Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), August 1, 1963, p. 2

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jfc s the good old days 2 uf d sfiue byiwkimiunr itmu- jj vi stuff imintn i bay fndey lor the children attending the playrjround procjram proved in end amusiivg three ot the youngsters dretied in their togt keep a wary eye on a live baby bird picked up dunrvq tcevenfjar hunt in the park left lo right are pat rlele sampson ralph landiborough and sharon mellon lit fh hse a newt item relayt the rather surprising roport that in the last na month a million ignaturei have been obtained for petition urging members of parliament to save the canadian ensign ai canada s official hap of england scotland ireland and france with a sprig of maple leave below came vearsgo taken from the uaue of the free press thursday july m ims intermediate and graduation certificates for puplla of actmi- continuation school have been received thin week by sccreiury w g mlddleton from the depart- went or education and will be given later lo the pupils grail uat dlplomaii for the general foifr veur coume in secondary school were awarded to is pupils flvelevn brahla dorothv cluvlon shit lev duval imihcl mclcixl mary ritchie and mnr gnrrl smith mis bll7nbeth emily hnrrl win dniightcr pl mr und mr c ii huiluin now of toronto will he in ihc graduating clis ul the university of toronto lumnr rove and receive her m d deuice ren c i poole of moffal 1 former beloved paslor occupied the united church pulpit sunday morning during the vacation of rev w rokburv mrs poole uliio contributed a solo which was much appreciated delegates from ubnul w com munitles irorn ill put is nl i ontnrlnvvtllhrhn town saluttlav for tlie 42nd convention of ihc ontario riremen s assoc iat ion next wednesday ontario dec tors will go 40 the polls to choose n governmcni thomas a blake lock is the ijheril candidate lor million john wilkinson the cc r candidate and stun mull the conservative uindidulc show 11111 cinidiinisni gel out and mile to meet wartime conditions acton i an first night peiform ante will he curtailed there will be 11 liberal rallv in the oregon theatre tonight and tomonow 11 c i meeting will k held in ihc town hull i mi ii bros ail meat coupons 4 5 1 anil 7 and hutlti coupons 16 17 18 and l expire july ii 5a years ago thksarram ihe isswe of the free free ttaradny inly itu thu hat been a treat year of niece for acton high and pub lic school at the lower school departmental examination all the candidate but one paused and look top honor at the high school entrance- examination all ihe candidate but one paed and seven look honors yesterday the dally paper published the cheering new that all acton candidate for second clan certi ficates and entrance to normal school tad passed and all hut one obtained honor a follow margaret j macdonald hon ors mantle c matales hon urs dorothy a neuon hon rs and nellie a williams no other school id hallon have mich 1 record as acton an excellent game of cricket uas witnessed on saturday lat when the acton cricket club en tertained a brampton eleven at the park ii is evident there is go ing to be a revival of thin good ilcan game playing for aclon weie j wood captain j prec ious c vlrdland r hull ii wilkinson w perrlchslnden t alger g cooper t b roddie t morris rev s howurth the new mln istii ul the baptist church was fleeted with large congregations when he began hi ministry here rev and mrs howarth hove llirce children a hoy was killed by a train at tiuilph junction and mr and mrs john henry donovun ufte killed hy a 1 rain at moffat unit in u lew feel of jhcir home august i emanuputiun day aclon livery and bus lines well equipped and stylish rigs tan always be secured at ihe sluhles a bus mecls all trains john wlhinms proprietor canadian national exhihition will feature the lush fiuurds into use only in 1921 originally the badge showed the arm of ix province surrounded by a wreath of maple leave however as gregory tl hell rtt band magnificent art exhibit iidel review japanese fireworks ihe musical ride circus and hip poclromc 12 hand contrts dallv what a difference a generation or o ha wrought in use once- joyous art of summer cottagingl about m year ban it was a sort of gypsy wudtonce based on the idea that people should enjoy lire today it i a combination