Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), July 4, 1963, p. 2

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in jc wmm mumm g tht 0000 old days g 8444 d mtmfmi 0 9 9 20 years ago 50 years ago x w tain from the lau of the wrveea r j fll v v 1 muff ph u mmimm mrmuowav li tha centra of attraction ai playground leader jill hunt and metwttnl iwwnvptn har sgmatatjron el toetdayt refllmratlon lor the wmmti playarninul proofim followlno realitratlon the children ttarted ha program with o rare jn tna park other leaden working under the tupervlilon of recreation director jmi ca jm are don price and donna undiborough e l an tncreaie in ratet to- acton telephone uteri hat been indicated by the ball tele- ne ca beca o the pla t thould not be loo difficult for the telrphonn co to include a ballot in one of lis monthly hlllmg in miir lh lenrtmn lo ihn t tolmht calllno to ouelph we find it hard to underttand the need fot tollfree calling to ouelph unlett it may be to place the aclon telephone uter in a higher rata bracket the commercial telephone uter will ex parlance a 2 50 rale increate monthly at the 19 cent charge to call guelph at at praienl that would cover tome 16 phone call to the homeowner the rale will go from 4 is to 4 65 monthly that would provide for three oftour phone callt the ball telephone co in its mettage to lubicrlban nolei there are pratanlly 3- 000 toll celli o ouelph each morrfh uvfold teem mere equitable that thoitwho ctf placlnajtjtolt 3000 callt thould pay for them nwiar than thote who never phone that elty ii may well be that there it agreat hue and cry for toll free calling to guelph of which we have not been aware it would team however that thote who are paying for the tervlce and the rate increate thould have an opportunity to voice an opinion it tended area of tervire if the maonty of users arc inclined to pay the additional 50 cent or 2 50 n month that will be required of ihrin who ther they telephone guelph or not then the tervice thould be introduced if howrvm the majority object to ihe rate increase the bell telephone co thould bow lo the users withet rather than lo their overall plan that callt for thit or that eccomplithment toll free calling hat already cutrndrd acton t telephone boundaries to inrlude georgetown and rockwood with eachx jemlon the number ol callable telephones it increaaed gnd it it on thu lormula that relet are altered addition of the guelph exchange naturally addt teveral thoutand callable phonet and ihut permiti the formu la increate in ratet the addition of georgetown and rocs wood to the toll free calling area have sun- ly bean adequate for the moment unless there it ttrong support for the loll free rill ing to guelph at evidenced by somi con crete balloting of all subscribers thuattaay july i ims rnlntntv iniplu nt ihe anon pontic utwnl iwelml word litis wmk llov iiiui suiiekkfiillv pus totl theli imiiiuliuilliint thu year prlmlruil mi kvnle a ilami r 21 sunlit nil parnml iuuitwn nl the mikcil itnnint thi re aiiiin ixtlihmk were in itiiiit snniliiv evening wlnii i clruv couth itu imshiil through i he wullliiti worn window ul the oihinh bun irnimniil muni mll mitlv jnuiv4l win mm iturhnu king ol wiiliitlown iuiiii in fill nliivetl in anon hlw it millirlnn i mm ii lm il kiij lm wiuiniu uiiil iuhe mfs mini t lnylmi i in si i ii ih s ik ii till otltlpli viirti ilnn tiuiii i l ul iv biulsul list and kihui hois man iikn liiun aiinn sink liken lo iihiii iiimiil ami uemml lm ii tin swlsi mil nihil tninoi iiihiiiis siiinuk ull ilini in itiml mi iinpliid in il iilllii ill hi itiliniiii mil t ii mi st inti ii ill m t n hiun il iii iv illtult miu llltm i iiim iinilld hi iii lliillnii i il i ml in i n nlitu lm iimi puis iii