Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), June 20, 1963, p. 1

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v v4- acton ontario thursday june 20th 1968 ment bylaw immrfmeik of educhllon of- flclaw have shelved a propoted bylow to provide for boundary change affecting student at- tendlng georgetown mlllon and acton nigh school tuesday eve ning acton council wi notified of the declalon in a letter from dethily nilnuter c w boolhe tfia frtt part of the year action wan instigated by acton dutrict high uhool board to have the boundary change adopted at lhl time the propos- ef change were annctloned by acton milton and georgetown chool boards an well as acton milton georgetown equeln and nttmbgnwcya council before two reading of a bylaw were given by county councillor sub- mllon to te department mlltom objection a petition submitted lo thi department of education by 36 parent living in the bahlnnfud area objected to the boundary cnengo which would nccemiltatc traiftferrlnu their children from georgetown to acton high uhool following receipt of the petition the deputy minister re- quested individual nunclion of the changerom each jat the iclls ofidichooijjnru nf- feded this wn done inst week mlllon council mated an jectlon nlncc the town would m town tuesday evening acton council wan informed by the deputy minister that approval by the dc- purtmcnl was being withheld on the busls of the petition and objection by mlllon council it was staled the residents affected hud not been properly consult ed before action by the school boards and councils had taken place public discussions mr bouthe suggested ihm public discussions open to everyone be held during the bnluncc of the yunr to explain details of why the boundary changes lire necessary if the changes are still sought submis sion of n request will he made to the department of education by january 1964 in the event department approval is grunted the changes will not become ef fective until 105 sleeve h h hlnton informed council that county council had received a copy of the ume tet ter from the department of edu cation and stated there was no thing individual councils could do as it win up to school boards affected to pursue the boundary changes further mayor les dtiby remarked its u dead issue at present this is a case where the majority doesnt rule assessment commissions mr hlnton informed numbers county council is exploring pos sibilities at engaging an assess ment commissioner for the county this would mcnntltttr scssmchi commissioner would have full jurisdiction over indi vidual town assessors ho ex plained there would be govern ment grants ayajlnblc 1 offset costs for the commissioners sulury and office expenses copies of the human rights code will be prominently dis played in the council chambers town office and community centre mayor les duby present ed the three scrolls to council and approval was given to have them framed and displayed in the three areas mavnr duby informed council the urban board meeting was being held in georgetown wed nesday night when council mem- cvaaujqisltaxmb bike checks on saturday a disappointing handrul or young bicycle riders came sut- urduy morning to have their ve hicles safetychecked and receive slickers acton safety council is staging- another bicycle inspec tion this saturday morning at the town hull und hopes for a larger turnout safety director constable ron ruperl or the aclon opp dc- luchmcnl was in charge of the bicycle check and was assisted by other volunteers including members of the brotherhood or anglican churchmen announcements aiy being made ut the schools iimmaeia it i 1- bers and their wives were invit ed lo join in a bus lour of the town of georgetown and enjoy a social time afterwards he also approved of the me thod adopted by georgetown for staging a mass rireworks display may 24 and requested acton council to- consider this type of project inthefuturc deputyreeve william denny enquired ir the dog control of ficer is making regular checks throughout- town and was told by acting clerk joe hurst the man is following up complaints re garding dogs running at large and is in town at various times tnulllnjr patrols mr denny re quested a monthly report from the dog control officer and- mr hurst was asked to check this out more on trees councillor eric johnston who was absent from the last meet ing when the mayor explained the reason for cutting down trees in front of the new post office mode his personal enquiry why the trees had been cut im not only getting enquiries from residents now its starting right here at the cotinc table loked the mayor mr duhy ex plained the trees were considered dcod and had been trimmed so often to clear hvdro and tele phone wires it was necessary in rrmnvr them mr duby also staled he had requested the hydro lo obtain prices for removal of i he hydro poles jnthisaren iindlnslall