Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), June 13, 1963, p. 8

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v tne awdnwpbby a ae 1 1963 mrt taii latemri e not- tn when lh y menette had pot luck supper wednesday evening of last week final plan were made f ihc members to help l the regelia in the park thin saturday the upcoming rummage sale was also discuss ed a gift was presented to form er member mrs edgar lidice in appreciation of the work she has done with the group a crowd of 406 mngd enthu- shrstsneckidnrtjwwiwictnt men and legion first summer bingo at toron aiansc at lea half the playors arrive in to chartered buses from oakvtlle bramptop acton georgetown gait brarttford kitchener and guclph the kinetic club held a lucky draw for a set of blanket graduation euchre in news wondering what to buy for father come fathers day read the ads carefully some of them are specially geared for you the window displays in town are attractive too for free estimate on local and long distance moving the june meeting tf the wi was held at the home of mrs william klrkwood the president mrs leo jemleson presiding the meeting opened with the opening ode and mary slcwnri collect roll call was answered by 13 members should november ii be a school holiday why following the business session mrs frank smith convener for education look over and asked for two minute reports from conveners mrs j snow jave current events motto bv mrs lloyd marshall love is the best assurance of world peace a reading by mrs smith on salt and us uses thank you cords were rend also a letter from the girl in tunisia whom the wi are spon soring a picture 4f her was shown the meeting closed with the oueen and institute grace a lovely lunch was served by mrs don brown mrs ada klrk wood and mrs wllllum mcuun assisted by the hostess nursihg graduate mr and mrs- jesse mcenerj mr and mrs john pearson at tended the urntluallon j miss sharon blatklock at gall school of nursing last week sharon once ntlenitctl peacock school while maying with mr unci mis jesse mcencry euchre winners a euchre uns held in the hull on thursday night when 11 lab les pluved hiuh mrs dunk nl erin unci mrs hall of frin mr leonard thompson acton and mr duncan mcmillan of george town conuratululinns to mr and mrs david mcencry- on the ar rival uf a baby son at george town and district memorial hos pital i service was withdrawn on sun day at balllnafod united church as it wus anniversary services at melvlllcchurch caledon itev mr burley wu guest speukvr wil jdey bulllmtrnd wd was well rep resented on ihc bus trip to sinn- ey creek where they were cele- hrnliug ihe battle uf stoney creek friday being wi day a bus load of 40 ladles represent ing members from bnlllnafad georgetown acton bannock- burn ijincikhisc ashgrove and silyerwood all en loved the day they were taken oil a bus tmu for one and a hull hours where they- saw many historical homes also very nice ones mr george edmonds has sold his farm and bought u home in georgetown mr bert mceneiy has sold his farm and has started work with mr mint allison he intends to moic down as soon as he can secure a house in this district we were sorry to learn m duve burton had to be moved to western hospital toronto we hope for a full recovery mr and mis cum meencrv mr and mrs ernie mcencry bll ly and carolyn attended the birthday picnic of mrv c mcen eyy and mrs dliowrie at the home of mr and mrs d low rie on sunday industrial vacations iy acton jnduitrjee are bat- jthetfielinlmy mill and mxw na order for supplies lit cre ation for their annual vtlca- buy a neweifgwic rffriberrwr or moor mm sztiftgrsisf a russpms titsslast nsutt sska tin- sil rwa lsmse llur issnskams mskup ms mrtlckuvcslujawastlwcsa mwt mnhnhti raonnhuiiw iwmumrot m hm atone won ptnoa ud c pim r rapacity to store or fastfrse nsjah fnoda snd to krrp rmsrn roods ssfly froun longs w nt a wnm ikmv imuh cheattype or upright with king slat raparity and sajoy your asoaeyeavtag frees food special in the kiagaiee umnimtumaomanutmumhmiamhm wro mm am a ww vum mat im mm hh on r r mat rimma maws haatty helenas cm viaooua coraaada katona viking firestone fngidairs g klerlric tieneral knew llheoa liilaoa kslviaalor leonard mciurv- kaay moffat oswald itiiiro rca whirlpool hoy 8impeoasa coldapot 8tmpaoaa8ara wsattnghouse wood and other f im auks only twotkmpkratuiik rkrwuritatuns with thuk utrtoxonb nuucotx bjkt10ns sjuaury r mm turunm nw tnttt tmml acton hydro electrk commission s334i0 3 iioin st n symon maimvwahm representative lor oe flhoouto and ouson freezers gordon harcvwarhh rapmenlaltva for kelvinator mmoavatom end- manning hiwik- reprtmnletive lot frioidaire mmmiftmots nuznts many acton industrie are bat tling the riiiii pa rati tlon period several of the factories will close down entirely with the es- cepllon of a skeleton mainten ance staff while others are stag gerlng- their holiday periods