags had been union jacks jim gunn was parade muishul six uinlslsrs mayor duby welcomed the lir ge crowdrmlnlsters who took purl in ihc brief but rcvercnl service were the rev j h wil son the rev d i engel ihc rev slanlcv gammon the rev d h rvrst and the rev s m tlioman the rev a h mckcnzic wn speaker sharing the thoughts that came lo his mind on this day of sacred memory he pointed out the service w i- not cmplv formalism devoid ol meaning bul an hint in which every member of thi communiiv lakes part rcmimhrjnce is not only of those who its in actons three ccmeturlcs but thoughts yo out from here to those who in elsewhere the stones themselves ar elo quent he said the music of the fine old hymn abide with me drifted across the hills and the service concluded as the paradcrs silling on the grass the clustered nil dience those in the distance un der spreading trees und bcsulc the many parked curs ruse to sing the queen continued on pjgc three c k browne oldest merchant and prominent lodcjeman celebrated hit 93rd birthday tueihay he was in hit busy ttore on main st n ai usual and wat groeled by many friends and lodge members he it shown behind the counter terving a long time friend bruce flanmgan of guelph mr browne it looking forward to reaching hit 100th birthday c k browne reaches 93 tends store on birthday its no russia objects to building bylaw thu is not russia this 1 canada and im not suing to mow of tear duwrt mv home an irate reildcnl warned enquei- ng towipthlp luunulkm mon day on htf uhjcelcd to huildinu tvitrklrom un i mall tenth une houc owner j ctmik und his lawcr talked out of the eounul meet lug when eounetllors luld him lkcl aliom s ollftst tlsltleit clunks killy brfmne ukbi iled his 9rd birthdis qiitctlv tues day ns hi ljn i ted f rie nils u id euslome rs in his conluiioru r and lobieeo shup on m un s burn in v ijlv small mm munilv neu llmvule ik imm in ail ml w xi irs ilii t minimi ihc beirdinim ctmip stun xilurt goitkins tuulu hi is mux ltttil d in qv hi si ii lid his oun hn stness in a poilnm tt xxluu llu f g a stun is iih siiul smm to hunti ami ennfeelmneis supplies rrtim thin hi moved lo his pris tnt likation mi msiin si hi luxx hi sihihil lain allhiiilh ht his ixt n in ill hi illh tin ni in lu his ikwi inissid isiinil mil stun tuiiitlv duiuil i piiiiiini ol llu afternoon 01111111 i ik s isiis ik luxes to sit anil thai xxtlh in kin ol ins olil riillils seldom sun uilhoul i iirtii in his un hi th lu lous liolhliil ixllu tin sni ill h hi in while lu e reeled i iuw huuu ht hui u permit lor the new one and ts legal lc mrf jou wlh cuaiomer coiik explained ihc small house cos i htm 1200 and it would eust that ninth in wivek ii count illtus explained theic was no si list in h um t h i i v and rcstrktlons il ihiv allowed him to hi ik il count 1 1 isii disttisscd in ippli lo either mow ihc hutist hit oluattim u huilil a hoiist tin ihc the toavnshlp or tear it down it i lyhth 1 uu in i aw unpv ju i 1 only 7ai wuarr feet ami thi bvlon uiuil appruv il ilu bylaw iallcl for an 900 quurv askid llu health i ml lo ihnk fool minimum uist wcik thi itu piohit ami jik hssihiln iouwll trppil it inminium tonl i svpik lank l 000 tttt r till huildintl msptiloi uixnuil the iiwnci itioid tlu hoosi vl2 in nsukniial pit nuts is onto his pmptrtv this mji ioisiki ilunny mav mmmmmj ill ui to oki with poinktl uh his ii til i i jsiuil his hilloi ikction dnv siim hi s is 21 always con sn iiivi hi ilaims orange parndca until 1460 hi nlir missed tuauhiiil tn ihi i2lh ol july or mill paiatk ixluinination and knit inlcnsi lorn him to attend ihi p it uli ilti ihouyh he is uthn ndmn in i l ii or si i liny in his whn i ill in ik is yrx ulmind in thi or uir1 i ihilv siiul is i p isi muster ol llu lo il iihilj pisi mislii of i hi hot n lu ilisiiu i ithlyi p ivl misui ol l hi hi nk l iklyc olni hiinili tin ii h past lomm indtr it