of statu- seeking nervr wrecking and organized horror like moat of the other facet of society in the sixties in thoae day the cottnge was a cottage not a palatial summer howe today the same structure would be called a shack and theyd run vou right out of the sudlvlsion which could he the best thing that ever happened to ymi can vou imagine one of these young married couples going with their children to a place awav out of nowhere with colli oil lamps and a twoholei out back and no supermarket wllliln v miles can you imagine mummy go ing all summer without even one single car can vou linag inc dad with just one lousy little rowbuatjcon vou4ini glne children who could no sibly exist without water ikla und transistor radio i prettv appalling isnt h and vet summer cottaging was within memory a simple almost pioneer existence with lis own very special ptcjsureirr ils deep delights its suhlle joys it was a wonderful golden two months each year in the lives of many youngster a time thev still remember with savage reg ret fur what they huve become for one thing father did not have tu thunder up a highway with thousand otolher an lacs each and every one intent on getting there in the shortest mmelhlr lime u iqklng nuth down the old car to the groaning point piled ihe kid in the back took this whole family lo llw cm tage dumped them and went sensibly back lo fovyp where ull ihe other sensible latheis spent the summer he got a rest from ills wile and children und spent ilia- iv enlngs quietly and luippllv at ihe bowling green or potleitng among the raspberry bushes or running aroundwllh ihe u cul grass widow and whul was mother doing dont worrv she wus kept hitsv and therefore happy taking sli vers oul of feel taking ihe kids swimming twice a duv and till ing llulr greedy lillle stomachs with unpaslcuriiud milk iingiuu ed eggs und uninspected ntiat nowadays mv heart ache for cotlugc parents the duv thev arrive dad charges ur nutul like u hull moose hook ing up ihe pressure system blowing fuses in ihe hydro system irving to gel his dirlv greul hout in ihe wa und whining because theres no tv und nothing lo do ami what is mummy doing she has switched on her electric stove flopped some itojrn dlmiri in ihe nvrntftul is silting looking ul tile luke wllli bond disdain no sllwis lo luke out no vtjic tables to prvputc no ill inking waterto lelcli jsltuw imhupitv running in ull ilirit lions in ging vusl cans ol gas hrutillv heavy outboard and hack hicuklng cases ol iiniuil fond when everything is opera inn he hns to dush oil lo ihe villuui lo gel some inilispinsuhl s mii ii us u box of tissues and a holtli ol olives when hi- utts lt11 k lit learns 1i1111 lie i to take the kids for a swim set up ihe hithcuii for the purlv they re giving th i night and go buck to ihe villain for some cigarettes for mum what are the kid ilolnit on thai glorious first day at ihe collage they re sluing around sunday right nr monday morning if he s a real mil i lid hits the hlghwuv ugaln und ar rive buck tin ihe oh tuasil cross und sorry lor huiisill hut the hoiriblc pail ol il is thai in has to in- at ihe iiiitaue evils weekind plus ills ilnce unks with pay in august u at least twice 11 wei k hn k in iiiuii hi- g is a ph an- 1 d limit mum unit hed belli r ih home lo luke ft mil out 10 ir ing urnund und buying van sell b big time her nil n vials that she i homl th 11 ihe kills uie giving lur 1 tud time that ihe septii tank imi 1 uotkitig and that some p uu au going to iliop mi 1 mi saiiiulav night sure ituv have iiiinv thing tin old hint tollagi is ttiiln 1 h ivi lights vvalei indoor plumb ing llul iikiiv s totliuii 111 hi- llllltll st utll tilt 1 1m lllllllllvl mltlitt has tiialttl 1 liaukin sltln monster hi s a slavi lo all ihal machllit rv anil a captive ol all thai siklal lift amt lit h itcs his wilt vthoil h niiitti ii ippni taking out shvtis wild a neetll i hi llo alice ruvc john pavnt ltt capadcs revue jei m ctilonni vera vague then thlt is surprising because it ha always seem ed that mod of those who are really very terested in the flag controversy are per sons who want a change to something new however even if the red enugn hat nfwr teemed to be widely displayed it hat had semiofficial ttatut and limited use for to many yean that perhaps it should not be surprising that a great many perion want to