Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), August 1, 1963, p. 1

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v tnwfwwp wvjjjwyj px under fire or pleads for decision acton hydro commlsiuop mem ber attempted a slmpto solution lo beat the heat thursday hlght july 25 when they got up in the air once again to dlscum aerial equipment recommended by the superintendent superintendent doug mason recommended an aortal bucket type conveyance la trim trees and repulr lines u on- poiied to a linn costly uerlul lud dor thursday evening commission er unv arblc reluted a rctinl vls- it to si mry hydro commi- ion where he viewed llieir equipment they lire oil noil equipped commission i have ever xeen he muted si marys ban one of ihe lulcst type utrlul con veyunccs which include un nug er for digging post holes u crane far lifting transformer lis well an many other feature more litvaatlgatloh during a round table discuss ion which lasted njorly iwo hour aclon comnvlsslon studied pamphlflohhowlngllicflnualjc lure of the same ivpc of equlp- munl und resolved lo view slmi- lor equipment now in use hv other commissions during previous sessions mi m bene discussed neriul und bucket type equipment tostlnu fmrn 7000 in j hvm thuisdnv even ing lliuir tlioiights were eoneen trated on 11 more sirsiitik pieee of equipment wliieli might serve a more nil round ptirnosi lor ae vallsfc um hydro worker mobile equipment is available with or without a bucket attach ment mayor leu duby finally spark ed a resolution that the commis sion make up its mind one way or another after viewing similar equipment at milton oakville and st marys he suggested the equipment should be designed ne cording to local need and meet the price the commission could afford we all know we hove to oblain new equipment ii s a ease or deciding what will do the best job the moyor slated mayer u the mayor was handed an llmulcd cost of removing hydro poles at the new post office in fnvor of proponed underground services and after a quick glance admitted the flatires unnerved hlnsomewhat he wondered if che- commission might allow some concession lo the town in view of the system being improved chairman b g tvler sr con siderudthe prolccl th- townvhiecommikiuiiaku baby but admitled the moncv for such a project was citminjt from the same source the lisi paver and assured mr dubv cv cry consideration would be given pot shots at light shiirpshoolcrs with 22 rifles ciimc under fire dining the meet ing when ii wns leurnid 47 liuht hulhs had been replaced aflir inrgct prlietuc superintendent muson tole ihe commission one light in glenlcuhjincludlng thw lu- rqinalor had been entirely smash ed by rifle shots members agreed the vandalism was comly to the ratepayers- and decided to take action against offenders mr mason reported the ontario hydroivould remove the hvdro poleftcarrying high tension wires on mill st p the week or august 5 with little or no interruption to local industry he said the h k porter plain would be ihe onlv one affected and munngtmen had agreed to have employees begin work an hour larlier and quit earlier in order ro aeeom module ontario hvdro the poles in question arc located n i inel lecently disposed of bv ihe town foe building homes clated at noon secretary treasurer mrv anil rev urquharl was instructed lo close the oltiee loi one hour al lunchtimc since the icetit ill ness of meter ix iuvr ntwi lluisi mrs urquharl h is been keeping the ofrice open fiom morning to nighl without a break lor lunch rritiviil ik mis nitlti lor the amei1 western conic ri nee scplcmhci 26 ind 27 no minn uas tiken lo iltcml until com pie it it illls ire tciclvtil tuineil ilnun i itiiimimn datlon from onliiiu iimiiu to purthist selnsil hook uim1v it in cslimtiltil cost ot 22 pel ihousind approved iciounls in piv mcnl totalling j28s48m imrwif wii ti rr new owner of drug store seeks quieter pace of living in acton mi nnd mrs