Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), July 18, 1963, p. 8

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jjw fllbwrwzstizzrwrdl lyjzbfsjtficz wjjciwws v- jsi tjjsbff5 j viv th aden ft priaaa thuraday july 10rt 1063 73g i a i at ja- ihmpip mtwm av kootb ml moaa tibkta0 biter sa mwihcr written by rev james minister ot acton he and hu wife sva gwlno fields in fn- fajrmotmr villa ootacunumd ejtlglrla june l3 dear friends f creatine from ooly these mat two months have been de- iajtitfoj and ref reahinf one spent an this place which l very much mm eawland on april 2 we left kahnada v train and arrived mat anwowint- mottling in mad ru that rrighl we hoarded an other train travelling south-wesi- ward toward the fool or the nil girl hills and the next morning to another iifnall cog railway which alowlv took usup and up until at lam we reached oolacamund 7506 feet ahose aeo letel it waa aoodi to dim our asvaatet and hong out of the iimi windows in gulp the clear air and feast our ew on first tm lowlying rice fields later bn nan groves and at 111 further on xaa- plant tlonu- ull- eiualyptut and evn evergrecna the waattwr haa bean aunny and warm and the nlghia cool hut tme waak the monaoona have begun bringing almoat continual rain and wind these days have been ones of both physical and spiritual bless- tnj w have hiked through the mb cycled to outlying towns attd taken bua rides to outofthe wy apoti a high point in the ooty season it the annual conven hob which takes form ofadeep- r mltr conference in one of the local churches major ian tw hut of the copemwray fellow hip tn england was the aneakcj this year and hl challenging mattages from the hlhle were stimulating to us all this war m canadian baptists 1a of us in thlt area had our firm spirl t o f n sa umiy may m and 31 our text was epheslonsi i 3 and the ubict wat the application of the text to our lives as mlsslnnarls everyone was vltallv interested in the retreat and we believe that what wat an experiment in 1m3 will be an annual event holiday spot many missionaries from all over india come to ootv fur their holidays thus we one ahle to become acquainted with minis people engaged in the same work as we at you can imagine smh fellowship it very helpful wo re able to oak questions ul thom who have spent vrurs of heir uvea seeking lo evnngellw the indian people moreover the spiritual fellowship en loved in worship service and prayer meet logs ia indoariog and will surely fil us- wall for future work at the end of june we will re turn to the plains ami movrto n new address canadian baptist mission plthapuram cast godavarl tlst andhnr pradesh india plthapuram la only 12 miles from kaklnada jim will go there first to arrange for the transport of our goods to plthapuram mi a bundy fa iwhwiieeud f mrt our house is n small one lust tones throw from the largest of our canadian baptist hospl tals on thai compound ore the hospital two donors houses general hunaalow and a simile li tliea bungalow our missionary neighbours will be d alleen vin ing evelyn hawn irene cochran and edith gllman edith will lake her second year tclugu ex amlnatlons in december and therefore we will share a iniinsili with her daughurcrowhig up birhara is big enough now to give voo a greut big 6toolhitl smile if she saw von she would raise her arms high to show him big she la natty caloj and tell vou about her name dado kuk dog poovsu flower and uf terward bid you ha she has learned lo crawl at a great speed but does not stand alone yet we are continuing our t luitit studv of course and would ap prctlale vour pnivrs as we pn pan fin our november ixannna lions yours simerelv jim nnd manon be still and know that i am god i will he exalted nmona the heathen i will be cxullcd m the earth psalm 46 10 opp motokcycu patttosmin from jha north