Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), June 20, 1963, p. 2

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wi lo r m mmm jr tvs i a 5 the good old days 2 sf d vjf ji tf i kwkwtt 0 at mtfmmftr it taapaniji en your pen of snow tayi ha fawn jcsumac which contmum m ate svamt o aid he trae- lomtarr f he decani het troublemaker if s lafcat time ca 10 go tithing he s a f j g lni a bul g ff to ttalpt hit neighbor without pay trmple tftmctod rf ise doetnt hed rob if ha listen to hit wlfej advice hes henpecked if he doesn t he lacks gumption if he tails anything on a high market it s lust plain luck if he sails on a low mar kef it t poor management hit tanoas and buildings ana fratmy pam ht wartrrrfj money em show rf nt hat tan ff ha wife works m the field hes wo time nough help if the does halt to yaao to do a imie ni ff goes to conxeniions and annual aaaatmgs tses a gadabout and gtadhandv if ha tfoaanl fi itanesorhrah and unco- tf fw lmt help dung peak her baton h throwing tnamey away ff ha aid mti tiaue cvar if makes dacisions ir a hurry ha 1 arbrttany 4f he ooavft- ii 10c slow mak- snp up hit tnind if 4 does ewev 10b as comes along at iaokt fon ion if he pient ahead ha s a aw hawf favaata a a a i that mo be toe many f legs m ervi- atanof and no fewvs displays are plan tad le celebrate dominion day here and urpvottunaialy worn be nh mora ren a holiday w mete per dominion day of court is one of rise moat tignifeen dates m canadian history but the topical restraint of caned ens laads us 10 mmiamat the rvasnt and cater to ha american tpuriass who i be caiatyatrng tndapendanc oar a najetpaper a 1 8c publitiied n maiasn noted that the tesng ape of aaactaj day of ratoicmg at a national awth day tt eiseailel to oat entrance into me farm ly ai nations and no day could be more ap- aopriata men met on which wm made our debut the american is proud of his gcv ota fourth but how much mora should canadians be proud of the day that has 4iaayaa thai nation into a stance other national holidays have been baptized in blaed but ours it the offspring of peace tat than the lit of july be celebrated by canadians at their natal day and at time m iii unending rounds brings us to that day it will become mora and more fraught with planing nxol led ions and bright and glori out anticipations for the future y the neat year the tame newspaper cojnmennmt yesterday wat the first enni- ver of the new dominion and all ware if he has a new car hes living beyond his means if he hasn t he s a miser if he follows the country agent s ad- vice he s a bopkfarmer if he goes it alone he s a backwoods hick if he runs for office in a farm organiza tion he s trying to run everything by him- telf rf he doasnt he t waiting for some one else to do all the work if ha buys livestock when the market is low he s throwing good money after bad if he sells out his herd he s en in agam-out- agajrver if he asks acrvlee about his crop ha doetn t know hit own business if he doesn t he th nks he knows everything if he enters h s hogs in the fair he s a showoff if he doesn t n s because his stock is too sorry fp show in public if he dies without leaving a will he s m considerate if he leaves a will he s unfair to deserving heirs expected to reoicethereon but we confess we found too much causa for anmety for the future to rejoice over the present state of cur dominion and to perhaps as another anniversary of the founding of the oom nion approaches we will be more concerned with the bust nest of a holiday than with oui concern for the future of canada we think however that canadians are irur proud ol tha r country allhouqh a i tile less evuberen in its celebiat oris surely hia celebration tn 1967 will mark the centen riiel of the country quite exuberantly and gat tha holiday on a more symbolic plana through its second century but what plans ere wa making for even that occasion aunt uwmi today t moitiers mtj housewives are often to be praised for their ingenuity in balancing the housahold budget but there it one area where wa re against economijr ing that it in tha re use ol trie thin filmy plastic that comes into ttie house