harold morris nix looking lorwuid lo a quiriei puce ol living in acton mi morris is the ncwowmr tit coopers drug sinn und com lm hen with hit inniilv from hamilton in hamilton hit drug siou was open long hours und on sun tis and mi motrin savs with n hinllt hi expects moving to acton will add years to my liti mi morris wns in the rnvid cumuli in arrnv medical corps lor mvi yearn during the second wot id wm und nerved in iiulv sicily bolgium und hullund he went lo the univcndly of tonin lo uftcr hi returned und received tht degree ol bat la lor of phai mutv there in hmo he bought a mvvcurold shop in humilton which was known us morris pharmacv it wu complete wilirnnfuiuiapi- llivcarv lur which he inav do plu latit in his m w stort hue mr und mis mums who have knuwn cuch other since kiiuki thtv mhnntl hay llit bus hum a t browm- gnrft rr i i i ch sl 1 t 12 nuncv 10 nnd gordon tht iwo cildtr prls will he allc hifih vhool hi rt nnd iht iwo vuuniitr children thu robert utile puhhc hehnol thtv alltnd the anylicim church und havi been unprtssed with the attractiveness of st al bans here their two edder girls sung in tht iunior choir in hum illon nnd hnvt received awards lor long records of perfect at tendance mr mori is is a kiwanlnn and a mi son the family live in the upurimuu above the store the drug siort wns built for lull coopci alter he purchased 19 veals silo mt tour cars igo th two ptipulai m id i iclm cikipei ikrks died mis mr he sdfee iim sttt bftss eiflhtynmlh yf no s acton ontario thursday august lt 1943 eight paget savrt cnhi ctam wrntt rsplaln j atari mabder of a eabfai endaar re- ruswd lo abaisdon ship fartplie of high wave and scheduled council meeting tuesday a phone call from bcavertocl rtv vealad ihe whtreabouu of the nautical couudllof as mayor lee duby reeve h h hraton fwpulyrsv wil liam denny tdhinctnor albert irwin cwk lack mccwscwe and two rortara svamad anx iously for a fifth member of council to appear in order lo make a quorum tuesday even ing the aad tale of the skutlud skipper was tsrvcalad councillor erie johnston chairman of the industrial committee of council was at tending a meeting pertamug lo his committee councillors hamilton peal and hugh low just left during the waakmd for holidays and councillor alec johnson is still vacation ing before everyone sipped their briefcases closed mayor dubv shook ms head looked al ihe clock and remarked oh well you cant win them all swim tests notsiini the first of two series nung lissons is ocr sstitiul lessons begin the ij liter cuie v friday at the pirk i inns were given for sivis in the tadpoles nets classes mil fi ttthbnrr mxt rhy his mackic will si i store mr morris s ml in tonkin i imagine the business running without ilutn in his experience he h is iicei i ne min u red two cltiks so complettiv will ttsd in the operation ol i diug slrne ihe pharmacculic il is well as the i regul ir stock on ire shelves he asserted miss tiirihons i regis le red nurse who was reccntlv i named acton j cilim ol tin year has been with the store 18 vcars and miss maekie enmc usi a year liter mis mtrns will help sci vc luslurm is is well surprise pair weni wcdnesi i mil jeutelowti lo their i p il bllttiet ihe le lehe i it the p ii k ink tol iii vourrgstet llisl les hen ol tht ms mil lh k who ti i tt idja lls 4 p lsel go t ll lo llu llet ul i spcelal i mlri i ihe ulhrs welv li red crrr walerlsafc limn biampton in th town pool thc wcie c shuon whitv gary 7bcctnjff mike m moux inel ned amlerson lor ihe lirsi lessons miss bir rigcr c imc in the attcrnuoni sinc she w is leaching in george town in the mornings llowe i m august she is il ae loll nill si i he le ss4iiis ill be 111 the mm nings eorgc- 500 ukrainian youth at camp to enjoy outdoor life near acton determination and haul wik have resulted in one of the most modem and bestequipped sum tmi camps ukramt m ouihs li jng in the city can possibk at tend nine venis ago wiieii ne