by departments at the h k porter plant holi days will be taken by depart ments one at a time in order to keen the production line rolling the a p green firebrick com pany will maintain a skeleton maintenance staff while the bal- unce of the employees enjoy- u holiday during the lasl week in july blow press plunl employees will enjoy their vucalion period from july 27 to august 12 but a skeleton crew will be on hand tannery schedule bcardmure i and company em ployees spread their vucution period according to years of ser vice from july i to july 22 but the plant will not be completely shut down corona shoe plant closes from july 22 lojulv 2 michigan bulb closes the last two weeks in july kcalcs organ compunv will not close down entirely but holidays will be sluggcrcd in or der to keep abreast with current orders mockwooo mrs d armstrongs recital held in town hall on friday mrs dave armstrong hud a- bible chinch ihc gospel ijcim successful piano recital wjlh hcrjlroiii thames vallev bible col pupils in ihc town hall fast frl- lege woodstock- ontario had a day evening which was well at big part in the services sunday tended hv parents and friends of special numbers in iricis antl ihe young lolks who excelled j duels were much appreciated hv themselves in their musical j those present dr cluck who was lalcnls throughout the program j here in ihe winter fur a weeks in between numliers were vocal add wasprcicnj foi ihc- duet by joanne firivcrfy atui77casion and his message much elsa kncgl with mr l reisl j enjoyed at the piano violin selection in the absence of rev dr how great thou an by carl george ailken of ihe picshvter- harris and accompanied hv jan chuich on sunday two men david harris piano trio the from waterloo had charge if the cliasc by marie harris mrs i sersice gordon liarrisl carl and david the congregational supper of harris lap dance by doris tub- united church following inniver man and eloisc watson inarjsary services sumlav was well iunelte demonstration bv ihe mc- 1 paironled in ihv sitndav school kays which was very interesting room tuesday evening the lad- lo those present the theme be- jics of the congregation descne credit for the giod provisions ihev sciud micro mantles fplntim will taka thrir vacattoir period the last two week of july returning after the holiday weekend a maintenance staff will be retain ed the acton free press employ ee will alagger holidays in order to keep up production and publu cations superior glove com pany will stagger holidays this year swims sea food plant will also stagger holiday periods a lax engineering- employees will have a twoweek staggered holiday period but maintain a working crew in order to keep the production line operating united can- fasteners plant clos es july 22 until august 6 too busv in summer acton limestone ouarrles ltd will not have a holiday period in the sum mer due to the volume of sum mcr business hut anticipate a holiday period in the sluck win ter months comarc ltd are hutting down operation during ihc last two weeks of july and will reopen after the holiday musoil knitting company will close lis door rum july 12 to july 2d with the exception of u maintenance crew and shipping stuff other industries will either shut down completely for the holiday vacution or slugger holidays in order to maintain a skeleton stalf to keep production moving museum picnic defies weather a picnic on a wet dully proved warm and pleasant wfca members of lakeside d iode tuesday let their i tables in front of the roaring i in halton county museum wh also has an operating oil turnacev museum curator major hal newman explained the origin- lion of ihe museum conception with county council naming a re presentative committee and the work lie has dine in the pest year he said not many museum will allow visitors before the arc finished bin he has had thou sands see hit very incomplete dis plays already some of the chap- ler members louring the two rooms in the old burn in opera- lion have already donated articl es lo this museum one of them bud anoiher donation with her u iwvearold letter which he promptly accepted he outlined hi hopes for ter raced gardens a swun pond mov ing or historic buildings such a the countys first school now an icehwise in burlington to the attractive grounds and building l street of shops upstairs guests lor ihe meeting were dull alexander und bill alexan der who live in ihe fine stone house on the furm which was tak en over bv sixteen mile creek conservation authority in a hustv business meeting a tew baraar details were brought up and members agreed to save xnada packers labels during the 5iminrr lo try lo get u coffee urn as a premium meeting with the chapter were oiitohown mrmbcit mrs stella adamson of gall and her friend miss morrish formerly of nassa- gavscvu the iiip was made in tyler eggs 4 dozen for grade b or crax our feature of the week green onions 3 