protect ng drycleaned garments th s s a dangerous economy the very thin variety of plastic was de signed for one purpose alone to protect garments until they reach tha home after which it should be tied in tight knots mn discarded with its cling ng property caused by static electricity it leads easily to suffo cation 20 yfars ago taken tvnm tt least bf the tree rveae aintaaawy jsttt if im1 th ennstal sswersfa la lit pup ils of auon public tcnuui weia mark yeaterday by she duke of devuntnltv chapter of the i jo dlt tin- tsranenlmloht ware itiado bv mrs w j matty mr j c matthew mm j m mc dcmvuui utul mut m harwell lu una jennlitya maureen klri read buddy ktnlruir mussed arbw ronald andertoit aitnui luiv jov hornnh david rich ardrton tsobby rinwlet patty du val realty chaw jim dennu lortajrw rvslltvnl mauklla rovvl- tta martha tuikcu and irrtia ktmlrwr at a fouhh vutoty loan win ner aclun will tend lenifwit latlveki 10 chrialen a bomber ul malum airport the dale wjll bv announced later mr r w towrle received word this week hit ton mr stewart lowrte it lined among the canadian civilians in cltanul camp in singapore this it the first information mr lowrle hat had reaarxmng hit ton since jan lutrv 1941 e hufnagel and i younulilut have joined ihe r ca f and are tlatloned in toronto mm dr gordon agncwha gone to ottawa and will visit with madame chiang kul slick during her visit in the canadian capital lac lllis rognvaldwn has nr rived ovvreas the tvcmitinb committee of ihe red crovs blood donor cam pjion coniwting of rcsir v b rumlcv w berison and g ronvaldiain has been ucttse and tlu list of solunteers is growing an men interested are asked to contact ihe committee the fon men in the plants arc ulting as ree miters aeton pair which has carried on through mu wjrs is finding restnetlons in force tms year there can be no exhibits as thi arena is full of ssool repairs of the old exhibit hall are not in keeping uilh the curtailment ol uartinu expenditures school pupils hade fareuell to principal mckcnnc uho has juincd the rcaf there were readings bv fred euringcr mon t rannes and ethel hunter and sniius bv aileen mclsaac joan cules and shirley elliot mm 50 years ago takaa ivam lb itaoa of the rrea rvaaa t jattta l mu the antoikw of the aatdariaa to the kcbbol mrttmtvgt wu aaoaa- uiata tttt mtnbval of the did ohubl bell erected nearly w years apd but wttfch baa mm bean in ua tlnce that btdlstlng of the new front 10 year ago- i will be rung for th leal liana by the chairman of the board mr c c speight exlrntlve improvements will he made lo tha interior of the methodist church a new embos sed metal ceiling to to be put on new itemlcircular pewa are to replace those which have done service tlnce tha opening of the church on dominion day life the steam heating will be chang ed the sons of scotland were fa vored with ideal weather for their caledonian games yeeler- dey the pretence of the pipara hand irons locknow at thla first celebration in acton wat a pop ular coup on the part of ihe com mittee consisting of alex taylor chief w r kenney tecretary- ireusurer james ross manager of games h a swackhamer tec relary there were a number of experienced competitors from toronto particularly ihe police force- mr a o t beardmoce now sports a fine new motor car the recital given in knox school room on monday by mist uiiiretta grav and her pupils assisted bv a few friends af forded a delightful evenings pro gram for a select company of parents and friends and a num bcr of invited guests rev j c wilson was chairman and those taking pint were lome hamlin kenneth henderson elsie and marguerite stewart duff wilson marguerite symon elwell ham tin misses jean stalker and nora kcnnev jearpwitson miss margaret mcdonald miss lillrao williams paul savers melvin williams margaret wilson myrtle clamdge miss gtadss smith misses burt and mason and mrs a t brown cities and towns of western ontario using government power were svithout electrical energy for five hours mondav afternoon the whole hvdro elcclric ss tem stood still by ml twelve year ego last septan her their mother vjolihed wllh u mingling of smiles and learst