iii i itniinn i i i ulh i ininlniih mi ii m it c11 sun nl mi anil mil i lull i kk i itniiluith mi inti ins iii si lulili h itiniinlitkr ill liirv i iki ilii in nl mum ill mil itu wiikilul illiiiliil a lnyi mini btl iviilnini isin ilu i ik irnl itu iiiimu litil sins plitmntl mi i i ill uilh iti i hums in sunn ii lllllll 1 ilu i iii npiuil 1111 ill hriui wu inssui mui ih wiiii ilu inn milt is i inn in ilu sm lm mil mil timiiil tun ih i iiiiiiiumii iiii tun in i i so t ii 1 his liiit m is lm iitl in i p ii ii ul vsinls in aluh llni ii in in i si i mis sm iiiimi i tt7t7 j s i m 1 1 villus misnll intt i a hills ul iii ai i mi in i ii il i in uii 1 m in i iiuiiuilli mill hi in il i lll s i s mi mull d i il iii i ix ill din unit liim it tun il ilu di ii oil itul alt i ill i i ma ii u in i ih i iii i di in liulll is mli is mill hi nun i d ill i a inn i lus lliinm is i iisull 1 ih spliiilll i spins lllll lllh ilu u tnt i i iii ill iv mi mil mis n smipsi n ivmvoii miii lilts milk 111 ii sun ii iiulil it i i ii i ii it suit k mi i si is jriit j iiumliii il ill snliliiis liiin ii i iiii miinn ilu itt i puss mil uilii i nitmiii lllills i klllmli dyllli iitipl ill ilu mikk p ipi i mil ilu i titlts ala takm from a laeue of the w rva of nwraeviy july 1 lij f i llm litlilgd any front the to- hhiii snburtirt hallway have ulmosi oompleled iho hridi iiniss liilry uikv in ntullne fm i ho new itlmlrlc railway llni mi unhurt plilo eenl of the g i h ft dtiniwllle ami fur tv iuil i ilikil uiiinl at acton lins riiivd ihe virv rui ivoslilon of tinvellliitf irvlvhl iiui ul loi ilu cuimdlim nntiheiti ruilwus ami cuimillun niimheni sl ihiuliipi wild imadqiluriils ul toiniilo ih siallon until hu nivliil lis in i ns ami urunid lot imsl m ss no itomliilon av mli in no swui kliomi i lino i mum m nl ihiulioii un ilu- lllllllll ul till lllw sh il itnllil inn tiilm liuwshnw sionu sol in ins ills mil nu i loi ihr nil slum mid has nlriadv di liven d sivi d loads tim iuw miw uil ilitt m will nihil ii ilu piisnl sliulim un ilu lummudluiis ululllllls ilu iiiiiimiii is llw upnil nl liulilm siliiml lm last i its si l i inssii iih nt souls m isuu nl piiiin1 st iii hili iiiiihiis kit p i mil innl spniml l ui 111 ii iii j i ku waltlli h mi mil all si m ul ho p i it nl i iimi i iii lllll n ftl p i lllll pllllui 111 m ill 6 pi l n nl willi v kali v 17 pm tviil ji ulltfiililit mi is i u mripn mil tltiiirlii trrn oiu 7 pit mil luliii n nun i 72 poi mil si i al knm liu 67 p i mil all ml i iv i pi i mil 111 mm iiiiimiih h im i no n hi so v ul h2 pit mil iii iih in jut 77 pu ii nl illu i in hlls 71 pit mil vi il in suivitl 72 ru i mil pi inn i a 1 1 ink 1 ii iiiin lliitl scull il whtt rtth m ilslf jnt ui pi minn mui ih ilii i tut dm mil lit i itmiiiiin i iv nit hi ittiins in a inn miiuii svin sponsotid liv ilu i lit hiiumti aiiniijii itnitiu ii mid up in tlu spuiis innls tn n ul v hisihilt i in hull ms nl i iinnlu win il liiiid hulls lis ai inn milu niuilnnst v i tuisl imlilisl fur ilu lm il ii 111 ml it sultl i llnlnns nils n k 1 t mint is midunilil m i dill limn mil 1 i i li ills mi iii ii it i ii iiissl i ul s mil a mi s aiinn ciiiins hand dt is 1 m ttu n inbtrlol mil it tins in t mis it tin in ihr munonsi md patul d visions ilivvniussii a news rtom around mi district htet this tew mdt k with dominion dy now patt u per- hapt w ihould begin to think quietly of the countrys 100th birthday that wilt take piece in 1967 municipal council m tervi groupt and tome alrtfadyformed centennial committees re already giving thought to the event the ideal emanating from all thsae discussions re wonderful in fact they are fantastic they include tome of the most grandlete thoughts that have hit municipalities for years the sky is the limit