Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), July 11, 1963, p. 2

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11 t l ifvbi smfemffrjgbma o u ease of mim tha m mart valmhi ratpte mr v if ry with rtii two tera tm wtuu aisd some of the torgelow aid tke legaort in sport trwnaikwtnw mr out o matthews who wit the fre press after seven vmur of faithful service to lake j position in toronto left tail weak for winnhwf nv rs4outbl portion with stone ilunm utkotrawt the work for painting and dec- oraltng the methodist church has bean tat to p c brovrm well known contractor from toronto he la nottd for hi design and tow year compfemd work on st josephs church here church caltnda wtufy tnuu iuhhy july mth 1u lulaav warahajt christian vocation wtaf sunday july 14th 1w5 divine service io00 m service e community cfctuth at tolhs combined aervlee of knox rm- m midott sal ttytianaikt trinity united trinity church nursery during aervlce for young children ml oowudiy invited to all palaart x m wuaon isuuttuute tactotryjylcjt campaigners 7 community church y july i j at s45 p m h service station ill j st b w mvicbs july mth itjathe family bible sehaoeoahfluea throughout ttjh ajtwgoda grieved spir- it avanttosfh us pa gods answer to our same of need pastor special music at 11am and 7 pjn mr and mrs e pres to acton collaga prayer matting wednet 5y july 17 1pm 10 roar- mn terrace topic jehovah j i welcome wilier aveiom nhmeottm 1 cthanehlu road fjuic stag s m thonua pastor tsj271s twjday juy mth i6j t0 ajavaairday school it imb3at service too pja bvaatafl service luamay pjnblhta study aad wwraday pja christ ambaa- alien it forget the caansaualtv b church at toths hail service station satur day jury a at you are cordially invited mtnch mriwgnl llawfc ajgyaugla agkalataauaajl vwamffft vnimwn the uaja ca at minister the rev dwight i bagel bjt ft saa1klaa441fl mr gaortewuoltujt phd rockwooo mmamiml um1 cmukh aisodited gospel cmircnet of canada mala st rockwood pastor- ray wiseman sunday july 14th im3 45 ajn sunday school classes for- all ages 1100 am morning service the transfiguration 700 pjn evening service join with us as we continue our studies in the book of revelation special notice vacation bible school july 1519 9 jo ii jo am leslie the talking dummy gospel mask man dicrafts free to all boys and girls ages ft 15 you are welcome tw chutch of st tmmajmt corner willow and bower rector- the rev d h west bju ust 115 jeffrey ave phone 1352494 sunday july 14th 195 trinity v 1000 ajn matins and sermon preacher mr l duby dlv inity student s j nsaawun-t- a44amntuimuiiwm why do jcaaadiaam drink ffii t lima i have asil together wudibjmjh year fn hjaak un on4tebooslng chart incites high er and we are toid httrrtfyim fact that every man women and lilgmtfiifvil everylhlng from babvs cols iu prefab cupboards and unpaihtad bookcase to bafkyard swim boa inevllahry the hahv oi autst lawgmd mil lagkiaa liu blaaaatawplauskjaa ijtia wko to the umu tha vlluut is not fo canptoa wmparimeni but the catuidttnjwealher pur eight months of dm yeat wa are adjured ai every turn to have a nip to keep out the cold during the other four months w loh it down by tm bucket to beat the hast uiu rlghi now at this very nvmrumr at i oclock on a july day the mercury past 90 it u horrifying to speculate on tha number of canadians who ate lolling in their back yards or at a collage or on a beach or in-an-airtiooled-barr-chilthuig- -make- my-own- fhgs fhgs fhgs wa ve heard teveral compllmenlary re marks about tha appearance on aclon hree of the dliplay of flarji aclon li one of the few towm that teems to oo alt out in a public cjliplay of flags and it all bacaute of the cooperation between the chamber of commerce and ilia hydro commmion the llaqi are actually the property ol the chamber and the hydro employee hang them orx tho p when the occasion arne sonne of thoe who commented noted they had dilvon through a good many towns on the dominion day weekend and didn t encounter an equal display in any other cen tre it is a commendable community effort and it is this type of co operation that build any community irwtfwkmeswwikriaiiaarjriaikjiiwrititaactwrth iratu anjrdiii tvuton salvation army band entertains at sunday school rally picnic the eramosa township sun dav school rally was held rcccm ly at the local church or chris disciples the salvation army band from kitchener was under the leader ship of bandmaster bert stan- it was a varied program will trumpet solos trombone solos and a male thorns of some 50 voices as well as several full hand selections kno0c catcbtkl acton rev anetrewlsrifcdtethle bjl bj minister mr b a hansen ba organist aad choir master sunday july 14th 195 jipzsspslzixi c chnst clarvilth picnic supper a picnic supper for the guests and their families was provided by the ladies of the rocluvood united churvh whlk the families of the district sat around on the church lawn to enjov a picnu and fellowship with friends the evening service began with song service led bv mr bill white of toronto without the aid of instruments he succeeded in involving the entire congregj tlon in a four part ihtiir is they sang several well knuun spirituals trjmpin joiwliu and steal away to jesus misses fnut lois mil kiithv potter daughters of the rcvand mrs fred g potter hamilton sang most effectively a mullcs 1 1 favorite gospel songs an offering was tuken in suv port of the sundav scruxil asmv clalion illustrated talk rev fred g potlir hamilton gave an illustrated talk to the- congregation and told sevtril stories for the benefit of the ihil dren miss marilyn kingsbury was organist and mr james tttomp son guelph was pianist the minister of the ho t church the rev bvron f how lelt acted as chairman in the un avoidable ah seme of the presi dent robert leslie he gave a challenging message on i the divinity of jesus stressing 2 we must have a message that is true and christian divine grace and divine love