Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), July 11, 1963, p. 4

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v v mia btapttwajel ia hbli- daylng wgnjr mwimvui wsaalw all ajanm uilaukt iltr ami mra hll gibbon anglican chuwh camp near an- marykayo and benin are holiday- ctwer canterbury hill camp fan ihg in midland rand mr harry holme left week far a motor trip the in eoat ami boh aw holldaylnt at prove beach mr and mr b quay trenton visited vdlh relailvai in aston thin weak mr and mm oeorge parties left on a motor trip to weir vir ginia ihl weak mr and mra bavtd bill and kathleen are enjoying a vacation lla cottage al suuhle beach member of the krltlon elan en a r hotne of mr and mra calvin me- in tyre sunday afternoon- ml mantle malnprlae apeni july i weekend at the cottage of mr bill malnprlae on mukoka take friends wort- mr fred colo mka jean s and tm fcmcheonlift wednesday for the hnppy lo hour 1 recuperating nicely after un operation in sim- nvhronk hoapllul toronto mrnnd mra william nvtla and nephew peter morrison teh inih week on a motor trip to the st lawrence seaway mr and mr john tracey and family of toronto visited wllh herrafherrmr alf pryerr-bowcr- avc on sunday ml anne wateon and mlw nanev rognvaldson are spending two madia at hamilton area olrl guide camp dunnvllh her many friend will be sorry to tjarn jiwirootkm currtc t pidlent in ouelph qenerat hnspl- lal all wlh here apeedy recov ery george mephall acton wa the oldest man attending the mc- phall reunion at the home or mr and mr howard swiuer hills- burgh recently the many acton friend or mr william tuwaell alio orunvllu- st vancouver bc will be sorry tolearnhe ha undergone an op eration for the amputation of both leg above the knee he i jamuleaolftgathuhomr mr harold mike cone and ton denny of el caon califor nia are visiting relative in ac ton mr cone the former helen wither plana lo utlend the wed ding of her niece minx pull kin smethurat divinity indent mr lawrence duhv of acton conducted the morning nervier ft the church of si alhnn the martvr on sumlav in the absence of the rector the reviprh w b and mr wext and their children are hol idaying at thunder bay mr and mr ray everdell ruth rick and tim or little current manltoulln island have four high achool student mary beth hlllolt don long richard- ironalde and david lid- ken who represented acton ill ihe united nation seminar ah ifaterlool college recent iv have returned and describe their ex perience in the following sub- mission to the acton free fresa by mary beth elejott bo long richard irmwtde and david udba after a short trip from acton to the university of waterloo we marv beth elliot richard iron side david llduea uml don lnnti met our fellow dclcguies ui u banquet in the cufelciiu in i he ivuldjnce of st pauls spending thr relative mr w wood and steven of fit catharine mr donald mcdougnll former acton resident now living in to ronto wb visiting in town till week with friends mis louise mendmore who i an the alaff of acton district high school is upending the summer in manltobu with her parents management and staff of the bank of nova scotia enjoyed a barbecue supper at the farm home of mr and mr a j mur ray wednesday evening july j mis sharon brncllev daughter or mr and mra clifford brndlev is holidaying in muni real wllh her alaler mrs ruv slater iiml riimlly fo r harold smith son of mrs anna smith luke ave has been promoted to the rank or plight lieutenant he is stationed ul st john newfoundland miss pal barrager georgetown red cross swimming instructor started her duties ut the wading pool in the park wllh her sum mer swimming classes thlsvcek mr alvln moore i progressing favorably since being moved to the rehabilitation centre ut downaview previous to this he had been a patient in guelph general hospitul fur five weeks juteuiniedhomc after spend s ing their iiu7raiivvt at t -v- u home of mr and mrs wilfrid tuz weekend with