and to prove that canada 4t 100 years old it seems were sup posed to build overnight thote cultural cen tret and downtown complexes that would have died aborning if ditcusied at any other time lets face it there is not an unlimited central pot of money that will be magically uncorked to give every canadian municipal ty the lion s share of the cost of some of the fantastic protects that air being talked of no john ftsher who i handling the national centennial celebration has told us repeatedly that events should be planned by th individual municipalities without look rg to the federal and provtnc al govern menrt for all the required fundi but government have a responsibility they had better draw vp the ground rules pretty quick u the 1967 celebration is one that ignites the imagination and kindles the 0 e e e flames of enthusiasm the hotly generated plans will be defended long and loud by the originators of the countless celebration plans once they are formulated if the gov emmentt have not established the ground rule on which they witl participate and to what extent the pressures to work m the already established plans will be something to behold were looking forward to the centennial celebrations and to the planning that w ii iead up to them locally it is not easy to find propects that don t cost too mixh money and that still exemplify the significance of the oc casion parades and pageants should be con sidered but only for their brief moments of existence what the town undertakes shot id of course be something lasting acton might well consider developing a park on the beardmore property at the cor ner of church and maria st it coi id be rhe k of park with a band stand n the centre a library cooven ently located and attract ve paths encf gardens that would be a real ere dit to the community there arr problems i we land acquisition and future ms ntenemce but these wltt occur n any ptoiect there are other proiecn too mat mer t consideration and the early aptxi iment of a local group to consider them i airp actons readiness to pan pate ca jda centennial bramrrnv ttu towns fust nmtr itmu 1 who a tourchiv rnuiiil t lun iiul ixiittimnt int ttsidutts nut thmisumk til utitorn 1 un p ii uu s uui t i mnf hiuis miiti sis i omlv il uul shows lu ull i ilu ii ktn itittn olhti utruiiorih witi hnrrus hulv be cliik il in f 1hm t v i in utt liinltst tlowii show c it rxhibillnti art uul i ipi n w show h is ill torn n inn nts intisk it i ntt i lamiticnts vtjti u i nu t miniv tit ii ms pupp t sh us i unnis tmirn imint driv in kill 1 1 st i m uli xii huii it mniiis ii 1 1 nhmisi tours dnnktv hisihill sitiit dntumn trul lircwotks crordl town ihr ritis win iippvi list wrrk hv conn nl n t nnti ill siniuil ii in nm in i xli i 41000 ijrl want nwnue lo the town 1luu s i pnsini 142 010 diluil in ihr wulcr tit part nu nt minimum illnn i wis u timed to s imhl innti s 000 ami the minimum w lut lii iiit w is uuu isid lunti 1 to j1 hi rl inotos a mw hnmik isiitiy nimpjti is filinu rtppll i hum lm i liuiki lii iuiim hroul isimy tn rtirlinirton their slut tun ckua would hnud it ui rvnth am trul im hjndt and it i luiim in t uil i ii wmild htvn in thi sptiny i lm ak it 1 i iiist pluuitik uiimimus wtt hili last week lo stiiitlu six iiiil ih it til uu oh s smiu centennial garden n milt tin iiiinpinvs ru nil iitinti offiiitl llowtn tf caih can uh ui pttimii t win spiiiilh iiiun iii for thi tkk tsidn and werr pl int d lu mimsii i ol tiixil uul luhluil bum cjthtart and lit us sitxui pu i km a p tt inu thi p inli n is c in ula s first nntinmil piont to unilrrw tv k- at w i vtassabbe ardent fisherman veteran edward moyse dies suddenly wrmmm you mil raadar u you younttter 10 yjart a7 or otrm vtoni jf yuu vwi rntui twlviiv