i the church must proclaim love the speaker mentioned the to all who seek and must uoi theme of the convention the ship in spirit and in truth power to witness staling two a trio donna marilyn and gor invcilvmcnts i don kingsbury with don reid i an attitude that is truly ci utiompanlst song a christian likened to jesus election christ a goodly number who were at cold beverage and gelling teudlly holler i find it dluiiull to criticize them ive just been through one of the worst weeks in my life in the middle of the worst heat wave uf the summer and i feel nothing hut sympathy for those who turn to drink in the hot weather i have been building j picnic table the old ballleaie ha been niggling about one for a couple ofyear all and march years all through february i march she kept seeing them advertised at low low prices i wasnt interested first i wasnt in the mood for picnic tables while i was sho velling snow in every dayr in spare sec table were all of the jypel you have to put together your self and i had had enough of that caper lending the convention were pre vent for the service conducted by rev byron howlelt altead cittaalt ctsureh a number from the local con gregallon attended the ii 15 ajn service at the guelph church when dr donald m salmon es ecullve secretary department of evangelism united christian mis- sionary society indianapolis was guest speaker hugh b kilgour of toronto conducted a dedication service for a new communion set in hon our of the late reuben butchart and miss ada and errett currie rev meredith p cambrian heights with united tlon in ooagregat trinity united church preaching rev a h ucken sic 1008 am open session of clsurch school in ks bergman ul churvh of ta who vsllh his wife and daughters were- at tending the all canada convrn tlon at guelph was guest speak er un sundav morning at the lo tol churvh -f- choosing as his test john 1 14 im th acton free press vx ajmehi alitjaj0t j aa pf i ci p h onis 111010 fven i asl fool m rrivd i shost m bit it left anil i slartad w put in a icnw nau th lawe began tu way like- a tbt stallion and itui whote rudav structure collup sad on my left instep with a ltrtftduig rumble hupping swmlh i got out ike iu ami admbiislcr th il m s kids grabiwd me around lu kgs and hung on the heck wilh this my wife said wall do it lit vo nomhil way we went lo the mill whew they tui out tha hlank and utu before i think they call them i wa a utile relieved that aha did not want me tu chop a tree and srlllj make my own pfertk i ttwf wa only l caved 1 or ten dollars already they didnt haw uny of the regular plans for pu nu tables but ihey had a plan for a kiddies table and thy fel i go the espert back bribed low said ii was the same prtn- him wllh void drinks and be fin j ufied il there arc about i u0 nails and bolls and screw in it using tried and true me but ii stand tall a monumeni thuds i did not set to work i haer usgenulty tailed a couple of husky con freres and told them to drop got my daughter to mint it around for an ale i u h t-vyeuh- uik fiaistiirr pened lo have a couple of hardware uwr or the bun pare hammer when they ar irrs gin and toalc or ike rived i claimed i had asked pert stab aad varaw and them around for a nail three wage or the paiaaer aavd a fujur a dozen ales and a lain doctors bill for a basked f dred nail hr7tssrtahttrb bnjugbr th rotjto about l llpu prof125sional directors and travellers guide mrmcal e dr w g c tfjnncv physiciaa and surgeon office in symoa mock 41a miu st e actoa office closed until further notice sbbsabbsaaatas or d agatmtt physiciaa aad surgaaa on vacation june 29 august 5 inclusive office open man wed frt morning phone u50j4i or call i5h956 dtt robert d bucknet physician and surgeoa jtwsnington st acton ool phone 051240 t l asjchpabl ox optrsaihrist contact lr hearsog aid t john st- actoa lo actoa wednesday oary zoo pas a00 paa for sppouusubt pbone mhwl if no answer phone waterloo m phone 74jg7 vasjjtr euim dr t b moore physician and surgeoa 2 main street north comer main and mia street acton ontario phone office 1552110 re 1554155 dautfal o a ieib denial surgeon office comer mill and frederick street of rice llodrs by appointment tehphone i554vi0 gray coach unb taamu7tl actoal daylight saving tim paslhrairnl jj am daily eacept sua and hol ug ajn 1ij5 la 10 pan 541 pm a2j gcaa i m p m loos pjn sua aad hoi westbound 1027 ajn 12j7 pjn 257 pm 527 pjn 7j7 pja u pjn 11jj pm litj aja sat only canadian islatlonal sakwavs daylight saving tlmo do a j buchanan dental surgeon office w church sl r office hours a m iopm closed wednesday aftemouo telephone 1551750 uls laawlrtt pl jib ttt fcwt iff taflw i when you own permanent life insurance you can plan on retire ment wit habsolutc certainty that the income promised in your policy will be paid permanent life insurance values are guaran teed all the amounts arc carefully set out right there in your policy the amount of protection is there the cash values are listed clearly stating the monetary worth of your savings invest ment for years to come there is no guesswork no speculatioa these artrsafeguards no other longterm uvins piao tin uflcf taste the life insurance companies in canada c f leathtalano qc barrister aad sobciior woiarv public office hours saturdays by 10 sjb 12 i nv i pas 5 pjn ap tatty eje tun la toroato daily ea cept sat and sua 7ji ejb to toronto dally aaeajm sua i si am dally ssseept sssaday aad monday dsraot ceesbeetloa lor owen souad ate 741 pm to toronto daily estaapl sawday 101 d m to toromth sunday on ly ims pm to toronto dairy board at gi eetly waaibostnd 101 s m to stratford dally ea cept sua- ejj sua to stratford dairy eseapt sat and sua 704 pjn dally rscept statctay i24t am to stratford daily par further your local jaaarasailbb ca offic tsjllm raa 1351745 asrabdarjv arrlatar sosvtaar metary paata offlca hour am shmayeat pjavm ipvs si j ti mbslij- k aife

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