bun c radish 2bun av cucumbers king size 2 for 29c lemons us no 1 5 for 29c limesus noutedle5fof29c acton creamery limited intf sleep it bcaiitv in four ic tmviril i he cmulusitin uf pro- ynini mrs ai msininn was ihc j uctpicnt ol a preseni front lur pupils j proclctls ol ihe rccitaj were hundetl over to a representative uf ret a reted children guclph branch f uth annlverury j the 38lh anniversary nl rock uuod united chmvhvxtu held sundav with large lonyteatiims niorninii antl evening rev wjklcmtr williams m a antl rex vielor levin t itm united chuieli rrantford were jiuest ministers im the k casiun hill climb the annual grand vallev car cluh held its hij hill t limning contest on tall si hill salurtla a laiye nutulht in nil thl let en i points we iv piesenl to watch the events one contestant hail the mis tn tune to have an ile hruken iftn itij the events loltowin the 1ml weather dm inj the weekeiml ami sundtv 1 drop in the june temperatures put a stop to the swimming at the mill dam adjoining the high av mr and mrs geoi ge hiv re turned lit tine dm inn the week- entl from a wivks liotidav mr janus meek ol windsor was home lor the weekend got pel team sponsored bv jhe kmmuuicl bu toin mius umehouse shower in hall for young pair quite a number ol friends ga theretl in limchnuse memo hall on sitmdav eveluiigiirtion tir joe brown and his bldelbe oirlene li quhart who will be man iiil later lhis mouth jo thanked those present lor the gilts piesenled to them and dan cing mil lunih were enjoved lat ei successful in studied 1 congruulalions to mr mill co hcmin on passing his set ond en t mediial al univeisitv ol im on to r mr john gl mi has relui netl i liiiin 1 motor tup lo viitoiia j hc where he attended ihe grail i nation oeieiscs al rovd roads j liege his son peter being one c of he graduates po peler st hoi stationed 11 coumx flc hew home im lasi weekend officer cadet peter gimiii w a home lom bu nclicld where in is pieseiitlv st 1 tinned 1 01 the weekend ihe w i met at ihe 1 imehoiise mcmonal hill on t hin sdi ecn ing busktusmui tk strttk wtomrek taking the services at eden mills presbyterian churth for ihc netl lew sundavs are men from the christian businessmen aj- sikiation lnm kifchener anil wi let loo mis nithulson ol dundas ha spent the past week the giic of mr and mri viiunvjmtoonttul line tnm tv park ho 1 1 neighhois in eden mills he k i 1 pienii sunday at i ake be ii woo i imluiletl in the parlv weie mr and mrs if thoiulinson and family mr und mis vols and family mr rind mrs hole ind family mr and mis wootlhouse unit family mr ami mrs jai k chamthrlaln und lunilv confined to liospjtd uv mr mymiltiwltnmlmr7hc harden suudav guests of mr and mrs william mi i can weie mr and mrs itoh irani is antl amity of london ralph ihompson spent ihc vmekend in noithein ontario on 1 fishing trip t- three rlrthdayi pals wi tghl veilh her touiil phrhp llensott ol attsiruha cele- braled then i4lh hirthdav to- gel her with 1 parrv wednesday at her home met grandfather roihii wnghis hitthdav was on me i mil he was im lud- ihe testivitie- i celebrating i samtliv mis i si hul guests v hiding mi s f i i lahvilv mr 1 hell mis 1 i ter connie mi and mrs j ter bells he 1 hit ihdiy on willi in mclean ijom toionto in- i tiiiston mrs o nd mis j r mil olale anil daugh- s i millar mr ashwotth antl daiitfh- short ill sheet metal plumiino and hiatino contiactois car wj oil mi qu fmmu pump prcssuic lun- dr and sump v hoi wain hcttd s walrr softener ctmtpkte stuck ol pipe aytl filling septic unl and bed phone 8530270 acton ont shop r 59 wlllow st n pavesirotibhina sher tnictal fabricating tt all kinds ah the cerssrv pipe antl fitting lor ihc heat ing trade oil burner cruc one killed six hurt intwocar crash on iiul ullll 1 1 harvey laverty heating lumtuno ano lavavttouommo iepahs to au makes of furnaces custom sheet metal work oil and gas furnace installations convmskw rutncrs iaib ano service main street n rockwooo it haw sarvfca mom motwooo man sis mstitillv killed v oihi 1 s hospllaliail sal lolliiwiiij 1 iwihji heat i 1 ish on tlu si w nth fine h f otksill dcmi is albert 1 1 kk o101ii ol ojkvillc lone jkmunuit ol a mullthouml i stilion wgon i hpuilii il mi oikvilletia lgo mi iiiof 11i hospnil with in nines urn si pisvngirs in ttte not iii hound vehnle sol i c ring in- iniies were phd liiulry 0 ac mm dtsirnt with fair and leg lac ma lum litgits rowlarul of kitlhk vsmii possible rib frit- tuirs mil possihk- bptken spine lmioon ies of mielph with 1 hiokcir uiku- ind rav aw rev i watctloj wtlh hfij lac ci a iipiis hjuiiitriil death of rock uoimi tfa was licit i lor ftkmrv- tntt rul murk uhmtof of ari wa ulravo alter i real nun i tr biuiwrs- the i iikii rr pird mior com pain v eniplivre re- itiimng home after finlhln work on ibctntfht hilt u r uu tu jta fispivshv eyes examaneo ctaucsrmto mcaelittrlmt outuhl ir

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