Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), June 6, 1963, p. 6

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6 acmnlamvtolmno mmi and of xnitqn bt acton pjofmaj mr and mra jack frank apent lh weekend wllh friend at ark- wright and fori elgin aclon wonwnt institute mem- hera enjuyed a bua trip lo to ronto on monduy mr bob lundnbokhmh of north bay upon i sunday and monday at hit home hero nineyearold stephen gordon it a patient in ouelph general hotpltal the lad it the n of mr und mm alvey cordon waterloo university student laurence duhy passed hit tecuml year brelhenlo0y counic with sec- ondtlata honor the wlminlnukeuun really slutted wllh y rtpluh on the wuekend when the weather sud denly turned avurm mr slimlev mclluyh or glen willlamt visited in town over the weekend und ullended the dec oration services on sunday bruce andrew is home for the summer jtolldayslriim stolon hull south orange new jersey and heyun work in the office at acton llmeilone ouurrlca i id visiting with relailvei on the weekend wan ml mnry chal- mem of toronto whos um hack irom u hollduy trip lo south ca rolina friend will be sorry to leurn frank splelvoael is u pnllenl in si jiephs imspllal guelph ev eryone wishes him u speedy re ciivery ilvdnl superintendent doug ma- snn ullended the grand valley metcrmcns assoeliitlnn cunven- tlon il port dover wednesday may 29 vlslllng with mr und mrs c k browne tuesdnv un the occa sion of mr browns vthl hirthduv were mr und mrs h hmchut- lie of doihius und mr bruce flunnluun of guelph afler cnmplcling hi year in piimltvuliigy til si peters seminary london michael- ben nell is home lor the summer he the sou ol mis bennett und the late mr michael bennett sr mr und mrs irlllin spniul mr anil mis john r spnmi and mr- muc spniwl nttended the will wuddinu unniversury of mr und mis bert botieher ol sncl- drove sunday evening mrs htm cher is a first cousin miss i nls thomson of guelph hu gruduated irom the atkinson school of nursing toronto west- ira hnspilul she is the daughter of n runner aclon presbvlcriun minister the rev r forbes thomson und mrs thomson blivh hills golf ami country cluh in niissiuiwevu inwnship held open house on the week end und manv from this disu ict inspected the buildings links ten nis mints iiiclierv ranee and swimming pool smalt cabins will lc built to nutcr aiut theix are motellviv iihiins fur overnight islttlls mis muv iialiuu i inliw liming her biuther will mtciss nl tmvumitltii scuiiiihi lo ac inn iricnils laslsilunlav he has mil seen bis utaiives in caneda tor 44 eais ami is making his headiiuulcis in guelph with sis ter mis socket he save most ol itle ttissn and sciis iinpivssctt with the vast modem npcratmu at ac ton limestone ouanics attending the lnttiinttli spcvdvvav race sundav m i 2rt trntu aclon civ meiin hat nexsxiank tolb si and jr mar vin hunter ami lack mai shall tllvy were icstiinpinietl hv ivink kcllv ol iiiclpli lli- men mot l ivsl to i ootlon onloio whcie ihev listiilctt a tltiiletvil bus lot ihe lll to the lulled males thev ivl limed the same eeiine he ulil leniviintt- holel in kikkwswkl hus bevn lvstuit aiul cttmplclcls ivcucoialvd b ivn slewuit a ictlicd pnilessionil engines and tstnlil liavetier lnsc bohbs collcvling anliercs las tinned into a lis inttine bu siivcss his shop ihc wctlhct s uh highllufo is c glas bcautitultv ivtimsbed tur- nitoil ills oiogiu- volley ton it meimomte and inltcst aiipiiv i osalist woven toxoids tint early chmi he held nxn nhim on the tvvciut nut cjuite a lew tiom aclon xseie animxg the vim imx mr hill mainpne m es pett xxxshixsoi kei helps hint at tiilks xvilh pmblcin inlw mivs healhei wilheis dnvblci ttl mr ainl ml william iihsrs mocponald bowles ul ttwt twipi slit ol the utvald tin pksttjliiv nursing tltumt si jsvph etud imthht exeivtses last vk xsas gkht ctt htvtutt 11 a tamtlx geael lulkun tsuskkt at lbs- bottle ol her parvnu indav evening guetu itendjug iikiikisai mi hal amvrth and son ixtxid ol kile- mlaa carol goodwin daughter of mr and mr roy goodwin mill si waa feted friday evening by her parent and frienda dur ing a private graduation parly at the station hotel atlridlniweiv carolt- godfather mr a parrot t london grandparenll mr claire goodwin mitchell and mr and mm alfred yale new market at well at frienda and relative fpam kitchener milton niagara full scarborough markham and aclon mlia jean moffat daughter of mr and mm duncan moffat rr 2 rock- wood paired wllh mitt goodwin in the hospitals sister system was altua guest peler hunt cldcai ton or mr und mr joe hurst 44 arthur st arrived home last week from fori churchill manitoba where he hat been stationed lor the past two year with