ltnly p p pneuvnnd u ft u town witt mr ami tnhcttrtcnast en and mr and mrs ii arhii plight lieutenant bob pfaff and mrs pfafr the former kuy chapman of acton with m-rv- lynne jane and ricky or win nipeg visited in aclan with mrs pfurfs mother mrs jack chap man the waffs are leaving this month for buckinghamshire england where pit li pfaff has been posted as un exchungc duty officer with the raf signuls command in marlow a welcoming address was ill ven hy dr j u hev the prrsl- dint of the unlverallv on thr role of the small nations in the untied notion the guest speuk- ci mr j r brellhuiipt it prom inent clllren of the kitchener distinguished delegate after a singsong lestby welly thtnvwa the only name we knew him hy wo hit the sack- meet m theatre monday morning the delegute met in the theatre in the arts building lo hear an address on an introduction lo the united nations given by mr o f murray chler or the external arrulrs division of thunlleil na- lions mr murray proved to be a very good sneuket berniiv ol his nulural delivery and poise he spoke on the roles of the varl oua committees in the un we then went to the llhrury in the physics building in search of in formation concerning the coun tries we represented thin nfier- noon several of ihe suulenis unvi- iiililitsies on ihilr coiimrles lorelgn policy ariernnon highlight the ivnl hliihlliihi ul mil- ilnv wns ii panel discussion held ihnl wutorliui raililkius4hl llii ilclc evenlnginllii ideal iv the umsl allies on canadas role in the panel consisting nl mr v m united nullons ikirlsov scouil sihiviiiiv snvlei pollowlnu the huniiiel we ml ilnhiissv oilnivii mr g snilu loilrncd to the llhrury ol sljlm- french consul gcneiiil to piiiiis to get iicqiiiiloleil wllh ihciiiinlo unil mr miiiniy ivpirscnl aasaaaaaiaasiiaimiii n mwai m mi m i in i -nr- r at mr and mrs g a dills re turned home this week after vl- sltjng ihe home of mr and mrs clare prossor and family in bracehridge for ten dovs fdllh prosscr accompanied them unci will be here for week those attending the graduuilon of waterloo university on satur day julv when mr wayne ar- nlc received his b a in chemical engineering were mr urlil m- bronte mr and-mrv- elmlrn mrs wiivnr arhlc ihcformer miss jiinc wil- and teresa of acton sit in vehicles for first service opennlr campaigners from to ronlo were guestsduring lite in- lllul drivein church service sti turduy evening the outdoor services are sponsored bv pas tors from the pentecostal taber nacle chrlsllun relormed acton baptist unci evungel tliiptist thurt ing canada discussed dlsarmn menl and peaceful iheinfufouur space alter the discussion the panel was bumharded with loud ed questions aiosl of which were directed ul ihe russluu dip- lomul and were guile controver sial tuesday activities tuesday mm ninu wits taken up by an adilrgslju irrulmaiklibv oh the work ol ihe committees in ihe un uml dealt ivlllt tin- senvral work of the coitnnlttees iter questions ihe delegates as sembled into their coiniutllco to elect a chairman vice chair man and rapporteur nnd drill t an agenda of resolutions from one until two soma ol the sprcliil commlllec uief al two we met in the iheulie lo hear an address hv mr w ncs hill mp former linl ol tin- canudluti lln ileleuuiiou work of ilit- i list uml sprtliit po llticnl committees alter the ml iltess we aiiilli ndoiirni hpadqiinrtcm nesvvu commiiteih tin iltsiussluns on he spoke on the ideals unci the yilii ills ivsnliiliinis liiiiuillll tin ol lis ol other countries after tin ulllll hltidenl night fhul imliinti un inicniiiiionitl sluclenlsiiluhl wns held in which siiiil stcuknls piccnlccl shot t liumoroiis skits iml mmi tntri inlnmtnl such us it lloniuiiun tlunce weilnesiliv liriiiiiilii un nidiess h mr hunliuun in tin wotk ol ihe ailnilllislrnlivc uml llutlucl ur tnniniiiici in wlui it ii- spoke of id- lulp whuli the un givis to timlirdccliipttt intiu- ities alter u iiucsiiin pcrlinf wc again went