us a hundred children set off fur their first day at school the lit tie girls were curled and ribbon std anil lutrshad and adorable the little bfiva were scrubbed and allcked and scared tills rnonlh tint remnants of hose inn lots and thousands like them will graduate from grade- 12 their school stays jutl a nostalgic ache fewer than half of ihe original hundred are sllll togcllier some lust- fulled ami been left behind others have quit school and gone 10 work some because lliev wunltd to some because they hod to one is in reform school another was killed in an accident two arc mjmtd seven of the original hundred will go on 10 university five of these will graduate the remain ing thirty or forty will be swal lowed up by hankint nursing industry business within a few years ihey will he parents ciii ens taxpayers perhaps one will he on al eollolu tflrer will be divorced one bov will enter politics one girl will enter a mental institu tion but most of them will be up lo ihelr ears in lift esrn as yon and i what kind of people are ihev right now as thes prepare to break out of ihe shell of school and home and stand on the wind swept plains of adult living what do ihev think about what do they feel are thev better than we were or worse tar he il from me to hnast that f can see clearls into thai majv of emotion and imagina tion that makes up the teen age mind but as their fnglish teacher rcacunu thci last ex news around thf district milton a new lihrarv uill cost milton taxpavcrs about w tnf per 1000 of tisstssmint milton couiuil was adwvod munda ivtmny auiditi rimikniiil is si ssmcnl uas plund at 4000 which ajjeorgctown as part of a fiecar extension programme a 40000 squirt fool addition is bcinu huilt at the meadowglen mush room ctrouits pi irrt un mountain roid tpe addition cs it ma ted to nisi s40oo0 uill be a jjruuiny ana siirfucr whkh uill be completed in i in jnths v kl ingtoim the f2 80nom mm robinson high school will be iim small uhlii lomputtd in september when it wa started 18 months ayo the sliukii ut guilph line and upper middle road wa plannid lui 7s0 pupils bui a surc taken of grade eight pupili in lihniun iwi shout d 1200 pupils plan to enroll this means there nun i bt enough shop atnimmodation brampton hosiestes tor the honor rrtual m rolling tni suuns at ihe drnnd moral bull an amateur flower competition and ilu uinihimtinem hit tca ic dnltuititg a flight for two to tampa lloiula win some ol i in lalesi dimlopnunts al the tlower festival assihiilinn muling rmntu oakv ii i f plans oi i l6sfoi- skcraner off ue and apart mmi building on thi south smlip ro id immediately wet of the ouun i habcih moti i fell through when ihe oakville planning limid lunik uintiil in jpplk iiion lor rejoning from dunegan in- t sluu iun mtnmt wtmten district scout cub cmpane on weekem near georgetown the acton free press t r willow of fa la th single offlsre i k wba mtatttg aaal fsamaemna cts latl to vui aexl puboahast every thureoay at mu aotaav obiarttv uaaaaer of the anttfi bureau lajtaaa ke cwnx aasg the omaraouabec f tha cwki advertising rates am request i ettsstactj ujo to cataa rla uob tsatwstmteajul cosaatriea ism md otfcar poreigs couatrtaa captea tc atrthcsrlaad aa second data mafl rvsst pepa ottawa u a a dttet bdhcrtocalrf bv dasria duts maaaeana editor mtaut i0itoiiai oiiki honi isstolo wp ii t scouts and leaders shhi ilu wcekind undcl canvas in ii muni liivvn iismi liutav iinnl sitiul is and vsere imnect saiuitlav altcrnoon bv several mhs iluuny the annual divine l siiiiii and iih camrtores linlx thtfan spriniiinii up like mushniom i ridas evening as ihisk ihitiii lu sciile as scoots tmin tmiiivelown ballinufad nuavul und v ton unpacked their i inipius ttai in preparation tor thi wic sulci ouring baal fairol a lev nits were under ih lead 1 1 ship ot district commissioner k juitn and dislriel seuratmas u r ivhit ward both i rum eorgeioun the lotion brothers tiophs tor ihe best patrol in the lampoire was won- bs norsal ihls sear thrxf patrols tigers beavers ami eagles attended from acton headed b moutmaster neil mil ter and assistant scoutmaster eorgs hargraw others attend ing mc faded