Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), June 27, 1963, p. 7

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ht tn sttt tt eightyeighth yaar no s3 acton ontario thursday june 27th ims scohd o9ctloi im umllav mamomf mmm4ai rapratantatlvat from acton high school had an opportunity of maatlng u of t itudarft tuaanq iba of nlgarla mr hsr 6od tacond in hit clan thrs year and dltcuwad highlight of wit nativa land for the benefit of the acton tludentt who will rapratant hit country at the temlnar left to right are richard irontida don long eugene ibe david lldkaa and mary bath elliott thejjroup enioyed ttrawberry thortcake and coffee cm tha lawn at the home of high tchool teacher mri grace rogert coptrete with hd safety comcl an ornjijgnaamirjan to help broaden it rire wifely ttnuamtn in hh inriiimrlitl flrlrl the halton cmintv fire prevent ion bureau hat deilclcd to offer cooperation to the newly formed itik p sec industrial accident prevention amoc inc meetins in milton the fire prevention bureau member ug reed to have oakvlllc flreflbhter tcen pollock a member of the a pa suggest u prttgriim of mutual cooperation between the two bodias at the fall mcclinu ol ijlpa the bureau tell lulilv wa an important purl of mv induslrlul ufety program unit ha volunteered to offer uiri whoncver it in needed ftaa he weak the bureau ft prrsentlv dolnii aume early planning for the oli her fire prevention week prtv rnm ltl hmiyti part- fin rwpccllon qjik fire hall open nlcst and a general public information uin planned hulton county industrial com mlltee ha asked the bureau if it would participate in a haltun ditpluy at the world plowing match in calcdon october 1112 and chief doug wilson or onk ville agreed to contact the coun iv and work out details deputy chief bill williams of acton fire department vice chairman of the bureau txpoi t ill on hit uttendance at a basic lire inspeclur course in the niu gum district recently and sug vested u similur course in this district would be helpful to hal tons firefighters fire inspec briefs a decimnn nn whithcr in sell the parxoniiffc will im muk tit u tonjirc47alnmal nnrmu in trr- umlid churlh tonight model un assembly undeivayat waterloo university til tttttititti lit vi tar rvsulfs wiu i li imii h end if lil wet is ml rrt in b cumpl lhi i com nit in nut i in met- with lirm closs hoiklfn lions pliv u bm put in llit hur uiuh hutnc nid imlustn 1 lin prevention ntiilns tirmitun wis gum ted lui tin kilchiiur i ik pilintmn rtn cuu to lopv llu million hunan ronluuruni pl111 mats tht pln i mat tarry lirt prtcntion mis saflcs ontl nrr disttihuud tree ull hulton restaurants and citing cjtabllshncnts during fire pre vent ion week in cktthr kitchener waterloos flrt unit td nation- semtnitr being held juiu 228 nt the unlvcrtlty of waterloo hat attracted high school undent from all over on tano and quebec two represen- utivis from greemhoro north carolina und -two- canadian in dian acton delegate repre senting nigeria art mary beth elliott don lone richard iron side and david lidkea they are sponsored hv ihc legion and i o d r chapter uor titan rjoetd mon than 112 tudeni from jtvia years ol age live in reii dence al the univernltv dtirinf the unlav mccttna this it more than double the enrolment anticipated when planning mori t il the students in grades 1 1 and 12 uriiilnully are selected for tluir scholarship ability and thur interest in international af i iirs all ait sponsored by serv ice clubs the legion fraternal nruatiiations and students coun clkln their home towns in addition in he model as sittiblv t he ix will he lecture and discussions hy u n officials i xteru il affairs officers diplo matic corps personnel and facu ll numbers 1 hi students airnedat thc- umxirsiiv on sunday afternoon toi i uistrit inn tours and a gel icguamled banquet thsarnument space vollnv mutrav chief of the united nit drvmon de mint ot xtcrnal affuirs ottawa utd i c s si d t he 1 1 rt plena rv ses slon mondiv morning debute topic u is dlsarrttaieni nnd piuitiil uses of chiter space panel nu nibe is were v m klrf so sic re lirv sovii i einbassv oltawi c sealnbre french con sid k nc i al toixinto and q isjitdhain rrilish information st rm s toninto on tiusd wallace neshitt m p former head of the cana dim id ligation to the un dls nssid the operation of the unit