keep it it was in 1892 that mer chant thipt of canadian registry were uthorljed to fly a flag with the union jack in the upper quarter next to the staff with ihe badge of the canadian coat of arm in the flag on a red background in 1924 parlia ment approved the flag for use on any canadian building abroad and an order in council dated soptember 5 1945 state that it is appropriate to fly the red ensign to mark any significant canadian occasion a similar flag but with a blue background is flown by ships in the public service and by all menof war 4 in point of fact the badge of he coat f arms that is incorporated in both ihe red d blue ensigns is not a old a those flag s badge a shield displaying the arms two year term acton council at a regularly scheduled ntjmtttnfl tnti wee kfa tied to muster- the- tjtro- r m necesiary to conduct a meeting it wa unfortunate circumstance and the vocatioy period that caused the shortage of mrmbois undoubtedly there was business thai should have been transacted or the metmmg woum not have been scheduled n the first plait situations uch as this can be expected dunnq the vacation period we feel that when council does qei back to meeting again one item on th agenda should bt the consideration of a two year term for council member it it s necessary to hav the iubect put to a vote of the rate payars we fael this should be held at the municipal elections this year the procedure to put the question to tlie ratepayers should be started now the twoyear term would serve the ratepayers to a better degree than the present system we would revommend that the council be elected tor a stirftght two year term wtth no staggered expiry ot terms of office we can not see where a staggered system of expiry ot th terms of oftue would be any improvement over the present system under the one- year term of office count it the number of provinces increased to nine this design became cluttered and difficult of recognition and itvas changed whon the present arms of canada were proclaim in 1921 the present government apparently believes it can find a new flag design that will be universally acceptable to canadian this may be a lot essier said than done particularly if a million or more persons hold a sufficiently strong opinion about the red ensign to petition parliament for its rettntion to date no one other drsiqn seems to have more than individual support although some thing like 6 000 different designs havt lvni submitted to ottiwa since l46 and if tho qrwemment dne- come up with a new flaq that qiin the ipiov il of at least a maionty of the men bers ol pirlii merit that would be no nuiir intre th it it would also gain the approval c t nnjor t of qram the approval ot i majority of the the cifi7ens it is likely thai those who hive an effectipn for the reel ensign would qo on flying it even if some other design had of ficial approval at the present term is pxreptiontilv h with committee and spec nt meeting i nt i ihe budget is set m apnl from apr i t thr end of june proceedings n n in jofhlv i t from july o the end or ai qt j v u it in f eie interferes in september l mm i ins mi in lean up ihe tu n ss ot thr mm ti mi by then there aiwiys appears k he 1 si 1 ken nq of interest n th proree imqs an a reli t milv and if some eases let si it tn s h t prevents the mtrckti i tion o it p s undei tfe present system vt fel ih t work initiated until the ind t h n me work of the yrar and that troc 1 u u d cember council acts as a iimiit ifi s tration we feel that the maiiv i 1 in mi- ot ih two year jerm would b it at n of 24 months we would oet i t months of active adm n sfat n r r t i the 1 ot the monffs vs io under the two far it rm h o t could and wocld have p vc t ia f n september to plan and o ga f vof for ttie ton n vear pertiaps tior ant tha budqei tould be o is ciered n tn mued in p fhik n t o gar th w o t afrxhtp and nero und the burning of runic will the voters lints ruse bcn luslctl by lit llcik in off a nobody in the pro cess father was a summer hi the lor and he loved every mm me ff it sun ronald coleman llu won climbing pitnu be lulil nel wick professional directory and tr ul d e news mom around thi district mil to planners hae nuritil to relax reslriltions on uctmh ul julian siik lot distant es the ikudttl in wluu a suit vard t liiu 1 1 i six im iks uuasureil