the royul cana dian navy arriving with him was hi navy pal fenwlck whynol who it spending tome time here hcror d to hi home in mulione bay nova scolla tlte ruir spent u few day al the lurst cultude on luke slmcoo und while there renewed acquain tance with another navv pal who i stationed at camp borden bull hhulo total oamao wat ettimated at j 1750 in a threevehicle accident wednetday afternoon involving two cart and a school but driver of the depleting school bus wat jack morrow georgetown and car driver were wayne benton of acton and a b mclntoth of dundai no perton wat irijured t n w vjc rtnnm arier st josepha huspltul school ol nurlng graduation last frlduy mr lis duhy und mr robert anderson were eo- hostesses for a dinner party for miss bnrbaru wure at duhys home mr anderson is the grad uate godmother amonu the guests were mr und mrs air dubv judy und nunev actttn who helped serve her father hurry wuiv of hespeler mr and mrs art roy lynne anil michelle sllvercaek rev und mis p a sawyer guelph ihc rev ii stokrvel und the rev donulil west mr und mrs vie drislow und children mr james funk und his mother mrs mary i funk rockvvtkkl mr and mr second gordon cine roekwood mr loseph- dubv roekwood mr tuvlor ud miss fslber tnvlor biuther jim ware anrl otber members ol the immediate fnml iv gruntlpareitis mr and mm albert ware ol fverton couldnt come due to illness the gradu ate went hack to guelph in the evening to attend the grudiiuliitn dance mr jules fi i iters of acton at tended the alb annual credit un ion xvvekend school tor cu of llcers in onlurlo sponsored bv the kilehenerwuleiloti credit- union chapter und held al the oac guelph on may 24 unit 2x a veiv jnleivslinil leeluie abtiul wills was given on fi i- duv while the saturday leeluivs anil discussittns weiv on the vari ous credit union alluirv over 4ix cm olllceis mm all over the pmvince attended classes he is credit union treasurer of llolv rosary parish milton anil hopes lo start a credit union hranch in aclon ncl tall cow type demonstration jsurpriw gift given 4h calf clubbers fwp twoniyflvo members ol the acton 4h calr cluh gulhered at clovcrdale furm ol a j murrav it son for their first regular meeting or l on wednesduv may 29 the business portion wits chair ed by president russell muituv- und secrelury murruv wullace called the roll the instruction period was conducted by jack robertson ol the intension brunch who gave u type demonstration ol a ma ture jersey cow hi the junior i memhciv the inlermetliati and j memliii i senior members lodged a class ol heifers and i class ol mature cow from ihe clovertlale held tintl several gave oral leiisons lor placing mr roiktimiii acted as otficiul jtlilge caltl lluabundry the generul meeting toik the tattaaautiavtaha lorm of ait illustrated lecture in which mr hohcilstm explained with the use ol rhaits various aspectsof eallle htisbandrv such us fnheritince dlgestluu and iwes tit nutrients separate work sheets welt la- ken up by the thiee age gloups with questions glutted according to the expel lenie ol the metulurs this svstemis iteing useil im the lirst time in the llallnu countv 4h pmgram continued support chih leatlei nino hi mil i nun members on llu- tonilllion it their club ikes mil ttn the mutuicr in winch ihev tlls- plavetl llleli 4 11 gale iiftt piojeil signs in thanking the hosts mi lllaiila loinineijileil the mtuitv u lheirtontlniiil stippoi t 411 piopram lamilv ol the a ihe hteeline ias elosetl in ihc tuesjtleul in- leiiling llu- mem hers in the niiiilion ol the 4 11 pledge mrs ilanv miirrix seixetl u- livshiuenls to iiuiiiikis aiul iar cuts lollowing i he meeling acton ys mens club iiieiiilhts hosted wives und 1 1 lends us well us loimer memliers i htnsduy eve ning muv mi during the iinnuul laities night held this year ior the lirst lime ul llu- college inn mnielrguclph guests included mr ami mrs chuilie klrknest mr and mrs 1 ii gohn mr uutl mis c i lealheilaiul mis lot ma kenie mr anil mrs hvissell aibic ami mr and mis i gkv hl asprilal ami lolallv u iw sped eil pirstiilatioil was inade lo ml inei smith who in a uiosl unas- siiniing wuv has ttetoleil i v htiiiis lo y xvtnk with voluutt1i help p inning in the club anil on ihe boaitl diimhloiintleil he a tepieil a leather billlold imiiii llai iv ailtie ii ti les kukness was a hil ni oils tinesinasiet imslel b mrs w mekeille wile ol the in leuiilionil pisitlentvleil ol whom the miinlkis are so pioiiil almul ml enittxtl tlaniing atler- xxanls liiighing at the limbo con itsi anil admiring those who tin- lei look lo tlo the twist nursi otaduatis mitt e dawn coulter daughter of mr and mrs a roy coulter of rr 3 campbellville gra duated june 