Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), July 18, 1963, p. 6

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j ju ali gaiaa x hww pray it jarylk 163 diane robbins gary ferguson given awards from institute a until attendant waa present for th annua bsfcnic of lis wo man institute held at the aehdol a khort maine session waa held with mim doria pine pre aiding duurii 1 the project for the nest training school and lead er fere to be chosen el bier rnmtlnm noat for acton pair par ade we discussed diane robuna and gary per guson received the liutltule awardt given to the students chimchtu making the roost proereu during the year mr d winter and margaret mcmillan conducted the sports with prise awarded the winner under s year johnny puller girl and 7 laurie archibald boy and 7 randy stewart boy i- and randy marsh boy 10 and ii graham prater boy 12 i j 14 gary perguaon ladle race dorl fine oldest lady mr t pine measuring distance mr s puller kick the jhoejarjus summer season brings visitors mr and mr william s her- bert or toronto spent the week with their daughter mr ian nulamtttjet-terneplfth-uhe- mr and mr george mallby are visiting this week at hi bro ther mr and mrs dave malt- by montreal mr d stephenson of toronto spent the weekend at her lster home mr and mr william dubble mim kathie swackhamer spent last week at eden christian col lege girls camp at nlagaraon- iholake friends and neighbors were sarrv to hear mr and mrs ted freeman and wee son lyle have moved to their new home in guelph they will be greatly miss ed in the chunh and community mist marianne mdeachcrn of toronto waa home for the week end mr james mccullmk drafting lnnrhr in onr high school 1 taking a summer course for teachers in toronto we welcome mr and mr robert paul susannc and gerald in our community who have moved from acton lo the fifth line mr and mm norman turner had at their guest for a few duv mlas diane chriatensen ol tuw mist chrittensen was en joying a brief holldav with her cousins prior to flying to germany lo teach in a canadian armed force secondary school philip and albert beck and bobby smith are spending a week ul brai side camp paris mr and mrs fred macarthur accompanied mr ami mrs r u davidson on sunday visiting with mr and mrs arthur grif fin erin mr and mn w j mcdonald visited with their daughter mr and mrs ed storrv orlllla for a couple of davs peggy and rav stores rrlumcd ssilh them fur ne holiday mwut joseph a lasby buried saturday luntitl vtmi sws llslil mi si altsan s iljlkjm chuixh ml sal uluas juls m irt jtsph lts jiitlri testis vi cohbkhill rsasl uthi ilntl in nrlph gtmial hsrml4l i juts ii iltii jn ins it litv nsuiillis hi a 41 uil lit a res d ii vki innduktcd the htiky irn thuish und jl ratrsicss nmrlcn at ion pall tsnrecs strr immivmi ltivcll ruti svtk stums r imnktvm antlrr sai wallatv si jt stvanvr ivtr- stwi fills ii aum and altstil ncsshs fvuilingttwi sursivmt i hi vtifi th tonlhr ftilsn ism a iliiifchtir t mraiih tl tn mwiihi hit tvietils mi mi mix j it i shs mll mr- j mtshi imii i nrt atltui mrt i orsstult antic i at ti a hrtrthtt flrncr 1 xhmtt 1 till uiuu lie sss nmii hi i imi antl utih lo thtwu htir lit trscst vsilh iht rca i tnmi juiw 141 l orstmhii l4 lit and mrt i asbs win marrtiil in 144 l inrtarr piim mm ii ts miplivtl t iht rtstsl muiim thtipuiis oikttlk nut piviis is jl lnsil hrtv iiuat nuilit pine legged race children spot mr t bobby and gary ferguson a pean scram concluded the race waa enjoyed mr and mrs s baldwin and children of ancatter visited on sunday with mf and mrr david stewart diane and sandra boertma ol huttonville spent a weeks lull day with their grandparent mr and mr k kjooater gueau during the weekend at the same home included mr and mr ben klumnenhouwer and cathy of brampton on wednesday eveninu the c i at the nursing home in iph where margy kloottcr it employed held a shower for her when she received a lovely