tin siarkl lkiji htimb and honoi it lrmd in isicr of llu oniuio wist rnion ho is also i ikmhn il tlu ouitn citv mi soiih i oilyt tom into and i past loiinnl lomm iniln ol thi wood liun ot ihi worlil hard worker k is in is in si known 1 1 till is his ioiil hti lo h ml v iii om his in hid stilal hildiiti k ii ins soi disap- estimate 220000 for h s addition extra gymnasium ups cost 101000 tentative approval for a 9runm 1202000 addition lo atton disi net hiyh school was received bv irwlccii irom llw department ol education at their mectiny mon dav avvuranee of municipal fmane ing must now be sought irom the councils of eujucing nas tagawcya and acton as well as the ontario municipal board trustees noted the depart ment s tentative approval had not included u uvmnastum as onytn ally planned included in ihc pro posed addition would be six class rooms oni librar a special commercial room and a t a bora lorv on wednesday board chair man jack reid ix ported ihi dt partment had advised thai in eluding a gymnasium wmild in crease the cost of the pncct bv an estimated 101000 board secretary w middktoii explained iyoernnuni ymnt amounting lo 70 pci iciil would be paid on in amount up to 220000 the balance would not he subject hi yranls secrctaiv williamimiddlclou m loimid the boirtl immbcrs ihi lmirnminl ytants amountiny lo 70 per lint would le ie an if pioxmiatc 160000 lo be shared bv the three afleclid municipah ins acton fsquisin and nas j nayaweva townships bi i i huildmy can be matted approval musl be rilinnl from tlu lot d ul tniiil onl irto mumcipil boaid and ihc dcptrjimnl til pdutii lion hlb gym lunch arm alteiulmy he nieclinu upon in r mlation was oikvilk aixhilnl don hallfonl who made a lour o he buikhny with prtncipil e a hansin anil litiny assist inij pnniipd michael be van ttvin their return t ht boird xtibdk cnyayed mr hallloid is aiehi liel for the pmieit penthny of i held approval ol ihe prwinl i propertv ihurman wilhu swackhanier told ihc board hi i ft j i ist would like lo see a pro pet lunch area and an additional gymnast um built at the same time thanmjji reid doubted thr need ol anolhei yvm and asked principal hansen to explain whv this was nccessirv mr hansen stared the gtn is in constant use at all times hut according lo re- iuirvminlsof tli depaiitucnt ol ldtieation the pioyiam ts not adequitu mr re ul icjie ittd his doubts and iskul mt sw lekhamci to rrconsido his thouyhls about a lunch site a is well as tn atltli lion il ym mi swaekhunii tmphasied ihc need for piinliuy ihc outside wikhlwork ol hi old siction of ihc school and tlu suntarv a instructed to call tenders approval wis yimii to inyayi anilvrsiin bhkstoti guelph to sell tixl btmiks at the school thniuyh the student council ai ter i lciilthv tliscussion a teso- lulion lo chtil1 iipki yi ale sin dents 5 anil lowe i yiatle stud enls 3 rcyisti ition lei to cover referees lees libotaloia deposit student council anil book dcfhi us etc was tabled until a inlet meeting whin he motion wis pic sent id inistn cluslii anderson op posed ihirymy the students for referees ices and said the stu dent council projects should pj his id ilsu s ml he miyht consuki the tliitc on ihe basis the charge should he levied agaiiut eswnliul materials tor school only and opposed a charge lor anything other ihun hcse- items al ihe request of mr en gel ihe resolution was tabled for futihrr stuilv the tee-ommenda- tiou oi the ehaige mai prevented in the principals report bsmnl immber alo learned fmm ihc ptineipal that teacher continued on page three ayau after five years skating career in england for talented peter gibbons aclon re lu lives bade goodlm al a partv siiturikn to peter gibbons talented guelph youth who leave tomorrow tralny for fngland to mart a new phase ol his career peter a professional liyure ska tcr has been engaged by u lead my englixh ice show and will