rfl 400 ueivs of land wen porch is id from william mcdondd op the fourth line m u a l toil iwt nbindoned streit c us uul in old farm house wvie the lust miukin nccommodaliun fm a few young i counsellor and kitchen haft tht camp at com module over 500 yearly amolhr ito6l rucllitieft al ihe camp tuduy include six camp col luges me hull uudilorium headquurtent building washrooms 16 tenth an i hi i door swimming iiiva plnv gunind and pnnulc ground nnd i huge singe plans mx underway to creel sx mure sleeping cabin simula i e uppers loda almost hl etiio iht inodcifn hieilttlch at du ukiaunnn yuulh cump ltr cii ilirf if imp gales swnil open i irlfv m julv lor a ihlis witk pellivl ten bovs ol lowed thin jueeks lor the luls s mm el i 2t7 ixivs wound up l hi ii suuinii t e imp progisim uul siiml i 2h liik nioveil in i ml hid in in idiit 11 li ts si ill t7stv honor retired assessors mmimtfumt mtets mfvputoffke puichasc ot tlu loinici in lwi ov hsl oiu thing a hou 1 asscssois iell altil thc ie letueel ou can silll interest ihun with an unit it um to attend in assess inc bull sission and that s how llu ii ilion coutll asscssois assoelllloil lul i lank mcnivm ot milton met joe gihums ol geoi gc low n lo muuicuiai t nidi line at 1 pi in ol li 100 wis appioiil momt in b khu gelown tvtuuieil mavoi i t n huh estimates ihe lost ol 11 mwnttng and mkcm tunc it 1 niithn jimhh in 20000 111 a k tlel inelxtd oild 1 t roiku asse is 01 poialiuii l iw the town till august i to tiu 1 1 the immk ullet llu hllusl htj uttlvtll in tellds is wlllell elll jlll m couilell hid lelliseel itl clhihll llllmi s lust iskllic pilee ol u 700 m ior hk s ml tu 1 wn wlhlid llu lo ikthlltllie loi the pillelllsv uul t i itlolls the pl se lit buiulllll wolllel lui 1 ik sold i e utll e lllle tl ilu 111 el i 111 iteh a hf c hid u 1 the t olllei hell ulleie i mlllllll ellelllll stlllei s t ut etinitttt- tt- pcctnl- ihut itirjrrse prr mm honoi i 1st ei il i lire it this is mi lion 11 se malum 111 ihursdnv i 1 ink who it in 20 i its sissoi and torn puxmus uiin is nelsons assessoi uul jen viho qui i last e11 it u r u eils is ismsmfll oltleel 111 gotge town got hi sin pi 1st ot ilu 11 tins whin lhi mined tiamtel iii 1 me tube 1 ship cxitllu lies in ihe ii litem asscki llioil flnt llonoml 1 hi ai hi tit si hie tiu m be n to be lllllleet iii m out lllo lssissun otlleels loitp all w bellletn i seiu sins is se ssoi mil eh ui mm l the lei ln 11 ll issiesilll etllieirs ismkj hon 1 1 w w iihrin hunsell m itid the u mil nu li u in iiilimmil vsmhii it llu htih hills kilt anil toimiis lub ik ii mlllotl thuisetln ll te i tkmxl i he cullldu i leluse met jd i niuka when al t inel issik 1 1 1 tun pi si ele m peixv spurgcon ut oikxdk mute tie pie scnl llioils ml me sill ell hecui l iklll at issessllll wluil he iv e uili se i sou t l llslup s lns smii l o s20 thell he moled lo ntssigl tornship md spent mils ll li mie it nu lu tin 1 liw is reele kl ii h 111 e ed ullo mlllon he u is milton ishsmii ti m n4t 1 mot ilun ill hialth loiieel ttls 1 die ill tit mr gibbons smul u hi e pe i lelke iii both inmwllil ill tile le llu el nuillleipil x ill tie id hi w ts ml 11 m is titim iu to w4 ui 1 ti m l4 fl w4vi s iii the llltellill i 1 tout nells is 1 un lheti 111 ls4 in l k le t it el assessment e llllulis i post li m iiliuti in letn ists2 mi tboiis h 1 i tti ii 11 ix lllfc ii hihel he 111 i pi ol ihe malum w ii ml w lie n it m is i 1 1 w is llu i s i ml u s4 lws mil ui lis in iiusli lilt tor k kssi mis uhiih 1 hi 1l1 tuksil i oh dirty mttnnr 1 s ill th aclon s j 1i111 vnibu iik hi lu 11k u ii ik tin 1i11h it 111 1 h 11 m h hio ui 11i1 1 1 lloi llills 4 nu s oil t iluh 1 11 l nils nu in 1 il silk 1 riiuh h ini si ovv ii 1 llu iii 1 iml v ulf lholn younoest camper attendinq d ukfim tn yulti camp near acton tail week wat a pt coon which caught the attention ot all iht boy th tion was a gift from a department qf landi and forests friend and the smill amnul