5 from hamilton civic hospital school of blurting she attended bttrlinaibn central and nelton higb schools dadapproved gifts for buy a 1963 rambler wom 2295 up git top fof youu ttadi now f g bourne motors ltd bron1e street south triangla 82370 milton crteott valley conservation authority iwiion and uamo toronto wvkinnon gucrpb mt and mrs frank daughkrs janice mtv eve- 1 mr and ieth sheaffer pens and pencils sure to please always appreciated 100 to 2500 a wide selection to choose from come in and look them over today now mlmo books in a variety ot koi for uovket or bfictcic 98 oibtan micllnout items nevwttwintptmfo est ic tyfwtsj cach 41 m tc ouaal f aah iu to atut rben ppr tor tymwwitirs hncils au m sues 8 1 1 8 s 14 atias tynvmnn tiuons tor all fy of machmis plan now for fall tree planting youll get more done when men and machines arc available order your fall tree planting now deadline for application is june is credit valley conservation authority ieuacoltaont 8774252 farm planning reforestation recreation flood control wildlife historic sites mngeora law mr flndlav met- tar mr and mrtt john clwtnint- i mmmi mr and mra price rnl mr price ii j umther dills stationery mmh1st acton 8592030 mother daughter banquet given by ucw blue cornflower and while dulale lot lived the willing for the annual coit mother and duu- uhlur hunquels of- trinity united cliuivh on wednesday muy 29 iollowlhu the tlnipnu ot the pern small mita lorraine latby and mra ken allen jor their as sistance in the cfirlstlun iruinlng or their daughwr iirucu vicepresident nunev gor don welcomed yuest iintl tuo- lliers ulanne ironside on hehull ol ihe ciilt tilrls und leaders ihunlied unit one ol the united church women for piowdmu ihe lovely hutiiiuel und lot their wil llnu usklsliince ihiouuhoiil ihe veur us sponsors ot hie ccilt joitn hluntlell us chulriiiun or ihe chrlsllun rdticutliin commll- lee responded to ihe oust lo ihe church ulven hv sandra irwin a lilhiite to ihcvunlhers was lilveu hv sullv dick mrs a iron- sltle leplled with llliiii remuiks niil ihinlteil the leuleis miss warm air and hot watm hiatino mooirn plumtino pumpa and water syttamt frank carney and sons itd rock wood phena ssavsol a sltoi t tlnaaonsj concluded the tllnner period sudes ot the cgit actlvltlet luken byleader mlu pern small ihratujhoul ihe year were enjoy ed at well as tildes of her recent trip to the west coaat a humor- tut skit cat pie wat presented by the glrla a worship service and tape con cluded the evening month of june specials owls bathing suits attorted colort and matenali sizes 4 6 198 and 279 bathing trunks pott youths oys and min priced from 79c to 279 z omis bathing suits sizes e i4 299 and 398 large itlavy qualiiy beach towels with designs 198 ea for outdoor fun s our lrg muctien of bach toys in cluding tand toys surf boards goggles swim masks and fins snorkol bathing cap ar plug baacfi balls wading pools swim rings ate hintons 5c to 100 store hav yaur panert and baaiimt out a 0o am tm sahaftiay sttopjirr rrn iimii friendlier scrvloe bonus features i site 4s llienl n hultei if rose pickles 29c sit i kiiii lo- j fetturiag specially stlttil value checkd beef i ialus 1t5 choketl oevrnmnl oradd trended baal avai neez wniz ope i viue ituki nt w i nii hi miuu- bladeroast43 soe 4 or lt i iilon i lenh hiliin wish ii ik 4 ill puk h shiiik s i ui siii kill i kmi1i dressings 41c stv t niliisfi 121 pk shreddies 2 for 49c sh0ulder rodst 47 site k clnks inns 4i in tomato juice 25c six w-tm- mii iism- svhu or cf djl for- a tins i jl u roasting lb tj tomato sauce 19c llmiuv fink shi h llls- 1111 fruit cocktail 2 for 49c sunshine fresh fruits and vegetabiies s i 11 i in 1 s i jinlv sljlk celery 19c lt1111 iuw- fi sm- tlinl uli ftit111 i k blue bonnet margarine 79c lh mils hut ti sn tit in riiiiiiit chipion l 8 fr95c lulllll l n n s s tue vtiui viiu i il nt ii rai i- ja vex liquid bleach 44c lil s- r hi hot hou tomato 3sc no i corn 4 for 29c hihis itis i s te rimn this mi sv 4 red at while inatanl as r v off part ptg f rnntr qa bed 4k whji i t w wc tea aqi soe green onions 3 for 25c ha-ltw- skim milt fsmttrr vlh pk g gyg fqjln stariac 79 seasoneo vegetabus ti si thno it 0al sv mi pkk lh un oomtsttc itaaamiiaj tu sj 4 slt nrfl 1asan wtap is llh xuui tj tiykij p4usm copph tvsc st stsmmcr fealurr afco drsrtalng la jvi tut it micro whit ois kav lis itv m pask sjiki 4sr rk stoti pin scnl y 43 s off pack he s4 xaaiiae j uston cuanip 4 green peas 43c ampl rooss w ov parking lo ran dsuvtsrr open thurs ft fri night ttu 9 pm pttaitta m otto 7 mwy istii or stmiwam reg mr mosmv nut mmo m su aiaal mary a poo tu

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