live at douglas isle of man o skate in gerald palmer prodtic lion of carnival on tee the son ol mr and mrs frank gibbons he wasborn und raised in acton and took up figure skat ing at the guelph college liyure skating club in 1959 the family moved to guelph so piter could spend more time on the ice v farewall party up to guelph for a faixwell partv on the weekend weie miss madeleine gibbons his aunt mr and mrs neil gibbons uncle and aunt and family in 1961 he was the western ihe unusiil portion ot llu stii dints moni would be returned j ontario men free skittngrham itustcc owiyht i uyil staled pion in the same year he and uafc- jicl- v -issjch- -j-n- jrswkzai hw partner miss carol priamo win the western ontario pair champion turtwd pro in the fall ol 9m pevr turn ed pmfesxional to teach af the kitchener wain too skating club where he hat been teach inu since mr gibbons is well known fof his performances in rhipjuwlv on ice pnsinlttt bv the ouelnn ctilk-yt- riyure skalinp club ami also lor hts guest appearances in this disrlcl peltr was ititntlv honored by his it how skttus and iriend al a surprise patty und was prea- enltd with flight itiuynge for hit trip his pannts held a bon voy- age partv und danoe m the royal hotel when orr 100 or til close friends and re lu live wuh ed him good luck in nisi five short veais mr gibbons has come ojong way from u beginner to a perlonncr in a- ptoltstiomitjie shjuw i still i ilw i u i till nu t title will hi it is tn i n mi i llti ndl wotd i v hs hhi i tlsllll t ill s le ie llu inv cluldl hiwildiiitt look hut iti o ihi m itlniuis tin n tn ii n ii a st um h c onsi i it h ixi ii ai i is e in lit i mi ui ti in niiniiis iiuiim nuii iihnhii p inn i i i mill ills villi 1 in ill nkis till it mib ins his mill is i ii 111 ii 1 111 im in nth yum c k k i i 1st th i i iii 1 ii s tins rhd d u is uluim hi mil in il the m is ul us ol loot1 will ii i ine on ihi s inn mini torn i lohi nn i ballet school forgwen lauder i mi lllls will l in utshiiil hint ihhv uul h ipp estimate damage 1750 jury report praises manor in three- vehicle crash urges jail replacement total daitingc in a lluw whiile on so 2 lucjiw tv wlun eiash inxdbin um nnttoi vats school hits n milium uoiih aitil st thiol bos wciusiti ul tirnotui amounted to 51 sii llu neeuknt ittxokehl a i n ihintn bv wax ik iwnson son ot ui and mis willi uu liens n vmn u em iiiium b a k milnmsh 1 ixlmlas aiul iit i sqoisinl siluntl i un i he ii uul hits ii pot t d i t i ik tov onnl oni l sittntes i i ti s iot dav with high pi om o il lid ion i t nk um il m in t id is bos ttviiud l fik moitow tieoigelown n noith hallo 1 1 tent i mtstnhl vvstiyalid tiul slau it i i tosh mi was pioiistin h iliti tlllk ii opp iv i uh liun iji lo mint 1 1 a tit- ix ts i stun ill ml 111 lltlosll l ti i sooih t iul tlu bus xll to 111 olil pupils till thi siik ol ihi hiihxx tx ophisiti ihi laiuxx is lo jintis samms lnniu appannllv mr mijjiiosh siop- pitl whiti i hi hashing lights onuu prouitul liun 1 1 net llu bus xhtiu on mil y ixiti hi n h ilton nitiix ludv- situ moiling bilmitl tlu kln rlhotl loltoxxin tlun ojxrition indsixin ml ttu count t ul i ii iliti in 1 tin unabk lu stop lion ol thi binklnic on m ixoul i n is lonmin ol ihi lm x i llu lutis n i hick ins houiixik i i hoi im ul it jmv llu mi tlu ur dismlnd tlu u ii mi in st m lkn n llu it i ci ll m u ii i x win i ix i ibl xxilh i ii ullllh ss t llu i i n llu pk is ml thli ii ii pi it nt wot k it ih thin pi ins u in iki tim ol isii m i ih h is nu n i lu tiiu i i t mi k ill ri tht hih thi si uu i 1 ii i llu rotnt t mdllktii i til ul ili ittupmiiil nispott ippoxim oilx ijoo i il m iiooiul llsii otrnti uul is i i mlit t i initiiu ntksl o 1 i ti im i mv ii i m it iii lion llu hinlx i ul s i il i siiu t nit ih im i llu huildint s kt pt in u i ii i1 i t n liti i v oi uul i pi i i l t i t 1 tl mv ot 1 i i iii i il ht