tool to the outdoor life like a veteran shown ad miring their newfound frond lefr to r ght are ounsi i lor jerry woloicxak peter rzadkowiki jerry tupts pettf lopaty lmo kowdl cour si mori hior tnraichuk bob podttawtky and oleh bendiuha the boys left siturdy iftr a three week itay and girls moved in sunday for three weeks and n modem ootdoot too equipped with filtration plant during their camping aeatlona ihe ukrainian youth under ihe icnovrthlp of camp cohimapdant walter dejejuklwtkyj take rellu ious training phyalcal edocalloh lieiiorlcal mining including lik- rulnlim and canadian history ft e real ion nnd regular camp crft and bpnrli there ii never a dull moment nnd both bov and girl are kepi buuv constantly mau outdhrt i erv uiulnv moining nine o clock mas i held ouldoom un- del the dim lion ol n vinlung priest from llu ellv in tlu cvnl of wet went lu 1 sei vices jrt held imloors t al tin tone lusion ol the sum mn titmiiis 1 pubhi inlly is win 11 pin nis uul friend ktherlrrsrr thr viuuh pttforftl nnd hi it visiting digniluiich speak aiiotding lo llu tamp 10m in indanl spend stress is put on ihe eating hahiu of the votiih i nib vcar ions nnd tons of md milk in iiinsimu il nd whin in m 1 son lush tiuils nnd ci gel ibli s in gntl t i 11 hi clnalni i terclrua at llu loiuhisi 11 l both boy and gills e imps 1 m issue lnn titc highlights ilu e i us mi ixer cisis when skits in i songs are pie se file ll tv hidlmilliil glollp on seplindhi i tlu imp will opxtl ms eils to itn i s i it iinni liisil ol 1 1 le a kl hill ill youlll 1 nun ti 1 1 subdivided win ilu junior to lb md- dl 1 lo 11 t m if 11 12 to it m un xrnior thoiimghlv the young tw ingiuc in ile 1 us uul iii e lis ol l hmistllt ah lounst mm s it lined to look cunpi 1 s ollei 1 w il hhoven in th in 01 mm i ilnis u tlu ixp iii mil 111 hell telephone o p 11 inu nt ot i in is hack to ity 1 01 tlu vminpi is ill nding it is ei s id el iv win 11 ilu 11 lumping p nod e nils as lot 111 llt1l 11 ll is llso dlsllkl le l mil lilt md smmv out l is in iht e ll fill ill mill i ne win k 111 in s are h ill audil in mud fiom 1 i i diualioii md tlu dc 1 i i ousts si ill tluv lush air ti turn to 1 s indoor new birch hills recreation centre open features golf swimming tennis archery two actonians on camp staff in 1 hi 1 11 m4 1 1 lv i k 11 c i ii 1 is 111 s iii i iv i si s si iii i ii h i ii i i 1 1 i liv 111 i 11 111 11 1 11 m ill thi tup nil 1 hut 111 i l 1 i imp ti ipl nil i 1 ssi 11 is llll llsl s hi r imp nuts 1 111 i 1 hillu ih mp n iv 11 11 s mis ih s lllll 1 iii s i 11 llm i i is s vmil iihip 111 olll iii ml m lvll sls ihl svamhl piimi i i i ll is i lit i ll 1 mi v i i ait mi in 1 h n 11 tu milt hi ki i li 11 uile t new sod ski 1 ll ihe t hllte hill u s 1 1 11 is mule 1 u t l hi awk subv ntlaetot jejl th ob is r ii llainsl laiuksjp eon i roc 1 1 t timlph ii ilion c ount is en m kh b n in e online noted loi lis eeell iii tourist mil ueuiiliond iu 1 i nd tlu loiniei 11 lion c until h 1 fob ihw htuh fmu n u t wt 1 counlrv tub tu u mill n 1 m 1 1 1 i ihe 111 ill le 1 soils u h i hltell llllls luslleel iu i in i thit imp kh i um ilop llu si ie 11 1 ii t seirpnunt on iss s mi sixth line is hl psilleel spi le i i trotn it ill uul nil have lltliost ul liele ill nil t le i iii v ll our disposal to elite the eltltl iteisv umi sii 1 m mine tu he i te urns elm mil iml diiume t i umn ivei mtil leeommiklili n si 1111 h litis mil lek ke i s 1 e tilldli ii s pi iniihiilel mil 1 11 nils 11 pk tul mn isium poi ts v 11 t i and num is e t t i e m tills minlei iii lull eill i ibli ti boast eoillplet skliu sk itmg totxie inning n k t sti i in j tiui n r 11 un 1 iii t mil tile tile ll t l ill ll i lishme hi im hills t uiu l 1 i it e 1 bin ueonimini ilion u ii ih it i e i e d i uhll the lu tl fcle e fl i llll t- lau was ol the 1111 e t i t li lamklt to the itisiu ulillejui ett i ip iilll its ml kl iss el ml hi 111 pi h i l llll lit the 1 lub ill 11 il 