underground cable he explained the underground cable would ullow paving the road lo ihc new sidewalk which will be installed camp anniversary the mayor informed council he hud becntnvited to intend as guest of honor the 21sl anniver sary of the ukrainian camp east of acton june 21 and staled his intentions of unending members agreed to withdraw council meetings he first port or july for the holiday period with meeting dates july m and 30 plans were finalized for a steak barbecue for council members june 2ft laccounls totalling 10813991 were finalized for payment eight paget savon cants whats on the agenda wonder tiger patrbl scouts at they scan the lilt for sundays ac tivities during the district scout camporee on the weekend left to fight are bill fabian wayne deforest patrol leader tom ganger clive stewart and les carnochan three patrols from aolon loined icouti and cubs from ballinsfed teorgetown norval and glen williams for the campout on a farm near georgetown mntiirv ai i mmmmmmmmmmmakmmmt aiia r i bucket o lad difference in cost is 8000 officials inspectors teachers honor mrs paul on retirement putfcs ul ihc book ut ihc pust wvrv turned ul bruukvlllc public school in navxaynweya town- hip on tucsdav evening when mr annie paul ol aclon was guesl ol honor ul a ivilicmcni purl v mrs ileal rice fletcher greeted mrs paul ul lire dour as she entered and pi i met i an 01 cijul on hei lelt shoulder which hleiuteil with her blue lowered ilk iltvss the local- scihhii board stall from brook we and campbell villc schools atul past inspcctiit i were guests on hand lo honor mrv paul ind her tunilv mi und mis chllord paul ot mil ion and mr and mrs mat shall pmil ot rk 1 caiupbelhillc i who wciv pivscni arthur ithsoi was in chaise l ihc court wbisl game pcyiod when piiics weiv awardetl lo clara mack millie watson luis temple mcivin thompson ton muines am o 1 mcdowell mrs fletcher lastetulry decora rod ihc i one iiknn schools operated bv school urea boards and finally the i she is a pioneer of the centralis j ed school in brook v hie i an assessment ol the good hairman ot thvi mrs paul has done can not i ir be calculated hut her work icsli- mrs paul to the chair ot honor lies her wholesome constructive i and read the presentation lnuid elleclivc endeavor september 1mv 40 years ago this silver tea service cumin september mrs- p mrs tom manes a lormer look a teaching position in 2 i pupil at ss seven and music i auditorium with pink and white peonies roots ol which cumc i trom mrs pauls mother laic mrs cartridge presentation john mcphail present school board esc whether the hydro commis sion should purchase an aerial bucket or an aerial ladder or if new equipment is even ncces- essary concerned hvdro com missioners for two hours at their meeting inst thursday the present ladder truck is consider- d outdated and suffers mechan ical trouble there have been demonstrat ions lately in town of bolh types ol modern equipment watched keenly by commisnionerm hydro superintendent ddug mason and the towns two linemen whats the difference t a new truck with ladder moun ted on it costs about j7000 the ladder is positioned and raised bv a hand chank from the truck the trdck mounted buckettype equipment which costs nbout si 5000 is considered safer more convenient and more manocuver- ahle the workman can take his tools up with him for line work or tree trimming it has on el bowjoint arm which the line- man can operate himscll while in the air to inch in anv direction there arc controls ut truck- le- vel as well the superintends was asked his opinion and chose the bucket for reasons of safely and man ocuverability for ihc first hour and a halfr chairman e g tyler sr mayor iis duby and commissioners ray arbic and gord mccutchcon discussed the pros and cons or bolh pieces of equipment before the late arrival of commuiioncr gord bcatly no extra help commissioner mccutchcon wondered if the new piece of amlpment woold tavc off the hirinfl of an additional lineman lor a while he was assured by m mason the hiring of un extra employee would riot be neces sary mr bcatly chose the ladder- type truck providing the supcr- intentlcnl could prove a new- piece ol equipment is necessary alter several attempts lo pres sure the superintendent into pre cise reasons why equipment is necessary mr beatty received the trunk reply every time 1 trv to explain ou pet me all mixed up mr mason explained the old truck a vintage model i mm the lts era which has been pur chased second hand oriisfmallv had never been the same since the lal ice storm at thai time he said branches irom tree trim ming had dented the body ahd the vehicle had to be towed in the winter time before it would s4art longranje view commissioner beatty said no one has demonstrated to me we need the 15000 version to get up in the air commissioner arbic said if the commission can jus- lily spending 7000 