cd nations as seen by a member a di legation tuesday night was international night and the program has been planned bv st minir sponsors assisted by foreign students on the campus of the university of waterloo committee meetings were held wednesday in preparation for the model assembly on thursday there were morning arid after noon assembly session thursday night there will be a state banquet followed by a state ball arranged by the students themselves guest speaker for the banquet at st pauls college it augappa alagapnan of the bureau of tech nicol assistance operations unit ed nations headquarters n y the students will hold an cv alunlion session friday morning and adjourn following a mardi gras lunchin in the st pauls college guadrangle purpoae off ftamlaar the seminar is designed to fo millarlze high school students with the alms procedure accom plishments and limitations of the united nations each student wilt represent a country in the gene rat assembly and because of this role playing will be bet ter able to assess the difficult problems his country must face and try to salve at the mo del u n assembly the model u n seminars which have been held through out north america are inttmcud tu make young people better in formed of world problems and the role of the u n in order that lhovcftn create greater interest in these topics when they return to their ht to the students will write are purl fur the free press next week oil fire fighting mutual aid topic a film showing how to fight oil fires und demonstration of u new fire ulerting system was shown to members of the hul ton county mutual aid fire ser vices organization when they met in burlington last week the tire alerting demonstra tion was given by wilson and clhisins ltd representatives and showed how firefighters could be alerted by a tone signal up up hoiiom cnaaly aaa a taaabla mininil of tnimtm oa which l pay a to iha manly cslfan will aw baa- ad lor ih4 ufcaum tba aa- mniiwt coahmulaa rapnrlaj lo couaeil laal unk tu b aai alaiajaaaaaaaia jhaltobl council briefsj ol iiuimtt sm tw c0 r laal yaar oufcvltl maya iha lloaa abatr 44is par nail of iha bill wllh an a aiiimml el fiii4mjm bh- btflah fouow chmm bhlndl wftb iilt mr earn or wmt 241 gaovvalawa has imlm for ell par eaati e liiin tor im par cant milton m47jss for jj4 par cant adaa ttmuhi for il par cantj and naaaaawya winjwi far l par eahl tha couhly papulalloh chmb- ad sjsi 477 par ent dur ing ihi no holiday county cmwclllera will uka a aunuuar holiday from lhair monthly maatlhfa nam nwwth but lh flnanca commlltaa doaaat gal ona at iha and of laal waaka juna nwallng of haltun cotatty council iha wardan c a mar tin of milton challangad iha flnanca contmlllaa to co up with aoma capital budg1 plan ning -for- iha naxt n which wont ba until augum ha nolad a mmtad addition lo mallon catilannlal manor and a tricounty jail al aahgrov wara istlng eonlamptalad knd iha comity wtuvl h uhl irr afford boljh at onca if a matter nf kmnting which haa priority- tha war- dih polnrei outniatukednha commlltaa lo do soma aound thinking- abuu which comaa flral briefs ttlsliuiinls in ciiks hi hucislid lultcc tip tu 15 lcnls 1 cup hul the 10 lint priii has hi id hcri a tliphiiin ill kr cimp htlkiltr i third tir stiitlttil ul oiltino ayriliiltiiril cullcgc rr lcivctl slind lijss honiirs uf mun than 6 per lliii halton cuunly council at the juna meeilttg approved ihanginb t h c ruuim of the emo planning committee lu the emo muni cipal dlscuued replacing one em ployee became both the husband and wife wece county employees contrary lo a atuff policy heard reeve ii h hlntun of aetna give a brief verbal re port on a recent emo exercise he and burlington deputy reeve gordon gallagher had attended in the breilau area haltona emo learn had done well he reported ualened aa nassagaweva reeve j robertson reported on the agriculture and reforestation committees lour last week of several countyowned woudlnls reviewed six tenders on nn industrial type tractor with mow cr front end louder und post hole auger und awarded the con tract to the low bidder rohltf hood flour mills ltd at t u4 learned the board of ihatlh had delegated milton iv puty reeve james bell to attend nmliniis of tin ontario health units association as their re prvsenlatlve awarded a ton tract for a 27 000 ih gross weight dump truik