halton detachment stationed at milton re cently completed an extensive iwo week motorcycle training course at camp borden con stables wilf griffiths left and al miles seeled accept their diploma from erie silk q c o p p commitsionor const ron hudcl of the lame detachment also passed the course the officers arc shown wiirinr the dislmrtivi nnw blup and qolrl crash helmets recently adopt ed by the o p p aii ji r rr rs session conducts church service u cw hold interesting meeting dowaorr-car- a n variant on new car no- ikcs wnrning ihnt engines uri being nin in nt restricted mnxi mum ipoeds n iiin recently b served on n dowager mr in ion dons wimbledon district s nd wcnrins out plcnw ntsi intend d for hivt vnk the sundiv sirul 11 linn e7er wus in ch rt of il somoii mr wvnni uunhar usskilii mr honilt dlvlh in coniluliing the servac mi hllh hatsccl his 1 1 him remnrlts on the vtisc i im tht gihhi shtplitid iind kimvv in slurp and am known ol mini good follower if u ti to ik jjimki lullovirrs ol jisus us must lolliiw his c tmpk in 1 sluphtrd m i li ul busivtssmaism worries a fund wife made hir bus hand a present of a botrk of h 111 tunic i don t need it he prod si i id mv hnr isn i filling out j i know hc rcplictl bin jm it to that blonde soitvlars of vuurs met lull is luium 0111 utbrr bsidk this sundays church calendar acton mptht chinch crawtamlnel af oaitatio 4s quebec aitor- rev stanley gammon 144 ttdey asw phone i5j1615 sunday july 2jst 11 mm am worship unashamed 7 00 pjn earning sen ice an holy temple sunday school all summer 43 am prayer meeting wcdncs tn 7 to dlivein churvh satunlus juk 30 445 pm toihs welcome to all vansm lapttat chinch all service in y m la paator- j h wilson smis7 isj1 in acton sfl cjs cordially insites i to tnir youth sunday servkis jvly 2ut il guest preacher rev joseph bellinylini 45 tn ii am 7 on oawat youth mush young people lixjm ouelph all sunday seniscs in y mca cottar prayer mectutg wesinrs dtvjr julv 14 i pjn si uum oaad ril topx jehovah u drive in cummumtx coawck saturdav at m p in toshs sersicv- station ttlnitv chinch the imhssi duareh of canada acton ontario mlnuter the rev dwlght i engel ia bd mr george organist elliott j ing ft ts so t isv lo dull willi ihi croud 2 kiding f lis simp as mituie chrlstiins ui should proidl spirlluil ummi tor tlmi who will hstin 1 proliiiui lilt mock horn spirlluil inimus r 4 kivtiinn tin lost simp who iuim jioiu istii visiting ncuiuiniis in ihi inmmunui shoulil not hi lilt lo llu muiistir tunis in ihinpinii suiul n lo mnn is i il i to yil iiuidu up on inld ohs to tullil oiu oh as a trui disitpli ot cluisi mi shoulil hisi i sht phi ills in ni in iiliiluili ot lump ision in i that u is i pimjii mil nut i duls to lulp in slu phi ulinj christ s hoik hiw huiinhts lu lin liom inxiilv lu solui mil u ilihlul riuls in lulp wi shouldn l look foi n is i tl in lining shit is mill out situs our nwuil is tlu ippinvil oi i he ckhxi shi phi id miss s mill i hlmh s ut i n ion mi thi miunj peopk nut in thi esening nisi sunil i llu siriui lull h in ihuiii ol i in iiilunis suiters injuries mis llillu pi h i suthril i fill riimlk it in l horn k r i i lmplhllmlli shi is iiiupiiilini it dm iph n ru r il llospit j mci m in tin nils wish lis i spuils iitiini tostiinplili lu ilth it w meeting tlss nl tour i itln s til i w in t chutih uitnisn ni t il llu hum il mis art di imuhui i i ul in ssl i s s lunz thi mils ill is iv insssiiiil ssnh i si i ss usin iln ssiti il h n ils ths thiiin ss is iiinship i tn sonsiiisis sssu iis ihi si in ss is uiirlookid mil ihi lss- ihurch orgnnlzalions give their t ill nl in in is nol required lo domimhers praclne in democratic iln ssmk ul llu hie talent mm proiidiiri- riligluus ioilh insures llu oin 11i1 in iiiin is espcclil ngjinsi dimosracvs destniltlun k limptid to do mulling in gimki cluisiiin- jix