took ytii b wimahnmii nvy rnl tomailma ruirttvr m i do at lis illffurvniv baisvaan tumrrwr hnlkjava hw kltlt then ami now jutl how ii h hnitwmal i tlont kivmv bill in thona vvii or ihhm iwcww kltla hv liwl use abllily lo amuta iherrlttilv- t rvisn lha iii lie one wirrv in vyhlnlni mom wtutlll i ilo timi ruhhlnij lu ilu mom can i hv a illnw mum ilt cheap al hair trw nrk nivf llioin a ilinii a for llvu llu tlil ihelr hiiiiliiin in kiiiimui snislilnu li muktit vi ivol lilsv nituilnsj up hut mnlwiyov iiuiucih in ui litttl pulllnu in u ilsruruiu i ull fur paul anka siiiimllinen i think lluil wihap ihusf nl us vvliii iihu iiii ilui inn ilu u prt titiinn nu luul u tin lu i in i ihiiiiiikmi ull ihlnsjo iimsiiisi nl hum ihr slimil viuilli nl ilu tiincmit ilrinilc i iuw nllliptl it willi toi ihir mniluir tnmpuruilvilvl in siiniiilii wi- weir mil ul llw i null ul tliiwn in kihin ullii llllll ihlv kuw ilk lllllv twill iiuuln lllll lug thr iluv lm u luul unil itikilul uiilplnu imml j in ihiiw ilovs iinlv ilu rlili pluviil uolt unit unnlk unlv thi uh liuit kumincr miiuur unci rxiulk ami ilili kid vifrr waur wulrr skis hull mil isrrn invrnt iil thr liaiislklnr i uil in wus iilissiitlv lm in ilu tuliirr their ssus nu irmniv lnr miniinri iump tor ihr rhlltlrvn ir imilur liiji in i n in llw sytia nu tlnsi in ilu iirt n li t it 1111 tiinrs wur u nil ki i anil krlilnin only i illu is ilmsiiiik what in ihr wisclit ihrn illil svi ilu sillh imikrliik you rr intmlsrr al uisl vihi old isnvk u nu nilu r i nl u lllllr h iv ihiiiil whul i hi illr ik illil whin lluv wrr ii or iinih r iluv iiul rstrvlhliisi ssi uui will prulliiljv tluv wrrr squawk wlun wr plnvnl mwliovk oiil indlin ihrv sv rr hciiillllil spuikh priniikkrs when wr plivnl plrilik thcv wrrr slnol piynnk nml u rnnllt anil ifirp w wliro si plavl fops anil rohlwrs tin wrrc rtira uul llililrrs and walrrboyt vttrn pltvid hull jn nhorl ihrv knrw ihclr placr tind rnovrd rvirv inlnutr ul ii in ihr toll throhhlnu dusk nf u i ill kiiinmrr altinuxin wi pluvid run llirrri klin 1 1 was qullr un rtperlenir i inn yoo in daah away ihrauatr liw alrsily wnimma b ihurk komo hatvj ihimnj girl lor whom yuu arllertalnad a taciml unil ovtiiowvrtn pan- kllmi nulhlng happiirvwl hut hut- wiian ihe etfllemenl of ihe chute and live pitmltnllv of ihlt twealv kid wlm tat iiul at apl lit klt vihi at nol il svat fairly terrlly- inn then ami during all uur her tklrla nulktd utlajmi e plained in my dm whiil u hard day shed had mv rather dulrtl hlvtt to plav hall with ut or ifttow ui huw m earn or talk lu w aboul ntn pruhlamt or haw hmaratiliiu rhma with ut about he floiu and imt rauna ami lh nvl arid lha mumry of the plate wi klrlpllng yearn we twwm lluur wrw iat u jiil lhr ttltd ir upon hour upon hour during the iiul ol the day until our llpt were hlue and nor hamls lugun lo wivrl up llien it wan lime lo ill un lumie lor kiiprut iiiul rut uihhii i lulu pound ut niw iwiiulihb uiul tiliil bolognu unil lirkh lutmi iiiudst hreud uiul uppletuiui unil all tin oilier uood ililiia women huw klopiml iimkliiy whrtlwi wen kids mv iiiollirt iikid in pripuii u piinii uliiuiki rvutv tluv in kiiiuiiu i whin uait iiul tuinu- limn wink wi wuiilil ull plli iii ilu i ui uiul luuil lm a niiiiliv lukr siriuin ilvei unv kind nl wulrr fhen wen lot nl i in hunt iitu pluirt mini nl ihtiii liiivvnlnu nu liikpuktlnii svlih in llsi in sit inllik wlun wr ulllvnl writ plli ml uiul uui in ull illrn linn lu wudi swim i sjiloi uui uil unil lull uul ut lrii dull wihiiii liulld u ilii unil pill ilu old irupull on to luill uuu lu wmilil kll on a log unil hi ullh plii lil illsduln ut n hun wlilli mv niolhrr pu pal nl ilu limit wtnl lor u wull ivulml lit ilu wuirr ullh luted heck he vvu our fallirr he dldnl