to tin low luddtr milton lqiilpnient company lld hi- a7 w ixarned a truhk origin anil destination survty was to nt likm on the ninth i int in i sqursing township foltowinu j tic n of c n illlors uskrng ihi intliisinn ol this niad fntti the nittnlv roads svstun the totnuii hits hetn illtniptiini lo hiivi thrr tmdijc tlrntt u tliretl mult lo lliuli uiv 401 from gtoiflclottn delegated warden t a mar tin deputv reeve gallaghtr antl tin mgincer roy i- smith to lit it nil a met ling lust vc i in downsvicw lo iiisluss iiil rx tuluition of iiuinty ruuils s iturs applirtl for room nsirwi lions for the mids tominiltrt incnibtis al tin cumidiuri cwki riutls assikiitinn lormnfton in winnintg stptlmhti 10 to xl ober j appnivcd tht ptinhasc of live grey jail uniforms al 71 aaanu euch fmniibut knlghla man wear milkin 1 uniform lll t ii each from the tame firm and vi uniform shirts al 1197 each lnm w gruinirull oakville recelwtl word fnim the pro perly tomntittee thai draft ttlana for signs for the county build ing h entrances were accepted the signs reud county admini stration building court house and reglttrv office and were ordered to give more credit lo the court and registry end of the county building ixarnrd the legislation com mittee was studying the grant l nu lure lor retarded childrens schools and that lhe committee hud imltiil g aililson chair man of the north halton as- smiutron inr ri larded chltdran lo snrik helore louncil in aug ust approved grunls in halton county pire prevention bureau r iinnn plus nono fin- the lorne scots regiment t2 re- gulur grunl und 12 wo special giant towards tht esptnsea of the prrstnfulion u tin lolora cerenionv irr the lull hciliwd i piulrst fnnn the lullon hi mill ol hie canadian mentul hrrlih assikiatlon over lire tiioppuru irom lire im bud get ol u wmruv nitnlal health clinl ifils yi ar the tminlv re- plli d srtii aletlcrjlutiu lillots wttt uuiil ul the hut wtn not in n position to set usiilt lire liuids tins veur aiteptnl hi i ho rommit tu nrkirt tiamini prnv spur f mi ol nitc nu a deputy chief il trihigimv iihiuiuu tind ar rarryi nn nts an lo hi rrrude for trim to attend a lotirst i turned rlri inldrrn s aid mrelv hud 67 reijuesfs for ser tie ilttiiiicf apr il unit had 91 iluldnn in tht ir t ire at the end of april htld a hv law restrliting the lifting or hnririnu of tres for furthtr studv trv ilu igritulfural inmrrrltltt tin hv law set out tht sits und kintlh ol trtts that tun not ik ml and stts up a ihreenr hi loiniriitltt known as tin ii illtui tni conservation tommlttet ft was trifonurd the road tom- rriltlee hud asktd the engineer to irrvrstiyati laud purchomra in the villuge of lowville for the prtrpnst- of rmpniving the road actons most complete auto collision shop a total of 45 yoars service behind guaranteed workmanship franks auto collision every consideration for the safety and wel fare of the motorist has gone into constructing and equipping our shop 2z hour towing service an added feature complet auto body rbuilding and rtvfmishing glass installation a specialty 0 specialists for people who care for their cars night calk 8532449 day calls 8530010 our staff to ervc you our uitomer we hdv engaged t ittiff of rwperts on jur itjlf wo htjvc friinlv rtwov ownct ndtqer frod allatn shop orenan norm stanley tldss a hwchdiut gfnt wiirvcn licoud bodv main nd rty nellit dppiemkf mrci ffdnif rozttc owner rnh nirinakrjrr of frdnk auto oil moh frdnls ri 12 yoi cihi rke m the busirwu tnd td now bfdnched out on his own directions we era lacatod 3 nslur wael af acmn al crasvsani camari f ma 7 lffalw vmatsvwbjn gatatpsvstv shao slalsaii 2 muaa waat hint riant wssaiar cn ssvar pasa anal riglm ayahs mila sa raaka auaa vss vp sjit rtj w boast of tho most modern bost equippstd auto collision and repair shop in th district our eiperts fully litawtaal ara aaawssl m rsana and harwaan llsaas have a taut ml 49 ysvara aapariaisca aa tarva yssu llal only th bmt of stqwiporrt has boon purcrwta lo aasuro guuranf- d mlitf cf ion at a lowor coat to our cumomor fro ttimtt 19 asawahat a aa aalja iu w a jujnj v saat fasbjatasaw raat i aar aaaaajmci vkf fssucv la ajsoam m our moat inarfarii pamt shop aa ha matkt a cuatomara car for patnlmo tha paint shop uonat ot rha baai aomppad and con- attuctad in tha raa

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