from the sku of tht caw tu iht ini lux i ik lottiui luting ialutl ln a dislinit vqual to iht hciyht nl tin iiii in ihc ims anil uis causiiy a hardship on immrs v inline lyitiyis nn sinill lok brampton bum n lap ualei lhil smells like boiled can i i inning shuis and hlankiis in her home an irate windermere cr hmistwil claims slu sas the uiiir blnlihes shtfcls with uirue hitimi stsiitis and uacs imys tin hct kilihtn utensils another resi dim cltitns tip w lit i uvid in tn oiildoi jnmlish nontl killed several 1 ish nil i ik watc i iiik s mi md iniu f m s ii 1 i an ohmiuiisl hostik toronto township mtituil i kind a dial i ii in coiinntlni ii cfuipntllt tsion of the tin nl mtssissaitfm u in n he pitstnied a notice of rnoiion lallin ini i hi miinu ip il buaid lo change ihe munships name and status kim kobtii spick sud iht plan would tost si 71 000 in lost grants bui tiuiiu ii d c nunc 1 1 lor c happ ii roiinship of toronto sounds jik iht hi 40 n roionio i okdl town council plans to disguise its second cnuier is i plain unmarked car equippped with radar lo slop speeding i niths i nisiiij- i nuisance uilh uiis one w side n i tomplnined ihe miuihs wtu iismj ins stuil is a draj sinp since his list complaint in i nuik il ui nt unhi ided when school ended he loaded otltuary mrs hattie sanders interred at everton in failing health fur 10 months mn haltlc sunder passed awav in kjlchencr waterloo hospnal on sundav julv 13 she as in her 72nd year she leaves to mourn her hus hand william sanders of 147 mcrncr ave kitchener two suns william ot hillsburyh and getirye of iznn three tl iiiuh tcrs violet mrs lrnesl iv ir son of oranuevillt more mi mrs james savers r r 4 at ton and gladvs at home t o brothers victor m t c a i i u m strcctsvillc and daniel mecal lum milton two sisters nettie mrs a j mclean vietoria b c and marv mr robert ski i don chaplin sask and ii grandchildren mr and mrs sanders wen 47 yearn married last deewiibet 22 rev o p howie the jamilv mirunlcr from kitchener olhe laled at the funeral scivic in the ertn united church on julv 16 mrs douglas pinknev ol brampton and mr ralph mt kcown glen wil sjnq a ilu medical funeral dirfxtom dr w g c kennfy phyiician and sururon office in symon block 4u mill si e acton office open 9am 12 noon dijlv knox ladies groups have picnic meeting uimi i ik umih1iv im pi tnrul tot tlu hnij li i ik lloiih ttlll fl 1 pkllk pirt llk llul hi ix siiih1i s4htrl v the acton free press hiilsii ky ike bssse usss msst isimssmsse co ltd founded in ii7s and nutsllshed every thurav at v willow st acton ontanu member uf the audit burrau of circulations the cwmjl and use ontanoouebc tnvtikia of the cwna advertising nsie on miiki subocnptlons pavable in advance h 00 in canada 4 00 in england and other commonwealth countries 1500 in the united state and other foreign countries single copies 7c authorised as second class mail post office department ottawa il aetea e 2 0 10 c a dills edltorinchiof david r dtus managing editor us i ness and eoitoiiai office phone 8 53 tun it tlu iihiilii 1 tu ivvo idltp- llhtlll lk tillui hlh ilu lilu aul hill ilu iluttttmin jituii nt lln t s ot ilu knox ilcsbmiruil i ittiiih mis k i divulson nkrihk iimmiim ol ilu 1i1h aid prt suuvl mil ohihd ilu nimliii with i t out hi t inn mil il ii pi 1 1 tnj itu liiiili pi i t in um tl business brief shui l ihimiu v xiiimi i ik ill willi mil npiiits im n t in 1 11 till m i i i t ii fllll iii imllll l s i vim ili i n i ii ul i i ilu laillitiil i pay tribute thi ihiiii tauu it ihi ih7in is in xi intuit 1in smni sialkit mll lmiun in ihii vimmumtn and a litckmg in mtxr it kni thnrch jtid in limd in txilh umpx ot 111 hiiich vli ihitjjall k nnd ifad an iptiopriul jddirvs and mrx a m vliphtiion prxvinlimi t xllh a likrn tjlllt a o4ishcd hlui nm i ni iv i hitlh locv and mi 1 aluutnon prcvinlcd h r with a oi vagc jsmul msnshsr mix stalker v toiic33rvejxom pained b her msttr mrs ikrid ta iiftoronenin w w ik- uill nuke htrr honvr xavs she in not going to sever her mcrn brnthip with thr aclon church and hopes to return very often she wa assured of a wans vwl- i mt uhcmir vhc lamt aru ikn lu i vivlcr hvrmini toinid hjrlil lo miiy th mor wc n i 1 n1 tin i mrs ooidion had arranged vomi numbrr ijmn with pnics s nn to thi winntrs i or th viar lej mis ohar imi vtooi lor thr date 2rh min kurxna clark tor ihe