wunt lo he mir isuitilv uml wr illiln l wunl 111 mi 10 in at we luiyt grew olilir wi pluvnl liusilmlt miuilliid im1 uliig uiul uflerunon and evi n ing unil a game tsvlcru uul tliere wat ihe ikllght ol dm lug lu unolliar town und in i ing gullum at llorallo ii ilu luulgr us vou liiuvnl ilu i ii milk nl ilu iikui lullk tin 1 1 wik ilu iplliuni nl ills t luniiliiu mi ii thiin hike wlih lliiii un luiki hiiine it nu oiu ilnwil lukl of hit iillllh isilli vi in i gill wulihlng and iumis linn wiis ilu hi lie nv nf till ling u shunt single uiul snuhng hi i nml willi ynill gill wuli litliu linn wuk ihe udilnl polgnuiuv ol knowing llim kfir illdn i kimw khr wus snin gill wi illiln i huvi the minimi iliium ivlng ml u ihuiii wild ti toll u liunslstnr ruilln a hoi dug lorn within u humliiil vurils iivimuv in viuir t uiul u mnvi rtllili puikeit rum hv iiul hv gullv wi sviirnl ljiid professional directory and travellers guide mftdicat ftinual dnrctom diwgc knney physician anil surgrnn office in symon blmk 4u mill ki li anon ollu ilnsed until further iiutlii hone i1m1m nlghr or day bruca b shoemaker ugr acton free press ruuutxl by tha iwa isttlfcsg as tlihimug co ltd fnundrd in 173 and published cvrrv tttundav at w willow si acton ontario member of tfce audit bureau of circulation the cwna and the ootarioouebev wvuiw rijv ckjujl aavefflllm jt on miuest suhjriptiom pavahle in axhrancv 3jm j canada mjx n england and ortsar oaaummraahh counrrln- 00 in the united stalet and other fxsreign countrm tingle coniaa 1c authorlaad aa second clatt mail post offkc dcnartmam ottawa a a duia erukwlnoitef tknrld dukt manngbf editor svjsintss atlotptt q i al p if lt p hojif 5 j 2 0 1 0 iv uh t nu miililinh to vimul w ii kl v ii vriii in ilu ii j an il i miim rtuiimti jinu 20 wlun hi p ins il tvv i tmin 1 hi u t hi iik 1 1 r ult i i flu iph n ih r il h pit il a un km luu n n 1 hi vsixiil with ih canatli ui rm ss i h i itp hir ii thi i tit v ii vt whuh h nx nl in llit li msl i tint niipplun t thi i i nt litis i th p inl n ii ilk h i w jki i m h iii ii k v ti i pi in in t n mi m n v i li u in h- w i i ii ills i s ii t th i j j titl m ui t m i 1 itituw h t- t huilltxi al si tjoji kll s1 i hut h vkhtii hi mil i il ihi i i hk i ixlli an ifc m i i 1 nt ifi nim uui i 1 lit i u lu sjv il ns s t lhk i nu m anili i t 1 1 k i mi iniv it 1 h ith w n i ill tills li i i i i v k it iv til nl i n n vi i il puli iu ntjt v hi uid h ljin tu i il uifchtrrx pin n mil thijitii hvinf m httt- rttnl trv- tj- w iivl i t oudon to nutun ht ilt ii h he am pril ftnj h tnn hnithfrt jim and wjlljttr but will he odt nmsnj h fie nv ttr thr 1 ma ftht and gcrtnidr il onrifon lvrorh mr svhnujti or bnrtkm illinotv and esa mrx f rrtd tif nuftani ktdblw mag i i i afc tuniiaj smiic uav held mtm i v j u iu 24 hum st alhan ihunh with kc 0 ii wem o tu i unit iitii i mini wis in tjir ih iimitir sunda tvrninu nu ijihirs ul bnmh l7 rnval ii utiau liiii m hi hi j iptul nl t kl pillrn iiitn win john chiv- h lm i r ink j of un ch tirjii hj i i s j rninflk rmhtn skcri ii i i ml rtxikir olttuatv mnhwjvmiwytk bmhdknkfkw will knots n tu manv aiinn n sdcnls muriel surlsen villi ol ihe late howard van wsik pjss id away at guelph gitrrul tins piul lollosving a linstllis illniss nn june 4 ll a nkidint nf alton for manv stars helini shi mused in lun ilon tsturi hu luishind svus u in slinid ssilh tin t n u shi i- saills mmimeil hv a son i rank ind datitflilirs ixiia mrs i il uiird mosm i and jian all of ai li n shi is ilso mikuj hv i in ilur ssdniv nl milton ami ink ol acton mrs van wsik was thi daugh ler of thi lali tram is john sin sin and jane anne rundell slu inarnid fur hnshind in ai ion siplcmbcr id 1911 during thi 22 stars she livid in 1 ondon sin ssak an aitue