Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), June 13, 1963, p. 1

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t t for 390 bed halton manor addition elgmlohfh year no si acton ontario thursday june 13th 1963 wut45osj ow eight paoeesovon cents new shoe factory to hire 30 soon tier lamlllon industrial shoe thermowelt l recoanl among the best manufactured in cam limited actons newest industry h completing this week the movement or machinery and equipment from hamilton and fatpecls to be in production within a week machinery ih helng installed while work continue by local contractor j b mackenzie son limited shortlll sheet metal and gltlo elect iiic to complete their new quarter in acton in dusfiial centre the former wool combing building gafety fomweer the company manufactures goodyear welt work boots and induatrial safety footwear in cluding insulated hunting boots inld footwear for construction worker while their linen arc difcrrimit ed principally through safety sup ply companies many industries and mining companies urc pur chasing direct for their em ployees regular customers are union carbide ltd lever bros ltd general motors of canada and mclntyre porcupine mines the quality of their branded unea safetlwcll workmute and is recognized t manufacti employ about m a numbar of key personnel will move lo acton but all others will be employed locally with preference being given to ap plicants having previous ex perience in the operutipn of shoe machinery the move was necessitated by the need for increased produc lion capacity and it is anticipat ed that a staff of 30 will be em ployed within a short period of time space which will be oc cupied will be approximately moo square feet being the last area available in this building ten other companies are alreadv operating in this same building eugene bralda president huacne brnula pnsident of hamilton industrial shoe limit ed is also president or corona shoe co limited the newcompunv is under the active mnnugemcnt ol joseph jnncur who is at present com muling dally frum hamilton but who anticipates moving to act t n in the near future hiimarwn hydroplanes to race at ys mens regatta courses have been charted lesi runs made and hydroplane mot ors whipped into topnotch per formancc for the ys mens ivg otto at fairy lake this saturday members of the oakvlllc hvd roplane club will race their fast sleek craft in various heats on ike lake saturday afternoon us spectotors line the shores to watch tarts at i pm ruccs will get underway ul i pm u hydroplanes equipped lo nice from 20 lo 70 miles pel hour skim over the wutci ad viincc ticket sales will entitle ticket holders lo several luckv draws these will tukc plact throughout the uftcrnoun during the past few vvevks several members of the hydro plane club have made p riodic visits to the lake und tested then viwe usj crufl on the smooth water srt urdav spills and thrills will he in store for those attending the event in order to prevent tralfic jams on mill st w acton coun cil has approved a no parking 7onc in this area for saturday only police have been author ed to patrol thla area and pro hibit cart from parking during past pcrformonces b the hdroplunes residents living in the east end of town heard the high pitched roar oi the mo tors and drove to the p irk to uuch the bouts nuiwtwiad around the lake everyone attending the cveni snurdu is promised in liter noun of excitement hut will be requested lo sluv well hackfrum ihc shoreline in the interests ol saleis scents cubs cither 9000 lbs ef paper over 9 000 pounds of old new papers were gathered saturday morning by 26 stouts nnd cub assisted by the scout group mm mi t tec proceed from the sale of paper will be used fur equip ment nnd supplies for the bov scout movement in acton beginning at 9 i m scouts nnd cubs piled into five trucks und two station wagons and blitzed the town loading papers and old baskets until vehicles were full after several return trips to the scout hnll with lull loads scouts repacked the panels on a gov trnnhport truck nnd made the trek to gait where papers wen sold run lewis chamnm of ihc scout group committee express ed thanks to those who loaned vehicles for the drive pete mas son motors svmon hardware acton lumber supplies town council and gov transput t f w rowlings celebrates 93 rd birthday saturday a luimet atton resident und well known to muny living here frunk w ruwllnps now i iei dent ul guelph cekhialeil his imrtl bihdu sutuul june 8 mr kit v lings win honored dur ing u luiullv guthciiug nt the i home ol his duughtei mis h v caigu ruckwothl with members i ol thi lainitv present i wlik a resident ol avion mi lumuigtnariau niui miiwtingsns lond ut garden in tais ul gucx1 ik at 111 reject suggestion te bezeue preuerty extensive study was given the proposed reviewed zoning by taw rhuisdnv