troop leader david bsckr patrol kniilers tom gut ter tom mckeostn and jim ware wouis rodney uceachem les comochan clive stewart bnan deforest paul munea michael marcout bui fabian and gordon retd pour sundas tents were disman lied and packed awas and the last ol the refuse c leaned up as senilis prepared foi the moiur ii ip home six hosier scouts front toronto assisted tsfficiaja la keeping aa eye cat each patrol 10 help choose a winner for the colion trophy minutes before a heavy down- mrs ward bruce ladies aid hostess fihirteen memhers and tsvo visitors were in attendance at the laittre aid meeting of ospnngc ihureh hsld on wednrsdav esre nin at the home of mrs ward hruec the president presiding the minutes and financial stale- nhn were given he mrs cr- suiv icr the desotional was taken by mrs b bruce who emphasiaad the importance of making litvt pleasant bv whatsoever slate we are in therewith lo be con tent we are not to look at ma terial thipgs for ihe christian religion ii a fjuth a discusvuon look ptace on the tea that was lo be held in the near future flnajhr it waa decid ed that each i gvse a cavah donation and a social gathering be held at a later date mrs if thaker shosved slides of her trip out watt that were interesting as well ueducanotul the tseettag ctaaatj th pray er be mrs 7 maawetl lusfveajt- ments were tcrred by the hoa- tats assisted by mrs puller and mrs mckenavr warn mar4ge tw blltw rmurrwfh utul tvihmlnalroti um like ttelng inurrinl vmi an i utn ft wyfti on making frlwul hw yoony uuiy with- ualmf- lik uu chili brrv fhaf u- r re rhv itok tor frlcmu only for lovr und vfurilv tfw m girl uggcil wrvly ihjl imr- old rufmlt uvili he v3trrd oih cr hhstmiui 1m lervcrtd on none in ilall life trvv like it tuned lo a tvuucr v luly than the une io ututli wr grew up ihr ihrin on ifo uiiaj of lire the uroiwlt j ihe tianiutr tlic hrilhng tj oil telephne and the thump of the jukebox allhjtjgh n lad remark thov san ar the irret torner uhich april stop di t necewarilv men squeal tim on pavenv rrt on msnner civa minner tire a mut ihe etw fif jli ty tht amp batrd no merrtr on pfalitcnei but tm jn uawif n for others on tciarrri prrtiy ir things hut noi y bai un u- it inn hatlt th frtel fw rrooih the arum arrjr artfl ihe p4rujn uihj tan i cxnrjl a lauvi thev likr he trji hr hj combine lrtirfv im mon en- rravn a v hunuif and prtfru ral m pctcni on liavmif ierw4 f n hf lunk and ihe rencs-a- ut fvi frcl an jverhrlmirij jlmiir n- liet nhable tm tt u anl adntm bui ii i m nglnt h j tcrtjin rautrttien t jk i y h hi rf oriil af hc vjtmtf pepr erent frrm their purni al hr uuru afe ye oa th attffafee thev fkcffin more c bet- trr adutcd hjuglwr they are dnjrlv tru inhiwled in ihoughl wod and dared wucti fto j bad thing ttiry m- peur cawul catfa ad cat- irtjit thev are mttv tsieomitedt geable thrv are lett ugjoted hut u j cjnarniijiial in an umrmeffeaal urrrumtr ihv wr bunt lav tu j tiukrrnt uortd vkhfu titaei hjimi kfkrwn ilw dcapajimat frighified wan of tft grttafel lav lrruin a ac tiuj thtrv kikum thar era ul ffiniurujr wiaiaaiwg tjmij iwh chaaging avjeai amd ianlilu tt uifj ntl h grttaf fa-rwnail- i h ii j utf fnf rnpt r jrj a jrar tej j rwape- f r hni aramiii9 rhan i hart fe m awn th n pvnath fhtr i f ii ur f ikinar4 ihtrv a ivt j- rrraifiawu aj umiy and in irfil and itfitrtaui a fnu a r t art miiji i- i w- m- i tiny tk r- ii t iger n u itflt iii 11 1 i hitwwm 4a nil hj tit 4 tsxrr i i j- n rw rrwiral r a v i t lirtrt rr 10 n i r4 i ir rruouy ev 4 n a harv r- ajiir w tu r f h ren- 0t a fu ux j n4 aliil v t rrw h iirnaat u iii tu- n t vr iayn i learn a lot about thttn one ihing thev are i pretty honevl thus i get a peeli into thai murk mae ossaiunal join me on going ttcadi an amam number uf both mw ajrer that il s tupid one lad av it great al firsi bccaum mhi alwa- hae a dule and neer feci left out but he add after a pcll of the sjriu routine uilh ihe name girl week if ter uvck ou aluas hae a datend its as bonng as being marned a girt pomtv out that suing teadv is aprrstige deal at fir hut inevitably lead to a feel ing of being left out of normal fun because mhiic vegregated it end- she