surely it can justily upending the additional 5000 as he visualized the long- range use ol the bucket in view tf luturc town growth iav bcatly said he was thor oughly convinced the bucket equipment would not even work olf the 500 interest between the difference in cost superintend ent mast in claimed the bucket would be used more often than the ladder and provide better safety for the workers commissioner mc cutch co n thinking in silence up to this point uus ol the opinion ihe bu cket had merits over the ladder but not tor an additional cost ol 8000 he wondered if an aer ial ladder might not be adequate lor the type ol work involved continued on page seven beardmore employees sign labor agreement ttmaday venlng boardmor and company ltd omdab ana local 41 udud paeuhchoum pood and alllad worfcart concluded aafotlation for a oneyear labor contract negotiations hava bean underway slhce laal december and the new contract will be retroactive to this tuna and utend until december im union president charles klngamlll re ported under the terms of tha hew agreement workers receive an acroaa tha beard threecent an hour increaae tha contract aleo provide far a job poetlng lyitem ahd a change in tha laulnrlty elauea wmch will permit worker with aenlortty to being grrea an opportunity to apply lor other plant lob in the event of a agreement acceptable the union president laid tha abortterm agreement we acceptable to the majority of worker aa indicated by tha vote to ratify tha contract lie aleo dated negotiation on tha new contract are expected to begin eometlme in november a tetemeut luued by the company noted the union and beardmore have a long hutory of amicable labor relation dust off filtration plant hope for installation soon flllrilliin plant pufin were dusted otr wcdnvmliiy nluhl und assembly plnn unftuied as parks board members visunlled in- klallnllnn of a flveycarold piece or equipment at the wading pool during the meeting chit drnd ley told the members that- town superintendent alf duby hud re ceived plans fur inslullutlun ot ked thetirimit wtllarrrunstr1t wn enp part and hoped to begin insla union of ihc filtration svatem this week five year old the plant wus purchased five yean ago und sincet then has been in storage in spite ol the various boards inienlions to lave the equipment installed wednesday night mr bradley told board members the plant would lust have to be installed this year he also recommended installa tion of ihe chain of barrels c- lending from the swimming beach area to the opposite shore this i done to prevent bouts from speeding past the iwlm- liters members agreed to hava thcbarlvls installed when il was learned there had been three breaks in the water pipe- in the park within two weeks members agreed to huve a pressure relict valve installed in oitler io ivducr rite pressure of the water consider new park park gate uttendnnt fur the summer seuson following a re view of applications secretary joe t hurst informed member that ken llvile or r v ander son associates consulting cngitv cers had ugivcd to look over the proposed ilenlca park area in order to delennlne if n park could be established in ilia area a former request from acton citizens bund to have lights in stalled in ihe park for everting hand concerts is still under con sideration and chairman g w mckcnie and ii ii hlnton were instructed lo investigate accounts totalling 16717 were approved for payment btifcuhttflftftuj honor porter employee with 50 silver dollars half u century of faithful em ployment wus ivcoiinizcd lut thursday afternoon when ed ward over received 50 silver dollars irom fellow workers at the h k porur plant he also ivceied a silver cig arette case irom ihc olhcc stall and was handed a verbal bou quet from export manaucr ieortfe han tp for his imtable ic- lord ol on it and pcrlcct work manship as a tool and die maker mr overs who commute to and from work from hlt home in toronto started with the firm ml years a no and hli friendly and kind manner i wis held him in esteem with fellow worker all this rime hue ben kkectv presi dent ol the local union made ihe coin presentation to mr over while keith llvertnorc presented the cigarette tuse tm behalf erf office employees lumber two nassiiyaweya in ws she returned lo nassatia weva spendiny eiyht vcai at ss number 7 live years at ss num ber 8 and one scat in s-mint- hcr 3 prior to the opening ol the coiimilidalcd school in bimk- vile in l0 she pcni over 21 cars teachin the township mis paul toiyht ih- scvund yen cialion ol manv families und iv centlv she has even cncounteivd the third yeneraion in her class- iihiihjmis paul is one ol the lew piisoits lii teach mulct the thivc development sialics ol the public school synlcm loval school hoards in each section ww i pupil i supervisor at brookville pivsent- ed mrs paul with a fitfv piece i silver lea service mrxpuul in hei usuallv kind