evening when planning boa id members met the reus tl submissiun iwis pnstnitd to htm two weeks httiiti bv eun ultants dun ng i hi tiu 1 1 1 ii nit mbe rs re let ltd a lei iimiin lulalietn fiom luuikll to le itiedtt me tennis si mi livtti bouliiil t tit il ties and re one the piescnt property as i eommenial aiea this at linn wis taken in fior nt tht rniaid s nninil return meiulaiinn to lux t the present laidilies stsi eheie ihe are and muncil appinaeh beardmuie and co ovwieis ol the plttptlts with i it tu puiihamiil ik luul ballinafad complaint brings second boundary approval tor the second time this aiear acton council endorsed the ori ginal resolution approving bound ary changes fur acton milton and georgetown high schools this was done tuesday night at the request of deputy minister cw boothc or the department of education who sought certlf ted copies of this resolution from acton georgetown and milton school boards as well us from councils in the three tuwns and bsqucvlng und nesaagaweya townships during a special meeting of milton council wednesday af ternoon members launched a formal objacllon agamet pro- poaad chaitgaa in high echoolv boundaries affecting mulon georgetown and acton atucv enla it waa decided lo notify the department of education the changes are not in the beat in terests of the town of mulon prior to a special hearing by the department to review the changea tomorrow friday this decision waa mad whan it waa learned mulon would lose ll73 worth of aaaeee- meni or ii 14 cash annually if the changea ware allowed v action taken by milton coun cil la expected to stall the re distribution of school areas for at least another year aaaaaa 9t tots registered kindergarten enrolment foi and the tluwen beds at his foi me i home on church st were always much admired he still the robert little and m 7 ben ciliovs woi king around the gal net public schools has reached dm hut spends mure ol his the 90 malk to dule leisure hours plavmg cribhagc piinclpalsg w mckenzie and with friends oi leading timer smith anticipate- addition i al enrolments betore school be- 1 the res press loms willi his enrolment al mans triends here in wishing rx l r kn cuik jack mcgeachie inform ed council this uclion is neccv sars because ralcpavcrs living in the ballinafad area had sub mitted a petiliun to the depart ment objecting because their children who are presently ul tending georgetown high school would be forced to attend acton school- the resolution apprmntg the boundary changes had been approved hy alt school boards and councils and endorsed bv county council ii had been forwarded to the department for fmul ap proval tuesday alternoon a special meeting of acton district willi school board was held and mem bers gave their second approv al of the same resolution for the benefit of the department of education public bids crown assets disposal corpora lion notified council public bids would be requested for purchase of the old post office during the last council meeting it was decided to inform crown assets the town was no longer interest cd in purchasing the buildinp and wished to withdraw its tin 000 offer a report from acton i imc stone ouarnes regarding a blast during councils visit lo the quarrv friday mav 24 when the seismograph was uttached to he bcurdmorc smukeslack si ited the blast was recorded at 0001 1 the blast the following titcsdav registered 00014 on the- seismo graph when it was alticlied to the grain elevators al iuhkiv s flour mill ouarrv olfieials claim 03 is a salctv area and no hlasl lo date has registered atxtvc 0 council also engaged parking lot con slmctlon und maintenance co lo mark the white lines on cmss 4 ik-3- s- i t u si apropoel for a 300bed addition to halton centennial manor the countys hoove or me aged will be presented in the very near future before the ontario department of wei- fare manor board official revealed wednesday afternoon following thelrl june meeting the board will seek approval for an immediate isobed addition designed to that another isobedt could be added at a later date probable cost it estimated at 6000 to tsooo a bed or a total of 1800000 to 2400000 for the entire project provin cial grants will lubsldlie the cctt needed in two years we have studied the need and we will need if in two years time chairman f a phillips reeve of oakvltle tald mow it the time lo ttart planning it the addition if approved by the department would more than double the manort present capacity of 225 beds to a total of 525 beds citing the rate of growth oi halton county warden c a martin a member of the manor board suggested the manor addition wat needed more urgently than a tneounty all that wat recently propoteed to serve helton- peel and wellington countiei three storeys tentative plant for the addition call for a threestorey build ing located on manor