viiuh month mix annie stal kt i htrlhdav ot the month mr v kinbitl oldest lad prvhcnt mi rtti murra huk place il i hi mis w mi arthur pot luc ussvha ai the ilose ol the meeting ivimhu wa inlted downstair hi itu tahlt uas s t with an ihuildiiwt ol tuod tailed pot liu k i and tonxiitrd at many ai i lu s tktott departing mi isohel and rvn eprricd the appnr iilitm to thom who had planned and prepared vucfi a pleasant ai t r noon uhkh wa enoed bv r one ct the old rugged cro- intel mcnl wa in everton ccnieleiv pallbearer were victor mli al lum brampton john mctallum acton john pelh slonev c ret k robert sander leamington george mitchell rockwuod and george bank toronto riowcr were carried h her nieces and nephew mr john pell sronev creek mr gordon gihbin acton mr norma m laughlin brampton mr rtb rl sanders leamington tluh m callum brampton and her aldext grandchild mlt gladys ann pearson orangcville she was ihe eldest daughter ol the late john mccallum ami marv mitchell she was a drvottd wile and mother and especially kind and helpful to her voungit daughter gladys who went total iv blind through sicknes at the tender age of three sfsr cntoyrd piecing quilts and wa a lover of flower and gardening dr d a garrett phyuclan and surgrot on vitiation june 2 august tncluivc ofllce opin mon wt d i ri morning phone imv41 or tall hmifso dr robert d buckner phytlctan and surgeon j9 wellington si acton ont phone m3i240 dr t b moore physician and surgeon 2 main street north corner main and mill street acluilj phom 2inn dental dr h leib dental surgeon oilier comer villi and rrederlek street offue flour by appointment telephone hjunlu dr a j buchanan dental suigeon otfke 0 church st e oltiee ttour v a in lo j p ni cloed ardnevdav t icrtioon ieieplione 5iso lfccal plant takes holiday friday work monday the free prev plant lo ea ptlite ttu pnntuig tif news paper lake ihe civs hotadav on fndav rather than monda but the offhe taff keeps nutrnv at hour and the off wu be open friday anu ciosect m several newspapers are print ed in the free press plant i in cluding one in dutch and its very difficult to produce them with a monday holiday teachers in eramosa announced by board member of the teaching staff foi eramosa township schut1 area for the term lva4 tv a follows no 2 scuhl mrs flor ence hindlev principal mr ruth rsflhrrlord no mrs irene huvdlrr no 4 mis nellie sikkney no jti mrs lenora walker no mrs margaret ad rtt no 7 miss margaret go srn no i mr wurnsfrrd lynds so gram mclue principal mr mary nellts mrs gloria bruce miss nancy ntff mrs eluabeth harwood mrs kath leen wyndham mrs manon tubman mrs violet cramp no tit stitoorttrtt no ii mr ronald museon prin cipal mr simtsne meadows c f ltaf meriand q c barrister and soiniior notary public ottit hour 10 am ii pm i pm 5 p m saturdays by appoint me at ooly phone offe hhjj0 res- hji74j aclon a mafoa ijk arrlsier solicitor notary puhltc oftloi hour la acton mauley friday mintage paa 9 bjn satatdgy i pjk 5 f tn phone ijojw night or day uruce e shoemaker mgr- 1 optomhtribth e i buchner o d optometn contact lrrie hearing aid t john st s acton in acton wcdricvday only 2 on p in 6 ix p in for aplhiirrfncnt phone 111 1041 ii no aiuwer phone waterloo 742iwn7 tuviuib ouioi gray coach lines coacstrg meavk alton davlight saving tiiim easlbotind ell am daily cstepl sun andluu iilim llu j itl joi pm 501 pm 621pm lit pm 10 0 pm sun and llul 1 wetbound 10 27 am 12 7 pm 217 pm 127 pm 7 27 pin 0 12 p m im2 p m i 02 a in is ii only canadian national raiiwavs daylight saving tim favlrkhind a va a m lo toronto daily e tepl sal anil sun 7j1 am to lonmio dully estepl hun 2 am daily rscepl sumtay and monday direct connrctutn tor owen vaind etc 7 42 p ni lo totonto dallv rscepl tindav 4 01 p in to toronto suntav tn i 10 21 pin lo toronto da l board at teorgelown only wrtlbound 101 am lo slrslord dally es ept sun 6 21 pm lo ttralfortl daily esctpt sat and sun 7 01 pin dally rscepl sunday i a m tti stratford dallv eacept sal for further informal too cah ymr local agent m24 apwsoummo and lfwalsjc f l wtlgmt wlmur tt ac son ontario phone ht0720 appraiser and liauii over year tn acts ter jtetal hincks a ihmsrf kt fnatiah ontario ta svjma in osmlnh gjn u tun mm gegsv 0vw wroohn 0 ii vcwguj trntsrl offltuf tmvnfb wqf i

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