assort mem of gifts her marrlaye to minister directs first churer camp mr glcrij piuvtton of cue iph will tonduil lite nervlpt at bljjtluklck lh-rt- jarr kl mrchofchrlldicipr by ferguson lucky ion takes place next month sunday in the ubume mrre carter ol stratford i spending a feurdav wilh his ai ter and hrllhelnlaw d 0 and a picnic supper hurstrobettion out of hospital gordon snyder was mrs to leave the guelph able hospital on fenent tur- yirv arid it now convult veins at her home n nit n- m w i tit rautmamb gift of silver tea service fallowed by rolling pin gal balllnafad hahon friday night when a large crowd turned out to honor mr and mrs rust shor till on their recent marriage after dancing for a while mr elwood snow was chairman t a short program a trio by june maggie and kathie given accur dlon music bllllc black dorr bill and caroline mcenerv vio lin music bv the orourkc la milv mrs orourke also favor ed wilh a piano solo a reading bv mrs jetse mc entry the bride and groom balllnafad community friind juk i or j a guim rulllnii pin wut filletl with money both n piled very fittingly all iolned in winning foi llnv an jolly good fellow lunth wan cred in tin hic ment and all toincd in dancing to music by mcencrvs orchestra ros and murv lou an leuvinp next wcdncvduy by motor car for powell river bc whcic rosa it stationed wilh the rc mp rain appreciated the lovely rain on sunday sure b fhw ugkts bstwm fdgewbod register 140 the vacation bible school in connection with the united church and presijy tarlan church came to a close friday forenoon wilh an attendance of 65 al the united church rev r r connor andjulrs oscar drlj ber had charge of senior and ju nior pupils with misses edith aaaasatssaasjasaasimaasassuaaaiiai vmton ol the minltlcr mr bvrun howlett wlui will dlredlhe hrei chi rik lamp which opened lust sunday mliesdrmna und dorispoun lain are attending camp thlt week on lake erie jimmy ware of acton spent the past week with hi urundpurenli mr and mis albert ware mrs john alton has ixtn vill ing the past week with mlns bm ma tovcll ol toronto mr and mrs pcrcytvov in company with mr and mis archie- bajjuol guelph left sun day morning lur u three veeek visit in tin wtstcrix pmvinees miss i llilulli llortop spent the weekend in tomnto vslth mi and mrs lan yeandlc misses luis black und jenny llrlman of koehesttr itux iit ing the past week vsiih mr antl mrs huns hoi lop iiiiikiii anil nancs mr and mrs max mllnc ol roekwueid visited on sunday wilh mr antl mrs ted jesiln piisy and nancy then atked lo take seals on the plstform mr david mcencry read a very appropriate address und they usrepresented with a beautiful silver lea service on the silver trnv was engraved to mary lou and ross from your was appreciated dr and mrs clillord rutl an enjovlng a months holidas at their cottage at belwuud luke mr and mrs gordon foster ol alton visited wilh mr and mrs robert mcencry on monday vvibuwm sxf ef v ewniarv member of knox for 63 years mrs maggie mclsaac dies latr for in falling health fur the past hawk flats owned bv the sis months mrs maggie thorn i hon gcoi gc- brown m p son mclsaac passed away in brant guelph general hospital on wed avomamber jncsdav july 10 she was 4 years during her lllc she en lined of age she had made her home i sewing und helped make quilts reserves decision on apartment house a r mccrue representative trom titc omuttn mtmltlpul board reserved his decision mon day morning dtiilnu a puhlie lu u ing to hear an upptttutiim tiutn guiseppe gillo lo htulil in ipirt mtnl himst in iht gttuk i suh ihvisiorc fltvin lattpuveis in iht glm leu aix l who opihise lilt ton struetlon ol un uptrtinent house were repieselited bv then sohtil lit billet pavnt of guelph john foiil oukvtllt was iht soliqilor lor mi gillo representing iht town of aitun win c t liilhir land oc anil eltik j lek mt gcachlc with her daughter mrs john r sprowl since t42 mr and mr me isaac hail