property at the rear of the present build- ing perhaps oined to the manor by a tunnel the first floor would include utility services such as boiler room and kitchen with a 150bed wing in the second floor and another 150bedl on the third floor i reeve phillips noted preliminary studies have proven th need for the first 150bedt and that the first two ttoreyt would be constructed in the first phase of the program the building would be designed so tbat a third floor and the extra 150bedt could be added at any time tedcare wards the addition would consul of mostly bed care wards serv ing residents who would not be able toger out ofdoort there fore a twostorey building it ideal the present manor it sprawl ing maze of wlngt stretching dut from the adminttration centre and kitchen area designed to allow most residents free use of the outdoors without unnecessary walking dr martin felt the addition could save the county a consider able amount of money over an earlier proposal to build an entirely separate home for the aged on another site we have plenty of land there he suggested when the first 132bed addition to the original 19521 manor was opened in 1961 department officials said the building had reached its limit and if more accommodation wat needed for aged residents a new site would be needed however the board has learned through preliminary discussion with archi tects that the site would still be suitable for a large addition and at a considerable saving of money another lector in the boards decision to add to the pre sent location was the availability of the large auditorium admini stration centre laundry staff residence end chapel in the pre sent manor which could all serve the new addition anuamm irim wulks und roads in town approved raising ihc work ing category of new employees don svvackhamer and matt john stun from their probationary lulus lo labor cluss 2 tjuve apcruvjljorlhc duke ol devonshire chupter of the ode to hold a tag day during the fall fair agrvetl to have no 2 commit tec review the proposed bylaw to prohibit heavv trucks from us ing chun hill rd s and bring back a recommendation lo coun cil ssnrs e uu wc ratiuuvuja tennis club recommends four places for courts more dtryiirltn is k and at oie m bennett schtiul 41 two ham operators camp out make 240 contacts by radio take a iiuiiiemiis amount of i wav conversations were earned 1 radio parts add miles of wire on included pittsburgh penn i sh iki in 1 lui ol technical e akron ohio roval oak mich hhiuiki combine this with the and belleville ontario as well as acton tenmshih made four recommendations tor areas on which lo rclucafclcnnis facilities in a letter to acton council tues day evening it suggested lack oftacililies for one year would destroy continuity of the club this uetiun followed u recom mendation from council to plan ning board to relocate tennis and lawn bowling facilities and re one present property usti com mcruail urea council nude this recommendation during its last meeting action on the tennis court re location was initialed hv an ap plication to planning hoard imni beaidinore and co owner of the properly tu haye- the area rczon ed commercial in turn planning board recommended lo council ihc property should be maintain eel for the good of the residents of acton and suggested council approach bcardmore and co j with a view tc acquiring the pro perty in order to maintain the i present facilities i reject recommandallon when council suggested the the letter from the tennis club signed by president george el liott stated the club had been in existence for a number of years and during this time not one- year ot operation had been mis- police warn against confidence racket scd through a shortage of mem bers the writer staled that in all probability the club would con tinue lor many more years if facilities were available ha alao stressed ihc danger of destroying the continuity of the club if a place to play could not be found lor u year or two pour bugfeerlona possible ureas recommended bv the president for relocation of ihc facilities included either the high or puhlu school grounds ttie vacant urtu udjucent to maa- nn knitting plum which is own ed bv the c n r property behind tastcc freeze bordering on i he- corporal ray mason of the act on o p p detachment issued a warning to acton and dislncl residents this week to be- on the alert for confidence men pov ing us bank inspectors me reported several incidents recently where older people have been approached by strangers peel streri and property at the nosing as hank inspectors and i frederick st adjoining who produce- phoney ideiinlica i tannery siding lion these coiilidciuc men m noted in the letter most eases tell the resident his hr tun did not recommend re- or her account al the hank is he- 1 loeaiiun in live park because ing tampered with and