bail suhssls in has so lulls ills onlv lor diuatois rs il sitsiiss is to inaki tin ihsi nss ol sshu i hivi liai in ikis i bicoming a cilizen gives a per us inns out minus faith is s hi advantages and respon tin intiduu ol li u wi must nihilities ot sharing in communi hiss dull in ths luum liih in jf fairs mans different cultures oiiisslsss taith in othiis md jmigs in canada the phvniial u in mil and spirllual ssillare uf a nl slips nils on individual pati braida wins camp isist best allround boy commended sh rlevvyeasold paul braida- la camp brebeuf la located north y the proud possessor of the knlghla of columbus trophy for heat allround boy al camp bre heuf paur was one of 140 boys attending the first session of the camp lius summer in announcing the isiraid camp director rev r d ken nedy of hamilton said that paul was the choice of the committee lo whom recommendations had been made by the camp counsel lors special mention was made of his cooperation and leader ship in all activities and compe titions as well as general prof tlencv in sports including swim ming canoeing and archery sev era hundred parents were on hand last friday evening far the closing ceremonies during which the trophy was presented heads discussion mi s noirish lnl in a ihouthi i mrs nomsh closed with can- piosokuit disiussion a uiioi ada s own virsc pwlm 72 8 he usis his minus inst hv iinng sh ill have dominion ulso from isji his linnls anil thin j rs nun si a lo sia anil iroin ttie river un miiiniiv sushi usiihuriln to the ends of the cnrlh look notice the stapp op custom cleaners will be on holidays for two 2 wieks july 29th to aug 10th phone 8531180 custom cleaners 31000 ottoho croat for park the pr ontario hn approved a grant of ii 1 000 lo ihe grand valley conservation aiiluoxiufor cppltal expenditure in the roikwood conservation area the grant will be used for de vclopmcnt work bv the authority in i1 at rockwood and will in ilude n park pavilion concession booth storage room terrace washrooms ianllor s qunrters fole house water supplv insiol nlion of hvdro and park signs rockwood cotiscrvatiun area consists of isir aires on the lra mosa river king in and around the village of koikuood llllsll mi si avcvon paw tamavucu u churchill road paac tasr s m thoman pastor 5 sunday jlly isi isxvt muoo am sunday sshool 1100 ammornlng servke 4w paot kssaaasg service rxaatay am- bibte study ami pt tnuradav pnv christ ambos- sadora doat turget ihrs communiis drtveln church at toth s kail service station saiur dagr july at 44v you ar cordially invited ma phd sunday july 2lt 196 divine servise 1000 ami combined aersice ot knox prcs bv tenon and trinuv i mud in trinuv church nursers during srrvisi for vounvt ihildrin ocksvooo uamanuil waul chinch associated gospel chuishis of canada main st rixkwooit stl rav wiseman sunday july jlsi m 4x am sundav schil classes tor all agrs 1 1 00 am morning ss rs it 700 pm evening sersi you are wrksume tm chinch op st a10an thi maityi amoucan cotner willow and bower rector the rev d h west ba lst m u jirtrrv ave pnune a5vsi tight r jmky stllhnq is likt thati i s imt mis v ni nils s is si in pi lis i flu nsiiptui pissln p ii itils i tin mis 111 i llisss s is ill in mi s 1 ishlssl lie mis v 1 111 m ull ills sisins s it in is ii im ill nn n in n il i sll ll nslllls 11 iss s i i si 1 1st ss mis iii iii si iis lllsl issi iss s nis has phssnd r ins ul il hinshsaps in tin sn ihli ni on s iln mil ii ml ill pi hi ask i il si st day july list sm trinuv l siiai jm msils eikbarivi hmo am molv eusisarvsi sytbman chtakh 4 canada auorncmiaath acton rev andrew h mckeniie ala bj mlnlaier mr e a hansen ba organist and chsur master sunday july 21st issm iftoo am combined service paator jerry toyrnva awnrmy idly 21st im im aaa angtiso aervtc mcnmvofl s trinity vtmtmd church a mot rvfm