1 in ill his het v v t tth ft i iii is 1 he mi ee lilies i v 1 ll i ills lie l 11 it mil tl i 111 nli 1 n ill w luiea- ii eh i i i 1 u ll i s us iml mil ium 1 vm mel isu mi 11 ii s i lis i in it n m ill t 111 iii pm ii d i 1 tin 1 1 1 p ih ulnu mliqiits duorite the f on u ills md i il m s it lies w uch i hi tioiisi pmke ell lie s 1 1 oiu till i r pliee ol li iiiut m tin uirnt rs on llu ouvrettd he mathit koom is llu ml u k hat and ih n mile uiolillvpe finiills lot on inilhi vsei kl 01 nionitilv t e nt il i 1 me mix i s hi wirni 1 rnings d mte rs spill 011u011i0 the deioralcd pa mo in 1 1 mi 1 1 v a rd in f r on i ol t he bun 1 1 k k 1 s t itangi tothn sltrtin tilths md 1 hi gollrrs pn shop in ill located in the same build in t psi nis 1 gwnnismtiti i h my ttti d 11it1 height idling appari in lelse hie vi lis ulassagi i ilil s nil weikht ik it iliaitilius mi kius vplauud pi ins are in 11 lul lii tin tuiling ot 11 1 tt ie s iii ttu pi ope rtv li 11i i111 rustle di siyn hkr the inn i he se will n ri llltd to 1 lis vtidimt to spend sum iti 11 in mis iht 11 r nu idow mar ihe clutv lus tin iv bv v foot suunming pool raiiiting in diplh tiotn ihu to id hi 1 uul built 11 a oi ol vikxi um evattr hv eotuplelib liltiud md luo llto guilds 11 on dittv wi kinds ni itbv is 1 hilthiiis play g 1 oil ml 1 uilttled uith swings i md 1 st min id is pi ivgtound supervise 011 iii ki nils md t iki s oiu mt e hi idle 11 on i mi l k iv smul iv luki while tlu ir p ir t nis- gitll swtm r hr in the sun itn miu tic li golf eourvt will rn iipuuttel bv iut i ar but the 01111 is an still debating wlit tin 1 1 1 u volt tht u ttpu lo itiiprni iiil llu nitii boles ir 11 it tiding ttu inurse lo a full ih th 2 md v oil eouim liatuu plelltv ol ihdlellglllg goll wilt lues loe ks uul othe i tl iaids dotting llu- itmitm j u k st mile id 1 i rtti f kllih t lit t md st if it 11 11 s i e ivt lotltllllrsij oil illllsl u 11 in mt hi hnli kins is 1 al x41 ulis nl ltil i k ji un ll cliff mckay star of fair his v i i i ih v i 11 x h k it lul 1 in vpi hall n j 1 ii 1 in likl ji i vh p si 11 sjnj ii i ill 1 1 lu 1 11 11 ih i ill i- 1 pi ii issm kiniiti 1 il sith pm sui tall t us mt sului 11 j jt kinis vs 11lt 11 dt i jrl ith si it mil 1 sllul i ll il 11 ii lit i t pill el t tl 11111 t inrnd s rnilt this s 11 e 1 1 to t ronto it on kt iss itui pwtncrs m the pl limtifuin it m jim ts hu i hi ni 1 t loh mernheitup iitmui el 11b vi b hies it thr manage t the et i mlll ik t s o it n il i i ll i i i tt i it- i is 1 i 1 ii ilih u i hiisin ak s spu ii iv i 111 11 sup vs tt 1 p 11 it li kills ixill ixl it mi it pi s i il is i s i si i li k11 1 tuh is full it so ps 1 t mwks tsft yt m aid and wms mcvkuv prior to cofq and gift from the two mn fi l duvd on th monthly convener who pcdd mm stalktk mn frd anovrton ptudent of th wjas nd mrv dougsild kmnr4y who nd tht iddmi laispm ftautn wm fsfrtod by rrmrrbft of know lad wtvino to nnk m toronto sh wi ixfitwnrttd with ojroupi ui t to rtghtnv mn a m mcwron who md th prtnon miitm voll ipen the an ami ik m mi ut mil uilt ae f a ma lei 0 11 vm tmes tin saluidas thi c maeliaiias sjii in daiu is why have ippv jixnl oil lelemskmi w 1 hejdlma the shosev ahtngt wilh the usual pietging and parade ut live stejk and prtscnlatiuns et itisphies saiurdas emming thrrll he a claixr in the urcn ahoul m p i n 1 t ret the s ate tailllk nu m n l l p in hiding lu m ivio t vun po pit ttx manager tiuuv tlsmit 14 p i eetll 11 the hu itlbe i s h in jonnii and mibttth with th mtnaitutcr eotnm tumi tb uik ille hamilton builintiwi cult ouclph and kitehrncr ire a the morn wen this admit urpmctf vitth ihe excellent rt sputikar in thdr firt ymr ot ep- c ration we weir auning at 100 a 01 vi knims mo tb cool qreen warstr of th so by 150 foot poof t btrch hillt h th lejvty run e ch b houi form bstckground for th pehofo sw ontoy rh pool 6mik dncj r a duty rotbn wniifodli

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