to our lommliuis fm the laat meeting before the mo del general awembly wednes day afiernoon was aptnt moatly nn a lour or ihe klrehnr-wier- iihi area as well a a tour of the boyhood home of the late rt- hon w l mackewle king and the pioneer village near doon weclneadav evening was apenl walihlng n film called the ive ol the- beholder film on the mil- tnulor rellgloim of the world big itvenl thill silnv was the day every one liud been wulling for al h ii ml hi- tniklel usseintilv began the first rvsolullun to be picsenled recoiitmended lliul dull delegule donate jjth lo sciidlour delegates lo the all- iiiiiidlan assemlilv ul ihe un rour oiiki rcstiliulons were broiiuht forth one cnnnvnliiu the seating of red china which wns deleiiied u disarmament res olutlon which wits passed a llmeluhle of iniletvhdeuiv of col oples which was passed and a resolution concerning peacekeep iny- costs which was passed the usventhlv adlonrjtod ut stxt imit sc thai the delegihes could im pure im the hiuiquel unit hull tllc spender lorjhr banitiel was mi a aliumpm lliiieuu ol ti- imliul asmmunce opiuilons banquet we rttd the library being received by mr arid mra campbell prof and mr mae- klrdy and mr and mra sims- we cluuced until midnight to the music t the hquestrlan ouar- let and than tang ona uuttlde il i 06 am after a ihori ad- tahtpbell three of inn dress by mr us walked not dale tu their dorm i lien returned to our dorms itliliiv ntonmng we gathered in the iheatre ror en address bv mr michael augue youth reciv tuiv to the united nallona on the role ol atudenla and the un following a written evaluation or i lie seminar we ad loomed to the quadrangle ihitskk st piiiiis for n murdl clra luncheon pn- feaaor maekudv the gjeirdr ina arm eolhkulvely tl of ua aradtwlly tffl loosing back on tha and lual tu our iio fr inrormailye w nylnf newfound we mingtn reiiirn again neat yeari we ihe fchlf of ujt would llkt to it the uwwor tiitienilnar and helped us in preparation for it children are taking an aeilve part in ihe summer puygfound und play achoid program al he park we i ihe fhir of uit would lib u thank oua jwtjj m onn ih rwry cm mm he avion legion and mt of ill mr roayr who mada u roillt r hamilton optomltiiit oaargawwit 40 main n for appt tr 7m7i olllr mollis dullv esiepl mouiluv vii ixaminid pkljcriptioni huid the post orflce stuff held n barbecue at the home of post master gordon mckeown and mrs mckeown churchill roucl frlcluy evening a girt was pre sented to mr jnck doweling on his leaving the stali for another campaigners position also present lor the oc musical number- worship r coslon were former postmaster vice iind n varied program was frank terry and mrs terry of supplied by the mil nl town i owen sound i guesis i services ure bclng held each stturdrtvemnit7itt ilitjtwnt lot ul bill toths uaraiii with various guest artists in allrncl ance from lime to time kutiircliiy evening u number ol residents utlended und sal in their cars and heard the service over the loudspeakers altuchrcl lo a mo bile von used hv the open air armanjc-jcttcmcjirjift- ttsa obituarv miss sally wilson lft airport un wednesday mr and mra victor solomon and fnmllv of ottawa and mr and mrs ted solomon of toron to visited at the home uf mr und mrs a 1 murray during the week multon or lust week lor a two month vacutlon in great brituln sally will be- joined by her siler susan in lute august in edinhuruh where they hope to xee the edln burgh fealivul together before leaving sally was successful in passing her last two silver danc es ut the closing uf the figure skating school in guelph she passed he rocker foxtrot and ihe tango and plan to work on her senior silver dances on her return in september district resident 46 years james henry barden buried jumca henry burden of eden mills pasted away in guelph gen erul hospitul on july i he hud been ill aince february 4 in his 7trd year he wus born in hills- burgh january 20 181 the