warnv in one if uui things a tooaearu tragk win mltls swimming pool at camp opens the swimming pool facilities of camp edgevvood are open this week lo members of fden mills and district communilv club from 3 pm until 8 pm this is a trial run and further use of these facilities will depend on the success ol this week mr and mrs wilson mr and mrs bill wilson attended cale ikin fasi memorial service as guests of mr and mrs jack whn lam weekend guests of mr and mrs william mclean si veeie mr and mrs david mcdonald mr and mrs davis hamilton burlington home from hospital are mr harrs mcintosh and master da vid cann the choir of eden mills pres bvterian church took pan in the evsrning service of arkell united church anniversary weekend guests of mr and mrs i neshlll were mrs mc kemie and mrs j neshlll sr brook ivn new residents of eden mills are mr and mrs harry schelke and daughter sylvia shu motor ed here from thompson man mr and mrs j hamer were on a weekend campine trip in the vicinity of pointau baril mr and mrs fred cosvell and family allended ihe funeral of mrs james gillespie tumnlu mrs gillespie was the oldest wo man in toronto 105 years and grandmother of mrs cosvell mr and mrs stanley wilson allended tha funeral jc1k jn tant son bradley of mr and mrs rielty at uoorcfield jack scofftrld camp director of edgewood camp allended the camp directors work shop thursday and friday at bark lake last weekend fathers and sons of ihe 10th cub troop uf si james tnlied kitchener were here also enioving ihe weekend here were v msrk s i utrseran league cortducled by tuta orr former director of camp edgr wood three picnics stars held at camp cdgeseaod last w knew church sunday srjsaal ac ton st raufs uirttrrwg guetph and st georges georgetrrwn sundtve ihe l chtjreh messs raby eonatarknt af sea from tfieorughout the area met here rofessiorjal dirtctorr and travellers guide a sayhiamt wui uedkal rtivekjtf i 08 w g c kenney phvsi4n and survra office in srraoo bjuet 43a mii sr e aon offue psotie 15321 11 resdetve h cmrch s k phone i3he4 or o v gajrafrrr phssi fan and surgeu corner of viillow and rsne v c entranse riser st acioq onl phone isuotl i dr robert 0 buckneb phvsiclan anj surgeon 39 vsellingtoo st acton ont phone 5ji4u ptunw a5vr atgftr bruee e e t bcjcmpafb co o cni lecsei rtrana kils 6 jocia si s acua in a wo westamclsss oasrs 200 pm jo ym for apcvhoisent pewoe tjml ii so answer phone waterloo 742417 dr t b mqose physician and surgeon 2 main street north corner main and mill street aeton ontario e- phone office ihho ret gtoijs dental m- it ii as ii ii i i essa i n iitsrasssirsts dr h lelb denial surgeon office corner mill and frederick streets office hours by appointment telephone isvoelo ofi a j pajchanan dental surgeon orke 90 church st e office hours am totpm closed wednesday afternoon telepnon mj1750 lbgal c f uathfrlamo o c artiajor56ilcilc notary pumic office hours 10 aan 12 pnt i pjn j patv saturdays by appoiauaeal only paoae ofne esjino ram tunes a maida a barrister solicitor notary public office hotuvla acuta mcsaday priday aeaiaga i pjn p m saturday i gsta p 21 pauley tt ouelph ontaria phone ta 4sott onva h la aamrd ajtv il tvaa dalle f am 3 pja taukvfmjjby ootm cray coach iines roacbtg lravs actom davltghl saving ttnie eastbound tl am daily esept sua and hoi ivlun iljjam 2 01 pan 3j pm i tu3 gcol ml pm idoa p m sun and llol i westbound 10 27 am 12 v p m 2 37 pm t2 pm 11 pm 12 pm iu2 pm 102 am sat only canadian national railways davhilhl saving tinvo eastbound warn la toronto daily aa- cepi sat and sun 7 j a m lo toronto dally escept sun 2 a m daily escept sunday and monday direct connection for owen sound etc 742 pm to toronto daily eaorpt suadav ill pm- to toronto sunday on ly 10 js pm to toronto daily board al gaurattosva only westbound 101 tm to slratord daily a cept sun e2 pjn lo siratford daily escepl sat and sun tim pm daily escept sunday 12 4 am lo siratford dally escepl sat por further informal loa call your local agent ju14m aftlmbmho l vmomr swlbsarbt actoa i oagr vaats la am mm davb w 00nh i m t joattfttttgs

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