tv mamui thanked inspectors fellow teachers- and residents tor j all their cooperation lormvr inspector l i skuce til oakville who attended nonn al schihil with mrs paul r- iewcd her lite and bis associa- lions with her as inspector in this township inspector w 1 i mcneil ol milton then bicmyhl lircctinys a letter was ivad b arthur gibsin imm r s born hold an assistant superintendent t ol elcmentnrv schools in the de- j part men t ol education in tt- mu tii a toitner inspector ex- lending ihsi viishjs i mrs fletcher secret rx ticasut i ei tor the local schinil board pix j willed mrs paul with a cheque tor accumulated sick leaxv ptuum kmampte kennsth tmwbrulii pniu j ol the school wis nnisier ol monies and ivv tewed his periences with mis paul n township which weiv all ery pleaxant as she has set a line sample loi tlme xho aie to i tollow in her ttmtsteps i a nkrjusbsrl supper supplied tby tbxwnvs ol the scihhii nmrd mcmhvts was ennexl- hy ill i briny inn n exehruy ot cotii mumtv fellowship nurtuixxl bv i mrv paul who has ictmucd ii a 100 toul to a btpp cndiny crowd lines shoreline to watch regatta as hydroplanes skim through fairy lake un- mtt i w ewi iiju- zs tiw mob wm fmd bv frtndt rlati- u irookwlll ehool tu diy vning she u n menm tr 40 yer of tmchinq 31 of which fit in nifipawy towtuht kannih tf of tfoolnhlit tchool c0aqmtutlm mrt huf follow- picnic at elora about doarti youm adulis of he lnted church ctuowd vk nlc at elora gorte sunday of tcrnooa aflcrworda they went lo ihe home of the rev dwight enejol to aee picturvs of the gnisipi weekend last summer at the enfri cottafe at the french iuer they are planning to gu together owd thtt yemr 0ei s4w1 intrusted spectator lined the shoiesol fairv luke situidis to watch hvdroplaoes skim oer the surface of the w ter dtiriny actons first hydro- plaue ttyilli sponsored by the ys mens flub project chairman elmer smith tnd membeis l his committee are pleased with the rcmilt ol ihe event and alhotih lo date il is not known whether tlw ehib will show a pmttt or loss nienitxis trv anticipating i simi lai piouvl tor nest year hdtoplanc driver john web- 1 siei tit ioronio was the biy win nei when he crsscd the finish line twice ahead ul tlw ttcld to nip two uophitfs i ik- loronto taci was oiu tt v iopitouh di iveis manueuvct- iny then hyhf hot speeds rall afotind ihc natiw vonisc speeds tanked lioni u miles pet p hkit lo kmv jniw pel in uh ii 1 1 in i he tcyulaf heals one d inonsnaiion ivatt with an itiiptirled ktiimii ntoior was ca- pahle tit cutting thnnih the wa- ter at a t fuistny speed tit over 0 miles xr hour foiur lloun of activity iimiu short k altei i p ill tinnl vpm the iwr ol the martiriy vanium and the constant buxr ol f tuvrtvpiichcd motors tilled the ur rhnuiyhoul town as a cmsvd lin- tt ihesluvs to watch ihe hydnwj planes uc the thiveup l tihirv traihtnmsl m mmi nulinys j two catpty bhitti vpfrr svrt up on the grund with the rangers doling out snacks in one and ihe yi mcncttoautng ootfcajrr chips attd cold drinks in the c i cund v ed bv uh ciowd and no tine went awav disappttinttd as several ol the boats with their ovcupanls itmik a dive inio ihe water on hairpin turns so driver was in luictt sdctv si tin main iheuu ipixhiyhout the this and each lime a bit spilled races ha mo until low inj ovi alums had been ininpleietl i he f ak villc b sever leers ni1 llvdmplanc clubs tesiuc itiised the lake as well as i boats mannetl bv volun- liom town ron llolloway theo papillon un men ti 1 1 u iluoiihoui the dav i ted schtmiev ol llin liny ton kept the crowd well mtorm- i il o ihe vaiihiv rates c vell as haiulm tint veihal ikmhiucis to the ys men and caretaker at prospect park a loudspeaker system kept everyone uptodutr ui radna offlclala in charge of the slurling pier wcie rvlercc ron robinson of tomnto clmk man llrrh mihimhi ol oakville and chief starter und flay man ralph siruklcss of ve oakville the reyatta smi ttonrtl by tlie canadian hoatiny pedero turn was kept in constant view by one of their inspectors score- keepers throughout the uftcntoan imtuded mi dorothy schorney rurlinyion mrs fad scddoti oakville mr marie imwarrfa toronto and time keeper mrs a tlirrv toronto ckitinifd on- page seven i i i thrill and apill dot tke thoralin at fairy laka aa driwart and machanics prepare tha craft ipr tnav man tpontorad rejgett saturday lacing nirtsniasm ami intaraalad ipactehx linid tha ihbra along tha court to watch tha thrillt and apill aa hydropl rae ip up to so maa par hour ac to tha daaaa amarad john eieeiea m aj awak aksaawl aal aavaah halahaaaaaheabh biiabbbabaaai aflaaawl cofspoo fwo ffopnavi osjrsm ufa ajaraarnnnrt aaprag smsap etavaaaaaaaaaakeaa asaaa abahlaaw aaeakaaf awaw laaaakaa1aakbi aabbbaaaa ctawffan csnaar anvtwi ana nor vomnwmt ssvawaj b poiuifs o i and alntaov imkinaj rasat mm tsjscjlijfji ivti rlilliiiign

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