ally ltqimd tng theme i a itmirt jiftisulty k a wtn it mifini fspsrt tinbaurur anj pkni rn ni that mm unfrn tuv aieitnsai outi lot of tci nn cvntrs j lci rtnt ocn r im a tt tut 1 as ai jtiosj t tht urtuijcsi gun let ui iotrst iuf vif i r n j iih i ij ty irhtifl re ml atcff ckttpmarnr tftmk tmr ttaalr mai rtr th acoovanf thai didkt hoppaxi franks auto collision hp tvr pfnet mt lor uaatr tar sin 1000 smftafii seaaion ot church school in knos oatrck b cmx4json comatts 2 miles wsst ot aslssn pho4f ssmmio 4tt meuuwttlt eatons do you have a hearing problem now viking hearing aids i i i h n ss i in is onipi in iims inns in s anaila n k s ii s s ll tn hi ssi in ills nis vissn sshi tveisls i i n i l i mr morry diab fatoisrs hiarino aid consgitant wth rortcfucf a clinic at eatons in acton order office on wsdnscjay july 24th 1963 wo msmr you to phone eatons today at 8532330 for an appoimtmint ftvwtlsl too am and a00 pjk i li h lm apal at thi ctoodwill usid cars we u theyre racked y service trade now at milton motor sales ltd main st mlltaaj of rockwood on a large track of buahland ideal for camping ac tivities additional permanent buildings are being built each year to accommodate the in creasing number of applications being received from all over on tario facilities were expanded recently to include a large mod ern artificial swimming pool on sundav morning paul was congratulated puhllclv in si jo sephs church by father v j morgan who said he was a cre dit lo bis parish paul is the son of mr and mrs norman braida have led the ontario safety laayu to repeat their vvarnmaa to be on the watch for all auch empty suf location trap last summer four toronto area children suffocatad in old unused refrigerators stored around their homes the latest traajedy invotv ing u trunk points out thai anv cheat whether an icebox a ce dar chest a trunk or large suit case can he a death trap for unsuspecting children playing hide and seek parents are urges to inspect their homes and properly for anv hatarda trunks and suit- such cases should be kept locked let us help you with your travfet nuos ahhimw x9stjtaavramim itiamihah hot rmmvattoem pampojrr application pobms milton travel service ait1tireilb aohnt 117 main milton ofmeet 1744111 ltaa1 ttistssn popping with ideas to pepup printing if you ve got an idea that jour printlrvg ould stand tome pepping up sua ve got tome practical purpotaful ideas on how to go about it creativity as applied to printing i our strong po ntl on in limit fr hi 11 he ul htt t ihurx the righ mru i nn it akc n hiii dlfftr llul in vour rivtn the acton free press 5 wiiuw st n ssaoio announcing friday july 26 1963 of sa i b- hippy o tifrnontfra th viking hmr rq aid 1 to voli ms vrfm ila gvft yow n aixltosmffrc hmring ttt nd aniwi r no change or obugatlon and haghly qmm d to qtv you his profttionstl fivicr on any rypff ot ainrx 0robwm actons newest entertainment centre the rainbow room what- dining out is more enjoyable wham you jin4 delicious fooos like mothers atmd tiaks chops p04whocks cmkkins usmks mfsrt d4nnhs pamht oft tosmthhs oaaus ano tiwats km tht kaboms snacks pish ano chips ptpsi coua mtnks homi poppto popctmn donuts sopt kl cham dancing tn ag dancing men to fri 230 pm to 430 pm supptl shvto piom s pm to ss pal tffn agf danrinr reipay nirrtt 9 p w to 1 a v aoaussjom si 7i pu pibson no s1acks oi wtnomtakms j- saturday family day family dinners served 1 2 noon fo 2 p m and 6pm lospm oancfmo po tmnaofh and ijndm 0 pjn to s m pjn oancmo wi stipn sttu 00 p a to is mao sunday ana sareae peaa is eaaao f s i saw eat s 90 axaa lalnaai wctclier aarwtanar skew ass if vou like coubttoos suvhtt oinf with us at tni rainbow room sll whre evtty patron is tplated as an rto40f d curt 4 mil st aomt out cavaajaaaaaaaaamay i lola

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