ask thut there is not enough space avall- a sum ol moncv be withdrawn m i anm rmr i a suitable location order lo catch ihc offenders the park is loo crowded on corporal mason urges every i weekends now without t firms ad- one approached in this manner ding lo ihc congestion it waa make a mental note of concluded lo make a mental note facilities he relocated and the i his appearance secure ideniifica ouncll members agreed to property he rrionrd planning tmn o his vehicle und obtain have number one committee uv n members reiecicd the re- ihc license number 1h11 call vesligate ihc problem and meal nicest ol two ham radio op- 1 many locul centres messages eommcndation in view ol the i police- immediately fte also ask with bcurdmorc olllclals before viaiois and tlu result is a week were rvecived ireim us 1 11 soeiih rignal suggestion lo maintain that the bank manager be nqtif bringing back a further vinl c imping outing silting in as riorida texas ind the the property uc ot hl incident i mendaliun cramped inlands ol a lenl lllak i bahamas but on account ol atmo- tttttit twtriseii rn 1 1 r- 1111 m nig call lie call to various i sphenv conditions the ope alor 1 iviinls iiftunudu ami ihe unileel wcrr unable to transmit mrv promifsr al pi pirnir snio 10 two sohd davs i r ai kv ncnic to niosi cpciicnced campers the outing is in no nir ins i this sounds uinie slullv but for unique ham ladta operators are vonsiinle rim rupert ul the act doing this ircqucntlv and this on opp detachment and corel is ihc second outing this year ci eg ot uclph lh s rcollv tor hese two men the first was under hot sunny skies sunday j 1 m january when the- weather vus ij ojlr zfiiti most modem tyte colder i premier jn roberts rc-allirm- lloth men members ol tht i vlalllng hama tiuclph amatetir radio club and both sulurdv and sundav iihiu n iuho relay iragtsr are ihcv had hun i uho opetators and alter operators vas ol putting minute purls h wlki near and vic similh ol act isthci have ceiim up with the on harry schmidt jim scboe iiisi m uie in tvp it portable field and milt bnxikrr ol gcorgc- rktio equipped tot nvih trr- lown 011 ik v molulalivn and amplll a lew curious rrsidrnls also ind modulation mopped in lo see ihe campsite halton to get representation ted lo halton progressive conser ativcs thev wsmild have provin- leial nrpresentalun hefure an- sttvk provincial vilt ihcm inelmhng ugislaturr was convened the prrrnkr was guest ot hon or at the annual conservative picnic in lowyille park on sun day alternoon also present was lon rav cunnefl minister of i ii wekn1 ihcv pitched ami many imitonsts travelling jm l yfi mcmber lnls s 1 ilca portable generator churchill road slopped to gave w 1 1 mho oulpowxr oprrathm at the two teni equipped with tsie read premeee ml is jail hevping 001 signals hi aerials on he peak ol the premier roberts also assured tmni ihc high hill on the farm hill ibecrowd the department oi ol mi nut mrs r f mac what does one cat when on highways waa already studying 1 rthu rr aciun near ihe such an outing wrll pork chop he 0i eloverleaf problenis at churchill rd n rescrvrvir i jn ctlcc comes in hands he camptseltsille road since the th purpose of ihr iiing was tor breakfast leaks tor dinner opening of the new mohawk t determine how mam crastasts and plenty more tood supplies to acewav he also rc to nibble on ih tf mut o hmi were picked up saturday ektrrna the bey scout paper end basket drive scouta and curat blltred the town in several tf geihe me papers which were later teeded on a coy transport truck end taken to gait for tale shown loading one of the town truckt left to right are town employee sam tennent cube bill febbian end larry deforest while gordon reed end john van der kamp find one of the old paper interesting reading other- lun nsctio- aster tore could he made on a verv high trrourne hand from i pjn sat urdav until 10 pm sundav be- torr tucking up the two men had nude a total ol 20 con t acta he- tween them using both 144 megacycle a m and so megacycle f m some of the polnla where two- plem day in two week time the men hope to take part in a world wide field dav at puslinch under the auspices of the guelph dub when it is anticipated radio operators throughout the world will he contacted by the viae of all bands on the radtoa en the county inrlrsrung the road from palermo tenth to bronte and the ninth lena at ceorge- on calling a halton brelectfnn to fill the vacancy creeled by the death of stanley halt the ear a it dltfctrt a at conrjsued on page four r jfesssi s sal waa the main aeurta owingtl t 4m annual caramrvettve picnic held sunday a leynoon in uiiridlg ark here bui ihndhmon end family are shown thaw hglf cjsideena that had bean bertofxijnd avajg 40 i barbacug pit an aarimatad i jotramndad ing 1 not tunny aldgg jjke

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