farm ed since their marnagc december 1902 al lot 20 concession 1 fsguesing township mr mclsaac died ip 194 member u year the rtv andrew ii mikmu inimslti of knox pixshvttnan chuih of whtih mis mtlsiai hail been a number lot m seats tttfitutcil l tht tuiui il strsitt al the rumltsshoeni ikt r funeiat hoint oil tiulav julv 12 antl tnltniunl was in fanvitw teiiu ttrs atlon pallbtuxi win frexman ktisev ckorevlosin cedne cnss cctiryi invsn liar its knkwthml r r 4 atton win j mcdonald rr 2 at ton shlilts viatttin rr i inn hthtst and gnffin spniwl ailin carrying ihc flowtrs wt e jatk mtlsaae ktn melsxat jstk mar shall iktsil mebihtv t losd mi ttan william bospooit fstt stiitkisilk tlareiux ixnnv atul ralph mtkeown tht diughkr of janus jesst man antl bealntt i unimmi nalivy ikf miiullss antl absivkeii sttmlantl mis melsaas was horn in if in brant tthinls wheix htr fjthtr was tami matiayer ot lot iviw park lalins on iht mo for the women s institutes had she lived lo september h mrs mclsaut would have been a mi in kir of knox pixshvtcri in thunh for 64 scars sht ttul i toniinu oos church niiiiilktslup ittoiil suipassed bv onlv out oilni mernbtr csf the loayivmrmi i sht timik a tie it inii it si in voimt peopli timing hti lone lilt and hul manv soling it units lliroutftioul itn vi its slit vv is i loriilii nil mix i i hnox uiilies aul nitl ol dublin woiuin s insiiluii shi iiiiovnl ti is t ii ui iiul i m k trips lelxiss c in ul l mil in still land in tailui u irs tit wis il rebuilt txhibltioi il at dm uitl ilisintl lairs wiixtuil ni mv pnts lot nix tilt win k atul biking sht is sutviittl b bit ilaotile i mi liilin k sprowl rr 4 willi whom sht lie t il a bnillur j imi t jissimin rr 4 uitl two lanil sons mat iiul cab in spnutl its the scuson lor holidivs mil visitors wont voo phoni unv iti ins of interest in to the flee press having charge of primary and kinder- tartan pupil at the presbyterian taylor and anne gellatly i church this week young people are in atlendance-m- connection with emmanuel bible church wilh classes being iield in the town hall for the first days attend ance the young people numbered 95 bigger light employees uf the hydro com mission arc busy installing new und bigger lights along main st postmaster george day and mrs day relumed home eurlv puirt of the week from u two week holiday in tunic inldrinutlon richl harris received from his nicer mrs george a han is of mathe- son ont rev c gordon llarrin dixies dundus highway nephew of r harris it on a trip to northern ontiirlo and slopped olf al mathcson for u brier visit on his holiday lo moosonec- ul edgewood camp i place these day olris in age from 7 lo ii are a busy ranging enjoying ring 143 a weekt camping numbering neat week glrlt ranging in ages eight nine and ten will have tlte same privilege mrs w rempe from germany it visiting her titter mrt leo w shulle also a niece olsela from providence rhode laland a fa milv gel together tpenl the weelu end at ox tongue lake mut- kuka recent guotlt of mr william mclean were mrs uari dor and mrs mar ret wilkinson mist florence tvmo mr and mrt dennis dercmo and mint tlmtnv and aterrv und mrs j ashworih mid jrintrgmer-behv- the sympathy ol the common itv is extended lu mrs j funk und lumlly in the lots ul u luthei und husband mrt c w binnendvk uf ryns hurg llollund is visiting her mr und omdwd r i vijnleulul thoroiajh taal tat- mat chtirohlll water mml tat aalto of at ail- tlaaa ugk af 4ma galwas being tastd la an day in waur laval rtmtbit high praaa jaaatary to may tha average flow of water al iht wall was nmm aallona pw day aiao june i to july u the avaram water flow ha beast 4um galkwa par day if wa had beaai using tha south aaaiam il knight haw been dt dry by now slraa- ad clerk lack alrtlaarhl hie- end uuhe norths onlltru jj tx net live railway line ueek monduv evi i mr und mrs me leu n spent tin in u hull gume monduv evi nlng belween ukui rircmen und tltebunliim