tihl t p 1 tu in m nl i uli i ili it ih ini i ul his si ill ii 1 i x i ik nl h iiiuk i x t i in till i uln jiul tonsi i a sihol irship lor toui xteks sunn tie t toutsc in b ilk i al i hi ikkin sthool ul i nu ails his ixiti won h i c ii old cixxni l niikr two sihol ii ships wi u mired in llu coalpit balk i ai iikim coxin i stiukni ot miss caioli miii in ii wun in llu iklllilll tl 1 1 iss linoiliui ttk lit o miuuits xc is 111 nil iomoxmii uidillotis in lo- i nlo i is silutdtx it tlu j mi i hikhxui siiuhu with miss h i will hid iii t ssist llll lllr- siii il ii ui iinlph llu ollni uiniiti xt is t uul i ve u highlit i till in tlu simoi dixisioti tht suiinui sihintl will ih m sm luki it noiistv i i tin i tm1 llui tmilt i hw m ihe nnptissitj ih uitilul tic xx i oi ii tl chinch um ikmi ttu ljiis uul thin it uh 1 1 wi t it llu 1 nix 1 1 sit x suinl tv uul posul ii i publiiiiv sh t- i r tin thtkil bx llu swimiiuu pt- i ihi si ihm i si ii is juk 14 tn iinuitil nil xunisi 10 miss lie r im i hw is i i i ui ui i will ih hti st uisliu l ii lot the uisi r th nit tt x ii v mtxs lull his ihs ii luiioiltlli kxs iii iii ii m h ilu u ht i hiinu in i hi s luiniillx pi iiiiimi i km llsll iii n i i p lit ills sih t i uu km n i ti n hiih tnsiiiu md si ill i wh ei iti i tl nn i ik nut tin w d ltl u h mt i pont shfc isntn stotlxm incih pi i i tun i tis nut t k it ss nis i n i it ht i i in ii hi un m h ht pji nis mi ul mis mini 1 im in ot i la ivpltein the building twuh lion itjmltrn instilttlhn i ill k u- kid iiil i in t it i nm mled i m mini ihk tn ilt iui ih it l il ii iii nm s i t i i ilu pie sen it mill i ii i lh i ills l th ii i i i in imii 1 inu i i llus i itilil i ns it i p 1 1 tl t itionuiki hil f it llu pin nbht- b iihttutti l ii w ish h i ui n uisi imttl u 1 i 11 it thi u i n 4im i i n pi u i d mon t h n o t v h i istallivl m e kb tl ih it si mi i tw 4 u i i n tn x iiktt i i ti i in omntafton wflk f txjth ttobert tittle wt aa- 2 qemtit khocu be xej h i r x hx icvei iicw rrkbts left k tipht mrv icsrcy a xine cvfrv ac ion nthjn- i i c teacher coluk o will teieh ohle twt thr kobrtt i ttlc wlivxi lnctsfth ftun v v hm 0xmt of blrjtto4el tihei colck who will fcth qie two t ix m tvt kbocvl nuiky jtpf mikirny irdut o slrhod tcehciv ccsllrge tsehmg k n ii t rb ft i khor ke al durh qr of htndieu iach codvojr vcb v n dutnl m ttthf t t tchool nvilm stnb0 ofombo grdor of hjmdcv tet t 0 o h m z bvnnvlt khool do kingibury bock wood qrdujt of m chrto tout mt th ml z enntf tchoos nd cd hnnj dunnv me gitkfim ot hany hontchnnj kinctrginn t m wc x bniwt khoor thy r ihon xuh prrkipjii g w mckui nd etmr smith open park kr i tlvr t tl ts i i n p t k htr llt i i oh in i v tluin r s tl puk ot ofiiuunt was m m ii ulimsskmi tukels m- rijvlt suul gultc m numi h t t in rxsuknis patkihl tlun xihkks hilsiik ihc palis and ualkel into itw poii a itulj luuubci i a out of toxwti motorists j eniowd the tocihtics al ihe park papers baskets oft on saturday dm i lurgx u bundw tkl paprr mm usd si quart baskets mil early iku halur- iu 1 1 s hoy sctiut aper drtva ius again frwvnta imn ihr sale will as iis for ih im roul miv vniarnl in lowm as mii as summer tamping ir1s rrglnsung al nfaw oihxt lu ihc mum scouts and i uha 111 a4w hsln sis irucha and uiur th losm id pick up ihctr maraa wna ihs oris la com pleted pap will b tnussfvrv rso it on of tranaport tnsrluv ami lake so tasrt rag and metal c fur eat naakela rui be dispnaeil of locally trucks wih he supphed h jim okotathjre oat parsie sunday afternoon vya seen by laror oatrieong of ho i ned w out irom ih c n b station down mill si ni up main s s o ftir ccmejary too oholo shows aclon gtuan band who haadad ine oaraow second hm cuolph pipe band and bottom guelph sea cadet betid gravei at farvevy dublin and pwgi a teries were decorated following th brief outdoor ce

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