son of the late jumca burden unci susun heath hewas married in guelph on september 10 1913 lo ettu rob- sun who survives film also sur viving are three aons and three duughtcrs edward lededrn mills mrs john mellon inu acton mrs james mcelrov el isabeth guelph allan guelph mrs ross campbell lelu eden mills lloyd of holt michiyun urn itijrnmdchildren herb doll and stan wilson flower hearers were ron mel ion david mellon jim mrflruv jim burden donald cumphcll i paul burden and leslie kills i caroline nurseries garden centre and flower shop weil of acton oh highway 7 south side member of u fc wire service te say congratulation te axpreu sympathy la ty oat wall towers say h so baautifullyl elowers by caroline for all occasions telephone 8532900 anytime open ivenlngi til dark 7 oay a weak mil diiiviry need a carpentfr far niw floori niw ciiunoi niw kitchin cupioardi w any othir alttfrationit i6tiitwttm7rtoiia tenpro distributors ltd m4m0 apart crrtmwmp all warh qaarann weekend specials miih maoi steakettes 69 frozen pus beipchicken and turkey franri otwrglen bay lake trout iimitid mjaaiv wa dallvar dally photia ua 1531 s40 bradleys meat market labour incomi- luihiui- income in canada was ut billion in 1w ts s hillim in 1v4a t6 hilllon in illil sh2 billion in mss ami im lai ilu- cstlmuleil total iv 114 hillion mr burden hnd resided in ed- en mills since ipi7 where- he was u miller and operated a suwmill he wns ci memher ol eden mills pivshyuriun church funaral service funeral service wus held ul the rumley shuemukcr iunerul home on julv 4 with the rev williamson of guelph olficiuting pallbearers were jini mcelrov und ross campbell sons in lav gordon robon und murruv robson nephews lloyd burden and- allan burden sons honor ary pallbearers were george humpson duncan mcdougull william mino william cole jack ridley cartage concmti mocki concritsl mick cinon aiockt ciav uick sand itoni uvihock and agttiuzir rma iwvici and lupptlh dump trucks for hire acton ruohitsiatie ulry jevcumhtg r vwham skies have clouded up on several occasions but so far no ruin has fallen gardeners report a poor crop unless rain fall shortly how logel a kb done think ul a pustogr stomp it always sllclcs to one thing until il gets ihere look at na imdcamvh wp5 ccausiof a int snitfwc rwff utrbuiictj tamb bji ktwct oiu ilcfntti tfm uvnt uir nutuncn k w wwi thm laajw aju yja tw ill be over- after i do my banking numiiminmtiliulouo control bh ouoaccioents aikme th aappimk coat m lot sfcr caeckav i osv kinuisc bear etasamt vm autajiei that j oni t haw go first clou at xonomy rohit i franks auto collision can fal -v- u4bi0- 2 mila waat of acitw mmmmmm l you mm shaardkvory aht and an ordinary bodaat nska a took at our dolus volkiwaaan bt loaded kisurivv and y all standard eawidnmnl thinos till door pockati and athtrays ond ssindinmld oko ajvat hihy baljsistabl bucks utti and pksassd uphahnvy and sis halx i pay in a vsvil and uid bckind mm shi of our oakia voanssagan nil w look e your irasmav vouh find you con link suufyriaaamahnevw p laza motors awfttmbula mmml xoviadays it natural for the lady of thr hmis to do much of thr- family hanking ixrause its ao convenient to look after money mattrra at one place the local chatlrml bank an allround innking arrvicncrntrr this busy honwmakrr is on hrr way to dvpnait part of hrr husbands salary in thrir savings acrihint cash a chnque on their joint chwjiiinfc account and pay the monthly rnstalment oo s prnonal loan alt thrs la tare f twtvf aeir f quickly eaaily simply any isank service- ton use- is an inlrndurtioa many others and trie chartered banks arc ahrara on thr konknut for new nays t be helpful u i prople caood reason why the number of account ha doubled to 1 4 million in joat 10 and 150o new account are bring opnatd rrerjr banking day jtrjap ban srnvivn vnitajnumiswitv through fujirmgr bmkinz respmsfr togrowixg changing nj

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