the sco was iq in luvor ul lite firemen tknkfbm severe burnt wen- stiffeixd hv u former acton man bui wut kins in a fire at custom clutni tslltpluutk mill si rnnml i op tha twlm- all put ailly the children in uilng clan can their rwadt underwater and calmly now and moat of can float a ittlla and fluller watar safely them i kick wednesday julv ii in the blare thut caused 25 000 damage lu received hums lo his left arm buck and fuee he was healed ut ninth western llospliul und it rccuperulliuj now ut his liotm- weekend in burlington guests ol mt and mrs duvld mcdunutd riviera mondavi pjn admission 80e holy cttou mom anb sch001 bingo 2 frea ctrdt wilh ihli clipping humiino and iavistmmiohino repairs to all makes op furnaces custom sheet metal work oil and oas furnace installations conversion burners sales and service main street n rockwooo 14 hamh tawvlea phoni ssavtom iockwood going out or business toy jan 4k jackavhi s m hinorm st age- 29 ii years exparlanc with bear safely equipment this man is wanted by all rafstycnnscloua motorists lluve norm clieek yooi cat now on our llrar alignment ruck frank aufo colluion 2 mil waal of actor al crawaoaa corner look for ut on your telephune directory tovn 5vooi0 the best equipped most iikk el n rmkly slllip in ibis nri ladies en shorts dlr lhaat-tar- u rrunl swim trunks rat fa 1 1adies brassieres r i un 50 mens tittta shoes mi price 5 mens unn trousers vt price 5 iunning shoes lightmans dept store acton jack ridley cartage ummwl concmti hocks coctittjljsis cindh uocks clay thick sand stoni uvtstock and hrtiiizhi paha mhvici and supwhs dump trucks for hire pullv insured pcv clasa ps i p acton hmnitsmtm smopati fricisiduer sbrvisb discount spkiais uui or mo ranolpeelally salactad lad tana ramavad 7 5v honor marks dtttiilliv niit ormiki his ii tilvttl bt i milks imm lit i jon nuisit i x tiiiiiialloii anil is ii ippt to know slit at on intiil w u t honors thest t xanimalions win bt id hi jotlph teenagers under t6 have dance in arena tv hrl1 paik pusgrxsutvd waders trrn ilanst irsdav in sh0rth1 sheet metal wau u closed for their annual vacation july 26 to august 6 johiklon ri baby oil jiihnwiiin v riy band aids cltali kill wt dental cream rr 74t vam hairdratiing akiry piaturis vvttl n s innaiii n pk il htg 4v butter horns aunt mjr iun 2- sliced bread spin i 59c skll ll 39c svk ijl 29c sh i i tl 59e s ill 41c ii 21c blade roast 49 uui cm rio laandspecjally ulaetad shoit rib roasting 55 lean rlndlast tpitura trend breakfast bacon 59 jua e rad leand rib or club tvrrtm iukt ik icrturts utwirr thirm nturr lu untr w ihr puygrrtutml it i tlv tul pruxt hr u wk thti t a nik nwol whnh t iut ror vtatin tlllhu v4w sassav varavajpaajbaw iyc ixaaaanco lasatv rtittd iftltai closed for holidays our stora wtfl dot july 28 until aufutt 4 far swmrntr vdcavfien iwh wl himrt aw asm aucmist dus stationerv store i go first class in a used volkswagen wen v c hu n led c ux v for a voflnvqen with e rrf f d warranty kwrr a tr wvindshtvld th ikmr v u ptito it fnca u ojr factorytrained mextxrs av 0v ovtr tlc tr yv th te tooth comb n thfj l ir twti you ca ltwcm yk rsrlr only w t lh ouhtd tte iprdto r tti hodv the pa t thr hrome bekaj r nvxje ok you ve go volfca7in word tv it ard as a autkoritsd volkron drf w hav ynh stock o rnhpenviv toeva part so ychwajnt to driv a bargain con ui n buy usd volkirgn irons g we feature toronto city prices nx ittllv kooar him 49c produce arrives fresh daily at lowest whcis cigarettes all pmulav sfwtav 3 pocks of 20 95c steaks rjs79 miracle whip 61c oass a avassawns m ii mvm instant coffee 127 chum dog food 10 for 100 pork and beans 2 for 45c tvta park mjr liquid datargant eagle brand milk 2 for 79c lmk ma 29c optm ttnmuy a prkuy nmjiih untj t pjm shop tnutsoat mmm4t aoo nous t totm tata ad a oa aaaada pjrajaaj t plaza motors agon red white store watomrtaza whtal iswmavit mm a

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