ssorker with itu anglican all sllnls ihonh or ganizatlons funeral serslcr was held june 6 from st albans anglnan ihursh ssith intcrmeni in fair i less icmelers pallhearrrs wire torn van wsik fred water house fred booker bob pallir son robert warden and charlie warden or d a gabrftt physli ian and surgei in v ii lllnn jiirn 29 allglisl inclusive oh npil mon wid ill mornings phone imflmi or i ill n viv orrournuat dr robert d buckneb phslclan and surgeon 39 wellington si aclon onl phone i1u240 dr t b moore physician and surgeon 2 main street norlh corner main and mill street anon ontario phone offue v2ii0 ret hv0iij dkntax announce winners in hay competition s 1 tnttm and son swrrj ac t jn li itihuial sikiets n has urkluuh sihin thes nettut s s pifiiv hi held a field ol 1a mr twor s r lauchlin ol liu iph vsas iiidri lor the kk ion 11 far ompi titkm lb lolovsing ire the top tin ti n rv iniuuimii thu ssetk bs i lar mrs v sssaik lia i lt s r griflin a son m p- nt ind chjs lijhh w tul r m stare 0 ilk a miphedran 44 th j m iu ii knigh 93 alh ralph denns th ftfe vimersllle llh george walltce 9 th don- ulil matthews t 10th norman f hams 91 mr i auhlln noted that of the itteeis flekjt itsrvsl all compr- itieetiwl ff crdm of mt united bible school attracts 50 children hetssrn 4 and v ihililnti are attinding the i nited churih dails vaialion bible vhool ru ing held at thi ihurih pupils are itisuled into ihnr droops laih jaip takes pari in thi iktsrshlp serine kvsori a handi i aft period and a jslav msikw ris rxsighl ingel is in iharae ol ihe bible n boot snh mrs til gar i idkca as asvislant other leathers and helpers imtude be- linraera mrs ruth muelle and mrs fna cibv- prlmarr mrs hael wood and urs tanis iron side liustor mrs i orraine shulds and mik rulkuais fn gel other intermediate assistants iikludr mary beth eihoti don na siemit dunrva pendleton dt- ane and launc ironside and vi sian smith tftr schossl connnsw nett week and the final friday night wih he parents night when par en is anil friends will wttnau the nulminatkin of the childrens ef torn or h ifib denial surgeon office corner mill and frederick streels office llourt by appointment telephone tlwmio dr a j suchanan dental surgeon office gf church si e office hourt a m lotpm cloted wednesday gmemooa telephone iu170 e l buchntr od oplomeirist lnnlacl lenses hearing aldt john ut s aclon in acton wednetdayt only jo0 pm 6u0 pm for appointment phone iijimi if no answer phone walertoo 74i4u7 ttavrmw ouny p gray coach iines coacku utvi acton daylight saving tlnw eatthuund all tm dally rtcepl sun and llol 1 luim 111 am 2 of p m 50g b m til p m ii pm lodipm sun and hul i wettbound i0j7 am i j 57 piti 217 pm 127 pm 727 pm 12 pm ii 32 pni i 02 m sat only canadian nattonal allways daylight taring tim eettbound tm am to toronto dajjy ex cept sat and sun 7ji aja to toronto dally nagt sun m daily ascant sunday and monday direct tna eifcai for owen sound ate 741 am to toronto dally meant mdy 101 pm to taroma sunday on iv 1025 pm- to toronto oallv board at ga ga only c leathekano oc barrister and sondior notary public office hours it a -in- 12 pm i pm s pm saiurdast by apnolaimeai only ml am to stratford dally aa- cept sun 23 pm to stratford daily aaeent sal aad sml 04 pm dally event sunday 44 am lo stratford daily eacapt sat far ftinhar your local itlna hsmm offue laild km 151174 acton a vtatoa sa banrltier soheltar notary public office honrr m artrrn monday friday evenings i p m p m saturday i pm 1pm paltlry st otalalt onlarto riana ta 44m9 offlca hourt la goalan saturday am 12 em dally am- j nm i ael wtklht sc scmm oear ya dav w oomm6c it tata caraw af arfnar ortlcanaaga iny aaibrim

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